the guardians: book 1 magic

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 The Guardians: Book 1 Magic


    The Guardians


    By: Michael Phoenix

    The Guardians: Magic is about a drastic change in the world after a young boys

    wish. The world becomes like the books he read with his father. Some people of

    the world gain powers and the abilities of Magic, others live in a futuristic world of

    flying cars and robots, another part of the world is full of superheroes and villains,

    while the last part is an underwater city. The Guardians, a group of heroes from

    before the change, must stop a new threat to this world. A powerful foe who is

    searching for the device that granted the boys wish.

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    This book is dedicated to:



    And to the real D and J,

    Who are all inspirations to my imagination.

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    Chapter 0

    Heroes of the Past

    Heroes of the Past

    By Ted Knowles

    July 28, 2101

    In the past, we knew them as heroes. We

    never knew where they came from and they did not care.

    They helped keep us, the normal people, safe from harm.

    Eight legendary beings with powers and abilities normal

    people could only dream of having. Each held the power of

    an element capable of stopping whatever villain or disaster

    came their way. The people would watch in awe as they

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    stopped planes from crashing, buildings from collapsing,

    and crooks from hurting people. We called them

    Guardians because that was what they seemed like to us,

    Guardian Angels.

    One of them possibly was an actual angel. He stretched his

    white wings as he flew high into the sky, his hands covered

    in flames as he threw fireballs at escaping bank robbers'

    cars. There was a muscular man with a weird arm that

    looked reptilian, with wings to match, on one side of him.

    A red-haired beauty that sparked and frizzed as though

    electricity poured from her body flew next to him on the

    other side. If you were on the other side of town, you

    would see a blue haired girl with a person made of smoke

    combining water and cold air to make ice and snow at the

    park for kids to enjoy on a hot day. On the news at night,

    you would catch live coverage of a fire in progress. On the

    screen would be a young blonde-haired woman with parts

    of her body covered in machinery. She wore a white dress

    while moving faster than light itself and pulling people out

    of the building. With her was a man who looked like he

    could pass for the fire throwing youths twin. He was using

    a black colored magic to suppress the flames. The fire

    department would arrive and thank them. The young man

    would not say anything as he walked away but the girl

    would say "no problem" and then run behind him. It was

    rare to catch the green haired girl out unless it was

    something that destroyed plant life. She would wave her

    hand and the plants would return greener than ever. If she

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    could catch a camera recording her, she would walk over

    and yell at the camera about how people are harming

    nature, and the hippies would rejoice.

    The kids would keep clippings from the newspaper. They

    would try to catch the heroes while they were talking to

    the police, giving reports on what happened, to get


    If they were lucky and wanted it bad enough, they could

    get an autograph from all of them except the dark magic

    using teen. One lucky goth kid got one from him. You had

    to make sure you brought recycled paper to get the

    signature of the green haired girl. Even if they were not

    fighting crimes, you could see them receive awards from

    the mayor, president, or Green Peace. They had fan clubs

    they would visit, along with schools where they would talk

    to kids about following their dreams. They shone in

    everyones eyes.

    Then the day came when two of them were fighting against

    the other five. It looked as though a disagreement was

    going on between the dark magic using Guardian and the

    fire using one. The dark magic using one had the light

    speed blonde-haired teen on his side, while the others

    sided with the fire Guardian. The fight lasted an entire

    day. When it seemed as though it was a draw, the fire

    Guardian put forth a bright light that seemed to light the

    heavens themselves. The Dark Guardian and the Light

    Guardian retreated into what looked like a puff of dark

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    smoke. The damage to the area around them was extensive

    and, even though they had fixed it, the government and

    many people started to fear them. They had seen the

    amount of power the Guardians possessed during the

    fight, and started putting restrictions on them. They

    limited their flying around and kept them under

    surveillance at all times. They continued to help even

    through the prejudice that they were enduring.

    Then one day, while they were stopping a terrorist attack

    on a plane, they all disappeared in a flash of light. The

    flight crashed into the sea and lives were lost. The media

    blew it out of proportion, saying that The Guardians had

    let the plane crash on purpose. Anti-Guardian propaganda

    went up everywhere. Posters, clothes, even television ads

    went up and slaughtered the name of the missing heroes.

    Crime increased and terrorist attacks led to wars. Large

    banners and posters went up. Written on them in boldprint was "Where are the Guardians? That catastrophe

    was the last we saw of them. No one knew what The

    Guardians secret identities were, or even if they had any.

    When the war was finally over, negative media about the

    Guardians started to resurface. The military was the

    biggest promoter of it. They started saying We dont need

    their help. More wars started, and all but those whoalways wished for their return soon forgot The Guardians.

    We once called them heroes.

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    Chapter 1

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    The Wish Felt Around the World

    War ravaged our world in the beginning of the Twenty-second century. All

    because of differences between major world religions, millions have died worldwide and

    families were torn apart by deaths and separation. New York, Paris, London, Hong

    Kong, Cairo, and Los Angeles, all wiped off the map and uninhabitable because of

    radiation. All from nuclear weapons the enemy should not have had in their possession.

    Even on American land, troops from invading countries were fighting against American

    soldiers and pushing the military to its limit. Acts of terrorism such as car or suicide

    bombings were common even in the supposedly safe zones. People everywhere were

    losing hope because of the constant loss of family and friends. They needed a miracle to

    end the war.

    They did not know that something was on the way that would bring about the end

    of the war. They did not know that the world was about to change in a way they had

    never imagined. They did not know that this change would alter the world both mentally

    and geographically. This change would not come from the soldiers or their leaders. It

    would not come from their weapons of mass destruction.

    It would not even come from an adult.

    It would come from a kid, a young boy around eight years old with short, messy

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    black hair and brown-blue eyes. He had lost his father already in the war and did not

    know what his mother meant when she said that daddy was not coming home. Because,

    in his eyes, his father was a super hero, a wizard, a knight, a super genius, and

    sometimes the king of an underwater civilization populated only by girls, though mom

    would get mad at him for saying that. His father was a master storyteller. Every night,

    before the draft, his father used to tell him stories, either from a book or ones he made

    up himself. When his father left, his mother tried to do it for a couple of nights a week,

    but she was not as good. He would stay awake after his mom had told him it was

    bedtime and wait, hoping for his father to come in and tell him a story as he had before

    he left, but he never came. Before he went to sleep at night, he prayed to the Lord and

    wished on the stars that his dad would come back and read him a story so that, together,

    they could delve into the world of their imaginations. Months went by, and the war

    became worse.

    The night the world changed, the boy and his mother were at home. Or the

    closest to home they could get. The house they stayed in was in the northwestern part of

    the country, in an area the government had created for people who had lost their homes.

    It used to be all forest. The battle was getting closer to their area, but there was no place

    for them to escape to. They had moved twice now. The entire west coast of the United

    States was overpopulated from evacuees of the east side, and leaving the country was

    impossible and dangerous considering the large proportion of planes being shot down or

    hijacked by opposing forces. The news was on in the kitchen where his mom was, and he

    could hear the newscaster talking.

    We regret to bring you news of this terrible tragedy, of the nuclear bombings

    that took place just ten minutes ago . . . New York, Georgia, Maryland, and Florida. I

    repeat . . . He heard the click of the TV going off, and stifled cries rang out from the


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    The sounds of bullets and explosives were getting louder, and the yells of soldiers

    were getting clearer. Earlier that week, his mother had put boards up to cover the

    windows, hoping the soldiers would pass it by, thinking it deserted like some of the

    other houses on the street. The boy was looking out of a crack in the wood on his

    bedroom window, trying to see stars; he could remember himself and his parents

    wishing on them before he went to sleep at night. There were no stars visible tonight

    because of the clouds of smoke coming from the nearing battle. A loud whistling noise,

    at first faint and then louder, came from outside. It grew louder and louder until it

    ended in a loud, earsplitting Boom. The house and the ground shook as though they

    were experiencing an earthquake. He looked through the window again and could see

    smoke coming from a house down the street. His mother came into his room, a look of

    panic on her face. She was tall, with dark brown hair and gray eyes. She was once young-

    looking, but from the stress over the loss of her husband and the war, wrinkles lined

    parts of her face and a few grays ran through her brown hair.

    "Put some clothes in a bag, hurry, we are leaving right now. The boy grabbedsome clothes while his mom was tossing clothes and necessities into a small green

    suitcase. She pulled the bag over her shoulder along with a blue bag that contained her

    own stuff.

    All right, lets go," she said and reached out, grabbing his hand and pulling him

    out of the door.

    "Wait, I forgot something, he yelled as he pulled out of his mothers grip. He ran

    to his dresser and grabbed a necklace off it, then ran back. It was a silver necklace with a

    charm of a velociraptor on it. It was his most prized possession because his father had

    given it to him before he left.

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    The two of them ran out of the house and saw two of the houses down the street

    burning to the ground. The Johnson's and the Akron's lived in those two houses. He

    hoped they were all right. The smell of smoke was heavy in the already cold air, making

    it hard to breathe. The boy looked into the air and saw a large green plane coming

    towards them in the distance. They got into the car and drove toward a street that led to

    the interstate, away from the fighting. They got a little ways away from their house

    before they had to stop in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

    Feeling that all hope was lost, his mother cried out and slammed her hands

    against the steering wheels angrily. The boy looked at them and noticed that they wereshaking.

    Are you alright, Mommy? He asked worriedly.

    "I-Im fine; his mom answered, looking at him through the rear-view mirror, her

    eyes teary and red. Just get out and come with me.

    They got out and started running through the grass on the side of the highway.

    People on motorcycles rode by them, riding around the traffic. His mother was holding

    his hand and running too fast for him to keep up so he kept tripping and stubbing his

    toes. It was after five minutes of running that they heard them. From above, loud

    engines roared in their ears. Enemy fighter jets were zooming through the sky. Many

    people got out of their cars and ran into the woods. Some ran down the closest exit ramp

    to take cover in the stores that lined the road. He heard a mans voice yelling to take


    The jets started firing at the ground, and in the distance you could see cars

    catching fire and parts flying into the air. The sound of screams broke through the loud

    noise of the jets as people ran away from the road. A missile streaked into a store below.

    His mother pulled him through the brush and into the woods on the opposite side of the

    road. When she thought that they were far enough away from the street, they sat down

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    beneath a large tree. Leaning against the trunk, they could still hear the jets guns, large

    explosions from missiles, and people screaming. His mother pulled him close, tears

    running down her face, and after a while he fell asleep.

    He awakened twenty minutes later, when he felt his mother lift him up and

    started running. He could hear voices that he could not understand in the distance. He

    could hear gunfire not far off from them. His mother ran, not knowing where she was

    heading at all. Her only desire was to get her son to safety. She ran until they were on a

    street of the town they lived in. She ran between abandoned cars, some of which were

    still running. There were still planes fighting in the sky. The street was in flames at

    certain spots. The stench of something burning in the air caught her nose and made her

    gag. She looked around and, ten feet away from her, the flames of a burning body made

    light dance across her face. His mother held back a gag and started to cry. He could see

    enemy soldiers getting closer, their weapons drawn. That was when it happened.

    A loud roar filled their ears, and the sky lit up as though it was on fire. The boy

    looked up and saw a large meteor flying through the air toward them. It was the size of a

    large truck, and flames surrounded it as it fell downwards to the ground. It tore through

    two jets fighting in the sky like a knife through butter. Two other jets managed to escape

    with just torn wings. His mom turned and started running away from it, but it was too

    late. When it struck, the impact of the crash sent out shock waves that crumbled the

    ground around it. A strong, dusty gust of air blew out all the surrounding store windows

    and blew his mom up high into the air like a rag doll. For a second, it seemed as though

    they were flying. It felt both terrifying and amazing. His mom was holding him tight

    against her, and she turned in midair so he was facing away from the ground. They

    landed with a hard thud, so hard that he heard a loud crack and his mom let go, making

    him bounce off her and sending him back into the air, landing a few feet away.

    He got back up, his body sore, and walked over to his mom. She was not moving.

    Her left leg and arm were lying in awkward positions.

    "Mom, please get back up. He started crying loudly.

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    "Dont cry, I'll be fine, his mom said as she opened her eyes, but you have to

    start running away. Do not worry; Ill catch up to you soon. Stay away from the people

    with guns, do you understand?"

    "Mommy, I don't want to leave you, he sobbed.

    "You have to go, don't worry, I'll be right there. Now go! And don't look back!"

    He turned to run away and stopped with a jolt. He turned and saw his mom

    holding him. She pulled him close to her and mustered all of her remaining strength to

    push him to the ground and cover him with her body. The jets that the meteor tore

    through crashed to the ground twenty feet away from them and blew up. A large, sharp

    piece of metal flew into the air and sliced into his mothers back. She collapsed onto him

    and whispered her last word to him.


    He slipped out from under her and ran away, crying. He could hear soldiers

    behind him yelling and he ran faster, but when he reached the end of the street he found

    that a large crater blocked his path. He stopped and, looking down from the edge, he

    could see a faint light coming from the middle of it, through some of the rocks and

    debris. He heard a snap behind him and turned with excitement, hoping it was help.

    However, when he looked, all he saw was the barrel of a gun in the hands of a soldier ten

    feet away.

    The man said something that he could not understand, and he backed away until

    he felt the edge of the crater.

    LEAVE ME ALONE, the boy cried out.

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    The man moved toward him, with his gun still pointed. The boy started to cry,

    and then he felt the ground give way underneath him, and he fell into the crater. He

    rolled and rolled until he reached the middle. He got up slowly, heard gunshots, and saw

    the bullets hit the ground around him.

    He ran toward the center of the crater. He could hear more shots hitting the rocks

    in the crater around him. He could see a light ahead of him getting brighter. He ran

    toward it and found the source. A black orb floated in the air, as though by magic.

    He had never seen anything like it. He walked toward it and felt warm air around

    him. It reminded him of his parents, and he remembered wishing on shooting stars with

    them. He grabbed the orb, closed his eyes, and wished the same wish he always wished

    at home. That he lived in a world like the stories his father told him. Then he wished

    that he could be with his parents forever. He opened his eyes and looked around, hoping

    to see something different. Everything around him was the same. Then he heard

    something move behind him and turned around.

    The soldier from earlier had followed him into the crater. He raised his gun and

    fired. At the same time, the orb burst with bright light, engulfing the boy, but it did not

    stop there. It continued until it covered the street, and then the city. It soon engulfed the

    country, and then the entire world.

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    Chapter 2

    The Magical World

    "That was a sad story, Miss Spirit," said a bleach-blond young boy wearing a green

    wizard hat with matching cloak. He was sitting on a log that had seats carved into it

    next to nine other children in wizard and witch hats facing a short, petite young

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    woman who was sitting on a stump in front of them. She looked around the age of

    fifteen. She had medium-short black hair shifted to the side so her bangs on her right

    side covered her face; she had dark green eyes, and a pale, cream-colored skin tone.

    She wore an azure witch hat, a frilly azure shirt, and a blue skirt with white flowers

    going down one side and a knee-high split on the other side. She also had a strong

    wooden bow leaning against the stump beside her, although no quiver or arrows

    were with it. They were sitting in the middle of Light Forest, surrounded by tall trees

    that kept the sun from reaching them. Gentle breezes flowed through the forest,

    making the leaves above them rustle and causing the occasional fallen leaf to rise

    and skip along the forest floor.

    What happened to the little boy? asked a little girl with golden locks, rubbing tears

    from her eyes.

    "No one knows what happened to him after everything changed, replied Spirit, "in

    fact, we didn't even know about the little boy until years after it happened, when

    stories of him started to circulate."

    "Miss Spirit, ooh, ooh, Miss Spirit, I have a question," said a young black boy in a

    green hat, waving his hand in the air.

    "Go ahead"

    "What's a car?"

    I'm not sure, myself, Anthony," she answered, and then continued, I believe it's

    supposed to be a big broomstick surrounded by metal. No one around here knows

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    what they look like because one hasn't existed in five hundred years in either

    Diamond or Chaos City."

    "Miss Spirit, please tell us about the other places in the world," a little boy with sharp

    eyes asked politely.

    "Well there's Silicon Country, the technology part of the world. Then there is Hero

    Country where rumor has it people with strange abilities, and some of the strongest

    people alive, live there. Finally, theres supposed to be an underwater city

    somewhere, but it has never been found," Spirit said with a smile while she looked at

    the shocked faces of the children and listened to their remarks.

    "Wow, that's so cool!"

    "That's incredible!"


    "What's technology?"

    "Wow. Youre so cool, Miss Spirit, our parents won't tell us any of this stuff."

    "Yeah, they say that its none of our business to know about the other places that are

    separated from us by deserts and jungles that are impossible to cross."

    "Thats because its forbidden to give information about them, a voice said from

    behind Spirit. Spirit jumped up, looking startled, but regained her composure when

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    she turned and saw who was behind her.

    A young man with long black hair and light blue eyes who was dressed in silver

    armor was standing there. On his back was a large broadsword with magical

    inscriptions on it. Spirit's face turned from cream to red in one second flat.

    "It is Prince Rocky, the girl with golden locks shouted.

    Spirit turned to face him.

    Rocky, I thought I told you not to use a Finder Spell to visit me, especially since the

    last time you used it ended with you landing next to me while I was in the shower,

    brother, dear, Spirit said sarcastically, her face slowly returning to its normal color.

    The kids giggled from hearing this.

    "And I thought Father told you not to talk about forbidden information, Little Sis,

    said Prince Rocky with a smirk.

    "Okay, kiddies, Spirit said to the children who were all staring at the two of them,

    why don't you all go practice your water conjuring spells from yesterday by the

    river?" The children got up from their seats and ran across a path that would leadthem out of the forest to a small stream. The crunching of dead leaves sounded loud

    in the quiet forest and continued until they were out of hearing range.

    You were teaching them water spells, Rocky said with a tone of disbelief in his

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    voice, Do you even know how to do them?

    I know how to do all the spells I teach them, she replied irritably, but slightly

    blushing from embarrassment, I just cant do them myself.

    Rocky chuckled, making Spirit give him an angry glare.

    "What is it that you want, Rocky? said Spirit, slightly annoyed.

    "Just here to give you the invitation to my wedding. Spirit looked at her brother


    "So youre going through with it," she asked him. Her voice was full ofdisappointment.

    "Of course I am, it's for the good of the city, and we will finally be able to have peace,

    end this feud with Chaos City, and bring an end to all these wars. In addition to that,

    I met her this morning. She's pretty smart, and man is she hot."

    I don't think you should go through with it. Spirit was still not smiling.

    Rocky looked at her with a smile and then said, And I don't think you should believe

    and tell people what Michael says, but that doesn't stop you from telling morbid

    stories to children. Maybe we should get you checked or something. You probably

    have brain damage from falling off the broom when you were younger. Then he

    turned, muttered a few words, then was gone in a bright white light.

    Spirit stood alone, thinking about her brothers upcoming marriage to Chaos Citys

    Princess Michelle. The two cities had been at war for centuries: Diamond Citys light

    magic vs. Chaos Citys dark magic. Until recently, when the two Kings came to an

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    agreement that the two cities would call a permanent cease-fire if there were a

    marriage between the two countries of the magical area of the world. She knew that

    it would bring peace, but, in her heart, she could not bring herself to trust the Chaos

    Empire or let her brother get stolen away by some hot vampire.

    While still thinking about it, she started to practice her own wind magic. Ever since

    she was little, Spirit would start doing magic without thinking about it. Mages

    throughout the land knew that Spirit was the strongest wind-using magician around

    and wondered how someone who was so young could control the wind so well. Her

    father said that Spirit could control wind magic the day she was born. To her, using

    it came to her as naturally as breathing. Unfortunately, besides some healing magic,

    wind magic was the only magic she could use. King Giradot, her father, paid the best

    tutors to teach her. When that did not work, he gathered the best doctors to try to

    find out why she could not use any other magic. For that reason, many of the older

    villagers ridiculed her and thought her strange, but they would never say anything to

    her about it for fear of the wrath of the King or her brother.

    She brought her right hand up and moved it in a slow circle. The air beneath her

    hands began to move, and the dirt and leaves began to move in a circle. She hadcreated a tornado the size of a small child while she was thinking about her brother.

    More leaves from the ground rose into the tornado until it looked like a spinning

    bush, all brown and green. She was so absorbed by her thoughts that it grew bigger

    and bigger, soon surpassing her in height, until an angry thought about her brothers

    marriage went into her mind, causing the tornado to burst, sending leaves

    everywhere and creating a strong gust of wind that knocked her off her feet.

    Spirit caught herself with magic by surrounding herself in a tornado and floated

    inches from the ground before rising back up. She heard laughter, so she looked

    around but could not see anyone. She then realized that the sound had come from

    above her. She looked up and noticed a large fireball coming at her from above. She

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    dodged it, barely, and felt a wave of scorching heat go past her before it hit the

    ground. When it hit the ground, it scorched the spot where it landed and the flames

    started to spread about. She used her magic to remove the oxygen from the air and

    suppressed the flames with carbon dioxide. Then she quickly looked up to see where

    the fireball had come from. On a tree branch, high above her stood a young man

    looking down at her.

    The young man looked to be about five feet and ten inches tall, one hundred fifty

    pounds, he was somewhat muscular and around sixteen years old. His hair was

    spiky, red, and black; he had light brown skin the color of peanut butter. He was

    wearing baggy black jeans with a white T-shirt and a red short-sleeve trench coat

    made out of what looked like a tough metallic material. He was looking at Spirit with

    a smile before he spoke.

    "It seems like your training is paying off. You made me wonder about you for a

    moment when I saw you lose control."

    "Michael, how long were you up in that tree listening? Spirit asked, still shakily

    from his attack.

    "Since the beginning of the story with the children, replied Michael happily, which

    you told with such skill that I got tears. I wish I had some popcorn to go with it. Your

    brother is right though, what a morbid story. I mean, theyre like what, eight years


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    "Really now, said Spirit thinking it over in her head before continuing, Could you

    come down here for a second?"

    "Sure, he said before jumping off the branch, flipping before landing on his feet

    with a thud. He walked over to where Spirit was standing.

    "What is it that you want? he asked smoothly.

    Smack! The sound rang through the forest, echoing outwards from Spirit slappingMichael in the face.

    "Ow, what was that for? shouted Michael with a big red hand print on his face.

    "What is that for, you ask, you came here, spied on me without me knowing, then

    you attack me and act like there is nothing wrong with doing it? You act as though it

    was just some ordinary thing that you do to people, as if you were saying hi! You

    scared the crap out of me!"

    "You asked me to train you, he shot back at her.

    "Train me, not attack me at random, you idiot. Man, sometimes you act like such a


    "But in real combat you can be attacked at any ti . . .," Michael started and then

    Spirit covered his mouth and he stopped.

    "Did no one ever tell you that a princess is always right? she asked, still covering his


    "Whatever you say, Madame Princess Know-It-All, Michael said sarcastically.

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    Spirit just rolled her eyes at him.

    When it comes to stories, Im not good at making them up and thats the only one I

    knew, and they wanted to hear a story.

    Still, out of all the stories Ive told you, you chose that one, Michael laughed,

    Maybe I should get you some Dark City clothing for your birthday.

    Ha . . . Ha, so funny, she said, then stuck her tongue out at him.

    Michael was not like any other person she had known. She first met him years ago,

    when she was younger. Yet he hadnt aged at all since then, though she figured that

    was caused by puberty. He had traveled from one of the lands across the desert.

    Supposedly, his father was here around forty years earlier, and his grandfather

    before that. He was a complete mystery that she wanted to get to the bottom of.

    Because he was the son of a great hero, and knowledgeable himself, Michael was

    asked by the king to help Spirit train and learn other types of magic. Michael did not

    see anything wrong with her only knowing wind magic, and told her father that he

    would make her the best Wind Magician of all time. Spirit, when hearing these

    words felt fond of Michael, though she would never tell him that herself.

    They stood around and talked about plans for her training this afternoon when a

    thought hit her, the children! She had sent them to the river thirty-five minutes ago.

    They both ran to the river to see what they were doing. All the kids were there except

    for one.

    Little Amy, the girl with the golden locks had wandered off on her own into the

    woods. Spirit told the other children to stay right there, and for no one to leave. She

    even put up a bright blue wind barrier to stop any of them from leaving the area. She

    and Michael then went to look for the girl in the direction everyone had last seen her

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    going, into the Mystical Forest.

    The Diamond City and Chaos City Empires were separated by two forests: the

    Mystical forest, which contained regular woodland creatures and non-aggressive

    magical creatures, except for the dragons in the mountainous area, and the Dark

    Woods, which contained some of the most foul and dangerous magical creatures,

    with a canyon separating the two forests. If she were walking in the woods, they

    could find her easily, but if she were using any type of magic to travel, it could pose a

    problem. Spirit traveled by the air using her broom to fly above the trees, while

    Michael jumped from tree to tree searching for her. Michael ran into a group of

    fairies out collecting flowers to decorate their den, and signaled for Spirit to come


    "Let's ask them if they've seen her, Michael told her, pointing at the fairies. Spirit

    laughed at him.

    "Fairies can't talk, she said to him.

    "Yeah, they can, he shot back, "you just have to know how to talk to them." Michael

    said. He created four balls of fire in his hand. They floated from his hand to his back,

    spreading out long, and then flattening out like a pancake. They had taken the shape

    of four fairy wings. He moved his fiery wings back and forth and did hand

    movements at the fairies. The fairies looked at Michael and pointed, but kept away

    from him. Fairies were a cautious and shy species. A blue haired fairy with clear light

    blue wings broke away from the group and did it back to him. Michael looked at

    Spirit and moved away from her. Spirit followed him, and the fairy looked


    Could you back up a bit please, he told her and she gave him a weird look. Youre

    scaring the fairy. Spirit backed up a few feet and waited patiently.

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    The fairy and Michael kept beating their wings at each other, until eventually

    Michael turned and smiled at her.

    "She ran past here a few minutes ago, he said happily.

    "That means she's not far, Spirit said, while looking a little relieved. "Could you tell

    her I said thank you?"

    Michael did a twirl and bowed to the fairy. Spirit snickered.

    "This does not leave this forest, Michael said his cheeks red with embarrassment.

    "Whatever, come on, we need to hurry, Spirit laughed. Five minutes back intolooking, they heard a scream just ahead of them. Spirit shot ahead of Michael by

    increasing the wind, which doubled her speed.

    When they reached her, she was only halfway into the forest and a wolf was snarling

    at her. The little girl was backing up against a large tree. She tripped and fell onto

    her butt. Her face was red and tears were running down it. She pointed her wand at

    it and sparks shot out. The wolf backed up, then shook its head and continued to

    walk toward her. It was unfazed by the sparks that were still shooting out of her

    wand. It was not an ordinary wolf. This wolf was jet black with red eyes. The wolfs

    fur had a wavy, shadowy look to it as if shadows were emanating from it. They called

    it Cannis Noctis, or Dark Wolf, a wolf that has dark magical powers. Spirit got to her

    first. She landed right in front of the girl, separating the wolf from her. She grabbed

    her bow from her back and pulled back its string. The air around her hand started to

    move and gather speed at the spot on the string that she was holding. The wind

    started making a visible shape. When she let go, a gust of wind in the shape of an

    arrow flew from it. It knocked the wolf back into a tree. It got up and shook its head.

    Snarling from the pain, it dodged Spirits next arrow and then opened its mouth. A

    dark purple-blackish energy started to appear, swirled, and then started to gather

    into a ball. Then the wolf made a howling sound and pointed its mouth at her as a

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    beam of the dark energy shot out of it, straight toward Spirits head. A strong gust of

    wind blew around her, making a barrier blocking some of the attack, but some of the

    beam penetrated the barrier and connected. Her vision went black, and she saw a

    horrible image of a large, slimy swamp monster running toward her in her head.

    Feeling scared and confused, she backed up while shooting arrows at the monster.

    Starting to panic when she saw that the arrows were having no effect, she tripped

    and fell back against Amy, causing both of them to fall to the ground. Spirit regained

    her sight back right as the wolf pounced at them, its mouth wide open and ready to

    take a bite out of the two of them. Michael had finally reached them, just in time. He

    jumped off a tree branch above them, flipping forward and bringing a heel down in

    the center of the wolfs head, slamming it to the ground a few feet in front of them.

    The wolf let out a yelp of pain before staggering to its feet, and started to do its dark

    howl again, but Michael brought his arm back as though he was going to punch the

    air in front of the wolf. When his arm moved forward, flame shot out and three

    fireballs shaped like small rockets erupted from his fist. Two of the rockets flew to

    opposite sides of the wolfs stomach and the last went at its mouth.

    When the fire rockets hit the wolf, they exploded, sending the wolf flying up into the

    air and twenty feet backwards, its fur singed and its mouth burned. The wolf got up,

    whimpering, then turned and retreated. Michael watched the wolf as it ran. It looked

    like a black blur heading toward Dark Woods.

    "Are you all right? Michael asked Spirit, offering her his hand to lift her up. With

    the wolf gone, the effect of the dark howl wore off and Spirit was hallucination-free.

    Spirit grabbed his hand and Michael pulled her up. She felt a little dizzy and

    stumbled a little bit, but Michael grabbed her so she would not fall. Spirit felt her

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    heart thump hard and stood up quickly, blushing. She shook off her dizziness, picked

    up Amy, and carried her, still crying into the back of Spirits shirt, back toward the


    On the way back to the other children, Spirit asked Amy why she had wandered away

    from the group. Amy told her that she was chasing a bunny and got lost in the

    woods. Spirit scolded her and then went to smile at Michael. However, from the look

    on Michael's face, she could tell that he was concentrating on something else. It was

    times like this that he actually looked like a teen becoming an adult in her eyes.

    Michaels thoughts were on the dark wolf. It was odd that it had been so far away

    from Dark Woods, and he believed that he should inform the King about this


    Soon they got back to the other kids at the river.

    "Wow, youre the famous Michael, one of the kids said, "Miss Spirit told us all of

    your stories."

    "Really, Michael asked the kids with a loud, excited voice, "Did she tell you about

    the time I fought a sand worm?"

    "No, the kids said in unison.

    "Well then, let me tell you about it, he said, sitting on a large stone by the river.

    "It all started when I was crossing the Desert of Death . . . " All the kids sat down

    around him and started to listen. Michael told them the story until it was time for

    them to get ready to go because their parents would be at the edge of the woods

    soon. Normally, Spirit would watch the kids in the castle, but today was somewhat

    like a field trip she did every week.

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    "I guess that will be it for me watching these kids, huh? Spirit told Michael, looking


    "Why is that? he asked, wondering what she was talking about.

    "Well, when their parents hear what happened, theyre going to be furious."

    "Who said the parents will find out? Michael said slyly.

    "What do you mean?"

    Michael looked at the kids curiously and then said, "Hey, look at what I found. In

    his hand was a bright, white light in the shape of an orb. Once the kids had gathered

    around the orb, it flashed a bright light. All the kids looked dazed. He had erased

    their memories.

    "Hey what did you guys do today? Michael asked with a smile.

    "We all practiced water conjuring spells by the river and listened to Michael tell

    stories. The children said in unison.

    "I didn't know you could do that, said Spirit, looking shocked, and then whispered.

    It doesnt hurt them, does it?

    Michael shook his head, looked into the air in silence, and then started to laugh.

    "There are a lot of things you don't know about me." Spirit looked at him curiously,

    wondering what other secrets he was hiding.

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    Chaos City was a dark and dreary land where barely any light got through the clouds.

    The buildings and houses outside the palace looked run down and dirty. Creatures,banished dark wizards from the Diamond Kingdom, goblins, vampires, ogres, and

    other dark humanoid type creatures lived around the castle. The stores there sold

    forbidden magical items whose only uses were of the evil kind. A large, onyx-colored

    castle stood in the middle of the city. Its black walls seemed to suck in any light and

    emanate darkness; this was Onyx Castle. Large, sharp turrets stabbed the sky, and

    gargoyle-lined, bat-filled towers gave it a sinister feel that fit the city. Deep in the

    castle, in a dark, small, fire-lit room, a conversation was going on about the

    discovery of the wolf between the dark King of Chaos City, King Taurus, and a young

    man who looked to be around the age of eighteen with spiky, white hair that covered

    part of his face. He was wearing a black leather trench coat with silver brackets, a

    dark emerald green shirt, and baggy black pants. On his back was a large sword with

    a silver handle and trigger like a gun, but there was no hole for a bullet to travel


    "One of our scouting wolves quickly returned, beaten. When we used memoryretrieval magic, it revealed that it was discovered by a fire-using young man and the

    Princess, said the King, sitting in a large black dragon skin chair. He was a tall,

    lanky man with gray, aging hair. His teeth were yellow, and his nose was long and

    narrow. He was a frail-looking man, but his power as a Dark Magician kept all the

    creatures in the city from revolting.

    "Theres nothing to worry about; theyll just think it was a stray, the young man

    replied, while walking around the room looking at the portrait of a man changing

    into a werewolf. He stared at the immense look of pain on his face for a few seconds

    and then continued walking.

    The king still looked uneasy.

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    "I've seen that young man before, supposedly he comes from a family that travels the

    world, and a son always comes back here after crossing a desert. His ancestors have

    stopped many of our wars, the King responded.

    Don't worry, Ive kept my end of the bargain, you keep yours and things will be in

    the bag for you, the young man said calmly as he stopped in front of the kings chair.

    "So, you captured it, said the King, unbelieving.

    "It wasnt too hard, but I had to use all of the talismans you gave me."

    "You used all of them?" the king asked.

    "All of them."

    "Then you will be able to find what you are looking for when we invade, said the

    king confidently.

    "Fine, he said as he walked toward the door, his necklace, which had a strange

    broken charm that looked like a dragon on it, gleaming from the fire.

    The dark room that the king was sitting in suddenly filled with light as the door

    swung open.

    "Daddy, a young womans voice rang out. A blur came into the room, passing by the

    young man and stopped when it hit the king, revealing a young woman (five foot ten,one hundred thirty pounds) of about sixteen who was hugging the king. She had

    long, silky black hair that flowed to her mid-back. Her skin was a caramel color, her

    eyes bright green. She wore a gray, eighteenth century-style trench coat with a

    pointed collar, a tight, black, revealing shirt, and a black miniskirt with knee-high

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    combat boots. Her bubbly personality was a complete contrast to the environment.

    When she smiled, two long pointy white teeth showed.

    "Thank you, thank you, thank you, she said while hugging him tightly. One of the

    guards stifled a laugh.

    "First, dear, let me go. Then tell me why you are thanking me, Michelle, the king

    said, wheezing and embarrassed.

    "The prince of Diamond City is so cute and strong. He was nice and a proper

    gentleman when he met me. He seemed to like me a lot and kept smiling at me.

    When I asked him why, he kept blushing and saying how beautiful the weather was,

    she said laughing then continued, "We even set the date for the wedding."

    The King had been sipping something out of a gold cup which, at this point, he spit


    "But . . . but . . . this is so sudden, the King exclaimed, "I thought you would have

    been more upset about having to marry the prince of Diamond City, since they took

    your mother away from you when you were young. I had agreed to the peace treaty,

    but I thought it would be a year or two before a wedding. I loved your mother a lot,

    and even though she was a vampire she never turned me into one. She loved me as ahuman. It still makes me angry to give you up to him, even if it is for peace. He

    slammed his hand against his armrest at the end of his speech.

    The happy tone of her voice changed to a pleading sound as she spoke, I loved Mom

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    too, but what happened to her was what happens in wars, and was also under a

    different King. I'm tired of seeing the people of our land die, and looking at Prince

    Rocky, I think I've fallen in love."

    "Thats absurd! the king shouted, I will not have that kind of talk in my palace! If

    you are with him it will be for peace, nothing more!

    Why cant you just let me be happy? Michelle yelled at him. The princess's eyes

    watered and tears fell as she turned around and ran out the room.

    Are you worried, sir? One of the guards asked.

    "No, the king said, his face red and his breathing still fast, Our plan will be finished

    before the wedding and the prince, along with all of Diamond City, will be dead now

    that I have my secret weapon.

    Michelle ran out into the hallway and bumped into the white-haired teen as she ran

    by him.

    "Sorry, she said, after running by him. She stopped after a few steps, feeling dizzy,

    and shook her head as though trying to shake it off.

    "Are you all right? The white haired teenager asked.

    "Yeah, I just remembered something I had forgotten, but thanks for asking, she

    said, looking at him in an odd way. He seemed young, but his eyes make him look

    older. He did not look like a vampire, but his white hair was odd and he looked as

    though his affinity was for light rather than darkness. The sword on his back looked

    too heavy for a normal person to carry.

    "Well, make sure you don't forget those whom you love, he said, walking away,

    "They're the ones that would do anything for you."

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    Chapter 3

    Training and Diamonds City's

    Dragon Problem

    At the center of Diamond City was a large ivory and silver palace, surrounded by

    a suitably large village. The village contained small stores, restaurants, and many

    houses. Everyone in the village was a witch, wizard, or light-using magical creature.

    The villages economy flourished from trading within the village. The people were

    happy and carefree since magic solved most of their problems. To the east of the

    village was a large, dome-shaped object covering a four-mile radius.

    Walking into the castle grounds, six walls encircled the main castle. The courtyard

    surrounding the castle was full of statues of previous Kings and Queens done in ivory

    and bronze. Trees with bright and beautiful flowers were all over. A beautiful silver

    fountain was in the middle of the courtyard, and streamed different colors of water

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    every few minutes. Inside the ivory walls of the Light Castle, beautifully-crafted

    stained glass windows lined the halls and soft velvet rugs lined the floor, leading into

    different rooms with solid polished oak doors. In the middle of the throne room floor

    was a painting of a large white cross under a black wand crossing a silver sword.

    Michael and Spirit were giving the news of the dark wolf to King Giradot in this

    room, while he sat on his large, red-and-ivory throne with Rocky standing beside

    him. The king was a large man, with bright white hair that he wore long and a beard.

    He had a long, red silk cape and a white shirt with black pants. He was an older man

    who you could see had once been very powerful, but age had caught up with him. He

    never wore his crown because he wanted his people to believe that he was just like

    them, not above them.

    I would like to take your information for granted, Giradot replied to the news with

    his deep voice, "but there isn't enough proof that it wasn't just a stray who wandered

    into the Mystical Forest."

    "With all due respect, your Highness, Michael began, just because there isn't any

    proof doesn't mean that the dark wolf wasn't checking out our defenses."

    I agree with Michael, Father, why is it that you won't believe that Chaos City isn't up

    to no good? Spirit said, pleading with him to believe them.

    "Of course you would agree with him and find a reason to be suspicious of Chaos

    City, Rocky said with an angry look in his eyes, "you've been angry about me

    marrying the Princess since it was first agreed upon. I think you'd say anything to

    stop it."

    "Rocky's right, Spirit, the King said firmly, then continued, You never got over the

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    agreement and have been acting selfishly recently, as though you don't want peace.

    Spirit looked down at a spot on the floor after hearing this, and the King continued.

    The reason I believe it is a fluke is because of Princess Michelles visit this morning.

    It was obvious that she fancies Rocky, and they seemed to be hitting it off. Also,

    these peace talks have been going on for a while."

    "They get along so well because they are both idiots, Spirit muttered under her


    "That's enough, Spirit, the King said angrily, then turned calmly to face Michael,Its not that I don't take you seriously Michael. I know you are wise because your

    forefathers are known throughout the kingdom for their heroics, as well as traveling

    to other parts of the world. It is amazing how a son always makes it back here every

    forty years. For you, I will send a few guards to watch the borders but that's it."

    "But, Father, you will only send a few soldiers, Spirit said, disappointed.

    Yes, that is all I will send, and that is the end of this conversation, said the King

    with finality in his voice. They turned and walked out of the throne room into a

    brightly-lit hallway with many large windows. Once the heavy silver doors closed all

    the way and they heard the click of the knob, Spirit went off.

    "God, he's so stubborn, Spirit shouted as they were walking down the hallway.

    "Well, the King will do what he believes is right, Michael said calmly.

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    "Oh hush you, Mister King's Favorite, Spirit said, trying to imitate the King, "Oh,

    because it's you Michael, I'll send a couple of men, Blah, Blah, Blah . . . By the way,

    I've always been curious to ask you. How is it that you made it back here on your

    own while crossing the Nova Desert, the so-called Desert of Death? Many people,

    even some of our best games, have tried to cross it and disappeared. And another

    thing, I have seen all of the pictures of your father and his father and so on. Why is it

    that your father, grandfather, and so on all look so alike except for different hair style

    and clothes, did they all marry women from the same family?"

    Michaels expression turned a little uneasy, and he felt a lump form in his throat. He

    had been expecting this for some time.

    "I'll tell you about it another time, he said calmly as he stepped onto the staircase at

    the end of the hallway. It magically carried them down to the first floor of the castle.

    Its a long story, and we need to get to your training."

    They walked out of the main doors, through the courtyard, and out of the palace

    grounds through the village. The main road was made of gold bricks and had an anti-

    thieving spell on it. Michael often smiled or smirked when he walked on this road.

    One day a dwarf walked in front of him and he started laughing so hard that tears

    came out. The village had brightly-colored houses and stores, some of which were

    designed into funny shapes: a cats head, a teapot, a giant cup with a spoon handle

    that rotated that served as the coffee house, a giant shoe, a star, and even one that

    was leaning on its side. It was a marvel that some of the houses were able to stand, or

    would have been were it not for magic. Some of the villagers outside waved to them

    as they passed. Others tended to their gardens, magically changing the colors of their

    flowers, or rode unicorns to the market area. Young kids flew out of their houses,

    riding on toy brooms that only rose a foot or two above the ground. One witch was

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    chasing her son, telling him to get back here and clean his room. Some children and

    young teenagers came out and followed Michael and Spirit. They liked to watch the

    pair from outside the dome during their training sessions.

    "When will you teach us how to fight and use spells like you? a dark-skinned teen

    girl asked Michael.

    "Yeah, the other teenagers agreed.

    "You know, I've always thought about opening a school one day, he told them, "but

    not just for you guys, for all of the young people in the world with abilities. Spirit

    smiled at the thought.

    "That would be so awesome! a young boy with a green hat yelled out.

    They finally made it to a clearing just outside the village's east side. A large,

    transparent bubble spell surrounded the training ground. It reached seven hundred

    feet high and two hundred yards long. It stood there to protect anything outside

    from any spells or projectiles that went astray. Spirit and Michael walked inside,

    where there were trees, stationary targets, and discs bewitched to fly around, as well

    as an obstacle course, and even a small bottomless lake that stretched outside the

    bubble wall.

    Michael and Spirit started her training. Michael made Spirit practice her aim for her

    Wind Arrows on the stationary targets first, and then made her try to hit a moving

    target but, instead of using the discs, Michael had her try to hit a harder target,

    namely himself.

    "Youre crazy, I can't shoot them at you, what if you get hurt, she said, not accepting

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    the idea.

    "What? Are you too embarrassed to show our audience that your aim stinks? he

    said in a mocking voice. Some of the boys outside started laughing. Spirit looked atthem with daggers in her eyes and they got quiet.

    "Bring it on, fire boy! she shouted angrily at him.

    Michael flew around through the trees and Spirit chased after him, firing wind

    arrows from her bow so fast that her hand was a blur. She fired an arrow that got

    close to him, which hit a small barrier of fire he put up to protect himself.

    "That's one," he yelled to her.

    After ten more hits, Michael made Spirit dodge his Fire Rockets.

    "It's your turn, Michael said, with a mischievous smile. After failing to stop nine out

    of ten rockets from hitting her, Spirit wanted to move onto something else because,

    even though Michael was using a non-burning type of fire, the pressure of being hit

    still hurt. Therefore, after a short argument in which Michael did the chicken dance

    that culminated in Spirit creating a large lump on Michael's head, they moved on. It

    was getting late, all of the people watching them had left, and the sun was setting.

    Michael lit a tree on fire and told Spirit to put out the flames. Spirit used the same

    trick that she had used on the fireball Michael had sent at her that morning, thinking

    that it would be easy. It did not work.

    "This is a different type of fire thats made to not use oxygen; youre going to have to

    try something different."

    Spirit thought for a second and created a tornado around it, thinking to blow it out,

    but it still didn't work, and the tornado spread it even more. When it came toward

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    her, she moved the tornado to the lake and used it to suck up some water that she

    moved toward the tree before dropping the water on the fire, putting it out.

    "Good thinking, said Michael. "Its nice to see youre learning."

    "A non-oxygen-needing fire, huh, youre full of tricks, Spirit said, wondering what

    else Michael could do.

    Michael thought for a moment and then said, I have a trick for you to learn. I'm

    going to run around, and I want you to stop me by stopping the air around me."

    "Can we try that tomorrow? I'm pooped. Spirit replied, sighing, and then flopping

    down on the ground. Her hands were red from pulling the bowstring. Michael

    agreed, picked her up, and piggybacked her on his back. She fell asleep with her head

    lying on his shoulder. Michael let out a sigh as he felt his shoulder get wet from her


    And shes supposed to be a Princess, he said with a chuckle.

    Michael carried her through the village, heading back toward the castle. The sky was

    now dark and the street lamps were on. Michael could hear pots and pans banging

    around from post-dinner cleaning in the houses he passed. His stomach was

    rumbling, and he could not wait to get some castle food. A cool evening breeze

    flowed through the village, carrying with it the smell of magical flowers and plants

    from peoples yards. While he was walking, Michael was arguing inside his head with


    "I should tell her . . . but she won't understand, she'll feel betrayed that she was lied

    to, but I've been training her for two years now, but think about what happened last

    time, but she's not like that. She needs to know who I am and what she is. Michael

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    was so deep in thinking to himself, that it startled him when he felt a drop of

    something wet hit his head. He reached up and felt something slimy. He looked at

    his hand and saw some kind of clear, bubbly liquid. He looked around and noticed

    that he had walked into the wooded path that leads to the palace courtyard. He

    looked up, but did not see anything in the trees around him.

    Kids must have been playing with some kind of goo and got it stuck in the tree, he

    thought to himself.

    He kept walking through the path until he reached a clearing and walked through

    the ivory and gold gates of the courtyard. He felt a strong gust of warm wind behind

    him and turned around to see the source.

    "Um, Spirit, you might want to wake up for this, Michael said his voice a little


    "Huh, Spirit said with a start, looked up, and jumped off of Michael's back. They

    both started to back up slowly using baby steps.

    In the clearing on the opposite side of the gate was a giant dragon. It was

    brown, with scales that looked like they were made of stone, and had landed on the

    ground 40 feet in front of them, its giant wings still flapping and forming strong

    gusts of wind. It had no fewer than thirty white talismans attached to its body. It let

    out a roar that vibrated the ground where they stood and then charged. It broke

    through the gate as though it were made of toothpicks.

    "Th-that's impossible, she said, shaking, the color d rained from her face, a dragon

    this far away from the mountains."

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    "Why don't you tell him that he shouldn't be here then, Spirit?" Spirit stood frozen in

    fear. Michael grabbed her arm and tried to pull her away, but she did not want to


    "Run! Michael yelled at the top of his lungs, snapping her out of it.

    Spirit and Michael turned around quickly and ran. The dragon rose back into the air

    and circled around the courtyard. Aggravated by their zigzagging running, it started

    launching fireballs at them. Michael and Spirit jumped and rolled behind statues and

    stones, doing whatever they could to dodge each fireball.

    "Spirit, try using your bow! Michael yelled over another roar from the dragon. Spirit

    took out her bow and started to counter attack. She launched arrows into the air at

    the fireballs, but they just made them bigger. She ducked down behind the large

    fountain as one hit the ground a few feet in front of it, sending dirt flying into the air

    and showering Spirit.

    "You have to concentrate and use the carbon dioxide in the air instead of oxygen,

    Michael told her while taking cover behind a large statue of Spirit's grandfather.

    "Why aren't you doing anything? she yelled at him.

    "His skin is too thick for any of my regular attacks, Michael yelled back. Spirit took

    a deep breath and concentrated while pulling back her bow. Her arrow gave off a

    dark gray light. She jumped up and fired at one of the fireballs heading at Michael,

    and it turned into a puff of smoke.

    "We need to get somewhere safe, Spirit said, as she saw that in the middle of the

    courtyard was a stone shrine. Spirit looked at Michael and pointed at it. They began

    to run, weaving through the large statues that surrounded it. The dragon flew after

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    them and took a large breath. It shot out a large blast of fire, scorching the ground

    behind them. Michael pushed Spirit into the shrine and let the flames engulf him.

    Spirit fell, scraping her legs and scratching her right arm. She screamed as she

    turned and saw the fire surround him, tears running from her eyes as she imagined

    the worst.

    The flames stopped, and a large blaze was still burning in front of the shrine

    doorway. Then the fire started to swirl and form into a ball. Michael walked into the

    shrine unharmed, with the ball of fire in his hand.

    "Dont tell me you thought I would die that easily from a blast of fire. Did you forget

    that fire is my element? He asked, smiling as he turned the ball of fire to a puff.

    Spirit ran up to him and hugged him. She let go of him quickly.

    "Owww, youre still hot, she said, rubbing her arms before continuing, "Why

    couldn't you make his fireballs go into puffs like that instead of making us fall?"

    "Because I wanted to see what you got, he told her honestly, I wouldn't let anything

    too bad happen to you."

    "Your lesson timing sucks, Spirit yelled while punching him in the arm, "Well, at

    least we'll be safe in here."

    "Safe, said Michael, unbelieving, "not exactly. . . we have to go stop that thing. It's

    left us and is going to attack the castle."

    They ran out of the shrine and started for the palace. In the sky above, the dragon

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    was flying and attacking the palace. They could see many lights from spells sent

    toward the dragon that just bounced off its skin. Dragons have a high resistance to

    magic, so it takes powerful spells to bring them down. Fireballs from the dragons

    mouth scorched the palace walls and sent chunks of stone flying off as the smell of

    smoke filled the air. Spirit started to cough, but Michael seemed unfazed by it. Just

    then, they saw a light appear above the dragon and someone fell from it on top of the


    "Its Rocky! Spirit yelled, "Hes gotten himself on top of the dragon."

    The dragon rose up and started to spin its body, trying to dislodge its rider. Sparks

    were flying off the dragon where Rocky was hitting the dragons rough skin with his

    sword. The dragon flew toward the high towers of the castle and rammed its back

    against it, knocking the tower over. Rocky quickly leaped off the dragons back just in

    time to avoid smashing against the wall. He tried to teleport in midair, but as he was

    lighting up the dragon's tail swung around and smacked him toward the ground.

    When he hit the ground, dust flew into the air and, when it cleared, you could see

    that a small crater had formed around him from the impact.

    "Rocky! Spirit cried and started to run toward him, but Michael grabbed her hand

    and held her back. She tugged her hand, trying to escape his grip, but could not.

    "You don't have time to worry about him, the medical witches will attend to him, he

    said. Witches dressed in white and red outfits topped with white hats were running

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    out to retrieve the prince and others injured by the dragon's fireballs.

    "Like hell I am. I'm not going to just leave him there with them! Spirit yelled at him.

    "You have to calm down and you have to help me or there will be more like him, or

    worse, Michael said calmly. Spirit looked at him with an extremely angry expression

    and said, What is it you need?"

    "I need you to keep it busy and inside the inner courtyard and then, on my signal, to

    create a powerful tornado and suck him into it. I'll take it from there, Michael said


    Spirit jumped up, used wind magic to push herself, and landed on top of the castles

    roof, behind the dragon. Michael watched her go.

    Giradot is so gonna have my head for this if it doesnt work out, he told himself.

    "Its Princess Spirit, the guards below were yelling.

    "Spirit! Giradot yelled from below, growing red in the face, "Get down from there!

    "I can do this, dad! she yelled back confidently.

    Michael was down in the courtyard spreading a bright red fire onto the ground and

    yelling, "I need everyone to clear the area so that we can stop the dragon with this


    "Im not going anywhere while my daughter is out there! King Giradot bellowed

    angrily at him.

    "Sir, I'm sorry, but no one will be able to stand this next attack. I need you to retreat

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    into the castle and close off any windows and doors leading out here. It's going to get

    really hot, Michael told him calmly. Giradot looked at him hard, seeing that there

    was no way around it.

    "You heard him, everyone, get into the castle! he ordered. Overhead, Spirit had

    pulled her bow from around her shoulders and started shooting wind arrows at the

    dragon to get its attention. The hits of the arrows felt like little taps to the thick-

    skinned dragon.

    "Hey, you, big and ugly, over here! she yelled as she shot an arrow into its eye. Thedragon stopped and let out a loud roar. It turned, steam pouring from its nose, and

    looked at her. It flew after her and she started to run. While shooting her arrows at

    it, she kept jumping from roof to roof, using the wind to glide. The dragon started

    shooting fireballs from its mouth after getting irritated, prompting Spirit to start

    using her wind abilities to their fullest extent by creating strong gusts of winds to

    alter the path of the balls.

    "Do it now, Spirit! Michael yelled from below. Spirit used the last of her strength

    and created a giant tornado underneath the dragon, sucking it in. She then fainted

    on the roof. On the ground below, Michael stood, the wind pulling him toward the

    tornado. He had cleared the area before the tornado and created a symbol on the

    ground, a flame inside a triangle surrounded by a circle, all made of fire. The tornado

    started to dissipate and the dragon began recovering its senses.

    "Let's hope this works, he said, looking at the dragon.

    "Firestorm! he yelled. Then he cast a fire barrier around Spirit and himself.

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    The sky lit up as clouds gathered around the moon and turned different shades of

    red. Red bolts of lightning spread across the sky. A giant, swirling pillar of fire

    descended from the sky and hit the dragon. The intense heat melted all the statues in

    the courtyard, trees and plants in the area burst into flames, and the dragon let out a

    roar of pain before slamming into the ground from the pressure. It kept trying to

    rise, but the pressure of the fire blazing down on it would not let it move. The pillar

    kept burning for a full minute, and then the sky returned to normal. The dragon was

    not moving anymore. It gave off a horrible smell of burnt skin. The tips of its scales

    were charred, and some were glowing bright red from the heat. They had stopped it.

    Michael looked at the dragon, making sure it would not get back up. He then

    removed the barriers around them and sent a burst of flames into the ground that

    lifted him up onto the roof where Spirit lay. As he landed, he started walking toward

    Spirit, and stumbled. He had just used his strongest fire attack, and it had taken a lot

    out of him.

    "Man, I haven't used that move in a while. I can't believe it took that much out of me,

    maybe I should have restrained a little less power, he thought to himself, looking at

    two red tattoos of ancient symbols that had appeared surrounding his wrist. Heshook his arms, causing the tattoos to disappear, before walking up to Spirit and

    pulling her up so she was lying in his arms.

    "Hey, wake up, Michael said but, when she didn't stir, he smiled and said, Wow, I

    can't believe you fainted after that little bit of work. Spirits eyes shot open and her

    fist hit Michael in the stomach.

    What do you mean little bit of work, I almost got my butt toasted and you callavoiding that a little bit of work!? Spirit yelled at him, And we had just finished

    training! Michael laughed.

    "Hey, Spirit said, pointing behind Michael, "whos that? Michael turned around

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    and stood up.

    A large, stone dragon claw-shaped hand reached out and grabbed his neck. It lifted

    him up off his feet and then retracted, bringing him closer to the person attached to

    it. Michael looked from the hand up to the arm, which looked dragon-like, and then

    to the person holding him. Attached to the arm was a teenage boy, with long, messy,

    brown hair and eyes of a stony grey. He looked as though he was the same age as

    Michael, six feet and five inches tall, and one hundred seventy-five pounds. He was

    wearing no shirt or shoes, so his large chest, abdominal muscles, and feet were

    showing, along with his other arm that was normal and full of muscles. Talismans

    covered his body. His pants were baggy and from his back sprouted two dragon

    wings, not as large as the other dragon's, but the same color and look. Michael

    looked down at the dragons body, but it was not there. "He looks so familiar, he


    "It can't be, Michael asked, wheezing and holding the arm that had his neck, Wes,

    is that you?

    The young man stared at Michael with a look of recognition that changed to one of

    immense pain before grabbing his head with a free arm, as though it was hurting

    him to think. He shook it off and spoke.

    "I don't know who Wes is, but I do know that its been a long time since someone

    took me out of my dragon form and weakened me this much. However, before I

    return to my master to recover my strength, here is an award. He threw Michael off

    the roof and jumped down after him. While in midair, he punched him with his

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    dragon-like fist. Michael was too exhausted to defend himself. He slammed into the

    ground, making a much larger crater than Rocky. You could hear loud cracks

    through the air from bones breaking under the impact. Michael stared up at the teen

    in shock before passing out. Stone tiles from the palace courtyard flew into the air

    and started to meld together into a shape. A large rock formed in the middle of the

    air below Wes before taking the shape of a giant spear and plunging down into

    Michael's abdomen. Spirit screamed.

    No! she cried out.

    Wes rose back into the air, his wings beating as he faced the castle.

    "I was sent here as a declaration of war. The peace treaty is off. Chaos City will be

    attacking in three days to crush you for the last time. He flew up, into the air and

    toward Dark Woods.

    Spirit jumped down to Michael and ran to his side, grabbing his hand. She tried to

    find some way to help, but did not know any major healing spells and had used too

    much energy fighting the dragon to try to lift the rock.

    Help! she cried, hoping for someone to come. She could hear banging on the doors

    from the soldiers trying to get to her, but the fire attack Michael had released had

    melted the doors together and to their frames. She was crying when she noticed the

    spear start to rise out of Michael, as though something was pushing it out. Spirit

    stepped back in shock.

    "What magic is this?" she whispered under her breath. The rock spear fell to the side

    with a loud thump and the hole in the middle of Michael's stomach started to close

    and heal. Spirit ran forward and began to feel for any broken bones, although there

    were none, when suddenly a pair of large, pure white wings flowed out from

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    Michael's back. The white wings shone like moonlight, and disappeared as quickly as

    they came, leaving small feathers floating in the air around her. She felt a warm,

    refreshing feeling as the scratches on her legs and arm disappeared.

    Chapter 4


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    Spirit stayed by Michael's side in the infirmary that night. She told no one what

    she had seen come out of Michael's back or about the stone piercing through him. Since

    Michael had evacuated the area, no one else saw what happened after the dragon had

    attacked, and by the time the medical witches had gotten to him the wings and feathers

    had disappeared. A flood of emotions and thoughts ran through her mind; part of her

    felt betrayed, hurt, and angry that she had been deceived. She had believed that Michael

    was just an ordinary wizard. She was also curious and relieved as to what Michael was

    and that he was ok.

    "Maybe he had a reason to hide what he is, she thought. Michael had been training herfor four years now, and she thought of him as one of her best friends. Then she thought

    of the pictures of his ancestors and what he had told her. Theres a lot you don't know

    about me." Is it possible that it was Michael in all of those pictures? Is he an angel? She

    finally fell asleep with these, and many other, questions in her head.

    Light was pouring into the infirmary and the phoenixes were singing from the trees

    outside. Spirit woke up in the chair beside Michaels bed where she had fallen asleep

    looking over him. She looked beside her to see if Michael was awake yet, but the bed was

    empty. She jumped up and looked around, starting to panic. Had he run away, knowing

    that she had seen what he was?

    "Calm down, I am out here, she heard a voice call from behind her. She walked through

    the curtains to the balcony outside and saw him sitting on the balconys edge, watching

    the phoenixes flying.

    "I wasn't upset, she said, looking at him, slightly relieved.

    "Sure you werent, Michael said laughing. You know I wish every day was like this,

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    sunny yet breezy, a calm day, no clouds in sight.

    "How can you be thinking about weather at a time like this when, in three days, Chaos

    City will be invading us? said Spirit angrily.

    "Come on, Spirit. We both know that's not the real reason youre angry with me. If you

    have any questions you want to ask then ask away, and I'll answer them, but wait until

    after I tell you what you deserve to know."

    "My name is St. Michael X, otherwise known as S.M.X. I am the tenth angelic

    reincarnation, meaning I have died nine times as an angel and this is my tenth, and

    final, life. I am billions of years old. Yes, I am an archangel. No, I will not answer any

    questions involving religion so dont ask if there is a god, what he looks like, or what

    color he is. The truth is that the story you were telling those kids, the one that I told you,

    is true. The boy found a wish-making device that we had only heard rumors about; he

    made a wish, and bam, instant chaos. We angels came onto earth and created order to

    fix the screwed up mess we were in, but we couldnt change things back, it was simply

    impossible, so we improvised. We erased everyones memory of the event. Before,

    people spoke many different languages; we made them speak only one, except for the

    underwater city because no one knows where it is. We know it's there, but we can't find

    it. Then, to stop any more large-scale wars from breaking out between the lands, we

    created landscapes that would take a miracle to cross so that no one would travel

    between the different lands. Many of the people used to stay in one country, never

    meeting anyone else from another country. There were tribes in Africa and South

    America that had never seen anyone from outside their tribe. Imagine how they felt after

    the change, what a culture shock it must have been. Now, many types of people live

    together in unity. We solved the problem of discrimination but ran into another. Some

    of the people on Earth had become stronger, power-wise, than angels, and many angels

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    lost their lives, so they retreated. Then the demons attacked, and I had to lead an army

    against them. After it was over, most angels left the planet and went back to heaven, but

    I have stayed because of personal reasons, to make sure everything remains somewhat

    peaceful, and because I love this planet. I'm sorry to have kept this from you, but I like

    to lead a somewhat peaceful life too. Is there anything else you would like to know?"

    Spirit stood there with her mouth open, shocked.

    "Is it a little too much to take in? Michael asked with a smirk. She nodded her head up

    and down, and Michael laughed.

    "It answers a lot of things, she said, once Michael had stopped laughing. She thought

    about some of the things he had said and asked, What about the boy?"

    "He disappeared after that night. No one knows what happened to him. We searched all

    over so either he ended up in the underwater city or that bullet could have hit him.

    "So what youre saying is that the only reason I have these powers is because of some

    wish a little kid made, she asked in a cracking voice full of sadness.

    "No, at first that was the case, but I believe that, if the world changed again, everyone

    would retain their abilities since theyre a part of them now. Spirit, I believe that you

    would have gotten your powers even if the world had never changed to begin with, said

    Michael, giving her an encouraging smile.

    "What do you mean? I thought all the people on Earth were normal before the wish took

    place, that's what you told me in that story, said a confused Spirit.

    "Oh no, Michael said with a smile, "not everyone was normal. Every kind of creature in

    this world was alive at some point in history before the wish happened. That's where

    most of the stories came from. There were vampires, werewolves, witches and wizards,

    people with superpowers, and even aliens. I lost most of my lives fighting those types of

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    creatures who were doing evil deeds."

    "Then how am I special? Spirit asked curiously.

    "Youre a Guardian, an elemental being. You can control your element as if you were

    made of it. Thats why you cant use any other magic; your Guardian powers block you

    from using it. There are eight Guardians on the earth right now, and each one holds a

    different element. They are fire, wind, earth, lightning, nature, water, light, and

    darkness. I was curious about when the next Guardian of Wind would appear since the

    last one passed on some years back, Michael replied.

    "How will I know whether or not I am a guardian? Spirit asked, not sure whether she

    should believe him.

    "Do you have a little tattoo of a tornado on your body that you didn't put there?

    Michael asked, hoping for the right answer because secretly he was not sure that she


    "Yes, she said surprised, "It is right on my b-" She stopped, turned red in the face, and

    quickly asked another question. "Youre a Guardian too right? Spirit asked.

    "Yes, I'm the Guardian of Fire, see, he said, lifting up his sleeve and exposing his upper

    arm, where there was a small red flame tattoo, "and the dragon that you met last night

    was the Guardian of Earth."

    His name is Wes. He was a being that was around before the wish, but he had also

    disappeared after the wish.

    "He is half human and half dragon, how did that happen? asked a very confused Spirit.

    "A long time ago, Wes and I were on an adventure together. This was before the wish,

    back then I came down to earth a lot to have fun, Michael began, "and we were

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    exploring the hidden treasures of a king called Charlemagne. He had a lot of powerful

    magical stuff as well as cursed objects that he had collected. One of the objects there was

    a dragon scale. Dragons had already died out many years before we had gotten there, so

    I told Wes not to touch it and that he would regret it if the scale was cursed, but he

    didn't listen. It transferred its curse to him, making him able to transform into a dragon,

    which wasn't that bad, but left one of his arms dragon-like. His wings are retractable like


    "But how is it that he has been alive all this time, Spirit asked trying to find out as much

    as she could. "Being a guardian allows you to live longer? How much longer does it

    increase your lifespan? Does it allow you to live hundreds of years?"

    "Eh, I'm not really sure. Wes is a warrior from one of the tribes that lived in the early

    12,000s B.C. It is possible that he was immortal to begin with, since he was already one

    hundred and fifty years old when he became a guardian but he still had the body of a

    sixteen-year-old boy. Moreover, being that hes part dragon, a race that already lives

    hundreds of years, who knows when he'll kick the bucket. Youre the first normal human

    Guardian. "

    "Im the first normal Guardian? Spirit said, surprised. "If one day I'll be as strong asyou and that Wes guy and live that long, then being a Guardian is great."

    "Yeah, they all think that, but there's a catch, Michael said seriously while looking into

    her eyes.

    "A catch?"

    "Given that I've lived so long, don't you think I should look older and act my age?" Spirit

    looked confused.

    But youre an angel right? Spirit asked him, I thought you were immortal.

    "We are, but we still age slowly. There are angels younger than me with beards who look

    around seventy years old, but being a Guardian stops time for you physically and

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    mentally at the age of sixteen."

    "What do you mean? Spirit asked, still unsure of what he meant.

    "I mean that no matter what you learn or how old you get, your mind will think like a

    teenager. Once you turn sixteen, you don't age a day more. You don't grow up, youre in

    a constant state of puberty," Michael said. There was a tone of sadness in his voice.

    "Is that truly a bad thing? Spirit asked him.

    "You might not think it is at first, but once you notice everyone around you..." Michael

    started, but then smiled and said, "But why am I boring you with the little things? It's an

    honor to be one."

    "An honor, huh," Spirit said smiling. Why do you stop aging?

    I dont know, I think it has to do with the imagination, having to be able to think up and

    use abilities the way we do. You have to be open-minded and imaginative.

    How were you chosen to become a Guardian? Spirit asked curiously.

    I dont know. The element chooses you, Michael answered, shrugging his shoulders. Iwas born one and Wes found out that he was one in the middle of an earthquake. The

    ground around him had given way but he stayed up floating on a piece of rock.

    It chose me...?

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