the efficacy of wisdom - edited.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 THE EFFICACY OF WISDOM - EDITED.docx




    (Simple Secrets to a Great Life)

    A special prayer of wisdom Whitesun s proverbs and Inspirational thoughts of greatness

    Ojada Whitesun Sylvester

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    CHAPTER ONE The Love for Wisdom CHAPTER TWO Wisdom Vs Discipline

    CHAPTER THREE Common Sense Vs Wisdom CHAPTER FOUR Wisdom Gives Birth to Greatness

    CHAPTER FIVE The Principles of Wisdom CHAPTER SIX God s Wisdom and Man s Wisdom

    CHAPTER SEVEN Wisdom Gives Freedom

    CHAPTER EIGHT Wisdom Eliminates Fear CHAPTER NINE Wisdom Brings Hope CHAPTER TEN Wisdom Makes You a Celebrity CHAPTER ELEVEN Operating in Faith through


    CHAPTER TWELVE Handling Challenges through


    CHAPTER THIRTEEN Wisdom is Your Weapon CHAPTER FOURTEEN Wisdom does not Fail CHAPTER FIFTEEN Wisdom destroys Doubt CHAPTER SIXTEEN Wisdom Gives Birth to Success CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Wisdom : An Instructor CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Wisdom Produces Grace

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    allow the spirit to conquer your flesh to be able to observe its ways.

    No matter whom you are and whatever your achievement, this book

    has something vital to communicate to you. As you read through, open

    your heart and spirit to receive the message therein because it is

    capable of making you fulfill the dreams you are passionate about. The

    words contained therein are not words of this world, but are words of

    the Spirit (God s Spirit and Inspiration). As you read on, whatever

    revelations and impact you receive, make positive use of them, and

    please don t forget to send your testimony (ies) to me.

    God bless you.

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    The love for Wisdom

    Firstly, to be able to possess something and eventually appreciate it

    means you have some degree of love for it. Thus, the first step in the

    acquisition of wisdom is to love wisdom. The second point is to be able

    to utilize and apply it to your life. To apply wisdom in your daily life,

    job, family, career and other endeavor is very easy, but a lot of people

    find it very difficult to do so.

    Wisdom is like a force that cannot be visualized, but its proper

    application is often visible and gladdens the heart. Its improper

    application could also make one sad. For instance, your brotherrequires urgent medical attention due to ill health and needed some

    cash to offset his bills at the hospital. He comes to ask you for money

    and all you had on you at that time was your tithe which had been set

    aside from your income of the previous month. In such scenario, what

    do you do? With wisdom, you will be able to make the right choice by

    paying your tithe and ignore your brother. But that might seem to be

    very unfair decision to the carnal man. That guy is wicked, they would

    say; can you imagine his brother dying and yet the only money he had

    to save his life, he gave it out to God . Such action will seem very

    foolish to natural human reasoning. That is the wisdom I am talking

    about; the wisdom of God.

    That guy knows when he pays his tithe, the devourer will be rebuked,

    his security and that of his family will be guaranteed, his prosperity

    according to the word of God (Malachi 3:10) will be assured because

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    God has said in the scripture above that we should prove Him after

    paying our tithe if He will not open the windows of heaven and pour us

    blessings that our room will not be enough to receive them.

    Let me elaborate more on the love for wisdom. Before I proceed,

    Proverbs 19:8 says anyone who gets wisdom loves his or her own soul.

    Proverbs 8:17 also says, I love them that love me and those that

    seek me early shall find me . In other words, wisdom finds pleasure

    in people when they have love for it (Proverbs. 8:17). When you apply

    wisdom to your life all the time, you will suddenly become a friend of

    wisdom. The more you function in wisdom, the more it reveals itself to

    you. The wonderful thing I have studied about wisdom is that it was

    with God throughout creation and was God s delight, rejoicing alwaysbefore Him (Proverbs. 8:25-31). This means that with wisdom, you can

    achieve everything.

    To begin to function in wisdom, you must fear the Lord (Proverbs.

    9:10). To fear God is not to tremble before Him as a consuming fire. He

    is a loving God even though He was described as a consuming fire. God

    acts towards you according to your deeds and attitude to life. You fear

    God by doing what He says you should do because He and His words

    are one. When you despise God, when you disobey the instructions of a

    man of God, perhaps your pastor or leader on the Word he has given,

    then you are not living in the fear of God. As such, wisdom cannot be

    compatible with you because wisdom functions closely with

    instructions. In most cases, when we are given instructions perhaps in

    our offices, schools, churches, family etc, they do n t always sound nice

    at the first. There are always reasons to grumble and criticize the

    person giving the instruction, but this ought not to be. When you are

    given instruction(s) whether it seemed right or wrong, accept it first

    and then offer a better alternative if the need arose.

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    Wisdom Vs Discipline

    The most difficult task I have discovered over the years is the ability to

    differentiate between wisdom and discipline. Now, wisdom is a spirit,

    one of the seven spirits of God (Isaiah 11:2). Wisdom is what makes

    you do what you ought to do, say what you should say and go where

    you should go. Wisdom has a voice; it whispers information and

    instructions to you on what to do at certain circumstances in life; it is a

    force that moves you. For example, there are certain circumstances

    when you knew what to say or do to solve certain problems andchallenges around you, but did not act on time due to indecision or

    procrastination. However, something very terrible then occurs

    thereafter due to your attitude. I guess you might say, I wanted to do

    so and so or say so and so before this incident happened; I wish I had

    done this or said that . At times you felt like crying, or even blamed

    yourself and held yourself responsible for such happenings. You see,

    that was the voice of wisdom talking to you which you ignored.

    Proverbs 8:10-11 says R eceive my instructions, and not silver;

    and knowledge rather than choice gold; for wisdom is better

    than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be

    compared to it .

    Hence, wisdom makes you do what is right and acceptable. But this is

    not the same thing with discipline. Discipline does not work with your

    brains, it is not internal (I mean inside you), but it is strictly external.

    Proverb 29:15 says, The rod and reproof give wisdom; but a

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    child let to himself bringeth shame to his mother . How is this

    related to this subject, you may want to ask? I will explain. You see,

    the rod the Bible talks about is not wisdom in itself, but it said to give

    wisdom. However, anyone who has discovered that rod gives wisdom

    has become wise himself and does not need the rod anymore. But the

    one who has not found wisdom needs physical discipline to get wisdom.

    So discipline is a practical action to correct, improve and put you in the

    right order for change.

    Discipline is like a bitter pill that is not usually acceptable to one s

    natural senses because it is not appealing to one s feelings, but needs

    it to survive. Just as the Bible has said, the way to destruction is wide

    and open, but the road to life is tiny and narrow (Matthew 7:13-14). Orlike Paul the Apostle who said that he punishes his body, putting it

    under control whether he likes it or not. If you are carefully observant,

    you will see that when someone is sick, the doctor will not allow him or

    her to take into his body sweet substances at that period because what

    the body needed to fight that infection are bitter substances. The

    reason is because the ailment is seeking out for the good parts of that

    body to destroy and so when it begins to observe that a bitter

    substance has been injected into the system, that infection leaves the

    body immediately because it no longer enjoys what it absorbs anymore

    due to the bitter substance that has gotten into the body.

    In the same way, when we are corrected with regards to our attitude,

    behavior and life style, it is never sweet to us. We always wanted that

    sweet experience (our own desires and likes). But that bitter

    substance, which is discipline, is the right thing we need to be better

    persons and unique individuals.

    Discipline comes before wisdom. There are two types of discipline. The

    first is personal (within yourself), while the other is external (another

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    person). It could be from your parents, lecturer, teacher, pastor,

    society, police etc. Both sources are very important. However, the

    external type of discipline is necessary for children, teenagers and

    youths. Even though some young men and women may embrace it, it

    is often difficult for older men and women to conform to this type of

    discipline because they feel that they are grown up and already knew

    what is right and wrong and no longer subject to corrections.

    But God is the Master Disciplinarian Officer. He disciplines all sets of

    people regardless of whom they are. His reason for doing this is

    because He is a loving God and disciplines all who He loves.

    I have discovered that discipline is a refiner. It refines and beautifies

    you just as raw gold goes through the fire before it shines and glitters.

    More so, if you are fortunate to have parents, pastors, communityleaders, political leaders, lecturers etc, who are disciplinarians, don t

    hate them, don t get mad at them, but try to find out what they are

    trying to achieve with their actions.

    I have found out that some things in life cannot be achieved normally.

    Until you put in ceaseless effort and actions, no good result will be

    achieved. There is a proverb which says, A ction speaks louder than

    words . That is true. In conclusion, you should love discipline and

    apply wisdom when carrying out disciplinary actions.

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    Common Sense Vs Wisdom

    I have heard people say, Common sense is not common . Before I

    proceed, let us understand the meaning of the word Common .

    According to the Advanced Learners dictionary, the word Common

    means to occur, found, or done often, something not rare, something

    shared by two or more people. In order words, that word Common

    does not mean less important or insignificant . For example, every

    one brushes his or her teeth everyday and this becomes common, but

    that does not make the daily exercise less important or worthless; elseone s mouth may bring forth bad odor throughout the day if one

    decides not to clean up. Therefore common sense is supposed to be

    taught right from the infant stage of life.

    Common sense is not supposed to be taught at adulthood, but to

    children who are still growing up. Examples are how to eat, how to sit

    properly, how to brush their teeth, how to greet, how to put on clothes,

    walk etc. But when you have come of age (Adulthood), what should be

    of importance to you is to acquire wisdom (Proverbs. 4:7). Wisdom is

    the principal thing in life. So get wisdom and in all your getting, get


    However, wisdom is the foundation for everybody who wants to make it

    in life. D on t run after money, wife, husband, pleasures of life, riches,

    wealth, joy, happiness, fulfillment, love, successful marriage, peace,

    growth, prosperity. Firstly, go after wisdom because all the above

    mentioned and many more are the children of wisdom. When you get

    wisdom, you will begin to give birth to or produce them and much


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    Nobody teaches an adult common sense as he or she already knows

    what ought to be done. But most of the time, they are faced with the

    challenge of how to do it right. Proverbs 24:16 says For a just man

    falleth seven times and riseth up again . When you apply your

    knowledge to things you think should be workable (like your job,

    family, academic etc) and do not work out as expected, do not despair,

    don t give up , but try another strategy. Whatsoever you are doing, be

    conscious of two things; time and timing. When I say time, I mean the

    hour, the season, the present stage of achievement while timing means

    projection, forecast or pre-arrangement.

    The importance of achievement is not how quick you get at it, but how

    unique, how intelligent and how beneficial your achievement is that

    matters. However, there are some things that should not take youmuch time to achieve while some may take a longer time. There are

    also certain things that common sense will help you to achieve while

    there are others that require wisdom to get. For instance, common

    sense will make you get enough water to have your bath, but wisdom

    will make or cause you to have a clean bath. Notwithstanding, you

    should as a wise person know what length of time to allocate in

    achieving certain desired goals in life. If it takes you ten hours to

    execute an assignment which shouldn t take more than an hour, you

    are still operating at the realm of common sense and haven t grown to

    the level of functioning in wisdom.

    But whatever state you find yourself, there is hope for you. John 3:27

    says, A man can t get or receive noth ing except it is being given

    him from heaven You may ask and receive wisdom, but because it is

    given you from heaven doesn t mean it will come to pass if you are

    idle. You must be seen to be doing something. Whatever thing you

    know and feel you like to do or want to become in life, you need to

    develop yourself to achieve it. A lot of people believe what will be, will

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    surely be. That is not true. My pastor, (Pastor Chris) will tell you, what

    will be, will not be. This is very true. If not, why don t you sit at home

    and expect to be a professor. A lot of people suffer for nothing. Hosea

    4:6 says, My people perish for the lack of knowledge Don t be

    ignorant of the affairs of life; life is full of challenges and you have to

    meet them; life is like raw food, your time and energy is needed to get

    it ready for you to eat or else you will be hungry even though there

    may be enough at your disposal.

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    Wisdom Gives Birth to Greatness

    I have studied the history of great men and women around the world

    as well as the bible and found out that the use of wisdom is the secret

    behind their outstanding success. One of these great men is King

    Solomon. I was highly amazed after reading about his life story. The

    man Solomon was rich in knowledge and wisdom. In Proverbs 4:3, he

    said. F or I was my fathe r s son, tender and only beloved in the

    sight of my mother What a description. Wisdom made him the only

    son of his father and beloved in his mother s sight. That doesn t mean

    he was the only son, but was distinctive from others. No wonder hewas the richest and wisest king that ever lived before Jesus. No one

    can achieve greatness without the function of wisdom. Many people

    have lost their potentials and many more have lived unfulfilled lives

    due to lack of wisdom. For instance, Samson the strongest man in the

    Bible was very powerful, but did not function in wisdom and knowledge.

    He lived an unfulfilled life because of Delilah (Judges16:15-35). But,

    Solomon who had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines

    was still able to achieve greatness despite his atrocities. However, he

    fell because he disobeyed God when warned a gainst Pharaoh s

    daughters, the Moabites Ammorites, Edomites, Zidonians and Hittites,

    who lured him to worship their gods (1Kings 11:1-3).

    There is a seed of greatness in everyone created by God, but not all

    can achieve greatness. This is so because such people might not know

    how to develop that seed of greatness through wisdom. I have seen

    people with so much innate qualities and abilities, but couldn t make

    any meaningful accomplishment in life. Some individuals are great

    teachers, doctors, singers, business men and women. But when you

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    have a close interaction with them, you will find that their experiences

    in life are nothing to be envious or proud about. The reason is not

    because they are not doing well in their chosen professions, but

    because they did not function in wisdom richly enough to appropriate

    what they know or do to achieve greatness and be all round success in

    all aspects of life.

    The ability to function in wisdom richly is to add more knowledge to the

    knowledge you already have and apply it as much as you can. Abraham

    Lincoln, a former United States President said: I do not think much

    of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday . In

    other words, if you don t make plans to learn new things everyday and

    most importantly apply them (practice them), it is most likely you will

    be dormant in life no matter what you know.Have you not seen people who have acquired series of degrees, but

    have no job? They complain about everything and blame the

    government and society. Meanwhile, they do not do anything to bring

    about change or use

    what they know to make the society a better place. Even when called

    for a job offer, they will reject it because of the pay packet and tell

    everyone who cares to listen, I magine me, company A called me for a

    job placement only to offer me pittance as salary and allowances even

    with all my degrees and abilities. Can you imagine that?

    With all their abilities and knowledge, they will sit at home doing

    nothing. I have seen people say, For five years now I have been

    seeking for a job . How sad! I can t imagine it. To them , they want to

    secure a job in a particular position in a particular organization. Or

    perhaps hit a contract worth several millions of naira or dollars

    overnight without necessarily working hard towards it. They will prefer

    to remain at home if this day dream is not actualized.

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    What these set of folks do not realize is that, one, they have

    succeeded in denying themselves the ability to create jobs for

    themselves. Two, they have placed a limitation on themselves; three,

    they believe they are not creative, innovative and above all, not useful

    until they are offered multi million naira or dollar jobs. If only they are

    wise enough, they could end up as employers of labor with time.

    Wisdom enables you to appropriate what you know to achieve

    meaningful desires in life. Wisdom is a refiner. It helps you see beyond

    your immediate view. Through wisdom, greatness is established and

    sustained. The truth is, the more you know about wisdom, the better

    you live. You cannot enjoy life more than how much you know. For

    instance, a man who knows that the only way to wash his clothes is

    through scrubbing with his hands will never live to enjoy washing hisclothes with the use of washing machines.

    There are principles of achieving greatness through wisdom. Find out

    how other successful people had attained outstanding heights; find out

    the several challenges they went through and how they were able to

    overcome them. This will help you a great deal.

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    The Principles of Wisdom

    One of the principles of wisdom is to know that you possess it. You

    might think you have a lot of sense, but being sensible is not wisdom.

    To function in wisdom properly, there are some things you cannot

    afford to do or say. One of the destroyers of wisdom is bitterness.

    Bitterness scares wisdom, it makes it dormant, speechless and could

    depart from you because it struggles to manifest in an atmosphere of

    strife, bitterness, envy, timidity and fear.Have you ever been so angry at certain times in your life and did n t

    even know what to do about the situation? At such times, you may be

    confused, dejected and frustrated. What happened at those times was

    the fact that the spirit of wisdom had left you because of strife and

    bitterness. If you ever find yourself in a situation like that, don t take

    any drastic decision that might worsen the situation. Rather, look for a

    quiet place to cool off, avoid everybody and every form of distractions

    to get yourself together again because any decision taken at such

    times, there is a high tendency that such decision might be wrong.

    Wisdom demands that you listen to it. Proverbs 8:6 says, Hear; for I

    speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be

    righ t things

    Wisdom speaks to us all the time. How do we then recognize its voice

    and how do we know it is speaking? Wisdom speaks in a voice of

    thought. A lot of thoughts come to your mind, but to differentiate

    wisdom from others is what makes you a wise person.

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    Let me explain. There are carnal thoughts, which could be thoughts of

    lust, envy, bitterness, hatred, fear, selfishness etc. But there are also

    righteous thoughts like those of honesty, peacemaking, charity,

    preaching the gospel, giving to the needy, giving support to someone

    in need, praying, attending church services, love etc. There are also

    voices you hear at certain times such as the voice of the devil and the

    voice of God through the Holy Spirit.

    For you to be able to identify these voices, you have to be rich in God s

    word. When the thoughts of lust comes to you and you are already

    grounded in the word of God, you should quickly get rid of such

    thoughts from your mind by declaring the word of God in Romans 12:1

    which says, I beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that

    ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptableunto God which is your reasonable service. You may say no to

    yourself by quoting the scripture which says, M y body is the temple

    of the Holy Ghost (2Corinthians 6:16). The nasty thought will fade

    away. Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of

    life (Proverbs 4:23).

    The voice that speaks to you to do the right thing is the voice of

    wisdom. At times, it may come to you as a thought. Remember, T he

    fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). To fear

    God is to do according to His word, because God and his word are one.

    Acting according to His word will make and cause you to begin to

    function in wisdom. Wisdom comes to you when you are in a joyous

    mood, excitement and at peace with all men. Joy attracts good things

    to you like forgiveness, love, wisdom, kindness, favor, blessing and so

    much more. When these positive thoughts sink into your spirit, they

    will make you a wise person. More so, listening to wise people like

    pastors, teachers of the word, presenters, etc will help you a great

    deal. Whenever you are faced with challenges of life, seek counseling.

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    The Bible says that a multitude of soldiers go to war and win when they

    have many counselors and not many weapons. This life is all about

    information. What you know is the weapon you will need to fight with.

    When you are uninformed, you are deformed. The words you hear

    gradually shape you. Have you taken time to imagine why armed

    robbers and fraudsters never desist from their evil ways despite several

    successes? The reason is because they have a counselor who tells them

    the tactics to adopt in their next operation. Thus, after every deal,

    there is always another deal waiting for them to carry out and a new

    strategy is revealed to them time and time again. And so the more they

    strike a new deal and succeed, the more they will want to strike

    another one. However, because they have received bad counsel, they

    will continue in their evil ways.In the same way, a child of God who wants to make progress and

    succeed in life needs continuous counseling. Never imagine you already

    know everything and no longer require further counseling. Sometimes

    the principles or strategy you apply to achieve something in the past

    might not work for the present because of the time, age and situation

    (condition) surrounding that particular thing. It doe sn t matter what the

    challenge is, there is always a word to subdue and put it under control

    (a word of wisdom)

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    God s Wisdom and Man s Wisdom

    But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of

    God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know

    them, because they are spiritually discerned (1Corinthians

    2:14). A natural man cannot understand the things of God because he

    is not spiritually grounded. Isaiah 11:2 reveals to us that wisdom is one

    of the various spirits of God. God operates from the spirit while man

    operates from the natural realm. That is, man looks at the outward

    appearance which he visualizes with his physical eyes, but God looksinwardly and searches the heart through the spirit. The wisdom of man

    is based on natural senses. It tells you one plus one equals two i.e.

    1+1 equals 2. But with the wisdom of God, such additions are not the

    same. This is why many people get mad working with God. 1 st

    Corinthians 2:11 say, F or what man knoweth the things of a

    man, save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things

    of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God .

    The reason why they get confused and mad is because they see God

    from a man s perspective, trying to assume He think s the way man

    thinks. The Bible says, For as the heavens are higher than the

    earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts

    higher than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9) . A lot of Christians see

    God from the natural and serve Him from the natural realm. That is the

    reason they ask funny questions about Christianity. Remember, God is

    a Spirit and those that worship Him must do so in Spirit and in truth for

    the Father seeketh such (John 4:23-24).

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    To understand the mysteries of God, you must know His word. I hear

    people say God is mysterious, but that is not true, He only performs

    mysteries. In (1Corinthians. 2: 9) the Bible says, But as it is

    written, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it

    entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for them

    that love Him . Verse 10 of that chapter says, But God hath

    revealed them unto us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all

    things, yea, the deep things of God.

    From the scripture just revealed, you can clearly see that God is not

    mysterious. God reveals things He has prepared for us through

    the Holy Spirit. That is why it is important for every child of God

    to be filled with the Spirit to live a fulfilled Christian life. However,

    God has made His principles known to us through His word.Everything that pertains unto life and godliness, God has given

    unto us. There is nothing in life that you desire to have which is

    not in the Bible. But as simple as this truth is, a lot of Christians

    have handled the Bible as a less important book. I mean a book

    they only open when they go to church on Sundays. Meanwhile

    they have all the time in the world to read other books and

    engage in activitie s that will not take them to God s destiny for

    their lives. The wisdom of God is hidden in God s word . That is

    why the bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

    (Proverbs 9:10). It is important that when God s word comes to

    you, act on it no matter what your senses, mind and

    circumstances try to tell you. As a Christian, you cannot function

    with the wisdom of this world and be able to live a supernatural

    Christian life. However, the choice is yours whether to function

    from the natural or the supernatural side of life.

    The Bible says , To be carnally minded is death, but to be

    spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:6).

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    Operating from your natural understanding and knowledge can

    keep you on a spot for a very long time. But when you operate

    from the wisdom of God through His word and S pirit, it wouldn t

    take you a long time to achieve great things in life because it

    doesn t take God much time to do something great in one s life.

    The crown of glory can be found in the wisdom of God. In Christ is

    hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians

    2:3). If you are in Christ, let the spirit of God control you, lay

    your own understanding and ideas to rest, and those around you

    will not be able to comprehend the beauty of your life (Proverbs.


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    Wisdom Gives Freedom

    A lot of people have being in the bondage of ignorance for a very long

    time and do not even know that ignorance is their problem. Such folks

    will blame everything and everybody around them except themselves

    for their misfortune. The reason why people suffer is because they are

    the problem of themselves; they are responsible for the happenings in

    their lives. It is not as if they have any major problem, but because

    they are not working in the light of wisdom, they will never know what

    to do to be able to come out of the darkness of their ignorance.

    People worry not because they are dejected, oppressed or humiliated,but because of those tasks they wish to carry out which they do not

    know how to accomplish. There are some things you may know.

    Knowing them alone will make you free in your spirit. Worries are

    associated with ignorance; people become worried when they do not

    know what to do. But wisdom makes you free. When you know what to

    do, and how to do it, you become happy and find yourself rejoicing.

    Those around you might even ask what has caused your excitement,

    but they will not know it is what you now know that is giving you joy.

    Proverbs 12:8 says that A man shall be commended by his

    wisdom . Wisdom is a ticket to a happy marriage, family and

    business. If you carefully observe, you will understand that the more

    you know, the better you live. Your knowledge brings you honor,

    peace, joy, abundance etc, but ignorance brings shame,

    disappointment, backwardness, etc. A lot of people are suffering

    because of what they have failed to do, but didn t realize it. However,

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    their ignorance will not change the situation as everything around them

    will still remain the same until they discover how to go about it.

    Let me tell you a story. There was a young man whose father died and

    left with him some inheritance. The man grew up living on the little

    inheritance left behind for him and never discovered that there was

    other inheritance he had not discovered. After graduating from school,

    his situation became worse because there was not much for him to

    carry on with life. He now had to live on his uncles and relations who

    provided him support. This man began to look for a job , but couldn t

    get one until his uncles and relatives began to give excuses of their

    inability to continue supporting him. It got to a point he was left in a

    world of his own.

    However, one day while searching for one of his credentials, hestumbled on some documents belonging to his late father s secret

    companies which were not made known to him by his father before he

    died. When he saw and read through the documents, he was amazed at

    the contents. He had found treasures at last! He screamed and was full

    of joy and excitement. More so, these companies were located abroad

    and kept all the information to himself. Eventually, he took time to find

    out the location of the companies and became the Chief Executive

    Officer after a short period of time. You can imagine a job seeker

    becoming an employer of labor over night. Relief and freedom visited

    this young man s life through knowledge and the application of wisdom.

    We could also imagine what would have being this young man s life

    experience if he never discovered h is father s wealth all his life. T hink

    about it. In life one needs wisdom when in the search of freedom. I

    have heard a lot of people say they want financial freedom, family

    freedom, and marital freedom and so on. But the truth is, you cannot

    be financially free or get freedom from family because the more money

    you have, the more budget you have to face. It is better to say, I

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    want to be financially buoyant than to be financially free, because

    finance itself does not bring freedom; it is the usage of it that gives


    On the other hand, family freedom as some people call it goes a long

    way to do with the application of wisdom. In life, there are things you

    must know while you are still with your parents or family. Knowing that

    alone will make you free even while with them. Situations will not bow

    to you when you keep crying and complaining about all your problems

    to people around you. Things begin to change when you apply wisdom

    and work in faith and not by sight.

    Have you ever thought about what brings distractions? When your

    eyes are closed, for instance, and a gun is pointed right at your

    forehead, you might not be moved because you cannot see what ishappening; you might even be smiling. But immediately your eyes are

    opened, guess what will happen?. You will have to either scream or be

    gripped with fear and shock. Wisdom gives freedom when properly


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    Wisdom Eliminates Fear

    Fear brings doubt, confusion, discomposure and disbelief. But wisdom

    is like a light that brightens your whole life when you work in it. Fear

    cannot come in to your life because wisdom will eliminate it. Hosea 4:6

    says, My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge ,

    People get destroyed if they are afraid when confronted by terrible

    situations which brings fear. When fear comes in, destruction is certain.

    The reason a lot of people are afraid is not because of the difficultsituation they find themselves they are afraid because of fear of the

    unknown. However, the story of a young girl will help us understand

    this discussion better.

    A young secondary school girl was once told by her peers in school she

    should not allow boys to touch her, because if they did, she might get

    pregnant. From then on, she became afraid of her fellow male students

    in school. Whenever they got close to her, she will run away from

    them. One day, she told her parents about her dilemma. When her

    parents heard her story, they laugh at her foolishness. She was

    amazed at her parent s response and wondered why they were

    laughing. She was then enlightened on how and what could make a

    woman pregnant. From then on, her fears not to allow male colleagues

    shake hands with her, touch her or even hug her disappeared. All

    along, she had been living with what never existed which had locked

    fear into her heart. But the key of wisdom and revelation brought that

    fear out and gave her boldness and confidence of who she really is.

    1John 4:18 says, There is no fear in love; because perfect love

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    casts out fear; because has to do with punishment. He that

    fears is not made perfect in love .

    It is most likely that there are a lot you do not know that is making

    you afraid. Always do a research on whatsoever thing that makes you

    afraid and you will end up being happy and know the right way to go

    about it. Fear will have no place in your heart anymore because

    knowledge has the ability to cast it out. Wisdom can be trusted to

    deliver you from fear. Know that fear is not of God. With fear, you get

    connected to the devil; but with faith, wisdom, knowledge and

    revelation, you are connected to God.

    This is the reason why the Bible said , Then you shall know the

    truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32) . Hosea 4:6

    also says, M y people are destroyed, perished for the lack ofknowledge . Fear is a spirit. This is also the reason why the Bible

    says, ( For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power

    and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). W henever fear

    comes, you can say to it, You are not allowed into my heart . Guard

    your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life

    (Proverbs 4:23). When you work in this consciousness, life for you

    will be a wonderful experience. Just imagine living a life without fear.

    I realize that people are afraid of almost everything. They are afraid of

    their family members, relations, future, dreams, spouse, husbands,

    wives, grandmother even the house they live in. Wisdom gives you

    confidence. Knowing that you will make it in life and not fail will help

    you stay focused on what you are doing to achieve success. Peace

    would be established in your heart when you are working in wisdom.

    Fear comes with challenges; every challenge has its own fear. The fear

    that comes with the challenge is always in the How part of it.

    Whenever you are faced with a challenge, it is mostly new; and when

    you are faced with something new, there is always doubt and fear of

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    how to meet that challenge. Most of the time, the fear is in the

    ignorance of that particular challenge. But when you are enlightened,

    your fears disappears. There are things that used to be very dreadful to

    you, but after being introduced to it, you find yourself having fun with

    that very dreadful thing. Fear is a threat to your belief and desire.

    Never accept the life and threat fear will bring your way. However,

    respond to fear with the word of God. Put the word of God to test

    whenever fear comes your way. God is not afraid to be put on the spot.

    Whenever you speak God s word, you are releasing H is power. The fear

    of failure is in disbelief. I f you think you can t, even when you try, the

    challenges you will meet in trying to achieve your set goals can even

    stop you. In every achievement, there are challenges which will always

    stand as a stumbling block. You should be able to differentiate betweenchallenges and obstacles in the course of your achievement. You can

    achieve greatness when you see from your spirit that it is possible to

    achieve it. Confront fear with the application of wisdom; that way, you

    will overcome fear.

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    Wisdom Brings Hope

    Anyone that functions in wisdom is always hopeful. Even if all hope

    seem lost, but because of what you already know, hope will be

    restored. One thing is to have a challenge or fall a victim of

    circumstances and another thing is to know that the challenge cannot

    consume you. A lot of people give up easily when their faith is

    challenged. I hear people say I am finished . The reason why they

    think so is because at such times, they do not know what to do.

    Confusion had set in because they do not function in wisdom. So theylose hope. But wisdom brings hope; I mean the wisdom of God. Think

    of King Solomon in the Bible. He was so full of wisdom that he always

    knew what to do at any point in time because he functioned in God s

    wisdom. He ruled his kingdom well and influenced other great kings

    with his wisdom. Wisdom made him reign and famous. If you know that

    even when everything is taken from you, you can still make it big

    again, you will not be perturbed or cry and complain to everyone

    around you. But rather start re-strategizing, making new plans to move

    on with life.

    Hope is hidden in knowledge. Pause and think about it; what are those

    things that give you hope? It may not be because you are so sure you

    will succeed. Otherwise, there are times you just feel there are no

    reasons to live any longer. There may also be times when life might not

    be interesting as hoped for. You just feel like giving up and let go; but

    at such times, your inner man tells you, don t worry , it will get

    better ; do it this way, this time it will be better . That is the voice of

    wisdom speaking to you, telling you what to do. With these words of

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    wisdom, you are hopeful again. There may be certain desires you want

    in life that seem impossible

    to you. At times, you say to yourself, maybe this is not for me , and

    then you give up.

    But at other times, when you get more information about such

    aspirations or when someone gives you a word of advice or counsels

    you, you believe again that you can achieve them. Wisdom comes to

    you when you listen to wise counsel. Something also happens to your

    spirit when you listen to the spoken word. At such times, your spirit is

    stirred up, you can receive and give, your faith is built up, and yourspirit opens to become anything you want.

    The crown of glory is in the hand of wisdom. Hope brings a mental

    picture of your fulfillment, it creates joy in your spirit, it increases your

    strength and makes you stay focused. To be hopeful is to build up

    courage. No man on earth will be happy if he is not hopeful. Hope gives

    you the strength to move on in life even if everything seems bad. The

    spirit of wisdom collaborates with the spirit of continuity; the spirit of

    continuity brings a persistent mind set; a persistence mind set

    produces a physical achievement and paralyzes every questionable

    doubt. The reason why you believe you can make it is because you

    have hope; you look up to tomorrow for a better life. Hope is hidden in

    wisdom. When you function in wisdom, you will be a hope giver

    because when you speak, hope is restored to the listeners who might

    think it is finished. Keep hope alive and believe once again that you can


    I have taken my time to read about King Solomon and how a queen

    from a distant country visited him and opened her heart to him (1King

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    10:1-13). Wisdom produces the right spirit within you. It prepares you

    to see afar off; no man has ever functioned in wisdom and remained

    the same; he becomes powerful. The wise man who was poor in the

    Bible rescued a city with his wisdom even though he wasn t

    remembered (Ecclesiastics 19:15). The crown of wisdom can pull you

    from penury to sit with princes. Life becomes worthwhile when you are

    working in wisdom; even if everyone is complaining and getting

    worried, you already know what to do. The most dangerous person on

    the face of the earth is a confused man.

    A confused man has no hope. I guess you have heard of people who

    took their lives by themselves. Confusion is what led them to do that.

    They thought they couldn t continue again, so they stop ped themselves

    from existing. Know this, the reason for life is not for you to grow upand give up; or else you wouldn t have been born in the first place.

    Everyone is born to fulfill a purpose. Remember, no other person can

    be compared to you; your race for success is not competitive even

    though we live in a competitive world . Don t give up because hope is

    hidden in wisdom. All you need do is to ask God for wisdom just as

    Solomon did, because that is the ladder for higher life.

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    Wisdom Makes You A Celebrity

    I have seen a lot of successful people being celebrated. I took time to

    find out the reason for this and I discovered that their celebration is

    hidden in the impact they have made in the lives of others through

    wisdom. When you take out time to study successful people, you will

    discover one thing common to all of them. They are always full of joy,

    smiles and laughter. This is so because when they see the impact they

    have made in the lives of others and the society at large, it gives them

    joy.Also the achievement they have made gives them the strength to do

    more. However, they have discovered that every instruction given out,

    every word of advice comes with a force of accomplishment. That force

    is wisdom. The more successful a man is, the more wisdom is accrued

    to him since no man can be successful when he is not wise. However,

    those who have failed may not necessarily be that they are foolish

    anyway. Ecclesiastics 9:11 says, The road is not to the swift, the

    battle is not to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet

    riches to the man of understanding, but time and chance

    happeneth to them all . More so, you need to know that the word of

    God is to be worked out.

    A lot of people just pray to God and sit down expecting God to do

    something; such individuals are often disappointed. They look up to

    God to have everything done for them. A man of wisdom goes after

    what he wants and takes a hold on it. A wise man believes in

    achievements; he is never happy until he has achieved something. His

    mind is set on making something happen.

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    You will become a role model; an icon when you are an achiever. This

    kind of achiever I am talking about is not the one who achieves one

    thing, stood still, looked back and expects people to clap for him. I am

    talking about an achiever who will not look back after achieving

    something; he does not consider or compromise what he is going to get

    in return for what he has done. He does not even have it in mind that

    some group of people will celebrate him. It is God who lays it in the

    hearts of those he has impacted positively on their lives to celebrate

    him. He gives bountifully not expecting anything in return, but gets an

    amazing reward.

    A celebrity is a man of great understanding. U ntil a man s mind is

    overthrown by wisdom, he cannot do greater things. A man of wisdom

    is conscious of sowing seed; the more seed he sows multiplies for him.The thoughts of a wise man are continuous progress and advancement.

    The man of wisdom is a man of courage; his life style is a great

    influence on those within his sphere of contact and beyond. A

    successful man who is often celebrated has been committed to

    producing successful people; the people he has produced through his

    success are those who celebrate him.

    I have not seen a successful person who has not been celebrated.

    Whether good or not, as long he is well-to-do, you will always see

    people he has being of assistance to that will celebrate him. However,

    the wisdom through which such people function always surpasses the

    ordinary thought of a man on the street.

    A celebrity does unusual things. He does not do what everyone else

    does. I have discovered that wisdom is developed; it is like a seed that

    God deposited in your heart; the more you develop it, the more it

    grows and you begin to function beyond the ordinary man on the

    street. People begin to see you as an abnormal person. For instance,

    Pastor Chris my pastor and mentor, is a preacher like every other man

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    of God around, but I have discovered that he preaches the gospel in an

    unusual manner, teaching the word with passion, conviction, shouts

    and great joy. And that is why his ministry is the fastest growing

    ministry today.

    He is a great celebrity of our time because when he speaks and

    demonstrates God s word, he is not just preaching, he drives greatness

    into one s spirit, and through his teachings, you cannot remain the

    same after listening to him. One thing is sure, the reason why he is

    able to do all these is wisdom; he does what he does with style,

    revelation and fun-filled which you cannot do without. A celebrated

    man is a man who thinks and acts wisely; he does not welcome

    ordinary things, he is concerned with things that work. Wisdom is a

    producer of celebrities.

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    For instance, someone decides to act his faith and got about two

    hundred people together for ministration. He got on stage without a

    microphone, and tried hard to use his ordinary voice to speak to the

    congregation. Just guess what will happen to his throat after he is

    done. Not only will everyone not hear him while he spoke, he might get

    weary and not be able to continue the next day. But if he had used a

    microphone, he would have had a wonderful time communicating to

    everybody with ease and still continue the next day without being

    stressed up.

    The appropriation of your faith will help make it work at all times.

    There are times you need a miracle based on your faith to get out of

    some situations. What I mean is, your faith and hope in God at such

    times is not based on something you think you know, but on what He isabout to do that you know He is capable of doing, but d idn t know how

    He will do.

    Learn to work out your faith through wisdom. The wiser you are, the

    more your faith produce tremendous results. No man of faith ever lived

    without wisdom. However, a certain great man (a gospel artist),

    performing before a great multitude at one time was openly asked if

    Jesus Christ was a white or black man? This is a critical question, but

    as you can see that from the various pictures on display everywhere,

    He could be regarded as a white man. Jesus Christ is for both the white

    and black. Besides, He never separated Himself or practiced any form

    of racism at any time. He came for the Jews and also for the Gentiles;

    He came for the whole world. With wisdom, the gospel artist was able

    to give a satisfactory answer. He said, Jesus Christ is neither black nor

    white . According to him, Jesus represents all races. That was

    remarkable! The Bible says, Through Knowledge shall the just be

    delivered (proverbs 11:9) . That is very true. There are some times

    we do not need much faith to change situations in our lives. What we

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    require is simple wisdom. The Bible says again, Then y ou shall

    know the truth and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32) .

    I would want to describe faith as a touch-light and wisdom as the

    switch. You may have a torch-light, but until you turn on the switch,

    the torch will not produce light. Enlightenment brings freedom, joy, and

    satisfaction and also gives direction. The Bible told us how the children

    of Israel kne w God s acts, but Moses knew God s ways. The children of

    Israel had revelation about God, but Moses had a better revelation. Act

    your faith through wisdom.

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    Handling Challenges Through Wisdom

    Everyone on the surface of the earth face challenges, but not too many

    people handle their challenging times with wisdom. One thing I have

    found out about most people is that whenever they are faced with

    challenges of life, they often reacted too quickly, sometimes

    irrationally, without first meditating and thinking over them before

    deciding on how to go about the situation. They are quick to act on

    impulse which often destroys every effort at handling the challengesconfronting them at that period.

    Most of the time, they saw those challenges as the end of the road.

    This often led to frustration, anxiety and confusion. The truth is, there

    is no challenge of life without an answer. If only we could meditate

    enough, think deeply about the situation and seek wise counsel, we will

    eventually come out victorious and be better placed to face the future

    with a more excellent mind-set to handle future challenges.

    Challenges of life are always experienced by everyone whether black

    or white, rich or poor, intelligent or foolish, knowledgeable or not. But

    your interpretation of the situation is what really matters. Some

    challenges could be opportunities for some, while for others; it could be

    a stumbling block.

    Let me tell you a story of two young men who were shoe makers in

    search for the right location to practice their trade. They both traveled

    to a city where people residing there do not put on shoes. One of them

    said to his colleague: F ellow, we can t do business here because the

    people here don t wear shoes . The other guy didn t see what he saw,

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    but rather, he saw opportunities. He said: W e might have to teach

    these people how to put on shoes and after we will start producing

    shoes for them T hat was exactly what they did. When they started the

    business, it was a mega success because they were the only ones

    producing shoes for everyone in that country at the time.

    What do you see in the face of challenges? What you see is what you

    get. When you conceive difficulty, you surely reap difficulty, but when

    you see success and possibilities, the same you will get also. Wisdom

    helps you see life in a much easier perspective; it makes your life very

    simple, but not cheap. Wisdom helps you position yourself higher than

    your real situation. For instance, a lady who does not have expensive

    clothes to wear, but always kept herself clean and maintained the

    cheap ones she has will always appear more attractive than anotherlady who puts on expensive clothes, but never kept herself and her

    clothes clean.

    Wisdom does not mean you have to be too economical with yourself in

    case you are beginning to think that way. That is not what wisdom is.

    It is something everyone puts into practice. It is not only for the rich.

    At whatever level of life you find yourself, you can still practice the use

    of wisdom. But the practice of wisdom depends on your level or

    position in life. For instance, you cannot function on the same level of

    wisdom of a Chief Executive Officer in a multinational company when

    you are just an employee on a lower cadre. No matter how much you

    try, there are certain things you cannot say or do if you have not risen

    to a certain level in life. Your height determines how much you can see.

    When God told Abraham to look as far as his eyes could see which has

    been given to him as an inheritance (Genesis 13:14), why didn t God

    tell Lot who was with Abraham to do the same? This is because

    Abraham has worked with God in a higher realm of faith. However, I

    have observed too that when God wants to bless you, He reveals it to

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    you first before He gives it. The brightness of God s blessings is in the

    revelation of it. God wouldn t giv e you something that is not useful to

    you, except you never found out how or know the worth of what it is.

    You might have something and not know the value of it until you are

    told how expensive and valuable that thing is before you begin to

    appreciate and handle it dearly.

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    Wisdom Is Your Weapon

    In life, there are several weapons that can be utilized to fight

    adversaries; one of which is wisdom. Everyone has a fight to carry out,

    but your success depends on the type of weapon you adopt. For some,

    their weapon could be physical combat with the opponent, biting

    tongue, anger, diabolical powers. Others could adopt hostility, gossip,

    bitterness, envy, etc. However, the best option is the use of wisdom.

    Proverbs 2:-1-5 says, My son, if you will receive my words, and

    lay up my commandments with you; so that you incline your earunto wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; yea, if you

    cry after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding; if

    you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hid treasures;

    then shall you understand the fear of the Lord, and find the

    knowledge of God .

    Most people adopt physical combat when they are faced with

    opposition, but you can save your strength when you operate in

    wisdom. Ephesians 6:12 says, We wrestle not against flesh and

    blood, but against principality and against powers, against the

    rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in

    the high places . Such people will fight with weapons that are

    capable of destroying their lives. The things you know how to do define

    you, and what you do translate into what you get. The maxim

    Knowledge is power is true, but most times people neglect

    powerful statements of this nature because they are regarded as too

    common. The popularity of truth doesn t make it insignificant . The

    beauty of knowledge and wisdom is in acting and putting them to

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    practice. Until you are envious of someone, you might never know the

    impact of the level of destruction it carries along. Your experiences in

    life determine your conclusions about life. Never conclude on

    experiences that are not pleasant, your experience in life cannot define

    what life really is because life is to you what you make of it. Proverbs

    4:7 says, W isdom is the principal thing, so get wisdom and in

    all your getting, get understanding .

    Therefore wisdom is a weapon with which you fight the battles of life.

    No matter how tough a situation is, when the right steps are taken with

    conviction, the situation will be handled. Wrong steps combined with

    right steps bring delay and lack of accomplishment. But right steps and

    consistent effort brings success and progress.

    To be successful, there are things you must do. You cannot take thewrong steps and expect to be successful by chance because success

    gained by chance is equally lost by chance. Success has its shape,

    signs, voice and face. To know the shape of success is to know the

    right order and steps that must be taken to accomplish a purpose. To

    know the signs of success is to visualize and review your effort. To

    know the voice of success is for people to speak of what you have

    achieved. And to know the face of success is to see the beauty of your

    achievement. You cannot lose while fighting if you have not conceived

    losing in the battles of life. What you see of life is very important.

    There is a power of meditation; what you see is what you meditate on

    and what you meditate on has a magnetic force of bringing it to reality.

    Have you ever heard people say, I just thought of something and

    suddenly it came . T hey didn t know it will come to pass; it was just

    a thought, but it came anyway. Why did it come? The reason was that

    the human spirit can perceive what will happen in the near future. If

    only we can listen to our spirit which sees ahead of us and can

    communicate with our mind what might happen to us, we would be

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    extra-ordinary. This is why when an ailment is about to occur, you can

    feel the symptoms. This means that your spirit is not ignorant of what

    happens to you.

    However, what you know is your defense. The reason why some

    terrible things happen to us sometimes is because when we perceive an

    impending danger, we hardly do anything to avert it. We rather wait

    endlessly to see the outcome. For instance, someone who has plans to

    travel early in the morning had a ghastly motor accident in his dream

    while asleep; what should he do?

    Ordinarily, he should have postponed the journey and talk to God

    concerning the dream and intending journey. But ironically, he could

    say, I am covered by the blood of Jesus and goes ahead with the

    journey. I believe he must have sought God s direction concerning th e journey and as a child of God, the weapons of our warfare are not

    canal, but are mighty through God to the pulling down of strong hold.

    In 2 Chronicle 20:1-23, when you carefully read through the above

    scripture, you will find that God is powerful and fights in a silent way.

    The Bible says, (A s God s people sang praises on to the Lord,

    their enemies stood against themselves and were smitten). The

    things of God cannot be understood by human reasoning. Fight with

    the right weapon to defeat, defend and overcome your adversaries

    today; fight with the power of wisdom.

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    Wisdom Does Not Fail

    In life, it is not about knowing so many things, but about knowing

    those of them that work. There are two kinds of wisdom; the wisdom of

    the world and the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God does not fail.

    When you function in the wisdom of God, you will move mountains. It

    is the highest ruling power. Wisdom rules and dominates, it works and

    is dependable. Therefore you must know when to act in wisdom and

    when to speak forth words full of God s wisdom to overcome life schallenges.

    There is a peaceful experience in life associated with working in

    wisdom. You will suddenly find out that you are living a very quiet life,

    but become more powerful and influential. The crown of wisdom is

    found on the head of those who embrace it (Proverbs 8:1).

    When you open up your heart to wisdom, when you accept its

    instructions and put to practice instructions given, you will be a

    supernatural being. The reason why some things don t go well in

    peoples life is not because something is wrong with their plans, but

    such plans could be badly executed. For example, a hardware computer

    engineer who forgets to fix the hard disc when assembling a computer

    system will end up achieving nothing as the system will never come up

    when booted. In the same vein, when you are carrying out a process,

    you do not get discouraged until your effort leads to the desired


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    Another thing to know why some plans fail might be the circumstances

    and conditions surrounding you at that point in the time. However, it is

    imperative to know the plans that can work and those that cannot.

    People are quick to apportioning blames to certain problems than to

    proffer workable solutions. They are often quick to discuss and murmur

    about the problems rather than proffer solutions. In life, nobody is

    perfect. No matter how knowledgeable you are, you might find yourself

    in a difficult situation, and end up doing those things you didn t intend

    doing initially. Why is this so? The reason is because when we do thosethings we are not passionate about, we disable the force of wisdom at

    work in us. Everyone who is born-again carries a force of wisdom (the

    Spirit of Wisdom) that controls him/her.

    How do we disable the force of wisdom and how do we recognize that

    force when it comes? Firstly, you must understand that wisdom has a

    voice. So when you engage in something and the spirit of wisdom

    reveals vital information to you concerning what you are about to do,

    perhaps to stop you from going ahead, but somehow you ignore those

    instructions, you have only succeeded in disabling its force. Because

    wisdom is a spirit, the only way it can communicate with you is through

    talk. W hen you don t accept its words, it will stay away because you

    have disobeyed its instructions.

    No matter who you are, there are times you may be ignorant of

    something. But there is good news for you. The Spirit of Wisdom has

    answers to all probing questions. That is why we must commune with

    the spirit at all times. Your spirit is your powerhouse in accomplishing

    anything in life. If your spirit is ignorant of something, it will be very

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    difficult for your mind to attract it. Your spirit has a magnetic force of

    communicating signs and instructions to your body, mind and sight.

    Whatever your spirit attracts is capable of manifesting physically,

    whether negative or positive. However, your spirit does not have

    authority over itself. You are in control of your spirit and one good

    thing about it is that it responds to training. You can train your spirit to

    become master over all circumstances of life. Life becomes exciting

    when your spirit man is alive and happy because the state of your spirit

    man defines your success and fulfillment in life No matter what your

    definition of success is, know that success itself is spiritual.

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    Wisdom Destroys Doubt

    Doubt is one of the elements of failure. In Mark 11:23, Jesus illustrated

    the danger of doubt. He said, Verily, verily I say unto you,

    whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and

    be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but

    shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to

    pass, he shall have whatsoeve r he saith. My focus here is on the

    word doubt . Jesus had to point out the reason behind failure; in other

    words, faith that boasts of great things cannot accomplish anythingwhen it doubts. Wisdom takes away doubt from a man s life. A man

    who is full of God s wisdom and knows what he wants to do, no matter

    the level of information at his disposal, will never have a doubtful mind.

    James 1:8 says, A double minded man is unstable in all his


    When you are doubtful, you become double minded and the moment

    this happens, you become unstable. It thus becomes very difficult for

    you to know what to do to move ahead in life. D on t let doubt ful mind

    destroy you. You must eliminate it from your life because the wisdom

    of God will not accommodate doubt. I have seen people who are

    doubtful of almost everything. They even doubt themselves and when

    they hear someone s testimony, they still doubt its authenticity in their

    heart. They would say, H ow can such a thing happen? Maybe it

    was said just to convince unbelievers . They already believed in

    their heart that such testimony could be a frame-up. Even if they

    receive a word of prophecy, will still doubt it. No wonder the Bible

    says, He that observe s the weather shall not sow (Ecclesiastics

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    For instance, if God tells to you to speak to somebody who is not born

    again and the devil tries to convince you it is not possible for the

    person to be born-again because he is regarded by everyone as a

    wicked person, what you need do is to dwell on the word of God by

    quoting Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18. The devil will flee from


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    influence, power, fame, houses, cars, several wives and concubines

    and so on. There is another kind of success, the God kind of success;

    that is, success borne out of the word of God; success that functions

    under God s financial and material principles ; success that is beyond

    the physical.

    There are prosperity achieved through G od s grace and influence and

    there are others under devil s influence and control. Have you not seen

    people who were very successful once upon a time and suddenly

    became helpless and hopeless? Whatsoever the devil offers you; he

    takes back in multiple folds. This is why John 10:10 says , He came to

    steal, to kill and to destroy . The devil does not bless or prosper

    anyone using men as his instrument of destruction.

    The devil has succeeded in deceiving a lot of people through varioustricks. The devil may is not physical, but operates through people such

    as native doctors, herbalists, juju priests, spiritualists and so on. Many

    people are desperate to be successful in life. And whenever anyone

    talks to them about prosperity, they do not think twice about where

    such prosperity will come from and immediately embrace it. That is

    why several people have become victims of the devil s devices and

    strategies. Some may present themselves as prophets, prophesying

    lies to you. But when the S pirit of God s wisdom is at work in your life,

    it will cause you to produce success because the wisdom of God is

    fruitful, makes you productive, makes you understand the devices of

    the devil when his tricks are thrown at you.

    The wisdom of this world is foolishness unto God. The things people

    place value on means nothing to God. Success has a channel and a

    pattern. These channels and patterns when dully followed will make

    you successful beyond your imagination. With little effort, your result

    will be tremendous. It pays to follow instructions. Proverbs 4:13 says,

    Take fast hold of instruction, let her not go, keep her, for she is

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    thy life. This is very instructive. Most people like to do their own

    thing their own way, not considering the laid down principles and

    instructions of God that works. To follow God s instructions are like

    driving on an already completed road. But doing your own thing your

    own way is like struggling to clear the road yourself.

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    Wisdom: An Instructor.

    Proverbs 8:10 says, Receive my instruction , and not silver; and

    knowledge rather than choice gold. Wisdom is a teacher and an

    eye opener. It has a voice and sight (Proverbs 8:4). When you yield

    yourself to listen to the voice of wisdom all the time, it will be obvious

    that you are a wise person because it will manifest in your speech,

    thought, attitude, behavior and actions. Remember, wisdom is a spirit

    (Isaiah 11:2). Until you have value and respect for spiritual things, you

    cannot function properly in wisdom.If wisdom is an instructor, so what do you do? Let us look into the Bible

    once again. Proverb 8:33- 34 says , Hear instruction and be wise ,

    and refuse it not; blessed is the man that heareth me, watching

    daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. What are

    contained in these verses require that wisdom be given priority

    because it says instruction makes you wise. And it also warned that

    you shouldn t refuse it, w hy?; because it says that blessed is the man

    that heareth her, watching daily at her gates, waiting at the posts of

    her doors. In other words, you can knock on wisdom s door on daily

    basis when you need information on anything; she is always ready to

    speak. Proverb 8:1 says, Doth not wisdom cry? And

    understanding put forth her voice? Verse 4 of chapter 8 also says,

    U nto you oh men I call, and my voice is to the sons of men . All

    you need do to function in wisdom mightily is to abide by the rules.

    Firstly, by listening; secondly by acting on instructions received; and

    thirdly, by knocking (i.e. requesting, seeking to receive instructions).

    The influence of wisdom is enormous. The joy and benefit of working in

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    wisdom is so much. It matters a lot what you listen to; what you hear

    in any form is capable of shaping your life; the information you receive

    determines your future. We are in an age where information is updated

    daily and these form of communication through various means are

    relevant to us.

    But you will have to analyze such information to know which to apply

    because it is not all information received that you can utilize since they

    might not be relevant to you. Some information could be false and

    twisted to suit their purposes. With wisdom, you can tell which is true

    and which is false and twisted. Nothing can be as exciting as getting

    something that works among many others that w on t work .

    Why are several people suffering, poor, broke and living a beggarly

    life? And why are others living in luxury, comfort, riches and wealth?The difference between them is knowledge and revelation. The

    information at the disposal of the rich and wealthy man is what puts

    him in his Jeep and has provided him his mansion, which also makes

    him to reign, travel round the world and makes so much money that

    intimidates the poor, down-trodden and broken-hearted folks out there.

    On the other hand, the ignorance of the poor is what puts him in a

    state of lack, frustration, want and poverty he finds himself. The issue

    of poverty and wealth is a matter of choice; you can choose to be rich

    or poor through wisdom or ignorance.

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    objectives as well. These two sets of people have a problem, but there

    is hope for both of them; wisdom is the answer.

    Wisdom is more than just knowing about something. It swings you to

    action, and causes you to achieve what you already know. It speaks

    and moves; it attracts and loves; achievements and visibility are the

    joy of wisdom. The more of wisdom you practice, the more revelation it

    gives you because it loves those who listen. (Proverbs 8:1-3). Wisdom

    is a speaker and a listener; guard your heart with wisdom that

    produces grace at all times because out of it comes your fulfilling


    Whitesun s Proverbs

    1) Life without money leads to mourning.2) The glory of a man s success is the extent of his wisdom.

    3) Truth without conviction is like falsehood to the hearers.

    4) A gathering of wealthy people intimidates and scares the


    5) An adult who despises good counsel will be disgraced at the


    6) A child who claims to be fully grown up is a child indeed.

    7) Any child who accepts he is a child has come of age.

    8) Successful people are happy people, but failures are often


    9) A smile does not define happiness.

    10) Peace of mind is the joy of goodwill.

    11) Those who embrace knowledge embrace life.

    12) Good knowledge rejected will be regretted when needed.

    13) Grace propels movement, but its absence brings


    14) War without a will is a lost battle.

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    15) Thank you is grace for another blessing.

    16) One man s weakness is another man s strength

    17) A poor man is not he who has no money, but one who

    lacks positive ideas.

    18) The glory of a man is to respond to the call of God on his


    19) Money doesn t bring fulfill ment, but its use does.

    20) Vision without conviction is assumption.

    21) Assumption is a shadow of an unseen truth.

    22) Everything matters to something.

    23) Marriage without money is mourning personified.

    24) A confused man with plenty of money is loss of

    purposefulness.25) The wish to be something you cannot achieve is an error

    of judgment.

    26) Meditation is the key to manifestation of ideas.

    27) Nothing means anything to a man who knows nothing.

    28) Ignorance makes a man ignore knowledge

    without knowing it.

    29) The path of greatness belongs to the diligent and just.

    30) Real strength is spiritual.

    31) No one becomes anything without giving something.

    32) Lust is a feeling of deceit.

    33) Grace takes away disgrace from a man s life .

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    1. Faith is the response to the human spirit to the word

    - Pastor Chris

    2. Preparation plus opportunity equals success.

    - Pastor Joy Daramola

    3. A man does not marry a wife; he marries a girl and it is his

    responsibility to make her a wife. Pastor Sola Olubode

    4. A man who runs after several women might end up pursuing

    them away. - Whitesun

    5. A man of ignorance enjoys everything. Whitesun

    6. Anyone who the holy Spirit is pleased to live with is clean-

    Pastor Chris 7. When failure becomes natural, defeat becomes normal- Pastor

    Sola Olubode

    8. When you ask god for money, he does not give you money. He

    will rather give you his Spirit because g od s spirit is the answer. -

    Pastor Chris

    9. I am from the government of heaven- Pastor Chris

    10. When you have done all that the spirit tells you to do, there

    is nothing more to do. - Pastor Sola Olubode

    11. A man loves the one he serves and the one who serves him,

    but fights the one who competes with him.- Pastor Chris

    12. Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them

    to be since you cannot also make yourself as you wish to be. -

    Thomas A Kempi

    13. The one who chooses to ignore the truth is a fool. Pastor


    14. Those who function at the realm of the senses are highly

    limited.- Pastor Chris

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    30. Where wisdom is called for, force is of little use -



    I activate the operations of the spirit of wisdom in my life.

    My heart and mind are open to receive God s wisdom and revelation at

    all times. The spirit of wisdom is at work in me, causing me to do

    exploits, producing in me grace to excel in life.

    I am fruitful because the wisdom of God is producing results in me.

    I do not lack wisdom because Christ has endowed me with wisdom.

    I conquer and overcome the challenges of life through the wisdom of

    God at work in me.

    I cannot be confused, discouraged or hopeless because I am a solutionprovider, a hope giver, a counselor and help to the needy.

    My life is a wonder because I am complete in God.

    There are no missing parts; I am born a celebrity becaus e God s

    wisdom is at work in me.

    I live by the wisdom of God; I am a champion, a winner and full of the

    knowledge of God s word and inspiration.

    I cannot fail with the wisdom of God in me. I walk in the the light of its

    guidance, course and direction every day.

    I overcome every challenge of life and dominate in Jesus Name. Amen.


    1. Money can buy you a bed, but cannot buy you sleep.

    2. Money can buy you a house, but cannot buy you a home.

    3. Money can buy you food, but cannot buy your appetite.

    4. Money can buy you happiness, but cannot buy you joy.

    5. Money can buy you education, but cannot buy wisdom.

    6. Money can save a life, but cannot give life.

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    7. Money can take you to the best hospital, but cannot buy you



    My definition of POVERTY

    P - Penury: I am penniless. Anyone who embraces me will suffer

    rejection, discrimination and shame. Destitute reside in my home; to

    be in want are my day-to-day experiences. I never have enough to

    sustain myself.

    O Obscurity: Darkness has become my delight because that is all I

    know. Dimness is my friend. Anyone who finds me will walk in the path

    of shadows. (He will only dream, but such dreams will never come to

    fruition).I am gloom; wishes and sighs are my lot.V Variance: Inconsistency is my life style; I am never stable, neither

    do I experience upliftment nor constant growth. The me you know

    today is a me you will never see forever because I am full of

    differences. Conflict is my birth right and confusion is my joy.

    E Excuses: Why I couldn t make it is the reason I exist because

    almost is my justification. Explanation is my joy of fulfillment. My

    defen se is the reason why I couldn t go, do, say and act. I am always

    full of apology.

    R Regret: I am often sorry for and feel sorry for myself and very

    unhappy with my life and situation. I lament and wish I never existed

    even though I am often apologized to.

    T Terrify: Fright is my everyday experiences. Everything scares me.

    Panic and shock grips me every now and then. Alarm is often raised for

    my sake, but couldn t figure out why.

    Y Yet: Up till now, no one cares about me. So far, no good thing is

    said about me. Neither is appraisal done nor compensation given to me

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    Ojada Whitesun Sylvester is a renowned author whose works have

    been a source of great blessing and inspiration to many. The book

    Efficacy of Wisdom is his first writing effort and has received positive

    commendations and recommendations by many as a historic book on

    wisdom. He is also an actor and a motivational speaker.


    This book is written to enlighten you on the operations and

    manifestation of the spirit of wisdom in your life. It helps you

    understand and know what wisdom is capable of accomplishing through

    you. It provides information on how to position you through itsguidance in every situation. Many of us have made serious mistakes in

    life, but wisdom says Now therefore hearken unto me O yea

    children, for blessed are they that keep my ways (Proverbs

    8:32). It also warns: But he that sinneth against me wrongeth

    his own soul; all that hate me love death (Proverbs 8:36) .

    This book was written to help you escape the rod of foolishness and


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