the crusaders (vol 03) - scar face

Post on 11-Feb-2016






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The Crusaders




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SCAR FACE @ 2003 by Jack T. Chick LLC. published by Chick Publicatio•ts. P.O. Box 3500, Onrario. Cali!. 91761·1019 U.S .A. No .similarity bol\,'i!On any ol tho names, cflan.lctcrs. pci'SO(l$ andfor institutions in this. magazine with tho-se ol any living- 01 doa<:J person o' lnslitul ion i$ intended. ond MY Gvch s!mlladty which m;)V ~xi$t i$ pu"'fy coincident:;~.!, with tho exception of rofercnco$ lo God Qr the: Lord JC.SV$ Chri$t or d~r~ quotes from God'$ Word. the Sible:, or references to l'llstotlcal petsons or lns~ttutlons used tor documentation purpo$eS. Ptlnted In 1M u.S.A.


Your incompetence in controlli ng your d istrict cou ld jeopardize my career! Do you hear?


When Sir Merely and I drove into your district , over half the blacks failed to recognize His

Excellency with a salute !

London is displeased and believe me, Higby, I'll destroy you if you can't clean up that

mess! You're a bungling idiot and a disgrace to His Majesty's service! Do you understand?

Sergeant... do you have a whip in the front seat?

Well don't stand there like a stupid fool! Go get one!


I'll get them for this!

We're going to teach those ignorant blacks who their masters are, ....---_., if we have to ki ll them doing i t!'~=:j

'Eph. 6:9 Col. 4:1

The first one we come to who doesn't salute is going to get it!



Remember Kruma, you're the only man we have left. We want to be

proud of you!

I won't disappoint you!

It will be a long hard journey and you will be gone for a long time!

I should be at the mission by this time tomorrow!

Did you see that?! Stop the car !

\---..._ ~ . . , .. . ..... REEC


What in the world is that noise?

Oh, look at those pretty colors!

You didn't salute me! Why???

NO! ... please ... NO!

Don 't hit me!

Sergeant, teach that defiant little black a

lesson he'll never forget !



That's captain Higby! Those wh ite devils !

Someday we'll kill them all !


Where am I? Oohh, I hurt ! What did they do to me??

Who are you?

You might as well know what the white

men did to you!

I'm your friend. Here 's some food!


It might be better if he did d ie! His

face is a mess!

You'll need this to get strong! You'll have to get

strong ...

To pay them back for what they've

done to your face/

Kruma, where were you going when they tried '---:::r

to kill you?

You stay with me and be my

son! Your mother wouldn't want you

now, with your face like that!

You go to school and learn. So you can be a

leader when we take over!


Those people are white. Just like those others who hate us!

Someday we'll drive the whites out of our country! Will you help us?

I'll do everything I can to destroy them, if it's the last thing I ever do!

1960 ... The last British troops leave Toganda, East Africa. Kruma's country gains its freedom!

1973 ... After years of struggle, a new political regime comes to power.


The man we know as Kruma takes over! His many enemies call him ... Scar Face!

With the British gone, the country is split by many factions fighting for control of th is new nation.

Five short-lived, bloody administrations come and go.

Your Excellency, Lu Fang and staff have arrived from China and demand an immediate audience!

The mysterious Lu Fang, a key member of the Golden Dragon

Organization, advisor to the People's Chinese

Republic ... also head of Oriental Intelligence.

Kruma, do not speak until I am

through !



A mission outpost 25 miles from the capital


Here you are, sir. It's good until 1998!

Not any more, Mr.


It has been reported that you are a spy

fo r the CIA and you are trying to destroy

our nation!


Oh, Lord. Stop this evil plot! Give

me wisdom!*

Pastor Duncan, if the Lord is

guiding you, then they will come!

What is the report on Mr. Bigmouth?

Is he becoming more effective

with our support?

Yes, Lu Fang! Zuloo is now much

more effective!

This way we can gain more control over Scar Face while he is being destroyed by our

hatchet men.


We have purchased a loud speaker system, 4 trucks and a printing press!

Zuloo will speak tonight at a rally I

Your responsibility , Wong, is to build up Zuloo to the point

where he can topple Scar Face's administration. I needn't tell you

the cos t of fai lure!

U.S.A. Eleanor, have Mr. Clark

and Mr. Carter in my office in 1 0 minutes, please!

You know our policy when the Lord supplies the funds needed for your trip: you stay unti l your mission is completed! Your jobs will always be waiting for you here!

Eleanor already

checked! You'll need


We'll go into prayer, Mr. Harris!


Gentlemen, I have a letter from Rev. Duncan in Toganda, East

Africa. He needs your help!

Wed. night prayer meeting

Excuse me Jim, last night I

dreamed I saw Africa and your face appeared.

So I drew a little money out of the bank. I believe the Lord wants you in Africa!

Meanwhi le

And now, the brother you've been waiting to

hear I Our future leader ...


How can we respect our country when this ugly dog

treats us like vermin?

It's high time we threw Scar Face out of office. He is corrupt! His

administration is filled with gangsters!

Our nation is laughed at by the

whole world! 1'----

We have a leader who is as evil

inside as he is on the outside!

Scar Face is a liar! Scar Face is a traitor ~o our glorious country! We must nse as one man and hang his ugly carcass on a tree!


Down with Scar Face!

Up with Zulool

Long live Toganda!

This is Lu Fang! Last night I heard a dangerous speech made by Zuloo! Could my country give you some

assistance to silence this trouble-maker?

Don't forget, Zuloo is loved as one of the heroes of our

revolution I

My secret police can handle it, Lu Fang.

Thank you!

I've got enough problems to solve without that sarcastic traitor trying to undermine my administration.

In fact...

He's a runn ing sore in my side!

The next time Zuloo makes a speech, I want him arrested on the spot!

I want him arrested as soon as possible!

Have caution, your Excellency.

It will cause a greater division

among the people.


Find out where he will speak next! I want to be there when we squash him like a bug !

Yes, Excellency I

Rev. Duncan, here is a letter from America

for you!

That same night, a mysterious man cautiously moves through the dark streets avoiding the police.

My wi fe's brother, Tabu, tells us that a black man

is coming from America to help the white missionary!


It says the Crusaders will be here within the week!

Jim, I felt led to give you this blanket lor the trip I

1 won't light it , Mrs. Taylor. I don'! understand why, but the Lord does!

How long are you going to be in Toganda?


Welcome to Toganda. Please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete stop ... you must be ready

to pass through customs!

This is my first time in an all-black country. t hear they don't like my color!

Lu Fang calls Peking, China.




That's right,


Run a check on Timothy Emerson Clark and James

Carter! I want to know all there is on them, immediately/

Why is President Kruma forcing the missionaries

out of Toganda? r-_/

Zuloo! They have come! The black American!

Good, I will talk with this man! I have

many quest ions !


Is that where he got his scars?

Yes! Now we are paying lor that stupid, hateful act some 40

years laterl

Hummm ... this is worse than I thought. These men are the Crusaders, who took microfilm into Bucharest, and smashed an occult ring in California!*

"Read vol. 1 and 2 of Crusaders

Rev. Duncan, Zuloo is outside. He wants to speak to the black American!

Zu/oo? This is quite a surprise!

Hello, Zuloo. I'm Jim Carter. Won't you come inside?

No! ... Let's go talk by

that tree!

Why did you call that white foreigner your brother?

Because we are brothers! Zuloo, have you ever

heard about Jesus Christ?


Zuloo is a dangerous political adversary of the President. It could be dangerous, Jim! Do

you want to talk with him?

Are you going to preach a white man's reli gion to me?

Color means nothing to God Almighty. The thing He is concerned with ...

In pol itics you try to choose the winning party. My Bible tells me

what's the winning side. And right now, you are on the losing team!

Even if you were, you 'd sti ll miss out. The world is filled with millions of religious people who

don't know Jesus and are still on the losing side!


You mean here in


Are you trying to tell me that Jesus Christ is the Creator of

the universe? ..

Zuloo, God says in His Bible, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God!"*

That means I'm going to miss

heaven and I'm going to hell?

That's right! But I've got some good news." God loves you, He doesn 't want you to go to hell!

When you receive the Lord Jesus as your personal Saviour,

then that blood that He shed on the cross

washes away your sins ... and God will

never remember them again!

See Rev. 1:5; Heb. 10:17·18

For God so loved Zuloo, that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), That if Zuloo believes in Him, then Zuloo should not

perish but have everlasting life!*

You mean if I believe that, I 'II go to Heaven?

Yes, Zuloo, that's God's love gift to you!

Jesus is coming back again to take control over this earth that

man is destroying. When He does, He wants you to rule with Him!*

He loves me that much? What must I do?

Explain carefu lly, this is vital to me!

Simply put your total trust in Christ to save you

according to the promises in His Word. God will hear your prayer and save you

0 God, I'm a sinner. I believe Jesus died for my sins on the

II""''"'· Oh, save me and come into my heart, Lord Jesus!

He changed me! I feel clean. I must know everything about my Lord. Teach me, Jim!

when you call on Him!*

Zuloo, in your own words admit you have sinned against God. Ask forgiveness and invite the Lord Jesus into your heart as your


'John 1:12; Acts 4:12; Rom. 10:13; 1 John 1:9; Rev. 3 :20


I will do my bestl my new brother!

Mama, may I serve them?

What's that black American talking to Ruth about? She's my girl!

Is he looking for a wife? She's smiling at him! I don't like this!

She's mine!


I've never seen you so anxious to help, Ruth! Don't forget you are engaged to Tonga!

Of course! They


James, this is a perfect description of "a flattering

mouth worketh ruin !"* Ha Hal

I'll get rid of him real fast! Nobody is going to take Ruth

away from me! Nobody!

Officer, I've got something to tel l you about those two American's at the mission station!

Missionaries? Revoke their visas! I want them out

of this country by Friday! Notify them immediately!

Yes, sir!

Timothy Emerson Clark, James Carter! You will depart from th is country by this Friday I Your visas are revoked I


Rev. Duncan , the police are here!

Officer, where did you get this information?

Tonga, did you tell the police that our guests were missionaries?

Yes, pastor. I was jealous. I thought Mr. Carter was

going to steal Ruth away from mel

That's unfortunate, Tonga! You see I'm engaged too! Would you like to

see a picture of my girl?

While you're looking at this, I want to get something for

you! I'll be right back!

I have a gift for you both , that the l ord had me bring to Africa, for your wedding!

The Bible tells us that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who

are the called according to His purpose!'

Tonga, God knows what He's doing, even if we don't understand!"


I have learned a very good lesson! Thank you for your kindness, Jim!

Your Excellency, Zuloo is speaking tonight at a rally!

Tonight, I give you our next leader.


When God allows a man to lead a nation*

like President Kruma ...

Our president has suffered enough!

As a child he was cruelly treated by those who ru led

our coun try!


Yes, Excellency, just as soon as you

give the signal!

My brothers I have been a fooll I have sinned against you!


I have sinned against our

president and against God!

We are to pray' for our president!

Wong, I told you to keep him away

from the Crusaders, didn't I?

Yes, Lu Fang!

I plead with you to be good citizens!

The Bible says: "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's

sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; or unto governors, ...

·1 Peter 2:13·14


We must give him our total support. As one man, lift him up to God in daily prayer. Revolution and

riots are against God's laws! Are you going to obey God?'

It's been reported that he is very close to the two Americans!

I want those two Americans in my office, the first thing Yes

in the morning! sir! '

Wong, you realize I must make an example of you

to the others!

Let this be a lesson to all of you!

Wong was fortunate that I liked him !


My work is finished here because of your bungling!

(gasp) DOH,


We are leaving within the hour fo r Singapore!

Have my jet ready!


Throw him in!

Next How do

you do, sir!

We introduced him to the Lord Jesus Christ !

Mr. President!

You must leave tomorrow as planned! I know you want to keep

Reverend Duncan here, but I have ordered all missionaries out!


Are you alright,

si r?

We will be praying for you, Mr. President!

But... but ... , he cou ld have k iII ed you,

and ... and you're white!


Hurry, I want to see them before they board the p lane!

Mr. President, this is an unexpected honor!

I wanted to te ll you this before you left!

Rev. Duncan, as soon as they leave, I want you and Zuloo to come to my office and introduce me to your Jesus Christ!


Even though we're leaving,

somehow I believe God is going to work

it all out!

All the mission aries can stay in this country as long as I can do anything about it !

I never dreamed it would ever turn out like th is !

Hey, Tim. Is anything too hard

for the Lord?"

"Gen. 18:1 4


You guessed it !

President Kruma received the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour and God's gift of eternallife. 1Johns:t2

In heaven, Scar Face will have no scars; his new body will be without spot or blemish. Ephesians 5:27

Jesus loves the unlovely, the frightened , and the unwanted. He wants to give you security, peace of mind, and His great love.

No one else can save you but Jesus "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved ." Acts 4:12

THE BIBLE SAYS THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO HEAVEN ! Jesus said, " I am the w>t)', the truth, and the tire: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6


''Thm if thou shall confess with tby mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Rom. 10:9

1. Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10 2. Be willing to turn from sin (repent). See Acts 17:30 3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you, was buried

and rose from the dead. See Rom. 10:9·10 4. Through prayer, invite Jesus into your life to

become your personal Saviour. See Rom. 10:13

WHAT TO PRAY Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious b lood and d ied for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Saviour.


If you trusted Jesus as your Saviour, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now: 1.Read your Bible (KJV) every day to get to

know Jesus Christ better. 2.Talk to God in prayer every day. 3.Be baptized, worship, fellowship, and serve

with other Christians in a church where Christ is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

4. Tell others about Jesus Christ.

Here's help to grow as a new Christian! Read The Next Step, available at Christian bookstores or from Chick Publications.

CRUSADERS COMICS AlB·ERTO SERIES The-se 311).3g.e COIOI'~O~ W~~ !l«liY <l'i3f~Ct~ tNQ<\I~fll e•:citiilig $tOties Otl toP«;$ of impo!Unce to Chl'li~tiilns:.

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