the effectiveness of teaching verbs by...

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(A-Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Year Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta)

A ‘Skripsi’

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training

In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) In English Language Teaching











(A-Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Year Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta)










The Exami'ation committee of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and ,r-eachers, Training

cerlifies that the "Skripsi" (Scientific paper) entitled ,.THB EFFECTTVENESSOF TEACHING VERBS BY USING COOPERATIVE LEARNIN G' (A-

Quasi Experimentat study at the second year students of sMpN 169 Jakarta)written by AHMAD SUBHAN, student's registration number 109014000065 wasexamined by at examination session of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers,Training on Tuesday, September g'h 2014. The,,Skripsi" has been accepted anddeclared to have filfilled one of the requirements for the degree of ,,S.pd,,

(Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education at the English Department.

Jakaffa, September gth 2014






: Drs. Syauki. M.Pd.NrP.19641212 199103 | 002

: Zaharil Anasy. M.Hum.NrP. 19761007 200710 1 002

: Zaharil Anasy. M.Hum.NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002

Acknowledged byDean of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

Dra. NrlfieRa Rifa'i,


uh KhaeruddinNrP. 19811031 201101 1 006

NrP. 19s91020 198603 2 001


USING COOPERATryE LEARNING "(A-Quasi Experimental study at tlte second Year students of sMp Negeri 169



Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training

In a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Art) In English Language Teaching


Ahmad Subhan

NIM: 109014000065

Approved By the Advisor:

Ertin. MA. TESOL




// .,'lr/I -/'



Drs. Sunardi K. Dipl. EdNrP.15022719

DEPARTEMEN AGAMAUIN JAKARTAFITKJt. h. H. Juar* ilo95Ciptl/Flt t54r2 ttuE:ia

FORM (FR) : 1 Maret 2010


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,

. Ahmad Subhan

: Iakarta/ 08 Oktober 1991

: 19014000065

: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggns

: "The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using

Cooperative Learning"( A-Quasi Experimentat Study at the

Second Year Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta)

DosenPembimbing : 1. Drs. Sunardi K. Dipl. Ed.

2.ErtiN, M.A TESOL.

dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan

saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh ujian Munaqasah.

Jakafia,23 Agustus 2014.

Mahasiswa Ybs.

Ahmad Subhan

NIM. 109014000065




Jurusan / Prodi

Judul Skripsi



Ahmad Subhan (109014000065). The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by

Using Cooperative Learning; A- Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Year

Students of SMPN 169 Jakarta. A „Skripsi‟ of English Education at Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta, 2014.

Advisors : Drs. Sunardi K. Dipl. Ed and Ertin, MA. TESOL.

Keywords : Vocabulary, Verbs, Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw.

Vocabulary is one of the English components which have four skills of

English. Without having a large vocabulary, the students will not be able to write,

to read, to listen or even to speak in English.

A verb is a word which express actions or helps to make a sentence,

because every sentence needs one verb or more. Verbs are also really needed for

second year students of Junior High School. In fact, the students have some

problems in understanding and memorizing the verbs. Many students did not

know the meaning of the verbs and they did not know the changing of verbs, thus

they often ask the verbs to their teacher or their friends because they still have

limit vocabulary of regular and irregular verbs.

Cooperative learning is a group of learning activity organized so that

learning depends on the socially structure exchange of information between

learners in groups and in which each learner is held accountable for his or her own

learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others. Cooperative learning

have some tecnhiques. One of the techniques that the teachers can use is Jigsaw.

Jigsaw is one of the cooperative learning technique that uses task

specialization to make individual students expert on a particular topic. Jigsaw is

based on idea that each learner will become an expert in the group and they have

to learn the material and teach to other learner in the home group.

The objective of this research is to find out the empirical evidence

whether cooperative learning is effective to improve the students in mastery the

vocabulary of verbs at the second year students of 169 Junior High School


The technique of collecting data used in this research are pre-test and post-

test. Pre test was given before the writer implemented the cooperative learning,

meanwhile post-test was given after four times of meetings.

The writer used T-test in analyzing the data and he compared the score

between the experiment class and controlled class. This technique is useful to

know whether there is significant different between those two classes.

From this research, the writer found (from statistic calculation) that the

value of the to was 3.69 and the degree of freedom of (df) was 66. The writer used

the degree of significance 5% in his research, and it can be seen that the degree of

freedom is 66 and degree of significance is 1,99.



Ahmad Subhan (109014000065). The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by

Using Cooperative Learning; A- Quasi Experimental Study at the Second Year

Studens of SMPN 169 Jakarta. „Skripsi‟, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta, 2014.

Dosen Pembimbing : Drs. Sunardi K. Dipl. Ed dan Ertin, MA. TESOL.

Kata Kunci : Vocabulary, Verbs, Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw.

Kosakata adalah salah satu komponen dalam bahasa Inggris yang

didalamnya terdapat empat keterampilan dalam berbahasa Inggris. Tanpa

memiliki kosakata yang banyak, para siswa tidak akan mampu menulis, membaca,

mendengar bahkan berbicara dengan baik dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kata Kerja adalah sebuah kata yang mengekspresikan aksi / tindakan atau

membantu untuk membuat sebuah kalimat, karena setiap kalimat membutuhkan

satu atau lebih kata kerja. Kata kerja juga sangat dibutuhkan oleh siswa Sekolah

Menengah Pertama kelas 8, akan tetapi para siswa memiliki beberapa kendala

dalam memahami dan mengingat kata kerja. Kebanyakan para siswa tidak

mengetahui arti dari kata kerja itu sendiri dan mereka tidak mengetahui

perubahan pada kata kerja. Oleh karena itu, mereka sering bertanya kepada guru

mereka atau teman mereka karena mereka memiliki kosakata yang terbatas

terutama dalam kosakata kata kerja beraturan dan kata kerja tidak beraturan.

Pembelajaran Kooperatif adalah sebuah kegiatan grup pembelajaran yang

tersktruktur jadi proses pembelajarannya tergantung dengan pertukaran informasi

antara tiap murid didalam grup, dimana setiap siswa bertanggung jawab terhadap

perkembangan dirinya masing-masing dan diharapkan dapat terus memotivasi

siswa lainnya dalam belajar. Pembelajaran kooperatif memiliki beberapa tekhnik

dan sala satu tekhnik yang bisa guru-guru gunakan ialah Jigsaw.

Jigsaw adalah salah satu tekhnik dalam pembelajaran kooperatif yang

menggunakan tugas pengahlian untuk membuat setiap individu siswa ahli dalam

bahasan khusus. Jigsaw berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa setiap siswa akan menjadi

seorang yang ahli di grup dan mereka harus mempelajari dan mengajarkan kepada

siswa yang lain di group asal mereka.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menemukan data yang empiris apakah

pembelajaran kooperatif efektif untuk memperbaiki siswa dalam menguasai

kosakata kata kerja pada murid kelas dua di Sekolah Menegah Pertama SMPN

169 Jakarta.

Tekhnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah

soal pre-test dan soal post-test. Soal Pre-test diberikan sebelum penulis

mengimplementasikan pembelajaran kooperatif, sementara test post-test diberikan

setelah pertemuan yang ke-empat.

Penulis menggunakan Test-T dalam menganalisa data kemudian

membandingkan nilai antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas control. Tekhnik ini


berguna untuk mengetahui apakah ada signifikansi perbedaan diantara dua kelas


Dari penelitian ini, penulis menemukan bahwa nilai t0 sebesar 3.69 dan

tingkat degree of freedom (df) adalah 66. Penulis menggunakan tingkat signifikan

5% dalam penelitiannya. Dan bisa dilihat bahwa degree of freedom 66 sama

dengan tingkat signifikasi 5% adalah 1,99.



In the name of Allah the most beneficent and the most merciful. All praise

be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds who gives the writer guidance and strength, so

he could finish his „skripsi‟. Peace and blessing be upon for beloved prophet

Muhammad SAW, his families, his companion and his followers.

This „Skripsi‟ is written to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of

S.Pd. (Bachelor of Art) in the Department of English Education in the faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher‟s Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University


In this opportunity, the writer would like to express his greatest

appreciation honor and gratitude to his beloved family, his parents, Ahmad Saduni

S.Pd. (Alm), Nur‟aini, and his beloved sisters; Ihda Hadiyati S.Pd and Alfiah

Fitriani who always give their love, care, support, irreplaceable encouragement

and patience to motivate the writer to finish his study.

The writer would like to address his special thanks to his advisors Mr.

Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dipl. Ed and Mrs. Ertin, MA.TESOL, for their time,

guidance, valuable help, correction and suggestion during completing this


The writer realizes that he would never completed writing his „Skripsi‟

without the help of people around him; therefore the writer would like to give the

deepest gratitude to:

1. Drs. Syauki, M.P.d., as the head of English Education Department.

2. Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the secretary of English Education


3. All lecturers of English Education Department for their encouragement to

the writer during his study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University


4. Mrs. Nurlaela Ri‟fai, M.A., Ph.D. As the Dean Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teacher‟s Training UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.


5. Drs. Ida Rosida as the vice headmaster of SMPN 169 Jakarta and Mrs.

Santi, S.Pd as an English Teacher at SMPN 169 Jakarta for giving

permission and helping the writer to do the research.‟

6. Allen, Ikrima, Yona, Riyana, Mahmud, Restu, Afdi, Amel, and Wiwin

who always give the support and help the writer in finishing his „Skripsi‟.

Thank you for being my great friends.

7. All of his friends in BEES UNITED B 2009 for sharing their knowledge,

time and being awesome friends.

8. Yusuf Tadarusman S.Kom.i, Euis Fauqia S.Pd, and Muhamad Ahsan

Khalqi as the writer‟s cousins who always give support and sharing their

time. Thank you for being good cousins.

9. Khairunisa Siregar S.Hum, Rizky Setyowati Putri S.Psi. and Eriel Adi S.E.

Thank you so much for sharing their time, support and being good friends.

May Allah SWT, the Almighty bless them all, so be it. Finally the writer

realizes that this „Skripsi is still far for being perfect, thus it is really pleasure for

the writer to receive constructive critics and suggestions from everyone who reads

his “skripsi”

Jakarta, 4th

August 2014

The Writer



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ i

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. x

LIST OF APENDICES ....................................................................................... xii


A. Background of the Study .................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem .............................................. 5

C. The Limitation of the Problem ........................................... 5

D. The Formulation of the Problem ........................................ 5

E. The Objective of the Study ................................................. 5

F. The Significance of the Study ............................................ 6


A. The General Concept of Vocabulary .................................. 7

1. Kinds of vocabulary ...................................................... 8

B. Verbs ................................................................................. 9

1. The Understanding of Verbs .......................................... 9

2. The Principle Part of Verbs ......................................... 10

a. Regular Verbs .................................................... 10

b. Irregular Verbs ................................................... 12

3. The Difficulties in Recognizing the Verbs......... 17

C. Cooperative Learning ....................................................... 18

1. The Understanding of Cooperative Learning ......... 18

2. The Principles of Cooperative Learning ............... 19

3. The Elements of Cooperative Learning ................ 20

4. The Roles in Cooperative Learning ...................... 22

5. The Advantages of Cooperative Learning ............ 24

6. The Limitations of Cooperative Learning ............ 25

7. Some Variations of Cooperative Learning ........... 26

8. The Jigsaw Technique ........................................... 27


9. Step in Jigsaw‟s Implementation .......................... 28

10. Teaching Verbs by Using Jigsaw .......................... 29

D. The Thinking Framework ................................................. 31

E. The Previous Study .......................................................... 32

F. The Research Hypothesis ................................................. 34


A. The Research Design ..................................................... 35

B. The Place and the Time of the Research ....................... 39

C. The Population and the Sample of the Research ........... 40

D. The Technique of Data Collecting ................................ 40

E. The Technique of Data Analysis ................................... 41

F. The Statistical Hypothesis ............................................. 43


A. The Description of Data ................................................ 44

1. The Pre-Test Score .................................................. 44

2. The Post-Test Score ................................................ 46

3. The Gained Score .................................................... 48

B. The Analysis of Data ..................................................... 50

C. The Test of Hypotheses ................................................. 54

D. The Interpretation of Data ............................................. 55


A. Conclusion .................................................................... 57

B. Suggestion .................................................................... 57

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 59

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 62



1. Table 2.1 Regular Verbs ................................................................................. 11

2. Table 2.2 Regular Verbs ................................................................................. 11

3. Table 2.3 Regular Verbs ................................................................................. 11

4. Table 2.4 Regular Verbs ................................................................................. 11

5. Table 2.5 Regular Verbs ................................................................................. 12

6. Table 2.6 Irregular Verbs ................................................................................ 12

7. Table 2.7 Irregular Verbs ................................................................................ 13

8. Table 2.8 Irregular Verbs ................................................................................ 13

9. Table 2.9 Irregular Verbs ................................................................................ 13

10. Table 2.10 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 13

11. Table 2.11 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 14

12. Table 2.12 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 14

13. Table 2.13 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 14

14. Table 2.14 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 14

15. Table 2.15 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 15

16. Table 2.16 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 15

17. Table 2.17 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 15

18. Table 2.18 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 15

19. Table 2.19 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 15

20. Table 2.20 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 16

21. Table 2.21 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 16

22. Table 2.22 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 16

23. Table 2.23 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 16

24. Table 2.24 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 16

25. Table 2.25 Irregular Verbs .............................................................................. 17

26. Table 3.1 The Schedule and Agenda of the Research..................................... 39

27. Table 4.1 The Students‟ Score of Pre-test in Experiment Class and

Controlled Class ............................................................................................... 45


28. Table 4.2 The Students‟ Score of Post-Test in Experiment Class and

Controlled Class ............................................................................................... 47

29. Table 4.3 The Students‟ Gained Score of Experiment Class and

Controlled Class ............................................................................................... 49

30. Table 4.4 The Comparison Score of Each Student of Experiment Class

and Controlled Class ........................................................................................ 51



1. Appendix 1 (RPP Kelas Eksperimen) ............................................................ 62

2. Appendix 2 (RPP Kelas Kontrol) ................................................................. 101

3. Appendix 3 (Soal Pre-test) ............................................................................ 119

4. Appendix 4 (Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-test) ........................................................... 123

5. Appendix 5 (Soal Post-test) .......................................................................... 129

6. Appendix 6 (Kisi-Kisi Soal Post-test) ........................................................... 133

7. Appendix 7 (Figures of the Research) .......................................................... 140

8. Appendix 8 (Surat Bimbingan Skripsi) .................................................... ….141

9. Appendix 9 (Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian) .......................................... 142

10. Appendix 10 (Surat Keterangan Penelitan) .................................................. 143




A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is one of the English components which have four skills of

English. Without Vocabulary, the learners will not be able to write, to read, to

listen, or even to speak in English and without having an extensive vocabulary

and strategies for acquiring new vocabulary, the learners often achieve less than

their potential and may be discouraged from making use of language learning

opportunities around them such as reading a text, listening to the radio, listening

to native speakers, watching television, writing a text and using the language in

different context.

In order to communicate well in a foreign language, the students are

supposed to acquire a sufficient number of words and know how to use it

accurately. It is difficult for the students to learn English or to communicate

effectively without sufficient vocabulary. By having sufficient vocabulary, the

students will be more confident to use their language in real communication.

Large vocabulary helps to express and idea precisely in communication. It

is often believed with a large number of words mastery English language, the

people will mastery English easily and effectively. Moreover, there are some

difficulties in understanding vocabulary. Those are in understanding the meaning

of words, in differentiating the word forms, and in applying the words in a

sentence. Some words are sometime difficult to know its forms grammatically,

such as noun, adjective, adverb or even verbs. By memorizing and knowing the

vocabulary, the students will be able to understand the sentence.

In fact, the students sometimes have some difficulties in understanding the

new words. Jeremy Harmer stated in his book that “One of the problems of

vocabulary teaching is how to select what words to teach.”1 It is a fact, when the

writer observed in one of junior high school. The teacher in that school has limited

1Jeremy, Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (London: Longman

Publishing, 1991), p. 154.


vocabulary, as the result, the numbers of learners’ vocabulary do not increase. On

the other hand, based on the writer’s experience when he practised The Integration

Teacher Profession Training – Praktik Profesi Keguruaan Terpadu (PPKT) – He

found some problems which were faced by the learners in the second year of

junior high school. One of the topic that the writer taught was vocabulary subject

in terms of learning narrative or recount text. While teaching vocabulary, the

writer found that the learners had some difficulties in understanding it. The

learners did not know about the verbs such as regular and irregular verbs and the

learners often ask the meaning and the changes in verb 2.

Recognizing the verb is one of the most important steps in understanding

the meaning of a sentence, because the verb is the part of a sentence and every

sentence must have a verb. Verbs are words which usually express an action. 2 A

verb asserts something about the subject of the sentence and express action,

events, or states of being. The verb or compound verb is critical element of the

predicate of the sentences. Verbs are divided into some types, such as action

verbs, regular verbs and irregular verbs. Action verbs show an action like cut,

slice, run, walk, etc. While irregular verbs are common verbs in English language

that do not follow the simple system of adding “-d, or –ed” to the end of the

words to form the past tense.3 Irregular verbs such as –drink, -drank, -drunk, and -

know, -knew and –known. In this case, the learners still did not know the

differences between the regular verbs and irregular verbs, and the learners did not

know the changes from verbs 1 to verbs 2 or even verbs 3. In this case, the

teachers have to find out this problem in teaching verbs.

However, It is not easy to teach verbs, because the teachers have to

manage the classroom and have to notice all of the learners. Sometime The

teacher felt difficult if the amount of learners in each class is big. It worsened as

the teacher to make interaction with the students to ask for and to receive

2Evelyn P. Alternberg, English Grammar: Understanding the Basics. (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 23.

3Ann Cole Brown, et al. Grammar and Composition, (Boston: Houghton Miffin

Company, 1984), p.133.


individual intention and for the teacher, it may seem impossible to organize

dynamic and creative teaching and learning sessions.

According to Jeremy Harmer in his book stated that “In large or big

classes, play work and group work play an important part since they maximize

student participation”.4 It is obviously clear that pair works and group works are

needed for the learners to understand the sentence in learning verbs. It is a fact,

when the writer observed in the big classroom, he did not find any special

teaching techniques, the teacher in that classroom taught the learners directly and

after that the teacher asked the learners to do the task individually.

Subcounciouslly, the teacher did not give a chance to the learners to ask her if

they found some difficulties and the learners did not have much time to work

together. So that, there were no interaction between the students.

A good interaction was really needed in teaching and learning vocabulary.

It was supported by Vygotsky’s theory which stated Learning is a social

interaction and it is a fundamental aspect of successful cognitive and intellectual

growth.5 It is clearly seen, that education institution is not only a place for the

learners for receiving the knowledge and for listening the teacher’s explanation,

but also a place to educate them as a social creature. Moreover, the teacher should

give the opportunity to the learners to speak up and share their ideas to the others

learners. The teachers also have to let the learners in helping each other and

finding out the solution, because it can build the interaction among the learners.

Building the interaction among the learners and work together were really

needed in learning and teaching vocabulary. According to Schmitt, there are some

strategies in learning vocabulary for learners. It can be useful by looking up the

new words in dictionary, or guessing meaning from context and consolidation

strategies. Consolidation strategy is learning a list of words by heart and asking

4Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Essex: Pearson Education Limited,

2004), p.128.

5Alan Pritchard and John Woollard, Psycholoy for the classroom: Constructivism

and Social Learning, (New York : Routledge Publishing, 2010), p.14.


someone to test you6. It’s mean that if the learners have difficult to understand the

materials, they can ask freely to the teacher or the other learners.

Therefore, One of the ways that can do by the teacher to solve these

problems are by using a teaching strategy that is cooperative language learning.

Hence, the writer would like to apply the cooperative language learning in

learning verbs. Cooperative Language Learning is an alternative approach to be

used in the classroom. It is an approach where the students work in a group to

achieve the material. Cooperative Learning uses small groups that consist of 4-6

members of students in a group. Cooperative Learning is learning based on a

small-group approach to teaching that holds students accountable for both

individual and group achievement.7

Cooperative Language Learning has many kinds of variations; one of the

variations is Jigsaw. Jigsaw is one of the types in cooperative learning which

promotes both academic and social goals for students8. Jigsaw is also designed to

promote interdependence and also help learners to break the learning into

managable pieces, and then to integrate all the pieces into a meaningfull whole.

Thus, in jigsaw technique the students will learn and share together about the

materials and they can ask to the expert’s student easily to the students who

mastery the materials.

According to the explanations above, the writer is limited to do

experimental study about teaching verbs. Therefore, he chose the title “The

Effectiveness of teaching verbs by using cooperative learning” (A Quasi

Experimental Study at the second year students of 169 Junior High School

Jakarta) as his “skripsi” title.

6Lynne Cameron, Teaching English to Young Learner, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2001), p. 92.

7Donald C. Orlich, Teaching Strategies: A guide to Effective Instruction, (Boston:

Wadsworth, 2007), p. 268. 8 Jeanine Dell’ Olio and Tony Donk, Models of Teaching: Connecting the Student

Learning with St\andards, (New York: Sage Publications, Inc, 2007 ), p. 246.


B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer identifies some


1. The learners did not understand the sentence in English, because they have

limit vocabulary. They could not identify the verbs which is regular verbs

or irregular verbs.

2. In learning Narrative or Recount text, the learners usually find verbs in the

text, but they did not know the meaning of verbs in the text itself.

3. The amount of learners in each class is big, thus the teacher felt difficult to

pay attention and notice all of the students.

4. The teacher seldom gives a chance to the learners to ask or even work

together, so there were no interaction in the classroom.

C. The Limitation of the Problem

The study is limited on teaching verbs through cooperative learning by

using jigsaw technique at the second year students of 169 Junior high school

Jakarta as required in the syllabus.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanations above, the writer formulates the problem of the

research as follow:

Is there any significant progress in teaching verbs by using cooperative

learning specifically by using Jigsaw at second year students of 169

Junior High School Jakarta ?

E. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the empirical evidence whether

cooperative learning is effective to improve the students in mastery of verbs at the

second year students of 169 Junior high school Jakarta.


F. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to 3 (three) groups of people are: a)

English Teacher, b) Students, c) Other Researcher. To English teacher, the finding

of this study is expected to be able to enrich the teacher’s knowledge in terms of

teaching English through cooperative learning in teaching verbs at second grade

year of students 169 Jakarta. To students, the result of this study is expected to

make the process of learning more communicative and more enjoyable, so that it

will increase not only their motivation and interest but also their vocabulary

especially in learning English. To other researchers, these findings of the study

will deliver useful information and the new knowledge, so that the further

research can obtain the knowledge for doing better research of teaching and

learning process in conducting similar studies and the writer hopes that the result

of the study can be a basic consideration and basic information to do further





A. The General Concept of Vocabulary

Learning the language means learning the four language skills and its

component. Language skills consist of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

While the language sub-skills consists of pronunciation, grammar, and

vocabulary. Sub-skills in learning English are also important in order to make the

people easy in communicating or using the sentence in conversation.

Understanding the sub-skill of vocabulary is also needed for everyone in

learning the language, because when we want to use the language, we also need

the words or the vocabulary. Words are one of the important parts of our life

because we think by using words and we also read, speak, write and listen by

using words. Thus, words and vocabulary can not be separated from learning the

language, because the more we know the words, the more we will understand

what we hear and read. Therefore, vocabulary can be categorized as one of the

important sub skill that the people should know and understand in learning the


However, there are some definitions of vocabulary which are given by

some experts. Penny Ur defines vocabulary as the words that we teach in the

foreign language and Penny Ur also defines vocabulary is not just a single word,

but also vocabulary may be more than one word, for example: the words post-

office and mother in law can be categorized as a word or a vocabulary.1 Beside

that, Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown give theirs’ idea about the definition of

vocabulary. According to them, vocabulary refers to a list or set of words that

everyone uses for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual

speakers of a language might use.2

1 Peny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1996), p. 60.

2Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantic and Language Education,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 1.


Meanwhile, vocabulary based on oxford dictionary is all the words that a

person knows and uses.3 Another definition comes from Kridalaksana stated that

vocabulary is a component of language that contains all of information meaning

and using word in language.4

Based on the definitions above, the writer would like to summarize about

the definition of vocabulary. Vocabulary is not only the word that contains

meaning. It can be said as a number of words that help people to use and to

understand the language.

1. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are two kinds of vocabulary according to Finnochiaro, namely

active vocabulary and passive vocabulary. Below are the brief description about

active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.

a) Active vocabulary

Active vocabulary refers to items which the students can use appropriately

in speaking or writing. Active vocabulary can be also called as a productive

vocabulary. It means the student has to know how to pronounce it well and the

student has to know and be able to use grammar of the target language. In

productive vocabulary, the student has to know about collocation and the student

has to understand the connotation meaning of the word.

b) Passsive vocabulary

Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and

understood in the context of reading and listening. it is also called as receptive


Another kinds of vocabulay comes from Fries. He says that vocabulary is

of two, namely: function words and content words6. The function words are

closed-class words, we can not add to the prepositions or auxiliaries or modals or

3 A.S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford University Press, 2000),

p. 1506.

4 A.M. Zainuri, Vocabulary I, (Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam

Negeri Jakarta: UIN Jakarta), p. 1.

5 Ibid., p.2.

6 Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language, (Michigan:

University of Michigan Press, 1945), p. 44.


any structure words of the language. Function words in English conclude

prepositions (at, in, of, and between), pronouns (he, they, she), determiners (the,

much, more, either, neither), conjunctions (that, when, while, and, although),

auxiliary (verbs be: is, am, are, have) and particles (no, not, nor, as)

While, the content words or lexical words are words that carry the content

or the meaning of the sentence. It can be called as open-class words. Open classes

accept the addition of new morphemes such process as compounding, derivation,

inflection, coining and borrowing. It can be added at any times as new scientific

advances makes new words and communication about new inventions necessary.

The content words can be divided into three general classes. Those are:

a) Word naming things, ideas,and entitle that we might call them noun

b) Word used to describe the qualities of those thing or action called

adjectives and adverbs

c) Words naming actions is called by “verbs”.

B. Verbs

Verbs are really needed in learning English language, because when we

want to make the sentences, we need one or two more verbs. Here are the brief

explanations of verbs:

1. The Understanding of Verbs

The verb is one of the parts of speech. Based on Brown a verb is a word

which expresses action or helps to make a statement.7 On the other hand, Frank

stated that the verb is the most complex part of speech. It is varying arrangement

with nouns determine the different kinds of sentences-statements, questions,

commands, and exclamation and like noun, the verb has the grammatical

properties of person and number.8

Based on the definitions above, the writer would like to summarize about

verbs. Verbs are words that described as an action which have meaning to do.

7 Ann Cole Brown, et al. Grammar and Composition, (Boston: Houghton Miffin

Company, 1984), p. 11. 8Marcella Frank, Modern English: A Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Prentice

Hall, Inc, 1972), p. 47.


2. The Principle Parts of Verbs

Every verb has four basic called principal parts and according to Ann Cale

Brown and Jeffrey Nilson, there are four principles parts of verbs9. It can be

divided as follows:

a. the Infinitive is the verb in its most basic form, the form given in

the dictionary as the entry word.

b. the present participle consists of the infinitive plus –ing. For


Race+ -ing = Racing (Final e is dropped)

Jog+ -ing = Jogging (Final g is doubled)

c. Past Verbs: are verbs that form the past. It contains regular and

irregular verbs depend on the verbs itself.

d. Past Participle: it is often called the –ed form as it is form by

adding –d or –ed to the base form of regular verbs, however it is

also formed in various other ways for irregular verbs.

Based on the explanations above, there are four principles parts of verbs.

However, the writer only focuses on the past verbs that contain regular and

irregular verbs for his research.

2a. Regular Verb

According to Raymond Murphy, A verb can be categorized as a regular

verbs when the simple past and past participle end in –ed.10 Meanwhile according

to Brown regular verbs are verbs that form the past and the past participle by

adding –d or –ed to the infinitive11

. Based on Azar, regular verbs are the past form

and the past participle form by adding –d or –ed to the present.12

9 Ann Cole Brown, op.cit., 132.


Raymond Murphy and Wiliam R. Smalzer, Grammar in Use Intermediate, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 268.


Brown, loc. cit.


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (New Jersey:

Prentice Hall, Inc, 1989), p. 17.


Based on Sydney in his book, The Oxford English Grammar there are

some rules for particular cases in regular verbs.13

Those are:

a) If the base ends in –e, drop the –e before adding –ed,

Table 2.1

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

deceive deceived deceived

save saved saved

receive received received

damage damaged damaged

b) If the base ends in –ee, -oe, -ie, or –ye, keep the final –e

Table 2.2

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

disagree disagreed disagreed

hoe hoed hoed

die died died

dye dyed dyed

c) If the base ends in a consonant plus –y, we can change the –y to –i

and then add –ed.

Table 2.3

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

worry worried worried

cry cried cried

apply applied applied

deny denied denied

d) If a vowel precedes the final –y, we just add -ed

Table 2.4

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

play played played

annoy annoyed annoyed

betray betrayed betrayed

obey obeyed obeyed

destroy destroyed destroyed


Sidney Greenbaum, The Oxford English Grammar, (Oxford: Oxford University Press

Inc., 1996), p. 125.


But there are some exceptions where the –y changes to –i, even though a

vowel precedes the -y: for example the words lay, pay, say and mislay. Those

words can not be added by –ed, because those words can be categorized as

irregular verbs by removing the –y and then adding –id like lay, paid, mislaid and


e) If the base ends in –c, the –c is not effect generally doubled as –ck

even though the final syllable of the base is not stressed:

Table 2.5

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

panic panicked panicked

traffic trafficked trafficked

picnic picnicked picnicked

2.b. Irregular Verb

Irregular verbs are the verbs that do not from the past and the past

participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive.15

Irregular verbs occur when the

simple past and past participle do not end in –ed.16

There are some rules of change in irregular verbs, and irregular verbs may

have three, four, five forms, depending on whether one form is used for two or

three form types.17

It can be clearly explained as follows:

1) With some irregular verbs, the simple past tense and simple past participle

are the same as the base form:

Table 2.6

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

hit hit hit

cut cut cut

put put put

read read read

spread spread spread


Sidney Greenbaum. loc. cit.

15 Brown, op. cit., p. 133.


Murphy. loc. cit.


Sidney Greenbaum, op, cit., p. 126.


2) With other irregular verbs, the simple past is the same as the past participle

(but different from the base form).

a) Verbs that have patterns like: Bring, and Brought

Table 2.7

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bring brought brought

catch caught caught

seek sought sought

think thought thought

teach taught taught

buy bought bought

b) Verbs that have patterns like :Pay, and Paid

Table 2.8

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

lay laid laid

pay paid paid

say said said

c) Verbs that have patterns like : Bend, and Bent

Table 2.9

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bend bent bent

lend lent lent

send sent sent

spend spent spent

d) Verbs that have patterns like: Feed and Fed

Table 2.10

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bleed bled bled

feel felt felt

sleep slept slept

sweep swept swept

kneel knelt knelt


e) Miscellaneous

Table 2.11

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

build built built

hear heard heard

shoot shot shot

sit sat sat

stand stood stood

make made made

win won won

f) Verbs that have patterns like : Wind and Wound

Table 2.12

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bind bound bound

find found found

grind ground ground

wind wound wound

g) Verbs that have patterns like: Sell and Sold

Table 2.13

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

sell sold sold

tell told told

3) However, with other irregular verbs, all three forms are different.

According to Marcella Frank, there are some lists of irregular verbs which

the iregular verbs are changed in three forms. It can be clearly expained as


a) Verbs that pattern like: sing, sang, and sung.

Table 2.14

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

drink drank drunk

begin began begun

ring rang rung

shrink shrank, shrunk shrunk

sing sang sung

18 Frank, op.cit., p. 61.


b) Verbs that have patterns like: Break, Broke, and Broken.

Table 2.15

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

break broke broken

choose chose chosen

freeze froze frozen

steal stole stolen

speak spoke spoken

c) Verbs that have patterns like: Blow, Blew, and Blown.

Table 2.16

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

blow blew blown

draw drew drawn

grow grew grown

fly flew flown

know knew known

overdraw overdrew overdrawn

d) Verbs that have patterns like: Drive, Drove, and Driven.

Table 2.17

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

drive drove driven

ride rode ridden

strive strove striven

thrive throve thriven

e) Verbs that have patterns like: Wear, Wore, and Worn.

Table 2.18

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

swear swore sworn

tear tore torn

bear bore Born

wear wore Worn

f) Verbs that have patterns like: Bite, Bit, and Bitten.

Table 2.19

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

bite bit Bitten

hide hid Hidden

chide chide or chided Chidden


g) Verbs that have patterns like : Shake, Shook, and Shaken

Table 2.20

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

take took Taken

shake shook Shaken

mistake mistook Mistaken

forsake forsook Forsaken

h) Verbs that have patterns like: Give, Gave, and Given

Table 2.21

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

give gave Given

forgive forgave Forgiven

forbid forbad Forbidden

i) Verbs that pattern like Mow, Mowed, and Mown

Table 2.22

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

hew hewed Hewn

mow mowed Mown

sew sewed Sewn

show showed Shown

4) The irregular verbs which first and third principle are alike

Table 2.23

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

come came Come

become became Become

overcome overcame Overcome

run ran Run

5) The Irregular verbs which first and second principles are alike

Table 2.24

Simple Form of The Verb Past Tense Past Participle

beat beat beat or beaten

However, there are some differences in verbs forms between American

English and British English: Below are the some differences between American

English and British English:


Table 2.25

American British

bet- bet- bet bet – bet – bet OR bet – betted – betted

fit- fit -fit fit – fitted - fitted

get - got – gotten get – got – got

quit – quit – quit quit – quitted – quitted 19

3. The Difficulties in Understanding Verbs.

Understanding and recognizing the verbs are really needed for the second

year students of junior high school. In fact many students did not recognize the

verbs which are regular and the verbs which are irregular verbs. There are some

problems why the students have not recognized the verbs of regular and irregular

verbs yet. It can be summarized as follows:

a) The students have limit vocabulary, thus they did not recognize the

verbs and they did not know how to change the verbs into past verbs

because the past tense and past participle forms of these verbs are

extremely difficult to predict, so the students must memorize it.

b) The teacher taught the verbs directly to the students without giving any

further explanations.

c) The common belief amongst language students of all language is that

irregular verbs do not follow patterns like the regular verbs, thus it

makes the students very difficult to learn and master the irregular verbs.

d) Learning Irregular verbs are notoriously difficult for language learners,

for example, it takes children years to learn to use “spoke” not

“speaked”and etc.20

In this case, many students did not know the

irregular verbs, when they found the irregular verbs, they changed those

words into regular verbs.

Hence, the teacher has to find alternative technique in teaching verbs in

order the students easy in understanding and recognizing the verbs.


Azar, op. cit p.19.


Kieran, McGovern, The Toughest Verbs in English, 2011. (

accessed on 12th

September 2014 at 18:43.


C. Cooperative Learning

Classroom is a place where students learn together with their classmates.

In Indonesian school, the amount of students in each class is big; it is

approximately 30-40 students. It is hard for the teacher to notice and pay attention

to all students in the classroom and it is hard for the students to build the sense of

cooperation among the students. However, the teacher has to find out the best

possible strategies to make the students want to work in groups, thus the teacher

eventually can notice and observe the students’ performance in groups.

There are some various learning strategies which can be applied by the

teacher to build the interaction among the students. One of the approaches or

strategies which can be used by the teachers to help and accomplish their goals of

teaching is cooperative learning. Below are the further explanations about

cooperative learning according to some experts:

1. The Understanding of Cooperative learning

According to Richards in his book, Approach and Methods in Language

Teaching stated “Cooperative Learning is a group of learning activity organized

so that learning depends on the socially structure exchange of information

between learners in groups and in which each learner is held accountable for his

or her own learning and is motivated to increase the learning of others.”21

Cooperative learning is an instructional design that aims students to

become active in achieving a lesson through their own effort and the efforts of the

members of their small learning team. It was according to James M. Cooper in his

book Classroom Teaching Skills. 22

Then, based on Killen in his book Classroom Teaching Strategies stated

“Cooperative Language Learning is an effective strategies for having students

achieve a wide range of academic and social outcomes including enhanced

achievement, improved self-esteem, and positive interpersonal relationships with

21Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Method in Language

Teaching 2ed, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 199.


James M. Cooper, Classroom Teaching Skills 9th

Edition, (Massachusetts: Wadsworth

Cengage Learning, 2011), p. 257.


other students, improved time-management skills, and positive attitudes toward


Cooperative learning is one of the best learning strategies that the teachers

can use in the classroom and by implementing cooperative learning, the students

are hoped to increase their cognitive, affective, and interpersonal benefits. It was

the general concepts of cooperative learning based on Roy Killen in his book

Learning and Teaching.24

Another definition about cooperative learning comes from Slavin, as a

person who proposed this approach, he stated in his book that “cooperative

learning refers to a variety of teaching methods in which students work in small

groups to help one another learn academic content”.25

From all explanation above, it is obviously clear that cooperative learning

is different from traditional methods, and the writer agrees with Slavin’s idea

about cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is a variety of teaching methods

that make the students share theirs’ idea to each other in order to understand the

lesson. Cooperative learning is not only a learning activity that enable students to

work in group, but also cooperative learning is an approach which have many

varieties of technique that the teacher can select when they want to implement the

cooperative learning.

2. The Principles of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning as a learning strategy has some principles in order to

make the students reach their materials, therefore cooperative learning can not be

separated from some principles which must be noticed by the teacher when they

want to apply it. Below are further explanations about the principles of

cooperative learning for the teacher in conducting cooperative learning.

a) Cooperative learning is designed for the students to work together for the

task to be accomplished.

23 Roy Killen, Effective Teaching Strategies: Fourth Edition, (Victoria, Australia:

Cengage Learning, 2007), p. 184.


Donald P. Kauchak and Paul D. Eggen, Learning and Teaching: Research-Based

Method. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1989) , p. 320.


Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning; Theory, Research, and Practice, (Needham

Heights, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon Press, 1995), p. .2.


b) Cooperative learning emphasizes the students to make positive interactions

and the students have to develop the interaction.

c) Every student in cooperative learning has opportunities to work in

different teams.

d) Social, Language, and Content skills are all learned in the process of

interacting with the group.26

From all explanations above, the writer assumes that in order to make

cooperative learning more effective, the teacher must understand the principles of

cooperative learning. The writer agrees with the principles which stated that

positive interaction is one of the important things in conducting cooperative

learning, because by developing positive interactions, the students can develop

their abilities and the students can share their ideas to their classmates easily, and

also the teacher have to let the students learn by themselves in order to find out

the learning goals. By letting the students, work in team can cause a social

interaction to happen.

3. The Elements of Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning also has some elements in order cooperative learning

becomes more effectives. While, according to Richards in his book Approaches

and Methods in Language Teaching, there are some elements of cooperative

learning in the classroom. It can be summarized as follows: 27

a. Positive Interdependence

Positive interdependence occurs when group member feel that

what helps one member helps all and what hurts one member hurts all. It

means positive interdependence is a management system that encourages

students to work together.

b. Group Formation

A group formation is also an important factor in creating positive

interdependence. In group formation, the teacher has to decide on the size

of the groups, assign students to group, and the teacher also has to give

26Adrienne L. Herrell and Michael Jordan, 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language

Learners: Fourth Edition, (Boston: Pearson Education inc. , 2012), p. 47.

27Richards and Rodgers, op. cit., p. 196.


specific role for the students in groups, such as noise monitor, turn-take

monitor and recorder. In group formation the teacher also has to notice that

learning in groups need a leader, therefore the teacher has to select one

student to be the leader in their groups.

c. Individual Accountability

In Cooperative Learning, individual accountability is important,

because it involves both group and individual performance, for example

by assigning each student a grade on his or her portion of a team project or

by calling on a student random to share with the whole class, with group

members, or with another group.

d. Social Skill

Social skills is needed to ensure successful interaction among the

students, therefore social skills in cooperative learning classroom include

the ways students make interaction to each other in order to achieve

activity or task objectives.

e. Structuring and Structure

Structuring and Structures refers to ways of organizing students’

interaction and different ways students are interact.28

For example (step 1)

one student talks while others listen, then (step 2) the next student talks.

There are some additional elements of cooperative learning that the

teacher also has to know when they want to implement cooperative

learning in the classroom. Below are the others additional elements of

cooperative learning based on Orlich. 29

a. Face to Face Interaction

Face to Face interaction is really needed in cooperative learning,

because in cooperative learning, students have to make an interaction to

each other and the students have to assist one another with learning

task, and the students have to promote one another’s success.

28 Ibid. , p. 197.


Donald C. Orlich. et al., Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction,

(Boston: Wadsworth, 2007), p. 171.


b. Group Evaluation

Group evaluation is also important in cooperative learning because

each of the students in the group needs to evaluate in order to know the

problems. Group Evaluation is really needed in cooperative learning,

because the teacher should develop for engaging students in problem

solving and conflict resolution.

From all explanations above, the writer assumes that in order cooperative

learning become more effective and more efficient, the teacher in the classroom

has to notice and understand about some elements in cooperative learning. By

understanding those elements, the teacher will be easier in conducting cooperative

learning in the classroom.

4. The Roles in Cooperative Learning

Applying cooperative learning in the classroom has to notice the learner’s

role and also the teacher’s role, because the teacher and students’ roles in

cooperative learning are different. Below are the brief descriptions about the

learner’s roles in cooperative learning:

1. The Learner’s Roles

Based on Kagan, there are some possible roles assignments for the

students in cooperative learning class. Those are:

a) Gate- Keeper (Monitor). In this case, the teacher should make sure

that each student participates and that no one individual dominates

of the group process.

b) Cheer Leader (encourager). The function is to make sure that the

contributions of each member and the team as a whole is


c) Task Master (Super visor). The function is to keep the group on

task and attempt to make sure each number give the contribution.

d) Secretary (recorder and reporter). The function is to record team

answer and supporting material and can be also the team spokes

person in reporting to the whole class.


e) Checker (explainer). The function is to check that everyone agrees

before a group discussion is made and check that everyone

understands the assignment and what is needed to finish. The last,

the students have to be a Quite Captain. The function is to make

sure the group does not disturb other group.30

Another student’s role in cooperative learning can be stated that the

student as a member of a group must work collaboratively on task with other

group members, because it is a primary role for the students in cooperative

learning and also the students have to be the directors of their own learning. The

students are taught to plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning.31


Cooperative learning is learning together with groups, the students have to take

the task individually.32

Based on the explanations above, the writer assumes that it is possible for

Indonesian’s students to do those roles when their teacher applies cooperative

learning in the classroom. When the teacher applies it, the students have

opportunities to be an explainer, an encourager, a monitor and they can share with

their friends to accomplish their lessons. Because, learning by sharing with their

classmates can make the social interactions and help students to learn for one

another’s strength and limitations and to accept these differences.33


2. The Teachers’ role in Cooperative Learning

According to Richards, there are some roles for the teachers when the

teacher want to implement cooperative learning in the classroom34

. Below are the

brief explanations about the teachers’ roles in cooperative learning:

a) The teachers have to create highly structured and well-organized learning

environment in the classroom.

30 Carolyn Kessler, Cooperative Language Learning a Teacher’s Resource Book,

(Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hill, inc. , 1992), p. 10.


Richards. loc. cit.


Diane Larsen Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, (Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 168.


Killen, loc. cit. 34

Richards, loc, cit.


b) The teachers have to assign students to groups and roles, and also the

teachers have to select the materials and time.

c) The important role for the teacher in cooperative learning is that of

facilitator of learning. When they worked in the group, the teachers must

move around the class helping students and groups.

d) The teacher as a facilitator in the classroom must give feedback for the

students, redirecting the group with questions, encouraging thinking,

supplying resources, and also encouraging the group to solve its own


While according to Kessler, the roles of teacher in cooperative learning is

as an observer in the classroom. As an observer, the teacher has to know the

learners’ progress and also the teachers must find out learner’s interest, strength,

needs and feelings.35

Based on the explanations above, the writer would like to summarize that

the teacher has somes roles in conducting cooperative learning, those are: the

teacher has to manage the classroom, the teacher as a facilitators, and the teacher

as an observer. The writer believes that the teacher in Indonesia can understand

those roles, because cooperative learning is possible to learn and to use it by the


5. The Advantages of Cooperative Learning

There are some advantages for the teacher and the students in conducting

cooperative learning in the classroom. Below are the benefits of cooperative


a) Applying cooperative learning can improve the student’s academic

learning and social skills; and for the teachers, it is really helpful in

managing the classroom.36

b) In doing and learning academic task, cooperative learning has benefits for

high and – low students when they work as a team. The students who are

35 Carolyn Kessler, op.. cit., p.167


Orlich, op. cit., p. 269.


higher achievers can teach the lower achievers, and the lower students get

the new information from the higher students.37

c) Implementing cooperative learning can provide students with the

knowledge, concepts, skills, and understanding they need to become happy

and contributing members.38

d) Cooperative learning helps students to learn respect for one another’s

strengths and limitations and to accept these differences. It is very

important if the clasrroom is diverse.39

e) By applying cooperative learning in the classroom, the teacher hopes that

students can be more encouraged to think about their learning process,

identify the limitations of their knowledge, and learn to seek help when it

is necessary.40

From the explanations above, the writer would like to summarize that

there are many benefits of cooperative learning in the classroom. Cooperative

learning helps students to learn respect and they can more encouraged in

studying, the students need to become happy, and cooperative learning can

build the students’ cooperation.

6. The Limitations of Cooperative Learning

There are nothing perfect in methods or approaches when the teachers

teach the lessons, and nor are in cooperative learning. Because attempting to use

cooperative learning does not guarantee that your students will learn it. In fact,

cooperative learning has also the following specific limitations. Below are the

limitations of Cooperative Learning based on Roy Killen:

a) Some of the students do not like to learn cooperatively and some of the

students prefer studying alone to studying in groups.

37 Richard I. Arends, Learning to Teach 7

th edition, ( New York: Mc Graw Hill Inc.), p.



Robert E. Slavin, op.cit., p. 15. 39

Killen. loc. cit.

40 Killen, op. cit., p. 185.


b) The values and practices of the cultural, socio-economic and educational

worlds that students experienced prior to being involved in cooperative

learning may create conflict for some students.

c) Although cooperation is a very important process of learning for students

to master, many of life’s activities are based on individual effort, therefore

the students have to learn to be self-reliant as well as learning how to

corporate it.41


According to the explanations above, the writer agrees that each of

approaches or methods has limitations, and nor are in cooperative learning.

Thus, to reduce the weakness of cooperative learning, the writer gives some

suggestions in order cooperative learning can be implemented well in the

classroom. Firstly, when the students did not want to study together with their

friends, the teacher must be patient and recognize that the learners may be

anxious workings in groups. In this case, the teachers help them to become

flexible in their approaches to learning.42

Secondly, when the group has a

conflict, the teacher has to observe that group and find out the solution. The

third, the teacher has to emphasize to the students that working in group are

more effective than doing alone and when the teacher gives the tasks, the teacher

has to let their students to do individually.

7. Some Variations of Cooperative Learning

There are some variations of techniques in cooperative learning. Those are

Student Teams- Achievement Divisions (STAD), Teams-Games Tournament

(TGT), Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI), Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition (CIRC) and Jigsaw. Below are the brief explanations about some

variations of Cooperative Learning that can be used by the teacher to teach in the


a. Student Teams- Achievement Division (STAD) probably the most popular

type of cooperative teaching strategy, STAD uses four or five member

41 Killen, op. cit., p. 187.

42 Ibid.


teams to master basic content area.43

The teacher presents a lesson, and

then students work within their teams to make sure all team members have

mastered the lesson. Then, all students take individual quizzes on the

material, at which time they may not help one another.44

b. Teams- Games Tournament (TGT), TGT has many of the same dynamics

as STAD, but adds a dimension of excitement contributed by the use of


c. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC). CIRC is

specifically used to teach reading and composition. In CIRC procedure,

the teacher sets a lesson in some specific area of reading or composition,

for example the students team asked to read the story and note to the main

characters and ideas.46

d. Jigsaw is one of cooperative learning strategy that uses task specialization

to make individual students expert on a particular area or topic. Jigsaw

helps learners to break the learning into manageable pieces, and then to

integrate all the pieces into a meaningful whole. It is based on the idea that

each learner will first become an expert in a small part of what they have

to learn and then teach other learners about this part of the learning


There are many variations in cooperative learning that the teacher can be

used to teach the materials. The teacher may select one or two variations or even

the teacher can mix those variations in teaching. However, in this occasion, the

writer uses jigsaw as the most priority technique in teaching verbs.

8. The Jigsaw Technique

There are many techniques in cooperative learning which can be used in

teaching and learning process. One of the techniques in cooperative learning is

Jigsaw. Jigsaw techniques was first developed in the early 1970s. It was proposed

43Kauchak, op.cit. p.321.


Slavin, op. cit., p. 5.


Ibid. , p. 5.


Cruickshank. et al., The Act of Teaching 4th

Edition, (New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2006),

p. 241.


Killen, op. cit., p. 198.


by Elliot Aronson and his students at the University of Texas and the University

of California. In cooperative learning strategy, Jigsaw is a teaching technique used

in small group instruction. Students of a normal- sized class (26 students – 33

students) are divided into competency groups of four to six students, each of

which is given a list of subtopic to research. Individual members of each group

then break off to work with the “experts” from other groups, researching a part of

the material being studied, after which they return to their starting body in the role

of instructor for their subcategory.48

Jigsaw is also appropriate for students of many ages, because the structure

of any jigsaw technique can be modified to fit the needs of different ages, grade

levels, or content area. jigsaw also provides the opportunities for the teacher to

asses the students who work as an indvidual and asses the students’ performance

while they were in group. Implementing jigsaw in the classroom gives the

opportunity for the teacher to observe students’ critical thinking.49

9. Step in Jigsaw’s Implementation

Based on Aronson (2008), there are ten considered important in the

implementation of the jigsaw classroom. Those are the steps in implementing

jigsaw at the classroom:

1) The groups should be diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, race and

ability and the students are divided into 5 or 6 persons in jigsaw group.

2) The teacher has to appoint one student from each group as the leader.

Initially, this person should be the most mature student in the group.

3) The material is divided into 5-6 segments (one for each member).

4) Each student is designed one segment to learn. Students should only

have direct access to only their own segment.

5) Give students should be given time to read over their segment at least

twice to become familiar with it. Students do not need to memorize it.

6) Temporary experts group should be formed in which one student from

each jigsaw group joins other student assigned to the same segment.

48 Richards, op. cit., p. 196.

49 Jeanine M. Dell’ Olio and Tony Donk, Models of Teaching (New York: SAGE

Publication Inc,. p. 277.


Student in this expert group should be given time to discuss the main

points of their segment and rehearse the presentation they are going to

make to their jigsaw group.

7) After that, The Students may come back to their jigsaw group.

8) Students present his or her segment to the group. Other members are

encouraged to ask question for clarification.

9) The teacher needs to float from group to group in order to observe the

process. Intervene if any group is having trouble such as a member

being dominating or disruptive. There will come a point that the group

leader should handle this task. The teacher can whisper to the group

leader as to how to intervene until the group leader can effectively do it


10) At the end of the sessions, give a quiz on the material so that students

quickly come to realize that these sessions are not just fun and games

but really count.50

Based on the step in Jigsaw, The writer believes that teaching verbs can

be implemented by applying Jigsaw technique, because jigsaw is very flexible one

and the teacher can make some creative ways to use jigsaw to address other

subject as well. The teachers did not have to follow jigsaw’s steps based on Elliot

Aronson, because the steps in Jigsaw same like all effective models of teaching, it

can be modified in a number of ways to meet the specific needs of students and

jigsaw can be used to address many content areas.51

Therefore, the writer believes

that jigsaw can be implemented in some activities based on the Indonesian

students’ need.

10. Teaching Verbs by Using Jigsaw

Teachers in their lesson plans is hoped to explain how the materials are

taught step by step. Here are the procedures of teaching verbs by using

cooperative learning, specifically by using jigsaw:

50Elliot Aronson, The Jigsaw Classroom: Jigsaw in Easy 10 Steps, 2013.

( accessed on 16th

November 2013 at 18:43. 51

Jeanine Dell’ Olio and Tony Donk, op.cit., p.247.


The first step is pre-elimenary study, the teacher opens the class by

greeting the students and asking how they are doing. After that, the teacher

emphasizes on the students that they are going to learn verbs of vocabulary,

specifically learning regular and irregular verbs for the next four meetings.

Before learning the verbs, the teacher applies a fun activity which is

called “Word Puzzles”. Word puzzles is one of the activity that the teacher can do

when the teacher want to implement jigsaw technique in the classroom.52

In this

case, the teacher gives the clue cards to every student and each of the students has

different clue cards, thus the students in the group have to share their clue cards in

order to finish the word puzzle.

The second activity is core study. The teacher applies the jigsaw technique

and then the teacher divides the students into some groups. Each of the groups

must consist of 5-6 students. In this case, the teacher has already designed the

material before he teaches in the classroom. After that, the teacher gives the

students a text because one of very effective way in introducing a new vocabulary

is through listening or giving a student to read a text.53

Thus, the teacher gives

their students a text in order to find out the vocabulary verbs in the text.

When the students get the text, the teacher asks the students to read the

text and the students have to find out and underlined the verbs in the text. In home

group, the first student will only find out the verbs in paragraph one, the second

student will only find out the verbs in paragraph two, and the third students will

only find out the verbs in paragraph three and etc. After that, the teacher asks the

student to make an expert team. The first student will meet the others first student,

the second student will meet the others second students, and etc. When they are in

the expert group, the students do the task together and they can share with the

expert group. After the students do and discuss the tasks, they may come back to

the home group and then they have to share what they got from the expert group.

In the last activity, the teacher will appoint out some students to be an

explainer then the teacher gives a task and they have to do the task individually.


Kessler (ed), op. cit., p. 139.


Roger Gower. et al., Teaching Practice: A Handbook for Teachers in Training,

(Thailand: MacMillan Education, 2005), p. 147.


The others teaching plans about verbs will be explained by the writer in the lesson

plan in the appendix.

D. Thinking Framework

As it has been mentioned before, many students in junior high school have

the same problems in learning the new vocabulary of verbs like regular and

irregular verbs. Memorizing and understanding the new vocabulary of verbs are

the main problems which were faced by the second year students of junior high

school. In this case, the students still did not recognize the verbs which are regular

and the verbs which are irregular verbs, the students also found unfamiliar verbs

in the text or in the sentence and they did not know the meaning of the words

itself. Another problem is they could not change the verbs into the past verbs. It

can be said that the students have limit vocabulary. The students often get bored

when they did not find the meaning of the certain verbs, because the teacher did

not use any special technique in learning vocabulary, thus they tend to ask their

teacher in order to know the meaning of the verbs rather than finding out the verbs

by learning together with the other students.

The teachers must find out some solutions to make their students feel easy

in understanding and memorizing the new verbs. The teachers should provide the

new technique in teaching where the students can build the interaction and learn

together with the other students, so that the students did not always rely on their

teacher’s help. Using cooperative learning is one of the alternative solutions that

the teacher can use to help their students in understanding the verbs. Cooperative

learning helps the learner to work in group and share their idea. It is also help the

teacher to pay attention and notice their students’ ability when their students

worked in groups. Using cooperative learning is more effective than using

conventional method; because cooperative learning can make the positive

interaction among the students thus it can increase students’ motivation in

understanding the verbs.

There are some variations of technique in cooperative learning; hence the

writer only chooses the jigsaw technique as the most priority technique that will


be implemented in the classroom. Jigsaw is the technique that promotes both

academic and social goals for the students. In jigsaw classroom, the students are

divided into four or five members, and the teacher gives the material for each

student in group. Each student in group has different material, thus they have to

mastery the materials and they have to be an explainer for their group. Before they

become an explainer in their group, the students should work and share with the

other students in the expert group who have the same materials. In jigsaw

classroom, the teacher has to design the material before entering the classroom

and the teacher has to observe the student’s ability when their students learn in


Based on the statements above, the writer would like to assume that

cooperative learning specifically using jigsaw technique can improve the students’

understanding on verbs; regular and irregular verbs. Jigsaw technique is also

considered to be one of the effective teaching technique in teaching vocabulary of

verbs at the second years students of 169 Junior High School Jakarta.

E. The Previous Study

A study entitled “The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using

Collaborative Learning ”(An Experimental Study at The Seventh Grade Year

Student of SMP PGRI 1 Ciputat) had been done by Tedy Dirhamsyah, a bachelor

of arts from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in Jakarta54

. He

conducted his research in 2012 and he also focused on the verbs. He conducted his

research in order to know the students’ mastery of verbs. The research was proven

that using collaborative learning is effective to mastery of verbs at the first year

student of junior high school. The data shown that to> tt or (5,40 was higher

than1,67). In this term, the writer has the same dependant variable with the

researcher above. The dependant variable is the verbs; however there are some

differences in conducting the research between the writer’s research and Mr.

Teddy’s research. The independent variable of the writer is Cooperative learning


Tedy, Dirhamsyah, The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using Collaborative

Learning, Jakarta, 2012. p. 37.


while that researcher used collaborative learning. The writer used jigsaw as the

technique that was used in cooperative learning classroom, while Mr. Teddy used

work group as his technique in implementing his research. Another difference is

about the sample of the research. The writer conducted his research in the second

year student of junior high school, while Mr. Teddy conducted his research in the

first year students of junior high school.

The research which discussed about cooperative learning is the one

conducted by M. Adrian entitled “Teaching Vocabulary by using Cooperative

Learning” (An Experimental Study at the First Year of SMP Darussalam Ciputat


He used Student Team Achievement Division at his approach in

applying cooperative language classroom. He concluded that teaching vocabulary

by using cooperative learning is more effective and efficient than teaching by

using traditional method. The writer used the same method that is cooperative

learning in conducting vocabulary; however there are some differences about the

writer’s research and the Adrian’s research. Firstly, that researcher used the

general vocabulary, while the writer only focused on the vocabulary of verbs.

Secondly, the researcher above selected a student team achievement division as

his teaching technique in cooperative learning classroom, while the writer chose

jigsaw technique in applying cooperative learning classroom. Another difference

is the sample of the research that was used between the writer’s research and the

Adrian’s research. The researcher above conducted his research in the first year

students of junior high school, while the writer conducted the research in the

second year students of junior high school.

Another research which also discussed about vocabulary had been

conducted by Risa Rahmawati entitled “Teaching Vocabulary by Using Jigsaw

Method”. 56

She took the sample and made the students into experiment class and

controlled class. The research was proven that using jigsaw method is effective to

mastery of vocabulary at the fourth grade students of elementary school. The data

shown that Alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was

55 Adrian, M, Teaching Vocabulary by using Cooperative Learning, Jakarta, 2011, p. 42.

56 Risa, Rahmawati, Teaching Vocabulary by Using Jigsaw Method. Bandung, 2012. p. 5.


rejected and it can be seen from the result stated that t0 > tt or (3,91 was higher

than 2,06 in the degree of freedom 5%). The researcher above used the same

technique with the writer. She used Jigsaw technique in teaching vocbulary and

she conducted her research in order to know the students’ mastery of vocabulary.

The differences between Risa’s research and the writer’s research are the subject

of the study and the dependent variable of the research. She conducted her

research in the fourth grade of elementary school while the writer conducted his

research in the second year students of junior high school. She taught vocabulary

while the writer only focused on the vocabulary of verbs.

From all of the experiments that ever had, none of them described in

detailed information about the teaching vocabulary of verbs by using jigsaw.

Thus, the writer chooses to conduct the new research in different context. The

writer conducted the research with title “The Effectiveness of teaching Verbs by

Using Cooperative Learning.”

F. The Research Hypothesis

The purpose of this study is to find out the empirical evidence for the

students in learning the simple past tense whether using cooperative learning

especially using jigsaw is effective or not in building students’ mastery of

vocabulary verbs.

To get the answer of the hypothesis above, the writer proposes alternative

hypothesis (Ha) and the null hypothesis (Ho) as follows:

Ha : There is a significant difference of students’ achievement between

those who were taught by using cooperative learning in teaching

the verbs in experiment class and those who were taught without

using cooperative learning in controlled class.

Ho There is no significant difference of students’ achievement

between those who were taught by using cooperative learning in

teaching the verbs in experiment class and those who were taught

without using cooperative learning in controlled class.




A. The Research Design

In his research, the writer used a quantitative research design and he also

used a quasi-experimental design for his research. The writer chose a quasi-

experimental design because a quasi experimental is designed to determine the

cause and effect relationship and there is a direct manipulation of conditions.1

In a quasi experimental research has characteristic as stated by Nunan that

“quasi-experiment research has both pre-test and post-test and has experiment

class and controlled class, but no random assignment of subjects”.2 It means that

the writer took the sample from the existing class or the intact class to determine

which group that will be experiment class and which group that will be controlled

class without giving a random assignment for each student in two classes. Thus,

there were two classes that the writer taught about learning verbs in different

treatment. The group that received the new treatment was called the experiment

group or treatment group, and the group that received a different treatment or is

treated as usual was called the controlled group. Therefore, in order to know the

effectiveness of using cooperative learning, the writer used two classes; one class

as an experiment class and another class as the controlled class. In experiment

class, the writer used cooperative learning and specifically he used Jigsaw

technique in teaching verbs; regular and irregular verbs. While in the controlled

class, the students did not receive any treatment by the writer. It was treated as

usual and the students in controlled class learn the same material but the writer did

not apply cooperative learning. It means that the students in controlled class learn

the materials individually.

1 James H. Mc. Millan and Sally Schumacer, Research in Education, (Boston: Pearson

Education, inc. , 2006), p. 24. 2 David, Nunan, Research Methods in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press. 1992), p. 41.


The teaching of verbs by using jigsaw technique was done by the writer in

six meetings. Below are the brief explanations about the teaching and learning

verbs by using Jigsaw technique:

1) First meeting, the writer introduced the general concept of verbs. The

writer explained to the students that verbs are consists of regular verbs and

irregular verbs. Afterwards, the writer emphasized on the students that

they are going to learn the vocabulary of verbs for the next four meetings.

Then, the writer gave the students a multiple choice item test, which was

called pretest. The writer gave the pre-test to the students in order to know

the students’ competence in understanding the verbs based on the pre-

test’s result.

2) Second meeting, the writer divided the class into six groups and each of

the group must consist of 5 students. At this point, the writer applied the

jigsaw technique in teaching verbs. After the writer divided the group, the

writer appointed one of the students in each group to be a leader for their

group. Afterward, the writer gave a text, because according to Roger

Gower stated that “one of very effective way in introducing new

vocabulary is through listening or reading text”.3 Thus, he gave a recount

or narrative text for every student and he asked the students to read the text

and the students have to find out the verbs in the text. In group, the first

student found out the verbs only in paragraph one, the second students

found out the verbs only in paragraph two, and the third students found out

the verbs only in paragraph three and etc. After that, the writer asked the

students to make an expert team. Then, the first students met the others

first students, the second students met the others second students, and etc.

When they were in the expert group, the students did the task together and

they could share with the expert group. Afterwards, the students did and

discussed the tasks, the students came back to the home group and then

they have to share what they got from the expert group. In the last activity,

3 Roger Gower. et al., Teaching Practice: A Handbook for Teachers in Training,

(Thailand: MacMillan Education, 2005), p. 147.


the writer gave some material about the rule of regular verbs and they may

discuss with their friends. The last activity, the writer gave the task to each

student and they have to do it individually.

3) Third meeting, before learning the irregular verbs, the writer applied a fun

activity which was called “Jigsaw Word”. Firstly, the writer made the

students into some groups and each of the groups must consist of four

students. Then, the writer gave the different clue cards for each of the

students in the group, thus every student has different clue cards.

Afterwards, they have to share the clue cards to their friends in group in

order to complete the Jigsaw Word. After conducting the jigsaw word, the

writer began the lesson, the writer divided the students into some groups

and each of the group must consist of 5 students. In this term, the writer

gave the material about list of irregular verbs. The writer has already

designed the material before, and already made the subtopic. In this term,

the writer gave the sub topic to the students. The first subtopic was

assigned by the first students, the second subtopic was assigned by the

second students and the third subtopic was assigned by the third students

and etc. At this point, the writer asked the student to share with their

expert group. After they discussed together with their expert group, the

students may come back to the home group and discuss it. Afterwards, the

students explained and shared their tasks in the home group. In the last,

the writer asked one of the students to present what they have known in

front of the class.

4) Fourth meeting, the writer began the lesson by giving a fun activity which

was called Word Puzzle. The writer divided the students into some groups

and each of the group must consist of 4 students. Afterwards, the teacher

gave the word puzzle (jigsaw word), and every student has different word

puzzle, so they have to share the word puzzle to the other students. Word

Puzzle is one of the activities that the teacher does before preparing the

class for jigsaw. After conducting the word puzzle, the writer divided the

students into some groups and each of the group must consist of 5


students. Then, the writer gave a recount text for every student and he

asked the students to read the text and the students have to find out the

verbs in the text. In group, the first student only found out the verbs in

paragraph one, the second students found out the verbs only in paragraph

two, and etc. After that, the writer asked the students to make an expert

team. Then, the first student met the others first student, the second

students met the others second students, and etc. When they were in the

expert group, the students did the task together and they shared with the

expert group. After the students did and discuss the material, the students

may come back to the home group and then they have to share what they

got from the expert group. The last activity, the teacher gave the students a

task and they have to do it individually.

5) Fifth meeting, the writer gave the students a narrative text with the title of

The Story of Malin Kundang. At this point, the writer applied a jigsaw

technique in teaching verbs. Afterwards, the students are divided into

some groups, and each of the students was assigned to find out the verbs in

the text. The first student only found out the verbs in the first paragraph,

the second students only found out the verbs in the second paragraph, and

etc. Then the students learn in the expert groups. While the students learn

the material in the expert group, the writer observed the students’

performance. After they learn the material in the expert groups, the

students may come back to the home groups and they may discuss each

other. When the students finished explaining the materials, the writer

appointed out one or two students to present in the classroom. In the end

of the lesson, the writer gave a task and the students have to do it

individually. The teacher gave the tasks to the students in order to know

the student individual’s competence.

6) Six meeting, the writer reviewed what have been learned by the students

about regular and irregular verbs. At the end of this meeting, the writer

conducted a test called posttest. The post test was designed to know how

far students’ understanding about verbs: regular and irregular verbs that


have been learned and to know whether the use of jigsaw technique of

teaching verbs is effective or not.

B. The Place and Time of the Research

The writer applied the research at SMPN 169 Jakarta which is located on

Jl. Peta Utara No.11, Pegadungan, Jakarta. Below is the timetable that described

the schedule or learning activities when the writer conducted the research:

Table 3.1

The Schedule and the Agenda of the Research

No Time Agenda

1 Monday, April 14th

2014 Giving the validity test at VIII-A Class

2 Wednesday, April 23th

2014 Giving the pre-test in both experiment

and controlled class.

3 Thursday, April 24th

2014 Giving the first treatment in experiment


4 Friday, April 25th

2014 The first meeting in controlled class

5 Wednesday, May 14th


The second treatment in experiment

class and the second meeting in

controlled class

6 Wednesday, May 21th

2014 The third treatment in experiment class

and the third meeting in controlled class

7 Thursday, May 22th

2014 The fourth treatment in experiment class

8 Friday, May 23th

2014 The fourth meeting in controlled class

9 Wednesday, May 28th

2014 Giving the post-test in both two classes.

Based on the schedule above, the writer conducted the research on March


2014 and the research began for six meetings. It began by giving the validity

test, giving the pre-test in the beginning of the research, applying the technique,

and giving the post-test in the end of the last meeting. The research was postponed

in two weeks due to national examination try out and the national examination of

ninth grade. Therefore, the researcher continued his research after the national



C. The Population and Sample of the Research

In this research, the writer took the second year of 169 Junior High School

Jakarta as the population. The second grade of this school consists of six classes;

namely VIII-A until VIII-F. The amount of population in that school was about

216 students. The writer took one class to be the experimental class and one class

to be the controlled class. In this term, the writer chose the VIII-D as the

experiment class and VIII-C as the controlled class. The consideration of choosing

those classes to be the experimental and the controlled classes was based on

purposive sampling. In purposive sampling, the researcher chooses the sample

using his experience and knowledge of the group to be sampled.4 In this term,

their English teacher knew their students’ English ability, and their English

teacher judged that those two classes have the same ability. It was also supported

by L.R Gay stated in his book that “purposive sampling, referred to as judgment

sampling, is the process of selecting a sample that is believed to be representative

of a given population”.5 Therefore, the English teacher of SMPN 169 Jakarta;

Mrs Santi suggested the writer to take those classes as the experiment class and

controlled class based on her judgment or assumptions in both of the two classes.

D. Technique of Data Collecting

The writer used the test to collect the data. The pre-test and post-test was

given in both of the two classes. The pre-test was given before the writer began

the teaching and learning process in two classes. Meanwhile, the post-test was

given in order to know the students’ understanding in verbs; regular and irregular

verbs between the experiment class and the controlled class.

The pre-test and post-test are multiple choice form and it was consists of

30 items. The teacher gave the 45 minutes in both of the two classes for finishing

the pre-test and post test.

4 L.R Gay, Geoffrey E. Mills and Peter Airasian, Educational Research: Competencies

for Analysis and Applications, 9th

Ed., (New Jersey: Pearson Edation, 2009), p. 134. 5 Ibid.


E. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer compared students’ score of pre-test and post-test between the

experiment class and also the controlled class. If the experiment class gets the

higher score than the controlled class, it means that Jigsaw as the teaching

technique gives the significant influence in teaching verbs of English vocabulary

and it means, Jigsaw technique is effective to be applied in teaching vocabulary

verbs in this classroom

The writer used t-test formula to prove the hypothesis of the research.

According to Prof. Anas Sudjiono Test-T is used to examine the hypotheses; null

hypothesis (Ho) and alternative hypothesis (Ha). There are some statistical

procedures which contain of several steps in which the writer does that lead into

the hypothesis testing. The formula of t-test will be used as follow:

to =

MX : Mean of post-test of Experiment Class

MY : Mean of post-test of Controlled Class

SEMX : Standard Error of Experiment Class

SEMY : Standard Error of Controlled Class

The procedures of the calculation as follows:6

1) First, to know students’ scores on the test of noun. The writer tried to seek

the average of students’ post test scores in the experiment class as a

variable X with the formula used is:

MX =


MX : Mean of Post-Test of Experiment class

∑X : Sum of frequency multiply the student’s score

NX : Number of students of experiment class

6 Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistis Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada,

2008), p. 278.


2) After getting the average of students’ post test score, the writer has to

determine the Standard Deviation score of experiment class (variable X)

with formula used is:


SDX = Standard deviation score of Experiment class

∑X2 = Sum of squared of frequency multiply the student’s score

3) Determining Standard Error Mean of experiment class (variable X), with



SEX = Standard Error mean of experiment class

SDX = Standard deviation of experiment class

4) In order to know the difference of students’ post test score between

experimental and controlled class, the writer also determines students’

score of controlled class (variable Y), with the formula used is:

MY =

MY = Mean of post-test of Controlled class

∑Y = Sum of frequency multiply students’ score of controlled


N = Number of students of controlled class

5) Determining Standard Deviation Score of controlled class (Variable Y),

with the formula used:


SDY = Standard deviation score of controlled class

∑Y = Sum of squared of frequency multiply student’s score

6) Determining standard Error of Mean of controlled class (Variable Y), with




SEMY = Standard Error mean of controlled class

SDY = Standard Deviation of controlled class

NY = Number of Students of controlled class

7) Determining standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and

Variable Y, with formula:



= Standard error mean squared of experiment class

SEMY2 = Standard error mean squared of controlled class

8) Determining tₒ with formula:

to =

9) Determining t-table in significance level 5% and 1% with degree of

freedom (df) :

df = (N1 + N2) – 2

df = Degree of freedom

N1= Number of students of Experiment class

N2= Number of students of controlled class

F. The Statistical Hypotheses

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or

more variables. This research is designed to find out whether there is a significant

progress of cooperative learning specifically using jigsaw in teaching the

vocabulary of verbs. In order to get the answer of that hypothesis, the writer

proposed Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and the Null Hypothesis (H0) which is

described to the following statistical hypothesis:

a) If ttest (to) > t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0,05, the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected

b) If ttest (to) < t-table (tt) in significant degree of 0,05, the alternative

hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null (H0) is accepted.

Meanwhile, the degree of freedom (df) = (N1+N2)-2 = (34+34)-2 = 66. It

must be consulted with t-table of df. If df is 66, the value of the significance level

5% is 1,99.




A. The Description of Data

This research was done in two classes, the experiment class was VIII-D

and the controlled class was VIII-C. The writer employed cooperative learning

especially using Jigsaw technique in experiment class and without using

cooperative learning in controlled class.

This writer started the research by giving the same pre-test in experiment

class and also in controlled class. The research was also followed by the teaching

and learning activities for four meetings which were conducted in each class.

Afterwards, the post-test was given to both experiment class and also controlled

class. The form test of pre-test and post-test were multiple choice item and it was

consists of thirty (30) questions. The pre-test and post-test should be done by the

students in forty-five (45) minutes in both of the two classes.

After getting the post-test’s result, the writer made a calculation from both

of the tests. Below is the more detailed description about the pre-test score, post-

test score and the gained score.

1. Pre-test Score

The writer has calculated the result of pre-test scores in both of the two classes

and the description of pre-test scores of experiment class and controlled class will

be explained in table 4.1. The table consists of three columns; the first column

showed the students’ identification number. It means the amount of students’

identification number in both experiment and controlled class is 68 students and

each of the class has 34 students. The second column showed the pre-test students

in experiment class, while the third column showed the pre-test scores of students

in controlled class.


Table 4.1

The Students’ Score of Pre-test in Experiment Class (VIII-D) and

Controlled Class (VIII-C)

Students Experiment Class Controlled Class

1 43 50

2 76 50

3 50 60

4 36 50

5 66 56

6 80 60

7 40 40

8 60 63

9 56 73

10 73 73

11 66 80

12 63 70

13 86 76

14 30 86

15 50 93

16 73 60

17 60 40

18 40 63

19 63 53

20 43 63

21 53 50

22 50 66

23 66 50

24 30 60

25 76 50

26 63 60

27 53 60

28 63 40

29 36 43

30 73 40

31 43 83

32 40 66

33 60 53

34 66 66

∑ 1926 2046

Mean 56.647059 60.176471

Minimum 30 40

Maximum 86 93

Median 60 60


The table showed the pre-test score of experiment class and controlled

class. The pre-test was given on the first meeting before giving the treatment and

based on the table 4.1, it can be seen that the average score of pre-test in

experiment class was 56.647, the highest score of experiment class was 86 and the

lowest score of experiment class was 30.

Meanwhile, the average score of pre-test of controlled class was 60.176

with the highest score of pre-test was 93 and the lowest score of pre-test was 40.

Seeing the calculation on the table above, it can be concluded that the average

score of pre-test in controlled class was higher than the average score of pre-test

in experiment class.

2. The Post-test Score

The post test was given in both of the two classes after the writer

explained the material on the fourth meeting. The following table (table 4.2)

showed the comparison of students’ post test scores between the experiment class

and the controlled class.

The table consists of three columns, and the first column showed the

students’ identification number. The amount of students’ identification number in

both experiment and controlled class is 68 students and each of the class has 34

students. The second column showed the post-test students in experiment class,

while the third column showed the post-test scores of students in controlled class.

In order to make the table easy to understand, the writer presented the

table 4.2 on the next page.


Table 4.2

The Students’ Score of Post-test in Experiment Class (VIII-D) and

Controlled Class (VIII-C)

Students Experiment Class Controlled Class

1 83 70

2 100 73

3 73 76

4 53 76

5 60 63

6 96 66

7 63 63

8 83 50

9 86 83

10 90 66

11 83 86

12 66 86

13 90 90

14 53 90

15 83 93

16 86 66

17 86 40

18 73 76

19 76 73

20 50 73

21 83 70

22 76 80

23 86 43

24 66 66

25 90 56

26 86 73

27 86 86

28 66 66

29 56 53

30 100 63

31 73 86

32 53 73

33 73 76

34 86 73

∑ 2613 2423

Mean 76.852941 71.264706

Minimum 50 40

Maximum 100 93

Median 83 73


The table of 4.2 showed the students’ score of post test in experiment class

and controlled class and based on the table, it can be seen that the students in

experiment class is higher than the students in controlled class. The amount score

of experiment class was 2613, while the amount score of controlled class was

2423. From the table of pre-test (table 4.1) we can see that the controlled class

was higher amount score than experiment class, but the experiment class has

higher total score than controlled class in posttest’s score.

While the average score of post test in experiment class was 76.852 and

the average score of post test in controlled class was 71.264. The writer concluded

that both of the two classes have progressed, because the average score of pre-test

in experiment class was 56.64 and the average score of pre-test in controlled class

was 60.17, however the progress in controlled class as not much as the progress in

the experiment class.

3. The Gained Score

After showing the comparison of students’ pre-test and post-test scores,

the writer made a calculation about the gained score in both of the two classes.

The gained score can be seen from the increasing score of pre-test students score

compared with the post-test scores.

The gained score is explained on table 4.3 and the table itself are consists

of three columns, the first column showed the students’ identification number.

The amount of students’ identification number in both experiment and controlled

class is 68 students and each of the class has 34 students. The next column

described the gained score in experiment class, while the third column showed the

gained score of students in controlled class.

In order to make the table easy to understand, the writer presented the

gained score table on the next page.


Table 4.3

The Students’ Gained Scores of Experiment Class (VIII-D) and Controlled

Class (VIII-C)

Students Experiment Class Controlled Class

1 40 20

2 24 23

3 23 16

4 17 26

5 -6 7

6 16 6

7 23 23

8 23 -13

9 30 10

10 17 -7

11 17 6

12 3 16

13 4 14

14 23 4

15 33 0

16 13 6

17 26 0

18 33 13

19 13 20

20 7 10

21 30 20

22 26 14

23 20 -7

24 36 6

25 14 6

26 23 13

27 33 26

28 3 26

29 20 10

30 27 23

31 30 3

32 13 7

33 13 23

34 20 7

∑ 687 377

Mean 20.205882 11.088235

Minimum -6 -13

Maximum 40 26

Median 21.5 10


Based on the table of gained score above, it can be seen that the gained

score of experiment class was higher than the gained score of controlled class.

The data showed that most of the students in experiment class have progressed in

understanding the verbs.

The data of gained score also showed that thirty-three students in

experiment class have increased their ability in understanding verbs; moreover

there was one student in experiment class who has not progressed yet. One student

who has not progressed yet can be seen from his score in pre-test’s result and

post-test’s result. The table of gained score in experiment class also explained that

the amount of the gained score was 687 and the maximum gained score was 40

while the minimum score of gained score of experiment class was -6.

The data of gained score in controlled class showed that the amount of

gained score in controlled class was 377 and the maximum score was 26 while the

minimum score of gained score was -13. Based on the gained score in controlled

class, the writer concluded that generally the students in controlled class also have

progressed although as not much as the progress in the experiment class.

B. The Analysis of Data

In analyzing the data, the writer used the comparative technique where the

writer compared the data of experimental class and the data of controlled class.

This technique was done in order to prove statistically whether there is any

significant difference between the two variables; those are teaching verbs by using

cooperative learning and without using cooperative learning.

After getting the data, the writer analyzed the results in both of the two

classes by using statistic calculation of the t-test formula. In this following table,

the writer presented the result calculation of test in both of in order to know the

effectiveness of teaching verbs by using cooperative learning.


Table 4.4

The Comparison Score of each student of Experiment Class (VIII-D) and

Controlled Class (VIII-C



1 40 20 20 9 400 81

2 24 23 4 12 16 144

3 23 16 3 5 9 25

4 17 26 -3 15 9 225

5 -6 7 -26 -4 676 16

6 16 6 -4 -5 16 25

7 23 23 3 12 9 144

8 23 -13 3 -24 9 576

9 30 10 10 -1 100 1

10 17 -7 -3 -18 9 324

11 17 6 -3 -5 9 25

12 3 16 -17 5 289 25

13 4 14 -16 3 256 9

14 23 4 3 -7 9 49

15 33 0 13 -11 169 121

16 13 6 -7 -5 49 25

17 26 0 6 -11 36 121

18 33 13 13 2 169 4

19 13 20 -7 9 49 81

20 7 10 -13 -1 169 1

21 30 20 10 9 100 81

22 26 14 6 3 36 9

23 20 -7 0 -18 0 324

24 36 6 16 -5 256 25

25 14 6 -6 -5 36 25

26 23 13 3 2 9 4

27 33 26 13 15 169 225

28 3 26 -17 15 289 225

29 20 10 0 -1 0 1

30 27 23 7 12 49 144

31 30 3 10 -8 100 64

32 13 7 -7 -4 49 16

33 13 23 -7 12 49 144

34 20 7 0 -4 0 16

∑ 687 377 7 2 3599 3325

Mean 20.205882 11.088235 0.20588235 0.05882353 105.85294 97.794118


From the table above, the writer would like to determine the average, the

standard of deviation, and the standard error of variable X (Experiment Class) and

also the variable Y (Controlled Class). The writer would like to determine the

standard error of differences of average in variable X and variable Y, and also the

writer would like to determine tobserve and ttable.

Thus, the writer calculated the data based on the step of the test, the

formulation as followed:

1. Determining Mean of variable XA, with formula:

MX =


= 20.205882

2. Determining variable Y:

MY =


= 11.0888235

3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable XA:

SDX = √

= √

= √

= 10.288486

4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y:

SDY = √

= √

= √

= 9.889090


5. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X, with formula:




= 1.7909408

6. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y, with formula:

SEMy =



= 1.7212544

7. Determining Standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and

Variable Y:


= √

= √

= √

= 2.4799194

8. Determining to with formula:

to =


= 3.6923077

= 3.69

9. Determining t-table in significance level 5% with degree of freedom


df = ( + ) – 2

= ( 34+ 34 ) – 2

= 68 – 2

= 66

The value of df (degree of freedom) of significance 5% or t-table of df 66 = 1,99


C. The Test Of Hypotheses

The research was held to answer the formulation of the problem; “Is there

any significant progress in teaching verbs by using cooperative learning

specifically using jigsaw at the second year of 169 Junior High School Jakarta ?”

To get the answer from the question above, the writer proposed

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and Null Hypothesis (Ho) as follows:

Ha: There is progress or significant difference between the

students’ understanding of verbs who taught by using

cooperative learning and without using cooperative learning.

Ho : There is no progress or no significant difference between the

students’ understanding of verbs who taught by using

cooperative learning and without using cooperative learning.

To prove the hypothesis, the data was obtained from experiment class and

also controlled class was calculated by using t-test formula with the assumption as


1. If to > tt : The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and

the Null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It means that there is

progress or significant differences after teaching verbs by using

cooperative learning and without using cooperative learning at

the second year students of 169 Junior High School Jakarta.

2. If to < tt : The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the

Null Hypothesis (H0) is accepted. It means that there is no

progress or no significant differences after teaching verbs by

using cooperative learning and without using cooperative

learning at the second year students of 169 Junior High School


According to the calculation above, it was found that the value of the t0

was 3.69 and the degree of freedom (df) was 66. In this research, the writer used

the degree of significance 5%. It can be seen that (df) 66 and the degree of

significance of 5% is 1,99. (The t-table list can be seen in appendices).


The data showed that t0 was higher than tt. Thus, the writer got a

conclusion that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.

D. The Interpretation of Data

From the result of statistical calculation, it was obtained the t-observation

(to) was 3.69; meanwhile, the t-table (tt) of df (66) in significance 5% was 1,99. It

means t-observation (to) was higher than t-table (tt), so the alternative hypothesis

(Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Hence, there was

significant progress in learning vocabulary verbs using cooperative learning and

without using cooperative learning.

Based on the result above, it can be concluded that teaching verbs by using

cooperative learning is more effective than except cooperative learning. It can be

seen from the result above (t-test = 3.69 > t-table 1,99), which showed the

significant difference between the students’ score of each group (experiment class

and controlled class).

The writer also concluded that cooperative learning helps the second year

students of SMPN 169 Jakarta in increasing the mastery of verbs. It can be seen

from the teaching and learning process which has conducted in the experiment

class for four meetings. In experiment class, the writer gave the students a text,

and they have to find out the vocabulary of verbs in the text and they have to

analyze it in the expert group. While they were in the expert group, the writer

observed the students’ performance in group and most of the students did it well.

It means, they were responsible in mastery their materials and they were capable

of explaining their materials to the students in their home group.

Another thing why jigsaw technique helps the students in increasing the

mastery of verbs is the positive interaction and working in groups. It is a fact

when the writer observed the students while they were in the group. The students

made a good interaction with their team and they helped each other. In this case,

there were some students who did not understand the materials, but the students

give the spirit to the students who did not understand it. This thing was suitable

with the learner’s role in cooperative learning as an encourager. The higher


students also helped the lower students while they were in groups; they eventually

made the positive interaction between the higher student and the lower student.

The fun activities which had been implemented in the second and third

meeting were not the main things that increased the students’ mastery of verbs. It

was just a warming-up activity that the teacher can use before implementing

jigsaw technique, the reason why most of the students in experiment class

increased in mastery of verbs were the materials that the teacher was made and

the successful of implementing cooperative learning especially jigsaw in teaching

verbs in the experiment class. Thus, most of the students in experiment class

increased in mastery of verbs. It can be seen from their result in post test that most

of the students in experiment class got the higher score in post-test than their score

in the pre-test.

From the explanations above, the writer could make an interpretation that

teaching verbs by using cooperative learning specifically using learning is more

effective at the second year students of SMPN 169 Jakarta year 2013-2014.




A. Conclusion

Understanding verbs is one of the most important things in understanding

the meaning of a sentence, because when we want to make a sentence, we also

have to know the verbs itself. In this case, the teacher has to know some varieties

of techniques in learning verbs, thus the students will be easy in understanding

and recognizing the verbs.

Cooperative learning specifically using jigsaw is one of the alternative

solutions that the teacher can use to teach verbs to their students. It makes students

have responsibility to give information to each other. It means that the students

become teacher for their teammates and also by using jigsaw; the students could

build the sense of cooperation among the students in group.

After conducted the research, the writer concluded that to is 3.69 ttable of

degree of significance 5% is 1.99. It means that alternative hypothesis is accepted

and the null hypothesis is rejected because the to is higher than tt ( to > tt ) or 3.69 >


Therefore, it can be inferred that teaching verbs by using cooperative

learning specifically using jigsaw technique is more effective than teaching verbs

without using cooperative learning.

B. Suggestion

From the conclusion above, the writer could give some suggestions for the

English teacher who wants to teach the verbs of vocabulary:

a) The teacher should be well prepared, it means that before entering

the classroom, the teachers should prepare the material that is

going to be taught to the students.


b) The English teacher should be more creative in applying teaching

and learning activities especially in learning new vocabularies.

c) The English teacher should be more understanding the condition of

their students, if the students in the classroom are bored with the

teacher’s method, the teacher has to find out the appropriate

method for the materials.

d) The teacher should emphasize in teaching new vocabulary to their

students and the teacher has to teach vocabulary using appropriate


e) The teacher can selects cooperative learning in teaching verbs as

the alternative ways in teaching, because applying cooperative

learning especially using jigsaw technique can make the students

more active and more responsible in learning the materials,

because the students have to master the material and they have to

teach like a teacher for their team.



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(RPP) Pertemuan ke-1 Experiment Class

Sekolah : SMPN 169 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII-D

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Ketrampilan : Reading

Tema : Finding the regular verbs in the text.

Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 24 April 2014

I. Standar Kompetensi

` 11. Memahami makna dalam essai pendek berbetuk recount atau

narrative text untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative text.

III. Indikator

a. Mengidentifikasikan vocabulary secara spesifik yaitu regular verbs

dalam suatu bacaan text recount.

b. Menemukan vocabulary; regular verbs dalam bacaan recount text.

c. Menganalisa kesalahan regular verbs dalam sebuah kalimat di

bacaan recount text.

d. Melengkapi bentuk test completion test / kalimat rumpang didalam

suatu kalimat.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:

a. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengenali dan membedakan kata kerja

regular verbs.


b. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengetahui arti makna dalam kata kerja

regular verbs.

c. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengubah kata kerja regular verbs.

d. Siswa diharapkan mampu menganalisa kesalahan regular verbs

dalam sebuah text.

V. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

a) Dilligent (Rajin) b) Humble (Berbagi Informasi)

c) Good Work Team (Kerja sama) d) Responsibility (Tanggung Jawab)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran

“Regular verbs”

Regular verbs are verbs that form the past and the past participle by

adding –d or –ed to the infinitive.

(For Example: - Hope = Hoped , Listen = Listened, Obey =


Simple Form Simple Past Past Present Participle

hope Hoped hoped hoping

stop Stopped stopped stopping

listen Listened listened listening

study Studied studied studying

start Started started starting

(For Example: - Hope = Hoped , Listen = Listened, Obey = Obeyed).

*Materi Ajar terlampir

VII. Metode Pembelajaran: Cooperative Learning by using Jigsaw

VIII. Langkah-langkah kegiatan:

No Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal / Apersepsi

a) Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan menanyakan kabar ke siswa.

b) Guru mengingatkan kembali mengenai vocabulary


c) Guru meminta siswa untuk menjawab perbedaan

regular verbs dan Irregular verbs.

10 Menit


d) Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak arti kata dari

„regular verbs dan meminta siswa untuk mengubah

regular verbs.

2. Kegiatan Inti

Kegiatan Eksplorasi

a) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa bahwa beberapa

pertemuan kedepan mereka akan belajar verbs dengan

diskusi dalam sebuah kelompok.

b)Guru menjelaskan kepada murid mengenai

pembelajaran Jigsaw, yaitu guru membagi siswa dalam

beberapa kelompok untuk berdiskusi antar sesama siswa.

dan sebelumnya guru sudah membagi kelompok

berdasarkan jenis kelamin, nilai bahasa inggris mereka.

c) Guru membagikan selembar kertas kepada setiap siswa

yang didalamnya berisi text dalam bentuk recount text.

d) Guru mulai menjelaskan secara singkat kepada siswa

bahwa didalam recount text kata kerja yang digunakan

yaitu kata kerja lampau untuk kalimat positif.

e) Guru menjelaskan bahwa teks yang telah diberikan

terdapat kesalahan dalam penggunaan kata kerja.

f) Guru menjelaskan bahwa siswa diminta mencari kata

kerja regular didalam recount text dan mengganti dengan

kata kerja regular verbs yang seharusnya digunakan.

g) Guru mulai membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok

dimana satu kelompok terdiri dari 5 siswa.

h) Guru membagi siswa disetiap kelompok untuk menjadi

orang pertama, orang ke-dua, orang ke-tiga, orang ke-

empat dan orang ke-lima.

i) Siswa yang mendapatkan orang pertama harus

memahami paragraf pertama dan kedua dalam text

recount dan menganalisis kesalahan dalam regular verbs

dalam suatu text bacaan. Orang kedua harus memahami

paragraf ke-tiga dan keempat dan mampu menganalis

kesalahan dalam regular verbs. Dan Guru membagi tugas

sampai orang ke-lima.

Kegiatan Elaborasi

a) Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat expert grup.

setiap orang pertama akan berkumpul dengan orang

pertama. Siswa yang menjadi orang kedua akan

berkumpul dengan siswa orang ke dua, yang sama

tugasnya, dan seterusnya sampai siswa yang menjadi

orang kelima akan berkumpul juga dengan siswa lain

yang sama tugasnya.

b) Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiskusi kelompok di

expert group dan menekankan kepada siswa bahwa

mereka harus menguasai setiap materi.

55 menit


c) Guru memberikan waktu 15 menit untuk berdiskusi dan

guru menjadi fasilitator apabila ada siswa yang

mengalami kesulitan.

d) Guru meminta siswa untuk kembali ke group asal dan

setiap siswa harus menjelaskan apa yang sudah mereka

diskusikan dengan kelompok expert group.

Kegiatan Konfirmasi a) Guru bersama murid membahas bersama dan meminta

satu murid untuk persentasi didepan kelas.

b) Guru membagikan lembar list of regular verbs kepada

setiap siswa kemudian meminta siswa untuk mengisi lists

of regular verbs.

3 Kegiatan Akhir

a) Guru menanyakan kembali kepada siswa apakah ada

materi atau hal yang belum dimengerti

b) Guru memberi soal kepada siswa dan meminta siswa


c) Guru menutup pembelajaran hari ini.

d) Guru mengucapkan salam.

15 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Buku yang relevan dengan materi : English in focus Kelas VIII

X. Bentuk Penilaian:


Instrument Contoh Instrument Kunci Jawaban Skor



Fills in the blanks with

the words provided in

the box

1. When we went to the

forest, we saw the people

who (...........).the trees by

using axe. We were so sad

because they (.........) the


(hewed, destroyed)

9. I helped my uncle in the

garden, I ….. the soil and

my uncle planted the

vegetables and fruits


*soal terlampir




Ada 13 soal pertanyaan dalam bentuk fill in the blank dimana

bobot nilai benar semua ialah 15 point. Siswa diminta membaca soal

pertanyaan dan mencari kosakata regular verbs yang tepat dalam sebuah

kalimat rumpang (completion test). (soal terlampir)

1. Nilai 100 : Apabila siswa benar semua dan mendapat nilai point 15.

2. Nilai 96 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 14.

3. Nilai 93 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 13.

4. Nilai 90 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 12. Dan seterusnya.

Rumus penilaian = Jumlah Jawaban benar x 2

Dibagi 3

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Santi. S.Pd.

Guru Peneliti


Ahmad Subhan


Recount Text regular verbs.

My Holiday

I spent my holiday with my best friends and it was unforgettable moment

in my life. I went to the forest last holiday and we went there because david‟s

family invite us to make barbecue party in there. We were so happy because we

has arrange and prepare this holiday since last semester and I was so happy too,

because finally my mother permit me to go to there with David‟s Family.

I ask David to call my others best friend and he agree with my idea. He

took his phone and he call Raja, Anita, Berry, Iqbal, and Yona. Unfortunately,

Yona couldn‟t join with us, because her mother prohibit her to go there so that we

agree to go there with Raja, Anita, Iqbal and Berry. We join in David‟s family in

the morning and we went to forest by using car.

In the middle of our journey, we talk and play card but Berry felt sleepy

and he slumber in our journey. After three hours enjoying the journey, we finally

arrive in the forest and we run to the forest. We were so happy because the air

was so fresh and suddenly David approach his parents and he stare at his parents

and said “Thanks mom and dad for this holiday”

` We look for the best place and after getting the best place to rest. David‟s

father made the tend for us and David‟s mother prepare for the barbecue. While

they were busy, we ask David‟s parents to go to the river and they allow us. We

were so happy and we directly ran to the river. In the middle our journey to the

river, Anita felt tired and we decide to transit under the tree. Suddenly, Anita saw

the Guava tree and she push Raja to take the guava and we also persuade him.

Finally Raja climb up the guava tree and he took some guava for us. We were so

happy to Raja.

After that, we continue our journey to the river and we walk for about

twenty minutes to go the river. When we were in the river, we look for the fish

and we start a fishing competition. We agree that whoever got the most fish would

keep all the fish that night. Apparently, no one caught any big fish and we caught

mostly small fish. After fishing for nearly two hours, we went to the forest and

subconsciously we saw the people who destroy the pinus tree by axe. We were so


sad at that time, because they damage the environment. We could not do anything

so we finally agree to go to David‟s Family.

David‟s mother worry about our conditions, because we arrive in tend at

night and she advise us to obey her rule. Then, we apologize for our mistake and

David‟s mother forgave our mistake. At night, we conduct the barbecue and we

help David‟s father. Anita cut the fish and David‟s mother slice the onions. At

night we burn the fish and then we ate together. At ten P.M we all slept and took a


In the morning, we prepare to back home and we we arrive in David‟s

house at nine a clock in the morning . When we arrive, I directly laid myself in the

sofa suddenly David approach us and he look so sad at that time. Then, Raja ask

him why he was sad then David told us that he couldn‟t play with us again. We

shock at the time and I saw Anita‟s face and she cry loudly. We try to ask David

for giving his reason and then David clarify his reason. He couldn‟t play with us

again, because David‟s father has move from his old company and he has apply a

new job in Riau, so David and his family must go to Riau.

We were so sad, because we have admit David as our family. However we

realize that David have to go with his family. We promise to David that we never

forget him. Then we all came back to our home and the next day we accompany

David and his family to Airport. This holiday was unforgettable moment in my

life and we hope we could meet with David again.

Your duties are

1. Find out the regular verbs

2. Find out the meaning and share it to your friends.


ACTIVITY 1! Regular verbs

There are some lists to do for each student,

1. Find out the verb 2 and 3 and write on the table

2. Find out the Meaning.

If the base ends in –ee, -oe, -ie, or –ye, keep the final –e

Present Past Participle Meaning





If the base end in a consonant plus –y, We change the –y to –i and then

add –ed

Present Past Participle Meaning










If a vowel precedes the final –y, the spelling is regular.

Present Past Participle Meaning









If the base end in –e, drop the –e before adding –ed

Present Past Participle Meaning
















If the base end in consonant, We can add –ed

Present Past Participle






























Exercise !! Name/ Class:

Fills in the blanks with the words provided in the box !

1. When we went to the forest, we saw the people who ................. the trees by

using axe. We were so sad because they .................... the environment.

2. The thief didn‟t get the money, because the policeman …… their action, so

that they were arrested by the police.

3. His acting was good, because he successfully ….. as Super hero.

4. I didn‟t like his attitude, because yesterday he ….… me

5. I came late to school, because last night I was so sleepy and I …… in my


6. My brother ….. bicycle in the garage yesterday.

7. I did not pass the last exam and yesterday Mitha ….. me to not give up

8. Before I went to sleep, I ….. my teeth in the bathroom.

9. I helped my uncle in the garden, I ….. the soil and my uncle planted the

vegetables and fruits.

10. I helped my aunt in the garden, and yesterday I …… the beautiful rosses


11. The door was locked, but my father could open it. He…… the door hardly.

12. When Malin Kundang came to his howntown, his mother still …… his face

and his mother ……. to Malin Kundang, but malin didn‟t hear his mother‟s


13. My clothes was wet yesterday, so I ….. my clothes by using washing


prevented screamed annoyed hoed destroyed dried pretended

pushed fixed brushed suggested slumbered hewed picked recognized



(RPP) Pertemuan ke-2 Experiment Class

Sekolah : SMPN 169 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII-D

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Ketrampilan : Menulis (Writing)

Tema : List of Irregular Verbs

Tahun Pelajaran : 2013 / 2014

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

I. Standar Kompetensi

12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei

pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional

pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

III. Indikator

a. Mengenali perubahan kata kerja verbs Irregular.

b. Menyebutkan arti dari kosakata verbs irregular.

c. Mengenal sinonim atau antonym dari kata kerja Irregular verbs.

d. Menulis kalimat yang didalamnya terdapat kata Irregular verbs.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:


a. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengenali perubahan kata kerja irregular


b. Siswa diharapkan mampu menyebutkan arti kata dari Irregular verbs.

c. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengenali sinonim atau antonym dari

kosakata Irregular verbs.

d. Siswa diharapkan mampu menulis kalimat yang didalamya terdapat

kosakata kata kerja irregular verbs.

V. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

a) Dilligent (Rajin) b) Humble (Berbagi Informasi)

c) Good Work Team (Kerja sama) d) Responsibility (Tanggung Jawab)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran


Irregular Verbs are the verbs that do not from the past and the past

participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive. Irregular verbs occur when the

simple past and past participle do not end in –ed.

*Materi Ajar terlampir

VII. Metode Pembelajaran: Cooperative Learning using Jigsaw

VIII. Langkah-langkah kegiatan:

No Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal / Apersepsi

a) Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan menanyakan kabar siswa

b) Guru mengingatkan kembali mengenai vocabulary


c) Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak arti kata dari

„irregular verbs dan meminta siswa untuk mengubahnya

d) Guru mengadakan games “Jigsaw Word”.

e) Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok dan

disetiap kelompok terdiri dari 4 siswa.

f) Guru memberikan setiap siswa clue card atau petunjuk

yang setiap siswa memiliki clue card yang berbeda. Clue

20 Menit


card ini berguna untuk menyelesaikan “Jigsaw Word”

g) Guru menyuruh siswa untuk setiap siswa berdiskusi

dengan teman sekelompoknya mengenai clue card yang

telah mereka miliki masing-masing.

h) Guru memberikan waktu 15 menit untuk

menyelesaikan “jigsaw word”

2. Kegiatan Inti

Kegiatan Eksplorasi

a) Guru menerapkan pembelajaran Jigsaw, yaitu guru

membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok dan

sebelumnya guru sudah membagi kelompok berdasarkan

jenis kelamin ataupun nilai bahasa inggris mereka.

b) Guru membagikan kertas kepada setiap siswa yang

didalamnya berisi list tables of “rule of irregular verbs”

c) Guru mulai membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok

dimana satu kelompok terdiri dari 5 siswa.

d) Guru membagi siswa disetiap kelompok untuk menjadi

orang pertama, orang ke-dua, orang ke-tiga, orang ke-

empat dan orang ke-lima.

e)Siswa yang mendapatkan orang pertama harus

memahami list table pertama sampai table ke empat dan

mengisi table yang kosong. Orang kedua harus memahami

list table ke-5 sampai table ke -9.

Siswa ke-3 memahami dan mengisi table ke 10- sampai

table ke 13. Orang ke-4 memahami table ke-14 sampai

table ke 18.dan mengisi irregular verbs yang kosong, dan

siswa terakhir memahami dan mengisi table ke 19 sampai

list table irregular verbs ke table ke-22.

Kegiatan Elaborasi

a) Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat expert grup.

setiap siswa pertama akan berkumpul dengan orang

pertama. Siswa yang menjadi orang kedua akan

berkumpul dengan siswa orang ke dua, yang sama

tugasnya, dan seterusnya sampai siswa yang menjadi

orang kelima akan berkumpul juga dengan siswa lain

yang sama tugasnya.

b) Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiskusi dan menekankan

kepada siswa bahwa mereka harus menguasai setiap


c) Guru memberikan waktu 20 menit untuk berdiskusi dan

50 menit


guru menjadi fasilitator apabila ada siswa yang

mengalami kesulitan.

d) Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari sinonim atau

antonym dari Irregular verbs yang sebelumnya sudah

diberi tanda di kertas mereka.

e) Siswa kembali ke group asal dan setiap siswa harus

menjelaskan apa yang sudah mereka diskusikan dengan

kelompok expert group

f) Guru memberikan waktu 15 menit untuk siswa saling

menjelaskan materi dari yang mereka dapat di group


Kegiatan Konfirmasi

a) Guru meminta murid untuk menghafal irregular verbs

b) Guru meminta murid untuk saling menebak sesama

teman sebangku mengenai irregular verbs yang telah

dipelajari hari ini

c) Guru meminta murid untuk menulis 5 kalimat yang

didalamnya terdapat satu kata kerja irregular verbs.

3 Kegiatan Akhir

a) Guru menanyakan kembali kepada siswa apakah ada

materi atau hal yang belum dimengerti

b) Guru menutup pembelajaran hari ini.

c) Guru mengucapkan salam.

10 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Buku yang relevan dengan materi : Modern English Author by: Marcella


X. Bentuk Penilaian:


Instrument Contoh Instrument Kunci Jawaban Skor

Making a






Write 5 sentences and

pick the vocabulary of

Irregular Verbs.

1. ,………..





2O untuk 1

butir soal




Siswa diminta membuat 5 kalimat yang mengandung vocabulary;

irregular verbs.

1. Nilai 100 : Apabila siswa benar dalam membuat kalimat.

2. Nilai 80 : Apabila siswa terdapat 1 nomor kesalahan mengenai

vocabulary yang digunakan dan terdapat kesalahan dalam


3. Nilai 60 : Apabila siswa benar membuat 3 kalimat. Dan seterusnya.

Rumus penilaian = Jumlah Jawaban benar x 20

Nilai Mximum = 5 x 20 = 100.

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Santi. S.Pd.

Guru Peneliti


Ahmad Subhan


Jigsaw Word Irregular Verbs



















Jigsaw Word Irregular Verbs

R E 1 W






2 S P

4 T


5 L


E 6



4 L



R 3


5 S






6 K N E

9 L T



D I 7




9 G

10 R E W



10T O R E

U P 8














The Clues

Across / Mendatar Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

1) The first later is “W” 1) The verb 1 is “wear” 1) My father (…… )


1) The third letter is


2) My Mother (….. )

the floor yesterday. 2) The verb letter is “W”

2) Related with


2) The last word is


3) My sister (….) my

sunglasses yesterday

3) The third letter is


3) The verb 1 is


3) The first letter is


4) The second letter is


4) My Uncle (.….) some

money yesterday.

4) The antonym of


4) The First letter is


5) Verb 1 = Verb 2 5) My mother (…..) him

go sailing yesterday.

5) The mening of this

word “membiarkan”

5) the first letter is


6) The first letter is „K‟

6) The football player

…… the ground and

they prayed to God.

6) The Fourth letter is


6) The verb 1 is


7) I saw the monkey

who ….. behind the tree. 7) The first letter is “H”

7) The meaning of this

verb is mengumpat.

7) yesterday, I …..

behind the door,

because my sister

was looking for me.

8) The first letter is „S‟

8) We got the

punishment, so

yesterday we…. the

school yard.

8) The Last letter


8) The meaning of

this word is


9) The Synonym of


9) We ….. the

vegetables and fruit


9) The second letter is


9) the farmer …. The

paddy yesterday.

10) The second letter is


10) Related with eyes

and tears.

10) The verb 1 is tear. 10) The meaning of

this word is


11) The Verb 1 = Verb 2 11) I forgot where I

…my sunglasses

11) The last letter is


11) don‟t forget to …

the ingredients.

The Clues DOWN / Menurun

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

1) The first later is “W” 1) The antonym of


1) yesterday, I slept at

24:00 and I ….. at


1) The third letter is


2) The fourth letter is

„L” 2) The first later is „T‟

2) Related with thief

or robber.

2) I lost my wallet,

becase someone …

my wallet yesterday.


3) The first latter is „B” 3) The Seond letter is


3) The meaning of this

word is melipat/


3) The verb 1 is bend

4) My teacher …. us

about the history of


4) The verb 1 is Tell 4) The synonym of


4) Yesterday, she ….

the story about


5) Related with clothes 5) You do this using

needle. 5) The first letter is „S‟ 5) related with Tailor.

6) The antonym of gave

6) My father …. the

money from my uncle


6) The first letter is


6) The second letter

is “O”

7) The Fourth letter is


7) ) My mother…. The

clothes in the yard 7) The verb 1 is Hang

7) The meaning of

this word is


8) The first letter is „S” 8).The V1 is “Shake”

8)My father ….. his

glasses when he want

to drink coffee.

8) The second letter

is “H”

9) The first letter is “L” 9) The meaning of this

word is “memasang”

9) The last letter is


9) My father …. the

lamp lastnight.

10) The First letter is


10) The meaning of this

word is membelah.

10) The third letter is


10) The V1 is “Rend”

11) 1 …. The

supermarket yesterday.

11) The antonym of

came back.

11) The first letter is


11) I …. to the

mountain last



“Irregular Verbs” Name : /Class:

Your duties are !!

: Find out the verbs in the blank

: Find out the meaning and then you choose 2 verbs two make a sentence!

: If there is a sign like (*) in the verbs you have to search the synonym, and

find out the verbs 2

: If there is a sign like (#) in the verbs you have to search the antonym, and

find out the verbs 2

Irregular verbs which all three principle parts are different

1. Verbs that pattern like - “sing, sang,sung” = Bernyanyi

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

drink …… ……… ……….

begin* …….. begun …….

………. …….. …….. Menyanyi

……….. ……… ……… Berenang

2. Verbs that pattern like -- weave, wove , woven

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

Break …… broken ……..

Steal …….. …… ………

Choose chose …….. ……….

speak ……… ……… ……..

3. Verbs that pattern like --- Blow, Blew, Blown = “Meniup” / Fly, flew, flown =


Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

withdraw* …… …… Mengambil

grow ….. grown ………

…… …….. known Mengetahui

throw ……… ……… Melempar

draw ……… ……… ……..

4. Verbs that pattern like - strive --- strove --- striven = Berjuang

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

drive …… ….. Mengemudi

….. ….. ridden …….

…… …….. written …..


5. Verbs that pattern like - tear –---- tore ---- torn = Mengeluarkan air mata

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

swear …… ….. ……

wear ….. worn …….

…… …….. born melahirkan

6. Verbs that pattern like - Partake - Partook- Partaken = Mengambil bagian

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

take# …… …… ……

….. ….. shaken Menggoncangkan

mistake …….. ……... ………

……. forsook ……. meninggalkan

7. Verbs that pattern like -- Chide Chid Chidden = Mencaci

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

Hide …… …… ……

….. ….. bitten …….

8. Verbs that pattern like forgive forgave - forgiven = Memberi maaf/ Memaafkan

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

forbid …… forbidden Melarang

….. ….. given# ……

9. Verbs that pattern like - mow mowed mown = tempat menyimpan padi

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

show …… …. …..

….. ….. sewn ..

….. …… hewn menebang Pohon

10. Miscellaneous (Bermacam macam)

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

….. did …. melakukan

….. ….. eaten# ……

….. …… gone ……

….. saw …… …….


…… ….. lain Meletakan

fall ……. ……. Jatuh

wake …..

… …. gotten Mendapatkan

2. Second and third principles are alike 11. Verbs that pattern like Bring-- Brought - Brought (Membawa)

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

buy …….. ……

fight ……

catch caught …….

seek …… sought

teach ……. ……. Mengajar

think ……… ……. Berfikir

12) Verbs that pattern like Bend Bent - Bent = Menekuk / Melipat

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

lend …….. …… Meminjamkan

spend …… …… Menghabiskan

send ……. …….

13) Verbs that pattern like dig - dug- dug- = Menggali

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

strike …….. …… Memukul

stick …… …… ……..

hang ……. ……. …….

14) Verbs that pattern like tell---told---told = menceritakan

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

sell# …….. …..

15). Verbs that pattern like speed sped sped = mempercepat

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

…. met …… …….

…… sleep ……

sweep …… …….

weep …… wept Menangis dengan deras

16) Verbs that patterns like Mislay - Mislaid Mislaid = Meletakan

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

lay* …….. ….. meletakan , memasang

pay ….. …… …..

…… said …… …


17) Verbs that pattern like feed fed fed = Memberi makan Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

feel …. felt …….

…… kept …. ....

kneel …… ……. ….

18) Verbs that pattern like : Bind- Bound- Bound = Meloncat

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

find …….. …..

……… ….. wound …..

…… ground …… menggiling

19) Miscellaneous (Bermacam-macam) Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

build …….. built Memotong

stand …… stood

win …… won ….

hold held …….

…….. made ……. …..

lose lost …….. Kalah

hear ……… ……. ….

shoot shot …… ……..

3 First and second principal parts are alike 20)

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

beat* beaten atau (beat) Memukul

4. Irregular verbs which all three principles are alike 21)

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

cut …….. …… Memotong

hit* …… ……

…… ….. hurt …….

…… …… …… Membaca

…….. spread …….

…….. ……… ……. Menaruh

…….. ………. …….. Membiarkan

…….. ……… ……. Melukai

…….. ……… read ……..


5. First and Third Principles are alike : run ran - run = Berlari 22.

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

come …… …… menjadi

…… ….. overcome mengatasi

… …… …… datang

Assignment !!

You may pick 5 Irregular verbs on the tables above and you have to make a

sentence !! in a piece of paper.



(RPP) Pertemuan ke-3 Experiment Class

Sekolah : SMPN 169 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII-D

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit (1x pertemuan)

Ketrampilan : Reading

Tema : Finding the irregular verbs in the text.

Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

I. Standar Kompetensi

` 11. Memahami makna dalam essai pendek berbetuk recount atau

narrative text untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative text.

III. Indikator

a. Mengidentifikasikan vocabulary secara spesifik yaitu iregular

verbs dalam sebuah recount text.

b. Mengartikan Irregular verbs yang ada didalam recount text.

c. Menganalisa kesalahan irregular verbs dalam sebuah kalimat di

bacaan recount text.

d. Melengkapi bentuk test completion test/ kalimat rumpang didalam

suatu soal kalimat.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:

a. Siswa diharapkan mampu menemukan vocabulary Irregular verbs

dalam suatu teks bacaan recount teks.


b. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengetahui arti makna dalam kata kerja

irregular verbs didalam suatu text recount text.

c. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengubah kata kerja irregular verbs

dalam suatu recount text.

d. Siswa diharapkan mampu menyelesaikan soal completion test (soal

kalimat rumpang) di dalam suatu kalimat.

V. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

a) Dilligent (Rajin) b) Humble (Berbagi Informasi)

c) Good Work Team (Kerja sama) d) Responsibility (Tanggung Jawab)

e) Creative (Kreatif) f) Brave (Berani)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran

“Iregular verbs”

Irregular Verbs are the verbs that do not from the past and the

past participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive. Irregular verbs occur

when the simple past and past participle do not end in –ed.

*Materi Ajar terlampir

VII. Metode Pembelajaran: Cooperative Learning using Jigsaw

VIII. Langkah-langkah kegiatan:

No Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal / Apersepsi

a) Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan menanyakan kabar kepada siswa.

b) Guru mengingatkan kembali mengenai vocabulary

verbs of Irregular verbs.

c) Guru mengadakan apersepsi berupa Games “Jigsaw

word atau “Puzzle word”

d) Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok

dimana satu kelompok terdiri dari empat orang.

e) Guru memberikan setiap siswa beberapa potongan kata

.(Potongan kata kerja irregular verbs 1, Irregular verbs 2

dan Arti kata dari Irregular verbs itu sendiri)

f) Guru memberikan karton dan lem kepada setiap

kelompok dan memberikan waktu 15 menit untuk


20 Menit


2. Kegiatan Inti

Kegiatan Eksplorasi

c) Guru membagikan selembar kertas kepada setiap siswa

yang didalamnya berisi text dalam bentuk recount text.

d) Guru mulai menjelaskan secara singkat kepada siswa

bahwa didalam recount text kata kerja yang digunakan

yaitu kata kerja lampau untuk kalimat positif.

e) Guru menjelaskan bahwa teks yang telah diberikan

terdapat kesalahan dalam penggunaan kata kerja Irregular


f) Guru menjelaskan bahwa siswa diminta mencari kata

kerja irregular verbs didalam recount text dan mengganti

dengan kata kerja irregular verbs yang seharusnya


g) Guru mulai membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok

dimana satu kelompok terdiri dari 5 siswa.

h) Guru membagi siswa disetiap kelompok untuk menjadi

orang pertama, orang ke-dua, orang ke-tiga, orang ke-

empat dan orang ke-lima.

i) Siswa yang mendapatkan orang pertama harus

memahami paragraf pertama dalam text recount dan

menganalisis kesalahan dalam regular verbs dalam suatu

text bacaan. Orang kedua harus memahami paragraf ke

dua dan mampu menganalis kesalahan dalam regular

verbs.Orang ke-3 harus menguasai paragraph ke-3, orang

ke-4 harus memahami paragraph ke 4 dan ke-5, dan orang

ke-5 harus menguasai pargraf ke-6 dan ke-7


Kegiatan Elaborasi

a) Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat expert grup.

setiap orang pertama akan berkumpul dengan orang

pertama. Siswa yang menjadi orang kedua akan

berkumpul dengan siswa orang ke dua, yang sama

tugasnya, dan seterusnya sampai siswa yang menjadi

orang kelima akan berkumpul juga dengan siswa lain

yang sama tugasnya.

b) Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiskusi kelompok di

expert group dan menekankan kepada siswa bahwa

mereka harus menguasai setiap materi.

c) Guru memberikan waktu 15 menit untuk berdiskusi dan

guru menjadi fasilitator apabila ada siswa yang

mengalami kesulitan.

d) Guru menjadi observer, melihat apakah siswa

melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik dan benar.

e) Guru meminta siswa untuk kembali ke group asal dan

45 menit


setiap siswa harus menjelaskan apa yang sudah mereka

diskusikan dengan kelompok expert group.

Kegiatan Konfirmasi a) Guru bersama meminta satu murid untuk persentasi

didepan kelas.

b) Guru bersama murid membahas bersama apa yang

sudah murid kerjakan.

3 Kegiatan Akhir

a) Guru menanyakan kembali kepada siswa apakah ada

materi atau hal yang belum dimengerti

b) Guru memberi soal kepada siswa dan meminta siswa

untuk mengerjakannya.

c) Guru menutup pembelajaran hari ini.

d) Guru mengucapkan salam.

15 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Buku yang relevan dengan materi : English in focus for eight grade

Junior high School. Authored by : Artono Wardiman dkk.

X. Bentuk Penilaian:


Instrument Contoh Instrument Kunci Jawaban Skor


Test berupa


dalam cerita

recount text.

Complete this

paragraph with the

suitable regular and

irregular verbs.

1. Once upon a time, two

bandits (……..) an old

lady. The robbery

(……….) near the old

bridge over the river. The

old lady (……..) shopping

and (…….) tower the



Ada 10 soal pertanyaan dalam bentuk paragraf dimana siswa harus

mengisi kata kerja yangs esuai dengan konteks kalimat. Siswa diminta

membaca soal pertanyaan dan mencari kosakata regular verbs yang tepat

dalam sebuah paragraf kalimat rumpang (completion test) terdapat 10 soal

yang harus dijawab oleh siswa.


1. Nilai 100 : Apabila siswa benar semua dan mendapat nilai point 10.

2. Nilai 90 : Apabila siswa benar dengan mendapat point 9.

3. Nilai 80 : Apabila siswa benar dengan mendapat point 8.

4. Nilai 70 : Apabila siswa benar dengan mendapat point 70

5. Nilai 60 : Apabila siswa benar dengan mendapat point 60.

Dan seterusnya.

Rumus penilaian = Jumlah Jawaban benar x 10.

= 10 jawaban benar x 10 = 100

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Santi. S.Pd.

Guru Peneliti


Ahmad Subhan


Apersepsi Word Puzzle / Word Jigsaw

Siswa dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok untuk menyelesaikan Puzzle word

Siswa saling bertukar informasi mengenai potongan puzzle yang mereka miliki.

Memberikan waktu 15 menit untuk melengkapi puzzle yang disediakan.


Recount Text Irregular verbs.

My Unforgettable Moment

Last Saturday, I wake up early, but I didn’t get up because there was no

school. Suddenly I hear something and realized that my phone rang. It was my

friend, Fanny. She asked me to go out at 10:00 a.m. She wanted to buy something

in supermarket. Before I meet Fanny, I sweep my bedroom and I also feed my

lovely cat and my beloved hamster.

At 09:00 a.m, I leave my house and I take my bicycle. I ride my bicycle

fastly to Fanny’s house. I come to Fanny’s house at 09:30 and we go there to the

market. Finally we were out. In the street, I see a piece of pink coupon. Interested

with its colored, I take it. Then, Fanny and I read this coupon. We were fully

shocked because it was a receipt of four night’s tour to Senggigi beach, Lombok.

We were so shocked when we find coupon. The expired date was that day.

To our surprised, the name was Fanny Fenita and the birth date was exactly the

same like Fanny my friends and it was valid for two persons. My God!! We were

thinking that the coupon fall from the sky and it was there for us. We ran to the

agent of tour agency. We decided to take the taxi and the taxi’s driver drive his car

so fast because he speed his car in driving. But I speak to him to be careful.

We were in hurried to the address of the tour agency that issued the

coupon. The tour agency take the coupon and checked it. We go home and still

could not believe what was going on. Two days later, the tour agency give us the

good news and we fly to Senggigi beach by plane. We spend two hours to arrive

in Senggigi.

We were so happy when we arrived in Senggigi beach, The scenery was

so beautiful. When it was afternoon, we forget that we must checked in to Hotel.

In the hotel, Fanny enjoyed the bedroom and I tell to her that “I am happy”.

The last day in Senggigi, we spend my time in the beach and we swim in

the beach and we also catch the fish. After fishing, we choose to play volley ball

in the beach. In the afternoon, we buy some souvenirs for our family and we

checked out the hotel in at 07:00 P.M.


We go to the airport by taxi and we pay it to the driver and the taxi driver

say “Thanks you for coming in Lombok”. We arrived. We were so happy because

the scenery was awesome and the people in Lombok was so polite to us. We

swear that we will go to Lombok again.

Your duties are :

1. Find out the irregular verbs in the text

2. Discuss with your expert group, and you must master your material.

3. You have to teach your material to your students in your group.

Task Name:

Complete this paragraph with the suitable regular and irregular verbs.

Once upon a time, two bandits (……..) an old lady. The robbery (……….)

near the old bridge over the river. The old lady (……..) shopping and (…….) tower

the bridge. When she was near the bridge, two bandits (…….) her body and (……)

her purse. She (…….) and they (……) it. Then, they ( …….) to the forest.

Unfortunately. The police (……..) the robber.

1. Robbed 6. grabbed

2. happened 7. screamed

3. Finished 8. took

4. Walked 9. run

5. pushed 10. caught

robb happen scream take catch

finish walk grab push ran



(RPP) Pertemuan ke-4 Experiment Class

Sekolah : SMPN 169 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII-D

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Ketrampilan : Reading

Tema : Finding the Irregular Verbs in Narrative text.

Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

I. Standar Kompetensi

` 11. Memahami makna dalam essai pendek berbetuk recount atau

narrative text untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative text.

III. Indikator

a. Mengidentifikasikan vocabulary verb, regular dan irregular verbs

dalam Narrative Text.

b. Membedakan vocabulary; regular dan irregular dalam bacaan

bentuk Narrative text.

c. Menganalisa kesalahan regular dan irregular verbs dalam sebuah

text yang berbentuk narrative text.

d. Mengisi kalimat rumpang / completion test dalam sebuah kalimat.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:

a. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengenali dan membedakan kata kerja

regular verbs dan irregular verbs.


b. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengetahui arti makna (meaning) dalam

kata kerja regular verbs dan irregular verbs.

c. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengubah kata kerja regular verbs dan

irregular verbs dalam suatu text bacaan.

d. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengisi kosakata yang sesuai dengan

kalimat dalam suatu tugas fill in the blank.

V. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

a) Dilligent (Rajin) b) Humble (Berbagi Informasi)

c) Good Work Team (Kerja sama) d) Responsibility (Tannggung Jawab)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran

“Regular verbs”

Regular verbs are verbs that form the past and the past participle

by adding –d or –ed to the

(For Example: - Hope = Hoped , Listen = Listened, Obey = Obeyed).

Irregular Verbs are the verbs that do not from the past and the

past participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive. Irregular verbs occur

when the simple past and past participle do not end in –ed.

*Materi Ajar terlampir

VII. Metode Pembelajaran: Cooperative Learning using Jigsaw

VIII. Langkah-langkah kegiatan:

No Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal / Apersepsi

a) Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan menanyakan kabar ke siswa.

b) Guru mengingat kembali mengenai regular dan

irregular verbs.

c) Guru meminta siswa untuk menjawab perbedaan

regular verbs dan Irregular verbs.

d) Guru mengadakan apersepsi berupa games, dimana

siswa dibagi menjadi empat kelompok berdasarkan

barisan tempat duduk.

e) Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak arti kata dari

„regular verbs atau irregular verbs dan meminta siswa

untuk mengubah regular verbs atau irregular verbs.

10 Menit


2. Kegiatan Inti

Kegiatan Eksplorasi

b) Guru kembali mengingatkan untuk menerapkan

pembelajaran Jigsaw, yaitu guru membagi siswa dalam

beberapa kelompok dan sebelumnya guru sudah membagi

kelompok berdasarkan jenis kelamin, dan kemampuan

Bahasa Inggris mereka.

c) Guru membagikan selembar kertas kepada setiap siswa

yang didalamnya berisi text dalam bentuk Narrative Text.

d) Guru mulai membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok

dimana satu kelompok terdiri dari 5 siswa.

e) Guru membagi siswa disetiapkelompok untuk menjadi

orang pertama, orang ke-dua, orang ke-tiga, orang ke-

empat dan orang ke-lima.

f) Siswa yang mendapatkan orang pertama harus

memahami paragraf pertama dalam text narrative dan

menganalisis kesalahan dalam regular verb dan irregular

verbs dalam suatu text bacaan. Orang kedua harus

memahami paragraf ke-dua dan orang ketiga harus

memahami paragpraf ke-3 dan orang ke-4 harus

memahami paragraph ke 4 dan 5, orang kelima harus

memahami paragraph ke 6 dan ke 7.

Kegiatan Elaborasi

g) Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat expert grup.

setiap orang pertama akan berkumpul dengan orang

pertama. Siswa yang menjadi orang kedua akan

berkumpul dengan siswa orang ke dua, yang sama

tugasnya, dan seterusnya sampai siswa yang menjadi

orang kelima akan berkumpul juga dengan siswa lain

yang sama tugasnya.

h) Guru meminta siswa untuk berdiskusi kelompok di

expert group dan menekankan kepada siswa bahwa

mereka harus menguasai setiap materi.

i) Guru memberikan waktu 15 menit untuk berdiskusi dan

guru menjadi fasilitator apabila ada siswa yang

mengalami kesulitan.

j) Guru menjadi observer dimana memahami apakah

murid menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik.

k) Guru meminta siswa untuk kembali ke group asal dan

setiap siswa harus menjelaskan apa yang sudah mereka

diskusikan dengan kelompok expert group.

Kegiatan Konfirmasi

l) Guru bersama murid membahas bersama dan meminta

satu atau dua murid untuk persentasi didepan kelas..

55 menit

3 Kegiatan Akhir

a) Guru menanyakan kembali kepada siswa apakah ada 15 Menit


materi atau hal yang belum dimengerti

b) Guru memberi soal kepada siswa dan meminta siswa

mengerjakannya sendiri.

c) Guru menutup pembelajaran hari ini.

d) Guru mengucapkan salam.

IX. Sumber Belajar

Buku yang relevan dengan materi : English in focus Kelas VIII

X. Bentuk Penilaian:


Instrument Contoh Instrument Kunci Jawaban Skor



Fills in the blanks

with the words

provided in the box

.Last holiday, My

brothers and I ………..

our time at Uncle‟s house

in Magelang. (spent)


Ada 14 soal pertanyaan dalam bentuk fill in the blank dimana

bobot nilai benar semua ialah 15 point. Siswa diminta membaca soal

pertanyaan dan mencari kosakata regular dan irregular verbs yang tepat

dalam sebuah kalimat rumpang (completion test). (soal terlampir)

1. Nilai 100 : Apabila siswa benar semua dan mendapat nilai point 15.

2. Nilai 96 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 14.

3. Nilai 93 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 13.

4. Nilai 90 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 12. Dan seterusnya.

Rumus penilaian = Jumlah Jawaban benar x 2

Dibagi 3

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Santi. S.Pd.

Guru Peneliti


Ahmad Subhan


Narrative Text: Regular and Irregular verbs.

The Story of Malin Kundang

A long time ago, there was a small village the beach in west sumatera.

There were a woman and her son live. They were Malin Kundang and her mother.

Her mother was a single parents, because her husband had passed away when

Malin Kundang was a baby. Malin Kundang was a healthy, a dilligent, and a

strong boy. He begin to work in the sea. He go to the sea, and he catch the fish in

there. After he get the fish, he bring the fish to her mom, and then her mom sell

the fish in the town.

One day, Malin Kundang sail to the sea then he see a merchant‟s ship

which was being raided by a small band of pirates. The pirates take some money

from the people in merchant‟s ship. Suddenly, Malin kundang help the merchant.

With his brave and power, Malin Kundang fight the pirates and malin kundang

strike and hit the pirates

The merchant was so happy and give money to him, but Malin Kundang

refuse it because he do it with pleasure. The merchant ask him to sail together. To

get a better life, Malin Kundang agree. He come back to home and he tell to his

mother. First time, Malin kundang mother did not agree to sail and then malin

kundang beg to his mother, she allow Malin Kundang to go, At the end, Malin

kundang leave his mother alone at home.

Many years later, Malin Kundang become rich and wealthy. He had a huge

ship and he was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods. Perfectly

Malin Kundang had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey,

his ship arrive on a beach near a small village. The villagers in the beach come to

the beautiful ships and suddenly they know him,. “It was Malin Kundang” said

the villagers. The villagers seek Malin Kundang‟s mother and they tell this good

news to Malin Kundang‟s mother.

Malin Kundang‟s mother was so happy and she come to the beach. Malin

kundang and his mother meet each other. Unfortunately, Malin kundang was so

arrogant and he didn‟t know his mother. For three times her mother say that she


was his mother. At last Malin Kundang chide and he say “Enough hey old

woman, I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and poor woman”. His mother

was so sad and so angry.

Finally, Malin Kundang‟s mother kneel in the ground and she pray to god.

She swear not to know malin again and she curse Malin that he would turn into

the stone if he didnt apologize. Malin Kundang laugh and he start to sail again.

In the quite sea, suddenly the god hear malin kundang‟s pray and the sky

change into dark and suddenly a thunderstorm come. His huge was crushed and it

was too late to malin kundang to apologize. He fall on a small island. It was too

late for him to apologize. And Suddenly, he turn into stone.

You have your duties!! This text contains some wrong vocabulary, especially

verbs, because the verbs of this text used Verb 1

Your duties are :

1. Find out and underlined the verbs and Find out the meaning itself !!

2. Change the verbs 2


Fills in the blanks with the words provided in the box ! Name:

1. Last holiday, My brothers and I ……….. our time at Uncle‟s house in


2. Yesterday, I helped my mother and I ……. the floor

3. The hunters went to the jungle and they ….. the rabbits for their dinner

4. I lost my wallet and yesterday Ana helped me because she ……... My wallet

in her home

5. Last night, The badminton player won the match and he ………. in the ground

and he prayed to god.

6. The people …………. the thief by woods because the thief stole my

motorcycle last night.

7. In Borobudur temple I visited souvenir shop and I ……… Some new dresses.

8. Last month, the police successfully……… the criminal case about corruption.

9. My father …… the robber by woods because the robber tried to take my


10. Before the farmer grew the cabbage and tomatoes, the farmer …….. the

ground by using hoe.

11. Last night I forgot where I ……. My glasses.

12. We …………. the lessons because last meeting, Miss. Santi …….. us clearly

13. Yesterday, My mother……… my clothes on a hanger.

14. Yesterday, the seller….. the fruits and vegetables in the tradional market.

put hung dug understood swept overcame struck

caught spent knelt found hit bought taught sold



(RPP) Pertemuan ke-1Controlled Class

Sekolah : SMPN 169 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII-C

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit ( 1x Pertemuan)

Ketrampilan : Reading

Tema : Regular Verbs in Recount Text.

Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014

Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 25 April 2014

I. Standar Kompetensi

` 11. Memahami makna dalam essai pendek berbetuk recount atau

narrative text untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative text.

III. Indikator

a. Mengidentifikasikan vocabulary secara spesifik yaitu regular verbs

dalam text recount.

b. Memahami text kalimat bacaan recount text.

c. Menganalisa kesalahan regular verbs dalam sebuah kalimat di

bacaan recount text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:

a. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengenali kata kerja regular verbs.

b. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengetahui arti makna dalam kata kerja

regular verbs.

c. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengubah kata kerja regular verbs.


d. Siswa diharapkan mampu menganalisa kesalahan regular verbs

dalam sebuah text.

V. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

a) Dilligent (Rajin) b) Independent (Mandiri)

c) Brave (Berani) d) Responsibility (Tannggung Jawab)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran

“Regular verbs”

Regular verbs are verbs that form the past and the past participle by

adding –d or –ed to the infinitive.

Simple Form Simple Past Past Present Participle

hope hoped hoped hoping

stop stopped stopped stopping

listen listened listened listening

study studied studied studying

*Materi Ajar sama dengan Kelas Eksperimen.

“My Holiday”

VII. Metode Pembelajaran: Conventional Method.

VIII. Langkah-langkah kegiatan:

No Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal / Apersepsi

a) Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan menanyakan kabar ke siswa.

b) Guru mengingatkan kembali mengenai vocabulary


c) Guru meminta siswa untuk menjawab perbedaan

regular verbs dan Irregular verbs.

d) Guru meminta siswa untuk menebak arti kata dari

‘regular verbs dan meminta siswa untuk mengubah

regular verbs.

10 Menit

2. Kegiatan Inti

Kegiatan Eksplorasi

a) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa bahwa beberapa

pertemuan kedepan mereka akan belajar mengenal dan

dan membedakan kosakata regular verbs dan irregular


b) Guru menjelaskan gambaran penjelasan singkat

mengenai kosakata regular verbs dan irregular verbs.

c) Guru membagikan selembar kertas kepada setiap siswa

55 menit


yang didalamnya berisi text dalam bentuk recount text.

d) Guru menyuuh siswa untuk membaca recount text.

e) Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca nyaring recount


f) Setelah membaca nyaring (reading aloud), Guru mulai

menjelaskan kepada siswa mengenai recount text.

g) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa bahwa dalam recount

text, kosakata yang digunakan ialah kata kerja masa

lampau untuk kalimat positif.

Kegiatan Elaborasi

h) Guru meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan secara

individu dan menganalisis kesalahan regular verbs

didalam text recount text.

i) Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari arti kata disetiap

kata regular verbs.

j) Guru memberikan waktu 40 menit kepada siswa untuk

mencari kata kerja dan mengartikan kata kerja regular


k) Guru meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan secara

individu atau tidak berdiskusi dengan temannya.

Kegiatan Konfirmasi

a) Guru membahas kata kerja regular verbs apa saja yang

sudah mereka dapatkan.

b) Guru membagi papan tulis menjadi dua bagian, dan

guru meminta siswa menulis kembali regular verbs apa

yang mereka dapat di papan tulis.

c) Siswa laki-laki harus menulis dikolom sebelah kiri

papan tulis dan Siswa perempuan disebelah kanan papan


d) Guru menunjuk sesorang siswa untuk maju. satu siswa

perempuan dan satu siswa laki-laki, setelah itu mereka

menunjuk teman selanjutnya.

e) Guru bersama murid membahas apa yang mereka tulis

di papan tulis.

f) Guru meminta murid untuk menghafal kata kerja yang

telah mereka dapatkan.

g) Guru memberikan list of Regular Verbs.

3 Kegiatan Akhir

a) Guru menanyakan kembali kepada siswa apakah ada

materi atau hal yang belum dimengerti

b) Guru memberi soal kepada siswa dan meminta siswa

mengerjakannya secara sendiri.

c) Guru menutup pembelajaran hari ini.

d) Guru mengucapkan salam.

15 Menit


IX. Sumber Belajar

Buku yang relevan dengan materi : English in focus Kelas VIII

X. Bentuk Penilaian:


Instrument Contoh Instrument Kunci Jawaban Skor



Fills in the blanks with

the words provided in

the box

1. When we went to the

forest, we saw the people

who (...........).the trees by

using axe. We were so sad

because they (.........) the


(hewed, destroyed)

9. I helped my uncle in the

garden, I ….. the soil and

my uncle planted the

vegetables and fruits




Ada 13 soal pertanyaan dalam bentuk fill in the blank dimana

bobot nilai benar semua ialah 15 point. Siswa diminta membaca soal

pertanyaan dan mencari kosakata regular verbs yang tepat dalam sebuah

kalimat rumpang (completion test). (soal terlampir)

1. Nilai 100 : Apabila siswa benar semua dan mendapat nilai point 15.

2. Nilai 96 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 14.

3. Nilai 93 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 13.

4. Nilai 90 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 12. Dan seterusnya.

Rumus penilaian = Jumlah Jawaban benar x 2

Dibagi 3

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Santi. S.Pd

Guru Peneliti


Ahmad Subhan



(RPP) Pertemuan ke-2 Controlled Class

Sekolah : SMPN 169 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII-C

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Ketrampilan : Writing

Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

I. Standar Kompetensi

12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei

pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar

II. Kompetensi Dasar

12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount

dan narrative.

III. Indikator

a. Mengenali perubahan kata kerja verbs Irregular.

b. Menyebutkan arti dari kosakata verbs irregular.

c. Menulis kalimat yang didalamnya terdapat kata Irregular verbs.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:

a. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengenali kata kerja Irregular verbs

b. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengetahui arti makna dalam kata kerja

irregular verbs.


c. Siswa diharapkan mampu menghafal beberapa kata kerja irregular


d. Siswa diharapkan mampu membuat kalimat dari vocab: ireegular


V. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

a) Dilligent (Rajin) b) Independent (Mandiri)

c) Brave (Berani) d) Responsibility (Tannggung Jawab)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran

“Irregular verbs”

Irregular verbs are the verbs that do not from the past and the past

participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive. Irregular verbs occur when

the simple past and past participle do not end in –ed.

*Materi Ajar terlampir

VII. Metode Pembelajaran:

Grammar Translation Method (Conventional Method)

VIII. Langkah-Langkah Kegiatan:

Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Waktu

Kegiatan Awal / Apersepsi

a) Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

menanyakan kabar kepada siswa.

b) Guru mengingatkan kembali mengenai vocabulary verbs of

Irregular verbs.

10 Menit

Kegiatan Inti

a) Guru memberikan lembaran kertas yang berisi lists of

irregular verbs.

b) Guru meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan list of irregular


c) Guru meminta siswa untuk mengubah kata kerja irregular


d) Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari sinonim atau antonym

dari irregular verbs.

e) Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat kalimat yang

didalamnya terdapat kata kerja irregular verbs. .

f) Guru memberikan waktu 30 menit untuk membuat kalimat

g) guru meminta siswa untuk menghafal kata kerja irregular

60 menit



Kegiatan Akhir

a) Guru menanyakan kembali kepada siswa apakah ada materi

yang belum dimengerti.

c) Guru menutup pembelajaran hari ini.

d) Guru mengucapkan salam.

10 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Buku yang relevan dengan materi : English in focus for eight grade

Junior high School. Authored by : Artono Wardiman dkk.

X. Bentuk Penilaian:


Instrument Contoh Instrument Kunci Jawaban Skor







Write 10 sentences and

pick the vocabulary of

Irregular Verbs.

1. ,………..








1O untuk 1

butir soal



Siswa diminta membuat 10 kalimat yang didalam kalimat tersebut

mengandung vocabulary; irregular verbs.

1. Nilai 100 : Apabila siswa benar dalam membuat kalimat.

2. Nilai 90 : Apabila siswa terdapat 1 nomor kesalahan mengenai

vocabulary yang digunakan dan terdapat kesalahan dalam


3. Nilai 80 : Apabila siswa benar membuat 8kalimat yang didalamnya

terdapat kata kerja irregular verbs..

4. Niai 70 : Apablia siswa benar menulis 8 kalimat yang didalamnya

terdapat kata kerja irregular verbs. Dan seterusnya.


Rumus penilaian = Jumlah Jawaban benar x 10

Nilai Mximum = 10 x 10 = 100.

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Santi. S.Pd.

Guru Peneliti


Ahmad Subhan


Lists of Irregular Verbs.

1. Verbs that pattern like - “sing, sang,sung” = Bernyanyi

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

drink …… ……… ……….

Begin …….. begun …….

………. …….. …….. Menyanyi

2. Verbs that pattern like -- weave, wove , woven

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

Break …… broken ……..

Steal …….. …… ………

Choose chose …….. ……….

3. Verbs that pattern like --- Blow, Blew, Blown = “Meniup” / Fly, flew, flown

= Meniup

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

withdraw* …… …… Mengambil

Grow ….. grown ………

…… …….. known Mengetahui

Throw ……… ……… Melempar

Draw ……… ……… ……..

4. Verbs that pattern like - tear –---- tore ---- torn = Mengeluarkan air mata

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

Swear …… ….. ……

Wear ….. worn …….

…… …….. born melahirkan

5. Verbs that pattern like - Partake - Partook- Partaken = Mengambil bagian

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

take# …… …… ……

….. ….. shaken Menggoncangkan

mistake …….. ……... ………


6. Verbs that pattern like forgive forgave - forgiven = Memberi maaf/ Memaafkan

Simple form Simple Past Past participle Meaning

forbid …… Forbidden Melarang

….. ….. given# ……

7. Verbs that pattern like Bend Bent - Bent = Menekuk / Melipat Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

lend …….. …… Meminjamkan

spend …… …… Menghabiskan

send ……. …….

8. Verbs that pattern like speed sped sped = mempercepat

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

…. met …… …….

…… sleep ……

sweep …… …….

9. Verbs that pattern like feed fed fed = Memberi makan Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

feel …. Felt …….

kneel …… ……. ….

10. .Irregular verbs which all three principles are alike

Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

Cut …….. …… Memotong

Hit …… ……

…… ….. Hurt …….

…… …… …… Membaca

…….. spread …….

…….. ……… ……. Menaruh

11 ) Miscellaneous (Bermacam-macam) Simple Form Simple Past Tense Past Participle Meaning

build …….. Built Memotong

stand …… Stood

hold held …….

…….. made ……. …..

lose lost …….. Kalah

hear ……… ……. ….

shoot shot …… ……..

Make 10 sentences and you have to use irregular verbs in your sentence.

You may picked the irregular verbs in the table above.



(RPP) Pertemuan ke-3 Controlled Class

Sekolah : SMPN 169 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII-C

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Ketrampilan : Writing

Tema : Irregular verbs in recount text.

Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

I. Standar Kompetensi

` 12. Mengungkapkan makna dan teks tulis fungsional dan essay

pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar berbentuk recount

dan narrative.

III. Indikator

a. Mengartikan Irregular verbs yang ada didalam recount text.

b. Menganalisa kesalahan irregular verbs dalam sebuah kalimat di

bacaan recount text.

c. Menulis dan mengartikan text yang bebentuk recount text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:

a. Siswa diharapkan mampu menemukan vocabulary Irregular verbs

dalam suatu teks bacaan recount teks.


b. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengetahui arti makna dalam kata kerja

irregular verbs didalam suatu text recount text.

c. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengubah kata kerja irregular verbs

dalam suatu recount text.

d. Siswa diharapkan mampu menulis dan mengartikan paragraph-

paragraf yang ada di teks recount.

V. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

a) Dilligent (Rajin) b) Dapat dipercaya (Trustworthines)

c) Respect (Menghargai) d) Responsibility (Tanggung Jawab)

e) Creative (Kreatif) f) Brave (Berani)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran:

Irregular Verbs are the verbs that do not from the past and the

past participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive. Irregular verbs occur

when the simple past and past participle do not end in –ed.

Materi Ajar recount test (sama dengan kelas eksperimen)

VII. Metode Pembelajaran:

Grammar Translation Method (Conventional Method)

VIII. Langkah-langkah kegiatan:

Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Waktu

Kegiatan Awal / Apersepsi

a) Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam dan

menanyakan kabar kepada siswa.

b) Guru mengingatkan kembali mengenai vocabulary verbs of

Irregular verbs.

c) Guru meminta beberapa siswa untuk mengulang pelajaran

mengenai irregular verbs..

10 Menit

Kegiatan Inti

a) Guru membagikan selembar kertas kepada setiap siswa

yang didalamnya berisi text dalam bentuk recount text.

b) Guru mulai menjelaskan secara singkat kepada siswa bahwa

didalam recount text kata kerja yang digunakan yaitu kata

kerja lampau untuk kalimat positif.

c) Guru menjelaskan bahwa teks yang telah diberikan terdapat

kesalahan dalam penggunaan kata kerja Irregular verbs.

50 menit


d) Guru menjelaskan bahwa siswa diminta mencari kata kerja

irregular verbs didalam recount text dan mengganti dengan

kata kerja irregular verbs yang seharusnya digunakan.

e) Guru meminta siswa untuk mengartikan texk recount text.

f) Guru meminta siswa untuk menerjemahkan teks recount

diselembr kertas.

g) Guru memberikan waktu 40 menit untuk siswa

menerjemahkan recount text dan mencari kata kerja irregular

verbs yang salah.

h) Guru bersama murid membahas apa yang telah murid


i) Guru meminta siswa menuliskan dipapan tulis kata kerja

irregular verbs yang telah mereka dapat

j) Guru bersama murid membahas bersama apa yang sudah

murid kerjakan.

Kegiatan Akhir

a) Guru menanyakan kembali kepada siswa apakah ada materi

atau hal yang belum dimengerti

b) Guru memberi soal kepada setiap siswa.

c) Guru meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan soal yang telah


c) Guru menutup pembelajaran hari ini.

d) Guru mengucapkan salam.

10 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Buku yang relevan dengan materi : English in focus for eight grade

Junior high School. Authored by : Artono Wardiman dkk.

X. Bentuk Penilaian:


Instrument Contoh Instrument Kunci Jawaban Skor


Test berupa


dalam cerita

recount text.

Complete this

paragraph with the

suitable regular and

irregular verbs.

1. Once upon a time, two

bandits (……..) an old

lady. The robbery

(……….) near the old

bridge over the river. The

old lady (……..) shopping

and (…….) tower the




Ada 10 soal pertanyaan dalam bentuk paragraf dimana siswa harus

mengisi kata kerja yangs esuai dengan konteks kalimat. Siswa diminta

membaca soal pertanyaan dan mencari kosakata regular verbs yang tepat

dalam sebuah paragraf kalimat rumpang (completion test) terdapat 10 soal

yang harus dijawab oleh siswa.

1. Nilai 100 : Apabila siswa benar semua dan mendapat nilai point 10.

2. Nilai 90 : Apabila siswa benar dengan mendapat point 9.

3. Nilai 80 : Apabila siswa benar dengan mendapat point 8.

4. Nilai 70 : Apabila siswa benar dengan mendapat point 70

5. Nilai 60 : Apabila siswa benar dengan mendapat point 60.

Dan seterusnya.

Rumus penilaian = Jumlah Jawaban benar x 10.

= 10 jawaban benar x 10 = 100

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Santi. S.Pd.

Guru Peneliti


Ahmad Subhan



(RPP) Pertemuan ke-4 Controlled Class

Sekolah : SMPN 169 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII-C

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Ketrampilan : Reading

Tema : Finding the Irregular Verbs in Narrative text.

Tahun Pelajaran : 2013/2014

Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 23 Mei 2014

I. Standar Kompetensi

` 11. Memahami makna dalam essai pendek berbetuk recount atau

narrative text untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative text.

III. Indikator

a. Mengidentifikasikan vocabulary verb, regular dan irregular verbs

dalam Narrative Text.

b. Membedakan vocabulary; regular dan irregular dalam bacaan

bentuk Narrative text.

c. Menganalisa kesalahan regular dan irregular verbs dalam sebuah

text yang berbebtuk narrative text.

d. Mengisi kalimat rumpang / completion test dalam sebuah kalimat.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa diharapkan mampu:

a. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengenali dan membedakan kata kerja

regular verbs dan irregular verbs.


b. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengetahui arti makna (meaning) dalam

kata kerja regular verbs dan irregular verbs.

c. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengubah kata kerja regular verbs dan

irregular verbs dalam suatu text bacaan.

d. Siswa diharapkan mampu mengisi kosakata yang sesuai dengan

kalimat dalam suatu tugas fill in the blank.

V. Karakter Siswa yang diharapkan:

a) Dilligent (Rajin) b) Responsibility (Tanggung Jawab)

c) Indiviual Competence d) Brave (Berani)

VI. Materi Pembelajaran

“Regular verbs”

Regular verbs are verbs that form the past and the past participle

by adding –d or –ed to the

(For Example: - Hope = Hoped , Listen = Listened, Obey = Obeyed).

Irregular Verbs are the verbs that do not from the past and the

past participle by adding –d or –ed to the infinitive. Irregular verbs occur

when the simple past and past participle do not end in –ed.

*Materi Ajar sama dengan kelas eksperimen.

“The Story of Malin Kundang”

VII. Metode Pembelajaran: Conventional Method.

VIII. Langkah-langkah kegiatan:

No Langkah- Langkah Kegiatan Waktu

1. Kegiatan Awal / Apersepsi

a) Guru membuka pelajaran dengan mengucapkan salam

dan menanyakan kabar ke siswa.

b) Guru mengingatkan kembali kepada siswa mengenai

regular dan irregular verbs.

10 Menit

2. Kegiatan Inti

a) Guru memberikan teks bacaan kepada setiap murid.

b) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa untuk membaca teks

bacaan yang telah diberikan.

c) Guru menujuk beberapa siswa untuk membaca teks


d) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa mengenai narrative

55 menit



e) Guru menjelaskan kepada siswa bahwa salah satu ciri

teks narrative itu menggunakan kosakata kata kerja

regular atau Irregular verbs.

f) Guru meminta siswa untuk mencari vocabulary verbs

yang ada dalam teks narrative dan mencari perubahan kata

kerja verbs regular dan irregular verbs.

c) Guru memberikan waktu 40 menit untuk mencari

vocabulary verbs didalam teks narrative.

d) Guru meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan sendiri dan

tidak berdiskusi dengan temannya.

d) Guru mengamati keadaan kelas apakah siswa-siswa

mengerjakan tugas mereka.

g) Guru meminta siswa untuk maju kedepan kelas dan

menulis kosakata verbs yang mereka sudah kerjakan.

3 Kegiatan Akhir

a) Guru menanyakan kembali kepada siswa apakah ada

materi atau hal yang belum dimengerti

b) Guru memberi soal kepada siswa dan meminta siswa

mengerjakannya sendiri.

c) Guru memberikan 15 menit untuk mengerjakan latihan


c) Guru menutup pembelajaran hari ini.

d) Guru mengucapkan salam.

15 Menit

IX. Sumber Belajar

Buku yang relevan dengan materi : English in focus Kelas VIII.

X. Bentuk Penilaian:


Instrument Contoh Instrument Kunci Jawaban Skor



Fills in the blanks

with the words

provided in the box

.Last holiday, My

brothers and I ………..

our time at Uncle’s house

in Magelang. (spent)


Ada 14 soal pertanyaan dalam bentuk fill in the blank dimana

bobot nilai benar semua ialah 15 point. Siswa diminta membaca soal

pertanyaan dan mencari kosakata regular dan irregular verbs yang tepat


dalam sebuah kalimat rumpang (completion test). (soal sama dengan

Eksperiment Class)

1. Nilai 100 : Apabila siswa benar semua dan mendapat nilai point 15.

2. Nilai 96 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 14.

3. Nilai 93 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 13.

4. Nilai 90 : Apabila siswa mendapat point 12. Dan seterusnya.

Rumus penilaian = Jumlah Jawaban benar x 2

Dibagi 3

Guru Bahasa Inggris


Santi. S.Pd.

Guru Peneliti


Ahmad Subhan





Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Tahun Ajaran : 2013-2014

Waktu : 1x45 Menit

Name/ Class :

Choose options A,B, C, or D as the best answer according to the questions. !

1) Last night, the hunters went to the jungle and they got some rabbits for their

dinner. The word got has the same meaning with…

a) sought b) taught c) caught d) brought

2) Malin Kundang’s Mother has already looked for his son for almost five years,

but he didn’t know where Malin Kundang is….

The underlined word has the same meaning as….

a) fought b) brought c) sought d) taught

3) The princess played with her golden ball, unfortunately the ball rolled into the

hole and she began to cry, suddenly the frog king came to her and helped her.

The similar word of the word began is….

a) continued b) ready c) went d) started

4) Last night, some people struck the thief with sticks and woods, because the thief

tried to take my motorcycle. The synonym of the word struck is …

a) hit b) punched c) bite d) shoot

5) Last night, I was so happy, because I took many gifts from my mother and my

sisters. The antonym of the word took is…

a) gave b) pushed c) forgave d) steal

6) Last holiday, I visited some museums in Jakarta but I didn’t go there alone,

because my cousin (……) me to go there.

a) accompanied b) recognized c) pretended d) betrayed


7) Last holiday, when I went to Bandung, I visited souvenir shop and then my

mother and I bought some accessories. The antonym word of bought is …

a) brought b) sought c) sailed d) sold

8) Last night, it was an amazing experience because, when I was in Bandung, I

(….) a horse.

a) drove b) strove c) brought d) rode

9) Last afternoon, Malinkundang’s mother stood under the tree, because she was so

tired after she looked for her son. The antonym word of stood is….

a) stared b) shut c) sat d) said

10) My nephew was so sad, because his father moved to Pekalongan, so he couldn’t

play with me again. The antonym word of moved is….

a) went b) stayed c) go d) kept

11) I was so happy, because last night my mother permitted me to go to Bandung

with my friends. The word permitted has same meaning with ….

a) agreed b) suggested c) allowed d) forbad

12) I was so tired, because I went to Kalimantan two days ago and yesterday I came

back to Jakarta and (…..) at 05: 00 a.m

a) transit b) moved c) flight d) arrived

13) Last night, I went to the zoo, and I saw the monkey who (…..) up a tree

a) climbed b) picked c) grew d) hid

14) When we went to Pangandaran., my mother bought me a new dress, and I (….)

my dress in Anita’s birthday last night.

a) tore b) wore c) swore d) washed

15) When, Malin kundang met his mother. He directly pushed his mother to the

ground. The antonym of the word pushed is…

a) pulled b) threw c) dropped d) took

16) Firstly, Malin Kundang’s mother forbad his son to go sailing in the sea, but

Malin kundang tried to give his explanations. The synonym of forbad is ……

a) prohibited b) allowed c) permitted d) approved


17) Malin Kundang promised to his mother that he will come back to home,

Unfortunately, he never come back and he has deceived his mother.

The word deceived has similar meaning with….

a) tricked b) received c) betrayed d) crushed

18) Read the dialogue between these persons!!

Ikrima : Have you seen your English test Yona?

Yona : Yes, I have gotten my score from Miss. Santi.

Ikrima :How is your score?

Yona : I got 8 for my score. How about you?

Ikrima : I got 7,5 for my score, congratulation Yona. You are awesome !!

The underlined word has similar meaning with….

a) sent b) received c) saw d) agreed

19) It was a great performance, because Iqbal Coboy Junior (……) beautifully in

the farewell concert last night.

a) screamed b) hung c) sank d) sang

20) Read the conversation between two persons!

Shahnaz : My teacher was so angry

Billy : God Heaven!! Why was your teacher angry?

Shahnaz : Because, my friends broke his rule, my students didn’t do their


Billy : You have to advise them.

Shahnaz : Ok, I will give them some advices them tomorrow..

The antonym word of broke the rule in the dialogue is…

a) gave mistake b) apologized c) obeyed d) blamed

21) My cousins have not gotten the job yet, so they (……) the job in that company.

a) denied b) tried c) applied d) used

22) All of people were so happy, because Jaka tarub has already found a woman

and last night he (…...) a beautiful woman to be his wife.

a) chid b) chose c) caught d) lend

23) I watched Manchester united’s match last night, and I was so happy, because

my favorite football’s club (…..) the match.

a) won b) lost c) failed d) fell


24) Last night, Bastian clarified to the journalist about his problem in Coboy

Junior’s boyband. He told to the journalist politely.

The synonym of clarified is…….

a) described b) explained c) received d) presented

25) There was an accident last night, therefore my father (…) his car carefully.

a) rode b) drove c) strove d) broke

26) The students of SMPN 169 Jakarta (…..) to the tour guide’s explanation

carefully in Borobudur temple.

a) listened b) told c) kept d) discussed

27) Read this dialogue between Arin and Riyana !!

Arin : Hi Riyana, why didn’t you go to Jogjakarta last Saturday?

Riyana : I didn’t go to Jogjakarta last Saturday, because my family

didn’t agree, so I postponed my vacation to go there

Arin : I’m so sorry to hear that, when will you go there?

Riyana :My father allowed me to go Jogjakarta next week

Arin : See you on next month, I’m going to wait you here.

The word postponed has same meaning with….

a) delayed b) canceled c) spent d) allowed

28) My dress has torn, so last night I went to the tailor shop and then the tailor ( ….)

my clothes .

a) sewed b) washed c) saw d) strew

29) Finally, Malin kundang’s mother (…...) in the ground, and she prayed to God ,

then she swore that she never care about malin kundang ‘s condition again.

a) stood b) knelt c) flew d) laid

30) When Malin Kundang met his mother, he was so angry and he (…..) his mother

by saying the bad words, and his mother were so sad.

a) chid b) hid c) blamed d) forsook

Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

- Memahami makna dalam essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, atau narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Butir


11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima yang

berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

Siswa mampu mengetahui

verbs yang tepat (regular dan

irregular verbs) dalam

completion test (MelengkapI

soal rumpang ) sesuai konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari

1) It was a great performance, because Iqbal Coboy Junior (……)

beautifully in the farewell concert last night.

a) screamed b) hung c) sank d) sang 19

2) Last holiday, I visited some museums in Jakarta but I didn’t go

there alone, because my cousin (……) me to go there.

a) accompanied b) recognized c) pretended d) betrayed 6

3) I was so tired, because I went to Kalimantan two days ago and

yesterday I came back to Jakarta and (…..) at 05: 00 a.m

a) transit b) moved c) flight d) arrived


4) Last night, it was an amazing experience because, when I was in

Bandung, I (….) a horse.

a) drove b) strove c)brought d) rode


5) My cousins have not gotten the job yet, so they (……) the job in

that company.

a) denied b) tried c) applied d) used 20

6) My dress has torn, so last night I went to the tailor shop and then

the tailor ( ….) my clothes . 28

Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


a) sewed b) washed c) saw d) strew

7) Last night, I went to the zoo, and I saw the monkey who (…..) up a


a) climbed b) picked c) grew d) hid


8) All of people were so happy, because Jaka tarub has already found

a woman and last night he (…...) a beautiful woman to be his wife.

a) chid b) chose c) caught d) lend 22

9) When Malin Kundang met his mother, he was so angry and he

(…..) his mother by saying the bad words, and his mother were so sad.

a) chid b) hid c) blamed d) forsook 30

10) There was an accident last night, therefore my father (…) his car


a) rode b) drove c) strove d) broke


11) When we went to Pangandaran., my mother bought me a new

dress, and I (….) my dress in Anita’s birthday last night.

a) tore b) wore c) swore d) washed


12) I watched Manchester United’s match last night, and I was so

happy, because my favorite football’s club(…..)the match.

a) won b) lost c) failed d) fell 23

13) The students of SMPN 169 Jakarta (…..) to the tour guide’s

explanation carefully in Borobudur temple.

a) listened b)told c)kept d) discussed 26

Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


14) Finally, Malin kundang’s mother (…...) in the ground, and she

prayed to God , then she swore that she never care about malin

kundang ‘s condition again.

a) stood b) knelt c) flew d) laid


Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

- Memahami makna dalam essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, atau narrative texte untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Butir


11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks

tulis fungsional pendek

sederhana secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima yang berkaitan

dengan lingkungan sekitar

Siswa mampu menemukan

sinonim yang sesuai dari

sebuah kata kerja regular

atau irregular verbs dalam

sebuah kalimat atau text


15) Malin Kundang’s Mother has already looked for his son for

almost five years, but he didn’t know where Malin Kundang is….

The underlined word has the same meaning as………….

a) fought b) brought c) sought d) taught


16) Last night, some people struck the thief with sticks and woods,

because the thief tried to take my motorcycle. The synonym of the

word struck is ………….

a) hit b) punched c) bite d) shoot


17) Malin Kundang promised to his mother that he will come back to

home, Unfortunately, he never come back and he has deceived his


The word deceived has similar meaning with….

a) tricked b) received c) betrayed d) crushed


Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


18) Last night, Bastian clarified to the journalist about his problem in

Coboy Junior’s boyband. He told to the journalist politely.

The synonym of clarified is…….

a) described b) explained c) received d) presented


19) The princess played with her golden ball, unfortunately the ball

rolled into the hole and she began to cry, suddenly the frog king

came to her and helped her. The similar word of the word


a) continued b) ready c) went d) started


20) Read the dialogue between these persons!!

Ikrima : Have you seen your English test Yona?

Yona : Yes, I have gotten my score from Miss. Santi.

Ikrima :How is your score?

Yona : I got 8 for my score. How about you?

Ikrima : I got 7,5 for my score, congratulation Yona. You are

awesome !!

The underlined word has similar meaning with….

a) sent b) received c) saw d) agreed


21) Last night, the hunters went to the jungle and they got some

rabbits for their dinner. The word got has the same meaning


a) sought b) taught c) caught d) brought


22) I was so happy, because last night my mother permitted me to

go to Bandung with my friends. The word permitted has same 11

Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


meaning with ….

a) agreed b) suggested c) allowed d) forbad

23) Firstly, Malin Kundang’s mother forbad his son to go sailing in

the sea, but Malin kundang tried to give his explanations. The

synonym of forbad is.

a) prohibited b) allowed c) permitted d) approved


24) ) Read this dialogue between Arin and Riyana !!

Arin : Hi Riyana, why didn’t you go to Jogjakarta last


Riyana : I didn’t go to Jogjakarta last Saturday, because my family

didn’t agree, so I postponed my vacation to go there

Arin : I’m so sorry to hear that, when will you go there?

Riyana :My father allowed me to go Jogjakarta next week

Arin : See you in next month, I’m going to wait you here.

The word postponed has same meaning with….

a) delayed b) canceled c) spent d) allowed


Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

- Memahami makna dalam essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, atau narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Butir


11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara

Siswa mampu memilih

antonym sebuah kata kerja

25) Last afternoon, Malinkundang’s mother stood under the tree,

because she was so tired after she looked for her son. The antonym 9

Kisi-Kisi Soal Pre-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


akurat, lancar dan berterima yang

berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekita

regular atau irregular

verbs yang tepat dalam

sebuah kalimat atau text


word of stood is….

a) stared b) shut c) sat d) said

26) When, Malin kundang met his mother. He directly pushed his

mother to the ground. The antonym of the word pushed is…

a) pulle b) threw c) dropped d) took


27) Last night, I was so happy, because I took many gifts from my

mother and my sisters. The antonym of the word took is…….

a) gave b) pushed c) forgave d) steal


28) Read the conversation between two persons!

Shahnaz : My teacher was so angry

Billy : God Heaven!! Why was your teacher angry?

Shahnaz : Because, my friends broke his rule, my students didn’t do

their homework.

Billy : You have to advise them.

Shahnaz : Ok, I will give them some advices them tomorrow..

The antonym word of broke the rule in the dialogue is…

a) gave mistake b) apologize c) obeyed d) blamed


29) Last holiday, when I went to Bandung, I visited souvenir shop

and then my mother and I bought some accessories. The antonym

word of bought is

a) brought b) sought c) sailed d) sold


30) My nephew was so sad, because his father moved to Pekalongan,

so he couldn’t play with me again. The antonym word of moved is…

a) went b) stayed c) go d) kept





Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Tahun Ajaran : 2013-2014

Waktu : 1x45 Menit

Name/ Class :

Choose options A,B, C, or D as the best answer according to the questions. !

1) Firstly, Malin Kundang’s mother forbad his son to go sailing in the sea, but

Malin kundang tried to give his explanations to his mother.

The synonym of forbad is ……

a) prohibited b) allowed c) agreed d) approved

2) When Malin Kundang met his mother, he didn’t know her and he (….) his

mother by saying the bad words.

a) hid b) chid c) apologized d) hit

3) Last holiday was my unforgettable moment because David and his family must

go to Riau, so we were sad and we (……) David and his family to the Airport.

a) accompanied b) applied c) approached d) stayed

4) Malin Kundang’s Mother has already looked for his son for almost five years,

but he didn’t know where Malin Kundang is….

The underlined word has the same meaning as….

a) thought b) sought c) brought d) taught

5) When we were in the river, we began fishing and Raja got the big fishes but

Iqbal only got the small fishes.

The word got has the similar meaning with….

a) sought b) caught c) brought d) taught

6) Malin Kundang was so happy at the time because his mother permitted him to

go sailing. The synonym of the word permitted is….

a) allowed b) worried c) prohibited d) forbad


7) In the forest, Anita saw the guava tree and she persuaded Raja to take it, finally

Raja (….) the guava tree and he took many guavas for us.

a) pushed b) climbed up c) shared d) damaged

8) I didn’t watch the television last night, because I (……) to the music from my

new radio.

a) listened b) told c) played d) discussed

9) When we arrived in the forest, we began to help David’s father to make a tend.

The word began has the similar meaning with……

a) continued b) dried c) fixed d) started

10) Last night, I saw a thief who stole my motorcycle and then the people struck his

head by using woods. The synonym of the word struck is …

a) hit b) pulled c) threw d) shot

11) Read this dialogue between Ikrima and Yona !!

Ikrima : Hi Yona, why didn’t you go to Surabaya last Sunday?

Yona : I didn’t go to Surabaya last Sunday, because my family

didn’t agree, so I postponed my vacation to go there

Ikrima : I’m so sorry to hear that, when will you go there?

Yona :My father allowed me to go Surabaya next week

Ikrima : Oh ok, See you on the next month I’m going to wait you here.

The word postponed has same meaning with….

a) delayed b) went c) spent d) allowed

12) Last night, it was an amazing experience because, when I was in Bandung,

I (….) a horse very fast.

a) rode b) strove c) stole d) drove

13) It was a great performance because One Direction (……) beautifully in the

charity concert last night.

a) screamed b) hung c) sank d) sang

14) I was so tired, because I went to Makasar two days ago and yesterday I came

back to Jakarta and I (…..) safely in the Soekarno Hatta Airport at 05: 00 a.m.

a) flew b) moved c) flight d) arrived


15) I went to the tailor shop last night, because my new dres has torn so the tailor

( ….) my clothes .

a) saw b) broke c) sewed d) strew

16) Last night, Coboy Junior’s boyband clarified to the journalist that they want to

make a new film in America.

The synonym of the word clarified is…….

a) described b) explained c) whispered d) presented

17) Read the dialogue between these persons!!

Tiara : Did you see your English test Vanessa ?

Vanessa : Yes I did, I got my score from Miss. Santi.

Tiara : How is your score?

Vanessa : My score is 9. How about you?

Tiara : I got 8 for my score, congratulation Vanessa. You are clever !!

The underlined word has similar meaning with….

a) sent b) received c) saw d) agreed

18) Malin Kundang promised to his mother that he will come back to home,

Unfortunately, he never come back and he has deceived his mother.

The word deceived has similar meaning with….

a) tricked b) broke c) betrayed d) crushed

19) I got a beautiful dress from my mother, and last night I (......) my dress in a party

and everyone said that I like a princess.

a) wore b) swore c) tore d) borrowed

20) My sister have not gotten the job yet, so she (……) the job in that company.

a) denied b) let c) applied d) used

21) There was an accident last night, therefore my father (…) his car carefully.

a) pushed b) drove c) strove d) broke

22) All of people were so happy, because Jaka tarub has already found a woman and

last night he (…...) a beautiful woman to be his wife.

a) felt b) chose c) caught d) swept


23) We were so sad because David and his family moved to Riau last holiday, so he

couldn’t play with us again. The antonym word of moved is….

a) transit b) stayed c) went d) flew

24) Last night, I was so happy, because I took many gifts from my mother and my

sisters. The antonym of the word took is…

a) gave b) sold c) bought d) burned

25) Read the conversation between two persons!

Tyas : My teacher was so upset and angry with us

Akbar : God Heaven!! Why was your teacher upset?

Tyas : Because, my friends broke his rule, my classmate didn’t do their


Akbar : You have to talk to your friends and give them some advises.

Tyas : Ok, I will give them some advices them tomorrow..

The antonym word of broke the rule in the dialogue is…

a) obeyed b) apologized c) blamed d) denied

26) When I went to Borobudur temple last holiday, I visited souvenir shop and then

my mother and I bought some clothes and dresses.

The antonym word of bought is …

a) brought b) broke c) washed d) sold

27) Last afternoon, Malinkundang’s mother stood under the tree, because she was so

tired after she looked for her son. The antonym word of stood is….

a) sat b) shut c) knelt d) said

28) When, Malin kundang met his mother. He directly pushed his mother to the

ground. The antonym of the word pushed is…

a) pulled b) threw c) dropped d) took

29) I was so happy, because yesterday our football team’s school (......) as the first

winner in the football tournament.

a) won b) lost c) failed d) fell

30) Last night, Indonesian football’s player won the match and they (......) in the

field and they prayed to god.

a) stood b) knelt c) flew d) laid

Kisi-kisi Soal Post-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


Kisi-Kisi Soal Post-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

- Memahami makna dalam essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, atau narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Butir

Soal 11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar

Siswa mampu mengetahui

verbs yang tepat (regular dan

irregular verbs) dalam

completion test (MelengkapI

soal rumpang ) sesuai konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari

1) When Malin Kundang met his mother, he didn’t know her and he

(….) his mother by saying the bad words.

a) hid b) chid c) apologized d) hit 2

2) Last holiday was my unforgettable moment because David and his

family must go to Riau, so we were sad and we (……) David and his

family to the Airport.

a) accompanied b) applied c) approached d) stayed


3) In the forest, Anita saw the guava tree and she persuaded Raja to

take it, finally Raja (….) the guava tree and he took many guavas for

us. a) pushed b) climbed up c) shared d) damaged 7

4) I didn’t watch the television last night, because I (……) to the music

from my new radio.

a) listened b) told c) played d) discussed 8

5) Last night, it was an amazing experience because, when I was in

Bandung, I (….) a horse very fast. 12

Kisi-kisi Soal Post-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


a) rode b) strove c) stole d) drove

6) It was a great performance because One Direction (……) beautifully

in the charity concert last night.

a) screamed b) hung c) san d) sang 13

7) I was so tired, because I went to Makasar two days ago and

yesterday I came back to Jakarta and I (…..) safely in the Soekarno

Hatta Airport at 05: 00 a.m.

a) flew b) moved c) flight d) arrived


8) I went to the tailor shop last night, because my new dres has torn so

the tailor ( ….) my clothes . a) saw b) broke

c) sewed d) strew 15

9) I got a beautiful dress from my mother, and last night I (..........) my

dress in a party and everyone said that I like a princess.

a) wore b) swore c) tore d) borrowed


10) My sister have not gotten the job yet, so she (……) the job in that


a) denied b) let c) applied d) used 20

11) There was an accident last night, therefore my father (…….) his car


a) pushed b) drove c) strove d) broke


12) All of people were so happy, because Jaka tarub has already found

a woman and last night he (…...) a beautiful woman to be his wife. 22

Kisi-kisi Soal Post-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


a) felt b) chose c) caught d) swept

13) I was so happy, because yesterday our football team’s school (......)

as the first winner in the football tournament.

a) won b) lost c) failed d) fell 29

14) Last night, Indonesian football’s player won the match and they

(......) in the field and they prayed to god.

a) stood b) knelt c) flew d) laid 30

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

- Memahami makna dalam essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, atau narrative texte untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Butir


11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima yang

berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

Siswa mampu menemukan

sinonim yang sesuai dari

sebuah kata kerja regular

atau irregular verbs dalam

sebuah kalimat atau text


15) Firstly, Malin Kundang’s mother forbad his son to go sailing in the

sea, but Malin kundang tried to give his explanations to his mother.

The synonym of forbad is ……

a) prohibited c) agreed

b) allowed d) approved


16) Malin Kundang’s Mother has already looked for his son for almost

five years, but he didn’t know where Malin Kundang is…. 4

Kisi-kisi Soal Post-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


The underlined word has the same meaning as….

a) thought b) sought c) brought d) taught

17) When we were in the river, we began fishing and Raja got the big

fishes but Iqbal only got the small fishes.

The word got has the similar meaning with….

a) sought b) caught c) brought d) taught


18) Malin Kundang was so happy at the time because his mother

permitted him to go sailing. The synonym of the word permitted is….

a) allowed b) worried c) prohibited d) forbad 6

19) When we arrived in the forest, we began to help David’s father to

make a tend. The word began has the similar meaning with……

a) continued b) dried c) fixed d) started 9

20) Last night, I saw a thief who stole my motorcycle and then the

people struck his head by using woods. The synonym of the word

struck is … a) hit b) pulled c) threw

d) shot


21) Read this dialogue between Ikrima and Yona !!

Ikrima : Hi Yona, why didn’t you go to Surabaya last


Yona : I didn’t go to Surabaya last Sunday, because my

family didn’t agree, so I postponed my vacation to

go there


Kisi-kisi Soal Post-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


Ikrima : I’m so sorry to hear that, when will you go there?

Yona :My father allowed me to go Surabaya next week

Ikrima : Oh ok, See you on the next month I’m going to

wait you here.

The word postponed has same meaning with….

a) delayed b) went c) spent d) allowed

22) Last night, Coboy Junior’s boyband clarified to the journalist that

they want to make a new film in America.

The synonym of the word clarified is…….

a) described b) explained c) whispered d) presented


23) Read the dialogue between these persons!!

Tiara : Did you see your English test Vanessa ?

Vanessa : Yes I did, I got my score from Miss. Santi.

Tiara : How is your score?

Vanessa : My score is 9. How about you?

Tiara : I got 8 for my score, congratulation Vanessa. You

are clever !!

The underlined word has similar meaning with….

a) sent b) received c) saw d) agreed


24) Malin Kundang promised to his mother that he will come back to

home, Unfortunately, he never come back and he has deceived his

mother. The word deceived has similar meaning with…. 27

Kisi-kisi Soal Post-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


a) tricked b) broke c) betrayed d) crushed

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca

- Memahami makna dalam essay pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, atau narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Soal Butir


11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis

fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat,

lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekita

Siswa mampu memilih

antonym sebuah kata kerja

regular atau irregular

verbs yang tepat dalam

sebuah kalimat atau text


25) When, Malin kundang met his mother. He directly pushed his

mother to the ground. The antonym of the word pushed is…

a) pulled b) threw c) dropped d) took 28

26) We were so sad because David and his family moved to Riau last

holiday, so he couldn’t play with us again. The antonym word of

moved is…. a) transit b) stayed c)

went d) flew


27) Last afternoon, Malinkundang’s mother stood under the tree,

because she was so tired after she looked for her son. The antonym

word of stood is…. a) sat b) shut c)

knelt d) said


28) Read the conversation between two persons!

Tyas : My teacher was so upset and angry with us

Akbar: God Heaven!! Why was your teacher upset?

Tyas : Because, my friends broke his rule, my classmate didn’t do


Kisi-kisi Soal Post-Test SMPN 169 Jakarta


their homework.

Akbar: You have to talk to your friends and give them some advises.

Tyas: Ok, I will give them some advices them tomorrow..

The antonym word of broke the rule in the dialogue is

a) obeyed b) apologized c) blamed d) denied

29) I was so happy, because I took many gifts from my mother and my

sisters. The antonym of the word took is…

a) gave b) sold c) bought d) burned 24

30) When I went to Borobudur temple last holiday, I visited souvenir

shop and then my mother and I bought some clothes and dress. The

antonym word of bought is …

a) brought b) broke c) washed d) sold



Figures of the Research

Implementing jigsaw technique in Experiment Class.

Implementing Jigsaw in Experiment Classs

Post test in experiment class and controlled class.

wwvt w

KEMENTERIAN AGAMAUIN JAKARTAFITKJl. lr. H. Juanda Na 95 Ciputat 15412 Indonesia


No. Dokumen : FITK-FR-AKD-081

Tgl. Terbit : '1 Maret 2010

No. Revisi: : 01

Hal 1/1


Nomor : Un.0l/F. l/KM.0l .31...........12013Larnp. : -

Hal : Bimbingan Skripsi

Kepada Yth.r/ L sunardi Karlowisastro. Dipl. Ed

2. Er1in, MA TE,SOL

Pernbimbing SkripsiFakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan KeguruanUIN Syarif Hidayatul lahJakarta.

As s ctlamu' alaikum wr.w b.

Tembusan:l. Dekan FITK2. Mahasiswa ybs.

Jakarta, 24 September 2013

Dengan ini diharapkan kesediaan Saudara untuk menjadi pembimbi(rnateri/tekn i s) penul isan skripsi mahasi swa:

Nama : Ahmad Subhan

NIM : 109014000065

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Sernester : IX (sernbilan)

Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Teaching Verbs by Using Cooperative

Learning (an experimental study at second grade 164 Junior

High School Jakarta)

Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal 24 Septernber"

2013, abstraksiloutline terlarnpir. Saudara dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional padajLrdul tersebut. Apabila perubahan substansial dianggap perlu, mohon pernbimbingmenghubungi Jurusan terlebih dahulu.

Bimbingan skripsi ini diharapkan selesai dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan, dan dapatdiperpanjang selama 6 (enam) bulan berikutnya tanpa surat perpanjangan.

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Saudara, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Was s al amu' alai kum wr.w b.

idikan Bahasa lnggris

r 99803 I 002



UfilE [ , .t,-,r.,r './../\,,r Ntog!,(:otil:t: t!).11) ttilt\.n..rn




No. Dokurnr:rr

'i'gl l erbrt

Nd. Revisir


Fil-K-t:tt-n KD-082

1 Maret 2010




Bidang Akademikbeisanq kutan

PENELITIANfJakarta , 24 Marel2014

: Ahmad Subhan

1 090 1 4000065

Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris

: X (Sepuluh)

2009 t 2010

: fhe Effecii,rerress of Tear;hing VerL:s by l.Jsing Oor:perative

Learning (A- Quasi Experinrental Study at Second Grade of

169 Junior Hiqf: School Jakarla)

adalah ben;:r mahasiswa/i Fakulias llmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Jak;:rta yangsedang menyusun skripsi, dan akan mengadakan penelitian (riset) diinsia nsiise j<olah/rnadrasah yang Saudara pimpin.

Urriull rir i<an-ii nrohor-r Saudara dapat mengizinkan malrasiswa tersebutmelaksanakan penelitian dimaksud.

Atas pi,:rhatian dan kerja sama Saudara, kanri ucapkan terima kitsjlr

Was s al a n u' ct I ai ku m wr.wb.



1 Dekan Fll-K2 Pembantu Dekan3 ltlahasisv.,a yang

Norrror. Un 01/F 1/KM.01 .St.tEhfitqLamp' Ot.ttltne/ProposalFlai Pernrohonan lzin Penelitian

Kepada Yth.Kepala SMPN 169 JakartaDr


,,1 I'rsi.i/:.:r;.r u' t.t I a i k u nt w r. w b.

Dengan irr;rnrat kami sarnpaikan bahwa,


Nl ltt4

J u rursa rr


T;ihurr ,\kacienrik

Jucir:l Stlt:rr;r



SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA NEGERI 169Jalan Peta Utara No 11 Pegadungan Kalideres Kota Adm. Jakarta Barat

Telepon (021) 6194489

Kode Pos 1 1830

Yang bertanda tangan di



Program Studi

Jenjang Pendidikan

SURAT KETERANGANNomor : 21211.851.522/20t4

bawah ini Kepala SMP Negen 169 Jakarta menerangkan bahwa :



Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

( 51 ) Strata Satu

Nama tersebut di atas benar telah melaksanakan Penelitian pada SMP Negeri 169 lakarta mulai

tanggal,23 April 2014 s.d 28 Mei 2014 dengan baik dan surat keterangan ini di berikan untuk

menyusun skripsi yang berjudul " The Effectiveness of Teaehing Verbs by (Jsing Cooperative

Learning (A-Quasi Experimental Study at Second Grade of 169 Junior High School Jnkarta)",

Demikian surat keterangan ini dibuat untuk digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Jakarta, 28 2014169lakarta

.Pd, M.M31984031005





-RAYF\ll BtLt#4N1(




EffirWs,qrPhl 169,

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