the gingerbread man - amazon web services · 2019-05-09 · gingerbread man ran away from, learn...

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Session Outline•Explain that the children are going to act out the Story of the Gingerbread Man in their outdoor learning area. The children are all to play the Gingerbread Man. They need to follow a map with a partner of the Gingerbread Man’s route and meet various animals in sequence (Animal cards placed along the route)

• As the children arrive at each animal card, they should discuss each of the questions with their partner. (Questions include: What animal did the Gingerbread Man meet? Can you name the associated baby animal? What does that animal eat? Can you work out whether the animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?) They may fill in their choices in the recording sheet if you wish.

• Continue to act out the story, recalling and learning facts for each of the animals. Once complete you can review their answers (written or verbally).

DifferentiationHA - Can they name the habitat the creature lives in or its classification? (e.g. fish, mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian?) LA- Visual aids to support the understanding of the terms carnivore, herbivore & omnivore.ExtensionCan they make up their own version of The Gingerbread Man story in small

groups, changing the creatures that it meets and acting it out?

Session Objectives

Children will be able to retell and act out the story of The Gingerbread Man. They will recall the animals the

Gingerbread Man ran away from, learn their baby animal

names, what the animal eats & decide whether it is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore.

Resources Draw a simple map of your outdoor area with a route marked

to follow on the template (scroll down); Animal cards (scroll

down) Key Vocabulary

Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, fish, bird, reptile, amphibian, reptile, mammal, baby animal names.

Risk Assessments

Generic Site RA

NC Links

Science: (Y1) Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores; Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults.Literacy: (Y1) Participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates.Geography: (Y1) Interpret maps and follow routes.

Learning OutcomesLA - Children will be able to follow a route and act out

the story of The Gingerbread Man. They can name some

associated baby animals and suggest what they eat.

MA - Children will be able to follow a route and act out

the story of The Gingerbread Man and name associated

baby animals. They know some of food they eat & start to

think whether they are carnivores, herbivores or


HA - Children will be able to follow a route and act out

the story of The Gingerbread Man. The can name associated baby animals, the food they

eat & whether they are carnivores, herbivores or

omnivores. ©

The Gingerbread Man


The Gingerbread Man


Map of your outdoor area Follow the route to meet each animal and answer the questions… ©

1.) The Gingerbread Man met a cat

What is the name of a baby cat?

A cat can eat meat chunks or vegetable


Do you think a cat is a…………?

herbivore carnivore omnivore

The Gingerbread Man


2.) The Gingerbread Man met a dog

What is the name of a baby dog?

A dog can eat meat chunks or vegetable


Do you think a dog is a…………?

herbivore carnivore omnivore

The Gingerbread Man


3.) The Gingerbread Man met a cockerel

What is the name of a baby cockerel?

A cockerel can eat grains, earthworms and


Do you think a cockerel is a…………?

herbivore carnivore omnivore

The Gingerbread Man


4.) The Gingerbread Man met a pig

What is the name of a baby pig?

A pig can eat lots of things, including fruit,

plants and insects

Do you think a pig is a…………?

herbivore carnivore omnivore

The Gingerbread Man


5.) The Gingerbread Man met a cow

What is the name of a baby cow?

A cow can eat grass

Do you think a cow is a…………?

herbivore carnivore omnivore

The Gingerbread Man


6.) The Gingerbread Man met a horse

What is the name of a baby horse?

A horse can eat hay and straw

Do you think a horse is a…………?

herbivore carnivore omnivore

The Gingerbread Man


7.) The Gingerbread Man met a boy and a girl

Can you say the names of humans throughout

different stages of their life?

What food types do you eat?

What do you think you are…………?

herbivore carnivore omnivore

The Gingerbread Man


8.) The Gingerbread Man met a fox

What is the name of a baby fox?

A fox can eat lots of things, including berries, mice, rabbits and birds

Do you think a fox is a…………?

herbivore carnivore omnivore

The Gingerbread Man


Name(s): Date:

Animal Baby Animal









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