the diversity of life ch 15-1. the diverse planet we share our planet with millions of other species...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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The diversity of lifeCH 15-1

The diverse Planet

We share our planet with millions of other species

These species all have various differences like shape, size, and habitat

These differences are known as biological diversity


Biological diversity was created through what we know today as Evolution

Evolution is the theory that states that over large periods of time, an organism or species will change

Evolutionary Theory

When studying evolutionary theory it is important to understand that it is theory and not law

This means that the idea is testable and has been supported by evidence but has not been proven 100%


The first person to do any research on the change in the diversity of life on planet earth was Charles Darwin

He accomplished this by traveling the world aboard the H.M.S. Beagle


Darwin compiled his observations and brought back to England evidence of the changes in the species

Shortly after, he compiled his work into a book called “The Origin of Species”

Darwin’s Observations

During his travels, Darwin had made many observations about both plant and animal life at every stop on his voyage

What intrigued him the most were the patterns of diversity he observed

Darwin’s observations

One of Darwin’s observations was that so many of the species he came across were very well suited for their particular environment

He also noted how similar environments were homes to sometimes very different life

Darwin’s Observations

Besides observing living specimens, Darwin also wrote observations about fossils

Fossils, preserved remains of once living organisms, were like puzzle pieces for Darwin

Darwin’s Observations

Fossils interested Darwin for two main reasons

Some fossils looked very similar to current living species while others were very different

What happened to the species that are no longer living

Darwin’s Observations

Of all the places the H.M.S. Beagle visited, the Galapagos Islands off the coast of South America were the most important stops

It was here Darwin first came to some conclusions about biodiversity

The Galapagos Islands

While on the Galapagos Islands, Darwin examined many animals and plants but we will concentrate on two of them

The land tortoises

The finches

Galapagos Tortoises

There are several different types of tortoises on the Galapagos Islands

They vary in many ways but most notably in shell shape

It was noted by Darwin that the shape varies by which island they came from

Galapagos Finches

While on the Galapagos Islands, Darwin also studied the finches that lived on the islands

The differences in these birds was most notably their beaks

Darwin’s Conclusions

On his voyage home to England, Darwin came to a few hypothesis

His most notable was questioning if the different animals had once been members of the same species

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