the fundamentals guide to hdp and hdinsight

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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* Over de uitslag kan niet worden gecorrespondeerd, prijzen zijn voorbeelden – All results are final, prices are examples

The Fundamentals Guide to HDP and HDInsightGert Drapers (#DataDude)

Principle Software Design Engineer © The Economist Newspaper Limited 2012. All rights reserved

The 4Vs of Big Data: Volume, Velocity, Variability, & Variety


New In Hadoop 2

•YARN• ResourceManager• NodeManager• ApplicationMaster

•HDFS 2• NameNode HA• Snapshots• Federation

Hortonworks Data Platform For Windows

• Leverages work from Hortonworks and Microsoft• 100% open source Apache Hadoop• Built on the latest releases across Hadoop (2.2)• YARN• Stinger Phase 2 (Faster queries)

• Only distribution available on Windows Server• Harness existing .NET and Java skills to write

MapReduce• Utilize familiar BI tools for analysis including Microsoft


On-Premise Self-Deploy (Hadoop)


Microsoft Azure HDInsight 3.0

• Microsoft’s cloud Hadoop offer• 100% open source Apache Hadoop• Built on the latest releases across Hadoop (2.2)• YARN• Stinger Phase 2 (Faster queries)

• Up and running in minutes with no hardware to deploy• Harness existing .NET and Java skills to write

MapReduce• Utilize familiar BI tools for analysis including Microsoft


Cloud, Hadoop

Microsoft Azure


Stinger Phase 2 in Hive 0.12

•QO improvements

•Predicate pushdown

•ORC file improvements

Demo: Getting Started with Hadoop 2 in Azure with HDInsight


HDFS Architecture

• Block based (64MB default)

• Hierarchical file organization of directories and files

• Write once, read many

• Highly portable• Optimized for small

numbers of very large files

Distributed Fault Tolerant File System



A long time ago, in a data center far, far away…

Episode IV

There was Map Reduce

Introduction to Map/Reduce

Map f(k1,v1) list(k2,v2)

Reduce f(k2, list(v2)) (k2, v3)

FunctionallyIn Practice, WordCount

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


(the,1) (quick,1), (brown,1), (fox,1), (over,1), (the,1),(lazy,1),(dog,1)


(the,(1,1)) (quick,1), (brown,1), (fox,1), (over,1),(lazy,1),(dog,1)


(the,2) (quick,1), (brown,1), (fox,1), (over,1), (lazy,1),(dog,1)

In Code

Then, scale to TB/PB of data over 10’s, 100’s or 1000’s of nodes

And Map Reduce was… good?

Episode V

Then came the abstractions

A pig who eats everything

logs = LOAD 'wasb://'

USING PigStorage(' ') AS (datereq:chararray, timereq:chararray, s_sitename:chararray, cs_method:chararray, cs_uri_stem:chararray, cs_uri_query:chararray, s_port:chararray, cs_username:chararray, c_ip:chararray, cs_User_Agent:chararray, cs_Cookie chararray, cs_Referer:chararray, cs_host :chararray, sc_status:chararray, sc_substatus:chararray, sc_win32_status:chararray, sc_bytes:int, cs_bytes:int, time_taken:int );

SET default_parallel 5;

-- remove header rows

filtered_logs = FILTER logs BY datereq != '#';

referrer_logs = GROUP filtered_logs BY cs_Referer;

summary_referrer = FOREACH referrer_logs GENERATE $0, COUNT($1) AS COUNT, SUM(filtered_logs.sc_bytes) AS TotalEgress, AVG(filtered_logs.time_taken) AS AverageTimeTaken;

sorted_summary = ORDER summary_referrer BY COUNT DESC;

limit_summary = LIMIT sorted_summary 25;

grouped_by_stem = GROUP filtered_logs BY cs_uri_stem;

summary_ip = FOREACH grouped_by_stem GENERATE $0, COUNT($1) AS NumberOfRequests, SUM(filtered_logs.sc_bytes) AS TotalEgress, AVG(filtered_logs.time_taken) AS AverageTimeTaken;

sorted_summary = ORDER summary_ip BY NumberOfRequests DESC;

limited_summary = LIMIT sorted_summary 25;

STORE filtered_logs INTO 'wasb://' USING PigStorage('\t');

STORE limited_summary INTO 'wasb://' USING PigStorage('\t');

STORE limit_summary INTO 'wasb://' USING PigStorage('\t');

Hive for those who know SQL

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE websites_logs_raw (datereq STRING, timereq STRING, s_sitename STRING, cs_method STRING, cs_uri_stem STRING, cs_uri_query STRING, s_port STRING, cs_username STRING, c_ip STRING, cs_User_Agent STRING, cs_Cookie STRING, cs_Referer STRING, cs_host STRING, sc_status INT, sc_substatus STRING, sc_win32_status STRING, sc_bytes INT, cs_bytes INT, time_taken INT )ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' 'STORED AS TEXTFILELOCATION 'wasb://'tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1");

set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true;set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true;

select count(*) from websites_logs_raw

Cascading/Scalding to bring a modern JVM API for analytics

WordCount in Scalding


But the abstractions all shared one thing… Map Reduce

WordCount in Scalding…


Map Phase

Reduce Phase

Map/Reduce v1 Architecture


Episode VI

One YARN to rule them all

Compute Model != Resource Model

YARN Architecture


• Thus, removing contention on Job Tracker to do everything

• Become more resilient to RM failures

• Number of active jobs more scalable

Other Interesting YARN projects

Some Existing YARN apps

• Storm on YARN

•Hbase on YARN

• Spark


•Hamster (MPI on Yarn)



Writing your own YARN app for fun and profit…


See Slide 20 – Enter Abstractions



What about .NET?

The Microsoft Data Platform

Laat ons weten wat u vindt van deze sessie! Vul de evaluatie in via en maak kans op een van de 20 prijzen*. Prijswinnaars worden bekend gemaakt via Twitter (#TechDaysNL). Gebruik hiervoor de code op uw badge.

Let us know how you feel about this session! Give your feedback via and possibly win one of the 20 prices*. Winners will be announced via Twitter (#TechDaysNL). Use your personal code on your badge.

* Over de uitslag kan niet worden gecorrespondeerd, prijzen zijn voorbeelden – All results are final, prices are examples

Backup Slides

Moving Data Between Stores

•Sqoop• Data in or out of relational store

•Pig• Set of Storage & Loaders (JDBC, Mongo, etc)

•Hive • Table formats (Mongo, Azure Tables)

Website log processing, Pig, Hive

logs = LOAD 'wasb://' USING PigStorage(' ') AS

(datereq:chararray, timereq:chararray, s_sitename:chararray, cs_method:chararray, cs_uri_stem:chararray, cs_uri_query:chararray, s_port:chararray, cs_username:chararray, c_ip:chararray, cs_User_Agent:chararray, cs_Cookie :chararray, cs_Referer:chararray, cs_host:chararray, sc_status:chararray, sc_substatus:chararray, sc_win32_status:chararray, sc_bytes:int, cs_bytes:int, time_taken:int );SET default_parallel 100;-- remove header rows filtered_logs = FILTER logs BY datereq != '#';grouped_by_stem = GROUP filtered_logs BY cs_uri_stem;summary_ip = FOREACH grouped_by_stem GENERATE $0, COUNT($1) AS NumberOfRequests, SUM(filtered_logs.sc_bytes) AS TotalEgress, AVG(filtered_logs.time_taken) AS AverageTimeTaken;sorted_summary = ORDER summary_ip BY NumberOfRequests DESC;limited_summary = LIMIT sorted_summary 1000;

--STORE limited_summary INTO 'wasb://' USING PigStorage('\t');

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE websites_logs_raw (datereq STRING, timereq STRING, s_sitename STRING, cs_method STRING, cs_uri_stem STRING, cs_uri_query STRING, s_port STRING, cs_username STRING, c_ip STRING, cs_User_Agent STRING, cs_Cookie STRING, cs_Referer STRING, cs_host STRING, sc_status INT, sc_substatus STRING, sc_win32_status STRING, sc_bytes INT, cs_bytes INT, time_taken INT )ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' 'STORED AS TEXTFILELOCATION 'wasb://'tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1");

set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true;set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true;

select count(*) from websites_logs_raw

Interacting with SQL DB

bin\sqoop import --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://[yourserver];database=AdventureWorks2012;user=[username];password=[password]" --table SalesOrderDetail --hive-import -m 10 -- --schema Sales

New-AzureHDInsightSqoopJobDefinition –Command ‘import --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://[yourserver];database=AdventureWorks2012;user=[username];password=[password]" --table SalesOrderDetail --hive-import -m 10 -- --schema Sales’

REGISTER lib/piggybank.jar;REGISTER c:\apps\dist\sqljdbc_3.0\enu\sqljdbc4.jar;

STORE limited_summary INTO '/doesnotmatter' USING'', 'jdbc:sqlserver://[yourserver];database=AdventureWorks2012;user=[username];

password=[password]','INSERT INTO OutputFromPig(cs_uri_stem, NumberOfRequests, TotalEgress, AverageTimeTaken) VALUES (?,?,?,?)');

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