the geneva pres€¦ · rev. w. james gerling - pastor emeritus . fritz aude - treasurer . kathleen...

Post on 30-May-2020






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The Geneva Pres


The Presbyterian Church in Geneva

24 Park Place Geneva NY 14456

(315) 789-1343 Website: Rev. Dr. Deborah Lind – Minister Rev. John Milne – Parish Associate Rev. W. James Gerling - Pastor Emeritus Fritz Aude - Treasurer Kathleen Breese - Director, Christian Education Virginia Champlin – Assistant Clerk of Session Linda Cox - Church Organist Richard Cox - Director of Music and Adult Bell Choir Deb Drennen - Nursery care Ben Duprey - Custodian Joe Iannopollo - Assistant Custodian Kate Komara, Lorraine Jones - Children’s Choirs Art Lewis – Information Technology Director Beth Nicholas - Parish Nurse Alan Schenck - Financial Administrator Fred Schühle - Clerk of Session Colleen VanAllan – Office Administrator

What’s Next?

First, what is happening now? Last month, I wrote about our Peacemaking trip to Israel. Of course, it was cancelled. However, the Isaiah scripture is prophetic and relevant to our present reality. Isaiah 42:16-17 16 I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.

I can only speak for myself, but I can imagine how you have traveled along “unfamiliar paths” since our seclusion because of the Covid19 pandemic.

Church services around the country switched from “face to face” to “virtual” worship on March 22. As last minute as it was, we were able to gather via Zoom Sunday morning. The live gathering before was not planned. I was blindly leading along unfamiliar paths. However, people loved seeing other so much that I added time after the 10:30 am worship on March 29. Thank God, many people stepped up to “make places smooth”. Every week the PowerPoint and music improved. God certainly has been guiding us as we reach out to help each other. By Holy Week and Easter the number of people logging on to our virtual communion and worship services reached new highs. Family members and friends of the church from other states were able to connect on the internet and it was a grand reunion and celebration.

If you are interested in join the Zoom worship, download the app by visiting It is free for you. If you do not have a computer or Ipad, you may connect by using your phone. +1 929 205 6099 .

For worship use ID # 378-875-768

For Bible Study use ID# 236-230-4934

If you have problems connecting call the office or another member for tech help.

Another way to listen to the weekly sermon or music, visit YouTube which can be viewed anytime on internet. Search for “

and then “Rev Deborah Lind”. More information, links and the bulletin with scriptures is available on our website, www. What is next? I would hope we will be able to meet face to face in June. Until then, remember we are close a phone call or internet. Social distancing is only “physical distancing with social connections. So far, we’ve become very creative and flexible for the sake of safety and health. There are good lessons and new habits which I hope will continue. All staff and committees of the church are hoping and planning for the future. For instance, Communications and worship committees are considering streaming and recording worship. We will continue to celebrate the Season of Easter in May with Pentecost on May 31. Scripture lessons focus on the appearance of the Risen Christ in every location on the road and in homes but not in the sanctuary. The Holy Spirit touches everyone like a breath of fresh air and brings peace to everyone. May this Season of Easter bring you God’s guidance and peace as we continue along the unknown path together. Pastor Deb May 3 4th Sunday of Easter Psalm 23, John 10:1-10 “In Communion with Christ” May 10 5th Sunday of Easter I Peter 2:2-10, John 14: 1-14 “Living Stones” May 17 6th Sunday of Easter I Peter 3: 13-22, John 14:15-21 “If You Love Me…” May 21 Ascension (Thursday) Psalm 47, Luke 24:44-53 “Clap Your Hands in Joy!” May 24 7th Sunday of Easter Acts 1:6-14, John 17: 1-11 “With One Mind, One Voice” May 31 Pentecost Acts 2: 1-21 “Spirit of the Living God”

Deacons’ Page

Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart. Naught be all else to me save that thou art. Thou be my best thought by day and by night, Waking or sleeping thy presence my light. Be thou my wisdom and thou my true word, I ever with thee and thou with me Lord. Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

A familiar hymn, this is often used as a prayer. (And said slowly, is the correct time for handwashing) Ways to pray that you may not have thought about: Before you rise, thank God for the day ahead. “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Commit to living in gratitude for the day, and you'll soon notice how much happier your days can become. During any daily activity: Pray the Lord’s Prayer. Memorize another prayer, such as the one above. “Lord Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace” is another good one to start the day with. Think about each phrase and how it can have meaning for your day ahead. Pray anytime during the day!

Deacons having been keeping in touch with members who normally don’t leave their homes or are in nursing homes. Cards and phone visits have replaced periodic visits and communion during the Stay at Home time. Picking up groceries or medications have also been on the list of things Deacons have been doing to keep in touch with members. If you would

like a call from a Deacon, or know someone who could use uplifting, contact Lisa Gage.

Members of church committees provide the refreshments and serve Fellowship following worship services. Some people are on multiple committees and are doing this duty many times a year. We’d like to lighten their load a bit. If you are not on a church committee and would like to help with Fellowship Time following worship services, please contact Ann Warner. Instructions are provided and someone who has done this before might help you as well. It is a wonderful way to meet people!

Take Note

There are so many things that press upon us, demanding our attention, our action, from personal challenges and loss to pandemics and economic collapse, to natural disasters and the looming threat of climate change, to wars and violence. We are often overwhelmed or at a loss as to where to direct our attention and energy or where, for a moment at least, to find peace so that we can recharge our energy and imagination. Sometimes for me, that is when the medicine of music and poetry can bring a clarity to the direction in which to move or sometimes, when to just be still. When the poetry and music come together with such a message, so much the better. A couple of years ago, the choir sang an anthem with the words that fit our situation today and I want to share them with you. I hope they bring you peace and inspiration.

Come and Find the Quiet Center

“Come and find the quiet center in the crowded life we lead, find the room for hope to enter, find the frame where we are freed: clear the chaos and the clutter, clear our eyes, that we can see all the things that really matter, be at peace, and simply be.” “Silence is a friend who claims us, cools the heat and slows the pace, God it is who speaks and names us, knows our being, touches base, making space within our thinking, lifting shades to show the sun, raising courage when we’re shrinking, finding scope for faith begun.” “In the Spirit let us travel, open to each other’s pain, let our loves and fears unravel, celebrate the space we gain; there’s a place for deepest dreaming, there’s a time for heart to care, in the Spirit’s lively scheming there is always room to spare!”

*Shirley Erena Murray

Dear Church Family,

I think the next fall fashion statement will be who has the best facemask. I was in Walmart and passed by a Batman, a Cinderella (complete with lace and sparkles), and something that looked like Darth Vader. It’s great that people still have a sense of humor! But, it is easy to fall into a state of depression with this social distancing going on.

There is a good article on Mayo Clinic’s website, COVID-19 and your mental health. In this article they stress taking care of your mind by “keeping your regular routine”. In other words, stay (as much as possible) with your daily timing: when you get up, go to bed, eat, exercise, etc. (You could also use this as an opportunity to add in or improve on healthy activities.) “Limit exposure to news media.” Quite frankly, I watch as little news as possible. It’s all COVID-19, it’s often conflicting or inaccurate, and it’s all gloom and doom. Good resources to look to are the CDC and John Hopkins. They should have accurate info about what we should be doing and what to expect. “Stay busy.” Work on hobbies, read that book you haven’t had time to read, or clean out the back room that’s become an archeological dig project. Make yourself do something constructive! “Focus on positive thoughts.” Focus on the good things happening. Be thankful for all you do have. “Use your moral compass or spiritual life for support.” This is a good time to use your faith for peace and comfort. Use this as a time to deepen your faith. “Set priorities.” Set some goal each day, but be realistic about what you can do. “Make connections.” Be in contact with someone every day. Use this time to contact people you haven’t talked to for a long time. “Do something for others.” Send cards, call others to see how they are, run errands for someone (if it is safe for you to do). “Support a family member or friend.” Stay in contact with family or friends who are lonely or ill.

If you are feeling that your anxiety level is getting out of control, reach out for help. If all you do is sleep, eat, and think negative thoughts, you probably have a bad case of depression. You need help. Call a friend or family member, the church, and/or your doctor. If things are so bad that you have thoughts of hurting yourself, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255. (Of course, you should try to call your doctor. But, frequently you are put on hold for a long time or don’t ever get

through to the office. In a crisis, the Hotline gets you to someone right away.)

I would also like to give you some information on possible treatments being tested for use on COVID-19. Dr. Michael Joyner is heading up the FDA authorized Convalescent Plasma Expanded Access Program. The study is taking antibodies created in people who have had and have recovered from COVID-19 and giving the antibodies via plasma transfusion to people who are sick with COVID-19. The hope is that these antibodies will fight off the virus. This began on March 24th. It is being used on seriously ill people. It is too soon to tell how well this will work, but very early results look hopeful. Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine are drugs we have heard a lot about in the news. They have been used for a long time for other diseases. Small studies out of China and France showed success with the majority of those treated. The studies were very small (42 people in France). The article about this in Harvard Health stated that US studies are underway and we should know more in a few months. Remdesivir is an antiviral drug that has had some success in viruses similar to COVID-19. China has two large clinical trials using remdesivir going on which should have results in April or May. There are clinical trials in the US as well. COVID-19 is in our area, so do what is safest for you. Follow the guidelines: stay away from others as much as possible, wear a mask when you go out, wash your hands frequently, think about what you just touched before touching your face, eat healthy and stay fit. Call your doctor if you have symptoms that are similar to COVID-19. To put things in perspective, according to the CDC, in the US the Flu has been estimated to have sickened 39,000,000-56,000,000 people, hospitalized 410,000-740,000 people, and has resulted in 24,000-62,000 deaths from Oct. 2019 to present. The CDC data shows 597,221 people have been sick with COVID-19 to date, and 24,000 have died so far. The flu is at the end of its season, hopefully COVID-19 is winding down also, but will take longer to end. If you are in a “high risk group” (over 60, have chronic health issues) be diligent in following all the guidelines to stay healthy. In closing, my thought for you to meditate on is Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Everyone stay well!! Call me with questions, needs, concerns!

God Bless! Beth

Update from Transitional Steering Committee

Our church’s Mission Study Report was approved by the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry (COM) on April 2. If you would like to read this report, please check the church’s website for an electronic version or contact the church office for a paper or emailed copy.

The next step is for the Nominating Committee to develop a slate of candidates to serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). Once that slate is ready, we’ll hold a congregational meeting to vote on the slate. The nature of that meeting will depend on rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the meantime, you might be interested in learning more about the PNC’s role.

The PNC, “representative of the whole congregation and elected by the congregation, has the ultimate responsibility for nominating a minister to the congregation for election as the next pastor. Over a number of months, the PNC will journey through the pastoral search process, seeking to hear the call of Christ and ‘to participate in God’s own choice’ for [our] next pastor” (On Calling A Pastor: A Manual for Churches Seeking Pastors. 2015. Church Leadership Connection).

The PNC’s first 3 tasks are to:

1. Write up the Ministry Information Form (MIF). This describes who we are as a church and the type of person we are seeking to serve as our pastor. The table talk questions were taken directly from the

MIF and so our answers to those questions will be used as the PNC writes up the MIF. Once approved by the Presbytery’s COM, the MIF will be posted on a PC(USA) website for all potential candidates to see.

2. Read and evaluate Personal Information Forms (PIFs) from candidates interested in the position or those whose PIF matches what we ask for in our MIF. 3. Narrow the field of prospective pastors by listening to sermons, checking references, and phone or video conference interviews – all while sharing, listening, and praying together. The Transition Steering Committee aims to keep you informed during the process of seeking a new pastor. Please contact any one of us if you have questions. Virginia Champlin, Mat DeMoras, Walt Gage, Chris Gerling, Gary Harman, and Beth Newell


A Word of Gratitude from

Family Promise of Ontario County: These are trying times for everyone, more so for those most vulnerable in our community. FPOC wanted to take a moment and thank all of you, our volunteers and community partners for the immense outpouring of love in action! We have been blessed with abundance in all things. We have been able to support and care for our guests and graduates BECAUSE you have given so much. Thank you!

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Know a landlord?

FPOC is looking for permanent housing for our guests. We are looking to build relationships with landlords, establish solid business partnerships, cultivate connections that will build a

healthier community as a whole.

Contact our director Brenda Spratt


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Family Promise of Ontario County


This fund is money used to directly impact the lives of the families we serve. Whether through a security deposit, the fee

to get a driver’s license or new clothes to wear for an interview, this money is goes to support our families in

overcoming that last barrier to independent living.

Please consider making a donation today.

Visit our website

or mail a gift to

185 N Main St., Canandaigua NY 14424 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We are having a Virtual Party! (or two!)

Join Family Promise for . . . A Virtual HouseWarming &

A Virtual Baby Shower!

Please visit the links listed below to join our virtual showers for two families In the spirit of social distancing we are encouraging people to order online and have things sent to the Day Center automatically OR if someone would like to donate gently used items, those can be left in or near the Blessing Box on the front porch. Staff are at the Day Center 5 days a week to collect donations.

The links below show needed items. Thank you, as always, for your generosity in helping homeless children and their families.

Missing all the kiddos from Sunday School and hope that we will be back together soon. Stay well and safe. Once we are all back together we will sing THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD with the parents, during a church service, so review it once in a while. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES – please fill out your bio sheets and return them with a wallet photo to the church office. COLLEGE GRADUATES – did you graduate in Dec. or will in May? Please e-mail your info to Kathy Breese NAME COLLEGE DEGREE FUTURE PLANS BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION to benefit Geneva Head Start LOOK FOR THE BASKET

2 - CENTS – A - MEAL PLEASE save your 2-cent donations until we are back to church You can make a difference in the lives of hungry people!!!

SERRV INTERNATIONAL FAIR TRADE GIFT SHOP During these trying times our shop will remained closed until businesses reopen. We hope that you are all well and staying safe. At the same time, please pray for the hundreds of artisans who depend on SERRV for their very being. Here are a few messages of struggle and hope from our global partners: From Bethlehem: “Tourism is paralyzed and family workshops now have no way of having income at all.” From eSwatini: “We know tough times are ahead but eventually we will find ourselves on the other side changed, stronger and better.” From Mumbai: “India is now in a full shutdown. Imagine 1.2 billion people staying at home, especially in the slums,” From Delhi: “Thank you for all your support and solidarity. We will come out of this crisis together. Though very hard times, we are hopeful.” May they continue to have hope and may we be a part of that hope!


Friendship Study Group – Everyone is encouraged to attend the virtual Bible Study led by Pastor Deb each Wednesday at noon. Save the Date: 66th Strawberry Festival will be June 17th.

A Note from the Treasurers – We are truly blessed with a wonderful congregation. Our Deacons and Parish Nurse have been maintaining contact with some of our most vulnerable members. Pastor Deb, our Music Team, and folks from the Worship Committee have worked hard on providing worship services through on-line Zoom, and our Webmaster has been keeping our church’s website current with important information. Other folks have been helping those in need through various community organizations.

The Finance Committee wants members and friends to know that The Presbyterian Church is still on solid financial ground. Together, we will get through these difficult days. Similarly to each of you individually and to other organizations and businesses, the church continues to have expenses.

A huge Thank You to those of you who have continued to send in your contributions. If you are able, the church would appreciate donations toward your pledge or special offerings. Alan Schenck is in the office most days and continues to receive and process the mail and anything dropped off at the church. Deposits are being made weekly, and bills are being paid.

If your circumstances do not allow you to contribute at this time, please know that we fully understand.

Several folks are currently contributing through electronic ACH payments. If you would like information on this, please contact me.

The Ensuring Our Future endowment campaign is in full swing. Any contribution toward this campaign should be made out to the church and designated ‘EOF’ on the memo line. If possible, using a separate check or electronic transfer would make bookkeeping in the office much easier. EOF funds are maintained in a different account than annual pledges and special offerings.

A law enacted four years ago allows IRA Charitable Rollovers anytime during the year. This allows folks 70-1/2 or older to transfer IRA’s directly to non-profit organizations tax-free.

If you have questions, please call Alan Schenck at (315) 789-1343 or (585) 414-0175 or email – Thank You.

God Bless, Fritz and Alan

ZOOM Worship Services:

It has been a huge learning curve for all to worship via Zoom. Aren’t we so fortunate to have this technology available so we may stay connected. Our staff: Pastor Deb, Colleen, Art, Alan, Linda, Richard, and Kathy have gone above and beyond to make all of this possible. And then there are the many volunteers that are sharing their energy, time, photos, knowledge and skills: Michele Ross, Chris Gerling, Ethan Powell, Ti Siebert, Lisa Gage. Thank You everyone.

Worship & Membership Committees are postponing the 50- year-recognition-Sunday that was originally planned for June 7. When we begin worshiping together again we may consider the end of August, but all we can say at this point is ‘"stay tuned” --plus stay safe and healthy.

On Sunday, May 17, a meeting of the congregation and corporation of the Presbyterian Church in Geneva will be held following the 10:30 Zoom (remote?) church service for the purpose of electing a pastor nominating committee. All members present by computer or by phone are invited to attend and vote on the slate presented by the nominating committee. No other business will be heard at this meeting. (Nominations from the floor?)

Sunday, May 10

Monday, May 25

May 31

May 1 Bob Bailey May 17 Sandra Ansley May 2 Cindy Chapin Andrew Cieri Lucille Stewart Jeff Henderson May 3 Anthony Saracino May 18 Hugh Baxter May 8 Alaina Miller May 20 Sigrid Carle May 11 Mia Alexander May 21 Kristin (Oswald) Mooty May 12 Ann Hovey May 24 Natalie Berg-Pappert May 13 Darlene Cieri Jeffrey Newcomb May 14 Calla Magee Bruce Reed May 15 Trevor Burrall Kenneth Steadman Emily Campbell May 25 Derek Garretson Ed Frick May 27 John Fouracre Judith McKinney May 28 Beth Carle May 16 Lynn Ansley May 31 Scott Butler Brad Broyles Jennifer Morris

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