the course unit curriculum in the english department at stetson

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The Course Unit Curriculum in the English Department at Stetson. An Introduction for Returning Students. Course Unit Basics. Every course in the college of Arts & Sciences will count as either one unit or one-half unit. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Course Unit Curriculum in the

English Department at Stetson

An Introduction for Returning Students

Course Unit Basics

Every course in the college of Arts & Sciences will count as either one unit or one-half unit.

One unit is equivalent to 4 credit hours. The usual semester load will be 4 units.

Returning students must still amass the equivalent of 120 credit hours to graduate.

Gen Ed Requirements


Must take 3 of 3.

“Knowledge Areas”

Must take 5 of 6.

“Personal & Social Responsibility”

Must take 2 of 5.


First-Year Seminar (FS).

Does not apply to returning students.


EH 111 and 121 or EH 121 and 131.

Quantitative Reasoning (Q).

Any math class.

Knowledge Areas

“Creative Arts” (A).

= A “Fine Arts” course.

Or a new course in Art, English, etc.

“Culture & Belief” (B).

= An “REL” course.

Or a new course in Religious Studies, Sociology, etc.

“Historical Inquiry” (H).

= A “CIV” course.

Or a new course in History, English, Science, etc.

Knowledge Areas Pt. II

“Individuals, Societies, & Social Systems” (S).

Any course in AS, ES, GY, PE, PSY, SY, or AY.

Or—pretty much the same choices!

“Modern Languages” (L).

Proficiency at the currently required level.

Or one course numbered 102 or above at Stetson.

“Physical and Natural World” (p).

Any lab science.

Or—any lab science.

Personal & Social Responsibility

Environmental Responsibility (r).

Ethical or Spiritual Inquiry (e).

Any “E” course.

Health & Wellness (w).

Human Diversity (d).

Any “C” course.

Social Justice (j).

Junior Seminar Requirement

Applies only to students entering Fall 2008 and after.

JS courses will be offered beginning Fall 2010.

Will also fulfill one of the two “Personal and Social Responsibility” requirements.

The NewEnglish Major

Beginning Fall 2009

Overview of the Major

11 units are required:

Three “Gateway” courses.

One course—ENGL 381—in theory.

Two 400 level seminar courses.

The senior colloquium: ENGL 499.

Four elective courses.

Gateway Courses

• ENGL 220: Understanding Comp / Rhet.

• ENGL 240a: Reading Non-Fiction.

• ENGL 241a: Reading Narrative.

• ENGL 242a: Reading Lyric.

• ENGL 243a: Understanding Drama.

Gateway Equivalents

• EH 221 fulfills one gateway requirement.

• Students with EH 221 credit may also count either 1 or 2 other literature courses, EH 201 or above, towards the gateway requirement.

• Any student may count one literature course, EH 201 or above, towards the gateway requirement.

“Theory” Equivalents

• EH 441 “History of Criticism & Theory” fulfills the requirement for ENGL 381.

• EH 442 “Issues in Criticism & Theory” fulfills the requirement for ENGL 381.

• EH 443 “History & Theory of Rhetoric” fulfills the requirement for ENGL 381.

The Rest of the ENGL Major

• ENGL 499: The senior colloquium is unchanged.

• Four electives in ENGL or ENCW.

• Students who move to the new curriculum with 90 or more credit hours will have one elective unit waived.

Creative Writing Minor

• Creative writing courses will now be “ENCW.”

• Although some numbers have changed, most ENCW courses will closely resemble current EHCW courses.

• New courses carrying 0.5 units credit: “major project workshops” I and II.

• ENCW 318 / 319A; also 418 /419.

ENCW Minor: ENGL Major

• 5 courses in creative writing.

• 3 intro level ENCW courses.

• 2 advanced level courses.

• None of these courses can be counted toward the English major.

ENCW Minor: ENGL Major

• Equivalencies

• The current EHCW 311, 313, 314, 315, and 316 will count as “intro level” ENCW courses.

• The current EHCW 317 and 318 will count as “advanced” EHCW courses.

ENCW Minor: Other Majors

Five courses total:

Two english—i.e. “ENGL”—courses.

At least one must be numbered 300 or above.

Three ENCW courses.

Either intro level or advanced.

Any current EHCW course will count toward this requirement.

English Minor

• Five courses:

• 2 gateway courses: ENGL 220, 240a, 241a, 242a, 242a, 243a.

• The same equivalencies as in the major apply.

• 1 ENGL course numbered 425 or above.

• 2 electives:

• 1 ENGL.

• 1 either ENGL or ENCW.

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