the glenville mercury · m.ornid1at 10:30 o'doc.k weeka be-ginning daily at 8:30 a. m. --- and...

Post on 11-Feb-2019






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io evwy !Oth yur then­falJ.ed to complete h~ term of Tbe pr.aidenta, with the dates

thl'ir electW,n, are u follows: 1840-WUiam. Henry Hvrison. 1---Abrabam Lineoln. 1880---.James A. Gufietd. 1900-'Willia.m Mc.Kinley. 184a-4william Henry Barr-don. ..A.fter considering this. t he poten-

tial~~;aDdilb!~es nn.y 'not 1bl! so anxious to captun the tNO eleetion.--..From •he Widen News.

The Glenville Mercury AND REMIND YOU1

To Tum to P~ICt' Three- In TbD- t.ue For Complt: te Tu:t o f Collq&

~aboreate- S.rmon Official Weekly Student Publication of Glenville State Teacbers College

Summer Training School Will Open JuneS

'l'he s ummer training ~K:hoo l wffi open J one 8 and wfl l otrer .again thil

FainDcmt MU.iater Delivera year credits toward high school gra4-A.tmuaJ Sermcm Suaday uation. School will 1>6 in aeuion alx M.orniD1at 10:30 O'doc.k weeka be-ginning daily at 8:30 a. m.

--- and continuing until 11 :30 a. m. " Go forth into tomorrow's world Jn addition to the regu•r employ·

'proclaim libe~y th:ouchout a ll es, two new critics, Miss Belendtl land unto the •nhab1tao~ there· Lena Proudfoot, tt>aeher in the

urged the Rn. J ames Lyons Grantsville H igh School, and Jlid pastor of the First Presby- J eanette Aldenon, elementary teadl­ot FaimlOnt, in the er in the Charleston sebools will be

services in the employed. Both hold the i...•M. de·

bdores::~:~t)"-~::ni~~·mb:r: r:e:t:;a ::::,,~one advanced study

bachelor of arts graduates ~n.~ lOut-of-county studenu will be ad­three hundred students, VI&!· mitt.ed under the sunc ions aa cla!~renh and friends of this those of t.his ccun:·_•_

subject of Dr .. ChHnut's thirty-

•d<b-oY ........ . c"w' IJ1arold Noroski Be ~=h~~~:~ a d:;~e; Elected President

· a:i!tri:~ 0~~~. in~:~ Of G Club prntect and auure the

of othen1, be .. id. Harold Noroski, !loOn , of Hr. and are rampant in the world Mrr;. C. R . Noroski, of Munhall

1 P&.,

would destroy o11 r free has been elected presid~n l of G and do away with relig- Cha:b. The new vice--pre&ident is Ro1

ion in its entirety. They would sep- .Mace of .Elizabeth. and the secreiary­arate the .soul ef 111an from God and treasurer is De.xter Dotson, of Sum­therefore frnm freedo m,'' be main· mUS\'ii!C:.




Miu Robertaon Directa Aa· IUI&I Productioa ; Marjorie Craddock Playa Role of •CarJ:ott.' ~

By Max Ward Eleven seniors took one hour and

thirty-five minutes Saturday night to answer the ete rnal question, ' 'Who killed Cock Robin!" Five minutes la ter tha curtain closed on the 1939 senior play, leaving an audience. in possession of thf! answu and a fair degr~e of satisfaction.

A rather ineffective first act was supp\a.nted by one that moved with amoothness and efficiency. The third act was in proportion, and most of the cast became beH:er the longer they continued. But the second act opened with a rapidity of move­men\ which seeme1l already begun before the. curtains parted, and th is movement was augmented to the very climax.

ca~~sc:;e;!bic;:.s t::at:a::~~e :snd ~~ DR. ~- W. GILKEY

thl' s~cond act caused an audible I shudder to reverberate across the Harold Scott ;:~~:nc::_:hteh!,0i7! 0~·h~:~at~~~~~~: Elected President

State Superiat .. deat W. W. Treat Attend. Eaerca.e. ... heaeab Dip!oma.; Re.. A. S. Kelley ProaoUDCes I• yocatioa ~

Ninet)'-one seniora "'ceived Bae'h­elor of Arts degreea in educ.atioa at Commencement f'xercises in Aa· ditorium ye1terday mominc. ._.. bend Dr. Charlu W. Gilby, Univer· sity or ChiCIIIgo Chaopel Dean, ~dk on "1lhe rnnuence of Atmosphere.• The enblre data -wa~ present for U.. exerciSH, and a:n additional fOUl' hundred ~tudf'Dts a nd vlsltora b•rd the speaker.

Dean Gilkey compared th~ PfOC­of eduMtion to the growth of a tree. He rtferreod to the constitumu drawn through the r()OU of the tree as the tangible -thinp upon wbil:~ll

its growth depended, but poioted oat thaf these all bec.-Jme aahe1 In tlle destr.uc.tive d ist-i llation of llbe wood. T he enduring materi..l is, he said , &bit pure ~rbon which is absorbed Uti•

obstrus ively through the luve:s fr0111. the atmosphere about it. Solt is witJI; eduC)Jtlon.

DORMITORIES CLOSE FRIDAY tained. R-alph ft.fenckn'ha ll , o f Sistersville, Hamilton pointed up the stairway at Of J • Cl :~e~m::e:~~~~:a~:~r·t:~rm:Cnat's~r:=~ un~~

Facti SUp Away " The facta, the figures, the form·

ulae1 which a student works so hard to lelrn slip away from hi& memory. All t.hue ...... m be turned to aabes Ia the crucible tof time a nd blown out thl\ window ., r a well - ventilated mini!," he Mil'.

. . . To members of the class he insist· r etiring president, .says eleven mem-Do~•tor•es Wlll cl~se Fr•day ed, "The crown of freedom has been bera " 'ill leave the Clu'b this yeT

;.::~:· ~~12

j:nned :.·

1\,::::n!:: r~:e: ::~d y:~·k!0~h:~~ ~:re:;: ~:::n: :!d~:::na~:, a~:r::;:!~l;

Pna. E. G. Rohrbough. The- last f reedom. . . . History will re· be added

==-ed~~;.~ ==~: :ni~ ~: · ~h;!~::a:~:n s~~~~~:t~:e~:~ -·--~--tnt ~e:~.o;u~ee ;:rmmer SC!asion will bri::~is::; ::t.ell o:u%'h:-r Harmony and

of God and man's accept- Color Feature ~ev;~~: i:'te~:cti::liv~'!;:~~ Spring Concert

men wished they might, Recont'truc- TO be twice elected op.::es ident o f tion or the murder by lhe prescient your elass in one year is a bit ir­a.nd argus-eyed Maria, Alyee Marie rogula.r, if not unusual. Bonnett, rounded out the t hird aet. Rlrold &ott, o£ T:roy, a few weeks

It was probably William Hamil· ago wa.s named president of the jun­ton's smooth sarcasm Ill a driving ior class for 19-39-40. Then the stu­play director, ~;oncealed in a cloak dent body consti tution was amended of skillfu l understanding, tha t alford- so as to require a majority to elect ed the most obvious role through claas ol'fk:el'$. the three acts. 'l'he sopMmorea es.l led ~notber

Jeue E. Bell, Jr. , d id adequate meetinr to choose their next years By Monta Beal jus\ice to the part. of Doctor Edgar officers. Scott was present arain and

.Color and hannony were rivals at Groce. His deep. reeonant voice eon- got a majorit)· of the fthy-f\ve votes

s.•nior vena~lity he.. referred to .. looming important now, but Its even· tual t :mUn~ to ashes is a cerbintJ.

He \·hallengei lhe dab with t\le quu tion, " Wha · ia the use. if JOG lose. so la1~ a pnrt of what you ba't'e IE"lrned anoi mw:h of that wbieh JOG ba"e developed? "

capabilities by rea.son ot years of tnining to go forth

(Continued on Page 6) the concert ~esented 'by t he music tributed ahaMt perfectly in fittinc cast. N.- Poiat or ,View department 11 nder the direction ot the wol'd to rhe action, and his Nominations .!or vice - president "Thot whieoh atays witlr. ODe," .. Vias Bertlo E. Olsen Thur,sday eve-l b...,- motion aDd wall unob-- we1'e made, b~ mNnwbfle S.. odus anawnrcl, "~ • ~rtahl _pota\ of

Be blunders toward tbe ning. H4rmony of music and of hue truslvely commanding and marked members had to leave so the jig was ~=~n~ .~~~~~=~ :o~:~o~ ,::;

i:h:ist)~:t ::d ~:~~:~ ;!:!nw~~~:lo~o~!~o~~e:!tofinac~ne~~ wi~=::e~e:t~~:Y·well cast in' t he r:,;-and:e:~~e~::::a:i:~;ere:~~:~ the class room or the at~Jetic field. follow folly as well as ody r ivaled by that produeed by the part or J ulian Cleveland. His robust no secretary, no treasurer. ~~:at;;~h~~ri!;~ou!b;-.:..~~=

.. -~. '••~••• be knows which I :J The Summer Sl:hool faculty will largest orchestTa the Co116ge has ev- figure and good voice blended we ll A !erred to rhis Jrreatest teaebeT •• on•

truth, •men can ne\'· have onl~· two ehang•U In personnel, er ~~=d~nd trumpet solos as well :~:h r~~i:l~l ~:~i~;o:::;:c~i'::~~!~~ gnes Wright about whom he coukl ,remember •

::e:::i~-. ~;:ll!i;in~eec::::i! an~~;~a~~=~nE. ;;be&ort.~~ou:;~ns o.s the \'aried eompOO!oitions ntlde the The polished, suave, and sarcastic Heads Current few figures of speech or an epignm,

":!'":~::"!.:::' ~:~;~.~: :::~:~~~J:;::~:~~£;~,~:x:::~ :~~:::~;~::,:~~::.~:~~·~~;~~·; ~;·~~~:~~JE~:~: .~1.::~: Events Club ;~:JJ;~i~~~;;i~ff~t::: i liberty u. 1 be kifld mer session at U't£ountaiq. Lake Bio· .gowns furnished contrast to eorres- gestures lent pleasing color to his Five minutes was the time taken tions is " significan t problem whidl the eorr.mrm man that logical Sattion, Cilu County, Vir- :::!~C.with Uut of \'llried stnains of per!ormanee. to e leet officen o£ the. Curren t pernlues and threatens to destroJ'

of' ~:s:~-riC,:P~! ~~t"thr~:· s.?:::i:eas sua~~:~e.~!: The old favorite selection1 llflafed d e~;~::~:n:n:a;;~:~ve !u;:ti:~::eta~ ::rn~ ~louobm f~~ 6~h;h~:~~::. ~;:~ us.'' Dean Gilkey continued. "What · - -•""'••- A-llen White- in The althe Station, atdivltion of the Uni- by rtLr. Ch:lrles Holt ~' trumpet solos tion 0 r the verbose and varillating Wright,~ sophomore, of' Glenville. has ~oi.soned rational and inte,...

ve~~~i~~ o~il~;:~~: · Ba~er, of WUh- ;;:~:e. es~~~~lyse~~~edple~e:n w~~~ ~~~~ !:n~gnou~::~~Y ~:;;~e:~~:.unse- ;:;~~~~::he;,r:s~d~~~ile~ucceed ~:i~:~nii~~~o;n~~;:r:~~~y:~::~~ ~~~::~:;~:::::;.:~~~=~!; ~~::::;::.:.,~M·::;::"· ::::,::.: :~~: ::··~::,:£:;';:;:t£.~:~! ·:;~:~.:~;r~.~·::~:~r.~·;';;·~~: :::·:;·:'~.~.":;:~~:·:.;:.~.~;;~ Miss Goldie C. J a mes will have "-'3!1 one. of the fa\·orJte choral num- quite a polished perfprroance with ·A student to serve on the !locial breathe." eha1-ge of the courses in biology. hens aside from "Come to the F,air" well sp~ken line$, supplemented by will be $ppointed 'e.t the A Teacher'• D••:r

and ''The Home ~oad," which ·wel'e. good actjng. first meeting next " It Is the duty ot a school teacJt..

;:~g ,bywa':q~::~ti:!~hm~~t "C;:td~; Albert Lilley did - with-u; ual er to contribute to th t a tmosphere

by ~e Women's cho~. I!J'P force and self"''ssur~nce th~ pazt: of M_.ERCURY OUT ON MONDAY ~~;~~~:~t.~ tt~e::~~h:ro;;rp:::~-::: "P oet and Pea.s:~nt" overture Ia . the nlenUeSS: an d Vltupe~tlve R•ch- - -- point of view." "Thie," he maitl-

ed tly. the o~hestra as the o~:ni~ ::rdt;;n:asR~~i~en:ltr=~~~o:n:rfll~~: eo!:::::~~~~~tt~:m:u:~do~e::~:: ~~ bfned, "~ the pure carbon trpOft

selection .was also an o~tsta.nd1ng m- (Cont inued on Page&} linotype operators desire to observe whk h the future of demoe'racT de-Jones, Richwood. t trpretation. ·~lantation 'Medle~·" . May 30 as a holiday, the Mercury is pends. You and I belong w profe.-

Roben H. K;dd, J r:, Burnsville: ~~=Yth:n;u;~7i'i~i:rb::~o~ie~ Ita Advance Registration pub~she: h on hM~n~ayd ev:n~tt4' SC:hie :~ona~~:~·h~~h ~;.,;;:~;:sd:,:_~i:: Lucille King, Odessa; Bessie Lee Wilma ~berts was assis tant tyiano Ma Se Made ;:; ~h7s t r~::On ~~~~ ar:te una~~e a~ do."

~;!;n~;!~: ~O:,~ ;E~::~!;h Hz:c;~;, a.cco~pamst for the. ol'('heetl'.ll ~~c- .Y give full coverage to the Alumni re- The class " 'as uresented lby DeaD G-lenville; Clenville ~ A.lbert W, ..Lilley. Home- ~~orn~he ~:::::: Ga•n~r was Pntnlst TbtS Week ception and dance.-The Editors. (Continul!d on 'Page 2}

P.''"'"' "''"'s,. J>T<";',''.,•','"•,M;u~;1tl~~~:: ~~:~d:U~:~~ ~; !Be~thoven's .,'Rondino" 8 11 3rraJ~o!· ~e Marie Bonnett, Glen- . t one McCay ·Mcl-aughlin, Sutton: ~~::or~~i~:~r:;~::~e ~~r ~= me~d;;~:le ~:~s~=t~:d:0rtot;:). s~:~ Wisconsin Professor Says Words 'Adequately

~!1i: ~:!:r M~:~:e>··Ne~:::~; c~~~~ !i;heerth:~~no~~~hdeiti::ce~re Itm:~~ :~:r:on: 3b~w:~~ a~\r~0n~~ :.1 m~ Trained' Have New Meaning for Job-Seeker Martin , !Uontrosf'; Edmund Meadow!, efljoyed. unt ij noon on Thursda)· in Rooms ..

llontgomery; Hugh Edwin Montro!e; Aul t in .Mearns , Tjoga: ---o--- 101 and 10.3. I The two words "adequ'ltely er persons. 18ontrol hill emotion• and

Htc~u~ 1~11~~.C~:r:; !::C.:!n'~~7.r~~~t!~:~:~~~e:a ~~; Dixie Hyre and th:~~c:n:;u;;::~.t ~~:: W~i~:. ;~·~::~:~ 7:wt~e:~it::fo!o::~~~~ ~~~::;e~:~c;:. ':!;:;!()i:~:~~~ Orma; Lincoln. Co;r; r ri110n, Grantsville; J!lme.s C. 1Musaer, Elizabeth Marple who points out that it is to the ad· A. H. Edgerton. d ir«.tor of \'Oca- soda\ facility ia now an indispr1!!1'1 ..

Craddo~~~ G~~~~~~~ ~~e:s~le~e:b~e~:s Pe~:~s:~:n·.w:;;:~ M,arried, October 28 ~:~~a:: t~fatb:~~~~a~~:d~:t ;::et~: ~~:!n~~~a~e at the Uninrsit>' of ab;;r;:~c::~~~v=~~ Munhall, Pa.; Leroy Ru.ssell Ponerfieli, Riehwol>d; Mabe.l advanle. The parment of fees inci· "The dietionary will tell you.'' :1n.d adaptabili ty a re found to be

Cbron Dl.wson, Ramse}', CeMral Station: Oleta Kine- 1'he marr~ge of Miss Eliubeth. denr to the te ~m may be deferred ,_.l'S Prof. Edgerton, "that these two yardstic~ by which the qu:l!i.fic:.J.--Imogene D~·e, !Parker.a- hart, Alum Brid~re: Paul Rishel, •Marple to D ixie A. Uyre, both of until Monda}'. June 5. words mean 'specialized kn.owledge tions of applicant.s mO&t

Clo\•er. IBurnS\-i lle and graduates of the Col- -o- :md $kill in the technical proce.s.sH quently measured." "~future em .. J ohn M. Ro.cers, Charleston; Blaine lege, on October 28, 1938, at Cst- Pauline Walkei-, of the occupations.'" ploye," he !!&l'-", "will be e.xpeeted ~~

Rollyson, Roanoke; John 'Paul Shock, lettsbut"g, Ky., has •been l'e\•ealed. CJ But to be adequAtely trained to- prepare for and do well two or thrH Webster St~ring!<; Wi\l i!i m H. Sholes, 11-f rs. H)-re, da ughter of Mr. and yde Dotson to day ~'1r. Edgerton mPintains t ha t ~:<~I- diiTerent kinds of related work rath• We!ton ; Welty Uroy 'Si mmons, Sug- Mrs. W. E. Marple , was a teacher Be Married Soon lege graduates must al~o " be prep:t.r- -er than one highly specio.liz:ed ~s~. ar Gro\·e; Thomas Simon, W-alkers- in the Copen g•~dc school the Past ed to adapt and aJjust tbern!elves to "The da)' or the narrow apec•altrt

Eloise •Gunn, Gran~ \'ille; Ha'l.e l T y.son Smith, Triplett; ye::ar. !Mr. and Mn . D. I.. Walker, of thechs·nging"conditionsll.boutthem." who knows only his highly teehnW:al

H~lien:eC:i~~·.-.~r~~ ~~~:~~.o~~;:~i le~a~:m~:r~. ;::r~ th:r:ix!:;r~~a:e::he~e;~~~~~~~e:rn:~ Reedy, r~ently announced the ap- te;h:;e :;d:~~~s :: e:::::tido:!i =~e:.ti~0:;~~::~fon':ssl;! ~n r:~~ cher, J ·1 ne Lew; Man'hell Summers, \•ille gra~ ~er;:a~~i:~n:a:~.g~a:.f t~h~~:.d!a';!~ trend study of more than 18.000 pro- brosd libe.ral studies and nexible Gien villc:. son, a son of the Rev. and Mr.!!. W. D. fessiona\ and ! emi-profe:.ssional posi- teehnical train iDg • n . being required

StephenS. Summers. Pi!11.1tl: M!abel L 0 5 T Dotson, of S pring Creek. and a fresh - tion.s which ere .,etually filled by ~1- t.o meet ever~hanging speei fica tions Lud ll(' Sutton, ~fill Creek; Ma:~~;~•oell man in the. College. lege gradua.tu. in nearly all profulional and senU. E. TaylOT. Spencer: Opel Ashley Lost in bbe auditorium or on the The ma.rriage will take place at Be predicts that 'in the job-hunt- profeM.ional W! lassikltions." 'thomas, Falling Rock; Neva. El()iSC CollEge campus. Saturday a!tunoon, 1.2 ooon, J une 4, at the. Gilboa & p- of tomorrow the race wiJ1 be W lbe Thome.. Palestine; Rudoloh Urban. $5 bill. t! the finder will pleuc: re- tirt Cburch. !OC'ially well-adjusted and to the N. Y. A.. Teport'l for the ninth iek. Cass: Albr&rum M.' Wapu, turn it to me or to the Coli~ ol!lce ilrua Walk~r taught at th~ Long veru.tile,'' and he adds that "the ir - ~" th ore due Wedne&day.

JoDIII. ,.~i Meadville; bwirbt<L. Walker , Reedy ; it \foil\ be m\loeh aPpreciated. Bottom School, in Roane County, the clivHiasl most in den:w~d is onP.: halls be- l -jorie lf.srden spent the wuk.o ·wtllleall hal Jamea S. Young, Ric:bwoo4. Monta Btal pqt 'year. can &"Ct ._~DC 1\LCCesafu.Dy · \er home in Spencer.




""' ., ••. ,., ... .:: ... :::-.. -------=--=~=~~Biiri."''UlnmE£NiNncomLUMNSD---;::=.~= I;;;;;;;;~~ The afternoon ~as and informal £t":ithering& han • • Ll ft

..... Two

THE GLENVILLE MERCURY hbllt.bed every ~1 by the Cb.ues in J~- bel:ome so numerous that most of the formalities have

.. of GJenriUe s ... te T.ehe" CoUep, E:lltered at 'gone "·ith the wind.' Evm the College acti.,.ities have

.. p:Wto!h::e at Glen'l'ille~ W• Viqiftia, aa -nd- ldt. tl!e formal ~urtuiu to rid!! in the rear s«lt.. ==t!,. 'A!.t~=~o~e.,!'o~~3!; It- has been suggertll'd that while we have so many

'Swing' Ia a Kind of Free Speech In Music, Says Benny Goodman in His Recent Book 'The Kin,gdom of Swing' · Tk Editon1 of The Glenville Mereury. Member of the social funo:tions, .... hy do l'l'e not c.ut down on•the num•

W<Nt Virgillil. lntereoll..Ute ~ and the West bee and really olfn a !orm:Jl blnquet, dance or tu!

_v;..:-=· =;.-'N-'....,...==T;_C.:;.•;.;•;_"';;.;" ;..· -------1 so~i:t:r~i~~:c~tr~h~~~~!.~~:Wr:::~t::;~r:;o~~ eo~~!~gtom;::n~s ~:;::n•:Jh~ ~:: ~i:u:nfr:: ,'::!'~r, ~tt.~::~l:•: -~~iw.f..S·~ be~=: :::;d~f us union could .~ enteruln~ fom~. ce~'~t?~o~ke~~T:Y x::::n~:: ~;~g~~ :::~~~t!:;t,;:,~o a~:~::n~ t::r~ =~= ~w.:;,...:::-. =~ ally without em.barraument? Emburasaing altuatio1111 long," he maintains, "that there- Ia est whlc~ chal lenges the attention ol

----------------1 :eb:~ ~::~0;·: ~:n~:~::ti~~':~~a7':~!:"!f htC:: nothing essentially ne• in what is the listener, t.he une,.nKinc

Max Ward Managing Editor


word. now called swing. • ." Be believes formula of ordinary stert.otyped jau.

!Since the beginning of tim!! man hat been judged ~~~~i~:~i;gAm:·::~~mbe:~::e !~.:tt~; :;\i!e:~::. meuly as ' soporific

!~~~,~~,:;~:~n~::.;r~a6~:~~::=:o:~. ·~:~~;. ju:at expr~ion o! o.n individual-a knid "There Is a ~onsiderabl•1 amount ~~~0~ . · x.;;j~ri~- C~d.i.oc~L!he s.lf:,~a':~ or tree sp.~:ech in music. of mere exhib,tionism, which bas SPORTS . . . . . . • . • • R.icha.rd Dyer, Far! MeDonald 1-'---------------11 ' 'The emergence o! swing as a na- won the epithet ~·f 'jitte.rlmr' as de· W-OMEN'S SPORTS ... • Imogene Dye MER R Y MA 1 D EN ' 5 tiona! enthusiasm at the pal"ticu)aT scriptive of the p1•rely p}Utsic:a l re-BOOK REVlEWS ... . . .. . •. ... . Barbara Bauman • time it occurred nu.y ·be attributed sponse that accom1~oanies the worst EXC~G:ES . • . ... .... . . . . Alyce Marie Bonn~t 0 V J E 0 M E N T S to ~e\•eral factors. inevitnble as a pbues of sensationalism by certain ADVERTISING ... . W~~i.;,.~ Bam1lt.on, Oul Keister reo.etion from the prettifiPd jau players. But this is no more an in-

t::r;!~~'At~:~een a~:~~~ t!~r::~c~i:e~~·.Jbe~ By Marjorie Cmddock ?:~~i~n h~nd t::e::~~e:t~:: -~~~tea ::;~' ~~~:~~:e:1

o~~~~: bt::: ocfh~!::~ :a~: Lilley, Robert Davies, Harold Noroski, Clark Wolfe, May l \>id you adieu? I wish my su~es.sor succeS$ in ' are ad indictment of rapid transit.

Jfyldred Runyon, B:~l';o~i'ltLsrs. :~~"!,,~ ~P,:~;e~~~\sa::r•!:~ !::: :!v:1~~:~.:!: ~,",",.ti:e~k',:n:..d~o:f~m~;,:"',.,rn,.~~~l'rm.;;,.Bs•~~~ '~'lam:,,·,y~ . ~;~~s i::o:~~~h:~~f~l;~ i:~:::\.: Bo~oe Bailey, !Manta Bea.l, Edyth Runyon, Noel Bush, next yea,- ! y ._. .. = ~:!ih~b~eE~~~!ii. Z:fS:.c.~e~~~!':&rt, Both lo:. r. lll theaters ha\•e utm fi:ne oprogram• for be said that it-is usually induced by sta.~::~g,w~e~:::n:~:e;es::t· vogue

the week. B in accents,~ which the d lea down or not, mus icians h1 ve

_""""_:__,._...,_•-:"-"_:T.:::·e~.:!- "::' •::'~::~=· ·=· '.:::~~~- ;::O_::l'f"~· _•_B_. _a_''_""'_•_•_ I ~e·~~o~~.~~!;~u:~~~:~n:~~C:~~ · ';;;~:~\\~:!!h~:~ ~~h:":~on~C:~d b;:~~ho)f a~e "::~:~ :~~endd i~~i:d~:~leo;i':;~e!::: ~~:rt; Tuetday, May 30, 1939 ers.. This picture offers stageco:l\!h stick-ups, crooked- sbed against. the expecta.tion of the cellar or the Waldorf-Astoria, they

______ .:.:.__:__:.____:_:_ ____ 1 sheritrs, and Leo Carrillo as Jane's adopkd daddy. listener. . v;ill c~ntinue as long o.s bauds play

A Changing Conception About a College Degree

There Was a time, we are told, when men and women were graduated from college with the assu rance that a favored niche a­waited them in the world of affairs. Their parchment degree was a passport for univer­eal travel in the Land of Success. It certified to the world that here was one who had pass­ed through the more or less known Land of Education, and was thereby entitled to spe­'cial privileges in the always competitive world ,

The graduate of 1939, as did his predecea­&Ol11, stands on the parapet with his back to aome four years of educational battle on the plains below. He too, holds the parchment paasprt. But a look of deep concern is upon bia countenance, for he has been told that there is a question respecting the omnipO­tence of his passport. True, he has been through the Land of Education1 but ~ chang­ing world has brought a modified conception about his college degree.

The matter·ia of the present, hence its solu­tion is not BO much in evidence. But many of the graduates of 1939 look in askance at a ~rid which they expected to honor their credentials. There are a few who question the value of exchanging four years of 'Price­lees life for something of doubtful worth.

But this result has been both in evidence aDd effect for some years. Students continue

, to pursue aa education, and colleges con­tinue to grant degrees. Our philosophers in­.ut it ia all an essential part of the progress of civiHzation.-'M'ax Ward.

Any Education Without .Miorality Is Incomplete

The subject of morality was the topic of our last class period in English 322, news writing and editing. Being deeply interested lD the moral aide of education and the part which the spirit plays in the building of char­

.acter , I re-enforeed my idea with Dr. James E. Clarke's hook entitled "Education for Suc­eeMful Living," and with this help as forti­cation. I stated that education without mor­ality is uncomplete. But, to give you a few

- oplniona from others: Dr. Clarke quotes several university presi­

dents, among them Pres. David Kinley, of the University of Illinois, who says : "There i& DO complete education without religion. Since education, up to a certain point at any rate, il, primarily, the development of character , ud since character is, after all , the train­inc in moral standarda, and since training in mor1l standards depends upon religious be­Hef, it follows that religious training is a Dece~ry part of a complete educatton." Pruadent A. F . Woods, of the Untversity

of Maryland, ie quoted as saying ; "1 do not believe that any man is educated until be has developed and perfected as far as possible the powers of his body, mind and spirit. The three make up the man and if any one of them is neglected the man is to that ex­teat deficient."

President Hughes of Miami University af­ftrma. according to Dr. Jamee: "Unless we get a religious background, I cannot see much value in education. It seems to me that aJI eductretd man or woman without the spir­It ot Christ is of little use to the State."

And now for my own observation: No ma~ ter how high grade he may receive in college or how well he hu developed his mental and _physica l faculties, if he leaves as an honor­ed graduate without improving his ideals of rightful and moral conduct, he has Dlissed an all-important part in his educa­tion.-.Euslace Heeke.rt.

Wbere Have tbe Common Formalities Gone?

Tlla little carnmon eourtieaee are dring cunoag the. AM•inln <;eopl•- 111ey ~eDtly fee,! llaat the daya o!

=~ ~~~=:: '1-...::::!~:: '-' II...._ ntual, or wb.eU -tel'·

For Thun;day. Ft-iday and Saturday is billed " Down "Swing has this elementary di.s- music.'1---J..ovie Belle Stewart. The Stretch," a Warner Brothers production, which baa been r.t:is.sued in techn~olor. A beautifu l piece of work.

On Sunday and .Monday is oeoming "Okbhoma Kid," fe.1turing Rost>mary Lane and James Cagney. An HI·

joyable sht•w in which ,Cagney scons :il hit as a no­torious outlaw, riding alone, and &eeklng the wide C>,.en space~ Although .he'.s tough, he gets the men who cause his honest !ather to be h::lnged, and how he gets them.

The Lyrit is offel"ing ''All Quiet On The Western Front1" for tonight and tomorrow. It's .J reissue of World Wa r drama from the German aide of it. Lew Ayres and Ra)-mond Griffith have the leads in tbis cre:~t tragedy.

At last, the •best sdb story yet i.s billed !or Tbura­da.y and Frilay. •lt'.s ''Stella Dallae,'' s tarring Barbara StJnwyck. J otm Boles and Anne Shirley add support in this melodrama tale of a vulpr, tawdry woman who wa .s capable of a TJl'!lknificent, unselfis h love and ~.ri· fice !or her d3ughter. Stanwyck has aplendidly por­tr.,yed a charact-er who will lnunt you.

On Saturday will be .ahnwn "F't'ontier Scout," with George Houston, and' chapter nine of the 3eria1.

"Honolulu,'' featuring Ele;,nor ,Powell. Robert Young and Bums and Allen is ...:oming on Sunday and Monday. •Powell's ela'borate d"nce numben include a Haw:~iian in taps, imitation of Bill Robinson'• ataira •outine, and akip;,jng the Tope. Robert Young is out­etanding as playing two gentlemen. Gracie has never before oll'ered such cockeyed humor, you'll love it. The whole thing i£ light, beautJful and satisfying.

Glenville Sends 34Pounds Of AirMail

'Parade of

Opinion •Glenville bec:ame the amallelit ~lost 1: o1Jegiaru warmly c:ord-

t0\1/ll in the country to have a dlrect iaJ in their view& on the coming of air mail !ervice Sunday afternoon. the vi.!it .to the United States of the It was not a postma n who rang King and Queen of England. Many twice, but it was a plane of Ameri- belie .. ·e lh-lt their tour of the country can Airline., which swooped low a nd will bring us clo.ser to the English pick'ed up two of three bags of out- people and their go:vemment. Row­ward-bound mail. A ddective at- ever, a few are just a bit skt!i)tical. tachn;ent caused the third bag to be believing that the visit is justailoth­dropped some distance below the er attempt to sell to America the suspend~n_g poles on :own Hill. Lack idea tlut we must -a id England in o~ add•_t•onal cont·a~n~s d~ferre~ ~-..r. Tbe following editorials aptly d•! patchutg the rema.n1ng ma1l unt1l awnrnarize the t~·o viewpoints: Monday. the S.nta Barbara .S.te Col.

_ H~rry Stringer, of All American leg E'l G-aouc-ho: ' 'rhe K.iog-and Qu~u A1rhnes., was pre.sent and uslated ue coming to the United States to with the initial di ~11atehing. He sta_t- ~ell England to us; to make us buy ed that. th_e new system, . begun . •n English goods, consider the English West V1rgtnia M~y 12, IS 113 our best friends, and if aueccuful. Gl_enVIIItl . was one or ft~l"e to help England in ca11e of an­elgh~ new st&bons to maugurate. the othor war. Like GfiY other mci'Chanta, 1erv1~e. Sunday. By ~une 26, thi~Y· George Vl and Queen EliZIIbet.h will

~~~o:':~da;:e~~~~;;~:n:~:v~:~~ ~I ~om::~; :::s~~:re:::u~: ~v1ce da1ly, except .Sundays Jll'Cmll."

B{)()K REVIEWS and ~ohd,ys. . - From the Ward-Belmont Collece. a,. ......._ •·- Th1rty-f.o u1" pounds of ma1l, ~r Hy.phm : "All the time the royal

2125 letters, was ready !or dis- C'ouple. lf?('nd lieN they will be 11.11-Ro:l" EduC'11 U.,n of R}-ma.n K:lplan, by Leonard Z. pat.chment at the local polt oft'ice. der the doseat scrutiny for mort of

The very •first thing that attracted my eye was the P:kersbu~ sent out 31 pounds on the Am(rican populstion "Wnk of a

un UIIual Jetterin.r of the latter part of Uonard Z. · 1 p::::t ;:; the initial difipat.chin&' foreign ~unt.ry in ~ o: tM ap-

==.~~~~~·· :::a::~~no~~~~e~:~~~. ~~~ :~1: ~-t:.:;:;.e:~~ ~!it:!is!~e~ ~':~:~~ ~;,::::1~ in ;.. •;::~ in blue and ae.p.ra.ted by ~n star1 Early io o!lr. Oryille Lutadoer hold ' t"be contract ~h_;:; 1 :;.e.r~n• t~lnk of En~land ·Rosa's ibook he u.plains tba.t. the extremely oric'inal for tranaporting tbe. mail fro.:r post- It 1n terms 0 pen10na.littes of Mr. K89fo1n, •ho has a " problem ease" in Mr. Park- oftke to station. King ~orge 3 n4...._Queen Elizabeth.'' hill's Ame.rican Night ·Reparatory School for AduJUi, It is pointed out at the local office aiW!lys wrote his R&lfle in thla peculiar w.ay, e:xcept that mail aent out at 4:09 p. m. will,. of course, wtlen he wrote on the oblac~ard the reach destinations as fo11owa: Wash· elt"Pn~41 of his wo~k was di.ssapated in the p.&Je white lngton, '1 :67 p. m. same day; New chalk. York, lO p. m. aame day; ~iami.

The enti~ group of &ide-splitting- inektent.a record- 6:20 a. m. next day; Los Angeles, ed in this bo.k ta.k<ll p bce in the school for adults, ':13 next day; at~uthern extremity TO THE EDITORS : which is really to pupare aliea fol" naturalb.atlon in of South A~rica, in three dap; .Jionchy, Mny M. t'bis country, undn the tutelage of Mr. P-srkhill and Hong Kong, (.al ina, in eicht days.

l have always Olbserved that eol-with Mr. Xapbn ( .. Bymie" to !ria intimate friends) as the ~:enter attnr.tion and also• Hr. Parkhill'• eblef worry. Mr. Xaplau reveals in Recitation and Speech class that. he InclUded in his "most famous tree Ameri­can wrklera. Jec.k Laundon, Valt ·Viterman, and the author of Hawk L:- Serr:y·Feen, one Mo.clt.l'lllvs in." He also e~lfChte'ns the 'l!!ngliah e1aas to the effect that the .,.roper use of "Vast" in sentences n.y be in two ,..ays: "Ve have Jrmr diractions. de naut, de aot, do heast -and ch," or aa "Ven •I'm huying- a suit of clothes rm pttink de e:~.ut, cle penta, and de vast !" One can se-e how sud! a student might indeed be a problrm to a t.e.M:her, and e..ven cauae him to go zncad 14 Mr. Parkhill !e:."lnd he might. Th~s extraordinary •book would !be, I think, oide&l for

vae11tion reading- whe.n the "daaaics" a~ inclined to make us dro,, o.nd, even (though only t.o be whit­pered) slightly bored; for it is brief, bumorou.s and vividly written.

Be a Fighter and Not a Mollycoddle ,

Often a part of our grade in class work is !baaed., on our attitude. Whether it is a con.seious or 'In un..:on­scious method used by our instructor in determining our rating makes little difl'ei"Cnc:e; the fuct remains that in school work attitude pl"ys an impor tant p:~.rt.

The- same thing willlbe, found true in life .Ute.r g-rad­uation. Attitude, to <1 great exteot. wil11prob:&ly make or breotk a great many of U$, T rue there an many peopl& who will ju~ us by our attitude without be­ing con!oeious that they :are using as <1 m easuring stick.

The •·odd admires a fighter, not the tighteT who C:a1Tie.& .1 cl!ip on his shoulder, but a fightel" who has certain definite jdea• o..nd is willing to fight for them until ~Y are proved to be Wf'Ong.

Th• s~udent who will expreas :ta opinion in class and defend tl:at qpinioo until be i& convinced of its fall.._-,. ia W perwn wbo makes the dau interesting -be is tile s tudent who bas an attitude and who •t'ill 1aake the t.e:ac:hn ~jo7 the work. Out ot' &eboot .he .studut e&n the same attitude to adva.atace. Be .La

Dr. Gilkey Speaks . . . ~e;::,~;:-;··:;:;t ·:.~: ~tob~;:~: ~~ pers and ttllll seldom, if evel", do they

(CollliDued from pace 1) hesr t.heir • clintelle olfe r any eon-H. 1... Wbit.e, who .spoke .briefly. Pres. atrnctive. erit.ici!m.

~=- .a::r::~!n:;f~~.::s d:f yO:~~l!~~ia~d::u:~c~~d~~=::u£: twenty-Mven ~dUiltM who ~ed little otrerin.r: honon oT high honors in scholastic I have enjoyed the Hei"Cuey this uttainmen t. year and I bf.lieve I can u.y J han

The diplomas ,..en pre~ented by reod eaoh iMu e thoroughly. Always, W. W. Trent, S tate SQ1)'erintenderft on Tuesday, do I look forward to of Schools, r epresent-inc the State gettin.r my paper. Frequently 1 have Board of Education. obt.en tempted to write to you ud

The Corlege orchestra and worn- te.ll you how much I do enjoy neww en's choru&. directed. by Miu Bertha from the ·Collen. E. Ol&e.n, furnished mwh: for the I have no adverse .suggestiona to exercises. make; the only criticism I can ofl'er

Ho- St. ... t• U.t.,. ia t.bat you keep on covering the va.r-Following are listed tho~~e students ious .big eventa as cofn91etely u yoo

rec:eh'ing scholastic honon, .. an- hsve in the past. After all, i! I want nounced by Pr~ Rohrboul'h : full details of any Colle~ ~Uvity

Rish honors: C. E. Whytaell, Wil· ( know of oo betlfor place to pt. 1iam A1!red McCauley, l •red Arthur them than the Merc:ury. Butcher , Lois Muon llace, Mabel Fol" proof of this statement, I Ramsey, a nd Ddmund lfeadowa. should cite )'OU to your ~verage Jn.

Honors: Marjorie Estelle Crad- cident to the dc11th of G~rge Fire­dock, Monta Deal. John M. Rotten, atone, r .havc: filed away e:tre!ully all A:nie:e Garrett, Marple Hndson Law- the material you published about h im 10n, Haze"! Tyson S mith, lames Mo;r-- and J Vl lue it highly. gan Osbou rn, .Ceneva Rail. Robe.rt

Quick Quips ... !I'o the Cast of "Code Robin," Se..nior Play Deal" Folks:

Your place in history isle­cure--for years people have "Who killed Coek. R.ob-i:n!"


not a moll)' c:odd)e..-Ro~ Sltoclpaaa. '.!..---------'1

obave done And when they're

&rad yeU J hop.~: indeed the.y , . ......_

Tbe Melting Pot it •Unlm, ,For it will bav.nt you aU

lfge daya To hear your column's

u.seless junk.

To Til• Facahy-­"1 have two or tbree thlnp

today." But he never geta them doae .. ,. "You're tbe dambe4t d._

Stsnd up and stre~b

•nd lep." Bl!'f' ~r.~nasm a:are-cut:!; " Tbe s.on ia abiDing as G« out and get your " Will yoo pleue read

lhave on yoq.r p:qJU •

We'U cet to number later."

v-1~. "• o..,.,, 1 nos jus bow ugly I be 1nosfor memug1c:at~

l8ut <then 1 don't W01'!7 Or get in a flurry It's you that gets the jolt And not m~ Tee Reel



fte .. I'd ,._._ II ...... of ---­.................... .., .... .., .. liaiiM •IJ' ., - ....n ... ..... iD ftWa .. u... •• ...., -----_ ... __ _ ., .................. ., ... ____ .. __ ....... .,~a-....,.. ... -' ..... 'b)' ............ .-.u... ftliN • u. frMdoiD m ........ , .............. ,...... of ..... ,......fll .. ..-.fne. .._ or ....,..., ..; free­,. .... TIIIIO ,._.. tD .WCIII we ...­_.._., lhDit ounel,.. il ttaat God-­-"- .,ut& of ,...._ 1IPOft wbleh ..., ..,..,...t. .... bMD .tablieh .. ani *' fomwWin $11iDcqM wlrlcll _... Uf• -...-tUJo. C.0 H. ~ 11&1 If JOU .wtU ht n.nerGleleu thia ...................... ,.,. btotlllo ... -.oflU•ftaelf.

Plwdola ia .-enl W trr...d apoo Cblt llld: of eholee and pat. diU ia an JDdh6d..Sialtic &lr4 nbJertm tppa. Yoe wtll naturally be thiDkinc ~

ol h fMedona f.ram oppftllllllon aad I•• '"'"' ••"""' ~. tr..dom from 1&•, f,.._ .._ from •iuijta.tloaa. 4t il Joba Loc*e who •• of the philooopb7 of fNe6om. "I"Neccom il tbe powu to eat; ill 111«0~ witb dlokl'." Tbua ,.....,.tWUU.IibwtT ia notmoreb' oba of ehotee obot. a lao of &ctioe M

- u. America, Land

' Of the Free


There Must Be Obedience to Law

Lnill.t.!..W. Ill ... .. *'•..,.__ ~ JlaJa - • .....wtr ........ ..,. ~· ............ -..u.n. t.Us --.. l Cft-. ... ....__.... Urw .....,., ""' ~ ............. ... • , • ........., ........ ~ ... ,... ,., • ~--.&.a ... . M;\ ,, ... .m ........................ ~..... • ... .,.... ........... ,-.GN._'*-"'*•-.IW.~ ._..,....~ _, ...... _....._ ....._.._ .. _. nr._.. ,., ,_ ....._ .r • ,...... e1 e.. -. rea.- ta.r. ,.. .._.. ..... _ _.._lf_._ ..... ttw'""' ..... .,~ .... .. ...... •f .. .. ...-! n. .....u. ., t1. ~ .... nML ....... "'~ ........ .

&lab .. . ..,....., la .. ...,... ,.,.0 ................. ...... '-"., _ _. ,._,..... Ul ........... .........

... ,..-.«r ..a -'-' .. ...... ... ,..._ .,.. ....,... ... .... • ... , " ......... c-w~ -.rb • ...,.., ~ ...W ......, .., -nU..Ieldil...w...l,.ll_.,..,......_._ ~ ..... ....,_.. .... • .,_,. .t """'"' ta ._., ....,._ lM Ia "-~. n., -.M .... W\.lt" llt.e........,... t. "" ... a.. la .,. .. tiM ....a.,--,.... Ge4 .. \Jt.e Uai~T Dr. JatU• 8 . c.-..t. ,._,,...,_ '"• ........._ .....w..t ., ~ u ...... 'T. n. ~ .t ............ '- ._. ..Wht~tt.~.._ ..... ~ .... ,....r .. ~ ..... -ttte .......... du. a ''"' ,_,. .... tat. • ; • -~~~ ........ "h 111M bHti l .. bi ... U. -.:1 ......._, ,.., ,.,......__ 11- I ,_... tlwlt-.dt of u- llaM "' Utt: ......_ .,._. ,.._, •~ .. ,.._ • ..... \.lo of Ill. ,_, .oal U. ~ ..... .., .......,. ••• '" ..... Ia o.r..M .. aa.d MCOrdlftl' "' llt.l O'W'O !Wka. It ~. nu ltl nwf.U... _.... le MJ' ,.,...a t..Uef .._ Uil .. ... ._ la W. lMeu-.-1 _....,. .._, ICIMit,aadtt.toal, .................. ~, .......... tlrclt ... .... Ia~ .,. IRIONMI'oal Ia .._ wiG • ala; wt.. ..W ta W. .._... aol'al~wUJ~'-"'._,_ ........ t .. ,..._ .. Ufe,.­~- ...t &be W'Cirill • ~u.r pJ.M ta.w, .,. U. ,....,. of OM. ... In •hldrl 11o lin... -n.. _.. .. ._..... U. .,.tU .r -a. ftllll _,.Dot of a •b6Mw lMit. flf • .U. ~~ w~r'• ~ .._ ..... .. ~. c:aa ...... ~ku..a~

.. weo d Ufd'" N....._-, ... en4''- -~. Hot.._ • ,....._ ll'urw, fla""' )'Ofl ..,., t .. ,.,.u, et­""'"._., t. ... rw'-W .. *

'The Truth Shall Make You Frre'

WlMn Utea .WI we 1M tM l'rHdom -. Nll'f'IMD'--d hi O.e ~at ~'•'7 of Cfldllel aa4 ~ N.ufnc ot freect-! 6haU we not -rid or J..v., .. y • .a...JI blow t~ ~ ulll .... lat. trial uf ...,.. ay, on)y <Goci U free and oeiJ' ,..._,. tMUJ:to the tralllo Joha!l ~ ,..111 talioo of U..t "e .... " U.. ..­God b c:u - lad fPMdomf nte frM," ta ao' m-t1 U.. ta.U.,. o11 at Cal.,..., wu to ~-.. ........._ • ortoly aUW'el' I haft bee able to ftrul of •In, It la alto U. pllltt.i"W 00 af tat. worldl N~o. ~,.._,. .... to thit ~~m tbelt it at all •U. Spirit of God. True t.rndom b.U... olata.t al\u It .._ aU _.,. • factoey U. bun in reahn of tM to u, a reaHuUoa of r'Mllt1"" All -•iat U.. ._, N4-1 of th Clldll. &oebtar.Lwilerel ftftd Lha .upe-r- thin., of uu. ...nd .... ~ a ...... u. .. _ piMa Ia ... n.tu·ral ~ra of Jwu ChrVt. So 1 and th.aarta,, Chafttoa aad deuy aN .,.."-. d,... \ht • .,.. duila.. ....

In Rb Pf'Uinc4 ud bHr Ria all about u.a.. Ufa ra1u1o1 1M untt.. moa llfa aad J« kit ............... "Y• at.U know t.h tnatl!, and aed, for d•tb dahu earb one. What ,...., of Mlod d4l ..-lWhU.. ..

~ truth ahaU you fn.." ahall wo dol .. n1u 4ulit.M .... .. ....... 'nM aim of Juu wa• to make aD There "- an luberit&Ma lllldl'l~ W."-' Qd _.._ of I ........

men l'rM. Ria prom.iae ol fl'Mdom ud that ~th aol ·~ opq to drtoat Gt4 coe1d ... •f ..._ :• = :~·~=r ;:: :~ :=, •; ::c~tu~b·o~ ~n~'• ~: .!c"::.:.• ia~ America NHCIJ new u.m.,.. Tbe tr.lme .. .O.ut tba •hb Clt.rlac. Ia O<'Jd. ·r. aball \now Her Youth pnmd~e pv':a!~~:.:':.o!: ;~: ~ .. •;:, ~~~~~!.::: .,:;•:llo!..U:~~·~

but not oor Lorod, for He ot ttu•• It lo\lnd lc Cbri~'• of rr..4ea. .. y" ...,.... , .... w.. a mor. >POwerful •ay, tlM wa1 Goepol of l~rt7. tul .-lkt.. ... ..,..wll~ W

l~e, Be dW not t-0- u.., ~ f'no4om aaolt., howe'f'll.r, 6ad h• ,....... of ,._,. ,....,. •f l.nlallrc .. Kmc to ronqur nor to lead an upru.loa Ia our pr.ctkal •ftt)'4at ,. feN .. 4 ...,_..._ .....

.... iu a ~non, t:hoqb Urou- lfrirc. . .,._..,..... .U .. au; .... • .. uet~M would ban follO'It'ed Bl.t lead- Man,. .,. the atr'uR!u •llidll la~i.t.aat. a.. .... r... Na .. r '- .. lac. h~Ye earlled tM: pUaThup of _.. ~ •f A••rka .,.. ~ ......

Hto did not ~om• to \brinl' fn-.:.a kind in Ita mardi ~ f.....:io&. ""- fll--' ,. ..-.t.. Y••r ~ !'hroqb rtvilir.aUatt, for .. f"ro.der- Ia the d.a)'l lo roru It ta tlft.ala t.Ut bull .. \o • ,..,.,. riW .,.. I• ..... 1r.k W. RoiMn:aon •JW. ''Ch11iatw.n aone of •• wUI be able: \o ,.. .. ~ ._ ••aJn.. J••r la...-..t .« tontain& within Jt:MU Uw element. <Of eeutnl io Lhlt out ~· .u-aat• ~ J•• u ... nul Hid ..... a frnb ~~ervltudl'. Mu C"'Oqllen the for freldotn.. HblofJ' wUI reeord th ... , .. n of tnliiW e•\ II .... po-.n of natu~ at~d becomu ia whet.h .. r t.h• &Uilftle .,... .- I• "'"'• I• ~ for ,__.., tllrn eMir 1tan. A lri&'hJy dn1lu-d t:hlt ,.nnt.loa for that• ''Tbo er.- of ,..,.... ....

.tilth brlap a n..., alate of ri.rb"' n.. •Dlt ...,. fc;y A,IIMI'Ma _,

::;;:.,rn~b~~~-~D :. •. ~:;:. ~w:: ... ~k~:.:::.-: ~~:= taate of tlMI worth ot 1M lftdh1duaL wttlt Cluilt lD (;o4.. ~

Teach the Value n. -u.· -•"• ..... -Of Citizenship =.;,u :::_ :!" .:::.~,; .:'!

Our foNfathel'l could ., " Whh .. ._ an.d lD aadonl ~---• wnat a mobtained 1 thlt fr.•· MaT It pl.,... Cod to OM ) oa, 0.. dom" whll• moat of w tea a 1 •·aa, of lilt, to 10tlt'l'"t tM nt_.llllc fll 1 ..... ,.._ bon... ,,...... ~ , ... ....w.

It b oar datp .. I...,_ • Ullll .--......t---ltaprucoet.d'le a..pabUc •• ~ to 'HIIh._ •~W to &bWa ., oU.era tiN! nloe of d\iu-..lllp, to lhl' lltU.d•flt lto4,. eohtlt.U.. .... eJ..,.t• the .,. .. , ltaadu4; 1.o ...,._ uM4aJ .. ~ ... aM •Met t..._ .C.O ..._, n.atioaal ~oral, aodal, for aut ,..,., b•t ... l.a ... MOD•alc ud poUt:kal tJaroQI:h a.p.. •nouciJ ....nM:n .,._" ~ ... l•loa: t.o u,_,. lH ~~!.ada ... .t la• bufa-. .,.. ,..._.. uatl1 acMal aad to be • la• atloicl.hla dtbu; and opeu Mt'l. faU.

C.. l'iYe U.. ... oraaca of NrUrtt)' ~=~-j~f"---•4 Jutll. W aft OUl' ritbn.&. .

ne .,._a. cnth wt.klll - ....... ... ..n it tM.t &aapt u1 \>p ... et Gltnu ro~nbt• ~. wertlll .r aaa. rv.4oz~c.a~ ..... , ........... . ~ .. tn• .,. UaJI .... ._, b.w 01' ~ ..,._._ •,.rt '"'• tWe r.c-..-itl .. a1 -. ....U. af -• .. Mt !orth bJ dw a.w.....

A. daia\.er ~irit of DllnM. ~ ,...r. nfe4 OIJT ud.. ..,.. till-. ,.... '- T._. .. ; ~7 it ia iMotq ie a~tlll7•f~ud~ I ca.ab it •7 krniNS t• II.U, .a ae.d a.'J thdr a:.H4.. 1 Jaa .. -..t thai ~« "'-1 WU'I IUJr...,... fro• a - of lmpoout1eo. iaeqaalltJ ad iD.h.-iel' , lka-.,Utll itto..,. fti.Q'I Mmda ~ t.llonr INdkt wrtded aDd t.bftr IOG.b ..-IUI..9'ed..

Republic Must Have Leaders To~J ~ ••n •t sku cotJ~cY

t.od.a1aaaprl C'l'deH:rpa1,..._._ P"l'k Hoa4roda and tiM'IU&B~ oJ Lite TOlltlr •! ~no kaT• C.l Ud u.. .... l"lQl'J ., • \~ ~ bO .. u,...,,.Mrt,,.., t..\1-taUoo. t.Na.,. _..u. tae n~ tha.t. ..... a. •' ,. •• , .... ca!.Mto Jt-. boot kappw-r. rit\ot:r frt.t * b.t. * C-U. .-.T -t!.U Jwwdry tJi&a a.aa7 o t )"94tr f~ .-.. ~ 1 an lllft'tiJ ~lq * • ., ..._ ""f' .... Q ••\lllot• k '* "'-

u.a teo ud eot-'-"l ... • l.k.t:;6 •flJr.t.~ a.,a,_ Htatt.IM!Mb'ta..,. IOIIOIIGABELA STSTDI



CONGRATULATIONS SEN lOR The Glenville Business Men Represented

This Issue Take This Opportunity To Extend Felieitations


We take this opportunity to

extend our congratulations

on your aucceaa aa students;

and may the future be as

gratifying to you.













































At the ending of your educa·

tion at Glenville State Teacher•

College we extend felicitations

on your aucceaa.

STRADER'S Glenville - Harriaville



At the termination of your edu·

education at Glenville State

Teachers' College we join inez·

pressing to you beat wishes for

auccess and happinesa.

HARDMAN HARDWARE Gilmer County' a Only Home Owned

Hardware Store







Your aucceu here baa beea

particularly gratifyiDc to ua.

We eztend beat wiahea f_.

your continued aucceaa ADd ....... ..~ .


THE I. G. A. STORE Ruddell Reed, Owner

CONGRATIJLATIONS. SENIORS! Want a new or better car??? Need

money for your vacation? 7 Buy a aew, or better uaed cai and get cash for ••cation, world's fair trip, travel, etc., at one &JJd the same time. Aak us bow. '

CALHOUN SUPER SERVICE STATION. "Your Transportation Headquar,tera"

FORD MERCURY Glenville - Grantsville


or W. J . NUTTER


lhe Pioneen lo11t game of ~ season wben

tbf'J met St. Vinunt CoUege in a ail'bt dl'ak at !Atrube, PL The 60'aJ IC'Ore wu 13 to 7.

.Making their final •PPNrance o.t hGl'ftt', Gleville Fair­~ont State ud defeated the Fight.. iflg Teaclters U to 0. Next the Pio-J•een. wt>nt to Key~er wht>re they t.ulrd a atut>born PotoltlO.r State ~am to a scor~ess tie.

Dorothy McClung Ia Firat Girl to£ai"D Letter Ia W .A.A.


Barl!ara Meueaeer Wins Match iD Honeahoe rrouma­meat and Piles up Hoaon Ia Other Sports


Thirty-Seven Graduates, Former Students And Faculty Members In State 'Blue Book'

B y Ma rjorie Craddock Worthy Duis, department of state tax commission; Ava Stanard, ma­

Wut Virginia Blue Book or Col- tTon of West Virginia tndl15trial lege Cata lo«? Home for Girls: R. G. Rollyson,

For a while we were punll'd. but member of Farm Debt Adj us tment then we remembered that the cataloc CommiU~: J ake Fisher, member of was blue and white, not just solid the Judicia l Council; Mrs. Otia G. blue. 'Wilson, member of the Wnt Vir-

Anrhow there are thirty-~en or ginW. Library Commiuion ; Paul H . more rraduat\e, former facu lty mem- Kidd, member of Rouse of Delegates ; ben and students of Glenville State Bantz W. 'Craddock, ey in Teaebers College listed as bein&' em• Federa.l courts ; L\fartha Chap1n11n and ployes of the sLate and federal gov- Lt>on.a Davis, Home Owners' Loan ernments or as officers in state.wide Corporation; Lye! T. Weal a nd Gar­Bft<lciations. ne.tte Roberts, Federal Housing Ad-

Their na me-s a nd departments a re : ministration, Edgar B. Sims, a udi tor; Addie Du.vis. Robe-rt. L. Jack, Robert .Mollohan dep.Drtment o f .!eleretary of st.iate ; and 1flolly Gainer, United States In· Genevieve Morris Ga les, department lerna! Revenul:' Service; Charles E. of eduotion ; Fred B. Burk. depart- Barnett, National Bituminous Coal ment of treasurer; Herbert Nolting- CommiMion; How·ard R. Brannon , ham, Fra nk Cooper and Vada Bar- Un ited St4tes DfiPartme nt of Agri­nett, with the :!itote eompen!!Stion t ulture; Glenn" S. C'!lo,]laghan, George ro mm iuion; Oren R. Bush, central B. White and F rancis G. Gainer, Na­maiJing office; lb.ry Katherine •Rid- tiona! Youth Administration o! West die and Edna Dodqon, depa r tment of VirginD: Lynn Spiker, offieer of pu'blk a!l.!ist-'!lnce: Rul;l-h W. Doyle.s, Dniry lo Brl'edl'l'l"' A.'I.'\Ociation: Beryl Langt'ord a nd Samuel Whit.. Robert!ord, offi eer or et:a.te as­man, dep-,~rtment of public safety: sociation of School Superintendents; Bonnie Allen, department of JIUr- Mrs. Cam Henderson, officer of West :-ha!es. Virginia Federation o! Women's

Mildred Snodgrnss Rest"e.r. R.Ma Clubs; Addie Cokeley, on executive Kee, Helen F errell B:t.rnett • nd t"O mmittee oJ Staw, Eduf!:l tion Asso­Fred Lewis • .state road commiuion; dation.

Mercuryz ·Minute Biographies IBe is the !On of Mr. an d M rs. Lon

Simmons, of Suga r Grove,

Plar a c..,. of BilliARDS or POOL Tod.,.. Co•• Ia

ud Eajoy y_,_lf.


Glenville's JUNIORS TAKE Retiring Co-Captains 8 TO 6 VICTORY

Pioneer !basketball C<~-i:aptains Albert lLilley, top, of Homestead, Pa.., and ~ Davies., of Mun­hall Pa., were gndU"lted hen: Mon­day morning. ~Both LiUey and Da­vit'S played four years of boll and •both ~Came through with bigb scor­ing honors. Lilley with his :four­year record is the hlgbeat. scoring center in the State and one o! the highest 'acoring "floormen In the Nation. 1'bei.r nece&!IOrs as ~P­tains.are Louie Rom!l no, of Clarks­burg, and Junior Rhoades, of Glenvi lle..


OVER FRESHMEN G a me .Mark• Close of Clau Bueba.ll Series Spcmaored It,. College Athletic Departmellt

IJ'be juniors became claas base-ball champions the past- wet-k whet~ tlw!7 eked out an 8 t.o 6 victory ov" the fru hmen in a game at- Rohrbouch Stadium.

A last inni ng :rally by tbc freah­mNl in whicli they scored six 1Wiies :failed to overcome thl' eight-run lead wh ir h the juniors bad stacked up in the early frames of the eonteiL

The victory over the f reshmen marked the final pme of a series of intramuTal tournament., sponsored h:r the College intramural direetors. The eeniors captu red the class soft­ball title a week ••hen thE')' de­feated t'he juniors, 7 t•1 ·c.

Summary: J•aiora AB R H £ Wright, If .. . 0 Rhoades, " ... • 0 Romano, ' • 0 Noroski, "' 3 z' llcMillen, l b .... 3 2 0 lt axwell, 3b ... 3' 2 Kin caid, p .. . 2 .. Keister, rl ....... • William5, 2b .. ... •

Totals ... 31 8 • • AB R H £

.. • I 3 I '

• 0 .... • 1 0 .... 3 0

L. Conley, 3b I 0 • Cooper, If . . 3 0 I Miles, ,.., ....... a 0 0 Chenoweth, I' .... 2 • 0 Carroll , " ... 3 0 Ball, 3b 2

T otals ....... 29 ' • Left on bases, Juniors 8; Fl-e.ah­

men 3; Bases on t.lls oil' Kincaid 2, off Miles 4; off Afml5trong 2; three base hits, Romano, Arn:~sb'ong 1, Palumbo J ; two base hits. Romano 1 ; atrike outs by Miles 5, by Ann· strong 3, by Kincaid 7; stolen bues. Rhoades 1, NoToaki 2, MeM.illen 3, Maxwell I , Keister 1, Hall 1; losine pitc.her, Miles.


Welcome To

The Log CabiD ReatauraDt


STUDENTS! For Taaty S...dwicbes,

WholeMHDe Meat. -· Soft Dfialu. You'll Do

Well toT.,

Larkey' a Lunch Room


Spencer, Weat Virgj,nia

KANAWHA UNION BANK ClenYille, Weat Virainia

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.11 ~]I I:··; · I• :. '

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Member Federal Depcnit lnaurance Corpora tloa



Seniors Present Annual MERCURY

P Og m Freshmen Write r ra Of Observations



And, w.hat. IS perhSJ18 more stn.nge,

(Lepl phraseola.ry incident to tllil will wu om.itMd purposely 10 ..... spa«.- The Editors. I

iBy Boe.:oe Bailey To tbe- AG:mhaistratlon ""e be­

Q~M~at!li ollr apprtociation of their in· tarat ill our welfa re; t.o our teaeJa. .,. our reapaet and appredatJon for tt.. interut. ahawn in oar beh&Jf, aDd we lean them our sympe.tby.

Daviota leaws to Noroaki hia bu­llelball finease a nd poker playinc' ability; :wmial'b&m to Clalyton, hit ropiDc- .arility and to~; E&bert BMI&u.1 to Jack Wanoner, bill love for Qenville State Tht'hen Col· Jep and aa.rroundilll' le.Tritory. • Eloise GuDD bequelltha to Gn· nl..e Jobn.a ber c r a d e-makinc

Saod&Tau to Ward, his jour­ability; U.miltau to Wyant,

Kenton Berry a~ulred as

Maxwell, his ru.iw. .... , ... ..,, .... to Hugh Bona.

wumu, a nd to Fidler, .-....

'l'be ~k!' .., dosely-eonte.ated I thi'Ouaiaaut, tht T-T l'f'OUP wUndq ..._use of Ita domiunu of ~b& f\'*t. placeL The M-W claa w,as handi­&Spped by the loae of Ita stellar per­fonnu , Brenice .Sullivan, who was forced to wllhdraw in the f\ rsl ~vent bfcaiUA of a NCllrTe:n« of a knee iDJury.

::U~,{ ~:c::'e~~w ~ - Athena Nell. lint : Lo«!nc Caklwdl, s«ond; llDd Stump and Yoho tied f or third. All thrse c lrls were from the T·T ~Ufl. Di!,.e: 10'7'6".

Da'ih and tbrow - Eileen W olfrl ancl Edyth.e Rua:yon. (T.T) t ied for ll~t; Thred.a CI'\Dih'lrlt, ( M-W) ~­otul; and GenC''fl Hanlint 011 nli Roore Rant~ .ll.b . (li -W) t 1tri for third. Tinle: 17 tec:andto.

Ru~:~nintr !up - lh ry .Marguf-1 Bofl!er. (T.T) ti rst: Gene'ta H'J.n· hne. f)I ."V." ) se~nd ; and Rose !Un­nall ( !II W) th1 rd.. Distance: It ' ll ",

Fif t ) -yard da!h - Threda Crum­m~, E'l't Cunningham an~ Allee llp.rl. PC-W) ud Pearl Staln:aker. tT-T) lied for 6rst ; Da'ris, tK.WI and Xs ry H.omer. Betty LTec:h, Jo Re .. de.- aad Ed7&hc Ran­Jell. (T-T) tied Cor wcoad ; Gar-net cu.,er, Gun. S.'llllile, ..,. Ki.U.

----------- they aeem to ·be sincere. , I This Clus !Prophecy, the in.tro- Sterling Cunningham, the horu- In a freshman Encllah dau the SENIOR CLASS

-POEM-duc:tlon omht.ed, wu IIIITittt!D br Moe kinr. was erowtal!d with the lm- other da.y \bey wen- asbd t.o write Dye and read 1by Ralp\1 plement th"a t made him t.moaa and on one of two .abjert.a: '"Obller-

1 Mendenhall. I now he is no lnore. BiU Hamilton't vationa DwiDa' lfy Frellutw.n v-r Our dar friend Lndy Mendenhall mug has ·been frequently seen in the In -bollece" and .. 11 I Had My F'Hsh­

ia traveling with the Hagmbec:k and Metropolitan paper-s lately •beeauae m&D Year t.o Live Apin." By Robert Davies

Dear Scudent Jlod:7, pleue bare with us

'While we tliseuas the t.aet\llty; who, throughout the J'UI',

We btna and eua.

Wallace Circ:u1 as the Tbiq Man. Bar- of his fourteen day fi.llibut:er apinst !Chief UDOII&' the obeenatlon. Jist,. lin Andtnot'l has replaced Ch.a:rlu a bill to make tipple treu gro• pean. ed "'ere \he frieadly abaosphwe, the Atlas Ia othe lbulin~M of \.uiWhla The s::-ene of action wu th~ House nabu·al b-.uty of the College, the In· strort1' bocliH. Elbut .Baoekus, after or Rep~untatives. tense intereft in sparta aad the In- Bo d completing a law caune at W.V.U., tLeab Stal~aker, u you han formal atmnphen. The pniiJ"e.l can- ade=t.e~ the

No names wiU beo used, j~ hint.l ha.s decided to set "P au art stadia guessed, mamed Frank and they're elusions con~rniar the w.6hers were end aoae wen at Pisgah. or caune, his model is living happily, even after. Daman I goad. Tbey wtre deeeribed u " hu· could ay that they

Ofto~~: odd bebit.s or poillt of TuJa_a. . Starcher, Mo~nbean to JOU, tu~ed mans with cJepea.." informal, aacl ather tha ,reaU,. to the

W~~~~dw~~~,li~e S:o:!!~ ~:U\t:o~~'::~:-;:;.~J:m':;;:: ::~~·~=~= =en~r!o::ev;~ the m~or thanct.ra aa~ Qe view.

But remember this : that wlnt is ery minute bee. use of the dirt he eer is pla)"iq end llDd cuard for the acqm.inted with. Another student, a •• ~; t ~-he eye that cur. -. u)d spills. He_ alwaya was full of bot air. New York Gian~nd of the be~ch young man, said that eollece ,.. the author b:blnd the plq, ' tla ..W.

b said In fWI ud ntd by ''Red.,. Robut K1dd ~umed out t~ be a_ blRk· and guud of the_ bucket. E.f'tle ·B~k- ideal plsee to learn to adapt one•._ with this thought in mind daoN sheep. He 11 ~ow seTY1ntr ti~e In le won a_ bee.~Ffu l bab}· contest at self to bU en\"ironment. One. boJ .saw the senioTS SaturiaJ ofPt

" F lee b 6 . M Col Alcatraz for to pay h11 fn~ Letter oR1p. B1s Mama WIS sa sur- wrote that "yo\• get out of eollece along with the ; ' t e nt question, r. • come. taL Noel Bush, after inherit- prised she. fainted. just • h't you pnt Into it.' ' 1 ltatbfeen

Yo~ns~bouJd answer with eate lng a fortune, dec.ided to be a fJig M~·bell Su~mera wan_ t.h~ Wo- ()piniont varie•l wide1J on the. aic-

Co~e! ea7re ! quick! qui,~k If you =~/=~u~ut they say a mouse ~::'li~ a_:~~~~~t ;~:p~::!~~~~ ~:~ ~~::jet~~p-Sor~:.,::n~:;: =~ l) eue, yoa please. Sarprlael Sarpriael Clifford Garrett took his Pioneer Job Most of them, \a1•ever, would joift

The last qu~stion was twelve of ~;ri:r, s;h';'ri~v:~~~~ Co~~ ;:::s~~. a;11~:u~t a~:C'"u ~e~;: ;:::.:':!;' ta~~ t;:.o::ite :~ ~n EdueMicm mean , Cbui'Cb in New York City. He's ~ and screen, it now doing ''Rebec-ca in the social ctivi'iee. Attboucb (Contilliued froiD

.. ;.e~t n~:nber faJb 11 numbef pious these days. Ersel Martin start.- of Sunn)'brook Farm" Cor S •m Gold- eome obelleved the)' .t1dletli too little, and •proclaim Iibert)" If een. eel one day from Boston a erou-eou~ wyn, Eloise Gunn is serving home one girl uid s'he had ml.aed 10me- the land unto .U

Tbere'a one thiq we know that's racked your brain

Thou beautiful testa: name, de­fine, and explain.

try bike trip to the Pa~. but ala& cooked dinnen at the ·~alais Royale. thine: important beft1gse a'he bad be pulled a CoTril'an and rot drowt~· Grantsville, W. Va. Rudy Urbanfek. studied "too mueh." More friends is ect in the Atlantic. Muriel Bags 1a s •barnstorming aviato_r, took the lean the aim of man)'. A aet-mingly IOCial now the toast of Broadway. She's out of the tower of Pia& lut week. minded young man tu.wested tha' starred in tbe role which made GJPQ" The bo' !ays b e's doinl' nkoely, 1oeia.l li.fe is r;o per cent of a college

In the l)'mnuium on a. F ebruary nigbt-

Rose Lee famous. Neva Thorn e !.bank you. education. chose Hollywood Cor a caree~a ----------

.. Watch your man! Play t he ball! • Get in there and fight--!!

do=~~fe 1;,'e~~0=11 ~:;~ appointed - Otber Editors -head .coach at Marshall-and ta Cam



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