the eight parts of speech establishing a common grammar vocabulary

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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The Eight Parts of Speech

Establishing a common grammar vocabulary

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence! Noun

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence! Noun Verb

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence! Noun Verb Adjective

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence! Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence! Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Pronoun

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence! Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Pronoun Conjunction

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence! Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Pronoun Conjunction Preposition

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence! Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Pronoun Conjunction Preposition Interjection

Purpose You’ll need to be

able to define and identify these on command as building blocks for grammar.

I know it seems basic, and it should be. Consider this a refresher course.

Noun Person, place,

thing or idea. (I bet you all chanted that in unison.)

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

Verb Expresses an

action, condition, or state of being.

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

Adjective Modifies

(describes or changes) a noun or pronoun.

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

Adverb Modifies

(describes or changes) a verb or adjective.

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

Pronoun Replaces a noun. Hey! Prepare first,

and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

Conjunction Connects words,

phrases, or clauses in a sentence.

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

Preposition Shows relationship

between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence.

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

Interjection A word or phrase

used to express emotion.

Hey! Prepare first, and you can leap ahead with real confidence!

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