- the evolution of the global corporate loan market: a ... · paper to be presented at the 35th...

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Paper to be presented at the

35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013, Barcelona, Spain, June 17-19

- The Evolution of the Global Corporate Loan Market: A Network ApproachJaap W.B. Bos

Maastricht UniversitySchool of Business and Economics


Martha Gabriela ContrerasMaastricht University

School of Business and Economicsm.contreras@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Stefanie KleimeierMaastricht University

School of Business and Economicss.kleimeier@maastrichtuniversity.nl

AbstractWe empirically explore the global corporate loan market. Collaboration among loan leadarrangers through syndicated loans has contributed to the development of a complex social network of banks, but howdoes this complexity affect syndicate structure, i.e. given the social network of banks, how does the loan syndicate look?We observe that complex loans to opaque borrowers are issued by syndicates with members in structurally importantpositions within the social network of lead arranging banks. Our innovation in this study is that we characterizebanks according to their structural position in the social network formed by lead arrangers in the global corporate loanmarket.


The global corporate loan market and syndicate formation:

A network perspective

M.G. Contreras, S. Kleimeier, J.W.B BosMaastricht University, School of Business and Economics

The Netherlands

Preliminary version, comments welcomeContact: m.contreras@maastrichtuniversity.nl


We empirically explore the global corporate loan market. Collaboration among loan leadarrangers through syndicated loans has contributed to the development of a complex socialnetwork of banks, but how does this complexity affect syndicate structure, i.e. given the socialnetwork of banks, how does the loan syndicate look? We observe that complex loans to opaqueborrowers are issued by syndicates with members in structurally important positions withinthe social network of lead arranging banks. Our innovation in this study is that we characterizebanks according to their structural position in the social network formed by lead arrangers inthe global corporate loan market.

Keywords: Global corporate loans, syndicated lending, social networks.

1 Introduction

The corporate loan market has evolved over the past 20 years. We observe that not only the numberand types of loans issued on a yearly basis has changed, but also the composition of the banksissuing them. Between 1990 and 2010, the ratio of loans arranged by multiple lead arrangers rosefrom just 13% to more than 80%. In the face of such an evolving corporate loan market in whichbanks are prone to syndicate to raise loans, we expect syndicate formation to be a relevan question.In this research, we are therefore interested in the following question: given the complexity of theglobal corporate loan market, how does the loan syndicate look? To answer this question, thisstudy investigates the structure and evolution of the global corporate loan market, which includessyndicated loans.

Loan syndication is a process involving a group of banks, that jointly make a loan to a singleborrower. Members of the syndicate fall into one of two groups, lead arrangers and participantlenders. Lead arrangers are active syndicate members that take responsibility to conduct due dili-gence on the borrower, negotiate loan details, arrange documentation and recruit the passive parti-cipant banks to fund the loan. During the life of the loan, lead arrangers monitor the borrower andshare their findings with the participant lenders, hold collateral, administer the loan and handle


disbursements and repayments. Due to their active role in raising loans, we focus our study onlead arrangers. The total number of lead arrangers is large and the increasing rates at which bankssyndicate, render a complex network of banks consisting of lead arrangers that are linked to eachother when they co-arrange a loan. According to the Loan Pricing Corporation Dealscan database,the share of loans that are arranged by multiple lead arrangers increased from 13% to 83% between1990 and 2010, respectively. This evidence suggests that through time, more banks syndicate loansthus contributing to a larger, denser and more complex network of lead arrangers.

A natural question that should be addressed is why would multiple arrangers syndicate inthe first place? In a syndicate, multiple arrangers combine their expertise (Das and Nanda, 1999;Sah and Stiglitz, 1986). At the same time, the various tasks can be allocated among the arrangersto avoid duplication of efforts, thus reducing each arranger’s effort costs. Such knowledge and ef-fort sharing is especially valuable when the loan is complex and monitoring needs are higher. Forexample, a line of credit to a borrower with whom the arranger has an established lending rela-tionship is easy to set up and monitor. Thus, benefits of effort sharing from forming a syndincateare likely to be small. In contrast, a project finance loan consists of an extensive set of contractsincluding the credit agreement, security documents, equity contribution agreement, intercreditoragreement, hedging agreements, and project agreements (Gatti, 2012). The required expertise forproject finance loans is both more specific and extensive. Thus, benefits of knowledge sharing arelarge and banks should have a strong incentive to jointly arrange such a loan. Hence, we expectloan syndication to be beneficial under two circumstances, when there is a higher need to mitig-ate informational asymmetry, e.g. higher monitoring needs, and when different competitive andcomplementary advantages are beneficial to carry out the loan.

2 Literary Review

Syndicate formation has been analyzed from the perspectives of capital and liquidity management,lending specialization, information asymmetry, as well as relationships and reputation. Syndicatedlending is an effective tool for banks to diversify their loan portfolios and manage their risk. Ad-ditionally, the flexibility in determining the size of the lending share allows capital -or liquidity-constrained banks to participate. Participant banks may also be motivated to join a syndicate as aresult of their lack of experience in specific loan types or markets (Dennis and Mullineaux, 2000;Pennachi, 1988; Schure et al., 2005; Simons, 1993; Wilson, 1968).

Another stream of literature highlights the importance of information asymmetries betweenthe borrower and the syndicate (Bosch and Steffen, 2011; Dennis and Mullineaux, 2000; Esty andMegginson, 2003; Francois and Missonier-Piera, 2007; Ivashina, 2009; Jones et al., 2005; Lee andMullineaux, 2004; Simons, 1993; Das and Nanda, 1999; Sufi, 2007). Empirical evidence indicatesthat joint arrangement of loans reduces information asymmetries over the borrowing firm and theservice being offered, e.g. type of loan (Das and Nanda, 1999). In other words, syndicates are formedto bring together the complementary skills of arrangers in various duties of the loan syndicationprocess, and to reduce information asymmetries about the quality of the borrowing firm (Sufi,2007).

We recognize the importance of information asymmetry problems in shaping the structureof the syndicate and contrast them with the benefits of syndication, which include knowledge andmonitoring capital needs. For example, banks may syndicate with the purpose of reducing inform-


ation asymmetries about the borrower. Lead arrangers are the only syndicate members that interactwith the borrower and thus need to be best informed about who the borrower is and the risks as-sociated with lending to her.

The work presented here extends the existing research on syndicated loans in several newdirections. First, we study the evolution of the global corporate loan market in terms of networkcomplexity, with an emphasis on lead arrangers. The lead arranger choice analysis conducted inthis paper helps enrich the understanding of how the market has evolved in terms of skills andreputation development of the lead arrangers. Second, this paper explores syndicate structure interms of the network characteristics of lead arrangers. By following this approach, we extend theliterature of syndicate structure, which typically focuses on syndicate size and lead arranger loanshares, through the use of network measures. Finally our study adds to the emerging literature thatapplies social network analysis to the study of financial markets.1

The primary focus of this paper is to study how information asymmetry affects syndicatestructure, and how such syndicate structure has changed over time in lieu of a more complex net-work of lead arrangers. The current literature in syndicate structure offers diverging conclusionswhen addressing mitigation of information asymmetry through syndication. Lee and Mullineaux(2004) and Sufi (2007) find that when the borrowing firm requires more thorough due diligence andmonitoring, the resulting syndicate is larger. Larger syndicates arise because the opaqueness asso-ciated with the loan being arranged implies larger monitoring efforts that can only be alleviatedby having multiple lead arrangers sharing in the costs of of information collection, processing andloan monitoring. On the other hand, Esty and Megginson (2003) and Nini (2004) find that loans toborrowers from opaque markets are arranged by smaller syndicates. Smaller syndicates facilitatechanging loan terms in case strategic default is suspected. What these studies lack is taking into ac-count the extent to which banks work together and share information, i.e. their network centrality.For example, banks that are more central in a network tend to be more active in loan syndicationand hence better candidates for arranging loans in the presence of information asymmetry.

3 The Lead Arranger Network

The lead arranger network is an example of an affiliation network with binary relationships betweenmembers of two sets of items. Our two sets are lead arrangers and global corporate loans. The bin-ary relation that connects them is the "arranged" relation, see Figure 1a. Since we are interestedin the loan co-arrangement process, or in other words the patterns of ties within the arrangersset, we define loan co-arrangement to represent the global corporate loan market network. Loanco-arrangement implies arrangement of the same loan, see Figure 1b. In our network, the nodesrepresent lead arrangers and the links represent co-arrangement. This means, that two nodes in thenetwork are linked if they have co-arranged a loan, i.e. they are in the same syndicate.

Social networks are characterized by a set of measures that explain their size and complexity.Size is measured by the number of nodes in the network, i.e. the number of distinct lead arrangersthat belong to the corporate loan network (Hanneman and Riddle, 2005). We particularly focus on

1See Allen and Babus (2008) for a survey of this literature. Later studies include Hale (2011) and Minoiu and Reyes(2011).


(a) Affiliation Network (b) Co-arrangement Network

Figure 1: Network creation. The left figure is an exemplification of an affiliation network of loan syndication. Itdepicts three loans arranged by 3, 2 and 2 arrangers, respectively. The grey node represents loan affiliation and the nodesin white represent the members. The figure on the right depicts the transformation of the affiliation network on the rightto a co-arrangement network in which arrangers that have co-arranged loans are linked to each other.

Network MetricsNode Degree Closeness

A 3 1.25B 2 1.75C 2 1.75D 2 1.5E 1 2.25

Figure 2: Network representation and network metricsRepresentation of a simple connected network with 5 nodes. Its corresponding network metrics, such as degree andcloseness centrality are presented on the table on the right. Node A has the highest degree measure since it is the onewith the largest number of links. Node E has the largest closeness centrality because its shortest path to reach everybodyelse in the network is the smallest, whereas A has the smallest closeness centrality since the path to reach all other nodesin the network is the longest, i.e. A is the farthest node in the network.

two complexity measures, degree and closeness centrality. Figure 2 represents a simple network with5 nodes, and the table on the right shows the degree and closeness centrality measures for eachnode in the simple network. Degree indicates the number of direct links a node has. It is a measurethat quantifies the connectedness of the network, and thus reflects the level of syndication amonglead arrangers. Nodes with the largest degree measures are the most active lead arrangers in thenetwork. These are the lead arrangers that tend to co-arrange loans more often and hence are moreexperienced in the co-arrangement process.

The closeness centrality of a node in a network is a measure of its structural importance andquantifies the prominence of an individual node embedded in a network. Closeness centrality as-sumes that nodes that are able to reach other nodes at short-path lengths are in favored positions.This is an indicator of a node’s position with respect to the other nodes in the network. In the socialnetworks literature, closeness centrality is typically used as a proxy for reputation. Nodes with alarger closeness centrality have the advantage of being central, but they also have the disadvant-


age that any news about them is quickly spread throughout the network. So, nodes with a largecloseness centrality have the incentive to not behave in an opportunistic manner such that negativenews do not spread and they can preserve their reputation levels. This means for nodes with a largecloseness centrality, it is in the best of their interest to do their best in the loan arrangement process,especially in an environment where repeated interactions often occur, such as in the corporate loanmarket. Hence, we expect that when there is a large information asymmetry, then banks with a highcloseness centrality would be beneficial to have as lead arrangers in the syndicate. In figure 2, nodeE has the largest closeness centrality and node A has the smallest closeness centrality. This meansthat it is in the best of node E’s interest to perform as a lead arranger.

4 Network evolution

In order to obtain complete information on the topology of the network, we use all global corporateloans that have been raised between 1990 and 2010 as reported in the Loan Pricing Corporation’sDealscan database. In this section, we investigate the topology and evolution of the social networkformed by arrangers of global corporate loans. Figure 3a and 3b illustrate the corporate loan marketas a network representation in two time periods, 1990 and 2010. One can observe that in 20 years,the corporate loan market has grown in terms of size and activity levels. Between these two years,the number of nodes in the network increased by a factor of 3, from 440 in 1990 to 1,322 in 2010.2

The number of links between the nodes increased by a factor of 22 from 1,394 in 1990 to 31,548 in2010.

(a) 1990 (b) 2010

Figure 3: Network representation of the global corporate loan market.The left figure is from 1990, and the figure on the right is from 2010. Each node represents a lead arranger. Each linkrepresents joint loan arrangement.

2The increase in the number of nodes for the first 7 years can be due to improvements in the database coverage,especially between 1990 and 1993.


1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010




1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010





Figure 4: Evolution of centrality measuresThis figure depicts the evolution of the corporate loan market between 1990 and 2010. The metrics herein displayed arecloseness and degree.

The syndicated lending network clearly shows that both the average degree and closenesscentrality of lead arrangers have increased with time, as can be seen in figure 4. This tells us twothings. First, the network has become more connected, not only in terms of direct co-arranging,but also in terms of indirect linkages with the network being better interconnected overall. On theaverage, the number of links per node increased from 3.17 to 23.86 links. In addition, we observethat the average bank arranges 1.30 loans per year. This simply indicates that lead arrangers havebecome more active in the loan syndication market and hence the increasing density of links inthe network. The average degree of lead arrangers increased form 9 in 1990 to 19 in 2010. The top5 banks with the largest degree measures in 2010 include Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, Bank ofTokyo-Mitsubishi, Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank, and BNP Paribas. These are themost active lead arrangers and they are also among the largest banks in the market. These are banksthat can leverage economies of scale to actively syndicate multiple loans with other banks. Leadarrangers that syndicate more often gain skills in the loan syndication process that are beneficial infuture loan arrangements.

5 Hypotheses

Our main premise is that more experienced and reputable syndicates are formed when the loanrequires larger arranging efforts, such as higher due diligence and monitoring. We identify twohigh levels at which the loan requires larger arranging efforts, that is when the loan is complexand when the borrower is opaque. To be more precise, we characterize the complexity of a loanthrough the way in which it has been structured, and by its type and purpose. Some loan types andpurposes pose higher risk than others, and thus, we deem them as complex. Likewise, we recog-nize that a borrower can be opaque in different dimensions, availability of public information andlead arranger to borrower experience, which is rather a source of private or internal information.Reputation and experience considerations regarding the lead arrangers in the syndicate are likelyto play an important role because lead arrangers and participant lenders are repeat players withlong organizational memories (Lee and Mullineaux, 2004; Champagne and Kryzanowski, 2007).


We employ the information on the past performance of lead arrangers from the social networkformed through lead arranger syndication. According to Lee and Mullineaux (2004) syndicatingbanks use information about lead arrangers in forms of rankings which assist in making decisionsabout future syndicate collaboration. Below, we elaborate on the implications of each loan complex-ity and borrower opaqueness dimension and propose a set of hypotheses. We propose a differenthypothesis for each compelxity and opaqueness dimensions.

5.1 Credit Risk

Credit risk or in other words, the possibility that the borrowing firm will default on the loan isexpected to affect the structure of the syndicate of lead arrangers. We expect an increase in duediligence and monitoring needs, which translates into reputable and/or experienced lead arrangerssyndicating the loan. Loan defaults imply that in the event of financial distress, the loan has to bere-structured and hence a more experienced lead arranger is more likely to be familiar with thisprocess while at the same time, it is more convenient for her to transfer her monitoring skills ontoanother deal. On the other hand, when a loan is issued to high-risk borrower, then it is not in thebest of her interests for the reputable lead arranger to be part of the syndicate since defaults damagethe reputation status of lead arrangers. Hence, our hypotheses for credit risk are:

Hypothesis 1A (Reputation): When the borrowing firm has an associated credit risk, then the needsfor due diligence and monitoring efforts will take place in the forms of reputable lead arrangers in the syndic-ate.

Hypothesis 1B (Experience): When the borrowing firm has an associated credit risk, then the needsfor due diligence and monitoring efforts will (will not) take place in the forms of experienced lead arrangersin the syndicate.

Our first set of risk measures are MULTIPLE TRANCHE, a dummy variable that is equalto one when the loan has multiple tranches and zero otherwise; REVOLVING CREDIT, a dummyvariable that is equal to one when the loan type is of revolving credit nature and zero otherwise;and, REFINANCE, another dummy variable that is equal to one when the loan is a refinance loan.The second set of risk measures include MATURITY and TERM. Maturity measures the life of theloan. Evidence on whether longer-maturity loans have less or more credit risk is mixed. Term is adummy variable that is equal to one if it is a term loan. A term loan can be as short as one yearand as long as 30 years. While these measures do not explain much about the defaulting natureof the borrower, they convey information about the risk associated with the loan being raised.For example, a multiple tranche loan is associated with deals of different risk levels. A positivecoefficient in these dummy variables indicate that credit risk is alleviated via more experiencedand/or reputable lead arrangers during the due diligence and monitoring processes to preventdefault on the loan.

5.2 Information about the Borrower

Quantity and quality of information about the borrower affect syndicate structre (Dennis and Mul-lineaux, 2000; Lee and Mullineaux, 2004). According to Lee and Mullineaux (2004), finance theorypredicts that borrowers requiring more due diligence and monitoring efforts result in syndicatemembers having the capability and capacity to focus on the monitoring tasks of the loan. In terms


of syndicate size, this means that the syndicate is small with each lead arranger retaining a largershare of the loan. With respect to our experience and monitoring measures, we expect the following:

Hypothesis 2A (Reputation): When quantity and quality of information about the borrowing firmis lacking, then the needs for due diligence and monitoring efforts will take place in the forms of reputablelead arrangers in the syndicate.

Hypothesis 2B (Experience): When quantity and quality of information about the borrowing firmis lacking, then the needs for due diligence and monitoring efforts will (will not) take place in the forms ofexperienced lead arrangers in the syndicate.

More reputable lead arrangers are expected to exert the required efforts in arranging suchloan in order to maintain their reputable position in the network of lead arrangers. On the otherhand, experienced lead arrangers may be able to retrieve information about the borrower from aprevious deal or simply they have the experience in working more in the presence of informationasymmetries. However, these experienced lead arrangers that arrange multiple loans at the sametime, may not have the scope or scale to invest in the required levels of due dilingence and monitor-ing due to its other loan commitments, so lead arrangers that are less experienced may be preferredto arrange a loan with low quantity and quality of information about the borrower.

The first proxies for information are RATING, a dummy variable equal to one if the borrowerhas a credit rating and zero otherwise, and PUBLIC, a dummy equal to one if the borrower has aticker symbol and zero otherwise. The next set of proxies involve less public information, such asPREVIOUS BORROWER, a dummy variable equal to one if the borrower has had a previous loanwith any of the current syndicate members and zero otherwise, and NUMBER OF LOANS WITHSAME LEAD ARRANGER, a count variable that indicates the maximum number of deals withany of the syndicate members currently arranging the loan. The underlying argument that higher-quality information is available about firms that have credit ratings (Lee and Mullineaux, 2004).Moreover, a borrowing history with lead arranger members in the syndicate offer complementarynon-public information about the borrower and thus putting the syndicate in a better-informed po-sition when arranging and monitoring the loan.3 In particular because lead arrangers have directlending relationships with borrowers. A positive coefficient on these dummies indicates syndic-ates with experienced and/or more reputable lead arrangers form when the borrower is a well-known firm. If the coefficient of the information dummies are negative in the "Experience" model,it simply suggests that having lead arrangers that are less active in the syndicate lending marketserve as better monitors since they co-arranger fewer loans and thus have sufficient monitoringcapital available to invest in the current loan.4

5.3 Project Risk

Among the different purposes for which a loan may be used, there are three categories that canbe associated with specific projects and most of the time these projects pose high risks. These areREAL ESTATE, MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS (M&A), and PROJECT FINANCE loans. These

3We also have information about the total number of loans issued to a specific borrower as an additional measureof information. However, this measure is not available to all lead arrangers unless one same lead arranger has issuedall loans to the same borrower and is aware of this or all loans have been raised by all lead arranger members in thesyndicate.

4There is a sub-sample of borrowers for which we have additional information about the borrower, such as sales. Weuse the log of borrower sales as an additional proxy for information availability


loans are typically larger and the returns of these investments are unknown and hence pose highrisk. For example, real estate loans have been considered risky as early as 1993, much earlier thanthe 2007/2008 financial crisis which severely affected the real estate sector (Simons, 1993; Joneset al., 2005). M&A loans are used for risky projects since the expected returns of the acquisitionsor mergers for which they are used are unknown and these loans are also typically large. In addi-tion, they usually have to be arranged whithin a reasonable period of time due to the sensitivityassociated with this type of projects. In addition, who arranges this type of loans is very import-ant because in many occasions, M&As may have not been publicly announced and discretion isnecessary. Last, project finance loans have been target of much research, such as (Esty and Meg-ginson, 2003; Nini, 2004) and their risk levels depend on whether or not the country in which theproject is being developed has a sufficient legal enforcement system (Esty and Megginson, 2003).We therefore expect:

Hypothesis 3A (Reputation): When the loan being syndicated has project risk, then the needs fordue diligence and monitoring efforts will take place in the forms of reputable lead arrangers in the syndicate.

Hypothesis 3B (Experience): When the loan being syndicated has project risk, then the needs for duediligence and monitoring efforts will take place in the forms of experienced lead arrangers in the syndicate.

The three different variables measuring project risk are dummy variables that are equal toone when the loan purpose is equal to any of the three categories and zero otherwise. A positivecoefficient on any of these dummies suggests that in the presence of high project risk, reputable andexperienced lead arrangers are leveraged to conduct due diligence and monitoring needs on theloan. For example, project finance loans require extensive administrative work, and an experiencedlead arranger will certainly facilitate this process. Likewise, if the loan is used to finance an M&A,a reputable lead arranger will be able to conduct its tasks in a satisfactory manner and is expectedto handle all sensitive information accordingly. Alternatively, a negative coefficient indicates thatin lieu of high project risk a reputable lead arranger prefers to not jeopardize its position and notparticipate in such project. On the other hand, an experienced and active lead arranger is not ableto offer the required effort that such risky loan calls for.

5.4 Loan Structure

Loans can be structured in such a way that risk or probability of default is minimized, for examplevia guarantees, and/or financial covenants5. During the life of the loan, the lead arranger has to en-force the financial covenants of the loan (Sufi, 2007). Guarantees, collateral and loan covenants offerthe possibility of explicitly linking pricing to corporate events (rating changes, debt servicing). Col-lateralization and guarantees are more often used for emerging market borrowers, while covenantsare much more widely used for borrowers in industrialized countries. In general, lead arrangersmust have the proper incentives to engage in diligent monitoring of the collateral, and thus agencyproblems might therefore be more severe on secured loans. Hence, we should expect the following:

Hypothesis 4A (Reputation): If the loan structure is such that it minimizes probability of default,then the needs for due diligence and monitoring efforts will take place in the forms of reputable lead arrangersin the syndicate.

Hypothesis 4B (Experience): If the loan structure is such that it minimizes probability of default,then the needs for due diligence and monitoring efforts will take place in the forms of experienced lead ar-

5This is but an imperfect way to reduce risk in loans (Lee and Mullineaux, 2004).


rangers in the syndicate.

Our set of loan structure variables include GUARANTEE, a dummy variable that is equal toone if the loan is a guarantee; FINANCIAL COVENANT, a dummy variable that is equal to one ifthe loan has a financial covenant; LETTER CREDIT is a dummy variable that is equal to one if theloan has a letter credit; and, FEES INDICATOR, a dummy variable that is equal to one if the loanhas any fees and zero otherwise. Since lead arrangers have the task of setting the contract of theloan, we expect a positive coefficient in these dummy variables thus implying that reputable andexperienced lead arrangers are important in structuring a loan that attempts to mitigate risk.

5.5 Controls

In addition, we control for the size of the loan, which is related with the type of project the loan isfinancing; and for other types of loans, such as loans to raise capital. The size of the deal is one ofthe first indications of whether or not the loan has to be syndicated reason being that larger loansmay capitally-constrain lead arrangers and participating banks by sharing larger shares of the loanDennis and Mullineaux (2000). In addition, these remaining types of loans carry risk with them aswell, so we should expect a similar result to the hypotheses outlined under credit risk.

6 Data and Summary Statistics

We use Dealscan by Thomson Reuters Loan Pricing Corporation as our only source of data onglobal corporate loans. This database contains detailed historical information on the entire popu-lation of global corporate loans, including syndicated loans, made to medium and large sized U.S.and foreign firms. We use the information on this database to create social network representa-tions of the syndicates formed between 1990 and 2010. In order to create these networks, we needprecise information about the lead arrangers involved in each loan. Therefore, we require that theloan observations we use from Dealscan contain both, the lead arranger and number of arrangers,fields populated. If the Lead Arranger field is empty and the Arranger field is not, then we take thebank listed under the Arranger role as the lead arranger of the loan. We validate the number of leadarrangers per loan by calculating the number of commas plus one, in the Lead Arranger field whenthis one is non-empty. Following this methodology, we find that approximately 30% of the deals inthe database have multiple lead arrangers. However, the majority of bank loans are arranged by asingle lead arranger. Most loans that have more than 1 lead arranger range between 2 and 10 leadarrangers per syndicate. The maximum number of lead arrangers in a loan is found to be 43 in aloan issued in 1991.

Overall, we use data on loan and borrower characteristics in combination with network-derived metrics about syndicate members. Loan characteristics include loan size, maturity, fees,loan purpose, tranche information, and loan type. Borrower characteristics include covenants, size,rating information, type, and information on previous relationships with syndicate members. Net-work metrics include closeness centrality, and degree.

Table 1 provides the descriptive statistics for the key variables used in our analysis. The dataspan the period from 1990 to 2010, and includes 193,559 loans. On the average, loan syndicates have1.73 lead arrangers. The average loan has a maturity of approximately 2.5 years. 40% of all loanscharge fees, and 20% of them include convenants. The largest proportion of loans (37%) is used


for corporate purposes, followed by M&As and then by repayment-purposed loans. Only 5% of allloans are used for project finance, and a lesser proportion (2%) are used for real estate purposes.31% of all loans are refinance loans and 13% are term loans. In terms of borrower opacity, only 36%of all borrowers have a rating by Moody’s, and 28% are public firms, with manufacturing being thebest-represented sector (27%).

Table 1Descriptive StatisticsThis table presents summary statistics for a total of 193,559 corporate loans is-sued between 1990 and 2010. Summary statistics are calculated at the deal level.

Variable Name Min Max Mean S.D.

Syndicate Variables:Number of Arrangers 1 43 1.730 1.940

Average[Degree] 0 443 79.920 84.520Max[Closeness] 0 1 0.410 0.160

Loan Variables:Log[Deal Amount] 10 24.730 18.610 1.570

Tenor Maturity 0 881 54.030 46.610Fees (Sum) 0 1437.5 40.150 93.820

Fees Dummy 0 1 0.390 0.490Fees (Upfront, Commitment and Annual) 0 950 19.790 43.920

Financial Covenant 0 1 0.180 0.380Loan Purpose:

Repay 0 1 0.140 0.340Corporate 0 1 0.370 0.480

Working Capital 0 1 0.110 0.310Project Finance 0 1 0.050 0.220

LBO 0 1 0.070 0.260Real Estate 0 1 0.030 0.170

Capital Expenditures 0 1 0.020 0.120M&A 0 1 0.180 0.380

Other (Purpose) 0 1 0.820 0.380Loan Type:

Term Loan 0 1 0.130 0.340Revolving Credit 0 1 0.060 0.240

Letter Credit 0 1 0.000 0.050Guarantee 0 1 0.060 0.250

Refinance Loan 0 1 0.310 0.460Other (Type) 0 1 1.000 0.060

Borrower Variables:Rated (Moody) 0 1 0.360 0.480

Log[Borrower Size] 0.690 27.430 19.770 1.950Multiple Tranches 0 1 0.070 0.260

Previous borrower indicator 0 1 0.430 0.490Max[Number Loans with Same Lender] 1 158 1.980 4.670

Public Borrower 0 1 0.280 0.450


6.1 Methodology

We examine the relation between syndicate structure, loan characteristics, and borrower opaque-ness through a series of regression analyses. In the first regression, we use the syndicate degreeas our dependent variable. We measure syndicate degree as the average of undirected links of thelead arrangers in the syndicate. In the second regression, we use syndicate closeness centralityas our dependent variable. We measure syndicate closeness centrality as the maximum closenesscentrality measure within the syndicate. While syndicate degree and syndicate closeness centralityare related, they differ in important ways. Syndicate degree measures the extent to which syndic-ate lead arrangers are active in the global corporate loan market and thus their experience in loanarrangement. Moreover, syndicate degree serves as a proxy for loan arrangement under the as-sumption that arrangers gain experience through frequent loan arrangements. Closeness centralitymeasures the extent to which a lead arranger is central within the global corporate loan market.Lead arrangers with a high closeness centrality are closer to any other lead arranger in the networkand can be perceived as highly reputable arrangers. Closeness centrality is a monitoring capitalvariable under the assumption that reputable banks are better monitors and hence their reputationwithin the market. Overall, closeness centrality allows us to analyze monitoring experience, whilesyndicate degree allows us to analyze loan arranging experience.

We expect the requirements for arranging loans, to be affected by two factors, loan-level char-acteristics, and borrower opaqueness. We do so by estimating the following specification:

Syndicatei = α + β1CreditRiski + β2BorrowerIn f ormationi+

β3ProjectRiski + β4LoanStructurei + β5Controlsi + ǫ

The key independent variables are our measures of loan complexity, borrower opaquenessand market risk. To characterize the complexity of a loan, we use information about its maturity,purpose, type, and fees charged. LOG[DEAL AMOUNT] is the logarithm of the deal amount in U.S.dollars. MULTIPLE TRANCH INDICATOR is equal to one if the deal has multiple tranches and 0otherwise. TENOR MATURITY is the anticipated time period in which the terms and obligationsof the loan must be met between the borrower and lender. This is also an indicator of monitoringcapital needs since longer loans require an extended period of borrower monitoring. We identify8 purposes for a loan, REPAY, CORPORATE, WORKING CAPITAL, PROJECT FINANCE, LBO,REAL ESTATE, CAPITAL EXPENDITURE, and M&A. Therefore, we have 8 loan purpose indic-ator variables, one for each purpose. They equal one when the deal falls within a certain category.In addition, we identify 4 types of loans, TERM, REVOLVING CREDIT, GUARANTEE, LETTERCREDIT. We also include indicator variables for GUARANTEE LOANS and REFINANCE LOANS.FEES include annual fees, cancellation fees, commitment fees, documentary issuing fees, documentary LCfees, letter of credit fees, upfront fees, and utilization fees. In addition, we also use FEES INDICATORwhich equals 1 if there are any observed fees and 0 otherwise. We also control for loan size.

To characterize the extent to which a borrower is opaque, we classify firms as PUBLIC if theyhave a ticker on the LPC database. Public firms are expected to require more monitoring and duediligence from the lead arrangers. We identify whether or not the deal has FINANCIAL COVEN-ANTS and use this indicator variable as a measure of borrower opaqueness. Covenants are a formto mitigate information asymmetries with respect to the borrower. Bradley and Roberts (2003) findthat smaller firms, firms with higher growth opportunities, and highly levered firms are more likely


to have loans with covenants. We measure BORROWER SIZE as the log of its sales. Smaller firmsare more opaque than larger firms since public information about them is scarcer than for largerfirms. The RATED indicator is equal to one for public borrowers with publicly available account-ing with credit quality measured by an independent third party company, in this case Moody’s.Information asymmetry between lead arrangers and borrowers is least severe on loans to transpar-ent firms. PREVIOUS BORROWER indicator is equal to one if the borrowing firm has previouslyobtained a loan with at least one of the syndicate members in the current deal.

With specification 1, we expect, under our null hypotheses, the estimated coefficients to bejointly significantly different from zero for each variable group. The table below summarizes ourhypotheses and expected results.

Hypothesis Variable Group Expected Results

Reputation: Max[Closeness Centrality]1A Credit risk +2A Borrower information +3A Project risk +/-4A Loan structure +

Experience: Avg[Degree]1B Credit risk +/-2B Borrower information +/-3B Project risk +/-4B Loan structure +

Our estimation for dependent variable DEGREE is estimated with a negative binomial un-derlying distribution function. CLOSENESS CENTRALITY is estimated using OLS. Our unit ofanalysis is at the deal level. Both estimations have clustered standard errors at the borrower level.

7 Results

Our first set of hypotheses concern credit risk and how loan syndicates handle that type of risk.On one hand, the credit risk inherited from term, revolving credit and refinance loans is alleviatedthrough better experienced and reputable lead arrangers. On the other hand, however, loans withmultiple tranches are not. The alternative explanation for this result is that loans with multipletranches are relatively riskier than term, revolving and/or refinance loans and hence, experiencedlead arrangers do not have sufficient monitoring capacity to arrange multiple tranche loans. Inaddition, they may pose a risk in their reputation as lead arrangers.

Our second hypothsis deals with borrower information. When the borrower is less opaque,and this information is publicly available, forming a syndicate that can properly monitor is simpler.In general these syndicates do not require high arranging experience or reputation. However, whenthe information about the borrower is rather of private nature, i.e. obtained through previous col-laboration, then more reputable and experienced lead arrangers join the syndicate. This suggeststhat having access to non-public information provides an incentive to join the syndicate since the


due diligence and monitoring efforts in arranging such loan decrease and the reputational returnsare higher, especially for reputable lead arrangers. On the other hand, for highly-experienced leadarrangers this means that they are now able to leverage their skills in multiple other syndicationprojects.

Our third hypothesis relates project risk and syndicate structure. We see that in general, pro-ject risk results in less experienced and reputable lead arrangers in the syndicate. This suggests thatin the presence of high project risk, a reputable lead arranger prefers not to jeopardize its positionby not participating in such deal. Moreover, an experienced and active lead arranger is not able tooffer the required monitoring efforts required by such risky loan.

Our last hypothesis is about how a loan is structured to handle potential risks. Overall, asexpected we see that when a loan is structured to minimize probability of default or rather to in-crease the probability of repayment, then the needs for syndication efforts are minimized resultingin syndicates with less reputable and experienced lead arrangers. Structuring a loan in such a waytakes care of the much effort that is expected by lead arrangers.

7.1 Syndicate Evolution

In the past 20 years, we have observed changes in the corporate loan market in terms of both,types of loans and syndicate structure. In a larger and more interconnected market, we expect themarginal contribution in terms of reputation and experience by each individual arranger to besmaller in a market where arrangers are better connected and simply co-arrange more loans.

In lieu of the changing loan market, the regression estimates presented in table 3 indicate thatdespite the underlying changes in the network of lead arrangers, the way in which syndicates arestructure has not changed much. Few changes apply, for example, in terms of project risk, nowproject finance loans rely on having more reputable lead arrangers as opposed to earlier years.

8 Conclusion

In this paper, we explore how information asymmetry about the borrowing firm and loan complex-ity influence loan arrangement in the global corporate loan market. Our results show that there isindeed a relationship between information asymmetry and the structure of the syndicate issuingthe loan. The structure of the syndicate changes depending on whether the loan demands highermonitoring and/or due diligence. In the second part of this paper, we studied how the market haschanged and how these changes reflect on syndicate structure. Despite the market evolution andincreasing complexity, we observe that syndicates still regard reputation and experience important.


Table 2Syndicate Structure Regression ResultsThis table reports coefficient estimates from regressions relating different syndicatestructure measures to information about loans, borrower and market opaqueness.Standard errors are presented in brackets.

Avg[Degree] Max[Closeness]Estimate S.E. Estimate S.E.

Intercept -0.1822* 0.0966 -0.2976*** 0.0107

Credit RiskMultiple Tranche -0.582*** 0.0173 -0.0267*** 0.0027Revolving Credit 0.7611*** 0.0156 0.0824*** 0.0019

Maturity 0.000 0.0001 0.000 0.000Term Loan 0.5914*** 0.0146 0.0736*** 0.0016

Refinance Loan 0.2231*** 0.0106 0.0277*** 0.0013

Borrower InformationPublic -0.0529*** 0.014 -0.0134*** 0.0018

Rated (Moody’s) -0.328*** 0.0147 -0.0309*** 0.0015Previous Borrower 0.0359*** 0.0091 0.0005 0.0009

Max[# Loans with Syndicate Members] 0.0086** 0.0036 0.0011*** 0.0002

Project RiskProject Finance -0.1161*** 0.0223 0.0039 0.003

Real Estate -0.0199 0.0274 0.0051* 0.0031M&A -0.1212*** 0.0173 -0.0096*** 0.0021

Loan StructureGuarantee Facility -0.0753 0.0886 -0.0014 0.0085

Letter Credit -0.0898 0.0636 0.0113 0.0098Guarantee Loan -0.1071*** 0.0165 -0.0069*** 0.0021

Fees -0.0004*** 0.000 -0.0001*** 0.000Fees (Dummy) -0.3076*** 0.01 -0.0264*** 0.0013

Financial Covenants -0.3036*** 0.0127 -0.041*** 0.0018

ControlsLog[Deal Amount] 0.2479*** 0.0051 0.0389*** 0.0006

Repay Loan -0.3466*** 0.0167 -0.0387*** 0.0021Corporate Purposes 0.0197 0.0138 0.0086*** 0.0017

Working Capital 0.1094*** 0.0174 0.0072*** 0.0022LBO 0.2187*** 0.0215 0.0275*** 0.0025

Capital Expenditures 0.0578* 0.0332 0.0081** 0.0041

*, **, *** significant at the 10%, 5% and 1% significance level, respectively. Clusteredstandard errors.


Table 31990-1999, 2000-2010 Syndicate Structure Regression ResultsThis table reports coefficient estimates from regressions relating different syndicate structure measures to information about loans,borrower and market opaqueness. Standard errors are presented in brackets.

Avg[Degree] Max[Closeness]1999 2010 1999 2010

Estimate S.E. Estimate S.E. Estimate S.E. Estimate S.E.

Intercept -2.4294*** 0.1667 1.56*** 0.0836 -0.4074*** 0.0202 -0.1144*** 0.0103

Log[Deal Amount] 0.3483*** 0.0088 0.1535*** 0.0045 0.0426*** 0.0011 0.0292*** 0.0006

Credit RiskMultiple Tranche -0.0853*** 0.0218 0.000 0.000 0.0159*** 0.003 0.000*** 0.000Revolving Credit 0.145*** 0.0506 0.6017*** 0.0141 0.0062 0.0074 0.0683*** 0.0018

Maturity -0.0006*** 0.0002 0.0005 0.0001*** -0.0001** 0.000 0.0001*** 0.000Term Loan 0.5469*** 0.0333 0.4583*** 0.0128 0.0551*** 0.0047 0.0597*** 0.0015

Refinance Loan 0.0254 0.0279 0.0586*** 0.0108 -0.0053 0.0043 0.0124*** 0.0013

Borrower InformationPublic -0.1319*** 0.0245 -0.012 0.0138 -0.0172*** 0.0031 -0.0082*** 0.0017

Rated (Moody’s) -0.495*** 0.0221 0.0373*** 0.014 -0.0227*** 0.0027 0.0006 0.0017Previous Borrower -0.0086 0.0197 0.0397*** 0.0084 -0.0059*** 0.0023 0.0024*** 0.0008

Max[# Loans with Syndicate Members] 0.0109*** 0.0023 0.0041*** 0.0037 0.0017 0.0001*** 0.0005 0.0002

Project RiskProject Finance -0.1408*** 0.0461 -0.0557** 0.0248 -0.0045 0.0064 0.0109*** 0.0031

Real Estate -0.5274*** 0.1778 -0.0201 0.0262 -0.0624*** 0.0193 0.0056** 0.0029M&A -0.2425*** 0.0286 -0.0289 0.0196 -0.0166*** 0.0042 0.003 0.0022

Loan StructureGuarantee Facility -0.0684 0.1943 -0.1338*** 0.0861 -0.0525*** 0.0211 0.0001 0.008

Letter Credit 0.1333 0.1179 -0.0982*** 0.0636 0.0052 0.0185 0.0181** 0.0087Guarantee Loan 0.1671*** 0.038 -0.1225*** 0.0169 0.0064 0.0056 -0.0141*** 0.0022

Fees -0.0011*** 0.0001 -0.0002*** 0.0001 -0.0001*** 0.000 0.000*** 0.000Fees (Dummy) -0.0003 0.0203 -0.2025*** 0.0097 0.003 0.0027 -0.0197*** 0.0012

Financial Covenants 0.0395* 0.0246 -0.4954*** 0.0146 -0.0278*** 0.0033 -0.049*** 0.0019

ControlsRepay Loan -0.3523*** 0.0305 -0.0736*** 0.018 -0.0247*** 0.0044 -0.0073*** 0.0022

Corporate Purposes -0.1501*** 0.0252 0.1115*** 0.0144 -0.0038 0.0036 0.0161*** 0.0017Working Capital -0.5539*** 0.0411 0.2333*** 0.0171 -0.0423*** 0.0053 0.0189*** 0.0021

LBO 0.2956*** 0.0446 0.1177*** 0.0235 0.0445*** 0.0059 0.0116*** 0.0026Capital Expenditures 0.0007 0.1213 0.0765*** 0.032 -0.0019 0.016 0.0097*** 0.0041

*, **, *** significant at the 10%, 5% and 1% significance level, respectively. Clustered standard errors.


A Appendix A: Meta Data

• Borrower Size = log(Borrower Sales Size At Close)

• Multiple Tranche Indicator : is equal to one if the tranche amount is larger than the dealamount, 0 otherwise.

• Loan Purpose: set of indicator variables that are equal to one if Dealscan’s field Specific Pur-pose is equal to " Corp. Purposes," "Work. cap.," "Debt Repay.," "LBO," "Real Estate," "Capitalexpend." For the other set, we use a combination with other fields. To identify if the purposeof the loan is project finance, we do the following, the Project Finance field <> "N/A," Mar-ket Segment Broad Market Segment should be equal to "Project Finance" or Specific Instrumentshould be equal to "Project Finance." To identify M&A purpose loans, we search for MarketSegment Broad Market Segment to equal "M&A" or Specific Purpose to equal "Aquis. line" or"Merger" or "Takeover." Purpose "other" is equal to one for all other purposes not listed here.These categories, except "Other" alone account for about 90% of all purpose loans. Corporatepurposes is the largest classification with about 40% of all loans falling in this category.

• Public indicator: equal to one if Borrower Parent Ticker is not equal to "N/A"

• Financial covenant indicator: equal to one if Covenants Financial Covenants Y is equal to "Yes"0 otherwise.

• General covenant indicator: is equal to one if Covenants General All Covenants is not equal to"N/A"

• Secured: equal to one if Secured Unsecured field equals "Secured"

• Rated moody: is equal to 1 if Ratings Mooddy s Senior Debt at C <> "NR", 0 otherwise.

• Rated close: is equal to 1 if Ratings All At Close <> "N/A"

• Loan type: set of indicator variables including Term Loan, Revolving Credit, Guarantee, LetterCredit, Long Term, Other.


B Appendix B

Table 4Top Lead Arrangers by Network MetricThis table lists the top 10 lead arrangers by network metric in the sample of banks in 2010. The first column contains the top 10banks in terms of their clustering coefficient. The second column lists the top 10 banks in terms of their degree measure. The thirdcolumn lists the top 10 banks in terms of their closeness centrality and the fourth column lists the top 10 banks in terms of theirbetweenness centrality.

(1) (2) (3) (4)Clustering Coefficient Degree Closeness Centrality Betweenness Centrality

MPS Capital Services 1 BNP Paribas 443 Bank of China 1 Credit Agricole Corporate 0.074China Merchants Bank Shanghai 1 Credit Agricole Corporate Investment Bank SA 421 ICBC 1 BNP Paribas 0.067Czech Export Bank 1 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd 365 HSBC Bank (China) 1 Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd 0.056KFW International Finance Inc 1 HSBC 360 Innovation Capital LLC 1 Standard Chartered Bank Plc 0.056Bank of Tokyo–Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd 1 Royal Bank of Scotland PLC 347 HCB Bank Ltd 1 HSBC 0.049Macquarie Securitisation Ltd 1 Deutsche Bank AG 338 Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Ltd. 1 Royal Bank of Scotland PLC 0.043Mizuho Corporate Australia 1 Standard Chartered Bank Plc 319 National Bank of Oman 1 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 0.035Danish Ship Finance 1 Natixis SA 310 PNB Capital 1 DBS Bank Ltd 0.032Taiwan Cooperative Bank 1 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 295 First Metro Investment Corp 1 Natixis SA 0.032Far Eastern Commercial Bank 1 Barclays Bank Plc 284 RHB Islamic Bank 1 Deutsche Bank AG 0.031



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