the effects of the industrial revolution in england picture analysis activity world history

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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Teacher Instructions Preparation: 1. Copy 1-per-student (back-to-back) WORKSHEET: Picture Analysis/CHART: Effects of Industrialization COSTA’S Level of Questions Social Science/Review of Costa’s Questions 2. Print PICTURES in color (2-3 each) 3. Hang pictures around room, eye-level, evenly-spaced apart. 4. Begin the power point presentation


The Effects of the Industrial Revolution in England Picture Analysis Activity
World History Teacher Instructions Preparation: 1. Copy 1-per-student (back-to-back)
WORKSHEET: Picture Analysis/CHART: Effects of Industrialization COSTAS Level of Questions Social Science/Review of Costas Questions 2. Print PICTURES in color (2-3 each) 3. Hang pictures around room, eye-level, evenly-spaced apart. 4. Begin the power point presentation Costas Levels of Questions
Onthe-surface Level 1 Underthe-surface Level 2 & 3 Pair-Share Partner A: Ask an on-the-surfaceand under-the surface question about the picture. Partner B: Answer the questionspartner A asks. Objective Students will be able to analyze the effects of industrialization by completing an picture-analysis activity. Student Instructions Picture Analysis Activity
Step 1: As you walk around the room at the pictures, complete the worksheet: Picture Analysis Activity. For every picture write one on the surface question (level 1 of Costas questions), one under the surface picture (level 2 or 3 of Costas questions) and a summary of the picture. No more than two people at a picture at one time. The teacher will indicate when the activity is compete. Student Instructions Picture Analysis Activity
Step 2: You will be randomly selected to ask a question from one of the pictures. Another person will be asked to share their answer. Picture #1 Review the pictures with the students randomly selecting one student to ask a question and another student to answer. Picture #2 Picture #3 Picture #4c Picture #5 Picture #6 Picture #7 Picture #8 Effects of the Industrial Revolution
rapid urbanization led to crowded and dirty cities that were unhealthy Film Clip: Development of New Cities
Film Clips can be purchased at Effects of the Industrial Revolution
destroyed social order whole families are forced to work in factories parents have to work two jobs and can not feed and raise children many live on the streets and join gangs Effects of the Industrial Revolution
many poor families need their children to work long and dangerous hours at jobs that pay very little Effects of the Industrial Revolution
workers eventually join unions to fight for better wages, shorter working days, and safer working conditions Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Positive Effects a new middle class developed to serve the interests of the owners shopping more goods were made for much cheaper and many people could afford goods that they would never have been able to before medical care and city planning improved new inventions improved the quality of life The Effects of the Industrial Revolution Positive
more jobs and money for a country encouraged invention and technology cheaper products raised standards of living led to more educational opportunities Negative pollution air, water, and land slums overcrowding in cities and towns child labor Diseases class tension de-skilling of labor (Luddites) Students copy information on template provided Wrap-Up Question What do you think was the worst effect of the Industrial Revolution and what could be a possible remedy to that problem?

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