the continuing adventures of yahoo's agile transformation by keith nottonson

Post on 13-May-2015






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Yahoo! has become the premier digital media company with the top Sports, Finance and News sites as well as top rated original video content. Yahoo's Agile journey began as a grass roots movement before the pilot program it inspired began in earnest in early 2005. This presentation will describe the ebb and flow of Yahoo's Agile adventures using previously published case studies to show where Yahoo has been, we will examine where Yahoo is today, and suggest a course for tomorrow. This experience report will include challenges and lessons learned.Presented by Keith Nottonson


liThe Continuing Adventures of

Yahoo’s Agile Transformation




Yahoo’s Agile Story

10 Lessons Learned, Applied


Today & Tomorrow



700 million unique visitors worldwide.(comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, Ocrtober 2011)

Top 3 in 20 categories globally. (comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011)

180 million monthly unique visitors in the U.S.(comScore Media Metrix, U.S., October 2011

Top 3 in 24categories in the U.S. (comScore Media Metrix, U.S., October 2011)

Twice as many top three properties as the nearest competitor. (comScore Media Metrix, U.S., October 2011)

# 1 in 11 categories globally. (comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011)

#1 in 13 categories in the U.S.(comScore Media Metrix, U.S., October 2011)

#1 personal homepage globally with 51.7 million unique visitors. (comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011)

371.6 million unique visitors to Yahoo! homepages worldwide.(comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011)

More than 13 million variations of the homepage every day. (Yahoo! internal data, August 2011)

258 million unique visitors to the Yahoo! News Network.(comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011)

#1 globally in News, Finance, Sports, and more.(comScore Media Metrix, Worldwide, October 2011)




Yahoo’s Agile Story

In the Beginning…

From Gabrielle Benefield’s “Rolling out Agile in a Large Enterprise”

the ebb and flow

Yahoo! Video

2007 Agile Conference

High priority Bugle project

Lower priority Sprint 82 release

The board makes readily visible the variety and amount of work the team is doing and shows where this work is in the software pipeline. Now we start measuring…

Ongoing Site Up projects


Swim Lanes added

Yahoo! Finance

Yahoo! Sports

Yet Another Pilot

Q1 2011



Q2 2011


•Charter Community

Yahoo! Homepage

Q3 2011

•Executive Training•Team Workshops

•Seeding Teams

Q4 2011



Q1 2012

•Adoption Steady State•Local Communities

•Outside Product

10 Lessons Learned, Applied

For this section we compared the 10 Lessons Learned from Gabrielle Benefield’s “Rolling out Agile in a Large Enterprise”

with what we are doing now 4 years later.

Implement Solid Engineering Practices

Align with Management

Design: Find Common Ground

Align with Project Management

Coach. Don’t Dictate.

Privacy is Important

Don’t Expect Everybody to Like It

Fund the Coaching Team Adequately

Coach Deep, Not Broad

The Organization Must Also Adapt


Seek Expert Help

Think Globally, Act Locally

Scale Virtually

Focus on Principles

Where Yahoo is today…

…and where we are going tomorrow

Organizational Transformation

Experiment with Kanban

Lean Everything


(If I knew then, what I know now)

Create Space

1. Stand-ups2. Retrospectives3. Time boxes

Keep Shape

1. Automation2. Visibility3. Cadence

Style of Play

1. Transparency 2. Trust3. Flow

You have to take risks. You have to venture beyondyour comfort zone. If something does not work thefirst time, you have to try again. If one thing does notwork, you have to try something else. You have to letthem feel pain. You have to keep it fun. And youhave to keep giving energy and love, because fallingdown hurts, but learning to run is freedom.


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