the dyslexic reader 2009 - issue 53

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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Focus on Davis Autism Approach: Allie: Happy, Included and Confident; Awesome Work; Report from a Symbol Mastery Workshop; Picture Thinkers; Dreams and Speed Bumps;


THE DYSLEXIC READER PAGE 1Dys lex ic Read er• • • ˜´ ´VOLUME 53




Davis Autism Approach® Program Now Available!

For the last year and a half, DDAI has been quietly training current Davis Dyslexia Correction Facilitators to provide the Davis Autism Approach Program. Ron Davis, himself, was born a “Kanner’s baby” in 1942. Around the age of nine he began to develop out of his severe autism and did not learn to speak in sentences until the age of 17. Over the last 28 years, he has been researching and developing a standardized counseling program to help autistic individuals to participate more fully in life. By February of 2008, he and a small group of Davis Facilitators had enough evidence of the efficacy

Facilitator Observations – February 2008 As I listened to Ronald Davis discuss the characteristics of autism in his very first Autism Workshop in Burlingame, California, my mind instantly went to a bright young lady whose Dyslexia Correction Program was scheduled in a couple of weeks. At our first meeting, she guardedly entered my office for an assessment. The purpose of the meeting was to determine if she would be a good candidate for a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. However, I began on that day to notice things about Allie that made me wonder if her struggles were beyond the scope of the Program. As she entered the office, she hid behind her mother slightly and clung to her hand as though, if she let go, something terrible might happen. But her curiosity was evident by the way she watched me through beautiful blue eyes and long lashes. As she began to become more relaxed in my presence, a giddiness took over her and she began to squeal

Allie: Happy, Included and ConfidentBy Gale Long, Davis Autism Facilitator/Coach in Elkview, West Virginia, USA

and jump up and down. With obvious excitement, she shared some experiences with me, but I had so much difficulty understanding her speech that I had to pretend I knew what she had said. I knew from our meeting that Allie would be able to overcome her difficulties with dyslexia, but the images of her unusual conduct and communication remained vivid in my mind. Now, as I listened and watched Ron Davis share his ideas (continued on page 3)

of the program he developed, to begin offering training to Facilitators interested in expanding their services. The training is demanding, but as of today there are two

certified Davis Autism Approach Trainers, and nine fully trained and certified Facilitator/Coaches available to provide this service in several countries and languages. The Davis

Autism Approach is designed for individuals with high functioning autism who speak and are able to interact with others. As with Davis Dyslexia Correction, the first step is to meet with the family and client, to establish rapport, and determine

Allie, happy with her Davis Program

(continued on page 13)

News & Feature Articles Awesome Work ...................................... 4Another Great Workshop ......................... 5Bugs! ...................................................... 6Picture Thinkers ....................................... 7Grassroots Lecture Tour ........................... 8Dreams and Speed Bumps ................. 9, 10Lazy Readers’ Book Club ..................14-16Book and Software Reviews ............17-20New on the Dyslexia, the Gift web site ...21

Regular FeaturesIn the Mail .............................................. 2Famous Dyslexics .................................. 10Q&A ............................................... 11, 12 New Davis Licensees ....................... 22, 23Davis Workshops ............................. 26, 27


In The Mail

Dear Ronald D. Davis:

Earlier this year my son spent a week doing the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. It was truly inspiring. My son never felt very smart in school, and once wrote a heart-breaking story about a boy called “Fish-brains.” But now he realizes that he can read just as well as his peers, has a photographic memory, and that he is indeed very, very smart. Before he did the Program, he hated reading. Since completing his Program, he’s read six books at his grade-level, with full comprehension and enjoyment. Before his Davis Program, he would defer to his peers or older brother on matters big or small. But since completing it, he has noticeably more confidence in himself, and in his feelings and opinions. I’m sure Ron Davis hears words of thanks all the time, so here’s another. Thank you for sharing your experiences, wisdom and methods. You’ve made so many people’s lives better by doing so. I’m profoundly grateful.

Ann BirchVancouver, BC, Canada

The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI)1601 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 260, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA. Tel. +1 (650) 692-7141. OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles; and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all people’s abilities and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD: Laura Zink de Díaz, Alice Davis & Abigail Marshall. DESIGN: Michael Troller. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US, add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS & LETTERS: We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1 (650) 692-7075 VIA E-MAIL: INTERNET:

The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis®, Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis Math Mastery®, Davis Autism Approach®, Seed of Genius®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright © 2009 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

C R E A T I V E P U N S !

The roundest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian.

A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, “You stay here; I’ll go on a head.”

I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger – then it hit me.

Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

© 2000 Randy


in our Autism Approach training session, I was confident that I would love for Allie to be my first Davis Autism Approach student.

Mother’s Observations – 2008 I recall thinking, as we completed the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program, that Allie now had the tools she needed to deal with her educational difficulties. I was just thrilled with the results of Allie’s week-long Davis Program and our follow-up activities. Even though I had hoped Allie would become a better reader, I was pleased that some of the speech issues were improving. I knew that Gale was receiving some training in dealing with Asperger Syndrome. I had thought about it and after researching it on-line I’d come to the conclusion that Allie probably had Asperger Syndrome. None of the other professionals I’d consulted had ever mentioned this possibility. When Gale told me she was learning about these issues, I hoped Allie could work with her. Gale approached me one afternoon and said, “Sabrina, has anyone every used the word ‘Asperger’ in connection with your daughter’s challenges?” My heart leaped. I was so excited. My mother and I had been thinking about it for years. We originally had no hope that someone would be able to help Allie overcome the major issues in her life. We had been dealing with some of them for many years through therapy and medication. Allie had many of the symptoms of Asperger Syndrome. Besides the speech issues, she struggled with rage and anger, was easily over stimulated by sounds, crowds, lights and smells. Her motor skills were underdeveloped making normal activities such as bike riding and walking difficult. Her obsessions and compulsions were issues that made daily activities difficult. Social cues were missing, making it hard for her to read or observe facial expressions, body language and the rules

of conversation. It was a tendency of Allie’s to be overly friendly. She had unusual sensitivities to light, foods and touch. Her sensory integration disorders caused a need for therapy for several years. As with most autistic individuals, she had difficulty with transitioning when changing activities, as well as difficulty making and keeping friends. Could it be possible that a program built around clay concepts could be the solution for Allie’s struggles? We had spent 14 years looking for an answer and we weren’t going to turn down this opportunity. Of course we would allow Allie to do this program. It was destined that she would become Gale’s first Davis Autism Approach client. Let’s introduce you to Allie. She was not speaking at two-years-old. She was almost 20 months old before she began to walk. When she did, she would run into

walls and tables. It was like she had no perception that they were there. At times, she would fall over backwards and hit her head. She had no fear of walking off a porch or into a swimming pool, so she had to be constantly watched. At age 4, she was still not talking,

was incontinent with bowels and bladder and had no concept of soiling herself. The awareness was absent. I recall an incident in Kinderdance where Allie was in a performance. She stood perfectly still in the dance line while watching the others perform. She did not like to interact with others, in spite of the desire to be liked and be a part of the group. We were in a state of constant stress during her elementary years. The school had no plan to help her. They did not know how to deal with her in the classroom. The students didn’t know how to interact with her. They would make fun of her and because she had no verbal skills, she would become physical with objects. Allie later described these experiences as “having a meltdown.” At one point, she said to the teacher “I have a pencil and I’m not afraid to use it.” When explaining to her mother why she

said that, she said that she had heard it on TV. She was expelled for the incident. She went to a behavioral school in 4th grade for part of the school year. That school helped her learn how to interact with other children, to a degree. When entering middle school, Allie was faced with chaos, anxiety, wanting to fit in, feeling rejected, having no friends and being bullied. The professionals informed me that I needed to accept the fact that Allie would never be better. We were told that at this age, her reading would not improve any more. I was told to begin making accommodations for her. The future looked bleak both educationally and socially. But there were those who insisted that Allie was intelligent. At this point we became aware of Davis Dyslexia Correction. Fortunately, as Allie completed her Program, Davis was launching a program for autism. We were thrilled that Allie would be one of the first to take advantage of the Davis Autism Approach.

Facilitator Observations – 2009: One Year After Completing Davis Autism Approach I recently met with Allie for an after-school meal. As the students were dismissed from class, I noticed Allie calmly walking down the sidewalk chatting and laughing with a friend. What a difference! A little over a year ago, as I picked her up for our autism sessions, it was common to see the others bullying her or ignoring her in the playground. Many times, she had been crying. My heart ached for her as she struggled to fit into her world. Today, Allie has many friends who treat her as an equal. Allie just recently took part in an overnight trip and a day of rafting. In previous years, attending her summer care at the local YMCA, this opportunity was available, but Allie had never had a friend and didn’t have

Could it be possible that a program built around clay concepts could be the solution for Allie’s

struggles? We had spent 14 years looking for an answer and we weren’t going to turn down this


Allie (continued from page 1)

(continued on the next page)


the skills to take part in an overnight experience. So this was huge – being able to overcome fears and inadequate social skills to actually enjoy a wonderful day with friends! Allie still struggles at times, but she has the tools and the ability to assess situations and respond appropriately. I have learned lessons from Allie as she has taught me to understand how difficult things are from the autistic perspective.

As we ended our dinner together, I asked Allie’s mother if she could tell me three words to describe Allie before her Autism Program. She replied: isolation, frustration and sadness. The three phrases that she uses to describe Allie now: hope, lightness in attitude and joy. I anxiously awaited Allie’s response to the same questions. She carefully thought about it and told me her three words: sadness, loneliness and misery. Today she says she feels happy, included and confident. As they begin the Davis Autism Approach, children have many and varied symptoms. This program addresses the needs of each student where she (or he) is and provides the appropriate skills and tools. These tools allow them to deal with difficult areas of life, but they also help them become fully involved with life and the world around them. With the Davis Autism Approach tools in hand, it becomes possible for the student to no longer be simply an observer of life – but a participant. v

You can read more about Davis Autism Approach at: You can visit Gale’s website at: or contact her at New Horizons Dyslexia and Autism center by e-mail at


Allie still struggles at times, but she has the tools

and the ability to assess situations and respond

appropriately. Working with clients using the Davis Autism Approach is the most awesome work I have ever done. It is like watching miracles unfold before my very eyes. During the first part of the program, individuation, I begin to see glimpses of the real person behind the autism mask, or noise, during brief periods of what we call orientation - what most people would likely refer to as being totally present. In the beginning, such moments are brief and fleeting. One must be very alert to catch them and respond. I had one little seven-year-old in my office who was not much interested in what I had in mind for our agenda. For over an hour, he wandered around, chatted incessantly, touched things, and was generally in his own world. Even though he did address me from time to time, or ask me questions occasionally, he was not much interested in my responses, often not even waiting for my reply. Finally, he stopped in mid-stream, came to my little table where I was waiting for him, looked me in the eye and said clearly, “OK. What are we meant to be doing?” I told him what I wanted him to do, and he sat right down and did it. He was totally with me for about five minutes, and then got up and was gone again. As individuation becomes more stable, the fleeting moments of orientation gradually expand, and the amount of time spent gone gradually is reduced. This is not something I am doing; it simply happens as the client becomes more

comfortable being in an oriented state, and knows how to get there voluntarily. The next segment of the program, identity development, allows the client to progress quickly (relatively speaking) through the stages of normal development that he has missed, in part or in whole, as a result of not being totally present in the real world. As we explore these concepts together, the real world becomes more and more known to the client. I once worked with a young woman of 26 years on the concept of time. When I talked about the earth rotating and us being on it, she looked up with

a beautiful expression on her face, and said that she suddenly felt OK, more balanced and connected on this earth. She then told me that she gets goose bumps when she gets oriented, that

things look so much clearer, not all fuzzy and shimmery. Her mother told me that a short time later she had arranged to meet my client for dinner at a restaurant. “Usually she is at least a half hour late and is often annoyed when I call her. This time she called slightly before she was due and told me she’d be there in 10 minutes. And she was!” This represented a huge change for this client, one that may enable her eventually to become employed. She has always lost any job she could find because she could never get to work on time. I had a similar experience with a young man as he completed work on the concept of sequence. He had never been


As individuation becomes more stable, the fleeting moments of orientation

gradually expand, and the amount of time spent gone

is gradually reduced.

Awesome Work by Cathy Dodge Smith, Ed. D., Davis Autism Approach

Facilitator/Coach in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.


able to follow even a simple sequence of steps, such as a written recipe, or a written note telling him how to go to the grocery store, buy one item, and get back home. The look on his face as he repeated the final mastery step for sequence was one of pure joy, delight, surprise, and peace.

Once identity development has been completed the last segment of the Davis program is social integration. Once more, it is awesome to witness the awakening of awareness of how relationships work. One young lad told me he “really needed this,” because he had always been totally frustrated by things he was expected to know, but had never been told. He discovered what are usually referred to as unwritten rules of social interaction. We spent a delightful time together trying to think of and write down a number of unwritten rules! Davis Autism Approach is a natural, drug-free, and respectful way to help an autistic individual develop the capacity to participate fully in life. I feel honoured to have been able to participate in its development, and experience the joys its implementation brings to autistic individuals and their families. v

Cathy Dodge Smith has been a Davis Facilitator since 2001 and became a Davis Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach in 2009. You can visit her website at: or contact her via email at:

“ “…she suddenly felt OK, more balanced and

connected on this earth. She then told me that she gets goose bumps

when she gets oriented, that things look so much clearer, not all fuzzy and

shimmery. ”

Such a treat: two days in June 2009 with wonderful like-minded people, in a lovely old house, on beautiful grounds, amazing weather, a superb presenter, great refreshments, willing helpers… what more could you ask for? I have been a Davis Facilitator for over 10 years now, and I wasn’t far into my new life when I realised that not only was I not the right person to help my son through his trigger word list after completing his Davis Program, but that many parents are in the same situation.

There are exceptions, and one such gifted person became my first Davis Post-Program Tutor. Carolyn Van Meenan helped her son Curtis so successfully, that I asked her if she would help another little guy. This she did willingly, and again successfully, and so a tutor network was launched. Gerry Grant, a Facilitator in Ontario, Canada had also trained one of his “moms” to help support trigger word mastery. (She is now a Davis Facilitator). Gerry later became our Canadian Specialist/Presenter, and I asked him if he would put a workshop together to enhance post-program support. DDAI agreed and our June 2009 Davis Symbol Mastery Workshop is the third such event we’ve held. This one turned out to be one of my favourite Davis experiences. I was particularly proud to have 14-year-old Coel Ediger with us. Coel completed her Davis Program four years ago and has decided she’d like to help other children do Symbol Mastery during the holidays.

For some parents discovering that others have such incredible imaginative talents comes as a complete revelation. Even those who may have taught English or drama their whole lives, can find it amazing to learn that a word like “the” actually has a specific meaning that can be conveyed in clay! This workshop always teaches me that there’s something I can do better. It’s become one of my favorite professional development opportunities, and I just love it! We tossed each other Koosh balls and practiced the Davis Reading Exercises, and of course, we delved deep into trigger words. Thank you to Sue Jutson (fellow Davis Facilitator), Donna Doerksen and Bruce Shore (currently tutors) who helped make the two-day workshop run so very smoothly, and created such a light-hearted atmosphere. A huge thank you to Gerry Grant who, as ever, provided

Gerry Grant leads a discussion

Surveying each others’ solutions to the puzzles of Symbol Mastery

Practicing proper Koosh Ball tossing

Another Great Davis Symbol Mastery Workshop

By Sue Hall, Davis Facilitator in Vancouver, BC, Canada

(continued on the next page)


a very safe, fun-filled workshop, full of valuable information and insights. Thank you to The Whole Dyslexic Society for assisting financially, and here’s to all the students who will benefit from a stronger support network!

Models of three words mastered during the Symbol Mastery Workshop in Vancouver, B.C., Canada

In addition to learning much, a great time was had by all!

Editor’s Note: I like to think of budding poet, Ian Tassin, as “Stephen King the Younger”! He is eight years old and and clearly has a talent for creating a really creepy feeling, both with words and illustrations! He recently completed a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program with Gale Long, Davis Facilitator and Autism Facilitator/Coach in Elkview, West Virginia. Great poem, Ian!

Bugs!!!There are roaches in the kitchenAnd bed bugs in your bedThere are maggots in the garbageAnd white lice on your head!

They’re creeping in your houseAnd crawling in your socksYou’ll find them in the bathtubAnd underneath rocks!

There seems to be no escapeFrom these creepy crawly thingsBecause they’re everywhereAnd most of them have wings!

They’ll chase you through the darknessThey’ll chase you in the lightThey’ll chase you in the daytimeAnd all through the night!

By Ian Tassin

Pull Those Covers Up Over Your Head!



The pictures that are drawn are usually of you doing the right thing or the wrong thing, depending on how you’re feeling at the time - and whenever you think that it’s the person in your head drawing them, it always seems to be you on the outside.

Early this year I went for a Davis Dyslexia Correction Programme which was developed to help dyslexics learn more easily in a classroom environment. It gave me tools for focusing at class time and how to refocus myself when I get distracted. When you have dyslexia, even the smallest bump can send you hurtling off topic. The Davis Programme gave me a good insight into how my mind works. Stuff like, I see myself or my thoughts through my mind’s eye, which is your third eye which nobody can see except you, because it’s inside. Like, for instance, if I had a thought, it wouldn’t just pop up. The postman would open the picket-fence gate, walk down the cobble-stone path, and drop it off at the doorstep. And that’s just the thought. But imagine what the thought could be… Some people who aren’t dyslexic can think of dyslexia as a bad thing. But if you think about it, it has some major advantages. It’s simply a personality difference. Or the fact that with your vivid imagination you can draw things

Picture ThinkersBy Ed Richards in Westmere, Auckland, New Zealand

Editor’s Note: Ed is 10 years old and in Year 6 at Westmere Primary School. In February of this year Ed did a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program with Facilitator, Vivienne Carson of Auckland, New Zealand. Vivienne tells us he was a delight to work with. One of Ed’s goals was to learn to spell “triskaidekaphobia” – fear of the number 13. He mastered the spelling really easily – and Vivienne did too! Some time after his Davis Program, Ed wrote and presented in class the following great speech. Congratulations, Ed!

Pictures are the way that most dyslexics think. Some of us think of dyslexia as a gift. Some of us, a disability. Some of us, a disease. Oh, and the ones who think it’s a disease have very low self-esteem. And then there’s people like me, who think it’s just another way of thinking.

Some people think dyslexia is just about getting letters muddled up. But it’s like your brain has hands and it’s doodling away. You’ve got your body on the outside and then you’ve got another person on the inside that has your true personality – which is a very unfocused personality – and it just makes you doodle all the time.

“ ”I’m glad

I have dyslexia!

Some people think dyslexia is just

about getting letters muddled up. But it’s

like your brain has hands and it’s

doodling away.

some people wouldn’t even dare to try. You can imagine things that nobody could have thought except for you and man, the dreams you have at night are pretty full-on!

Some famous people with dyslexia are:Albert Einstein Alexander Graham BellJohn Lennon Leonardo Da VinciTom Cruise Muhammad Ali Walt Disney Thomas EdisonEddie Izzard

Oh, gee, it’s endless…

A lot of people don’t understand dyslexia and a lot of people are in fact dyslexic and don’t know it. A lot of the time dyslexia can be an advantage. Some people believe that kids who go to school and just learn to read and write spend all their time reading and writing but not actually thinking, and that’s when the advantage comes along. Dyslexics are learning about different things in their own time at school and in this case we’re actually learning to think – which is by far the most useful product of learning. To be completely honest, I’m glad I have dyslexia, except for the fact that my Dad keeps nagging me about it, and I have to do extra homework. And I have to go to endless classes to try and learn what other people are learning. But you know what? It’s all worth it. v

Quotable Quotes“Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”–Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935)American jurist who served on the Supreme Court from 1902 to 1932

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”–Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)American inventor, scientist and businessman, whose many inventions changed the world

Fear of the number 13 – a word Ed mastered during his Davis Programme


A full house to hear Ron Davis speak in Huntsville, Alabama

Ron and Alice visit “Big Mike” at the Museum of the Rockies in Montana

Ron being interviewed on the TV news program, “Good Day Atlanta” during the Georgia leg of the grassroots tour

Ron chats with Tom at Monticello’s Thomas Jefferson Visitor Center and Smith Education Center in Charlottesville, Virginia

v Argentina

Silvana Ines RossiBuenos Aires+54 (114) 865 3898

v Australia

Brenda BairdBrisbane+61 (07) 3299 3994

Sally BeulkeMelbourne +61 (03) 572 51752

Anne Cupitt Scarness, Queensland+61 (074) 128-2470

Mary DavieCaringbah NSW+61 (02) 9524 3837

Jan GormanEastwood/Sydney+61 (02) 9804 1184

Bets GregoryGordon NSW+61 (4) 1401 3490

Gail HallinanDLS Workshop Presenter-MentorNaremburn/Sydney+61 (02) 9405 2800

Barbara HoiMosman/Sydney +61 (02) 9968 1093

Annette JohnstonRockingham WA+61 (8) 9591 3482

Eileen McCarthyManly/Sydney +61 (02) 9977 2061

Marianne MullallyCrows Nest, Sydney+61 (02) 9436 3766

Jayne PivacMordialloc/Melbourne+61 (342) 030 54 05

Jocelyn PrintKalgoorlie-Boulder WA +62 (04) 5868 3830

John ReillyBerala/Sydney+61 (02) 9649 4299

Heidi Rose Pennington/Adelaide +61 (08) 8240 1834

v Austria

Annette DietrichWien +43 (01) 888 90 25

Jacinta FennessyWien +43 (01) 774 98 22

Ina Barbara Hallermann Riezlern +43 5517 20012

Marika KaufmannLochau +43 (05574) 446 98

InternationalDavis Dyslexia



The Davis Dyslexia Correction program is

now available from more than 450 Facilitators

around the world. For updates, call:

(888) 805-7216 [Toll free] or (650) 692-7141 or visit

Dates Location Sponsor/Contact Phone

Oct 3, 2009 Gardnerville, NV Barbara L. Clark (775) 265-1188 Oct 8, 2009 Wausau, WI Anne Mataczynski (715) 551-7144Oct 12, 2009 Mt. Pleasant, MI Michelle Wellman (989) 773-3242Oct 14, 2009 Chicago, IL Kim Ainis (312) 360-0805 Oct 16, 2009 Springfield, IL Susan Smarjesse (217) 789-7323 Oct 17, 2009 Columbia, MO Cathy Cook (573) 819-6010 Oct 19, 2009 Boonville, MO Cathy Cook (573) 819-6010Oct 20, 2009 Kansas City, MO Gretchen FitzGerald (816) 806-8611

Ron Davis North America Grassroots Lecture Tour – Final MonthRonald D. Davis, DDAI founder and internationally best-selling author, has been touring North America presenting a series of town-hall-style lectures titled Discover the Answer to Dyslexia. His lectures have been enormously well-received. He has provided parents, dyslexics, educators, and professionals in communities across the United States and Canada an informative, in-depth look at the GIFT that is dyslexia. Davis began his US/Canadian tour in May, 2009 in the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States and throughout the summer he has been making additional trips to different regions of the continent. Below are the remaining dates of this inspiring lecture tour and a few photos from the tour.


Dreams and Speed BumpsBy Sherry A. Baerg

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!”

– Henry David Thoreau

As one moves confidently in the direction of one’s dreams it doesn’t mean one doesn’t hit a speed bump every now and again. Such is life! However it is the trials that teach us the most about self, our faith, strength, and perseverance. I’m a 52-year-old woman, who only days ago discovered I have dyslexia. This discovery became apparent in a friend’s car, as we drove to a Ronald Davis seminar. My story begins with the chain of events that deposited me in the back seat of that car. So let me back up for a moment. A job opportunity working for a friend had arisen. My duties would have included office work, taking phone and walk-in orders, banking and miscellaneous similar tasks for a topsoil company. As I began training it was obvious my biggest struggle would be spelling. That, combined with interruptions, rushing, and multitasking, made me a bit apprehensive. During my training, I hit a brick wall while taking an order. I needed to write the word ocean, but couldn’t get past the first three letters - and even they weren’t correct. Joanne, my friend, could see I was stuck and encouraged me to move past ocean and finish taking the order. I did. But usually once stuck, I’m driven to fix the problem before moving on. Knowing my struggles were now obvious to Joanne made them more obvious to me too. I had to do something, but what? It was all a mystery to me. Within 48 hours another friend, Cynthia, invited me to go to a seminar on dyslexia. I accepted. Cynthia had been telling me for years that she thought I was dyslexic, but I’d never looked into it. It was on the drive to the seminar that Cynthia and the other passenger began listing some common characteristics shared by dyslexics. And, oh my goodness, it became clear that I am indeed dyslexic! At the seminar, Mr. Davis’ talk and question and answer period amazed me on many levels. At the end, before signing my book he inquired if I

was an educator or the parent of a dyslexic. I was tempted to raise my hand and announce, “Hi I’m Sherry and I’m a recovering dyslexic.” Instead I replied, “I’m 52 years of age and only found out today, that I’m dyslexic.” After the seminar, I called Joanne with the news. She has known me for twenty-one years. Her response was, “I know you’re dyslexic. I’ve known it the whole time we’ve been friends. My mom, brother and many of my friends are dyslexic. You have just adjusted to the difficulties well, and it wasn’t until I started training you last week that I saw your struggles were still so apparent. Surely you knew. Sherry, weren’t you ever tested?” The closest I came to a test was an eye examination in the ninth grade. The test was warranted, because although I had done well in elementary school, in high school I began doing poorly. The examiner said my eyes were good, but he believed a pair of reading glasses would boost my lack of confidence and get me back on track. My Grandma’s money would have been better invested on a pair of those x-ray glasses the comic books sell! Joanne had taught non-reading adults with dyslexia how to read, and was more than willing to work with me towards learning to handle the job. We both knew I could do it, but we also knew it would be a constant struggle for me. Did I really want to struggle that hard against myself? In the end I decided I didn’t want the constant stress, and turned down the job. But the good news is that the seminar taught me a lot about the easy Davis method that helps dyslexics learn - and it worked for me! One of my challenges was learning the difference between compost, mulch, planters mix, and other vocabulary relating to the topsoil business. Joanne and I sat down with a box of compost. As I smelled and touched the compost,

she read the definition. Joanne filled my head with the wonders of it. Then I made sentences containing that word and began writing compost in compost instead of clay. I read the definition again

and slowly began cleaning up our mess. Slowly, because I so wanted Mr. Davis’ instructions to work for me. How I desired the taste of victory, even if at the moment my senses were filled with the aroma of compost. Later in the office Joanne stated she thought it had gone well, and asked what I thought. I opened my mouth and all the details she’d filled my mind with just tumbled out. I could hardly

“ At the seminar, Mr. Davis’ talk and question and answer period amazed

me on many levels. ”

v Belgium

Marian de Bruin Tervuren/Brussels+32 (2) 768 13 23

Ann Devloo-DelvaVeurne +32 (058) 31 63 52

Hilde DuchesneBrasschaat +32 (0)3 653 1371

Inge LanneauBeernem +32 (050) 33 29 92

Peggy PoppeAntwerpen +32 (474) 50 23 32

Viki VandevenneBonheiden +32 (0473) 30 41 51

Chantal WyseurWaterloo +32 (486) 11 65 82

v Brazil

Ana LimaRio De Janeiro+55 (021) 2295-1505

Viviane Resende da Costa Melo Brasilia, DF+55 (61) 3349 9998

v Bulgaria

Daniela BonevaRuse +35 (988) 531 95 06

v Canada

Darlene BrownSmithers/Prince Rupert+1 (250) 847-3463

Paddy CarsonEdmonton/Alberta+1 (780) 489-6225

Dyslexia Resources CanadaShelley CottonSharon RobertsWaterloo, Ontario +1 (519) 746-8422+1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free)

Kimberly DoyleDundalk, Ontario +1 (519) 923-5420

Sandy FarrellHudson, Quebec+1 (450) 458-4777

Renée FiglarzMontreal, Quebec+1 (514) 815-7827

Sher GoerzenMaple Ridge/Vancouver+1 (604) 290-5063

Gerry GrantWorkshop PresenterWaterloo/Toronto+1 (519) 498-2424

Corinne GraumansMedicine Hat, Alberta +1 (403) 528-9848

Sue HallWest Vancouver+1 (604) 921-1084

D’vorah HoffmanToronto +1 (416) 398-6779

Sue JutsonVancouver, B.C.+1 (604) 732-1516

Mary Ann KettlewellLondon, Ontario+1 (519) 652-0252

Carol LivermoreOttawa, Ontario +1 (800) 394-1535 (Toll Free)

Helen McGilivray Oakville/Toronto +1 (905) 464-4798 Susan Nikolic-VicenticNewmarket/Toronto+1 (905) 953-1716

(continued on the next page)


believe it. The process only took 10 minutes. It was gentle, easy and fun! In the past, trying to memorize spelling and definitions of words was agonizing. Actually, learning I am dyslexic was great news. And far be it from me to keep good news to myself. Knowing this ribbon of dyslexia can often wind its way through a family, I was eager to share the news with my family members and stimulate them also. Big mistake, thinking my siblings or my grown children would ever bestow the label normal on me! For that matter, neither would my husband or friends tag me as such. Unique is more my category. However, to be considered normal in a successful group of overcomers, accelerators and achievers is quite an accomplishment. Chatting with my daughter, I told her dyslexia seems to run in our family. I kept the conversation short and light – I didn’t want it to sound like a problem! “Fortunately, you girls didn’t get it, but the grandkids or grand-dog might, so I just wanted you to be aware,” I said. My daughter fired back, “Well your grand-dog certainly has learning disabilities!” My grand-dog is a 200-pound, 2-year-old English Mastiff. But I don’t think Mr. Davis can help her overcome her struggles! In my opinion, another way of spelling dyslexia is s-u-c-c-e-s-s. However our accomplishments are oftentimes hard won. This is why our normal is filled with a unique and successful group of overcomers, accelerators and achievers. So that’s my story about hitting the recurring speed bump called dyslexia. I’m relieved to finally understand that both my struggles and finer gifts stem from the gift of dyslexia. This knowledge is like a road map, complete with easy to follow directions, but listing no right or left turns (because I struggle with right and left). Instead it has easy-to-read arrows pointing the way to success. v

Famous Dyslexics

Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn is an American actress, film director and producer, perhaps best known for her roles in Private Benjamin, Cactus Flower (for which she won an Oscar), Overboard, Death Becomes Her, and The First Wives Club. In May, Goldie Hawn received an award from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration in Washington DC, in recognition of her work to help children with learning challenges, and to raise awareness of mental health issues in schools. She feels that schools today are very different from those she attended as a child. “I think we had much more dream time. I think we didn’t have as much pressure...I was not a great student... I had minor dyslexia, but I never felt the pressures of those kinds of problems; I felt like I was going to be ok,” she said. “…kids now are so pressured that their stress factors are really great.” Ms. Hawn has created her own organization, the “Hawn Foundation” which has developed a program for troubled children that builds on their social and emotional learning skills.

Ann BancroftAnn Bancroft is an American author, teacher, and adventurer. She was the first woman to successfully finish a number of arduous expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic. Ann Bancroft grew up in rural Minnesota and in school, struggled with a learning disability. Nevertheless, she graduated from St. Paul Academy and Summit School and ultimately became a wilderness instructor and gymnastics teacher in Minneapolis and St. Paul. In 1986 she participated in the Will Steger International North Pole Expedition and became the first woman to reach the North Pole on foot and by sled. She was also the first woman to ski across Greenland. In 1992 and 1993 Bancroft led a four-woman expedition to the South Pole on skis. As a result of these achievements she was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame for the United States. Bancroft currently co-owns an exploration company, Bancroft Arnesen Explore.

Sherry Baerg

v Canada (continued)

Maureen O’SullivanNewmarket, Ontario+1 (905) 853-3363

Tina PanaritisMontreal, Quebec+1 (514) 481-6402 Sharon PermackThornhill, Ontario+1 (905) 882-9292

Ingrid PoupartCote St Luc, Quebec+1 (514) 543-1580

Rocky Point AcademyStacey Borger-SmithAutism Facilitator/Coach Lawrence Smith, Jr.Autism Facilitator/Coach Calgary +1 (403) 685-0067+1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free)

Kendra RodychSaskatoon/Saskatchewan +1 (306) 227-7484

Cathy Dodge SmithAutism Facilitator/Coach Oakville/Toronto+1 (905) 844-4144+1 (888) 569-1113 toll-free

Edwina StoneKitchener Ontario+1 (519) 584-0873

Bernice TaylorRiverview, NB +1 (506) 871-5674

Tracy TrudellWallacetown, Ontario +1 (519) 762-2001

Kim J. Willson-RymerMississauga, Ontario+1 (905) 825-3153

Cheryl WoodHuntsville, Ontario+1 (705) 783-2763

v China

Yvonne Wong Ho HingHong Kong+852-6302-5630

Livia WongHong Kong+852-2756-6603

v Colombia

Laura Zink de DíazBogotá +57 (1) 704-4399

v Costa Rica

Maria Elena Guth BlancoSan Jose +506 296-4078

Marcela RodriguezAlajuela +506 442-8090

v Cyprus

Alexis MouzourisLimassol +357 25 382 090

v Denmark

Moniek GevenBryrup +45 7575 7105

v Ecuador

Ana Magdalena Espin VargasAmbato +593 (2) 854 281

Nora Cristina Garza Díaz Ambato +593 (3) 282 5998

Cristina Mariela Lara Salazar Ambato + 593 (2) 854 281

Inés Gimena Paredes Ríos Ambato +593 (2) 854 281


Thinking Nonverbally with Trigger Words

Q: My son was diagnosed with mild dyslexia three years ago. We have been working through the exercises in The Gift of Dyslexia. A few days ago I asked him if he saw in pictures the instructions his dad just gave him or if he simply heard his dad in words. He told me he is not seeing everything in pictures all the time anymore. He said sometimes now he just hears the words. Since that is changing, should I continue to use the exercises in the book? Or, will his thought processes continue to change? What would be the best thing for me to do with him?

A: Please do continue with the Davis exercises. The whole point of the program is to give your son what he needs to develop the ability to think with the sounds of words. (Go to page 62 of The Gift of Dyslexia, “What every dyslexic needs is the ability to think with the symbols and words that trigger disorientations.” Then, on page 64, under “Symbol Mastery”: “Dyslexics need to learn to think nonverbally with the trigger words. Once they do, there is no need to consciously control disorientations. It was the inability to think with the trigger words that caused the disorientations to occur in the first place.”) Your son’s statement is a good indication that the Davis program has “worked” the way it should. He now has gained the ability to think with some words. But there may still be triggers he cannot think with, so as long as your son is willing to do the clay modeling, then the best thing is to go through the entire list. If your son is doing very well with reading and writing, there may come a time when he will feel he does not need to continue with clay

modeling. Sometimes, once the brain starts to make connections between pictures and words it can make the connections for the words sooner and faster than we can get around to making all the models. Certainly this is possible with words that are closely related in meaning or function. Let your son take control of deciding which trigger words to work on. If he seems to get bored with the process, encourage him to work on the words that are the most difficult for him to model, or try to come up with other ways to challenge him. Clearly he does not need to model words he has already mastered, but the fact that he now thinks partially with words does not mean that he has mastered all the words and concepts on the trigger word list.

Orthography and Dyslexia

Q: Do you find levels of dyslexia vary according to the type of orthography in the various world cultures? That is, have you observed that in cultures where the written texts are from left to right as in English, there is more or less dyslexia compared to cultures where the text is from right to left as in Hebrew? What about cultures where the text is vertical as in Chinese and Japanese? Among cultures with left to right texts, is dyslexia more prevalent in the US or in England or Europe? Where is dyslexia most widespread?

A: You ask a very interesting question and one that is only beginning to be explored. We have not formally studied the prevalence of dyslexia worldwide, but there are some studies that indicate that symptoms of dyslexia are less pronounced in countries where the orthography of the language is very regular (such as Italian). See: I’d note, however, that there is a strong demand for our services in countries such as Italy, Spain and Latin America -- so while statistics may show that children in those countries have a somewhat easier time adapting, dyslexia is clearly an issue. Even though dyslexia exists in many different languages and cultures, recent studies show that the parts of the brain implicated may be different; this article sheds some light on that issue:“Study: Dyslexia Differs by Language” At one time we thought that dyslexia would not occur with languages using character-based alphabets, such as Chinese, but that turns out to be untrue. We have Facilitators working in China and the need for support there is as great as anywhere else. In fact, from observation, I

v Estonia

Olga KnutTallinn +372-56-509-840

v Finland

Elisabeth HelenelundBorga +358 400 79 54 97

v France

Christine BleusSaint Jean de Gonville/Genève +33 450 56 40 48

Corinne CouelleLyon +33 (628) 38 84 41

Jennifer DelrieuVoisins le Bretonneux/Paris+33 (01) 30 44 19 91

Françoise MagarianLegny/Lyon+33 (0474) 72 43 13

Carol NelsonBoulogne-Billancourt/Paris+33 (0) 1 49 09 12 33

Odile PugetSegny/Geneve +33 (0) 450 418 267

v Germany/Deutschland

Theresia AdlerBannewitz +49 (0351) 40 34 224

Ellen EbertAmmern +49 (03601) 813-660

Gabriele DoetschBad Windsheim+49 (098 41) 688 18 18

Cornelia GarbeBerlin +49 (030) 61 65 91 25

Monika GrafStuttgart+ 49 (711) 538 0033

Astrid Grosse-MönchBuxtehude+49 (04161) 702 90 70

Christine HeinrichSchwäb Gmünd+49 (0717) 118 29 74

Sonja HeinrichSupervisor-SpecialistDDA-DACH DirectorGarbsen/Hannover+49 (040) 25 17 86 23

Kirsten HohageNürnberg +49 (0911) 54 85 234

Ingrid HuthBerlin +49 (030) 28 38 78 71

Mechtild HyllaKassel +49 (0561) 602 78 20

Rita JarrarMünchen +49 (089) 821 20 30

Inge Koch-GassmannBuggingen+49 (07631) 23 29

Angelika KohnSteinheim-Kleinbottwar+49 (07148) 66 08

Marianne KranzerKönigsfeld+49 (07725) 72 26

Anneliese Kunz-DanhauserRosenheim+49 (08031) 632 29

Sabine La DueStuttgart +49 711 47 91 000

Jutta MeissnerStuttgart+49 (711) 882 2106 Gundula PatzlaffStuttgart +49 (0711) 23 64 86 0

by Abigail Marshall

(continued on the next page)


would say that the most significant factor is not the alphabet but the educational system. The more rigid the educational system and the greater the emphasis on early literacy, the more likely we are to see a need for our services to address dyslexia. So part of the problem is simply a misfit of expectations: dyslexic children need a more flexible, individualized approach to learning, and they probably are not developmentally ready for formal language instruction until they are somewhat older.

The most interesting studies might be those of Japanese children which compare their ability to learn the Kana and Kanji systems, as they provide an opportunity to study one population which is expected to learn two different writing systems. We have observed that the symptoms of dyslexia are a manifestation of disorientation, caused by confusion. The individual responds to feelings of confusion by becoming disoriented. When disoriented, the perceptions are inaccurate and the confusion increases. The repeated experience of disorientation in connection with reading leads to the development of a rapid emotional response, or trigger - so that soon the disorientation recurs regularly whenever the dyslexic person encounters whatever symbol or stimulus caused them to become confused in the first place. Looking at it that way, it is very possible that we would see different manifestations of dyslexia associated with different educational practices and different language systems. The issue isn’t the writing system so much as the individual’s response to it. And it is very possible that there may be English-speaking children who would find reading easier if only we used hieroglyphics instead of a phonetic alphabet, or if the letters were written right-to-left, or in a vertical column. But perhaps in Israel there are children struggling to learn to read who would do better if only their alphabet was written left-to-right -- and children in China who would have a much easier time if they could study an alphabet based on 26 simple symbols rather than be expected to learn and recognize thousands of unique, complex characters. In other words, if dyslexia is simply the word we give to a learning style or pattern that causes

some individuals to become easily frustrated and disoriented, then we can expect that there will be dyslexia in every language and culture, but the individual sources of confusion might vary.The approach to resolving that confusion would need to be tailored to the individual’s needs and would tend to vary somewhat by culture or language. One reason that Davis is so widespread throughout the world is that our focus begins with resolving disorientation, and then moves on to the task of helping resolve the underlying sources of confusion. Our clay modeling approach can easily be adapted to different languages, so we have not tied our program to a specific system of writing.

Verbal Mix-ups

Q: My friend’s 21-year-old daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia many years ago and she also takes some kind of medication. Yesterday she was visiting for many hours and she kept mixing up her spoken words. She did not seem to notice her verbal mistakes until my daughter – who thought this was funny – pointed them out to her. My friend’s daughter stated that she’d forgotten to take her medication. I didn’t think verbal mix-ups were a symptom of dyslexia and it gave me great concern. Does dyslexia affect verbal as well as written expression?

A: Yes, dyslexia can definitely affect verbal as well as written expression. Dyslexia is widely understood to be a “language-based disability.” This means that it stems from a problem processing written language. We believe that this is because dyslexic people think in pictures, rather than words. In the book The Gift of Dyslexia, Ron Davis explains in detail why that can cause word confusion, especially if the person does not have an automatic mental picture to go along with a given word. Other educators might describe this as a “word retrieval” or “rapid automatic naming” problem, or talk about a “glitch” in the part of the brain that connects the sounds of words to their meanings. This problem can be addressed with the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program, but it is a drug-free program, so I cannot comment on the impact the young woman’s medication might have on this. Since she is an adult, I think she will have to decide for herself whether she feels she needs a different approach. Please encourage your daughter to be tactful. Even if some of the mistakes seem funny, some dyslexic people are very embarrassed by these mistakes, especially if they happen often. v

v Germany (continued)

Margit Pleger Wetter/Dortmund +49 (02335) 84 87 60

Angela Przemus Shönebeck+49 (3928) 845 159

Colette ReimannLandshut+49 (0871) 770 994

Ursula RittlerStuttgart +49 (0711) 47 18 50

Phoebe SchafschetzyHamburg +49 (040) 392 589

Margarethe Schlauch-Agostini Volklingen +49 (0689) 844 10 40

Gabriela ScholterSupervisor-SpecialistAutism Facilitator-CoachStuttgart+49 (0711) 578 28 33

Sylvia SchurakGarlipp+49 (0) 39 32 44 82

Carmen Stappenbacher Gundelsheim +49 (0951) 917 19 10

Beate Tiletzek Waldkraiburg+49 (08638) 88 17 89

Andrea ToloczykiHavixbeck/Münster+49 (02507) 57 04 84

Ioannis TzivanakisSpecialist TrainerWorkshop PresenterDDA-DACH DirectorBerlin +49 (030) 66 30 63 17

Ulrike von Kutzleben-HausenDeisslingen+49 (07420) 33 46

Dr. Angelika WeidemannUlm +49 (0731) 931 46 46

Gabriele WirtzStuttgart +49 (0711) 55 17 18

v Greece

Evagelia Apostolopoulou- ArmaosPatras +30 (261) 062 21 22

Zoe DeliakidouThessaloniki +30 2310 434510 or +30 6934 662438

Theano PanagiotopoulouAthens +30 (21) 111 953 50

Irma Vierstra-VourvachakisRethymnon/Crete+30 283105 8201 or 69766 40292

v Iceland

Áslaug ÁsgeirsdóttirMosfellsbaer+354 861-2537

Gigja BaldursdottirReykjavik+354 562 2840

Sigrún Jónina BaldursdóttirSnaefellsbae+354 586 8180

Gudrún BenediktsdóttirHafnarfirdi+354 545 0103 or +354 822 0910


v Iceland (continued)

Gudbjörg EmilsdóttirDLS MentorKópavogur+354 554 3452

Hólmfridur GudmundsdóttirGardabae +354 895-0252

Sigurborg Svala GudmundsdóttirMosfellsbaer+354 867 1928

Ingibjörg IngolfsdóttirMosfellsbaer +354 899-2747

Sigrún JensdóttirMosfellsbaer +354 897 4437

Valgerdur JónsdóttirKópavogur +354 863 2005

Sturla KristjanssonHafnarfjordur+354 862 0872

Jon Einar Haraldsson LambiAkureyri +354 867 1875

Ásta OlafsdóttirVopnafjordur+354 473-1164

Thorbjörg SigurdardóttirReykjavík +354 698 7213

Kolbeinn SigurjonssonMosfellsbaer+354 566 6664

Hugrún SvavarsdóttirMosfellsbær+354 698-6465

v India

Kalpita PatelRajkot, Gujarat +91 (281) 244 2071

Carol Ann RodriguesMumbai+91 (22) 2667 3649 or+91 (22) 2665 0174

v Ireland

Veronica BaylyDublin+353 (86) 226 354

Anne Marie BeggsOld Portmarnock/Dublin+353 (86) 239-1545

Paula HoranMullingar +353 44 934 1613

Sister Antoinette KeelanDublin +353 (01) 884 4996

v Israel

Luba AlibashRamat Hasharon/Tel Aviv +972 (052) 272 9532

Goldie GiladKfar Saba/Tel Aviv+972 (09) 765 1185

Judith SchwarczDDA-Israel DirectorSupervisor-SpecialistRa’anana/Tel Aviv+972 (09) 772 9888

v Italy

Stefania BrunoNuoro, Sardinia+39 (388) 933 2486

Elisa De FeliceRoma +39 (06) 507 3570

Antonella DeriuNuoro, Sardinia+32 059 32 96

whether the Davis Autism Approach is right for the client. If it is, the duration of the program will depend on the needs of the client, and may run for several weeks to several months. During the Davis Autism Approach Program, the client works gradually through three stages or phases: Individuation, Identity Development, and Social Integration. During the first stage, the client uses specific Davis tools to establish “orientation.” Davis has described the state in which he lived prior to individuation: “Way before I started working with autism or had any understanding of it, I referred to myself as having come from a void. My sense of the void was not as existing as an individual, but as existing as both nothing and everything at the same time. There was no sense of being an individual, so there was no “me”. There was no sense of identity. Without a “me”, there was no basis for memory or knowledge.”

Davis Autism Approach (continued from page 1)

Quotable Quotes“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.“–Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) American essayist, philosopher, and poet

“We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each moment of life is a miracle and mystery.”–H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) British author of The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds.

Orientation allows the client to perceive his experiences and environment accurately and consistently. And individuation is the process that allows the person, as Davis puts it, to “develop out of the state of oblivion—out of the void.” Once the client has “individuated,” during the next phase he or she develops a core identity, creating the foundations of individual personality. In the last stage of the program, the client explores the social principles necessary to function normally in human society. The Davis Autism Approach is a drug-free, step-by-step program that gradually and humanely, leads autistic clients through these stages of development and ultimately allows them to participate fully in life. Davis Autism Approach Facilitator/Coaches work with both the client and the parents to help bring about this progression. If you or someone you know would like more information on the Davis Autism Approach, you can visit:, or contact a Davis Autism Approach Trainer or Facilitator/Coach. v

CuRREnT DAvIs AuTIsm APPRoACh TRAInERs: nEw ZEAlAnD lorna Timms (Christchurch) +64 (03) 363 9358 usARay Davis (Burlingame, CA) +1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll Free)

CuRREnT DAvIs AuTIsm FACIlITAToR/CoAChEs: CAnADAlawrence smith, Jr. (Calgary, Alberta) +1 (866) 685 -0067 (Toll Free)stacey Borger smith (Calgary, Alberta) +1 (866) 685 -0067 (Toll Free)Cathy Dodge smith (oakville, ontario) +1 (888) 569 -1113 (Toll Free) GERmAnyGabriela scholter (stuttgart) +49 (0711) 578 28 33 nEThERlAnDsChristien vos (Tolbert Groningen) +31 (0594) 511 607 nEw ZEAlAnDshelley mcmeeken (Dunedin) +64 0274 399 020 unITED KInGDomJane heywood (Ascot, Berkshire) +44 (01344) 622 115 usAGale long (Elkview, wv) +1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)marcia maust (Berlin, PA) +1 (814) 267-5765


The Lazy Readers’ Book Club

Here are some excellent recommendations from Danny Brassell of The Lazy Readers’ Book Club. These are great reads for reluctant readers or those who just plain don’t have time for reading.

Danny’s just kidding when he says these books are for “lazy” readers. He knows we’re all busy, and some of us just need encouragement. At his website,, you can find Danny’s picks, updated monthly, as well as archives of past selections by month, reading level, and page count. If you purchase books at through links at the Lazy Readers’ website, Bookends ( will receive a donation. Bookends is a nonprofit organization devoted to increasing children’s access to books.

Danny’s recommendations are always organized into categories: AD, for adults; YA, for young adults; and CH, for children’s books. He always lists a page count and some brief comments, which we include below. He usually posts about 10 recommendations per month, three or four per category. At the website, you can sign up to receive his monthly recommendations by email, just as I do! This time we’ve included recommendations for children and young adults, but Danny recommends some of the teen literature for adults too!

Let’s Do Nothing!by Tony FucileChildren, 40 pagesPublisher: Candlewick (2009)ISBN-10: 0763634409ISBN-13: 978-0763634407

Parents – get hold of this book! It reminded me a lot of The Cat in the Hat, as it follows two boys who have done everything there is to be done, who now try to do ten seconds of nothing. Great illustrations, and a delightfully silly story. My kind of book.

Archibald’s Swiss Cheese Mountainby Sylvia Lieberman Children, 48 pagesPublisher: Seven Locks Press (2007)ISBN-10: 0979585252ISBN-13: 978-0979585258

What a wonderful story for encouraging children to follow their passions, yet be careful to “measure with their whiskers.” With enchanting illustrations by Jeremy Wendell, this book makes a wonderful parable to read aloud to children and adults alike.

By Laura Zink de Díaz, Facilitator in Bogotá, Colombia


at R


s fr


v Italy (continued)

Piera Angiola MaglioliOcchieppo Inferiore/Biella+39 (015) 259 3080

Sabina MansuttiTricesimo Udine+39 (349) 272 0307

Alessandro TaiocchiSettimo Milanese +39 (333) 443 7368

Silvia WalterBagno a Ripoli Florence +39 (055) 621 0541

Rafaella ZingerleCorvara In Badia+39 (0471) 836 959

v Kenya

Josephine NaikuniNairobi+254 (20) 604 347

Manisha ShahNairobi+254 (0) 721 492 217

v luxembourg Nadine RoederLuxembourg+352 691 30 0296

v lebanon

Samar Riad SaabBeirut +961 3 700 206

v malaysia

Hilary CraigKuala Lumpur+60 (36) 201 55 95

v mexico

Silvia B. Arana GarcíaMexico, D.F. +52 (55) 5540-7205

Cathy Calderón de la Barca Davis Workshop Presenter México D.F.+52 (55) 5540-7205

Hilda Fabiola Herrera CantuCuliacan, Sinaloa +52 81 6677 15 01 19

Bertha Figueroa Yllana Juárez+52 (656) 325-0285

María Silvia Flores SalinasDDA DirectorSupervisor – SpecialistGarza García Monterrey NL+52 (81) 8378 61 75

Laura LammogliaTampico, Tamaulipas +52 (833) 213 4126

Alejandra Garcia MedinaHuixquilucan+52 (55) 1085 5608l

Maria Lourdes GutiérrezMexico D.F.+52 (555) 593 18 22

Lucero Palafox de MartinVeracruz+52 (229) 935 1302

Lydia Gloria VargasGarza García Monterrey NL+52 (81) 8242 0666

Lourdes Zepeda Solorzano Cancún+52 (998) 577 30 90

v netherlands

Liesbeth Berg-SchagenVleuten +31 (030) 604-9601

Manja BloemendalDen Haag +31 (70) 345 5252

Ineke BlomDorpstraat+31 (020) 436-1484

Unlocking the Power of DyslexiaA brief look at the life of Ronald Davis and the impact of his remarkable discoveries. DVD: $8.00 (Run time: 15 minutes)

The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program This documentary film provides an excellent overview of Facilitators at work with Davis clients,explains how dyslexics thinkand perceive, what causes dyslexia, and what occurs during and after a Davis Program. DVD: $8.00 (Run time: 18 minutes)

Davis Dyslexia Correction Orientation ProceduresThis detailed instructional DVD provides demonstrations of each of the Davis® procedures for assessment and orientationdescribed in The Gift of Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning. These methods help focus attention, eliminate perceptual confusion, improve physical coordination, and control energy levels. DVD: $85.00

Davis Symbol Mastery and Reading ExercisesFeatures 27 examples of Facilitators and clients using the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit and practicing the Davis ReadingExercises. Included are mastering the alphabet, punctuation marks, pronunciation, and words; and reading exercises to build visual tracking and whole word recognition skills, and to improve reading fluency and comprehension. (This DVD is included with Davis Symbol Mastery Kit) DVD: $85.00

Dyslexia – The Gift

This documentary introduces the concepts and methods

in The Gift of Dyslexia. Viewers of all ages will find the

interviews and animated sequences highly informative

and entertaining.

Gift of Dyslexia Audio CD SetThis 4 CD set contains fullnarration of The Gift of Dyslexia,read by author Ron Davis.

Video or DVD $39.95

4-CD Set $39.95

ReadOn Interactive SoftwareA comprehensive learning tool, designed to assist people of all

ages learn to read or overcome reading problems associated with

dyslexia. Operating Systems: Windows 98, ME, NT4 (SP 6),

Win2000, XP Languages: English only

Software $195.00

I Can Do It – The Confidence to LearnTeachers, parents, school administrators,and students speak about the many benefits of using Davis Learning Strategiesat Vale Elementary School in Oregon.

DVD: $9.00 (running time: 12 min.)

DVD/Audio CD/Software

Davis Symbol Mastery KitContains everything needed to do

Davis Symbol Mastery: A manual in

checklist format, 117-minute instructional

DVD, laminated alphabet strip, letter

recognition cards, dictionary, grammar

book, punctuation booklet, pronunciation

key cards, and clay—all in a sturdy nylon

shoulder bag. Suitable for working with

students of any age.

Symbol Mastery Kit $139.95

Davis Young Learner Kit for Home-UseProvides parents with the

instructions and materials needed

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A House is a House for Meby Mary Ann Hoberman Children, 48 pagesPublisher: Puffin (2007)ISBN-10: 0142407739ISBN-13: 978-0142407738

This classic with wonderful illustrations by Betty Fraser is a MUST for every early elementary school teacher’s library. A beautiful poem that teaches children where different people, animals and things call “home.” If I were designing a home or school library, this is one of the first books I’d select.

Diego: Bigger Than Life by Carmen T. Bernier-GrandChildren, 64 pagesPublisher: Marshall Cavendish Corp/Ccb (2009)ISBN-10: 0761453830ISBN-13: 978-0761453833

This book is a MUST have. Beautiful illustrations by David Diaz and wonderful poems throughout chart the life of one of my favorite painters, Diego Rivera. The colorful illustrations and poems match this artist’s colorful life. Perfect for read-alouds.

A Fish Out of Waterby Helen PalmerChildren, 64 pagesPublisher: Random House Books for Young Readers (1961)ISBN-10: 0394800230ISBN-13: 978-0394800233

This book, written in the 60s, holds a special place in my heart, as it is a favorite read aloud of my son and daughter. I think all kids can appreciate this story of a boy who feeds his fish too much and spends the rest of the book trying to find a place to store his ever-growing pet.

Mindbenders: Stories to Warp Your Brainby Neal Shusterman Young Adult, 128 pagesPublisher: Torkids (2000)ISBN-10: 0812538722ISBN-13: 978-0812538724

The perfect book for those of you who have 12-year-old boys who don’t like to read. This collection of clever, funny, creepy and flat-out weird stories are sure to spark interesting book talks.

(continued on the next page)


Athletic Shorts by Chris CrutcherYoung Adult, 208 pagesPublisher: Greenwillow Books (2002)ISBN-10: 0060507837ISBN-13: 978-0060507831

Here’s one for the fellas. Crutcher avoids athletic stereotypes in six compelling short stories that shed a whole new light on jocks in school. Makes for good read-alouds with middle-schoolers.

Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia BlockYoung Adult, 128 pagesPublisher: HarperTeen; 10th Anniv. edition (2004)ISBN-10: 0060736259ISBN-13: 978-0060736255

A great book for high school students. I like it because of its quirky characters (always a plus, in my opinion) and homage to the city I love, Los Angeles. Adults who ignore young adult literature really miss out on some of the best stories. Grab a copy of Weetzie Bat and relax for a couple of hours.

Odd Lot by Steve BurtYoung Adult, 144 pages Publisher: Burt Creations (2001)ISBN-10: 0964928329ISBN-13: 978-0964928329

I’ll let adults in on a little secret: some of the best literature available is reserved for teens. Such is the case with anything by Steve Burt, an incredibly gifted storyteller who manages to write chilling stories like this one (part of a series that includes the Bram Stoker award-winning Oddest Yet) or heartwarming stories like A Christmas Dozen. Especially popular with reluctant boy readers, Burt is a treat for all ages (and genders).

Lostby Jacqueline Davies Young Adult, 242 pagesPublisher: Marshall Cavendish Corp/Ccb (2009)ISBN-10: 0761455353ISBN-13: 978-0761455356

I am fascinated by one of the most tragic events in American history, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911 that needlessly killed 146 immigrant seamstresses. This brilliantly-written novel chronicles one family’s resilience through devastating circumstances. Some of the best writing I have come across in a long time for young adults…I am anxious to read more by Jacqueline Davies. v

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Mary VerspagetAlmere+31 6 53 797 197

Christien VosAutism Facilitator/CoachTolbert +31 (0594) 511 607

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v netherlands (continued)

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Raewyn MathesonDLS Mentor Inglewood+64 (027) 411-8350

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Shelley McMeekenDDA DirectorAutism Facilitator/CoachDunedin +64 0274 399 020

Colleen MortonGore +64 (03) 208 6308

Alison SymeDarfield +64 (03) 318-8480

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Margot YoungAuckland+64 (0) 9 638 3627

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Amy HomsanyPanama City+507 (6) 671-1244

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Sofia Vassalo SantosLisboa +35 (191) 911-2565

Cristina Maria VieiraLisboa +35 (191) 921 4808

Reviews by Abigail Marshall

Decoding Dyslexia: 14 programmes for helping dyslexia & the hidden ingredient they shareby Jennifer Poole, Ph.D.Troubador Publishing Ltd, 2008 ISBN 978-19065610-510$24.95

Author Jennifer Poole earned her Ph.D. in psychology through studying dyslexia; this book is a report of the work that formed the basis of her research.

Unlike most dyslexia researchers, Dr. Poole had no previous experience with dyslexia and hence no preconceived ideas. She chose to study dyslexia in order to better understand how the brain wires itself for different purposes. In the book’s introduction, she explains: “I was soon astonished at how diverse the many programmes for helping children with dyslexia are. There is no single programme offered in all schools and some have nothing to do with literacy at all. Interestingly, according to the children and parents who used them, they all seemed to work – at least for some children.”

Dr. Poole’s research was an effort to determine why these various programs all “worked” – that is, what common ingredients they shared despite their apparent differences. To do this she cast a wide net, looking at methods which followed different underlying theories and focused on different forms of training or intervention. She selected 14 different methods – including Davis – which she categorized as being primarily auditory, visual, movement-based, multisensory, pharmacological, and phonological. She explored the theoretical basis of each, interviewed students, parents, and teachers, and looked at whatever data

was available concerning the effects of each approach. She made no attempt to discern which method, if any, was the “best” or most effective; rather her goal was to discern what the methods shared as a means of articulating an underlying theory of dyslexia.

To do this, she used a methodology called “grounded theory”. Readers unfamiliar with this approach may find it an unusual departure from the standards typically associated with “scientific” research. For example, this approach does not involve the rigorous collection of data from one group for comparison to controls. However, grounded theory is an accepted and well-developed methodology in the realm of social sciences. It is an inductive approach, developed by sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss, used to distill a theory from a systematic analysis of underlying data, rather than using theory to drive the structure of data collection and analysis.

In other words, rather than developing a hypothesis and then devising a plan to collect facts to either support or disprove the hypothesis, grounded theory starts with the facts – and uses a systematic form of analysis to find commonalities to in turn develop a theory to explain the facts.

The data-first, theory later approach has an advantage: it is less likely to be influenced by inherent biases of the researcher. This is especially true for a researcher such as Dr. Poole, who had no previous experience with or preconceived notions about dyslexia. In contrast, a researcher who hypothesizes that dyslexia is caused by a defect in the brain’s cerebellum will formulate studies designed to isolate cerebellar function, but in so doing will fail to collect or analyze data related to any other hypothesized cause. Similarly, the proponents of a “phonological” (auditory-linguistic) theory design studies to look at how dyslexic students connect letters to sounds, while the proponents of a “magnocellular” (visual processing) deficit create studies to measure how their subjects respond to moving dots on a computer screen. In the end we have competing theories and unrelated data, but no cohesive theory that can provide a unifying explanation.

(continued on the next page)


So, in a nutshell, rather than developing a hypothesis and setting out to prove it, Dr. Poole looked at what exists in the real world and tried to explain it. And in so doing, she came up with a theory of dyslexia that looks remarkably like the one developed by Ronald Davis, which she calls Orientation Theory. Like Davis, Dr. Poole concludes that the symptoms of dyslexia are caused by disorientation, which she describes as the inability of the brain to process incoming sensory data in an integrated fashion. She theorizes that the disorientation could arise from poor sensory integration stemming from early childhood. It could also arise from early, inappropriate educational experiences. The child who is taught by methods that are a poor match for his learning style may experience disorientation even without prior sensory or motor difficulties.

Under either scenario, the child’s disorientation prevents the acquisition of literacy skills – but the differing underlying causes might guide the choice of appropriate therapy or teaching method.

Dr. Poole recognizes that Davis Dyslexia Correction is the only approach that explicitly rests on a parallel theory of orientation/disorientation. However, she asserts that other programs may be effective in that they resolve the disorientation, even without expressly adopting the theory. That is, a child who benefits from the Tomatis Method – one of the methods she profiles – will, in the course of therapy, become better able to integrate and make sense of auditory stimuli. The child who benefits from the Irlen system of colored lenses has eliminated a cause of visual confusion or disorientation, by using lenses which enable the child to avoid visual distractions. The child who benefits from specific tutoring in language structure or phonics is being helped across the cognitive hurdle that gave rise to disorientation.

Davis shares another element with Dr. Poole’s analysis: like the grounded theory used by Dr. Poole, Ron Davis followed a reverse-engineering approach, developing his theory to explain his observations and data. It is probably no accident that both researchers came to essentially the same conclusions about the cause of dyslexia.

Dr. Poole’s book, Decoding Dyslexia, is an important contribution to the field of dyslexia research and education, as an example of the type of inclusive inquiry that is needed. Dyslexic children are not well served by a system that imposes a set of discrete, differing labels or bounces them around from one therapy to another, depending on whether the latest diagnosis came from an audiologist, optometrist, psychologist, or a teacher’s hunch. Hopefully more researchers will take the holistic view exemplified by her work. v For more information about “Grounded Theory” visit

Gabby’s Wordspeller: Phonetic Dictionary Second Revised 2-Color EditionDiane FrankDMFrank Publishing, 2009ISBN: 978-0980102512$25.95.

“For anyone who finds spelling a challenge, I think that once owning this book the person will wonder how they ever got along without it.”

The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program is built around dictionary skills, because the ability to use the dictionary effectively is the key that opens every other door to literacy, especially for a dyslexic reader. But the English language is frustrating with its phonetic inconsistency. When students encounter an unfamiliar word in

v Republic of singapore

Phaik Sue ChinSingapore +65 6773 4070

Constance ChuaSingapore +65 6873 3873

v Russia

Mira AshushMoskva+ 972 (3) 635 0973

v serbia

Jelena RadosavljevicKraljevo+381 (063) 76-28-792

v south Africa

Sharon GerkenDurban +27 (82) 82 85 180

v spain

Silvia María Sabatés RodrigoMadrid +34 (091) 636 31 44

v switzerland/Ch

Tinka Altwegg-ScheffmacherSt. Gallen+41 (071) 222 07 79

Monika AmreinZurich +41 (01) 341 8264

Regula Bacchetta-BischofbergerHorw/Luzern +41 (041) 340 2136

Priska Baumgartner Wettingen +41 (056) 426 28 88

Renate Blum-MullerFull-Reuenthal +41 (56) 246-18 66

Michelle BonardiCastel S. Pietro, Ticino+41 (091) 630 23 41

Vicki BrignoliLumino +41 (091) 829 05 36

Carole DubossonVeyras/Sierre+41 (027) 452 62 02

Brigitta DünkiRafz + 41 (079) 318-8300

Susi Fassler St. Gallen +41 (071) 244 5754

Ursula FischbacherOrpund +41 (032) 355 23 26

Mieke FriederichsReinach +41 (061) 712 42 06

Heidi Gander-BelzDLS Presenter-MentorFehraltorf/Zurich+41 (44) 948 14 10

Katharina GrenacherBern +41(31) 382 00 29

Elisabeth GutGrut +41 (044) 932 3242

Ursula Hirzel EglerStäfa +41 (01) 926 2895

Christa JaegerRiehen +41 (061) 641 4667

Consuelo LangLumino +41 (091) 829 05 36

Claudia LendiSt. Gallen +41 (071) 288 41 85

Beatrice LeutertStein am Rhein +41 (052) 232 03 83

Erika Meier-SchmidBonstetten+41 (01) 700 10 38


v switzerland (continued)

Verena Luisa MoserRiken +41 (076) 346 93 34

Maya MuraroStäfa +41 (079) 704 03 07

Véronique PfeifferZürich +41 (01) 342 22 61

Therese Rice-SchumacherUster/Zurich+41 (052) 267 5154

Hilary RhodesChesieres-Villars+41 (024) 495 38 20

Regine Roth-GloorMohlin/Basel+41 (061) 851 2685

Doris Rubli-Huber St. Gallen +41 (071) 245 56 90

Benita RuckliSigigen +41 (041) 495 04 09 or (079) 719 31 18

Lotti Salivisberg Basel +41 (061) 263 33 44

Sonja SartorWinterthur+41 (052) 242 41 70

Marianne SchutzZofinger+41 (62) 752 8281

Andreas VillainZürich +41 (076) 371 84 32

Catherine WarnerGeneva +41 (022) 321 70 42

Margit ZahndGerolfingen+41 (079) 256 86 65 or (032) 396 19 20

v united Arab Emirates

Linda RademanDubai +9714 348 1687

v united Kingdom

Joy Allan-BakerLondon+44 (0798) 413 1436

Kim BalaskasWestcliff on Sea, Essex +44 (0) 789 482 8084

Nicky Bennett-BaggsGt. Gaddesden, Herts+44 (01442) 252 517

Sarah DixonEast Horsley, Surrey +44 (01483) 283 088

Susan DuguidLondon+44 (020) 8878 9652

Dyslexia Correction CentreGeorgina DunlopJane E.M. HeywoodAutism Facilitator/Coach DLS Mentor & PresenterAscot, Berkshire+44 (01344) 622 115

Christine EastKingsbridge, Devon+44 (01548) 856 045

Nichola Farnum MALondon +44 (020) 8977 6699

Jacqueline Ann FlisherHungerford Berks+44 (0) 8000 272657

Maureen FloridoHarleston, Norfolk+44 (01379) 853 810

Carol ForsterGloucester+44 (1452) 331 573

print, they have the information needed to look up the word. But when it comes to productive writing – if students are trying to figure out how to spell or write a word they have in mind – a dictionary may not be of much use.

Typically, of course, a child will ask a teacher or parent, “how do you spell ‘accessory?’” All too often the adult responds, “Look it up in the dictionary.” And of course… the student does not know where to begin.Gabby’s Wordspeller is the answer to that problem. It is designed to enable the student to look up a word by a phonetic spelling – the student’s best guess – and find the corresponding, correct word.

So, to answer the question posed above, the student might rely on phonetics to look up e-k-s-e-s…

This leads to a small list of words:

ekses, excess/accesseksesif, excess(ive)/access(ive)eksesis, excess(es)/access(es)eksesori, accessory

(I’d note that the spell-checker that comes with MS Word shows no results for the above spellings of the word).

As you can see from the above example, the dictionary also provides choices where the spelling could indicate more than one word. The student who instead wanted a word that sounds like “ekses” – but was unsure which word she needed – could take the logical next step of looking up the words “excess” and “access.” Here, Gabby’s Wordspeller would provide basic tools for spelling in the form of a short definition as well as some direction for spelling with different affixes:

access, sses, ssed, ssing, ssible, ssion, ENTERaccessory, ries, rize, rizing, ADDITIONAL

Obviously, these one-word definitions do not replace the value of a real dictionary – but when your goal is to figure out how to spell the word, Gabby’s Wordspeller provides a very short, direct, and efficient route to the desired end.

One thing I particularly like about the book

is the layout. The author, Diane Frank, is the parent of a dyslexic daughter – Gabby – and her goal was to include as many words as possible. Obviously, there are many more “wrong” spellings of each word than “right” ones, so a desktop dictionary that provides both needs the most compact format possible. Diane Frank solved this problem by turning the book on its side for printing, so that the words are spread in three columns length-wise across the page. This, coupled with typography – red ink for the many incorrect spellings, bold face for correct spellings, italics for definitions – makes it easy to quickly scan a number of possibilities for the correct word.

For people who find spelling a challenge, I think that once they buy this book they’ll wonder how they ever got along without it. I do think it would be very intimidating for a young child or a severely dyslexic individual with limited reading skills. But it is the perfect tool for any student who reads at or above third grade level, and certainly an essential tool for middle school, high school or college students. Thus I think this book should be in every classroom and library.

While there are other spelling dictionaries on the market, none that I have seen even comes close to Gabby’s Wordpeller in comprehensiveness or ease of use. In fact, even though as a writer I rarely have difficulties with spelling, my copy of Gabby’s hasn’t left my desktop since I got it - it simply is a lot easier for me to grab the book and look up a word when I am in doubt than to guess.

(Reviewer’s disclaimer: I wrote the Forewordto the 2nd Revised Edition of Gabby’sWordspeller. I didn’t get paid for that and Ihave no financial stake in the book. It’s justthat I liked the book so much that the authorkindly asked if I would write a Foreword. Youcan read my Foreword online here: v


For anyone who finds spelling a challenge, I

think that once owning this book the person will

wonder how they ever got along without it.


Bumperly Bumper Bee by Michael D. DavisIllustrated by Francisco Moreno Publisher: Luna PublishingISBN-13: 9780979178504Hardcover: $15.95

Reviewed by Gina Haysbert, DDAI Order Department Manager

This is a great book for kids of all ages!Beautifully illustrated with brilliant colors, comes Bumperly Bumper Bee, an uplifting story that tells a tale of a half-blind bee. Bumperly is unique and special in many different ways. He may not be the same as the average bee, but he still is a hard-worker who goes from flower to flower getting nectar to make his honey. He is guilty of making occasional mistakes, because he cannot see perfectly. In the end, Bumperly finds a friend who is like him in many ways and off they fly bouncing into everything they can and cannot see. This book is a great tale of tolerance, understanding, friendship and achievement. v

WordLogic Desktop KeyboardSoftware: try or order from

Reviewed by Abigail Marshall

WordLogic is a handy desktop utility for Windows to assist with typing. Its primary function is to predict text as you type. The program runs in a popup window, and presents a list of words or phrases based on what has been typed so far. This is a timesaver for slow or inaccurate typists, and a helpful tool for individuals who have difficulty spelling.

The software comes preloaded with an extensive dictionary, but it is also customizable. This allows users to add their own words and phrases; there is even a feature that allows the user to create an abbreviation for a commonly used phrase, such as a frequently typed section of routine correspondence.

The popup window can also be customized as to size and overall appearance. Because it responds directly to keyboard entries, it can be used with any software program that allows text entry. For example, it could be used with a word processor, spreadsheet, notepad application, or desktop publisher.

It also is available with dictionaries in six different languages, or specialized dictionaries, such as legal or medical specializations. Versions are available for installation to a Windows PC, handheld device, or USB drive. A free trial version can be downloaded from the web site at The site also has a video demo that provides an excellent overview of the software features. v

v united Kingdom (continued)

Achsa GriffithsSandwich, Kent +44 (01304) 611 650

Axel GudmundssonLondon +44 (020) 8341-7703

Tessa Halliwell Barrow upon Soar, Leics+44 (01509) 412 695

Karen HautzLondon+44 (0207) 228-2947

Annemette Hoegh-BanksBerkhamsted, Herts+44 1442 872185

Phyllida Howlett Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire +44 (01437) 766 806

Angela JamesReading, Berkshire+44 (0118) 947 6545

Liz JollyFareham, Hants+44 (01329) 235 420

Lisa KloossLondon +44 (0208) 960 9406

Sara KramerWimbledon/London+44 (0208) 946 4308

Marilyn LaneRedhill +44 (0173) 776-9049

Isabel MartinCrowborough, East Sussex+44 (01892) 667 323

Stuart ParsonsLowton/Warrington, Cheshire+44 (07754) 534 740

Shilpa PatelEaling, London+44 (0) 8000 272657

Fionna PilgrimKeighley, West Yorkshire +44 (1535) 661 801

Maxine PiperCarterton, Oxon+44 (01993) 840 291

Elenica Nina PitoskaLondon +44 (020) 8451 4025

Ian RichardsonBlaisdon Longhope, Glos+44 (0145) 283 0056

Pauline RoylePoulton-le-Fylde, Lancs+44 (0125) 389 987

Rosemary SavinsonLondon +44 (0208) 316-1973

Janice ScholesLiversedge, West Yorkshire+44 (0) 8000 272657

Nigel SharpIsle of Wight +44 (01227) 731 756

Judith ShawSupervisor-SpecialistSt. Leonards on Sea/Hastings, East Sussex +44 (01424) 447 077

Elizabeth Shepherd Crowborough, East Sussex +44 (0189) 266-1052

Jacqui StewartEastbourne, East Sussex+44 (01323) 748 933

Drs. Renée van der VloodtSupervisor-SpecialistReigate, Surrey+44 (01737) 240 116

Screen shot of WordLogic pop up window.

Software ReviewBook Review


v united Kingdom (continued)

Frank WalkerGreasby Wirral/Liverpool+44 (0151) 678 14 99

Evelyn WhiteWalton-on-Thames, Surrey+44 (01932) 230 624

The Blueberry CenterMargarita WhiteheadDDA DirectorRichard WhiteheadDDA DirectorDLS Presenter-MentorFundamentals PresenterCanterbury, Kent+44 (01227) 738 972

Rachel WilliamsonHassocks, West Sussex+44 (0) 8000 272657

v united states


Lisa SprattHuntsville +1 (256) 426-4066


Dr. Edith FritzPhoenix+1 (602) 274-7738

Nancy KressPhoenix+1 (480) 544-5031

John MertzTucson +1 (520) 797-0201


Rebecca LandesMulberry/Fort Smith +1 (479) 997-1996


Cyndi Cantillon-ColemanLadera Ranch/Irvine+1 (949) 364-5606

Janet ConferRancho Santa Margarita+1 (949) 589-6394

Ray DavisDavis Autism TrainerBurlingame/San Francisco+1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll-Free)

Anette FullerWalnut Creek+1 (925) 639-7846

Richard A. HarmelMarina Del Rey/Los Angeles+1 (310) 823-8900

David HirstRiverside+1 (909) 241-6079

Suzanne Kisly-CoburnManhattan Beach+1 (310) 947-2662

Nicole MeltonDiamond Bar+1 (909) 229-5251

Cheryl RodriguesSan Jose+1 (408) 440-2280

David Carlos RosenSan Rafael+1 (415) 479-1700

Dee Weldon WhiteLexie White StrainSunnyvale+1 (650) 388-6808


Annie GarciaWheat Ridge / Denver+1 (303) 423-3397

New on the Dyslexia, the Gift web site:By Abigail Marshall, DDAI Director of Internet Information Services

Talking web site The web site at has recently been enabled to operate with the ProReader system from VoiceCorp. This system enables site visitors to listen to text on the page read aloud by a digitalized voice – obviously a big help on a web site which attracts many dyslexic readers! The system implemented at Dyslexia, the Gift will open a popup window that will read a selection of text aloud; the text being read will also be displayed in the ProReader window. As the text is read, the words and sentences will be highlighted to allow the reader to follow along. The system allows the user to control settings, including the reading speed, volume, font face, color, and size. The user can also change colors of text highlighting or opt to turn the highlight feature off. There is a “hide text” option as well, for users who want to listen without reading along. The user can also save the text in MP3 format, to listen to on their home computers or handheld device.

The system has currently been implemented on about one-third of the pages on the web site; more pages are being added over time. No special software is required, and the system will work on any computer (Windows or Mac). The system uses Shockwave Flash, which is the same system used for YouTube videos – so any users who can watch YouTube on their system will also be able to activate the reader on the pages at Users have the option to activate a preselected text excerpt from each page as well, or to choose the text they want read by highlighting a section of the page with their mouse or other pointing device. Activating the system is simple: the user simply clicks on the listen icon that appears on the upper left-side corner of each page that has been enabled.

New Web Pages & Articles Several new pages and articles have been added to the Dyslexia, the Gift web site to make specific information about events and research easier to access. These include:

• Davis In The News Easy links to reports about Ron Davis’ media tour, Davis Facilitators and their clients from newspapers, websites, television and radio throughout the world.

• Dyslexia Research A section of the site devoted to information, references and articles about Ron Davis’ work, developing research support for Davis methods, and new insights and developments from brain research as applied to dyslexia.

(continued on the next page)


• Davis BibliographyResearch Journal Articles Citing Davis:

Books referencing or describing Davis methods:

• Davis Dyslexia Correction Research Overview A page providing summaries and links to academic research, reports prepared by government or public agencies, and statistical data related to Davis methods.

• Davis Program Average Reading Gains A report of the latest data from Rocky Point Academy’s tracking of post-program reading gains among their clients, based on testing results of more than 360 children and adults.

• Davis Client Reports Links to pages from more than 75 Facilitator web sites with reports and feedback from children and adults who have completed the Davis program, as well as from parents and teachers.

• Dyslexia Legislative We recently launched a new web site dedicated to reporting information about new and pending laws related to education and dyslexia. Some examples are new laws related to early identification and provision of services to young children with reading difficulties, laws impacting promotion and graduation requirements for older children, and laws funding or encouraging research into dyslexia. Our new site is called (note the letter “g” in the middle rather than an “x”) – and is designed to be interactive as well as informative. Users can post comments about specific concerns or laws, and we hope that the information on the site will help citizens to become more engaged in advocating for issues that concern them. This web site is nonpartisan in nature and is also intended as a place for open dialogue and discussion of legal or legislative issues that may arise. Our focus is on issues of concern to dyslexic people of all ages. v

v us – Colorado (continued)

Crystal PunchDLS MentorCentennial/Denver +1 (303) 850-0581

Kristi ThompsonDLS Presenter-MentorWalsh +1 (719) 324-9256


Random (Randee) GarretsonLutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg+1 (813) 956-0502

Tina KirbyNavarre +1 (850) 218-5956

Rita Von BonNavarre +1 (850) 934-1389


Lesa HallPooler/Savannah+1 (912) 330-8577

Martha PayneSuwanee+1 (404) 886-2720

Scott TimmWoodstock/Atlanta+1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)


Vickie Kozuki-Ah YouEwa Beach/Honolulu+1 (808) 664-9608


Carma SutherlandRexburg +1 (208) 356-3944


Kim AinisChicago +1 (312) 360-0805

Susan SmarjesseSpringfield+1 (217) 789-7323


Myrna BurkholderGoshen/South Bend+1 (574) 533-7455


Mary Kay FrasierDes Moines+1 (515) 270-0280


Karen LoGiudiceAmesbury+1 (978) 337-7753

Carolyn TylerFairhaven+1 (508) 994-4577


Sandra McPhallGrandville/Grand Rapids+1 (616) 534-1385

Cinda Osterman, M. Ed.Charlotte+1 (517) 652-5156

Dean SchalowManistee+1 (800) 794-3060 (Toll-Free)

Michele WellmanMt. Pleasant/Lansing+1 (989) 772-3084


Cyndi DenesonSupervisor-Specialist Edina/Minneapolis+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)+1 (952) 820-4673

Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators

A Special Welcome to our first Davis Facilitators in Luxembourg and Russia!

Jacqui Stewart “I have a passion for human beings and have always believed that each of us has a gift. Therefore it made no sense to me that my daughter’s primary years were judged by her low reading age and inability to communicate with

the written word rather than by her gift - an IQ of 125! No matter how I tried to convince her that she had many talents, that she was not ‘stupid,’ I watched each day take with it a little piece of her self-esteem and confidence. Reading about the Davis Method gave us hope, and above all the chance for my daughters’ talents to be recognised and used to rectify the negative symptoms by which she was being measured. Two years on, she is preparing for three GCSE exams a year ahead of her peers. During my short time facilitating programmes, I have witnessed some incredible changes in clients and the direction in which they wish to take their lives and hope that I will be privileged to witness many more.” 65 Willowfield Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex UK BN22 8AP, +44 (01323) 748 933,

Viviane Resende da Costa Melo “After my final field assignments, I’ve realized how wonderful and interesting the Davis Program is. I have seen how fast people can get over their deep suffering and how their perception of themselves

can change. I am so glad I have become a Davis Facilitator, for this is a great opportunity to offer humanity a blessing.” SCLN 211 Bloco A Sala 206 Asa Norte, Brasilia DF, Brasil 70853-060. +55 (61) 3349 9998. +55 (61) 8168 8154,

New on the Dyslexia, the Gift web site (continued from page 21)


v us – missouri (continued)

Cathy CookColumbia+1 (573) 819-6010 or 886-8917

Gretchen FitzGeraldKansas City+1 (816) 806-8611


Kimberly BezansonMissoula +1 (406) 541-3076 or 677-4014

Elsie JohnsonManhatten +1 (406) 282-7416


Shawn CarlsonLincoln +1 (402) 420-1025

Elaine ThoendelChambers+1 (402) 482-5709


Barbara ClarkGardnerville/Carson City+1 (775) 265-1188

new hampshire

Glenna GiveansLebanon+ 1 (603) 863-7877

Michele SiegmannMason/Manchester/Boston+1 (603) 878-6006

new Jersey

Lynn ChigounisMontclair +1 (973) 746-5037

Charlotte FosterSupervisor-SpecialistBernardsville/Newark+1 (908) 766-5399

new york

Lisa AndersonSeneca Falls +1 (315) 576-3812

Wendy RitchieHolly/Rochester+1 (585) 233-4364

north Carolina

Gerri W. CoxDLS Presenter-MentorShallotte/Wilmington+1 (910) 754-9559

Ruth MillsPineville/Charlotte+1 (704) 541-1733

Jean MoserWinston-Salem+1 (336) 830-2390


Lorraine CharbonneauMason/Cincinnati/Dayton+1 (513) 850-1895

Lisa ThatcherMount Vernon/Columbus+1 (740) 397-7060


Ashley GriceTulsa +1 (918) 779-7351

Rhonda LacyClinton +1 (580) 323-7323

Linda WrightMarlow+1 (580) 641-1056


Nicole CatesMilwaukie+1 (586) 801-0772

Susan Stark Owen “After studying and researching dyslexia in college, I came across the Davis Program. I appreciated the approach that dyslexia is not a condition, but a gift. I now join many other

Davis Facilitators with the knowledge that dyslexia is a unique gift that should be treasured instead of hidden! I am very excited and honored to be a new licensed Facilitator!” Accelerated Comprehension Center, 1225 E. Union Bower Rd., Irving, Texas 75061, +1 (888) 392-1134,,

Nadine Roeder “I’m a primary school teacher working with children who have problems in reading, writing, math and/or behavior. I’m also a member of the Luxembourg Girl

Guides and Boy Scouts Association and am an adherent of Baden-Powell’s ‘Learning by Doing.’” 3 rue de l’Egalité, Kehlen L- 8319 OLM Luxembourg, + 352 691 30 02 96,

Annette Johnston “I am a primary school teacher with over 25 years experience working with all primary grade levels. In recent years I have been involved in running workshops for teachers in the area of literacy. I co-authored new editions of the First Steps Reading and Writing resource. Throughout my teaching career there have always been a few students I knew were bright but just couldn’t “get it”. While I was teaching yet another one of these students I discovered the difference the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program could make. Seeing this difference sparked my interest in becoming a Davis Facilitator and I undertook training in San Francisco in 2007 and 2008. I am now one of only two Davis Facilitators in Western Australia and the only one in the Perth metropolitan area.” Dyslexia Correction Service. Unit 21 33 Crompton St., Rockingham, WA, Australia 6168. +61 (8) 9591 3482,

Maria Copson “I live in Dunedin, New Zealand, am married and have four children. My interest in dyslexia started when our two youngest children began having problems at school. We put our son through a Davis Program and the

outcome was very positive. Consequently, I began my journey towards becoming a Davis Facilitator. I look forward to working with clients, assisting them on their Davis journey and giving them opportunities that they might never otherwise have discovered.” Hidden Talents, 184 High St., P.O. Box 901 Dunedin, New Zealand 9056. + 64 (03) 477 1133,

Freddie Tan “I am currently engaged in a commercial trading business. I got involved with the Davis Method when I was looking for answers for my son. I have a degree in psychology and am now looking forward to starting a practice in the

Philippines to help other people with dyslexia, eventually pursuing an advocacy to advance the use of the Davis Method in early education in the Philippines.” 2nd Floor Madison Square, Ortigas Avenue, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines, +63 (2) 725-7137

Allison Boggess “I have a background in teaching, but became interested in the Davis Program after seeing countless successful programs that my mother (also a Davis Facilitator) has done. I am excited to be joining the New Horizon’s Dyslexia

and Autism Center in West Virginia.” New Horizons Dyslexia and Autism Center, 223 N. Pinch Rd., Elkview, West Virginia 25071, +1 (888) 517-7830,

Marian de Bruin “As a speech therapist I was frustrated with not being able to really help dyslexic children. I looked for different approaches and found the Davis Method. It works!!!” Arthur Van Dijcklaan 19, 3080 Tervuren, Belgium, + 32 (2) 768 1323,


v us – oregon (continued)

Rhonda ErstromVale +1 (541) 881-7817

Kathy PozziOntario +1 (541) 881 6497

Melissa SlominskiTigard / Portland+1 (503) 957-2998


Marcia MaustAutism Facilitator/Coach Berlin/Pittsburgh+1 (814) 267-5765

Puerto Rico

Ines Grajales PaganCaguas +1 (787) 743-0605

Rhode Island

Linda M. DanielsProvidence+1 (401) 301-7604

south Carolina

Angela KeiferGreenville+1 (864) 420-1627

south Dakota

Kim CarsonDLS Presenter-MentorBrookings/Sioux Falls +1 (605) 692-1785

Lillian “Lee” MilesSioux Falls+1 (605) 274-2294


Kellie Antrim-BrownFt. Worth+1 (817) 989-0783

Success Learning CenterRhonda ClemonsDLS Presenter-MentorColleen MillslagleDLS Presenter-MentorTyler/Dallas+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free)+1 (903) 531-2446

Shari ChuHelotes/San Antonio +1 (210) 414-0116

Jodie HarberCedar Park/Austin+1 (512) 918-9247

Lori JohnsonBoerne/San Antonio+1 (210) 843-8161

Casey Linwick-RouzerSugar Land/Houston+1 (832) 724-0492

Frances Adaleen MakinGreenville/DFW +1 (903) 268-1394

Leslie McLeanAmarillo+1 (806) 331-4099 or +1 (877) 331-4099 (Toll Free)

Accelerated Comprehension CenterDorothy OwenSupervisor SpecialistEdward E. OwenSusan Stark OwenDallas/Ft. Worth+1 (888) 329-1134 (Toll Free)+1 (817) 919-6200

Paula Roberts Tyler+1 (903) 570-3427

Laura WarrenDLS Mentor-PresenterLubbock +1 (806) 790-7292

The Davis Facilitator Training Program consists of eleven training steps, and requires 450 hours of workshop attendance, practice meetings, and supervised field work. The Davis Specialist Training Program requires extensive experience providing Davis programs and an additional 260 hours of training. Specialists and Facilitators are subject to annual re-licensing based upon case review and adherence to the DDAI Standards of Practice.

The Davis Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach Training Program is available to experienced and licensed Davis Facilitators. It requires an additional 200-250 hours of specialized training and field work to become licensed to work with autistic individuals and their families.

Davis Learning Strategies Mentors and Workshop Presenters are experienced teachers and trainers with 2-3 years of specialized training and experience mentoring classroom teachers of children 5-9 years of age.

Davis Training Programs

For more information about training and a full directory of Davis providers, visit: or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or +1 (888) 805-7216 toll-free in the USA.



Donna KouriMontpelier/Richmond+1 (804) 883-8867

Angela OdomDLS Presenter-MentorMidlothian/Richmond+1 (804) 833-8858

Jamie Worley Yorktown/Williamsburg +1 (757) 867-1164


Aleta ClarkAuburn/Tacoma+1 (253) 854-9377

Rebecca Luera, M.Ed.Fall City+1 (800) 818-9056 (Toll free)+1 (425) 222-4163

Nancy SittonMarysville +1 (360) 651-1241

Renie Royce SmithSpokane & Everett+1-800-371-6028 (Toll-Free)+1 (509) 443-1737

Ruth Ann YoungbergBellingham+1 (360) 752-5723

west virginia

Allison BoggessElkview+1 (888) 517-7830

Gale LongAutism Facilitator-CoachElkview/Charleston+1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)+1 (304) 965-7400


New Hope Learning Centers, Inc.Darlene BishopMargaret Hayes Milwaukee+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll Free)+1 (262) 255-3900

Anne MataczynskiWausau +1 (715) 551-7144

This Directory is current as of September 20, 2009.

It is subject to change. Between newsletter issues, new Facilitators are added,

and occasionally, some become inactive. However, the Davis Providers list at

www.dyslexia.comis always up to date.

Based on the Davis Dyslexia Correction methods, this Kit enables parents of children, ages 5-7, to home-teach and help young learners to:• focus attention• control energy levels• improve eye-hand coordination• learn the alphabet• learn basic punctuation• develop and strengthen pre-reading and basic reading skills• prevent the potential of a learning problem• improve sight word recognition and comprehension• establish life-long “how-to-learn” skills.

The Davis Methods for Young LearnersDavis Focusing Strategies provide children with the self-directed ability to be physically and mentally focused on the learning task at hand.

Davis Symbol Mastery enables children to master the alphabet letters, punctuation marks and basic sight words with a simple, easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper activities and drill.

Davis Reading Exercises improve accuracy with word recognition and comprehension.

The Kit is priced at $119.95 (Shipping and Handling will be added)To purchase a kit, use our secure on-line ordering at: call our toll-free number: 1 (888) 999-3324

Note: For older children (ages 8 and up), we recommend the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit.

The Kit includes: • Instruction Manual • Sturdy nylon briefcase • Reusable modeling clay (2 lbs.) • Clay cutter • Webster’s Children’s Dictionary (hardcover) • Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet • Two Koosh Balls • Letter Recognition Cards • Laminated Alphabet Strip • Stop Signs for Reading Chart

Young Learner Kit for Home-Use


Basic Workshop for Primary Teachers

Teachers, would you like to…• Improve the reading skills of all the children in your class regardless of their learning style?• Manage your classroom more effectively?• Prevent the onset of learning disabilities?• Use research-based methods that are flexible and easily fit into and enhance any existing curriculum? This two-day workshop provides Primary Teachers (K-3) with unique and innovative strategies for improving reading instruction and classroom management, and equips young learners with proven life long skills in “how to learn.”

Instruction includes:• Theory and Reasoning for each Strategy.• Video demonstrations of each Strategy and classroom implementation suggestions.• Supervised experiential practice on each Strategy.• Q&A and discussion about each Strategy.

Materials include:• Detailed Manual with suggested year-long guides, black- line masters, and numerous tips for each implementing each Strategy in various curriculum activities. • DVD demonstrating each classroom Strategy. • Teacher Kit: alphabet strip, letter recognition cards, clay, cutter, dictionary and two Koosh® balls. (Classroom materials sold separately)

Workshop hours: 9am-4pm with one hour lunch break.Cost: $595 per person (US only) Academic Units or CEUs (US and Canada only)Two Quarter Units are available through California State University. Cost is $65 per unit, plus $35 administrative fee. A written assignment, which can be completed before and during the workshop, is required.

Would you like to bring a DLS workshop to your school/area? Call 1 (888) 805-7216, and ask for Paula McCarthy.

2009-2010 DATEs & loCATIons

Date location Telephone


Nov. 14-15 2009 Zurich, Switzerland +41 (44) 948 1410

Nov. 20-21 2009 Ascot, Berkshire, UK +64 (0) 1227 732288

May 22-23 2010 Zurich, Switzerland +41 (44) 948 1410

united states

Oct. 14-15 2009 Richmond, VA +1 (804) 833-8858

Oct. 22-23 2009 Shallotte, NC +1 (910) 754-9559

Jan. 5-6 2010 Shallotte, NC +1 (910) 754-9559

Jan. 7-8 2010 Tyler, TX +1 (866) 531-2446

For more details, visit

“In the forefront of what I liked most was how easily the Davis strategies fit into many areas of Kindergarten curriculum. It relieved me of a paper-pencil approach and gave me a hands-on, kinesthetic approach. It helped develop the little finger muscles to move on to coordinate paper-pencil activities. Creating the alphabet over time also accomplished the development of ownership, responsibility, and a sense a pride in all the children. I believe all Kindergarten children would benefit from Davis Learning Strategies.” –LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose Elementary School, Fremont, California


The Gift of Dyslexia WorkshopFundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction® Workshop based on the best-selling book The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis

DAY ONEBackground and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Procedures• Research and discovery. The “gifts” of dyslexia. Anatomy and developmental stages of a learning disability. Overview of the steps for dyslexia correction.Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment (a screening for dyslexic learning styles)• Demonstration and Practice SessionSymptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, strengths and weaknesses; set goals; establish motivation)• Demonstration and Practice Session



For updated workshop schedules visit:

DAY THREEOrientation Review Procedure (a method for checking orientation skills)• Demonstration & Practice SessionDavis Symbol Mastery® (the key to correcting dyslexia)• What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?Mastering Basic Language Symbols• Demonstrations and Group ExercisesReading Improvement Exercises• Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-Punctuation

DAY TWODavis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions)• What is Orientation? Demonstration & Practice SessionRelease Procedure (method to alleviate stress, headaches)Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling)• What is Alignment? How is it used? Group DemonstrationDial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling energy levels)

AustraliaApril 2010MelbournePresenter: Lorna TimmsLanguage; EnglishEmail: +64 (3) 477 0056

Germany 29 Oct -1 Nov 2009Hamburg Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis Language: German / English translation Email: Telephone: +49 (040) 25 17 86 22

Mexico 21 –24 October 2009 Guadalajara, Jalisco Presenter: Cathy Calderón Language: Spanish Email: Telephone: +52 (81) 8335 9435

United Kingdom 14 – 17 december 2009Great Malvern, Worcestershire Presenter: Richard Whitehead Language: English Email: Telephone: +44 (0)1227 732288

United States 5 - 8 Oct 2009 San Francisco, CA Presenter: Lorna Timms Language: English Email: Telephone: 1 (888) 392-1134

24 - 27 Oct 2009 Boston, MA Presenter: Gerry Grant Language: English Email: Telephone: 1 (888) 392-1134

23 - 26 Jan 2010 Dallas/Ft.Worth, TX Presenter: Gerry Grant Language: English Email: Telephone: 1 (888) 392-1134

To register for US workshops call toll free 1 (888) 805-7216

Materials included with workshop

DAY FOURFine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting orientation using balance)Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words• Demonstrations• Group Exercises• Practice Sessions Implementing the Davis Procedures


Based on the best-selling bookThe Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. DavisThis 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination of lectures, demonstrations, group practice, and question and answer sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest quality of training.Who should attend:• Reading Specialists & Tutors• Parents & Homeschoolers• Resource Specialists• Educational Therapists• Occupational Therapists• Speech/Language TherapistsParticipants will learn:• How the Davis procedures were developed• How to assess for the “gift of dyslexia.”• How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus attention.• The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading.• How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching, home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting.See page 27 for more workshop details.

DDAI-Int’l, Canada & USA1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 260Burlingame, CA 94010Tel: 1-888-805-7216 Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075E-mail:

DDA-Israel20 Ha’shahafim St.Ra’anana 43724 ISRAELTel: 972 (0523) 693 384 or (0)9 774 7979Fax: 972 (09) 772-9889E-mail:

DDA-Latin AmericaCalzada del Valle #400 Local 8Colonia del ValleGarza García, Monterrey Nuevo LeónMéxico, CP 66220Tel: 52 (81) 8335-9435Email:

DDA-NederlandKerkweg 38a 6105 CG Maria Hoop, NEDERLANDTel: 31 (475) 520 433Fax: 31 (0475) 301 381E-mail:

DDA-DACHDeutschland-Austria-Switzerland Wandsbecker Chausee 132D-22089 Hamburg

GERMANYTel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24E-mail:

SWITZERLANDTel: 41 (061) 273 81 85E-MAIL:

DDA-UKDavis Learning FoundationPO Box 972CanterburyKent CT1 9DNTel: 44 (0)1227 732 288Fax: 44 (0)1227 731 756E-mail:

DDA-Pacific295 Rattray Street Dunedin, New Zealand 9016Tel: 64 (0274) 399 020 Fax: 0064 3 456 2028 Email:

Enrollment limited v Classes fill Early v Call 1 (888) 805-7216 or 1 (650) 692-7141For updated workshop schedules visit

For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask for our booklet.

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.

The Gift of Dyslexia Workshop

2009-2010 International Schedule

Questions? Call Dorothy Owen Davis Training Consultant:Toll Free: 1 (888) 392-1134Email:

U.S.A. Workshop Information:

The Dys•lex •́ic Read•́er1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 260Burlingame, CA 94010






5 – 8 Oct San Francisco, CA USA

21 – 24 Oct Guadalajara Mexico

24 – 27 Oct Boston, MA USA

29 Oct – 1 Nov Hamburg Germany

14 – 7 Dec Worcestershire UK


23 – 26 January Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX USA

April Melbourne Australia


U.S. Course Schedule • 8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day)• 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (lunch break 12:00-1:30) U.S. Fees and discounts – Special Rates for 2009• $925 per person, normally $1175 ($200 deposit required)• $875 early bird discount with full payment, normally $1075• Advance registration required• Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership, verification of attendance, and Workshop Kit• Academic units and CEUs available

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