the greeks at war guided notes[1]

Post on 20-Oct-2015






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The Greeks at War! Between ______and ______ B.C. the Greeks fought several wars. Two were against the powerful _____________ Empire to the east of Greece. Then a ______war broke out among the city-states of Greece.

Why did the Persians invade Greece? In 519 B.C. the Persians conquered a group of people who lived in Asia Minor called the _______ Greeks. In 499 B.C. the Ionian Greeks asked the mainland Greeks to help them _______ against the Persians. ____________ sent warships to help them, but they were not strong enough to defeat the Persian army. The made the Persian King, ______________, very angry with Greece. In 490 B.C. _________sent ships and soldiers to invade Greece. He wanted to punish the Athenians for helping the rebels. The Persian army, which greatly outnumbered the Greeks landed at __________________, north of Athens, in 490 B.C. The Persians were amazed at the ___________ will of the small Athenian force. They had no horses or archers, only soldiers. After a few days, the Persians decided to attack Athens by ____________. While they were loading their __________, the Athenians attacked and defeated them. The Persians Retreated.

Marathon The Greeks sent their fastest ___________ Pheidippides to carry home news of the victory. He ran ____ miles from the battle site to Athens. When he arrived he said, “Rejoice, we conquer,” and died from exhaustion The ______________ race is named after this event.

What Happened at Thermopylae? The Greek ruler Themistocles knew this was a temporary victory and encouraged the Athenians to build up their navy In 480 B.C. Darius’ son _____________ sent a larger force to conquer Greece; 200,000 soldiers and nearly 1,000 ships. By this time Athens had convinced ____________ to join them in battle. Twenty Greek city-states joined together to meet

the Persian invaders. Sparta took charge of the _________. Persia Invades Greece

The Persian army had little trouble as it moved through northern Greece. It came to a narrow mountain pass called Thermopylae, there ____________ Greeks waited for the Persians. For several days they ____________ the Persian army from moving forward, but someone led the Persians behind the

Greek army, the Spartan soldier began to retreat to their ships as the Persians marched forward.Thermopylae: The Last Stand

A Small Spartan force of about ________ men commanded by King Leonidas, guarded the mountain pass of Thermopylae. They held out heroically against the enormous Persian force for___________ days. They were _____________ when someone told the Persians how to get in behind the army. They were defeated, but won valuable ________ for the rest of the Greeks.

Who won at Salamis? The Persians marched south after their victory at Thermopylae and ______________ the city of Athens. The Athenians had already moved to _____________, a small nearby island More than ___________Persian ships attacked the Athenian navy near the island. The large Persian ships could not maneuver in the water. The ______________Greek ships destroyed them.

Results of the Persian Wars The _______________ sense of uniqueness was increased. ______________________ emerged as the most powerful city-state in Greece. Athens organized the______________ League, an alliance with other Greek city-states. Athens used the league to assert power and build an Athenian _______________. They moved the treasury to Athens, and ____________people to stay in the league against their will.

Peloponnesian War: Sparta (Oligarchy) Vs. Athens (Democracy) Athens __________ couldn’t fight Sparta who was not located near water. Overcrowding led to plague that _____________ 1/3 of Athens people. Sparta even allied with ___________, their old enemy, against the Delian League. Finally, in 404 B.C., with the help of the Persian navy, the Spartans captured Athens and stripped it of its _________ and

empire. The Peloponnesian war ended Athenian ________________. In Athens Democratic government suffered: _________________and selfish interests replaced order. _______________ continued to disrupt the Greek world. Sparta itself suffered defeat at the hands of ________________, another Greek city-state. Greece was left vulnerable to _____________. Cultural development was __________________.

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