the edmonton chamber music society · 2013. 10. 24. · braun, tenor michael schade, violinists...

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    Isabel Bayrakdarian, Soprano Serouj Kradjian, Piano

    Friday, October 25, 2013 at 8:00 pm McDougall United Church, Edmonton

    Sponsored by:


    Die drei Zigeuner Franz Liszt (1811-1886) Tre sonetti di Petrarca, S. 270, No. 1: Pace non trovo, Sonnet No. 134 Tre sonetti di Petrarca, S. 270 No. 3: I vidi in terra angelici costumi, Sonnet No. 156 Songs and Sonnets to Ophelia Jake Heggie (1961 - )

    Ophelia’s Song Women have loved before Not in a silver casket Spring

    La mort d’Ophelie, H. 92a Opus 18 No. 2 Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) Chanson Perpetuelle Ernest Chausson (1855-1899)

    ~INTERMISSION~ Armenian Folk Songs Gomidas Vartaped (1869-1935)

    Ah, Dear Maral Call to the Sea Lullaby Apricot Tree

    Cinco Canciones Negras Xavier Montsalvatge

    Cuba dentro de un piano Punto de habanera Chevere Cancion de cuna para dormer a un negrito Canto negro

    El Dia que me quieras Carlos Gardel (1890-1935) Che tango che Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992) Beautiful Dream (Tchknagh Yeraz) Arno Babadjanian (1921-1983) THE PERFORMERS THE ARTISTS

    As a courtesy to the artists and your fellow patrons, please turn off all cell phones, pagers and similar electronic devices. Speaking on cell phones, texting, emailing and playing electronic games are forbidden during the performance. Any form of photography, video or audio recording during the performance is prohibited without the prior written consent of The Edmonton Chamber Music Society.

  • Isabel Bayrakdarian, Soprano

    Isabel Bayrakdarian is an eagerly anticipated visitor to opera houses and concert halls the world over. She revels in an artistic scope ranging from operas old, new, and in-between to art, folk and pop songs of many lands, languages, and genres. She is as celebrated for her beauty, presence, intelligence and style as for her strikingly multihued voice.

    On the opera stage a notable early success occurred in the Lyric Opera of

    Chicago’s world premiere production of William Bolcom’s A View from the Bridge, followed a year later by first prize in Plácido Domingo’s Operalia competition. Significant debut appearances quickly followed at San Francisco Opera and the Metropolitan Opera. Mozart became a specialty that took her to new houses including Houston, Salzburg, Los Angeles, and London, but she refuses to be hemmed into a particular period or style. Her roles at the Canadian Opera Company range from Gluck’s Euridice to Debussy’s Mélisande to Poulenc’s Blanche in Dialogues des Carmélites; and she shines as Monteverdi’s Poppea in Barcelona, Handel’s Romilda (Serse) in Dresden, and Janáček’s Vixen.

    Isabel has appeared in concert with the premier orchestras of New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Minnesota, Paris, London, Vienna, Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal under an imposing array of leading conductors. Her recitals are widely applauded for their eclectic repertoire and unfailing communicative grasp of language and style.

    Ms. Bayrakdarian’s Juno and Grammy Award-winning discography includes projects as diverse as baroque arias about Cleopatra, 19th-century songs of Pauline Viardot-Garcia, Mozart arias and duets; Spanish, Brazilian and Argentine songs; works of the Armenian composer Gomidas Vartabed; Gorecki’s Symphony No. 3; Mahler’s Symphony No. 2; the soundtracks to The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Ararat; and a dance remix with the trance band Delerium.

    Born in Lebanon, Ms. Bayrakdarian is proudly Armenian by heritage; Eileen Thalenberg’s television film A Long Journey Home, which movingly traced Isabel’s first visit to her ancestral homeland, won a Best Documentary nomination in Canada’s 2006 Gemini Awards.

  • Serouj Kradjian, Piano

    Canadian pianist and composer Serouj Kradjian has established himself as a versatile artist whose readiness to break boundaries and explore different styles has made him an exciting voice on the international music scene.

    The New York Times has described Juno award winning and Grammy-nominated Kradjian's playing as a "persuasive balance between elegance and spirit". The Globe and Mail called him "a keyboard acrobat" of "crystal virtuosity", and the Frankfurter

    Allegemeine said he had a "fiery temperament and elegant sound" with "a technique to burn”.

    Mr. Kradjian has appeared with the Vancouver and Edmonton Symphonies, Madrid Symphony, Göttingen Symphony, Russian National Orchestra, the Armenian Philharmonic and the Thailand Philharmonic under the baton of such eminent conductors as Bramwell Tovey, Stéphane Denève, Anne Manson, Gudni Emilsson and Raffi Armenian.

    Solo and chamber music recitals have taken Mr. Kradjian to many prestigious venues around the world, including Roy Thomson Hall, Koerner Hall (Toronto), Carnegie Hall (New York City), Orpheum Theatre (Vancouver), Spivey Hall (Atlanta), Herbst Theatre (San Francisco), Jordan Hall (Boston), Cultural Center (Chicago), Wigmore Hall (London, UK) Salle Gaveau (Paris, FR). He has been invited to esteemed festivals, amongst them, the Ottawa Chamber Music Festival, the Montreal Chamber Music Festival, Bergen Festival, Savannah Music Festival, Colmar Festival and the Festival Del Sole- Tuscan Sun Festival in Cortona, Italy.

    As a busy collaborative artist he has appeared in concert with sopranos Dawn Upshaw, Isabel Bayrakdarian, Hasmik Papian, baritone Russell Braun, tenor Michael Schade, violinists Lara St. John, Jonathan Crow and Ara Malikian. the Pacifica Quartet, and the Arthur LeBlanc Quartet.

    Serouj Kradjian's discography includes the highly acclaimed Transcendental Etudes and Piano Concerti by Franz Liszt on the Warner Music Spain label, "Miniatures", an anthology


    Die Drei Zigeuner

    Drei Zigeuner fand ich einmal Liegen an einer Weide, Als mein Fuhrwerk mit müder Qual Schlich durch sandige Heide. Hielt der eine für sich allein In den Händen die Fiedel, Spielt', umglüht vom Abendschein, Sich ein lustiges Liedel. Hielt der zweite die Pfeif' im Mund, Blickte nach seinem Rauche, Froh, als ob er vom Erdenrund Nichts zum Glücke mehr brauche. Und der dritte behaglich schlief, Und sein Zymbal am Baum hing; Über die Saiten der Windhauch lief, Über sein Herz ein Traum ging. An die Kleidern trugen die drei Löcher und bunte Flicken; Aber sie boten trotzig frei Spott den Erdengeschicken. Dreifach haben sie mir gezeigt, Wenn das Leben uns nachtet, Wie man's verschläft, verraucht, vergeigt, Und es dreifach verachtet. Nach den Zigeunern lange noch Mußt ich schaun im Weiterfahren, Nach den Gesichtern dunkelbraun, nach den schwarzlockigen Haaren.

    The Three Gypsies

    Three Gypsies I found once lying by a willow, as my cart with weary torture crawled over the sandy heath. One, for himself alone, was holding his fiddle in his hands, playing, as the sunset glow surrounded him, a merry little tune. The second held a pipe in his mouth and watched his smoke with cheer, as if from the world he required nothing more for his happiness. And the third slept comfortably: from the tree hung his cymbalom; over its strings the wind's breath ran; in his heart a dream was playing. On the clothing those three wore were holes and colorful patches; but, defiantly free, they made a mockery of earthly fate. Trebly they showed me how, when life grows dark for us, one can smoke, sleep or play it away, and thus trebly to scorn it. At the Gypsies, longer yet I had to gaze in passing, at their dark brown faces, at their black-locked hair.

  • Pace non Trovo Pace non trovo, e non ho da far guerra, E terno, e spero, ed ardo, e son un ghiaccio: E volo sopra 'l cielo, e giaccio in terra; E nulla stringo, e tutto 'l mondo abbraccio. Tal m'ha in priggion, che non m'apre, nè serra, Né per suo mi ritien, né scioglie il laccio, E non m'uccide Amor, e non mi sferra; Né mi vuol vivo, né mi trahe d'impaccio. Veggio senz'occhi; e non ho lingua e grido; E bramo di perir, e cheggio aita; Ed ho in odio me stesso, ed amo altrui: Pascomi di dolor; piangendo rido; Egualmente mi spiace morte e vita. In questo stato son, Donna, per Voi.

    I Can’t Find Peace

    I can’t find peace and don’t know how to fight, I fear, and hope, and burn and am like ice, I fly over the skies and lie on earth, And I grasp nothing though all the world embrace. She who holds me captive neither locks me in nor lets me out, Nor claims me for her own or unties the knot. Love neither kills me nor does it set me free, Neither does he want me to live Nor to get me out of trouble. I see without eyes, I can’t find words And yet I cry out, I wish to die and I seek help; I hate myself and love another; I feed on grief and laugh amidst my tears; Equally death and life displease me, To such a state you have brought me, woman.

  • Vidi in Terra Angelici Costumi I vidi in terra angelici costumi, E celesti bellezzo al mondo sole; Tal che di rimembrar mi giova, e dole: Che quant'io miro, par sogni, ombre, e fumi. E vidi lagrimar que' duo bei lumi, Ch'han fatto mille volte invidia al sole; Ed udì sospirando dir parole Che farian gir i monti, e stare i fiumi. Amor! senno! valor, pietate, e doglia Facean piangendo un più dolce concento D'ogni altro, che nel mondo udir si soglia. Ed era 'l cielo all'armonia s'intento Che non si vedea in ramo mover foglia. Tanta dolcezza avea pien l'aer e 'l vento.

    I Saw on Earth Heavenly Qualities

    I saw on earth heavenly qualities; And celestial beauties unique in the world; So that to remember pleases me and hurts me, That what I look at seems dreams, shadows and smoke. And I saw weeping those two beautiful eyes, Which have made a thousand times jealous the sun; And I heard her sighing, say words That would move mountains and stop rivers. Love, wisdom, virtue, compassion and pain Form weeping a more sweet harmony Than any other that can be heard in the entire world; And there was in the air a harmony so intense That could not be seen in the branches move a leaf, The air and the wind were full of so much sweetness.

  • From Songs and Sonnets to Ophelia Ophelia’s Song The hills are green, my dear one. and blossoms are filling the air. The spring is arisen and I am a prisoner there. In this flowery field I’ll lay me and dream of the open air. The spring is arisen and I am a prisoner there. Taste of the honey. Sip of the wine. Pine for a chalice of gold. I have a dear one and he is mine. Thicker than water. Water so cold. In this flowery field I’ll lay me and dream of the open air. The spring is arisen and I am a prisoner there.

    Women Have Loved Before

    Women have loved before as I love now; At least, in lively chronicles of the past - Of Irish waters by a Cornish prow Or Trojan waters by a Spartan mast Much to their cost invaded - here and there, Hunting the amorous line, skimming the rest, I find some woman bearing as I bear Love like a burning city in the breast. I think however that of all alive I only in such utter, ancient way Do suffer love; in me alone survive The unregenerate passions of a day When treacherous queens, with death upon the tread, Heedless and willful, took their knights to bed.

  • Not in a Silver

    Not in a silver casket cool with pearls Or rich with red corundum or with blue, Locked, and the key withheld, as other girls Have given their loves, I give my love to you; Not in a lover’s knot, not in a ring Worked in such fashion, and the legend plain – Semper Fidelis, where a secret spring Kennels a drop of mischief for the brain; Love in the open hand, nothing but that, Ungemmed, unhidden, wishing not to hurt, As one should bring you cowslips in a hat Swung from the hand, or apples in her skirt, I bring you, calling out as children do: “Look what I have! - And these are all for you!”


    To what purpose April, do you return again? Beauty is not enough. You can no longer quiet me with the redness Of little leaves opening stickily. I know what I know. The sun is hot on my neck as I observe The spikes of the crocus. The smell of the earth is good. It is apparent there is no death. But what does that signify? Not only underground are the brains of men Eaten by maggots. Life in itself Is nothing, An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs. It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

  • La Mort d’Ophelie H. 92a Opus 18 No.2

    Auprès d'un torrent, Ophélie Cueillait tout en suivant le bord, Dans sa douce et tendre folie, Des pervenches, des boutons d'or, Des iris aux couleurs d'opale, Et de ces fleurs d'un rose pâle, Qu'on appelle des doigts de mort. Ah! Puis élevant sur ses mains blanches Les riants trésors du matin, Elle les suspendait aux branches, Aux branches d'un saule voisin; Mais, trop faible, le rameau plie, Se brise, et la pauvre Ophélie Tombe, sa guirlande à la main. Quelques instants, sa robe enflée La tint encor sur le courant, Et comme une voile gonflée, Elle flottait toujours, chantant, Chantant quelque vieille ballade, Chantant ainsi qu'une naïade Née au milieu de ce torrent. Mais cette étrange mélodie Passa rapide comme un son; Par les flots la robe alourdie Bientôt dans l'abîme profond; Entraïna la pauvre insensée, Laissant à peine commencée Sa mélodieuse chanson. Ah!

    Death of Ophelia

    Beside a stream, Ophelia, Following the bank, gathered, In her gentle, tender madness, Periwinkles, buttercups, Opal-tinted irises, And those pale pink blossoms Called dead men’s fingers. Ah! Then, in her white hands lifting The morning’s laughing treasures, She hung them on the branches, The branches of a nearby willow. But the branch was too frail, it bent And broke, and poor Ophelia Fell, still holding her garland in her hand. For a while her wide-spread dress Bore her upon the surface, And like a swelling sail She floated, singing still, Singing some ancient ballad, Singing like a water-nymph Born in that very stream. But this strange song Ended, brief as a passing sound. Her dress, made heavy with water, Soon dragged the poor, mad girl Into the depths, Leaving her melodious song Hardly begun. Ah!

  • Chanson Perpetuelle

    Bois frissonnants, ciel étoilé Mon bien-aimé s'en est allé Emportant mon coeur désolé. Vents, que vos plaintives rumeurs, Que vos chants, rossignols charmeurs, Aillent lui dire que je meurs. Le premier soir qu'il vint ici, Mon âme fut à sa merci; De fierté je n'eus plus souci. Mes regards étaient pleins d'aveux. Il me prit dans ses bras nerveux Et me baisa près des cheveux. J'en eus un grand frémissement. Et puis je ne sais comment Il est devenu mon amant. Je lui disais: "Tu m'aimeras Aussi longtemps que tu pourras." Je ne dormais bien qu'en ses bras. Mais lui, sentant son coeur éteint, S'en est allé l'autre matin Sans moi, dans un pays lointain. Puisque je n'ai plus mon ami, Je mourrai dans l'étang, parmi Les fleurs sous le flot endormi. Sur le bord arrivée, au vent Je dirai son nom, en rêvant Que là je l'attendis souvent. Et comme en un linceul doré, Dans mes cheveux défaits, au gré

    Endless Song

    Trembling trees, starry sky My beloved has gone away Bearing with him my desolate heart. Winds, let your plaintive noises Let your songs, charming nightingales, Tell him that I die. The first night he came here, My soul was at his mercy; I no longer cared about my pride. My glances were full of promise. He took me into his trembling arms And kissed me near the hair. I felt a great quivering. And then, I don't know how He became my lover. I said to him: "You will love me As long as you are able." I never slept as well as in his arms. But he, feeling his heart fade, Left the other day Without me, for a foreign land. Since I no longer have my friend, I will die in this pool, among The flowers under the sleeping current. Arriving on the shoreline, I will speak his name to the wind, In a dream that I await him there. And like in a gilded shroud With hair tousled at the wind's

  • Du vent je m'abandonnerai. Les bonheurs passés verseront Leur douce lueur sur mon front, Et les joncs verts m'enlaceront. Et mon sein croira, frémissant Sous l'enlacement caressant, Subir l'étreinte de l'absent.

    whim, I will let myself go. The happy hours of the past will glimmer on my face, And the green reeds will entrap me. And my breast, shuddering under the caress of their entwinement, will believe it submits to the embrace of the one who left.

    Akh, Maral jan

    Akh, Maral jan, Gogons tormadz mnats, Jan, kyaral jan, Sirds gragadz mnats. Akh, Maral jan, Inch anem im abréle, Jan, kyaral jan, Im atchere tats mnats.

    Ah, Dear Maral

    Ah, dear Maral, The rose which I held for you has long wilted, My dear beautiful one, My heart is in flames. Ah, my dear Maral, What shall I do with my life, My dear beautiful one, I am in tears.

    Tsayn door ov dzovag

    Tsayn door, ov dzovag, inchoo Iroom es, Voghpagits linel, chgamis tjpakhdis, Sharjetsek, zepyurk, alike ved-ved, Kharnek ardasooks ays chreri hed. Artyok kaloo e mi or jamanag, Desnel Masisi klkhin mi troshag, Yev amen goghmits bantookhd hayazkik, Timel teb yuryants siroon hayrenik

    Call to the Sea Speak to me, Oh sea, why are you so silent, Do you mourn with me, May the winds move your waves, And mix my tears with your waters. O wonder if the day will come, When I will see a flag on Mount Ararat, And Armenians from all over the world,

    Will make their way to their dear homeland.

  • Oror Aghvor es, choonis khalad, Yertam ov perim bekhalad, Oror. Yertam loosengan perim Loosoon asdghere bekhalad


    Lullaby You are priceless, flawless too, There is no one who can compare to you. Sleep, my child. I could go and bring over the moon to you,

    The moon and the stars are flawless, too. Sleep, my child.

    Dzirani Dzar Dzirani dzar, bar mi da, vay Jghnert irar mi da, vay Amen mecht man kalis, Tsavers irar mi da. Ha dvek, yed dvek, sarer- hovn engav, Srdis khntoom dzovn engav. Kna, el yed chka es darva darin, Sev dardn im vzov engav. Hov, hov, hovn engav, Srdis khntoom dzovn engav.

    Apricot Tree Apricot tree, do not bear fruit, vay! Don’t let your branches entwine, vay! Everytime I walk in your shadow, My pain and suffering also entwine. Give me, o give me back the joy of heart, which like the wind has drowned in the sea. May this terrible year end and never come back! The pain has plunged me into the black abyss! How the wind howls, Drowning the laughter of my heart into the sea.

    Cuba Dentro de un Piano

    Cuando mi madre llevaba un sorbete de fresa por sombrero, y el humo de los barcos aún era humo de habanero, Mulata vuelta abajera, Cádiz se adormecía entre fandangos y habaneras, y un lorito al piano quería hacer de tenor. Dime donde está la flor Que el hombre tanto venera. Mi tio Antonio volvía

    Cuba Inside a Piano

    When my mother wore a strawberry sorbet for a hat, and the smoke of the ships was still smoke from cigars, from dark Vuelta Abajo leaves, Cadiz went to sleep between fandangos and habaneras and a small parrot at the piano tried to sing tenor. Tell me where the flower is that man so intently worships.

  • Con su aire de insurrecto. La Canbaña y el Principe sonaban por los patios del Puerto. Ya no brilla la Perla azul del mar de las Antillas. Ya se apagó se nos ha muerto. Me encontré con la bella Trinidad: Cuba se había perdido; y ahora era verdad, era verdad; no era mentira. Un cañonero huido llegó Cantándolo en guajiras. La Habana ya se perdió. Tuvo la culpa el dinero. Calló, cayó el cañonero. Pero después, Pero ah después Fue cuando al “Sí” lo hicieron “Yes”!

    My uncle Antonio returned with his insurrectionist air. The Cabaña and the Principe resounded through the patios of the harbor. No more shines the blue pearl of the Antillean sea. It has gone out, it has died on us. I ran into the beautiful Trinidad: Cuba had been lost; And now it is true, it is true, it was no lie. A fleeing gunboat came in Singing the tale in guajiras. Havana was already lost. Money was to blame. It fell, the gunboat fell silent. But later … ah, but later When they took “Si” and turned it into “Yes”!

    Punto de Habanera

    La niña criolla pasa con su miriña que blanco. Qué blanco! Hola, crespón de tu es puma. Marineros, contempladla! Va mojadita de lunas que le hacen su piel mulata. Niña, no te quejes, tan solo por esta tarde. Quisierra mandar al agua. que no se escape de pronto de la cárcel de tu falda. Tu cuerpo encierra esta tarde rumor de abrir se de dalia. Niña, no te quejes, Tu cuerpo de fruta está dormido en fresco brocade. Tu cintura vibra fina con la nobleza de un látigo. Toda tu piel huele alegre a limonal y a naranjo. Los marineros te miran

    Habanera Strain

    The creole girl passes by in her white crinoline. How white! Hey, the crepe of your foam Sailors, get a look at her! She walks moist from the droplets that are on her dark skin. Little girl, do not worry, all alone this evening. I would like to order water. not to escape too soon from the prison of your skirt Your body encloses this evening, the murmur of the dahlia opening. Little girl, do not fret, Your body is fruit asleep in the embroidered breeze. Your waist quivers finely with the nobility of a whip. All your skin smells joyfully of lemon and orange. The sailors look at you

  • y se te quedan mirando. La niña criolla pasa con su miriña que blanco que blanco!

    and they keep looking at you. The creole girl goes by with her white crinoline how white!


    Chévere del navajazo se vuelve él mismo navaja. Pica tajadas de luna, más la luna se le acaba; pica tajadas de sombra más la sombra se le acaba; pica tajadas de canto, más la canto se le acaba, y entonces, pica que pica carne de su negra mala!

    The Man with a Knife

    Cavalier of the knife thrust turns himself into a knife. He cuts the moon up in slices, but he runs out of moon; he cuts shadows in slices, but he runs out of shadows; he cuts songs up in slices, but he runs out of songs, and then he slashes away at the flesh of his bad black woman!

    Canción de Cuna Para Dormir a un Negrito

    Ninghe, tan chiquitito el negrito que no quiere dormer. Cabeza de coco, grano de café con lindas motitas, con ojos grandotes como dos ventanas que miran al mar. Cierra los ojitos, negrito asustado; el mandinga blanco te puede comer. Ya no eres esclavo! y si duermes mucho el señor de casa promete comprar traje con botones para ser un “groom.” Ninghe, duérmete, negrito, Cabeza de coco, grano de café.

    Lullaby for a Little Black Boy

    Ninghe, little tiny one little black child who doesn’t want to sleep. Coconut head, coffee bean with pretty freckles with big eyes like two windows overlooking the sea. Close your little eyes, frightened boy; the white boogey-man is going to eat you. You are not a slave anymore! and if you sleep the master of the house promises to buy you a suit with buttons so you can be a groom. Ninghe, sleep little black boy, Coconut head, coffee bean.

  • Canto Negro

    Yambambó, Yambambé! Repica el congo solongo, repica el negro bien negro. Aoé! Congo solongo del Songo baila yambó sobre un pié. Yambambó! Yambambé! Mamatomba serembé cuserembá, el negro canta y se ajuma. Mamatomba serembé cuserembá, el negro se ajuma y canta. Mamatomba serembé cuserembá, el negro canta y se va. Acuememe serembó aé, yambambó aé, yambambé aó. Tamba del negro que tumba, tamba del negro, caramba, caramba, que el negro tumba, Yambá, yambó! Yambambé, yambambó, yambambé! Baila yambo sobre un pié!

    Black Song

    Yambambó! Yambambé! The Congo solongo struts by, the very black man struts by. the Congo solongo from Songo dances the yambó on one foot. Yambambó! Yambambé! Mamatomba serembé cuserembá, the black man sings and gets drunk. Mamatomba serembé cuserembá, the black man gets drunk and sings. Mamatomba serembé cuserembá, the black man sings and goes. Acuememe serembó aé, yambambó aé, yambambé aó. Tamba the black man staggers, the black man staggers, caramba, caramba, the black man falls, Yambá, yambó! Yambambé, yambambó, yambambé! he dances the yambo on one foot!

  • El Dia que me Quieras

    Acaricia mi ensueño el suave murmullo de tu suspirar. Como ríe la vida si tus ojos negros me quieren mirar. Y si es mío el amparo de tu risa leve que es como un cantar, ella aquieta mi herida, ¡todo todo se olvida!

    El día que me quieras la rosa que engalana, se vestirá de fiesta con su mejor color. Y al viento las campanas dirán que ya eres mía, y locas las fontanas se contarán tu amor.

    La noche que me quieras desde el azul del cielo, las estrellas celosas nos mirarán pasar. Y un rayo misterioso hara nido en tu pelo, luciérnaga curiosa que verá ... ¡que eres mi consuelo!...


    El día que me quieras no habrá más que armonías. Será clara la aurora y alegre el manantial. Traerá quieta la brisa rumor de melodía y nos darán las fuentes su canto de cristal. El día que me quieras endulzará sus cuerdas

    The Day When You Love Me

    I hear you softly breathing; That quiet murmur caresses my dream. How my life is laughing If your big dark eyes look at me with their gleam. And if I have the comfort Of your singing laughter, whose bursts always seem To make my wound feel better, I become a forgetter!

    The day when you will love me The lovely roses clinging To my old house will dress up In all their festive hue. The wind chimes will be ringing To tell the world you’re mine now; The fountains, madly singing How I am loved by you.

    The night when you will love me, From the blue sky above us The jealous stars will see us As we walk hand in hand. A ray of light, mysterious, Will nest in your dark tresses, A glowworm, ever curious, Who will see... you’re the gift that blesses!


    The day when you will love me All things will be harmonious. So bright will be the dawn and So bubbly the spring. The quiet breeze will carry The sound of gentle music, And we will hear the fountains’ Crystalline voices sing. The day when you will love me

  • el pájaro cantor, florecerá la vida no existirá el dolor!


    La noche que me quieras desde el azul del cielo, las estrellas celosas nos mirarán pasar y un rayo misterioso hará nido en tu pelo luciérnaga curiosa que verá ... ¡que eres mi consuelo!

    The singing birds will sweeten Their chords beyond belief, Life will be full of flowers, There will be no more grief!


    The night when you will love me, From the blue sky above us The jealous stars will see us As we walk hand in hand. A ray of light, mysterious, Will nest in your dark tresses, A glowworm, ever curious, Who will see... you’re the gift that blesses!

  • Che Tango Che

    Che Tango Che rossée usée abusée et désabusée Che Tango Che Che Tango Che qui m’a drague qui m’a drogue qui m’a croque Che Tango Che Che Tango Che limée minée elimée et éliminée Che Tango Che. Che Tango Che qui m’a violée qui m’a vicie qui m’a vire. Che Tango Che fauchée fichée esseulée et déboussolée Che Tango Che. Qui me frôlais qui m’affolais et qui m’a floue Che Tango Che Tu m’as fait valdinguer Tu m’as fait déglinguer Tu m’avais déshabillée Tu m’avais dévergonde Tu m’as fait me pâmer Tu m’as fait me paumer Tu m’avais tannée

    Che Tango Che

    Che Tango Che Slapped spent Abused and surly Che Tango Che Che Tango Che Who picked me up Who doped me up Who ate me up Che Tango Che Che Tango Che Grated gashed Ground and Grilled Che Tango Che Che Tango Che Who raped me Who corrupted me Who dumped me. Che Tango Che Broke slotted Alone and Out of joint Che Tango Che Who brushed up against me Who drove me berserk Who jerked me around Che Tango Che You made me crash You made me bonkers You had stripped me You had made me run wild You made me enjoy it You made me lose myself Had hounded me down You had subdued me

  • Tu m’avais mate Tu m’as baratine Et tu m’as laisse Rétamée. Che Tango Che Râpée tapée Camée cassée Décarcassée Che Tango Che Che Tango Che Qui m’a gâte Qui m’a fête Qui m’a jete Che Tango Che Bandominée Bandorlotée Bando dormant Néon néant Abandonnée Che Tango Che Qui m’a soûlé Qui m’a roule Et m’a coule Che Tango Che Tango câlin Tango éteint Tango destin Che Tango Che Qui m’a grise Qui m’a brise Mais qui m’a aime Che Tango Che.

    You had strung me along And you left me exhausted. Che Tango Che Used-up banged-up Drugged-up busted-up Boneless Che Tango Che Che Tango Che Who spoiled me Who praised me Who ditched me Che Tango Che Blindfolded Blind comfort Sleeping bandanna Worthless neon Reckless Che Tango Che Who made me drunk Who ripped me off Who drowned me. Che Tango Che Fondling tango Fading tango Fated tango Che Tango Che Who went to my head Who split me up But who loved me Che Tango Che

  • Tcheknagh Yeraz

    Du ints hamar siro aghpouyr Yes kez hamar kootse vochinch Du ints hamar yeraz makoor Yes kez hamar kootse vochinch Hervits kone yes kez desnem sirem Vorbes gyankees tcheknagh yeraz Arekageen bedk e hervits nayel. Gayre yete shad modenas. Gyankoom du mishd oorakh mnas Yev mishd yeghir baydsar oo tchintch Ampoghtch mi gyank sirov kda Yes kez hamar kootse votchintch Hervits kone yes kez desnem sirem Vorbes gyankees tcheknagh yeraz Arekageen bedk e hervits nayel Gayre yete shad modenas. Gayre yete shad modenas. Dui m gyankee tcheknagh yeraz.

    Beautiful Dream

    To me, you are the fountain of love. To you, I am probably nothing at all. To me, you are the purest of all dreams. To you, I am probably nothing at all. At least let me see you from afar And love you as my life’s beautiful dream. One should look at the sun from a distance; It will burn if you get too close to it. May you always be happy in life And my you remain radiant and pure forever. I’ve found the meaning of life through my love for you, Even though I probably mean nothing to you. At least let me see you from afar And love you as my life’s beautiful dream. One should look at the sun from a distance; It will burn if you get too close to it. It will burn if you get too close to it. You are the beautiful dream of my life!

  • EDMONTON CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY The Edmonton Chamber Music Society is a registered non-profit association that brings outstanding chamber concerts to Edmonton. It has no employees. Fund-raising, publicity, and concert management are provided by volunteers. Over the past year, the following supporters have made it possible to bring these chamber concerts to Edmonton.

    ECMS 2013/14 DONORS

    Scott Allison Anna Altmann Catherine Andrew Barbara Batoni Barbara & Jim Beck Joe Brumlik Kathryn Buchanan J.Carrington Rachel Christopher Christina Cooper Kathleen Daintith Brenda Dale Sandi Darrel Sylvia Duffus M. Duhaime Evelyn Ellerman H. Feldberg Karen Fingas Michael Harvey Margaret Haughey Geraldine Haythorne Frank & Ruth Henderson Margaret Hennessey Neil & Jeanne Henry Judith Hibberd Rosemary Holsworth Hendrik Hulleman Linda Hutchings Robert & Margaret Iveson Edward S. Johnson Anna Jordan

    Brenda MacDonald E. Anne MacDonald Lynn Malin Alan Mather G. B. McLaren Caroline McManus Cecily Mills Heather Mills Dr. Stephen & Mrs. Lynne Murgatroyd Esther Ondrack CindyPaszkowski / Bill Tonn LeeAnne Pellerin Dr. Janet Robertson / Dr. Gerald Stemke Rachel Santiago Dr. Alison Scott-Prelorentzos Dorothy Scott-Stoutjesdyk Anne Strack Vicki Strang Merna Summers J. A. Sybesma Donna & Denny Thomas Dr. Lillian Upright Gus & Pat Visman Bruce & Lori Walker Nicholas Wickenden Muriel Whitaker Fred Ziegler

  • ECMS 2013/14 VOLUNTEERS Jo-Anne Bacon Richard Bosley Vivien Bosley June Carrington Kathy Carter Sylvia Duffus Barbara Forbes

    Karen Hansen Kathy Harvey Michael Harvey Elaine Herford Judith Johnson Gloria Mok Floran Sabac

    Andrew St. Hilaire Rachel Santiago Alan Sharpe Carol Sperling Anne Strack Beth Young


    Scott Allison Jo-Anne Bacon Gwenyth Barr Barbara Beck Jim Beck Vivien Bosley Elinor Burwash Bill Carter Kathy Carter Victoria Clarke Gerald Cliff Kathleen Daintith Philip Davidson Frank Dunnigan Karen Fingas

    Dorcas Fulton Marnie Gomez Karen Hansen Kathy Harvey Michael Harvey Travis Huckell Judith Johnson Eleanor Klarenbach Loretta Klarenbach Mary Catherine Macdonald Alan Mather Cecily Mills

    Don Morrish Diana Nuttall Cindy Paszkowski Leonard Penner Sue Quon Verna Quon Janet Robertson Alan Sharpe Gerald Stemke Patty Tao Donna Thomas Bill Tonn Diane Trithardt Tara Vongpaisal



    President Dorcas Fulton Vice President Karen Fingas Past President Dorcas Fulton

    Treasurer Kathleen Daintith Secretaries Jo-Anne Bacon & Kathy Carter

    Program Don Morrish Ticket Manager Verna Quon

    Publicity Tara Vongpaisal Summer Festival, Outreach Patricia Tao

    Membership Secretary Naomi Rankin Member at Large Silvia Buttiglione

  • Corporate Partners:

    NEXT CONCERT Anonymous 4

    Saturday, November 9, 2013 7:30 pm

    West End Christian Reformed Church

    Visit our website:

    Thanks to Bryan Taylor at The Gramophone for his support of the draw for one gift certificate at each concert 7913 104 Street NW, Edmonton

    Thanks to Continental Treat for supporting the draw for one gift certificate at each concert. ECMS season subscribers receive a 5% discount on any meal upon presentation of the notice attached to their season ticket package. 10560 82 (Whyte) Avenue, Edmonton

    Pace non TrovoCall to the SeaLullabyOrorDzirani Dzar

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