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February 2013


United Methodist Church


Pastor Andrew T Bradley


Church : 717/532-6850

Office hours:

Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


Facebook: Christ United Methodist,



Christ United Methodist Church is committed to

the safety and well-being of our children and

vulnerable adults by

participating in Safe Sanctuaries.

Vision: To be inspired by God’s love to serve everyone.

Mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ

for the transformation of the world.

A BIG THANK YOU! Dear Friends: Thank you for your donation of

clothing, games, gift cards, as well as, your gift

of $60. Your thoughtfulness means so much

and we want you to know of our sincere grati-

tude. It was kind of you to think of the chil-

dren at this special time of year. For some of

the boys and girls in our care, this may have

been the first time in their young lives they

have experienced Christmas in a loving home,

surrounded by caring people. You have helped in

such a wonderful way. All of us here at the

Children’s Home wish you a Happy New Year!

Sincerely, Rev. David Reed; President/CEO and

Kathy Eppley; Vice President/Child Develop-

ment Officer.

Dear Church and members:

On behalf of the Shippensburg Produce and

Outreach, I would like to express our heartfelt

appreciation for your donation of $756. As a

grass roots movement, we strive to meet the

nutritional needs of those marginalized by pov-

erty. Our program specifically targets the nu-

tritional needs of the poor, developmentally

disabled, and elderly in our area. We are find-

ing that the need in Shippensburg is increasing.

Your generous donation certainly will help us in

this mission. Thank you again for your help.

Blessings, Linda Lewis SPO Treasurer

Dear Friends in Mission: Thank you for your

gift in support of the UMCOR projects. Be-

cause you gave, UMCOR is able to “Be There”

and “Be Hope” on your behalf. UMCOR pro-

grams provide food for the hungry, help farm-

ers grow plentiful and nutritious food, and sup-

port people left destitute by natural disasters

and war. Christ UMC gave to Hurricanes 2012

and to UMCOR Global Ministries. These gifts

will bring hope to those who need it most.

Grace & Peace, Roland Femandes, General

Treasurer UM Committee on Relief General

Board of Global Ministries and Shawn Bakker,

Associate General Secretary The Advance

Each Sunday - 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday School

Church office hours - Monday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. As of February 6, 2013

February 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 9-11 a Clothing Bank with Breakfast 10:30a Mem-bership Class

3 4 1p Book Discussion Group 6:30p Education

5 6p SPPRC 6:30p Finance 7p Trustee

6 7 6p Handbell Choir Rehearsal


9 9-11 a Clothing Bank with Breakfast 10:30a Mem-bership Class

10 Transfigura-tion of the Lord 6:45p Lenten Study: Prepar-ing the Way

11 6p Hospitality 6:30p Outreach 7p Ministry & Nurture

12 2p UMW

13 7:30 a Lent Breakfast at Greenvillage

12 noon and 7:30p Ash Wednesday Service

14 5:30p Free Dinner

6p Handbell Choir Rehearsal

15 16 8a Lenten Breakfast Series

9-11 a Clothing Bank with Breakfast

10:30a Mem-bership Class

17 1st Sunday in Lent

6:45p Lenten Study: Prepar-ing the Way

Newsletter items due

18 19 7-9p Civil War Roundtable

20 7:30 a Lent Breakfast at Greenvillage

9a District Mtg. at Walnut Bot-tom UMC w/Bishop Park

10a Yarnspinners

21 6p Handbell Choir Rehearsal


23 8a Lenten Breakfast

Series @ Oak-ville UMC

9-11 a Clothing Bank with Breakfast

10:30a Mem-bership Class

24 2nd Sunday in Lent 6:45p Lenten Study: Prepar-ing the Way

25 6:30p Administra-tive Council

26 27 7:30 a Lent Breakfast at Greenvillage

28 5:30p Free Dinner 6p Handbell Choir Rehearsal

1 World Day of Prayer

Happy Birthday!


1 - Diane Hess 18 - Daniel Tsambiras

3 – Tess Bye-Dickerson 22 - Jerry Campbell

3 – Rene Menton 25 - Frank Menton

5 – Esther Carver 26 - Tom Lynch, Jr.

5 - Brian Saul

6 - Sue Ruhland

12 - Jaime Cressler

14 - Emily Hull

SEEKING! We continue to seek help with the Saturday

morning breakfasts and the Second Thurs-

day, and Fourth Thursday evening meals

served to all who come. If you are interested

in helping or providing supplies, please con-

tact Angelo Tsambiras by calling 530-8271.

Also, seeking volunteers to lead devotions during these meals. If you are called to share a brief devotional or an inspiring message of how Jesus Christ is working in your life please see Pastor An-drew or Steve VanDixon.

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE The deadline for the March 2013 “Good

News” newsletter is Sunday, February 17.

Please submit your articles to the office by

this date. The email address is

GREETERS For the 10:30 a.m. Worship

Service are as follows:

Feb 3 Becky Gehres & Mandy Gehres

and Carla Lynch

Feb 10 JoAnn VanDixon

Feb 17 Beth Minnich

and Barb Hershey

Feb 24 Becky Gehres

and Angie Kuhn

Anniversaries! February

14 - Greg & Annette Shuman

If your birth date and/or

anniversary date do not

appear in the newsletter

and you would like it

published, please contact

the church office.

TRANSPORTATION TROUBLES? If you know of anyone in need of transporta-

tion to or from Worship service please con-

tact Steve VanDixon – 830-9510 or Bill Mor-

gan – 532-7519. We will make every attempt

to see that this is not an obstacle for anyone

wishing to worship!

SUMMER CAMP The schedule for 2013 Summer Camps can now be

viewed on their website:

Click on Camps-at-a-Glance to view the full sched-

ule of events. Descriptions of each event can be

viewed by clicking on the site location and then

2013 camps. Register online early.

WOMEN OF FAITH The Shippensburg Association of Christian Ministries

is sponsoring a ladies’ community outing to the Women

of Faith Convention in Washington, DC on August 16 &

16. Registration forms are located at the back of the

sanctuary, forms are due February 18. The trip in-

cludes hotel, ticket, and transportation of Wolf bus-


CHURCH CRIER by Cathy Johnson

Jeremiah 20:12 says “O Lord of hosts, you test the righteous, you see the heart and the mind, let me see your retribution upon them, for to you I have committed my cause.” and Ezekiel

25:17 says “I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful punishments. Then they shall know that I am the Lord, when I lay my vengeance on them.”

Through God’s grace and love we are able to

continue growing in our spiritual journeys. Of-

ten, our personalities interfere with how God

wants us to deal with a given situation. Many

times when someone says or acts in a way un-

pleasing to me or to someone I care about my

first instinct is to retaliate or just plainly get

even. With God’s help and sometimes lots of

time and prayer, I get over it.

Prayer: Dear Lord, may I act as your child even

when I am hurting inside. Amen.

HERSHEY PARK FUND RAISING A fun way to support Christ UMC is by volun-

teering at Hershey Park. Each worker makes

$5.85 per hour, receives a ticket to the park-

valid for one year, and eats a meal. All the

money made is sent to the church to be used by

the church as specified by the individual work-

ing. It is an easy and fun way to raise

money. Please for more specifics speak with


Will meet on the Wednesday , February

20, at 10:00am in the

church library. Anyone

who knits or crochets are


CONGRADULATIONS!! If you have or know of any students graduating

from high school or

college for the 2012-

13 year, please let

the church office

know. Information

needed: student

name, school/college,

degree/major, etc.

THE WEATHER OUTSIDE IS FRIGHTFUL Due to the possibility of inclement weather if

there is an early school dismissal or closing, the

church will be closed and all activities for that

evening are cancelled. If there

is inclement weather on a Sunday

morning you may call the church

and receive a cancellation mes-

sage, if there is one, from the

answering machine.

MEMBERSHIP CLASS The New Member’s (Disciple’s) Class began

Saturday, January 26. Each class is held weekly

for six weeks, generally on Saturday, starting

at 10:30 a.m. till 12 noon. The class is held at

the church in the Education wing. The new

“disciples” will gain a broader understanding of

Biblical principles and how to apply Biblical

truths to their “faith walk.” Participants desir-

ing to become members of Christ Church are

encouraged to attend each class. If you have

any questions contact Pastor Andrew.

VOLUNTEER Volunteer needed: someone to coordinate fair

trash pick-up. Person will need to be able to

schedule workers and to supervise on site clean

-up. The fair is the last full week of July. It

requires an adult to be there Tuesday thru

Saturday at 7:00am. It also requires an adult

to supervise the Sunday pick-up. It will require

a total of about 8 hours at the fair. Please call

Angelo at 532-3297 if you would be able to do

this. We need someone by

3/15/2013. If no one steps

forward, the fair committee

will be notified that we longer

can do this.

Thank you. Angelo


Do you enjoy reading? If so, you are invited to

join our book club that meets the first Monday of

each month. We meet at 1:00 p.m., and the place

we meet varies each month. The following list will

give you a head start on reading and getting ready

for some good discussions.

March- The Air Between Us by Debra Johnson

April- The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth


May- Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult

June - Look Again by Lisa Scottoline

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The United Methodist Women will

be meeting on February 12 in Hollar

Hall at 2:00 p.m. All women are

automatically part of the United

Methodist Women. Please come and

join us.

Wednesday morning Lenten

breakfasts will begin on

Wednesday, February 13,

at 7.30 a.m. in the

Greenvillage Restaurant.

Come and share breakfast

and a meditation time. In-

vite friends; this is not limited to CUMC. Our

time together usually lasts until 8.15 a.m.

The annual Saturday Lenten breakfast series

begins on February 16, at Christ United Meth-

odist Church beginning at 8.00 a.m. The break-

fasts then move to other Shippensburg Area

UM churches. All are welcome to attend.

The complete schedule is as follows: Feb 16,

Christ UMC; Feb 23, Oakville UMC; Mar 2,

Cleversburg UMC; Mar 19, Trinity UMC; Mar 16,

Newburg UMC; Mar 23, Messiah UMC.

LENTEN/EASTER SCHEDULE Ash Wednesday Service February 13, 12:00 noon

7:30 p.m.

Palm Sunday Service March 24, 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.

Maundy Thursday Service March 28, 7:30 p.m.

Communion Served

Good Friday Service March 29, 12:15 p.m. at

Messiah UMC, Theme: The Seven

Last Words of Christ

Easter Sunday March 31, 7:00 a.m.

“Son Rise” Service,

front of Edifice-King

Street entrance

8:00 a.m. Breakfast served

9:30 a.m. Standard Easter Service

LENTEN STUDY Interested in Lenten scripture study? Join us for

a 7-week exploration, “Preparing the Way: A

Close-up View of Handel’s Messiah.” While we will

look at the musical aspect of the famous oratorio,

the focus will be on the text, all of which comes

from scripture and which tells the story of re-

demption. The class will meet Sunday evenings at

6:45 p.m. Beginning February 10 and be led by

Marge Young. Each session will last about 1 1/4

hours with an extension for those who would like

to listen to the music. Because materials will need

prepare for each person, we are asking those

interested in participating

to register. You may sign up

on the bulletin board, call

the church, or see Marge

by Sunday, February 3.


Listen, I will tell you a mystery! We will not all die, but we will all be changed, in a mo-ment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. (1st Corinthians 15:51-52 nrsv ) I have an attorney friend whose favorite saying is “the only constant in life is change.” His con-

tention is that as we age, we change while everything and everybody around us also changes.

His most frequent example is changes in nature are most evident in the seasons of the year.

Having recently accepted Jesus Christ (in His fullness) as his personal savior, he constantly

“preaches” about the change that has come over him, and the need for the world to recognize

its necessity which only can be realized through Jesus Christ.

Change for some is difficult to imagine, yet we who are in Christ are persuaded that in order

to “be with the Lord,” we must be changed, and will be changed. These ponder, “Another

change?” We as Methodists subscribe to several changes on our way to “perfection,” in prepa-

ration to be received by God. Our conversion is through Prevenient Grace, that which first

draws us to him. Justifying Grace, the second change, leads us to repent of our sins and place

our faith in Christ. The lasting change is Sanctifying Grace which begins works of piety, love

of God, love of neighbor, and love of the Church; this change prepares us to meet Him upon His


Paul brought his teaching on the resurrection to a climax by clarifying what this entire means

for the believer in Christ. He also dealt with the exceptional case of transformation of living

believers at the Rapture. Transformation (miraculous spiritual change) is absolutely necessary

for entering the spiritual mode of future existence. John Wesley wrote of those who had

been changed, “They are in one sense freed from temptations, for though numberless tempta-

tions fly about them, yet they trouble them not. At all time their souls are even calm, their

hearts are steadfast and unmovable; their peace, flowing as a river, ‘passeth all understanding,

and they rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.”

It impossible for us in our present physical forms to enter into the heavenly place in the king-

dom of God that Christ has prepared for us (1John 1:2-3 this life was revealed, and we have seen it and testify to it, and declare to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was revealed to us—we declare to you what we have seen and heard so that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.) because the kingdom is of the Spiritual order. Living believers translated at the

Rapture will also receive spiritual bodies. Because Jesus Christ

overcame sin and fulfilled God’s law, death cannot hold its prey.

This is our hope, our faith, our eternal salvation. Praise is to God!

Pastor Andrew

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