the end of the beginning has arrived! [from website www...

Post on 10-Jul-2020






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April 15, 2020 by Gary Mooney

Most of humanity is now realizing that a pivotal time in earth’s history has arrived. Yet, even with the pandemic and economic chaos now besieging the world, there are many questions but few answers. Even our leaders are confounded, in turmoil and without solutions. As guidance and answers are sought, we turn to government, our leaders, and our churches for revelation, but find no solutions. However, the answers have been available for thousands of years, to those who truly seek for the truth. The answers will drive out all the fears and terror griping the world, so be sure to read to the end. Our Creator has given us warnings and revelations written down over thousands of years, explaining through His Word (the Bible) and His prophecies, to the answers we seek. The beginning of humankind was laid out in the first Book of Genesis when God said he created the heavens and earth, then forming the first man made in his image, Adam. Then God breathed into Adam his (God) very own Spirit. Adam had access to his Father, walking in the cool of the evening, with daily conversations with the Creator. Nothing was withheld from Adam as all knowledge was available to him. The only requirement was that he should not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There was no need to know about good and evil as Adam only had to ask God for this knowledge. However, Adam and Eve chose to disobey and eat of that tree, signifying man’s desire to choose what was good or evil in his own sight. This was the beginning of the separation of man from his Creator. Since that time, down through the ages, God did not leave mankind forsaken, but promised that He would fully restore what was lost with that first sin. Until God’s plan came to fruition, prophets were inspired to write the Scriptures to give man all the answers he sought. Prophecy was not only for knowledge, but also for proof of God’s existence as only a supreme being, living outside of time and space, knows the past, present, and future, telling the end from the beginning. Prophecy was also to give fallen mankind hope for the future and for the full

restoration unto our Father and how man could still spend eternally with Him in heaven. Over the ensuing millenniums, as part of his plan for redemption, God allowed mankind to persuit their own pathway and desires without Him. A great lesson was in play to reveal what a rejection of Him and his truth, the lesson being that rebellion always leads to death and destruction. The end of the story comes with the last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation given to the Apostle John by Jesus, God’s only Son. From the beginning to the end of the story, all the Bible is showing the plan of redemption by Jesus as the one and only way for restoration unto the Father. It can be held that the entire Bible is all prophecy of Jesus Christ, and from end to the beginning, a story of the Good News. The Gospel of Jesus foretells of man’s salvation through accepting Jesus’ sacrifice, death, burial, and resurrection. Once anyone, accepts Christ, admits the’re a sinner, in need of redemption and forgiveness, and chooses to follow him with fear and trembling, and producing the fruit of good works of obedience, they shall be saved. Thus the story can end with each created soul knowing their salvation is assured, if only they make the right choice. The choice being to follow God’s way or carnal fallen man’s way. The right choice leads to the eternal Good News and salvation! Now that we know the ending, the beginning must be revealed. This morning as I awoke, the Lord admonished me for being such a prophet of “doom and gloom”. His word was for me to be more about hope than judgment in my accessment of all the events besieging the world. Having been called to be a watchman on the wall, declaring warnings of coming calamities, at first I chose to use the old method to get a stubborn mule’s attention where one hits the mule between the eyes with a two-by-four! In my many writings of warning, I often used the analogy of comparing most people to ostriches with their head buried in the sand. This primal response was to avoid the reality of these apocalyptic times, hoping it will past them by. I said,Aucontraire (French for I contest) Lord, how do I awaken them from their normacy bias? In my mind, I kept seeing the scripture referencing how most people are mockers and scoffers saying, “All continues as before our fathers fell asleep (died). Where is the promise of His (Jesus) second coming”? Over three years ago, when I was called to be a watchman and warn this

nation of coming judgment, I was led to write a book of warning. It is titled, America: A Captured Nation; The Fall of the U.S. and Failure of

its Churches. The book warned what, why, how, and when our nation was taken over by evil forces, discussing how this would lead to the chaos and threat to our nation that we are currently seeing. The book was followed by many articles over the last three years expanding on the threats. Reaching out to many people and including different denominational pastors, I received the same scoffing and ridicule of which I already spoke. I questioned the Lord, protesting why have you allowed me to go through so much turmoil and adversity in my life of fiery trials to teach me a great truth, to only leave me floundering like a fish out of water. The only reply was the same as received by many other watchmen/women, be patient for my perfect timing is soon coming. Most of us knew that this perfect timing was to be a day of reckoning and judgment. A time of God’s last warnings before bringing this Age of Grace to a close in preparation of his Son’s return!

The truth was that our battles are not against flesh and blood, but

against mankind’s real adversary, Satan. [Ephesians 6:12] “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” My book was an attempt to awaken our nation to the truth that even President Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy tried to warn us, revealing “The military industrial complex” and the secret societies deeply embedded in this nation with all manner of evil intents. These nefarious evil threats have been playing out since the world’s first attempt to create a nation, represented by the Tower of Babel led by Nimrod, in an attempt to establish a one world government, without God. This same plan has been continued down through the ages with Babylonian, Eygptian, Greek, Roman, Islam, and Nazi Empires to establish a One World Political, Religious, and Economic Empire, all to wage war against the one true God.

In our present age, these same anti-god forces of evil have morphed into the “Deep State”- the Illuminati, the globalists, U.N., Freemans, the Federal Reserve worldwide banking systems, and many more organizations. All these listed have only one goal, the age old plan to establish a One World Order to be eventually led by the Antichrist- Satan himself. God is now allowing man’s rebellion to play-out, revealing the consequences of choosing to deny Him, which always leads to the endgame of death and destruction. It is not by God’s hand that mankind would perish, but by our own selfish desires and rebellion. If God did not intercede by shortening this end time scenario, as scripture foretold, no flesh would be left alive. Yet, the Good News is that at the end, arrives

our hope and salvation, but first there must be a fulfilling of the prophecies of The Tribulation period and the Apochalypse.

THE TIME OF SORROWS IS UPON US The Holy Spirit has led me to begin with the blessed hope of redemption and salvation offered to this besieged and dying world, but now is the time to reveal the time of sorrows coming upon this world, so terrible that the Bible says, “Men’s hearts will fail them”. It will be worse than at anytime in history, or will ever be again. As you continue reading, know that the true answer to most people’s questions, will be revealed. However, as already mentioned, one purpose of prophecy is to give hope and TOO PREPARE His children to get to the end in victory and receiving all that has been promised. WHAT TO EXPECT GOING FORWARD UNTIL CHRIST’S RETURN Luke 21:26. “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." As I warned in my book, the forces of darkness, what many call the Deep State, have been at work since our founding to capture this nation for the soon arriving New World Order with the intent of imposing a one political, religious, and economic system. This system will soon be handed over to the prophecied Antichrist who will declare himself God. America has been the only major nation so far to withstand this Luciferian globalist plan. Yet, the leaders of corruption and evil that has griped this nation is removing the last hope for the world. Our historical history has been revised and has not taught the truth of our founding as a Christian nation under Judeo-Christian value using God’s laws and commandments. The first thing the newly inaugurated President George Washington did that day, was to walk to Wall Street, stopping at St. Paul’s Cathedral and Federal Hall in New York City and dedicate this nation to God. It was no coincidence that our nation’s covenant with God, began at Wall Street and is now ending at the same place that symbolizes our wealth and blessings bestowed by our past obedience to God. Washington even gave a prophecy that day saying, if America ever turned its back on God, it would not survive. In general, America [indeed the world] is living in a world of delusional reality. As discussed in the opening, even the “ostriches” of denial are

pulling their heads out of the sand, seeking the truth. This nation’s citizens are speeding toward an abyss built on lies. No longer remaining a couch potato and bystander to the catastrophes rapidly descending onto us all, is no longer an option for you and your families lives and souls are in jeopardy. The age old forces of evil that began with the occultic Babylonian Empire is still alive and well, only too glad to keep the average person sedated by providing them comfort, entertainment, and pleasures of this world, until it is too late to see the nation’s headlong plunge into the abyss built upon a quagmire of lies. [Note: I highly recommend you read the article I posted on my website titled, “Why Delusion, Fake News, and Lies Rule this Nation”.] America, you have gathered around yourselves the leaders in your political, educational, secular, and religious institutions that you desired and deserve. Psalm 81:12. So I (God) gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own desires.” 2 Timothy 4:3. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts.” This nation has become lazy, refusing to diligently guard the hard fought and established secular and religious freedoms of our Founding Fathers. Instead of carefully electing truly god fearing men and women into political positions, we mostly vote a straight party ticket. As once our institutions of higher learning were established as theological colleges, like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and many others, yet now they are infested with liberal ideologs teaching atheistic theology and anti-American, communism, and socialism. Our corporations and banking systems have become instruments to enslave us, turning us all into the modern form of debt serfdom. It is no coincidence that Wall Street, the place where all our blessings and wealth originated, was ground zero for the 9/11 attack which was a sign God had begun removing his hand of protection. After WWII, the U.S. had most of the manufacturing base in the world, was the greatest creditor/lender to the world, and owned 80% of the world’s gold. Today, we’re the greatest debtor nation in the history of the world. 9/11 was a warning sign from God of coming judgment. The nation rushed to

churches for three weeks, then soon forgot God and turned back to ignoring Him, disregarding the warning. Then in 2008, seven years later, God sent another warning sign with the economic collapse, but rather than repent and return to our founding principles and seeking the Almighty in repentance, the nation once again did not call out to God. Instead, American ran to their false god of mammon and government they worship, trusting in it to save them. Then again as this pandemic exploded in our nation, a national day of prayer was held, but again the nation refused to humble itself, cast off its pride, and seek the True Source of our protection. Instead, there was only prayers to stop the virus. There was no call to national repentance and a mourning for our individual and collective sins as a nation as required by God. 2 Chronicles 7:14. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” God never allows or sends judgment without first sending His prophets and watchmen to warn his church and its leaders. Yet, as seen, time and time again, Americans have not heeded the call to repentance. The generations born after WWII have allowed this nation to go into moral, economic, political, and secular decline. As already discussed, the end is upon us and being fulfilled as will be shown here in revealing biblical prophecies. Now we must prepare for the consequences of man’s rebellion against God. The world has sown the wind with sin, now it is time to reap the whirlwind caused by our disobedience and rebellion against the Almighty. This pandemic is only a birth pain which will lead to the Tribulation and the 21 judgments foretold in The Book of Revelation. When Jesus was asked by his disciples what would be the sign of thy coming, He replies, Matt. 24:6- 8. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of war, see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For Nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be FAMINES AND PESTILENCES and earthquakes in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrow”.


For years, the Lord has shown me through His Word and by the Holy Spirit, the developing economic collapse will initiate the biggest threat to our nation and the world. This pandemic, whether intentional or accidental, will and is being used by the same ancient dark forces to bring into fruition the long sought One World New Order - the Antichrist’s reign over the earth. As Scripture warns, pestilences are only one of the judgments we face, and we can only blame ourselves for allowing our and other nations to develop these bioweapons, not God. So do not blame God as hateful or revengeful. The beginning of judgment is not God’s desire, but He allows it to awaken mankind to the truth that rebellion against Him always leads to self destruction. This virus was not created by God, but by evil men using decades of bioweapon research. It was Dr. Francis, Boyle who in the 80’s, was key in writing the protocols for the U.S. bioweapon research labs. Dr. Boyle has spent many years now warning the public of the danger of man made viruses. Recently he was interviewed and called for the arrest, prosecution, and even execution of all those engaged in the “death science industry” who build weapons against humanity. To see a article posted at with Dr. Boyle use the below clickable link: [Note: The important fact is that many countries like China, Russia, many European countries, all have high level bioresearch labs. The Obama administration funneled money via the NIH (National Institute of Health) into the same Wuhan BSL-4 lab that is widely believed to have created and released the Wuhan coronavirus that’s devastating the world…….U.S. government partnered with private organization and front groups in Africa to continue weapons research on Ebola, and other pathogens like: HIV, SARS, and MERS. [Yes HIV was a man created virus!] President Trump has said, we are at war with this virus. (Just be aware that the first thing to die in war, is the truth.) We are now inundated with false information, propaganda released for nefarious reasons, and unreliable facts which makes the truth hard to find. One big player in this dark game of self interest is Big Pharma that has become a cancer on society. They run the medical schools, Big Tech, and Big Media. [Note: Ever notice all the ads inundating the media promoting drugs for every real or imagined ailment!] The Pharmaceutical companies are the largest campaign contributors to our lawmakers, and thus they control much of congress at federal and state legislative levels. It is this big money

(bribes?) by the large chemical/ pesticide and, agribusiness companies that allows the passing of laws to stop revealing what foods contain GMOs. No doctor questioning this propaganda pushing, for 50+ and counting, required vaccines forced on our children, will be allowed to speakout. Their licenses can be revoked for questioning the official Big Pharma position that all vaccines are safe. The internet is now highly censored for any doctor promoting natural cures and prevention, or even talking about legitimate concerns about safety. As an example, a very well known alternative media site, was permanently banded from Twitter for merely asking the question about the artificial origin of this deadly new coronavirus. Bill Gates and his “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” is now in the news for his vast influence (thru his vast wealth) over much of the vaccine research and promotion. As controversy currently surrounds President Trump’s decision to curtail U.S. financial contribution to the World Health Organization (WHO), it has been revealed Bill Gates contributes $600 billion to WHO, giving him large control over the body. Gates helped form the “2010 Good Club” partnered with others like David Rockafeller, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner (founder of CNN), Warren Buffett,and George Soros, all billionaires. The intent of this club is to not only curve population growth, but to drastically reduce it by upto 90%. As evidence, just research The Georgia Guidestone. It calls for a world population of only 500 million, a greater than 85% decline. This may explain why the Gates Foundation is being sued by India and been bared from operating in many African nations. It seems 100 of thousands of children and young adults were killed and injured by Gates massive vaccine push for polio and HPV vaccinations. It was even reported that some of the vaccines were actually used to sterilize young women. Gates also has the vaccine research company Novavax working for him to develop a vaccine for coronavirus which was initiated more than a year ago, before almost anyone ever heard of this virus. Yet, it gets even more dark and nefarious as Gates is situating himself to make billions from a new vaccine for the Covid-19. However, there is no evidence that an effective vaccine can be developed as the coronavirus is highly mutagenic, with 10 or more different strains already appearing around the world. This is why there has never been a vaccine for the common cold virus because there are hundreds of different cold virus strains. Watch the below listed video: [Note this website explains the truth that this virus is not going away anytime soon, and the hard choices our government and the American people will be forced into making.] So, why is Gates now pushing for keeping the public in lockdown for as long as 18 months or until the vaccine is ready? He even goes further to say that everyone will need to prove their immunity to Covid-19 before permitted to leave their homes or go to work. This demand will lead to the public either testing positive and recovered from the virus or have received the vaccine. To prove one has reached “herd immunity status”, Gates is also promoting a way to prove this immunity by attaching some type of mark to their body. As a chip could be inserted at time of injection with the vaccine, this would be ideal except for the fact that it could be removed by anyone that was not happy to be forced to receive it. Also, many Christians will resist the mark because it is forbidden in Scripture as a “Mark of the Beast- the Antichrist” which condemns those who receive it, to Hell. A new technology is now available to inject a hyper-cellulose, nano-particle filled gell that grows into the bodies bones and tissues, and can not be removed. Bill Gates is rapidly being recognized around the world for being a depopulation promoter and no friend to the world’s masses, but he is only part of the Deep State dark forces at play. Use browser to find the following websites, with first one highlighted is clickable, and the most important: Why India snapping off vaccination ties with Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation puts us all at risk. The media loves the Gates Foundation. These experts are

more skeptical. Bill Gates just shared a Brutal Truth very few people are

Willing to admit. It all goes back to a Decision he announced on January 13, 2000. Did Bill Gates admit vaccinations are designed so governments can depopulate the world?

[Just be aware Gates and his allied globalist forces are not your friend.] Note: Many sites which are revealing threats against humanity, are being blocked and removed, but you still can use browser to find the information. In many cases one will need to use alternative browser to google as they heavily censor their content. Use browser like or The biblical scriptures have warned what happens when a nation or

people turn against God Ezekiel 5:12. A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee, and third part shall fall by the sword [war] around about thee……. The next judgment to come against America is even now at the door, the beginning of food shortage, eventually leading to famine. In the Book of Revelations Rev.6:5….. the third seal…. a black horse…. and he who sat on him had a pair of balances in this hand…. a measure of wheat for a penny… In ancient times a penney was a days wages. This verse indicates economic collapse where a man’s daily wage can only buy enough to feed one person. America, including the world, is now experiencing unprecedented collapse in food production from extreme weather conditions including record flooding, winter storms, deep freezes, crop failures, and a breakdown in the just in time food time deliveries. During 2019, millions of cattle froze in the north central states. Crops were not planted or not harvested due to water logged fields and early frosts. Swarms of trillions of locust are devouring much of the crops in North Africa, the Mid East, and are now threatening parts of Asia, even moving to the border of China. More and more countries around the world are stopping exporting of any food, preferring to hoard it for their own population. Watch video on this locust plague highlighted below: [While eyes on covid-19, East Africa, the Arabian Pennisula, S.W.Asia, and Pakistan continues to struggle with another crisis of biblical proportions: Growing meg-swarms of ravenous locusts.]

Here in the U.S., much of our surplus grain storage is depleted from the abysmal production in 2019. Smithfield Foods, with the largest pork processing plants in the nation, have announced many are closing due to coronavirus outbreak and employee infections. Ranchers and poultry producers are going out of busy because of low prices and inability to afford grain to feed to their animals. With much of the nations restaurants and schools closed, a huge percentage of the meat market has disappeared. Even grocery stores are feeling the effects from people not eating out, as 50% of the food in the nation has been specially backaged to sell to schools and restaurants and not appropiate for grocery distribution. Following are just a few headlines revealing the food crisis: U.S. Farmers dump 3.7 million gallons of milk every day and plow fresh vegetables back into the soil because restaurants, hotels, and schools have closed due to pandemic. Get ready for food riots may be only weeks away, if lockdowns not soon ended as food shortages already hitting tens of thousands amidst the Covid-19 crisis…… Many businesses being forced to shutdown, the closing of multiple meat manufacturing plants, resulting in millions out of work and unable to afford the food that is left and able to be restocked. [Note: as of April 16, 2020, 22 million have filled for unemployment, and millions more unable to file due to overloaded state websites.] Food banks across the country are facing shortages as they attempt to keep families suffering from either unemployment or other issues. Allnewspipeline and other sources have reported meat processing facilities for both Tyson and JBS had to close plants after employees fell ill and unsafe working conditions…….Some grocery stores and other establishments like Costco, Walmart, and others are limiting the number of certain sought after items……

It is being reported that meat processing plants, ranchers, and poultry producers will in weeks have to start culling herds and flocks that they can no longer afford to feed. One video online showed a large chicken producer dumping dead chicken bodies into a line of waiting semi-trailers. Reportly, many 100s of million of chickens are already being destroyed around the world. Ranchers in U.S. are faced with culling their herds and burying them in trenches. All this protein sources being currently lost is on top of last years killing by China of 10s of millions of hogs infected with swine flu. Just be aware there is a large possiblity that food, especially meat sources, will be in short supply soon. Watch listed video for more info on this coming meat shortage: Another sign of economic collapse, see website below:


Now concerning the threat of a judgment by the sword, war has always been one of the worst attributes of mankind’s carnal lust of the flesh. As leaders around the world who are perplexed and seeking answers, and they are unable to help us, a call for desperate action will grow. As hunger, lack of resources, homelessness, and increasing deaths from plagues, watching their children dying, nations will resort to the age old solution of war. As Gerald Celente at Trends Journal says, “When people loose everything, then they loose it, resulting in rioting, and civil unrest, then our leaders take us to war. As an example, after WWI, Germany was forced to make war reparations which led to an economic collapse and lose of all hope. This condition led to people accepting Hitler and his Nazi party and allowing him to take control of the country, promising to right all the wrongs besieging them by foriegn forces. This lead to WWII and the death of 50 million people. This same scenario will begin to play-out in many other countries around the world, especially as food shortages continue to develop. As former Secretary of State under President Nixon, Henry Kissinger said, “Those who control the food, control the people”. However, what happens when a country like China, who was unable to feed its people before this crisis, is faced with civil war. The communist party that controls that

nation will be prompted to go to war to maintain their control and take control of other nations food sources. As U.S., Canada, and Australia have the most vacant, low population density, mineral resources, and fertile land, will these countries become targets? China already owns much of our agricultural farmland, even owning Smithfield Farms, our largest pork processor. As the world’s economies continue to collapse, can war be far behind? To the perpetual delusional deniers, click and read following highlighted website. Then go to my website to read the word I received Nov. 28, 2019 titled, “Is America Part of Babylon the Great of End Times?”, that discusses U.S. being attacked. Many reading this article, will argue, we are a Christian nation and God will not judge America. After all they will say, we are living in the Age of Grace, and the Old Testament (O.T.) covenant with the Jews has nothing to do with the Christian Age. Before beginning to write this article, the Holy Spirit urged me in my spirit to again read the Book of Jeremiah, but why? As I read Jeremiah, the scriptures quickly answered the question as to why Christians are told to use the full counsel of God, using both the Old Testament and New Testament. The Bible is supernaturally orchestrated and inspired by God over thousands of years and written as a guidepost to every person reading it. All its scripture, down to the least dot and tittle, has a meaning, often hidden but revealed to those, thru the Holy Spirit, who seek the truth. If anyone reading it does not accept every word, as revealed by the Spirit, then they should discard or file it away under fiction. Answering the question, does the O.T. apply to Christians, Yes! God the Father chose the Jews as His people to reveal Himself to the pagan world. Every blessing or judgment described in the Word is showing how God dealt with the Jews as an example of what He expects from every individual if they accept Him as the ONE AND ONLY God. The main point being, all must expect a blessing or a judgment, based on how they choose to accept God, follow all his commandments, and most importantly, follow His Word, which means to also accept Jesus and follow Him, as “HE IS THE WORD”!

After accepting the Word (Jesus), then all must confess they have sinned, deserving death and eternal punishment, for we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Yet, many will say I have accepted Jesus and received by grace His atoning blood over my life. I am now without sin, having washed in the blood of the the only sacrifice acceptable to the Father. All my sins past, present, and future are now forgiven. However, Is the doctrine of “Once Saved, Always Saved- OSAS”, really true? If one truly seeks God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength and reads Scripture praying for Holy Spirit discernment, they would have to say no to OSAS! If this was a true doctrine, then the Jews of the O.T. (the apple of the Father’s eye) have been deceived and eternally lost. Yet, the O.T. plainly says, the Jews who followed all of God’s commandments and laws as given by Moses, were judged as righteous. Does not all scripture reveal that God seeks full obedience to His commandments, indicating what He requires? As it is impossible to please God without faith, can any person deny that a truly repentant heart will be faithful, obedient, and have total commitment and trust in God, for is this not what the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit expect? Jesus admonished us to become like a child saying, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you change and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” To become like a child, according to Webster’s dictionary is to be meek, submissive; dutiful [unto God in this text]. This is another admonishment against OSAS, that salvation is conditional upon obedience, not questioning God Word; submitting to God’s will,and trusting [having faith] in Him without doubt. Jeremiah 7:23. “But this thing commanded I the saying OBEY my voice and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I command you, that all may be well with you.” To the question many ask, “What if I deny Jesus or backslide into willful sin, or what if I am not obedient to do all that God commands of me, or take the Mark of the Best, will I still be saved”? Jeremiah 2:19. “Thine own wickness shall correct thee, and thy backslidding shall reprove thee: Know therefore, and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou has forsaken the Lord thy God, and that my fear is not in thee saith the Lord God of hosts.” Now to the question will God judge America? As previously stated, I read Jeremiah before beginning this article. Yet, I could have used any of the books of prophecy and came to the same conclusion. God is the same

yesterday, today, and in the future as He does not change His righteousness or laws or expectations of His creation. As He judged or blessed Israel, so shall it be the same for any nation past, present, and future. God can not even be in the presence of sin (unrighteousness) except that a soul be washed in the blood of the Lamb which the Father accepts as righteousness. He must also punish all injustice, those with unrepentant sins both as an individual and as a collective nation. Jeremiah 16:10-12. “….. when you shalt shew this people all these words (sins), and they shall say unto thee, wherefore hath the Lord pronounced all this great evil against us? What is our iniquity? Or what is our sin that we have committed against thee Lord our God?….. [the Lord says] Your fathers have forsaken me and walked after strange gods and have served them and worshipped them and have forsaken me, and NOT KEPT MY LAWS; Ye walk every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they may not walk after me.” These verses reveal that God EXPECTS OBEDIENCE as a condition to be a child of God. Until this nation, especially its churches and pastors, are willing to admit and except our sins and offences against God, no answer to prayer shall be given from heaven. Like the Church of Sardis in Rev. 3:1. “…. I know they works, that hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.” Jesus admonished it for being dead, without producing any fruit. The greatest sin of our nation has been our willingness to be accomplices to America’s downfall. For many decades, most churches and pulpits have been apathetic, more than willing to embrace political correctness, compromising to the ever increasing corruption, evil leadership, and immorality. Many churches use the very poor excuse that they can not get involved in politics, fearing the loss of 501c3 tax exemption. This only reveals that they fear man more than God. The removal of prayer from the public domain, abortion on demand - even upto birth, were allowed to become law of the land. Even the sanctity of marriage has been denigrated, but not in a vaccum! The churches and congregates have become accomplices and legally liable, fully accountable for these crimes/sins, thus punishable by God, just as in our own criminal legal system! Our pulpits and pastors, who should have been protecting their flocks, have remained mostly silent. This silence against sin, calls for repentance, failure to be the “salt of the earth that gives flavor to our

society, and a light unto the world, has led to declining attendance, flocks of believers without power to affect this lost and dying world. Jeremiah 12:10. Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion [Word] under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.” Jeremiah 14:14. “Then the Lord said unto me, The prophets [pastors] prophecy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neitherspoke unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their own heart.” ]Jeremiah 14:13. “Then said I [Jeremiah], Ah, Lord God behold, the prophets say unto them [the people], Ye shall not see the sword, neither shall ye have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place.” These verses clearly reveal that many pastors are not truly in God’s will but are false shepherds, yet not even knowing it! One insidious failing in all our denominations is men/women creating doctrines from their own deluded hearts without discernment by the Holy Spirit. They are only wise unto themselves. Jermiah 8:7. “How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.” Jermiah 17:5, “Thus saith the Lord, Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord.” 1 Corthinians 3:19. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.” [Note: This is another consequence of the modern church not accepting the importance of the Holy Spirit’s gifts, one being the gift of discernment.] But in the end, where does the true condemnation lay, it is with the flock. They have chosen the pastors they desired! Most of our pastors understand that they are forced into not offending anyone, but have to

worry about growing the attendance, increasing tithing, all to pay the bills and keep their jobs. Jeremiah 5:31. “The prophets prophecy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” Jeremiah 10:14. “Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven images for his molten image is falsehood, and there is no breath [Holy Spirit?] in them.” NOW THE IMPORTANCE OF PREACHING THE MEAT OF THE GOSPEL This current pandemic, whether real or exaggerated, is not what is important! The importance is that it has allowed the destruction of what was left of our economy. Very soon, the Deep State entities will use the food crisis to control the population. If one does not have at least six months of food stock piled and ability to grow your own food, items to barter, or precious metals, your right to live will be dependent on all the government agencies, etal. FEMA, CIA, U.N., Federal Reserve banking system, DHS, and many more, but only if you completely accept your servitude to the new system. Most Americans are not prepared, and moving forward in time, unsafe vaccines, lack of quality medical care, poor nutrition, plagues, etc. Will slowly take its toll, as planned. It would seem to be hopeless and almost impossible to survive. I just read a statistic that for every 1% increase in unemployment, there are 10,000 deaths above the normal rate! Point being, this new Greater Depression we are entering, will cause many more deaths than the virus ever will. Many will be asking how can we turn this around and return to normal. Bluntly, normal as this nation has known, will never return. As already mentioned, the time to react was ignored for decades, even after the warnings God sent with 9/11 and ‘08 crisis. When this nation should have humbled itself, sought God’s face, and repenting with moaning and great groaning, asking for God’s forgiveness and grace has pasted. Then perhaps God would have relented and forgiven America as He stopped the judgment and destrucion of Nineveh. However, unlike this nation, Nineveh when warned by Jonah, repented. If the churches and their pastors had read and studied the biblical prophecies, there could have been a time to prepare, but they did not.

As this entire world has descended into rebellion against God, they are now reaping the consequences. As foretold in the Book of Revelations, God’s timetable for redemption and restoration of this world is at hand. As the earth approaches the abyss mankind has created, the fulfillment of all the end time prophecies are now playing out in living color before our eyes. The coming worst time in history of mankind’s existence is being allowed to unfold as proof, the Lord Jehovah is the REAL GOD AND ONLY GREAT “I AM”.

WHERE IN DOES OUR HOPE LAY? Now, where can one find any hope? The answer is the same as it was in the beginning. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis revealed the hope that was to come for all mankind after that first sin separated us all from God’s presence. Gen.3:15. “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy head, and her seed [Jesus]: it shall bruise they head, and thou shalt bruise his [Jesus] heel.” It is now the time to return to God, but there is only one way acceptable, and that is through his son Jesus and the gift of salvation, for there is no other name on earth or in heaven, where might a person can be reconciled to the Father in heaven. Once Jesus has been accepted as Lord of one’s heart, then it is incumbent upon us to stay focused on Jesus, and turning from sin, remaining obedient to all God’s commandments, seeking his will, and in accordance to his will, producing the fruit of good works. Now, as a Christian and faithful follower of Jesus, we are to move forward as soldiers of Christ, using the meat of the Scriptures [THE WORD AND NAME OF JESUS] to wage war against the forces of darkness that has been discussed. The churches of America need to make a stand to be either hot (on fire for His kingdom) or stay cold and dead, standing with the forces of evil. God will no longer let anyone be lukewarm. Every living soul will be forced to chose whom they will serve - God or Satan. Our only hope as Christians committed to Christ is to take the battle to a much higher level. The battle will ultimately be won by Jesus Christ, but in the interim, for each of us to be victorious individually, we must confront our true enemy. Please watch the following listed video posted on the Hagmann Report to understand the full ramifications of the battle

we are facing. As a soldier for Christ, those churches choosing wisely, will go to the next level and experience the true power of God that has been lacking. The churches must no longer just give lip service to God (only having a form of godliness), but must move out in power and faith performing exploits not seen since the time of the Apostles. To resist the Deep State forces of Lucifer, the churches that become prayer warriors, praying in the the Spirit, and having complete faith in God, shall have the power to cast a mountain into the sea. Jesus even promised, that greater things than he did, will his true followers be empowered to do by the Holy Spirit. John 14:12. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father”. [Note: Jesus, just before his death, told the disciples that, He must go so that he could send the Holy Spirit to release this power] John 16:7. “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter [Holy Spirt] will not come unto you, but if I depart, I will send him unto you.” This last verse indicates the importance of the Holy Spirit to buildup the church, release the promised miracles, and to resist the kingdom of darkness and its forces, yet most churches have relegated the Holy Spirit to only the age of the Apostles, denying His importance in our age. Until the churches and pastors recognize and accept the required Baptism in the Holy Spirit, receiving His gifts, Christians will continue to struggle in defeat! (Read I Corinthians: chapters 12- 14 where the Apostle Paul emphasized the importance of this anointing Baptism, separate from water baptism, where power is received by the Holy Spirit. During the height of the Pentecostal movement, starting at the turn of the last century, the Holy Spirit was released in a mighty way, but sadly it failed throught abuse of the gifts, falling into ill repute. Yet, there are still a few of these Pentecostal churches that have retained some of the good fruits and gifts.) There in lies our hope. To fully accept the Words of Jesus and fight the good fight, running the race to the end, then there will be a crown of salvation and eternity in heaven with the Almighty in all his triune glory.

No fear will overcome us, for whether we live or die, we shall always be with the Lord. It is now time for Christ’s church to become the greatest miracle workers the world has ever seen. Even the demons and fallen angels tremble at just the name of Jesus. God’s church needs to become conquers by using the name of Jesus, no longer afraid to use his name in public, and forcing the world to hear and be moved by the name of Jesus. Phillipians 2: 10-11. “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND. EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW BEFORE JESUS, SOME UNTO ETERNITY WITH GOD IN HEAVEN, BUT MANY MORE WHO CHOSE UNWISELY, UNTO ETERNAL DAMNATION. CHOOSE THIS DAY WHO YOU WILL SERVE, THE KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS, OR LUCIFER AND HIS FIERY HELL! I LEAVE YOU WITH THIS SCRIPTURE, WHICH IN THE COMING DAYS AHEAD, ALL WILL NEED JESUS TO BE THE LORD OF THEIR LIFE AND PROTECTOR! THE LORD AND HE ALONE WILL BE YOUR FEFUGE AND FORTRESS AGAINST THE GREAT SHAKING COMING TO THE EARTH! PSALM 91: He who dwellest in the secret of the most High shall abide under the shallow of the Almighty

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God in him will I trust.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be they shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by the day;

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday;

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at they righ hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall and no plague come nigh they dwelling.

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all they ways.

They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash they foot against a stone.

Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him.

With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. Notice, three times it promises NO Pestilence shall come unto you!


Many times I have asked God why I was chosen as a watchman. In my past I had abandoned Him, but in his grace and mercy, He called me back to Himself. Although my sins were great, He was faithful to restore me and use me for his devine purposes. I do not consider myself worthy or special in anyway. Yet, I refer to Scripture for comfort, realizing the Lord uses those the world holds weak and in low esteem to accomplish his work. In my lifetime, through trials and correction, I have come to understand that it is not me, but Jesus and the Holy Spirit that dwells within me, that leads me into righteousness and obedience. It is ALL ABOUT JESUS and his glory that I live,move, breathe, and have my being. In the Lord do I trust, even though many times I do not understand his ways, for God’s ways are higher than our ways, his knowledge beyond our understanding. However, I have come to know that all truth and knowledge comes from God. I do not dependent on man for direction, but hang tightly to Jesus, the Rock of my salvation and his Word. For it is in Him only that I can withstand the tribulations of this world. My prayer is that everyone reading this will come to the same saving knowledge of his Grace and Salvation. For there is no other name on earth or in heaven where one might be saved! Amen [Note: I wish to caution every Christian, not to believe that this virus and others to come are not serious and we can just ignore the threats posed. As faithful believers in Christ, we must trust Him to protect us, however this does not mean one should tempt God by not using our

own abilities to protect ourselves, eg. Face masks, washing hands, using supplements to keep our immune systems healthy etc. God expects us to pray and do the possible by preparing for the coming tribulations. That is why prophecy was given to warn His people to prepare, just as Noah was warned and prepard. Then in peace and without fear, one can leave the impossible to God.]

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