the day i saved everyone by anna gallagher last year, we had a huge blizzard. there was a big hill...

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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The Day I Saved Everyone

By Anna Gallagher

Last year, we had a huge blizzard. There was a big hill in a field that had built up with snow. One day, Me and my dog Spot, decided not to stay inside all day. So Spot and I grabbed my extension sled and headed out to the hill.

When we got there, there was a sign that said" Sledding/Snowboarding Contest”

After a while, they were all ready except for me, for I didn’t want to go.

HHHHOOOONNNNKKKK! Down they went, and all of a sudden there was a rumbling noise like thunder. It turned out that an avalanche had formed.

The next thing I knew I was going down the hill. Then, I pressed the extension button, and that’s when I decided to save everyone. I went this way and that, grabbing every one in sight. Soon everyone was safe on my sled.

A couple hours later, when I was at home, The President of the USA came to take me to the Capital with my family and


When we got there the President awarded me with a Noble Peace Prize and 1,000,000 dollars.

Today I am famous , but I don't go to private school. I don’t brag, but some kids are jealous of me. The reason that this book was made is to share my story with the world.

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