the effect of using tps (think-pair-share) towards · of...

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    Submitted As A Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement for The Sarjana Degree in

    English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

    University of Mataram



    E1D 110 007









    JURUSAN BAHASA DAN SENI Jl. Majapahit No. 62 Telp.(0370)623873 Fax. 634918 Mataram 83125


    A journal entitled “The Effect of Using TPS (Think-Pair-Share) Towards Students’

    Achievement in Writing Analytical Exposition Text: An Experimental Research of

    the 2nd

    Grade Students at MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka Putih Desa Aiq Dareq

    Kec. Batukliang Loteng in Academic Year 2013/2014” by Nurul Aini (E1D110007)

    has been approved by the board of consultants as the requirement to achieve Sarjana

    Pendidikan (S.Pd) Degree in English Education Program Faculty of Teacher Training

    and Education Mataram University.


    COVER .................................................................................................................. i

    APPROVAL .......................................................................................................... ii

    RATIFICATION .................................................................................................. iii

    DECLARATION .................................................................................................. iv

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... v

    MOTTO .................................................................................................................. vi

    DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ vii

    TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... viii

    LIST OF APPENDIX ............................................................................................. x

    ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xi

    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

    1.1 Background of Study ............................................................................ 1

    1.2 Statement of Problem ........................................................................... 3

    1.3 Purpose of Study .................................................................................. 3

    1.4 Scope of Study ..................................................................................... 4

    1.5 Hypothesis of Study ............................................................................. 4

    1.6 Significance of Study ........................................................................... 4

    1.7 Definition of Key Terms ...................................................................... 5

    CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................ 6

    2.1 Writing as a Language Skill ................................................................. 6

    2.2 Writing Analytical Exposition ............................................................. 7

    2.3 TPS As a Cooperative Learning .......................................................... 8

    2.4 The Procedure of TPS ......................................................................... 10

    2.5 The Use of TPS As a Technique in Teaching Writing ....................... 12

  • 2.6 Previous Studies on The Use of TPS .............................................. 13

    CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................... 17

    3.1 Research Design ................................................................................... 17

    3.2 Population of Research ........................................................................ 17

    3.3 Sample of Research ............................................................................. 17

    3.4 Research Instrument ............................................................................ 18

    3.6 Data Collection Procedure .................................................................. 20

    3.6 Data Analysis .................................................................................. 23

    3.7 Testing Hypotesis ................................................................................. 24

    CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................................. 26

    4.1 Result .................................................................................................. 26

    4.1.1 Experimental Group ................................................................. 26

    4.1.2 Control Group .......................................................................... 30

    4.1.3 Student Questionnaire Sheets .................................................. 36

    4.2 Discussion .......................................................................................... 37

    CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 40

    5.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................... 40

    5.2 Suggestion ........................................................................................... 40

    REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... xii

    APPENDICES ........................................................................................................ xiii

  • “The Effect of Using TPS (Think-Pair-Share) Towards Students’ Achievement in

    Writing Analytical Exposition Text: An Experimental Research of the 2nd


    Students at MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka Putih Desa Aiq Dareq Kec.

    Batukliang Loteng in Academic Year 2016/2017”

    Nurul Aini(1), Drs. H. Sribagus, MA(2), Arafiq, M. Hum(3)


    This study was conducted to determine if the use of TPS (Think-Pair-Share)

    technique was effective or not in teaching writing analytical exposition text. This study

    was an experimental study with two-group pre-test and post test design. The population

    of this study was 76 of the second grade students of MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka

    Putih in academic year 2016/2017 which were devided into three classess, those were

    social class which consisted of 25 students, science class which consisted of 25

    students, and religion class which consisted of 26 students. The sample of this study

    were 50 students taken through simple random sampling technique by using lottery.

    There were two groups in this study: control group and experimental group.

    Experimental group was treated by using TPS technique as a reinforcement while

    control group was not treated by using TPS. After analyzing and calculating the data, it

    was discovered that the t-test was 6.033. This was higher than the critical value of t-

    table at both confidence level .05 (95%) which was about 1.677 and at confidence level

    .01 (99%) equals to 2.406 in degree of freedom (df) of 48. Based on this finding, it was

    concluded that the use of TPS was effective in improving students’ writing achievement

    of the second grade students of MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka Putih in academic year


    Key words: effect, TPS (think-pair-share), achievement, writing.

  • ““The Effect of Using TPS (Think-Pair-Share) Towards Students’ Achievement in

    Writing Analytical Exposition Text: An Experimental Research of the 2nd


    Students at MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka Putih Desa Aiq Dareq Kec.

    Batukliang Loteng in Academic Year 2016/2017”

    Nurul Aini(1), Drs. H. Sribagus, MA(2), Arafiq, M. Hum(3)


    Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan metode TPS efektif

    atau tidak didalam mengajar writing teks analytical exposition. Studi ini merupakan

    studi experimen dengan menggunakan dua grup pretest dan posttest. Populasi dari studi

    ini terdiri dari 76 siswa kelas 2 MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka Putih tahun ajaran

    2016/2017 yang terbagi menjadi tiga kelas yaitu; kelas IPS yang berjumlah 25 siswa,

    kelas IPA yang berjumlah 25 siswa, dan kelas PAI yang berjumlah 26 siswa. Sampel

    dari studi ini berjumlah 50 siswa yang ditentukan dengan menerapkan teknik simple

    random sampling dengan cara diundi. Terdapat dua grup dalam studi ini yaitu grup

    eksperimen dan grup kontrol dimana grup eksperimen diberikan treatment dengan

    menerapkan metode TPS sedangkan grup kontrol tidak diberikan treatment dengan

    TPS. Setelah menghitung dan menganalisis data, nilai t-test adalah 6.033. Nilai tersebut

    lebih tinggi dari nilai t-table baik pada level confidence .05 (95%) sama dengan 2.406

    dan pada level of convidence .01 (99%) sama dengan 2.406 pada df (degree of freedom)

    48. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode TPS efektif

    didalam meningkatkan nilai siswa dalam menulis teks berbentuk analytical exposition

    pada kelas 2 MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka Putih tahun ajaran 2016/2017.

    Kata Kunci: efek, TPS (think-pair-share), perolehan nilai, menulis.


    English as an International language has become more and more valuable and

    overbearing in almost all of aspects of life such as economics, advertisement, and

    education. In economic aspect for example, almost all of companies and institutions

    have required all of their employees to be able to speak English as the supporting

    criteria to determine them as their recruits. Also, in advertisement English becomes

    more crucial. It can be seen in every product wrapper is printed in English. Moreover, in

    education aspect, English also takes its role as one of the compulsory subject that has to

    be mastered by students. Therefore, to pass the examination, the students have to learn

    and understand English.

    According to Educational Unit - Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat

    SatuanPendidikan: KTSP) 2006 of Senior High School, there are four skills that have to

    be achieved by the students in teaching and learning process namely; listening,

    speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is a complicated skill where if the studens want

    to write, they will not only think about idea, vocabulary but also grammar.

    Additionally, based on the writers’ observation and survey to the field and directly

    interviewed the English teacher of MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka Putih Desa Aiq

    Dareq Kec. Batukliang Loteng, the writer found the following problems both from the

    teacher and the students. From the teacher, the researcher found that the method or

    technique used was totally boring. Furthermore, the students were not active and

    interested in learning English particularly writing.

    Analytical exposition is a kind of text that was very familiar in every test such as

    in national examination, try out and many other tests. Unfortunately, analytical

    exposition became unfamiliar to the students because their teachers were rarely exposed

    and discussed about it.

    Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested to do a research about

    how to increase the students’ achievement in writing particularly in writing analytical

    exposition text. In this case, the writer as a teacher uses TPS (think pair share)

  • technique to help the students in increasing their achievement in writing particularly in

    writing analytical exposition text.

    1.1 Statement of Problem

    Is the use of TPS technique effective in teaching writing analytical exposition text at

    the second year students of MA Uswatun Hasanah Cempaka Putih Desa Aiq Dareq

    Kec. Batukliang Loteng?

    1.2 Purpose of the Study

    The purpose of this research is to discover whether the use of TPS technique is

    effective or not in teaching writing analytical exposition text.

    1.3 Scope of Study

    This research is limited to investigate the effect of TPS technique in increasing

    students’ achievement in writing. In this case the writer focusses on investigating

    the students’ ability in writing analytical exposition text.


    Murcia & Olshtain (2000:142) says,

    “writing skill is the production of written words that results in a

    text, and the text must be read and comprehended in order for

    communication to take place.”

    It means that writing is one of the way to express our idea by using organized

    words and communicative sentences so that the reader will understand about what we

    are going to convey.

    According to Anderson and Anderson (1997: 2-3), analytical exposition text is a

    type of text that is intended to persuade readers that something should be in the case. An

    analytical exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to persuade the

    listeners or readers that something is the case.

    Richard (1988: 357) say that the cooperative learning environment sets the

    stage for students to learn very valuable collaboration and social skills that they will use

    throughout their lives. There are many kinds of cooperative learning. One of them is

    TPS (think-pair-share). Think Pair Share is a technique developed by Frank Lyman in

  • 1985 and his colleagues in the University of Maryland in order to improvise students

    with “food of though” on given a topic, to formulate an individual opinion and share

    their ideas with other students.

    2.1 Previous studies on The Use of TPS

    The first researcher who used TPS as the reinforcement of his study was Yeni

    Arisandi (2013). His research entiteld “The influence of think-pair-share technique

    on the students’ reading ability at the tenth grade students of SMK An-Nahl

    Cibeber Cianjur”. In his research, he used one group pre-test post-test design in

    which he only used one class as his sample and reading comprehension test as the

    instrument. The data from his reasearch showed that the use of TPS in improving

    students’ ability in reading comprehension was effective.

    The next researcher who used TPS in his study was Muhammad Alvan

    (2012). This study was untitled “Teaching writing of descriptive text by using

    Think Pair Share Strategy (TPSS). Alvan used two classes as his sample which

    were divided into two groups; experimental and control group. The data showed

    that the mean score of experimental group was higher than that of control group

    both in pre-test and post-test. It means that the applying of TPS in increasing

    students’ writing ability was effective particularly in writing descriptive text.


    3.1. Research Design

    This research is an Experimental Research in which the writer uses two-group

    pre-test and post-test design.

    3.2. Population and Sample of the Study

    The population of this research was the second year students of MA Uswatun

    Hasanah Cempaka Putih in Academic Year 2016/2017 which consisted of 76

    students who spread into three classes namely Social class which consisted of 25

    students, Religious Class which consisted of 26 students and Science class which

    consisted of 25 students. Two of the three classes had been chosen randomly as a

  • sample of this research by using lottery. As a result, Social Class as experimental

    group (group A) and Science Class as control group (group B).

    3.3 Research Instrumen

    As the instruments, the writer used pre-test and post-test was given to the two

    groups; experimental and control groups with different topic. The writer also used

    questionnaire sheet which only given to the students of experimental group in

    order to know their interests and responses since the teaching and learning process

    using TPS technique.

    3.4 Data Collection Procedure

    To collect the data, the writer used experimental procedure which consisted of

    three steps; pre-test, treatment, and post-test.

    3.5 Data Analysis

    Then to analyze the result of the test, the writer applied the procedures below:

    a. Calculating the mean score of experimental and control group

    Mx =

    My =

    b. Sum square deviation of experimental group and control group

    ∑Dx² = ∑dx² ( )

    ∑Dy² = ∑dy²

    ( )

    c. T-test for significant result

    t-test =

    ( ) [


    3.6 Testing Hypothesis

    a. If t-test ≥ t-table at the confidence level of . 05 (95%) and . 01 (99%)

    Ho = “TPS is not effective in increasing students’ achievement in writing

    analytical exposition text is rejected”.

    Ha = “TPS is effective in increasing students’ achievement in writing

    analytical exposition text is accepted”.

    b. If t-test ≤ t-table at confidance level of . 05 (95%) and .01 (99%).

    Ho = “TPS is not effective in increasing students’ achievement in writing

    analytical exposition text is accepted”.

  • Ha = ”TPS is effective in increasing students’ achievement in writing

    analytical exposition text is rejected”.


    4.1 Result

    After collecting the students’ writing results and also their answers on the

    questionnaire sheets, the writer then scored the results according to the writing


    4.1.1 Experimental Group

    Table Score of Experimental Group

    Experimental Group

    No Subject Pre-test




    DX DX²

    1 RAL 56 80 24 576

    2 RA 72 88 16 256

    3 Z 68 84 16 256

    4 PH 28 60 36 1296

    5 LI 64 80 16 256

    6 MF 44 68 24 576

    7 MW 64 76 12 144

    8 MI 52 72 20 400

    9 MYH 36 56 20 400

    10 MH 48 68 20 400

    11 HU 68 84 16 256

    12 HS 52 76 24 576

    13 IY 56 72 16 256

    14 AI 52 56 4 16

    15 MKL 40 64 24 576

    16 EA 52 80 28 784

    17 FA 44 68 24 576

    18 F 56 76 20 400

    19 FKB 52 64 12 144

    20 AS 60 76 16 256

    21 IF 36 60 24 576

    22 HA 52 68 16 256

    23 BI 68 80 12 144

    24 DS 72 84 12 144

    25 DA 60 76 16 256

    ∑ 25 1396 1816 468 9776

    Mean 55.84 72.64 18.72 391.04

  • 4.1.2 Control Group

    Table Score of Control Group

    Control Group

    No Subject Pre-test




    DY DY²

    1 EN 64 72 8 64

    2 HG 32 52 20 400

    3 SA 62 52 -10 100

    4 PD 32 52 20 400

    5 M 40 48 8 64

    6 ARD 32 40 8 64

    7 MY 32 36 4 16

    8 EY 62 66 4 16

    9 SI 52 56 4 16

    10 NI 44 52 8 64

    11 IS 52 56 4 16

    12 SNM 32 36 4 16

    13 AN 28 36 8 64

    14 H 28 32 4 16

    15 SLA 52 62 10 100

    16 RP 48 52 4 16

    17 ENH 56 60 4 16

    18 MT 48 56 8 64

    19 BE 56 60 4 16

    20 SR 56 64 8 64

    21 J 36 56 20 400

    22 RS 52 68 16 256

    23 LS 52 64 12 144

    24 HA 60 68 8 64

    25 NM 60 64 4 16

    ∑ 25 1188 1360 192 2473

    Mean 47.52 54.4 7.68 98.92

    After finding the students score in pre-test and post-test for both

    experimental and control group, the next step was to find out the mean deviation

    and sum square deviation scores of both groups.

    a. Mean deviation score and the sum square deviation score for experimental


    1. Mean deviation:

  • Mx =

    Mx =

    = 18.72

    2. Sum square deviation

    ∑dx² = ∑dx² - ( )

    = 9776 - ( )

    = 9776 –

    = 9776 – 8760.96

    = 1015.04

    b. Mean deviation score and the sum square deviation score for control group:

    1. Mean deviation:

    My =

    My =

    = 7.68

    2. Sum square deviation

    ∑dy² = ∑dy² - ( )

    = 2473 - ( )

    = 2473 –

    = 2473 – 1474.56

    = 998.44

    The result of the mean deviation scores of the two groups shows that the

    mean deviation scores of experimental group (18.72) is higher than the mean

    deviation score of control group (7.68).

    However, to distinguish if the two groups are different, the computation

    above is not realiable enough to be used. Therefore, t-test was needed for further

    analysis in order to confirm whether the students who were treated by using TPS

  • had higher improvement compared to the students who were not treated by using


    Below is the value of the t-test:

    t-test =

    ( ) [



    ( ) [






    √[ ][ ]


    = 6.033

    To determine whether the t-test is higher than t-table, it can be found by

    comparing the two critical values: t-test and t-table and by finding out the degree

    of freedom (Df).

    Df = Nx + Ny – 2

    Df = 25 + 25 – 2

    Df = 50 – 2

    Df = 48.

    The comparison between the t-test and t-table can be seen in the table


    Table The comparison between the t-test and t-table

    t-test t-table


    Df . 05 . 01

    48 1.677 2.406

  • 4.1.3 Students Questionnaire Sheets

    Based on the students answer, the writer found that about 19 students

    (76%) gave good responses about TPS in developing their ability in writing

    particularly in writing analytical exposition text. It means that the use of TPS

    was effective towards the students’ ability in writing.

    4.2 Discussion

    In gathering the data, the writer spent 5 weeks for all process to collect all

    the data needed, started with observation in week 1, gave the pre test to the

    students in week 2, in week 3 and 4 the writer did some treatments where the TPS

    technique was applied in learning process, and the last step, the writer gave the

    post test for both groups which was continued with the questionnaire sheets which

    were only given to experimental group in week 5.

    After giving treatment by using TPS technique for the experimental group,

    the result of the post test indicated that the score increased from 55.84 (pre-test) to

    72.64 (post-tets), while the control group which was not treated by using TPS also

    performed higher score on their post test which (54.4) than their score on pre-test

    was 47.52. However, the result of the mean deviation of the experimental group is

    higher than that of the control groups: 18.72 for the mean deviation of

    experimental group and 7.68 for the control group. Therefore, the mean deviation

    scores of the two groups prove that the use of TPS as a reinforcement in

    experimental group has higher improvement on students’ writing ability than the

    students who were not taught with TPS in control group.

    Furthermore, the degree of freedom (df) of this research was interpreted by

    comparing the t-test and t-table. The degree of freedom (df) of this research was

    48 which was 1.677 for confidence level of .05 (95%) and 2.406 for confidence

    level of .01 (99%). Table above shows that t-test is higher than t-table. It

    indicates that the degree of freedom is different from mean score in significance

    level .05 (95%) and .01 (99%). Therefore, the use of TPS has a contribution in

    improving students achievement in writing.

    Consequently, since the t-test (6.033) was higher than the t-table at

    significance level .05 (95%) that is 1.677, the null hypothesis (Ho) which states

  • “the use of TPS is not effective in teaching students writing analytical exposition

    text“ is rejected. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which states that “the

    use of TPS is effective in teaching students writing analytical exposition text” is


    Moreover, based on students’ responses on questionnaire sheets, the writer

    concluded that the students were interested in teaching and learning process with

    TPS. There were 19 students (76%) who had good responses by answering 6

    questions with “Yes” followed by their reasons. Only 6 students (24%) who did

    not fully answer the questions with “Yes” (there were a few questions they

    answered with “No”) until the writer concluded that they were not interested

    enough in TPS. This means that TPS was successful in increasing the students’

    interest in writing.


    Based on the data analysis which has been discussed on the previous chapter, the

    writer concludes that TPS is effective in improving students’ achievement in writing

    analytical exposition text.


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