‘the guide’ to applying for a child care licence the guide’ to applying for a...

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HP-CF-9029 February 2016

‘The Guide’ to Applying for

a Child Care Licence


For the Applicant

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 2 of 23


INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 4

HOW TO READ THE GUIDE ................................................................................................................. 5

1.0 APPLICATION FORM ................................................................................................................. 5

2.0 PROGRAMMING .......................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Detailed Description of Care Program ................................................................................................................. 6

3.0 INTERIOR HEALTH REFERRALS ........................................................................................... 6

3.1 Food Safety & Nutrition, Drinking Water and Recreational Water Safety .......................................................... 6

4.0 COMMUNITY APPROVALS....................................................................................................... 7

4.1 Local Government Approvals .............................................................................................................................. 7

4.2 Occupancy Permit ............................................................................................................................................... 8

4.3 Strata/Rental/Lease Agreement.......................................................................................................................... 8

4.4 Fire Safety ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

5.0 EMERGENCY PLANNING .......................................................................................................... 9

5.1 Provincial Emergency Information ...................................................................................................................... 9

6.0 STAFFING ...................................................................................................................................... 9

6.1 Suitability of an Applicant .................................................................................................................................. 9

6.2 Criminal Record Checks (CRC) ........................................................................................................................... 10

6.3 Training Documents .......................................................................................................................................... 13

6.4 Medical Practitioner Form ................................................................................................................................ 13

6.5 Immunization .................................................................................................................................................... 13

6.6 Employee Plan .................................................................................................................................................. 13

7.0 SITE & PHYSICAL SPACE ........................................................................................................ 14

7.1 Floor Plan........................................................................................................................................................... 14

7.2 Site Plan ............................................................................................................................................................. 15

8.0 OFF-SITE PLAYSPACE ............................................................................................................. 16

8.1 Off-Site Play Areas ............................................................................................................................................ 16

8.2 Off-Site Activity Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 17

9.0 TRANSPORTATION ................................................................................................................. 17

9.1 Safety Plan for Regular or Daily Transportation (outside property boundaries) .............................................. 17

10.0 BUDGET................................................................................................................................... 18

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 3 of 23

10.1 Budget - Statement of Projected Revenues and Expenses ............................................................................ 18

10.2 Society Applicants .......................................................................................................................................... 18

11.0 POLICIES AND RECORDS ................................................................................................... 19

11.1 Repayment Agreement ................................................................................................................................... 19

11.2 Emergency Plan ............................................................................................................................................... 19

11.3 Behavioural Guidance ..................................................................................................................................... 20

11.4 Safe Release of Children .................................................................................................................................. 20

11.5 Guiding Employees on Care and Supervision .................................................................................................. 21

11.6 Food and Drink Given to Children ................................................................................................................... 21

11.7 Records for Each Child ..................................................................................................................................... 22

12.0 INITIAL INSPECTION .......................................................................................................... 23

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The information provided in this guide will assist applicants in submitting a complete application package

for a child care licence. A child care licence is a Community Care Facility Licence.

BEFORE submitting an application complete the following steps in order to ensure the information you

provide is accurate. This will help to avoid potential delays in the process.

1. Review the information on the Interior Health Website (www.interiorhealth.ca)

Your Environment > Child Care Facilities > Applying for a Licence.

2. Review legislation and standards and become familiar with:

i. Community Care and Assisted Living Act

ii. Child Care Licensing Regulation

iii. Director of Licensing Standards of Practice – Family Child Care

iv. Director of Licensing Standards of Practice – Safe Play Space

3. If you have any questions or require further information contact Licensing Direct at 1-877-980-

5118. If you decide to withdraw your application, please advise Licensing Direct so your file can

be closed.

Important Notes

Once you complete your application form and before you invest additional time or money,

review Referrals Section - Interior Health Referrals and Community Approvals in this guide.

Without these approvals you may not be able to obtain a licence.

Keep copies of all documents you submit for your records. Submitting more documentation

than what is required is not advised because it may cause unnecessary delay.

Name your documents according to this guide. This promotes processing efficiency.

Do not submit Parent Handbooks because revisions are typically required. Once the final

version is complete, send it to Licensing Direct.

Submit floor and site plans early in the process to ensure your building and site will meet

requirements. A Licensing Officer will contact you to complete an initial inspection of your

premises when appropriate.

Submit a complete application package to avoid delays in the process. Documentation may be

submitted via Canada Post, fax, in person or email. Email is recommended. All files are stored

electronically so paper documents are scanned and uploaded into an electronic file and the

paper destroyed.

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 5 of 23


Links to all required forms, resources and agencies are found on the Interior Health Website

www.interiorhealth.ca (click on - Your Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a Licence.


‘The Guide” is divided into 3 columns:

1. Guidelines/Instructions – what you need to do and/or what information you need to provide in your

application package.

2. Contact People/Resources – who or what resource you can refer to or contact for help.

3. Legislation (laws/rules/requirements) – the information you provide must meet the intent of

the section of the Community Care and Assisted Living Act (Act) and/or the Child Care Licensing

Regulation (CCLR) indicated in the column.

Submit the following documentation (unless otherwise indicated) with your application package to

Licensing Direct.


Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

1.1 Completing the Application Form

Go to the Interior Health website – click on Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a

Licence. Refer to Instructions for the Application for

Licence Form on how to complete the Application for

Licence Form found on the Interior Health Website

Complete, sign, date and submit the Application for

Licence Form.

Licensing Direct

Interior Health Website

Form 820071 - Application

for Licence Form

Form HP-CF-9031 –

Instructions for the

Application for Licence


CCLR 9 (1)


Schedule B 1

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 6 of 23


Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

2.1 Detailed Description of Care Program

Develop a detailed description of the care program

that includes:

Activities children will do during indoor free play,

outdoor free play, group time, meal time, rest time(s),


Description of what is offered to encourage the

emotional, social, physical, intellectual, and language

development of all ages and abilities of children

Description of the care program you intend to provide

(i.e. Family Child Care; Multi-Age Care; Group Child

Care; etc.) Your description must include but is not

limited to: proposed days/hours/months of operation,

capacity, daily schedule, etc.

Submit detailed description of care program to

Licensing Direct

Licensing Direct

Child Care Resource and


Interior Health Website

Other relevant





Schedule B 2


Schedule G


Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

3.1 Food Safety & Nutrition, Drinking Water and Recreational Water Safety

Health and safety related to food and nutrition,

drinking water, and recreational water (pools & hot

tubs) is overseen by Environmental Health Protection

Go to Interior Health Website (click on - Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a

Licence)/ Information for Applicants to review:

- Information for Licensing Applicants (Food Safety,

Drinking Water, Pools, etc.) document and

Licensing Direct

Environmental Health

Interior Health Website

HP-CF-9016 - Food Service

in Child Care Facilities

Form # HP-CF-9038 –

Community Approvals

Act 20 (1)(d)

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 7 of 23

determine if Environmental Health Officer

involvement is required.

- Food Service in Child Care Facilities document

Licensing Direct will make a referral to Environmental

Health if you intent to have a capacity of over 8

children and/or are on a private drinking water system

Complete the Environmental Health (Food Safety &

Nutrition, Clean Drinking Water and Recreational

Water Safety) section of the Community Approvals


Form (Child Care)


Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

4.1 Local Government Approvals

Go to the Interior Health website and (click on -

Your Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a

Licence)/Information for Applicants to review:

- Opening a Child Care Facility – What Do I Need to

Ask My Local Government, and

- Local Government Requirements: A Handbook for

Child Care Providers

Contact your municipality or regional district

(whichever applies) to find out:

If you will need a business licence

If you are properly zoned for the type of child care

service you wish to provide

If any other permits are required

Complete the Local Government section of Community

Approvals Form

Licensing Direct


Regional District

Form # HP-CF-9038 –

Community Approvals

Form (Child Care)

Act 20 (1)(d)


HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 8 of 23

4.2 Occupancy Permit

Contact your municipality or regional district if your

building is a new build or has had major renovations

Obtain an occupancy permit/approval if required. Do

not submit to Licensing Direct – Licensing Officer will

review at the Initial Inspection.

Complete the Occupancy Permit section of Community

Approvals Form

Licensing Direct


Regional District

Form # HP-CF-9038 –

Community Approvals

Form (Child Care

Act 20 (1)(d)

4.3 Strata/Rental/Lease Agreement

If you are renting, leasing, or in a strata, obtain

approval from the landlord or strata council. Do not

submit to Licensing Direct – Licensing Officer will

review at the Initial Inspection.

Complete the Strata/Rental/Lease Agreement section of

Community Approvals Form


Strata Council

Licensing Direct

Form # HP-CF-9038 –

Community Approvals

Form (Child Care)


4.4 Fire Safety

All facilities must contact the local fire department for

approval of emergency exits and fire drill system.

If your capacity is 8 or less complete page 7 of the Fire

& Life Safety for Licensed Home Based Child Care Settings

in British Columbia Booklet

Do not submit above two items to Licensing Direct -

Licensing Officer will review at the Initial Inspection.

Complete the Fire Safety section of Community

Approvals Form

Local Fire Department

Licensing Direct

Fire & Life Safety for

Licensed Home Based

Child Care Settings in

British Columbia Booklet

(page 7)

Form # HP-CF-9038 –

Community Approvals

Form (Child Care)

Act 20


CCLR 9 (2)



SUBMIT the completed Community Approvals Form to Licensing Direct accompanied by an

Application for Licence Form (section 1) when you have consulted with all applicable agencies.

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 9 of 23

Ensure evidence of all above approvals is kept on site for Licensing Officer review during the initial



Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

5.1 Provincial Emergency Information

Go to the Interior Health website and (click on - Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a

Licence)/Information for Applicants to review

information on the:

- Provincial Emergency Program, and

- Emergency Response Planning resources

Go to the Interior Health website and (click on - Your

Environment/Emergency Information

Act 20


CCLR 9 (2)




Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

6.1 Suitability of an Applicant

The information you provide on the Suitability of an

Applicant Form will be used to assess your suitability as a


Go to Interior Health website (click on Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a


Submit completed Suitability of an Applicant Form

(Societies and Corporations excluded)

Licensing Direct

Form # HP-CF-9033 –

Suitability of an Applicant

Form (Child Care)

Form # HP-CF-9039 -

Proposed Manager Form

(Child Care)

Act 11


CCLR 23 (1)


Schedule B 3

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 10 of 23

6.1(a) If you are hiring a Manager

Go to Interior Health website (click on Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a


Submit completed Proposed Manager Form

6.2 Criminal Record Checks (CRC)

Access Consent to a Criminal Record Check form and

instructions from the Interior Health website. Go to

Interior Health website (click on Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a

Licence/Information for Applicants)



APPLICANTS for any program types, Schedule D

consent to Criminal Record Check may be completed or

you can share the results of a previous check done within

the last 5 years. A Criminal Record Check is required for

any person over the age of 12 who is at any time is

present in a private residence.

Completing an eCRC

To complete an online Criminal Record Check or share

your results from a previous check done within the last 5

years go to:

the Interior Health website (click on Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a

Licence/Information for Applicants),



Access Code: G5FK7UKPFZ

Part 1 – complete as instructed on the form

Part 2 Section A insert:

Licensing Direct

Interior Health Website

Criminal Records Review


CRC form Schedule D


Schedule B 3


Schedule B 4

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 11 of 23

Organization name: Interior Health Community

Care Licensing

Organization contact name or title: Licensing


ID Number: 1421179

In Part 3 insert: your facility name

Note that identification must be verified in-person by an

employee of Interior Health. Visit your nearest Health

Protection office prior to the criminal record check being

processed. Results for Schedule D consents will go directly

to Interior Health.

Your identification will be verified as part of the online

process, and you can pay for the Criminal Record Check

using a credit card. Results are emailed directly to Interior

Health Community Care Licensing.

Send the receipt after completing the online request (in

place of the original consent form) with your application

package to Licensing Direct.

Note – In these cases, the Ministry of Justice Criminal

Records review system will indicate that you cannot be

verified electronically and you will need to submit a paper

version as outlined below.

Completing a Paper or Manual CRC

Paper Criminal Record Checks can be completed by an

applicant. Obtain the form from:

the Interior Health website (click on Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a

Licence/Information for Applicants), or



HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 12 of 23

Schedule D

Part 1 – complete as instructed on the form

Part 2 Section A insert:

Organization name: Interior Health Community

Care Licensing

Organization contact name or title: Licensing


ID Number: 1421179

In Part 3 insert: your facility name

Note that identification must be verified in-person by an

employee of Interior Health. Visit your nearest Health

Protection office prior to the criminal record check being

processed. Results for Schedule D consents will go directly

to Interior Health.

□ Send the original consent form with your

application package to Licensing Direct after you

have sent a copy with payment to the Ministry of


If you are Hiring a Manager

Provide the results of a CRC for the proposed manager to

Interior Health. If the manager has a previous check done

within the last 5 years (through the Ministry of Justice)

follow the eCRC process above to obtain the results. If

the manager does not have a CRC, a Schedule D check

may be done. Follow the processes outlined above OR

complete a Schedule E for employees. In this case, the

results will need to be shared with Licensing Direct as

detailed above.

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6.3 Training Documents

Submit copies of training documents only if you are

applying to be the Licensee and are working with

children. You must also include first aid and CPR if you

are working alone.

The Licensing Officer will review training documents for

other staff during the initial inspection. Do not submit staff

training documents to Licensing Direct.

Licensing Direct

Educational Institutions

ECE Registry

Local CCRR’s






Schedule C


Schedule E

6.4 Medical Practitioner Form

Go to Interior Health website (click on Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a Licence)

□ Complete and submit Medical Practitioner Form

only if you are applying to be the Licensee and are

working with children. Form must be current.

Licensing Direct

Form # HP-CF-9034 -

Medical Practitioner Form

(Child Care)

Medical Practitioner



6.5 Immunization

Go to Interior Health website (click on Your

Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a Licence)

□ Complete and submit Immunization & Tuberculosis

Control Form only if you are applying to be the

Licensee and are working with children. Form

must be current.

Licensing Direct

Medical Practitioner

Public Health Nurse

Form # HP-CF-9035 –

Immunization &

Tuberculosis Control

Form (Child Care)



6.6 Employee Plan

All applicants must submit an employee plan,

whether they work independently or have


Licensing Direct

Interior Health Website



Schedule B 5

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 14 of 23

Provide a statement of daily duties (job description) of

the proposed manager. (If you work independently you

are the manager)

Your employee plan must indicate:

Proposed number of staff you will have

Qualifications of the staff

Duties of the staff

Staff to child ratio for applicable service types you plan

to provide including coverage for staff breaks

The supervision and staffing plan (in relation to staff

ratios) - indoors, outdoors and including while

children are attending or being transported to and

from outdoor play areas or activities located outside

the property boundaries

Submit employee plan



Schedule E


Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

7.1 Floor Plan

A floor plan is: a diagram of the building, which includes the

inside dimensions of each room on each floor of the

proposed facility.

If facility is located in a large building in which other rooms

are rented to other persons and/or businesses, submit a

detailed floor plan for your specific room. In addition,

provide a simple floor plan of the entire building showing

your proposed location. Indicate if there are other

persons and/or businesses operating in the building. Ensure

that your useable floor area meets the space requirements

for the service type and capacity you are applying for.

Licensing Direct

Interior Health Website

Other relevant Website(s)



Schedule B 9

Director of


Standards of

Practice -

Family Child


HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 15 of 23

Your floor plan must show the following:

Inside dimensions of each room including the

measurements of all walls (If you are submitting

professionally drawn floor plans, ensure inside wall

measurements are provided)

Width of each corridor and stair

Location and size (measurements) of fixed equipment

(fixed equipment is not normally moved from one area

to another, i.e. large appliances, cabinets, counters,


Location & size of windows

Height of windowsills from floor

Indicate areas/rooms reserved for family or employees

that are not intended for children’s use.

Indicate sleep areas for children

Location of toilets & sinks (draw them in)

Location of diaper change surface (must be outside

food prep area next to both a covered container for

soiled clothing and a wash basin)

Location of all exits - clearly marked on plan

Family Child Care applicants refer to Director of

Licensing Standards of Practice – Family Child Care

Submit floor plan

Unsure of how a “floor plan” looks? Try searching the

internet for samples

7.2 Site Plan

A site plan is a top down view or bird’s eye view of the

property that is drawn to scale. If you are unsure of what a

site plan looks, try searching the internet for examples.

Drawn to scale means that the amount of distance on the

plan (e.g. 1 cm) is equal to a real life distance (e.g. 3

meters). Another example is 1 cm square (1 cm²) is equal

to 3 meters square (3 m²).

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 16 of 23

The outdoor play area must meet the space requirements

for the service type(s) and capacity you are applying for.

The site plan, drawn to scale, must include:

Property lines and boundaries

Building and structures

Adjacent streets

Driveway and parking area(s)

Outdoor play area and its dimensions (e.g. 9m x 15m

or 30ft x 50ft)

□ Submit floor plan


Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

8.1 Off-Site Play Areas

If you plan to take children to an outdoor play area

outside the property boundaries of your facility on a daily

or regular basis, you need to provide an off-site Site Plan.

This is in addition to the property Site Plan.


Location and dimensions of the play area

Distances from the facility to the play area and


Travel route (shown on the plan or a written


Major safety concerns along the travel route and

in the immediate vicinity of the outdoor play area

(e.g. creeks, high traffic corridors, cliffs). Describe

how these hazards will be mitigated.

□ Submit off-site plan

Licensing Direct

Interior Health website

Municipality or Regional



Schedule B 6


HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 17 of 23

8.2 Off-Site Activity Plan

If you do not have an outdoor play area on the same

property as your child care facility you must provide an

activity plan for off-site activities.

Go to the Interior Health website and (click on -

Your Environment/Child Care Facilities/Applying for a

Licence/Legislation & Standards) to review:

- Director of Licensing Standards of Practice – Safe Play


Describe your activity plan. Include a detailed list of

activities you will provide to encourage the physical

development of children (see Schedule G in the


Identify the community services that will be used

including visits to parks, pools or recreation centers.

□ Submit the off-site activity plan

Licensing Direct CCLR

Schedule B 8

Schedule G1



Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

9.1 Safety Plan for Regular or Daily Transportation (outside property boundaries)

If you will be transporting children outside property

boundaries on a regular or daily basis, provide a

transportation plan which will show how children will

arrive at the off-site activity and return safely to your


Determine type of transportation (e.g. vehicle, bus,


Safety measures to consider may consist of ensuring:

Your plan includes bringing adequate items (e.g.

Licensing Direct

Interior Health Website



Schedule B 7

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 18 of 23

emergency cards, first aid kit, sunscreen, phone, etc.)

Your plan is appropriate for age/development of

children and includes any other safety provisions i.e.

seat belts, restraint seats, insurance, proper class

driver’s license, additional staffing, etc.

Submit Plan


Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

10.1 Budget - Statement of Projected Revenues and Expenses

Money coming in (Revenue):

Estimate of monthly income from parent fees,

subsidy, funding programs/grants, fundraising, etc.

(whichever applies)

Money being spent (Expenditures):

Estimate of monthly expenses or bills including:

estimate of salary(s) and benefits (including if you are

self-employed); food; utilities; taxes; insurance;

maintenance (repairs, cleaning, etc.); housing (rent,

mortgage); programs (art supplies, program supplies,

field trips, etc.)

Calculate your revenue and expenditures. Ensure dollar

amounts are reasonable. Your budget should show that

your expenses do not exceed your income.

Submit Budget

Licensing Direct

Canada Revenue Agency

Local Child Care Resource

and Referral (CCRR’s)

Other relevant Website(s)

Community Futures

Child Care Subsidy

Child Care Operating



Schedule B


10.2 Society Applicants

Submit a copy of constitution and bylaws only if

requested by the Licensing Officer

Licensing Direct

BC Registry Services


Schedule B


HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 19 of 23


Guidelines/Instructions Contact People Resources Legislation

11.1 Repayment Agreement

Provide Licensing Direct with a written statement

indicating whether or not you take fees in advance

If you take fees in advance, develop a written

statement setting out terms and conditions on which a

refund of all or any fees will be made. If no refund is

given this must be stated.

Things to consider if developing a repayment agreement:

refund of fees for children who are ill; care provider

illness; vacations (care provider or families); unexpected

facility closure; discontinuation of care initiated by care

provider or family; etc.

□ Submit the repayment agreement

Licensing Direct

Local CCRR’s

Act 19

CCLR 56.1

11.2 Emergency Plan

Refer to Provincial Emergency Program (PEP) website for

basic emergency information.

Consider the following for your plan:

Identify possible risks that may impact your

community and facility

Licensing Direct

Provincial Emergency


Regional District



CCLR 22 (2)

□ How will you keep children safe if it is necessary

to provide care in the facility for an extended time

period i.e. if it is unsafe to leave or if parents

cannot pick their children up

How are staff trained in emergency procedures

What measures are in place for communication during

an emergency

What supplies and equipment will you have available

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 20 of 23

Identify your safe meeting place that is open during

facility hours and meets the needs of all children,

taking into consideration ages and developmental


How will you transport children to your safe meeting

place (consider that buses and taxis etc. may not be


How plan is appropriate for all times of year and all

types of weather

How will you practice this plan with staff and children

How will you minimize the impact of the emergency

(i.e. bring story books, coloring, snacks, water,

medications, first aid kit, cash, etc.)

How will facility recover and return to normal after

any emergency (i.e. debriefing with staff, children,

parents; restocking of supplies; repairs if required;

evaluation of plan – did it work, what can be

improved, what needs to be changed/revised)

Ensure your plan is reasonable and safe

□ Develop and submit a plan that sets out

procedures to prepare for, mitigate, respond to

and recover from any emergency (not just fire)

11.3 Behavioural Guidance

Policy must indicate a variety of positive strategies to

be used with children. Refer to Guiding Children’s

Behaviour booklet for assistance.

Submit a behavioural guidance policy

Licensing Direct

Guiding Children’s

Behaviour booklet

Local CCRR’s



11.4 Safe Release of Children

Policy must set out procedures for the safe release of

children (i.e. indicating what facility will do if person

picking up child appears unable to provide safe care; if

a person is not authorized to pick up child)

Facility must have written consent from parent prior

Licensing Direct

Local CCRR’s

Legal Advice

CCLR 56 (a)



HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 21 of 23

to releasing a child to someone other than the parent

Develop and submit a policy for safe release of


11.5 Guiding Employees on Care and Supervision

The following policy and procedure is required for all service types INCLUDING family child care, in-

home multi-age child care and multi-age child care.

a) Care

Describe how you will provide care that is

developmentally appropriate and meets each child’s

individual care needs

b) Supervision

Refer to Preventing Injury in Child Care Settings booklet

to assist in developing policy

Things to consider: what does active supervision look

like in your facility - indoors, outdoors and on field


Develop and submit a Care and Supervision Policy

Preventing Injury in Child

Care Settings

Director of Licensing

Standards of Practice Safe

Play Space

CCLR 39 (1)


CCLR 56 (d)

11.6 Food and Drink Given to Children

Whether you provide food for the children or not,

develop a policy that will ensure each child is provided

healthy food and drink that meets the nutritional

needs of children

Policy should include how you will ensure children

who come with without food or inappropriate food

are supplied with sufficient food; how eating times

encourage healthy nutritional habits and what this

looks like

Refer to Food Flair resource for food activities

Ensure policy meets the intent of Section 48 (1-7) of

Licensing Direct

Canada’s Food Guide

Food Flair

Leap BC

The Best Chance

Interior Health Website

CCLR 48 (1-


CCLR 56 (e)

HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 22 of 23

the Child Care Licensing Regulation

Submit Food and Drink Policy

11.7 Records for Each Child

It is the responsibility of the licensee to keep the following

records for each child:

name, sex, date of birth, medical insurance plan

number and immunization status

date of enrolment in the community care facility

name and telephone number of a parent, medical

practitioner and emergency contact

any illness, allergy or medical disability disclosed to the

licensee by the child or his/her parent or medical


any special instruction respecting the child’s diet,

medication, participation in a program of activities, or

other matter relevant to the child’s care (i) given by

the child’s parent to the licensee in writing, and (ii)

agreed to by the licensee

Licensing Direct

Local CCRR’s


(2)(a-k) (3)

a record of any person who is not permitted access to

the child

date on which the child stops attending the

community care facility

written consent from a parent to call a medical

practitioner or ambulance in case of accident or illness

if the parent cannot immediately be reached

written consent from a parent to release a child to

someone other than the parent

Submit a template (blank copy) of the record keeping

format you plan to use to capture the above

information (i.e. registration forms, emergency

consent forms, etc.)

The records listed below are not to be submitted to

Licensing Direct. The Licensing Officer will review your

method of tracking the following information during the

initial inspection:

Licensing Direct

Local CCRR’s


HP-CF-9029 February 2016 Page 23 of 23

Daily attendance, indicating for each day whether the

child is absent or, if the child is present, the time of

arrival and departure

Any medication administered to the child, including

the amount and the time at which the medication was


Notification of illness or injury (log of minor accidents,

illness’ and unexpected events or incident reports)

while in care

A photograph or digital image of the child, and other

information that can be used to readily identify the

child in an emergency (i.e. hair color, eye color, height,

weight, distinguishing features, scars, birth marks etc.)


A Licensing Officer will contact the applicant to schedule an initial inspection.

During the initial inspection a Licensing Officer will review and verify:

Site and floor plans

Off-site play area (if applicable)

Evidence of community approvals

Emergency plan

Staff records

Method of tracking child records

Policies and procedures as identified by Licensing Direct

All health and safety aspects of your facility

Any other pertinent information

The Licensing Officer will conduct an initial inspection of your facility (inside and outside). An inspection

report will be provided to you. Initial follow up inspection(s) will be conducted to ensure completion of

all outstanding items. A licence will be issued once all application requirements are met.

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