the five things you need to know to move a piano

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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If you’re planning on moving a piano, you’re going to need the know-how in order to get the job done. Moving such a heavy, cumbersome, and expensive piece of furniture is no easy task and the margin for error is very slim. There is virtually no chance that you will be able to move the piano by yourself, even the strongest of people cannot move a piano. You will need the right equipment to move the piano, and you will need to exercise stringent care and patience. Moving a piano, in a word, is difficult; here’s how it can be done.


First of all, the type of piano one is planning on moving is integral to the whole moving procedure.

Weight is distributed differently throughout different types of pianos.

Purchase special moving equipment for the transition. Straps to help with lifting the piano off the ground will put significantly less strain on the movers, and the less strain the better of course. One will also need to rent a moving truck or some other vehicle that is capable of transporting a piano.

Protecting the piano, second to protecting oneself, is also an important factor to consider in the moving process. As pianos are quite sensitive in regard to their inner mechanisms, one little slip-up could leave you with an expensive repair bill. It is recommended to wrap the piano in a protective covering, either with sheets/blankets or a professional cover.

Using your legs in a semi-squatted position with a straight back, lift your end of the piano with your grip firmly under it. Everyone moving the piano should assume this position and everyone should work together verbally, letting each other know of things ahead of time. It is important that every few steps you should stop, set the piano down, and re-establish your grip.

Once you have the piano in place where you want it, it is essential that you check it for any damages it might have sustained during the move. You want to be sure that it is exactly the same as when you inspected it before the move.

As a general rule, all pianos after a move will need a bit of tuning as it is nearly impossible to keep the innermost mechanisms of the piano from shifting a bit when moved.

The best way anyone can move a piano at any time is to hire the professionals. Professional piano movers can guarantee a successful move that puts virtually no stress upon the owner.

If you or someone you know needs a piano moved, call (610)-485-4758 or email us at bnpiano123@gmail! Be sure to visit our website at!

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