the gospel of mark - · the gospel of mark is associated with the winged...

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The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of St. Mark

Session 1 Introduction

Let us


with a


I. Context: Beginning of a New Liturgical Year B

What do we do in a Liturgical year?

We celebrate the Mystery of Christ Event and sanctify ourselves. We celebrate it in the Liturgy receiving light from the Bible and the Tradition. Bible gives us the light to contemplate the Christ Mystery and receive guidance for our daily lives as disciples. The Church does this by arranging the readings in Weekly (Year I & II) and Sunday cycles (ABC) of for liturgical gatherings extracted from the Bible. The collection of Bible extracts arranged according to the Liturgical context is called lectionary. Lectionary is not the Bible. To know the Bible is to know Christ.

Bible is the Word of God. Lectionary arranges the biblical readings according to the Context of the Liturgical year’s Season to help us understand the Mystery of Christ to derive meaning and inspiration to our daily lives.

We meditate on the Christ Mystery in the liturgical year: In the Year A from Mathew’s Gospel

In the Year B: from Mark and John In the Year C: Luke’s Gospel Lent & Easter: John’s Gospel

Lectionary takes the biblical passages out of their context and imposes the liturgical context. But knowledge of biblical context will helps understanding the readings proclaimed in the Mass.

Liturgy &

The Word of God Liturgy is our public worship. We assemble to worship God and be strengthened in our life’s journey. Liturgy strengthens us through the breaking of two Breads: one from the Ambo and the other from the Altar, the Bread of the Word and of the Eucharist.

For proper reception and nourishment we need understand the Proclamation of the Word of God.

Hence here we are, making simple effort to introduce ourselves to the

Gospel of Mark.

The Gospel of St. Mark

• To understand a reading material or literature we have to ask what literary form is it?

• Genres determined the meaning of the text.

• St. Mark is a gospel. But what is a gospel?

What are the Gospels? We are story people. We love stories. Stories are narratives. Narratives capture us with attention and involvement. Gospels are Narratives. # Not hagiographical narratives # Not Historical narratives/ Biographies # Biblical historical narratives

Gospels differ from them though have some features of the above. Gospels are UNIQUE GENRE,

They are brief narratives of life, ministry and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth that explain and defend the New

Covenant in and through Jesus Christ.

Gospels are Faith Documents, written from the stand point of living faith in Jesus Christ, raised

and exalted as Lord and Savior. They are meant to generate faith:

“„these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may

have in life in his name.” Jn 20: 3.

They are living in the sense: they do not narrate a past event but that which can be the source of grace and power to put us face to face with Jesus today. They are in a sense the presence of Jesus. The early church saw them as the Real presence of Jesus.

“I flee to the Gospels as to the flesh of Jesus Christ.” St. Ignatius of Antioch

They are community faith documents Meaningfully interpreted in the

context of the faith community and

the community that understands the words under the guidance of the

Holy Sprit.

They are written in the

Community and for the


Formation of the Gospels

The Gospels are formed out of three layer tradition; Historical Jesus’ ministry and the life The preaching and teaching of the Apostles –Kerygma and the Oral traditions of the sayings, parables, miracles of Jesus.

Evangelists used these sources to present their Christology in answer to the particular faith needs of the

target communities.

So Gospels contain not just what Jesus said and did but also the theological interpretation of the


The Four Gospels are not different

Gospels but One Gospel of Jesus

Christ with the varied interpretation

like the four voices in the harmony of

one piece of symphony.

They are to be read in the

background of the Old Testament

as the promises of the past reached

climax in Jesus.

For us today’s believers they revitalize

us through the constant call to turn to

Jesus and follow his way.

Great means of New Evangelization

With this background let us see the Gospel of

St. Mark

What is Mark’s Gospel?

Second in the order of 4 canonical Gospels But the NEGLECTED Gospel in the Church History. No commentaries were written. The reason was the comment of St. Augustine:

Mark’s gospel is the ABBREVIATED VERSOION OF St. Mathew.

Mark is the discovery of 20th Century biblical scholarship: Mark is the FIRST WRITTEN GOSPEL and the closest to the actual events and Mathew and Luke have used it as their source in the writing of their Gospel.

. The uniqueness of Mark is high lighting the Suffering dimension of the mystery of Christ.

presents also the human face of Jesus to cheer up the suffering


It is the gospel of emotions, where presenting the emotions of

Jesus and the people, Mark challenges us to catch up with our own feelings in response to the mystery of Jesus. Mark’s Gospel is an

INVITATION to embark on the adventure through the narration

of events. He invites readers to see themselves reflected in the disciples,

crowds or other characters. He challenges the readers to respond to the provocative words and astounding deeds of Jesus of Nazareth.

draws us into crisis of decision.

The Gospel of Mark is associated with the Winged Lion. The Reasons may be: Mark starts his

Gospel with a quote from Isaiah prophesying John the Baptist as "a voice of one calling in the desert", much like a roaring lion. Another reason proposed by some is that Mark begins a fast paced narrative that "leaps" into the story of Jesus beginning His ministry with His baptism by John. The winged lion corresponds with the four living creatures described in Ezekiel 1:10, and in Revelation 4:6-8, which states "...In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around..." .

We do not know who this Mark is exactly. He is neither an eye witness or who has seen and heard Jesus like John Jn 21:24. But the tradition identifies him as John Mark. He was a Jewish Christian and his mother was Mary in whose house the ancient disciples used to gather for breaking of the bread along with the apostles (Acts 12: 12).

He was said to be the disciple of Simon Peter and had also some acquaintance with Apostles Paul and Barnabas. He was a cousin to Barnabas and accompanied Paul in his first missionary journey (Acts 13:5) But some reasons, he remained with Peter. He wrote his gospel based on Peter’s preaching in Rome. Peter called him: “My Son, Mark” 1 Pet 5:13. The scholars show that the Structure of Mark’s gospel parallels the preaching of Peter in Acts 10: 36-43.

All this says that Mark was a Christian associated with the apostles Peter, Paul and Barnabas.

Who is Mark?

Mark Gospel: Date & Audience

written within a few decades after the death of Jesus between AD 60 -70. Eusebius,

the ancient Church historian said: written after the death of St. Peter between AD 64-67.

The contents of the gospel point to more to the historical situation of Christians under persecution. Nero’s persecuted the Christian believers by setting on fire and feeding them to wild beasts. Mark speaks of Jesus “with wild animals” 1:13; “with persecutions” 10: 30; everyone will be salted with fire 9:49; disciples will be betrayed by the relatives and suffer persecutions 13: 9-13.

The settings of the gospel of Mark are remarkably Roman and understandable to Roman Christians.

Mark uses frequently the Latin loan words like legion, Praetorium and Centurion

etc. He also translated Aramaic words in to Greek: 3:17, 5:41; 7:11, 34; 15:34.

From the above, the scholars deduce that

Mark’s Gospel is written in for The Church in Rome, the suffering

community that is beset with the persecutions from outside and division

and betrayal from inside.

Mark’s Gospel: Purpose

Mark wrote to encourage and challenge

the people to reflect on their lives in the light of the story

of Jesus. So he laid emphasis on Jesus as

suffering son of God and on the suffering discipleship.

Until now we have seen:

• Liturgical year as nourishment of the Word of God. Year B we are fed with the

Mark Gospel.

• Gospels are formed from the three layer traditional resources: Jesus-

Kerygma-Oral traditions. • Mark Gospel is a narrative of life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

• Gospel is literary form, invented by Mark, to narrate the story of Jesus in the

manner of the Biblical historical narrative form. They have the power of mediating

Jesus to us and experience encounter with Jesus. Faith documents. • Mark wrote the gospel around AD 64-69 to the target audience of Christians

at Rome who were undergoing persecutions and were under the spell of the

apocalypticism. They were awaiting for the immediate return of the Lord and the

end of the world. They expected that Jesus like the royal messiah would come and defeat the political enemies and liberate his people.

• Mark wrote to correct their image of Jesus. is contrary to whom they think. He is suffering Son of God. The eschatology would be at God’s time. They are to engage into the mission of the Lord.

• Mark is more compact and direct in his message and expressions. Mark is said to be the “Action Gospel”. Written in plain street language style of Greek to be accessible to the uneducated it focuses more on the works than the words. Vivid narrative style as seen in 1:40-44. Read

• tells fewer stories than Mt and Lk but in more vivid and detailed manner (Gerasene demoniac 5:1-20= Mt 8: 28-34; Jairus’ daughter and woman of faith 5: 21-43 = Mt 9: 18-26; Epileptic boy 9:14-29 = Mt 17: 14-21 =Lk 9:37-45.

• He focuses on the emotions of Jesus or on those of the crowds who respond to Jesus’s mighty deeds. Jesus’ emotions: compassion 1:41, indignation 10:14, anger, exasperation 3:5; 7:34, 8:12 and his distress and sorrow 14:33-34. People’s : wonder 15:5, 44; astonishment 1 27; 2:12; 10: 24; fear 9: 6; 10: 32 and perplexity 6: 20.

Mark: His Style

Three fold pattern of Mark: MK uses threefold pattern with

progressive climaxing

Three commissionings of the disciples 1:16-20,3:13-19,6:7-13

Three passion predictions 8:31, 9:31, 10:33-34

Jesus praying and coming three times to

his disciples in Gethsemane 14:32-42

Three denials by Peter 14:66-72

Markan Sandwiches Narrative begins, interrupted by another and then returns - e.g. 3:20-21(22-30) 31-35; 5:21-24(25-34) 35-43; 6:7-13(14-29) 30-32; 11:12-14(15-19) 20-26; 14:1-2(3-9) 10-11= 14:1-2 chief priests and scribes plot to kill Jesus; 14:3-9 woman anoints with oil; 14:10-11 Judas plans to betray Jesus MK uses this technique to create suspense, to contrast and interpret a narrative with another. E.g. 11:12-14(15-19) 20-26 to interpret the cursing of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple; 14:54(55-65) 66-72 to narrate the trials of Jesus and Peter.

Irony in Mark MK is the master of the unexpected. Irony characterizes his

presentation of the Gospel. Disciples and family is slow to perceive 8:14-21;10:35-45, but blind Bartimaeus 10:46-52, Gentile centurion 15:39 perceive immediately and intuitively. Jesus approach is the most unexpected and in religious, social and political situations. He commends the faith of the Syrophoenician woman 7:29

Jesus confronts, confounds and breaks the conventional

stereotypes. The Scribes and Sanhedrin is in constant combat with Jesus as he heals and reaches out to the outsiders such as leper 1:40-45, hostile demoniac 5:1-20

Mark: Outline of the Gospel

Mark’s Gospel is the narrative on Jesus of Nazareth.

He is Son of God on a journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, in the service of the Kingdom of God, misunderstood and rejected by all but on the Cross recognized and accepted by Strangers as Son of God. The Gospel begins with a Prologue (1:1-13) prepares for the public ministry of Jesus. It announces that the Gospel is about Jesus of Nazareth who is the Messiah spoken by the Old Testament prophets climaxed in John the Baptist who prepares the way ( 1: 2-8) and declared by the Voice from heaven as “My beloved Son”(9-11), withstands the test by Satan(12-13).

In his public ministry the Son of God is in battle with Satan. His victory over Satan foreshadows his final victory over death.

first major section (1:14-8:27). Jesus is wise teacher and great healer. proclaims the Gospel in and around Galilee with a sense of urgency because “Now is the time of fulfillment the kingdom of God is at hand.” 14-15. with the busy daily schedule, he enters into controversies with the elders,( ch 2)he forms his close circle(ch 3) teaches authoritatively on the Kingdom with parables (Ch 4), manifests the presence of the

Kingdom through the miracles, (ch 5). Yet he meets with unbelief in his town. Even all through the Galilean ministry Jesus encounters misunderstanding and opposition from many groups and death looms large on him, as fore figured by the death of Baptist, Jesus changes his strategy and involves his disciples, breaks barriers between gentile and Jewish regions. Yet the disciples failed to understand him. the first major section 1: 16-8:21 ends with a great note of failure.

Watershed 8: 21-29 Between two major sections

Symbolized by the seeing of the blind man gradually learns to see clearly (8:22-26), Peter makes the

confession of faith in Jesus: You are the Messiah. 8:29.

Scholars speak of this passage as the Bridge passage because the first major section climaxes in the

burst of light, the breakthrough in the confession of Peter.

All that is narrated by Mark proceeds from this passage, giving chance for Jesus to explain his mysterious

vocation to be suffering messiah.

The Second Major Section: 8:22-10:52 8: 31-10: 52This section is often called the travel narrative and its great theme is the “Way”/Journey he is on the way to Jerusalem further revealing his identity as Son of Man who because of the Divine Must, has to suffer, die, and rise. He teaches them what it means to follow him. . He predicts three times of his impending death 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34, sadly all the three times the disciples

misunderstand 8:32-33; 9:32; 10:35-41. This section climaxes in 10:45 “the Son of Man to give his life as ransom for many.” Yet the disciples do not understand him. Yet another note of failure of Jesus’ ministry.

The Third Major Section 11: 1-16:8 in Jerusalem/further rejection/ Passion week

This section speaks of Jesus in Jerusalem for the final week of his life and teaching. Things move pretty fast. He enters into Jerusalem, cleanses the temple 11: 1-25, debates with the Jewish groups 11: 27-12:44. Then he gives his farewell discourse, the eschatology, consoling the disciples, with the announcement of the coming of the son of man in glory . Ch 13. He is arrested 14: 1-52 yet he is in great command. In the trials he appears as Messiah, Son of God as the suffering servant of God as visualized by Isaiah 53 and suffering righteous person of Ps 22. Confession by the Centurion at the time of Jesus’ death is the first recognition by a human person in Mark and that too by a gentile 15:39. At this point the women disciples appear 15: 40-41. They witness death, burial and discover the empty tomb 16:1-8. Jesus is vindicated in his resurrection from the dead.

1. In Mark’s gospel Jesus is Son of God, Jesus is an enigma in markan gospel

2. Two features touch us mainly: his power and his pain.

3. His portrait of power slowly turns to the portrait of pain. . His power is overshadowed by the death, as foreshadowed in John the Baptist’s death. His power slowly fades. He who could make the demons to flee, waves to still, diseases to vanish could not persuade the people to believe. Mark emphasizes the humanity of Jesus, presenting him as someone who embraces all the joys and sorrows of human life. In his suffering and death, in particular, the human Jesus

stands in solidarity with all humanity.

4. The Suffering Jesus Mark’s Passion narrative supports his presentation of Jesus as fully human, as Jesus is abandoned by his friends; expresses fear, distress, and sorrow; and cries out to God for help. The one who is identified as the Son of God in the opening verse of the gospel[48] is confessed to be the Son of by the Roman centurion as Jesus dies, humiliated and in agony, on the cross (15:39). Mark wants his readers to understand that Jesus is the Son of God, but especially the suffering Son of God. Moreover, believers are to be

followers of Jesus. Mark also shows that Christians must walk the same road as Jesus – the way of humility, of suffering, and even, should it be necessary, of death. ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me’ (8:34). Jesus

According to Mark


in the Gospel of


Themes in Mark: Paschal Mystery: Mk’s gospel is centered on Paschal mystery: the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus. There is a paradox about the Messiah. Cross and the resurrection are seen side by side. He enters into glorious reign only through self- abasement of the Cross. Cross casts its light and shadow as the destination of Jesus and his ministry leads to the cross. The truth of Messiah is seen on the Cross. On the Cross, he is recognized as the “Son of God”. Resurrection also sheds its light on the gospel. The repeated mention of eternal life, exorcisms, miracles, prefigure Jesus’ victory over sin and Satan. Healings signify his rise from the death. contd..

Paschal mystery in the Discipleship: Cross is also the secret of the discipleship. Discipleship demands the fidelity to the cross. They cannot be formed on the way of cross. But they fail to understand the cross and death as God’s plan. Jesus’ fidelity in the sight of their infidelity and betrayal gains favor from Father’s hands. Resurrection of Jesus and their meeting with the risen Lord, renews them to go on the mission of the master. Persecution is also a prominent theme in Mark’s Gospel. It is clearly explained in the parable of the seeds 4:17; those who leave everything to follow Jesus will have blessings and also persecutions 10:28-30; Jesus warns his disciples about crosses that will be part of their life 13:9-13.

Bold Portrayal of Jesus: Mk is not afraid of stunning, scandalizing the audience with the report of certain features of Jesus. Eg. Jesus was considered “mad” 3:21. Why do you call me good?.. ignorant of what his disciples are thinking. 9:16, 33. Or end of times: 13:32. He depicted profoundly Human Jesus: MK readily presents the human side of Jesus such as his compassion 1:41; displeasure 1:43, 10:14; amazement 6:5; disappointment 8:12; anger 10:14, 11:15-17; love 10:21 and sorrow 14:34 Jesus trembled at the approaching death 14:33, felt abandoned by God 15:34. But these human features do not diminish Jesus’ sovereign majesty as the Son of God. Most direct affirmation by Jesus that he was Son of God is found only in Mk 14:61-62.

The Titles of Jesus in Mark ‘Son of God’ (1:1- gospel of Jesus Christ, the son of God=15:39- Roman Centurion proclaims: ‘this is truly the son of God’) OT is applied to Israel as God’s people Hos 11:1, King at coronation Ps 2:7, the angels Job 38:7, and suffering righteous person Wis 2:18. MK establishes Jesus as true son of God in the midst of suffering and death on the cross. Jesus is obedient up to his death on the cross 14:36. MK presents Jesus as the suffering servant portrayed in Isaiah 53= MK 12:1-12.

Messiah/Son of David: the Anointed One In Judaism, there is no single concept of Messiah. He is Son of David.

They expected a royal conquering Messiah. In Mk Christos, the Greek

translation of Messiah, has become the surname of Jesus. In Mk Christ is understood in the context of suffering and death.

Hence when Peter confesses (8:29) Jesus adds as a correction (8:31) the prediction of death. Jesus’ messiahship essentially involves suffering and cross.

‘Son of Man’ : appears in the context of Jesus’ passion and suffering, death and resurrection… after the Transfiguration 9:9,12 In speaking on the goal of his life is ‘for the son of man to give his life as a ransom for many 10:45

The title Son of Man suggests that Jesus is the significant son of man/Adam and glorious eschatological son, who comes in power and glory. The other titles: The stronger one (John the Baptist says of Jesus)1:7 Holy one of God (demon says) 1:24 Lord.

The Messianic Secret in Mark

an important theme. Jesus tells not tell…1:44,3:11-12, 7:36,8:27-30. In 8:29. Peter’s Confess. After the

Transfiguration 9:9.

MK employs this secrecy theme in order to teach that until the cross Jesus cannot be rightly

known for who he is. ..MK gradually discloses Jesus as Messiah in his exorcisms, healings,

miracles and instructions and preliminarily at 8:29 and fully upon the cross 15:39

The secrecy is to challenge the disciples as to whether they accept that revelation that Jesus

the Messiah, the suffering one and whether they venture to follow him to the Cross.

Authority of Jesus ‘Authority’ of Jesus is what caused great impression on followers and great offence for the opponents He manifested divine authority in teaching and exorcisms 1:21-28 • He redefined the motherhood and sibling

relationships 3:31-35, 6:1-6; and in political realm he declared ‘what is’ and ‘what is not’ owed to Caesar 12:13-17

• the purpose of Sabbath 2:23-26, 2:27-28, 3:1-6, redefines the law by reaching out to people in need (cure of a leper 1:40-45, tax collectors and sinners 2:13-17, Syrophoenician woman 7:24-30)

Authority of love and service

Real authority lies in serving and giving his life as ransom for many 10:45 Last Supper symbolizes the total self-giving of body and blood for human salvation 14:24

Discipleship: The corollary of Christology & the response to good news. Mark tells in the story of Jesus what it means to be involved with Jesus. Mark uses vocabulary like: disciple= learner, apprentice, follow, come after. Follow has the implications of personal relationship to the one who is followed, adopting the pattern of his life. Unlike the Rabbis of his times, Jesus takes initiative to call the disciples without any previous contact with them. 1;16-20. not you… but I choose you… Jn 15:16 Conversion and faith are the most basic things that Jesus advocates for the disciples. 1:16-20 Two essential elements of the call to discipleship are ‘being with Jesus’ and ‘doing the things of Jesus’. Jesus’ life and mission becomes their life and mission. The mission of disciples is parallel to that of Jesus 3:13-19; 6:7-13 Disciples receive private instruction from Jesus 4:10-34; 7:1-23 Disciples are privileged witnesses of Jesus deeds 4:35-41; 5:37-43; 6:45-52; 9:2-8 Disciples assist Jesus in feeding of the multitudes 6:30-44; 8:1-10 Disciples share in the last supper with Jesus 14:12-26

Trusting discipleship

Trust in Jesus is the heart of discipleship. Jesus not only gives sight to the blind 10:35-45 but also insight to the disciples 10:46-52 Jesus the Messiah-savior gives himself as bread 6:34-44, 8:1-10, and Jesus the Messiah-suffering servant gives life through his death 8:22-26, 10:46-52 Call to serve and not to be served Son of Man has come not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. So too must the disciples serve 10:42-45 To be a disciple of Christ, one must deny self, take up his cross and follow him. To lose one’s life for Christ is to save it 8:34-35 Disciples are called to trust in God like Jesus and serve others even unto death14:32-42

4. Journey as a theme in Mark MK describes the Gospel of Jesus Christ ‘as a way’ 1:2-3. Jesus crosses the sea of Galilee and journeys into Gentile regions around Galilee. Jesus journeys to the villages of Caesarea Philippi where Peter declares him as the Messiah 8:27, then Jesus is on journey to Capernaum and on to other places Jesus sets his face and directs his steps toward Jerusalem and on the way predicts three times about his passion and death 8:31, 9:31, 10:33-34. ‘The way’ is not only the destiny of Jesus but also of his disciples 10:32, 52. The way or journey describes the way Jesus must go and the way disciples must follow to fulfill God’s plan.

Theme: 5. Rhetoric of Contrast Juxtaposing Positive and negative side by side

Jesus: in the first prediction: to save one life- losing it, losing is to save it. 8:3 Second Prediction: to be first is to be last and to be servant of all 9: 35 Third Prediction: to be great is to be servant, Son of man came to serve... And give life as the ransom for many. 10:43-45. Mark uses this method to promote one set of standards and to condemn the opposite set of standards. The positive and negative are put together to illuminate the minds of the disciples. Contrast between God’s will and human will is presented to high light that God’s values assure life and security.

Kingdom of God: Kingdom of God means God’s reign.

It is a reality that has temporal and spiritual implications.

Jesus began his ministry inaugurating it: Kingdom of is at hand…1: 15

Faith is the foundation of values of kingdom. It gives courage to trust and confidence to

entrust to God’s reign. Fear is opposite of faith. Faith offers oneself for others 10:21, 29-30;

14:36. fear holds everything for self 4:40, 5:36; 6:50.

MK calls the followers to have faith in God as Jesus did which enabled him to live for God

and his kingdom even in suffering and death 8:34

Values of the kingdom and of the world MK contrasts the standards of the world by the standards of Jesus to confront the self- oriented and selfish attitudes. Standards of the world are to be self-oriented, self-serving, to save their lives 8:35, to acquire the world 8:36, to be great 9:35, to lord it over 10:43-44. The quest to maintain power and status is motivated by fear 11:18 (Herod fears John the Baptist 6:20; Jewish leaders fear Jesus popularity, Pilate fears the crowd, ask for the release of Barabbas 15:11-15). It is faith that enables them to serve and to sacrifice like Christ.

The disciples also had the worldly desires and attitudes. They argued who is the greatest among them 9:33-34, James and John asked for places at his right and left 10:35-40, Peter said we have given up everything and followed you 10:28. Jesus corrects their attitudes by his standards. He tells them to be least of all and servant of all 9:35, 10:43-45, to lose their lives for Jesus and the Gospel 8:35. The values of the kingdom turn the values of the world upside down. Jesus promotes the values of love and service.

Spirituality of St. Mark’s


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