the friendly connection newsletter · 03/03/2017 · the friendly connection newsletter ... about...

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March 2017 Volume 8, Issue 3 Published Monthly

================= Newsletter Staff:


ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Evangelist Henrietta


STAFF MEMBERS: Elder Larry Ealy

Bettie Young Sherease Durden

Mary Jackson

COLUMNISTS: Charmayne Moore

WRITERS Elder Loren Due, PhD,

DMin, MA, and Evangelist Arjeana Due

Off-Site Correspondents: Evang. Isarene Doyle Moriah Washington

NOTICE TO OUR READERS: The views expressed by the

authors/originators of materials in this publication are not necessarily those of The Friendly Connection or

Friendly Temple Church of God in Christ.

Please address any concerns or errors noted in this

newsletter to

IN 2017, YOUR VICTORY IS IN YOUR WORSHIP! “Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged

sword in their hand…...” Psalms 149:6,7 ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

“… let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doeth easily beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us.”


“He is Worthy” continued

Psalms 29:2: “Give unto the LORD the glory due unto His name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.”

Isaiah told us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Don’t think that the devil didn’t have a gun drawn against you, but the bullet couldn’t hit you because God had your back! He sheltered us from the storm, and He delivered us from dangers seen and unseen. It is God and God alone who is worthy of our praise. No matter how high we may go, we must give God His praise because “can’t nobody do you like Jesus.” He has given us great and precious promises. Every promise God has made in the bible, He is able to back it up. He told us He would supply our needs. I believe that promise still stands today. You don’t have to walk around like a pauper this year because we have a Daddy who is a King! He has placed peace in our hearts. He has given us the peace that passes all understanding. He has the whole world in His hand, He’s not worried so we don’t have to be either. Nobody can give us what the Lord has given us. God gave us His Precious Son. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Such abundant mercies and such sufficiency of grace, therefore no one else and nothing else is worthy of our praise but God. We shouldn’t have to be primed or begged to praise God. No matter how sophisticated you are, when you think about how good God has been to you, a lightbulb should go off on the inside and make you say “Lord, nobody but you are worthy to be praised. You’ve brought me this far.” In Acts 26:2, Paul was testifying before King Agrippa and said to him “I think myself happy.” Sometimes when we think about how God has brought us out, healed us, how good He has been to us, we need to “think ourselves happy” and give Him praise.

(To be continued…)



STORY WRITTEN BY BRUCE JONES about Black History month at Friendly Temple that was not published by the Daily Press. Bruce wanted to share it with all of us. Thanks Bruce.

JESSE OWENS RETURNS TO VICTORVILLE Sunday evening Jesse Owens sprinted up the center aisle of the Friendly Temple (COGIC), across the tracks from the Amtrak station in Victorville.

The congregation saw him accept his gold medal for the 100 meter from the 1936 Olympics before he dashed out again. Muhammed Ali was also there to claim his heavyweight title victory,

along with Jackie Robinson. Dacius Benavides wore his own baseball uniform to stand in for his great-grandfather, Chester Williams, who played in the Negro Baseball League in the early twentieth century.

These are some of the Black Americans whose lives and stories were celebrated this month. Footprints of Great Black Men and Women, written and directed by Byroena Earley, told the story of these great Black Americans as well as names you likely don’t recognize, like Sarah Goode, whose patent for a folding bed was the first patent granted to a

Black woman. Other inventions by Black men and women that added to modern American life were the traffic light, mailbox, ironing board and the potato chip. We can thank George Crum for that last one.

Over forty performers from three generations added their voices and music to the story told Sunday night that

celebrated the lives of Black Americans as well as reminders of the pain and losses that are also a part of our history.

Bishop Roger Thomas, pastor of Friendly Temple, leads his congregation in making a difference to all of our community, not just the part of town “north of the tracks”. Starting in 1919 as the Victorville Church of

God in Christ, Friendly Temple is one of the oldest churches in the High Desert.

Jalen Thomas spoke for his generation when he rapped his version of the story of his people, accompanied by his cousin Anthony and several musicians laying down the track.

“It’s good for my generation to bring our voice into the mix when we talk about where we came from and where we are now.”

IN THIS ISSUE Featured Writers: Bishop Roger Thomas

Evangelist Henrietta Givens Deborah Thompson-Ealy

Charmayne Moore Mary Jackson

Loren Due, PhD. Moriah Washington

Sherease Durden Bruce Jones


… all of our new members who joined Friendly Temple during the month of February. We also extend a welcoming embrace to all who accepted Jesus as their Savior and Lord of their lives, or rededicated themselves during the month of



Pastor’s Desk 1 In This Issue 2 Story by Bruce Jones 2 You’ve Been Spotted 3 Family of the Month 3 Did You Miss It? 4 Did You Miss It? Cont’d 5 When Thoughts Become Words 6 Your Spiritual Health 7 Marriage from My Perspective 8 Answer/Mystery Member 9 And a Time to Laugh 9 What Did You Forget? 10 Bible Mystery Person 11 For Your Information 11 Medical Corner 12 Medical Corner cont’d 13 Answers Bible Mystery Person 13 Children’s Corner 14 Bettie’s Picks 15 Prayer Requests 16 Announcements 16 Our Daily Bread 17 How Can I Be Saved? 18





Meet our new columnist Moriah Washington

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“I was a member of Friendly Temple from 4th grade to 7th grade and have always loved and admired the marriage of Bishop and 1st Lady Thomas. Shortly after graduating college, I married my husband and we now have a beautiful daughter. I am so honored to be part of the Friendly Connection Newsletter Staff! I’m excited to give my perspective of marriage and what I'm learning as I take this journey with my husband. God has really been pushing me to stop living in my shell and complete every assignment He has given me and not just what I'm comfortable with. Please continue to pray for my family and I as we continue to serve God in whatever way He call us to.”

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who have been together for 7 years with 2 kids - baby Matthew is number 3. They love their church and church members who Jennifer says “have been a blessing and inspiration to me and my family. Bishop and 1st Lady Thomas are awesome, lovable, and are also a great blessing to our family.”

jxÄvÉÅx axã Utuç4 Matthew Douglas Dailey – Born 2-28-2017 @ 4:13 pm weighing in at 7 lbs. 5 oz. and 18 inches long!








When thoughts become words…...

A personal commentary by Charmayne “Char” Moore



I believe that one reason why God hasn't released blessings into our lives is because we do not love ourselves. Daily we criticize the color of our skin; the shape of our teeth; our weight; the texture of our hair; the quirks of our personalities, etc. We ask ourselves if we are worthy, if we are intelligent, if we are capable. We look, sound and think a certain way to not be deemed “weird.” Why do we do this? Why do we put ourselves down more than we do others? Why do we beat ourselves up over decisions? Shy away from new beginnings or don't take a chance on that opportunity all because we don't believe we are great enough? I don't know many people who truly like themselves, who truly love the weird things about themselves that make them unique. Most of us sit around and talk bad to ourselves daily. We call ourselves, stupid, a failure, unlovable, unworthy, ugly, fat, hopeless, helpless, a lost cause, a screw up...I could go on. WAIT A MINUTE. How can we be so horrible if Genesis 1:27 states, "So God created mankind in His own image.”? We are small representations of

the highest power held by a Man of high regard. God sees you for everything you ARE. He sees a lazy girl, but focuses on how creative she is, a man who is poor, but full of wisdom, that single parent with a hard-working ethic, the person going crazy who deep down is well put together. Everything that we see as flaws about ourselves, God focuses on the assets. He loves us so much that He allowed His own child to be killed just to save me, you and them. He continuously fights battles for us to provide some relief. He listens to our concerns not just brushing us off. He makes a way to eliminate the stress, etc. STOP HATING YOURSELF SO MUCH. Really, stop it. As long as you are alive, you are worthy. You are capable. You are intelligent. You are beautiful/handsome. You look amazing. You are powerful. Change your self-perception, allow it to make changes in your life; those changes will build strong character as well as increase blessings. BE BLESSED!




In the opinion of spiritual philosopher Loren Due, PhD.

Why are there hungry people in our society where they throw food away, it seems, at will? Warehouses are full of food and no one to eat it! Or is it that they have no one to serve the food? Where are the food servers? Whatever the case, there seems to be a lot of food available for people who do not know it exists. I know the media says there are food shortages, but why are there warehouses with food being thrown away? To read about people starving around the world is disheartening and makes you wonder why the disparity. More important to us here in America is why there is food and people who don’t know where it is! This poses a big question of how to get the food to the people who are not getting enough. We hear of families who are on welfare who are getting their food stamps reduced from $645.00 a month to $88.00 a month for a family of 5 which includes a mother and 4 children, or a family of 7 going from $859.00 to $125.00 a month for food. These are examples which are extreme and no fault of the family but the system. You have different programs being established by businesses that provide food that is served in restaurants being made available in refrigerators left outside the establishment for people to get each night after the business closes and when customers are gone. This report is coming out of Europe. In America, we have programs where excess food in stores and restaurants is being given to food banks and non-profits to feed people; this food comes to the food banks and non-profits typically weekly. This ability to provide excess food comes as a result of good food management by grocery food chains and other food providers. Because of the good food management, the food banks and non-profits can be beneficiaries of good quality food that has expiration dates that could be well into the future. This whole concept of food management allows the food providers to be better stewards of the resources they provide. Efficient planning cycles allow the food providers to plan for excesses that will be used up by food banks and non-profits rather than being discarded in the local trash. A question asked earlier in the article: Where are the food servers? The answer is that different people who are given an assignment by God answer the call differently to serve food. Each person has a unique call on their life and the individual must learn what to do with his gift or gifts. The most amazing thing is that some people have multiple gifts and can select

which gift gives them the most satisfaction and brings glory to the Kingdom of God. The food servers and providers have a heart to ensure people have enough food when it is available. There are testimonies of servers and providers who were once homeless and without adequate food and clothing. Some, who overcame these deficiencies, find ways to make a full or partial career helping others get the food and clothing they need. There are a number of technical reports published about food and its tributaries that are designed to tell the story of the flow of food in this country. This article is not meant to be a scientific article about food but create in you the desire to be more sensitive to the needs of people when it comes to food. The upper class is not concerned with these issues, more than likely, unless they have a way to turn a buck; however, what’s left of the middle class and the poor are concerned about having enough food at a reasonable cost or free. When you are able to shop in grocery stores you discover, when you do comparative shopping from store to store, that there are many price disparities. Because our society is based on free enterprise, the prices can vary from store to store; even stores that are right across the street from each other could have steep variances in price. The shoppers that have the time and patience must learn to price and quality shop from store to store, ensuring that they take into account the cost of comparative shopping. However; people, who don’t have the resources to price shop or have enough money to buy everything they want and need, benefit from those who set up permanent and make-shift pantries. They have provisions for people to come to the pantry whereby the food is typically served “first come first serve.” It is an understood fact that the food provider desires that the recipients will take a reasonable portion and be mindful of other people getting food. When possible, food pantry recipients should bring their own bags to the food pantry and be on their best behavior. Food pantries can be at the back of an office complex, actual center designed to distribute food, or a church dining hall, or any place designated to distribute food in a clean environment. Wherever the pantry is, it will be a place that draws a crowd because, as has been stated, the government is cutting programs which will leave more people with less food and resources. Will you help me feed the people?

Food for All! Article 30


MARRIAGE, from my perspective.

A commentary in the opinion of by Moriah Washington


In high school, I thought marriage was a one stop train ride to Happy Town. Honestly, the old me would have compared it to the same joys of having a relationship with Christ. In my eyes, my husband and I would always be happy, never argue, basically everything would go my way. The way I see marriage now is completely different. Now I see that there are many highs and lows to marriage; but, one thing I have recently learned was the benefit of sharing Christ together. Having the perfect marriage is not the only thing that I focus on now, I have to also focus on my husband and I being obedient to Christ and leading our family, and others that God puts in our path, to Christ. I believe an important part of marriage that a lot of people don’t realize, is being able to come together (with your better half that God designed just for you) to reach out and disciple the lost back to Him.

When my husband and I are ministering and sharing our testimony with others, we have a better response than when we share it apart because we fill in those parts that we would miss by ourselves. One draft horse can pull 8,000 pounds but two horses can pull 24,000 pounds. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up”. In this verse, God is explaining how He designed us to work together with others because that’s when we are the most successful! So, I leave you with this question. How are you using your marriage to help the kingdom of God?



Bro. Beau Johnson

Then Now


Who is this lovely young lady?


“Mom! OF COURSE I know it’s spring outside.

Look at all the allergy commercials!”


What did you forget? Submitted by District Missionary Dr. Gloria Sterling – From

“A Class Act – Being the Best You” -- Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr. and Lady Mae ================================================================================================


Even though it is called a COURTESY CAR, you are expected to pay the driver a fair and decent price PER PASSENGER. Whether there is one person or six

people in a car, EACH person is expected to make a contribution.

HOTEL COURTESY SHUTTLE DRIVERS should be paid $2-$3 per person. He or she should receive extra if luggage is handled.

A TAXI DRIVER who operates on a meter

system should receive a 15% tip. If the ride is a long one, tip 15% to 20%. In

some instances, a driver may believe that

you are unaware, and will take a longer route to a destination to run up the fare.

In that case, you may use your discretion

about what constitutes a fair tip.

However, if the taxi driver gets caught in

a traffic jam, you should tip a little more

because the driver loses money during the waiting period.

Romans 12:10-17—“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the

Lord; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. Bless them which

persecute you: bless, and curse not. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things,

but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits. Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.”


FOR YOUR INFORMATION Submitted by Mary Jackson

WHAT IS DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME? Daylight Saving Time is the practice of changing the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months, and changing them back again in the fall. Note that it’s called “Daylight Saving” (not “Savings”). OK, now that THAT’S out of the way. The exceptions to DST are Arizona (except for the Navajo, who do observe daylight saving time on tribal lands), Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and American Samoa.

The first people to propose the idea of daylight savings were Benjamin Franklin, George Vernon Hudson, and William Willett. These men all introduced the idea around 1784. However, the first official and established use of this idea occurred during World War II thanks to Germany and its allies that implemented changing the clock in order to conserve coal. Once the other nations, such as the U.S. and European nations, saw the positive results from this clock-shifting idea, they adopted the idea as well. WHAT IS THE POINT? The main reason for daylight saving time is to make good use of daylight and save energy. In the summer, our clocks are moved forward to extend an hour of daylight to the evening. The idea is that if the sun is out "longer" than normal, people will use natural light and turn on their home lights later. Therefore, less electricity will be used. In 1975, a study was done by the US Department of Transportation that estimated DST would decrease the country's electricity consumption by 1% from March to April. One year later, other sources said that this reduction was insignificant. This is due to the fact that many people used air conditioning and other home appliances while they were home. Also, those who woke up early in the morning consumed lots of energy because there was less sunlight in the morning. WHEN IS DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 2017? When do we set our clocks forward? Daylight Saving Time starts on the second Sunday in March and (i.e., losing one hour) and ends on the first Sunday in November, with the time changes taking place at 2:00 a.m. local time. With a mnemonic word play referring to seasons, clocks "spring forward and fall back"—that is, in springtime the clocks are moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m., and in fall they are moved back from 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Remember to “spring ahead” and set your clocks forward 1 hour. We do this Saturday night when we go to bed.

BIBLE MYSTERY PERSONS - submitted by Evang. Henrietta Givens

1. What animal rebuked Balaam when he encountered the angel of the Lord?

2. In the Bible who was the first person mentioned by name that was slain by God for doing evil?

3. He was king of Israel when Elijah was the prophet.

4. As Hannah prayed in the temple for a son, what did the priest think?

5. Why did King Asa remove his grandmother Maachah from being queen mother?

6. Where was Jesus for 3 days after the crucifixion and before His resurrection?

7. Who did Peter say that Ananias and Sapphira had lied to and tested?

8. In which book of the Bible can we find the fruits of the Spirit which is love; joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such there is no law.

9. The book of Romans tells us “for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal through______.

10. God set a mark on this man to protect him from being slain.

SUBMITTED BY STAFF MEMBER SHEREASE DURDEN I interviewed 32 people about daylight saving time. A few understood what it’s all

about, and some I had to explain what it is. Eight people said they love it because

of the physical activity they are in. Another 12 said they feel no difference in losing

or gaining an hour of sunlight a day. The last 12 didn’t like it because of the hour

of sleep they lose.



(Diet and weight management by WebMD)

POWER PAIRS When it comes to slimming down, two (or more) foods can be better than one. That’s because each has different nutrients that work together. As a team, they can help you fend off hunger, stay full longer, and burn fat or calories better than they would solo.

Avocado and Dark Leafy Greens A spinach or kale salad is low in calories and high in nutrients, but it can leave you wanting more. To make it more filling, top it with avocado. One study showed that people who had lunches that included the green fruit felt 23% more satisfied afterward than those who didn’t. That’s because it has a kind of good fat (monounsaturated) that staves off hunger. Bonus: Avocado also helps your body absorb more of the veggies’ disease-fighting antioxidants.

Chicken and Cayenne Pepper Chicken breasts are known to be good for weight loss, and for good reason. One breast serves up 27 grams of protein for fewer than 150 calories. Protein takes longer to digest, and that can keep you full longer. Spice up this dinner staple with a rub or sauce made with cayenne pepper. It may boost your calorie burn and make you less hungry

Oatmeal and Walnuts A simple way to slim down: Eat the rough stuff. Simply adding more fiber to your diet can lead to weight loss. That’s because your body can’t break down fiber, so it slows down digestion and takes up space in your stomach. With 4 grams of fiber per cup, oatmeal can be a good source. Walnuts add another 2 grams, plus satisfying protein and crunch.

Eggs, Black Beans, and Peppers Start your day with this protein- packed scramble. According to research in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who had eggs for

breakfast ate 22% fewer calories at lunch -- and lessthe entire day -- than those who had a bagel. Black beans and peppers make this morning meal even more filling, thanks to a double dose of fiber.

Bean and Vegetable Soup Add a broth-based vegetable soup to your lunch or dinner. The liquid fills your stomach, leaving less room for higher-calorie foods. One study showed that people who started with soup ate 20% fewer calories during a meal. Stirring in beans, such as chickpeas or black beans, can give it more staying power because they’re high in protein and fiber. In fact, eating 3 cups of beans a week has been shown to boost weight loss.

Steak and Broccoli Too tired to hit the gym? This meal can help you out. Beef is rich in protein and iron, which your body uses to build red blood cells. They take oxygen to your organs, so falling short in those can zap your energy.Broccoli is the perfect side, because its vitamin C helps your body take in iron. A half- cup of this veggie has 65% of all the vitamin C you need in a day.

Green Tea and Lemon If you need a pick-me-up, brew some green tea. The low-calorie drink is packed with antioxidants called catechins, which may help you burn more calories and fat. Japanese scientists found that people who drank a bottle of tea high in catechins each day shed more fat after 2 weeks than those who didn’t. To make it even healthier, add a squeeze of lemon -- it helps your body absorb them.

Salmon and Sweet Potato Fish is often called “brain food,” but it’s also good for your waist. Its omega-3 fats may help you lose body fat, and salmon is a top source. Plus, one 3-ounce serving packs in 17 grams of protein. Serve it with a baked sweet potato for a filling yet light meal. A 5-inch- long spud has 4 grams of fiber and just 112 calories.

Yogurt and Raspberries This creamy treat may help turn up the fat burn. Research suggests that people who get more



calcium and vitamin D as part of a weight loss plan shed more fat than those who don’t. So, look for a vitamin D-fortified yogurt, which serves up about 35% of all the calcium you need in a day. Top it with half a cup of raspberries for sweetness and 4 grams of fiber.

Mushrooms and Ground Beef You can eat burgers and lose weight -- the key is to swap at least 50% of the meat for chopped or ground mushrooms. With only 16 calories a cup, they can lighten any dish made with ground beef without skimping on flavor. They may also help keep your blood sugar levels steady, which helps curb cravings.

Olive Oil and Cauliflower At just 27 calories a cup, cauliflower is a diet-friendly food. It’s also low on the glycemic index (GI), a measure of how much a food raises your blood sugar. One study showed that low-GI vegetables led to more weight loss than starchier ones, such as peas and corn. Drizzle chopped cauliflower with olive oil and roast it – this brings out the flavor, and olive oil’s fats can curb your appetite by making you feel full.

Pistachios and an Apple Need a midday snack? This combo offers protein, healthy fats, and fiber to fend off hunger. With about 160 calories for 50 of them, pistachios are one of the lowest-calorie nuts. Plus, they’re usually packaged in their shells, which can slow you down and keep you from munching mind- lessly. The apple adds sweetness and crunch to your treat, along with 4 grams of fiber.

Fish, Whole-Wheat Tortilla, and Salsa One of the top reasons weight loss efforts fail is taste. Eating bland foods at every meal can lead to a junk food binge. So it’s important to have healthy, flavorful dishes in your lineup. Fish tacos are a perfect example: Make them with white fish for lean protein and a whole - wheat tortilla for fiber. Top them with some salsa for extra vitamins.

Dark Chocolate and Almonds Swearing off sweets sounds like a good way to drop pounds, but it can backfire. Nixing them altogether can lead to overeating. With about 7 grams of sugar per ounce, dark chocolate is one dessert you can feel good about eating. Pairing it with high-protein almonds keeps your blood sugar levels steady, and that can keep you satisfied longer.

ANSWERS TO BIBLE MYSTERY PERSONS – by Evangelist Henrietta Givens

1. Donkey Numbers 22: 1-35

2. Er Genesis 38:1-11

3. Ahab 1 Kings 18: 1-45 1 Kings 19:1

4. He thought Hannah was drunk 1 Samuel 1:1-19

5. She had made a repulsive idol in a grove 2 Chronicles 15: 1-19

6. Jesus was in hell Acts 2:30-36

7. The Holy Ghost Acts 5:1-15

8. Book of Galatians Galatians 5:22

9. Jesus Christ our Lord Romans 6:23

10. Cain Genesis 4:15





INGREDIENTS 1 fresh piece of ginger 1 large egg 2 scallions 1 clove garlic Kosher salt Pepper ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro ¼ cup bread crumbs 1 pound ground chicken 6 cups low-sodium chicken broth 1 red chili pepper 1 medium carrot 4 head baby bok choy

DIRECTIONS: Heat broiler. Line a rimmed baking sheet with non- stick foil. Grate enough ginger for 1 tablespoonful and thinly slice the remainder. In a large bowl, whisk together the egg, scallions, garlic, ginger and ½ teaspoonful each salt and pepper. Stir in the bread crumbs. Let sit for 2 minutes. Add the chicken and cilantro and mix to combine. Form the meat into 1 ½ inch balls (about 20 total) and place on prepared baking sheet Broil until cooked through, about 6-8 minutes. Meanwhile in a large saucepan, bring the broth, chili and sliced ginger to a boil. Add the carrot and simmer for 1 minute. Add the bok choy and simmer just until tender, about 3 minutes. Add the meatballs and stir in cilantro, if desired.

Sweet and Sour Pork and Vegetable Stir-Fry INGREDIENTS 1 cup long-grain white rice 2 tablespoonful hoisin sauce 1 tablespoonful fresh lime juice 2 tablespoonful canola oil 2 carrots, cut into matchsticks 1 red pepper, sliced ½ pound pork tenderloin, thinly sliced Kosher salt and pepper 1 cup bean sprouts, optional 2 scallions, thinly sliced on a diagonal

DIRECTIONS: Cook the rice according to package directions. In a small bowl, whisk together the hoisin, lime juice and 1 tablespoonful water, set aside. Heat 1 tablespoonful oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the carrots and red pepper and cook, tossing frequently, until the vegetables are just tender, 4 to 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl. Return the skillet to medium-high heat and heat the remaining tablespoonful oil. Season the pork with ¼ teaspoonful salt and pepper and cook, tossing twice, until browned, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the hoisin mixture and cook for 1 minute. Return the vegetables to the skillet, add the bean sprouts (if using) and cook, tossing, until heated through, about 2 minutes. Serve over the rice and sprinkle with the scallions.


.Delores Spivery

.Bro. & Sis. Wooten

.Sis. Pearlena Jones

.Viola Briggs

.Dorothy Wright

.Nelson Taylor Sr

.Dea. Jessie Thompson

.Robert Williams

.Bro. Joe Phillips

.Christine Collins

.Novella Jordan

.Dr. Bernard Brown

.Mother Grace Robinson .Sis. Rosie Hudson

.Bryan Allen

.Jazmine Williams

.Diane Drayton

.Ella McKenzie

.Erma Sutton

.Kevin R. Jackson

.Cassandra Williams

.Joy Wilton

.Elder James Ham

.Sis. Mary Ham

.Robert Nolan

.Josiah Hunter

.Michael Ray Philips

.Sis. Mattie Allen

.Diane Tyler-Fulson

.Rick Hawkins

.Sis. Burney Colbert

.Derick Kington

.Josephine Alsup

.Sis. Beverly Gonzales

.Lewis D. Shaw, Jr.

.Elder Lloyd James

.Willie James Glen

.Mother Mattie Welch

.Jessica Ogura

.Catherine Ramirez

.Sis. Joetta Collins

.Shanice Bradford

.Mary Timm

.Karen Minniefield

.Dea. Odell Jones

.John Philips

.Donna Lee Phillips

.Linda Walker

.Kenether Riley

.Dea. Robert Andrews

.Orlando Mays

.Orlando Anderson

.Bishop Higgins

.Bro. Kevin Dawson

.Boot Dilliard Bereavement Josephine Martinez



8:00 am and 11:30 am, Sunday School 9:45 am

CORPORATE PRAYER: Every Tuesday at 6 am, Wednesday at 6:30 am

and Thursday at 6 am. Call (641) 715-3272 and enter code 557700#.

Missionary Circle Prayer every 2nd & 4th Sunday at 7:00 am.

Monday Prayer 6:00 am and 6:00 pm.

Noon Day Prayer Wednesday-Friday at 12:00 noon.

PRAYER & BIBLE BAND: Tuesdays at 9:00 am

PRAYER & FAMILY BIBLE STUDY: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

INAUGURAL BANQUET: honoring Bishop Roger Thomas will be

held Friday, April 21st at 6 pm. Tickets can be purchased in the foyer

before and after services until March 31st.

CWC AND YWCC ANNUAL DAY: Sunday, March 19th at 5:00 pm.

Special guest speaker: Evang. Jacqueline Wooten.


at 7:30 pm.

THE CHILDREN’S CHURCH is having a Juice Box Drive. Donate juice

boxes to our Children’s Ministry. Just drop off your donation at the

table during the 11:30 am service. We appreciate every

single donation.


Pray also for our missionaries abroad

who are being persecuted.


Inaugural Banquet for

Bishop Roger Thomas

Friday, April 21, 2017


OUR DAILY BREAD ================================================================================================

Songbird in The Dark The Dayspring from on high has visited us. —Luke 1:78

Just before the sunrise, we often hear songbirds welcoming the dawn. Despite the darkness, we know that the radiant light of the sun will soon appear. Fanny Crosby has been called “The Songbird in the Dark.” Though blinded in infancy, she wrote hymns that inspirationally envision our future reunion with Christ. Early in her life, Fanny had a dream in which she saw the panorama of a glorious heaven, and many of her songs reflect that theme. By the time of her death, she had penned at least 8,000 hymns. Songs such as “Tell Me the Story of Jesus” and “To God Be the Glory” are still popular today.

When Zacharias praised God in anticipation of the Messiah, he also looked forward to a spiritual sunrise. Citing Malachi 4:2, he proclaimed: “The Dayspring [sunrise] from on high has visited us; to give light to those who sit in darkness” (Luke 1:78-79). That Messiah came to earth, died for our sins, rose again, ascended, and promised to return for us.

Do you feel surrounded by dark and confusing circumstances? You can still lift your praise to God for the bright future you will share with His Son. The words of Fanny Crosby’s beloved hymn “Blessed Assurance” encourage us as we anticipate this glorious reunion with Christ.

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! O what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God,

Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. —Crosby

For the Christian, the dark sorrows of earth will one day be changed

into the bright songs of heaven.



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You must confess and believe. Romans10:9 says, “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” If you believe that God raised Jesus of Nazareth up from the grave and can confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you shall – not maybe – you shall be saved.


If you desire to be saved, would you pray the following prayer?

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. And I know that Jesus died for my sins. I believe You raised Jesus from the dead, and I want Him to be my Lord and Savior. Jesus, come into my heart and save me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Bishop Roger Thomas, Church of God in Christ California Southern Third Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Prelate

Mother Mary F. Hodge, Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women

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