the holy prophet’s prayer - - dua - … holy prophet’s prayer sayyid ibn ±¡w£s, may...

Post on 01-Apr-2018






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Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 1


Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) Imam Ali (a.s.)

Syeda Fatema (s.a.) Imam Hasan (a.s.)

Imam Husain (a.s.) Imam Zainul Abedeen (a.s.)

Imam Mohammad Baqir (a.s.) Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (a.s.)

Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) Imam Ali al-Reza (a.s.)

Imam Mohammad Taqi Al Jawad (a.s.) Imam Hadi Ali al-Naqi (a.s.)

Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) Imam Mahdi (atfs)

The Holy Prophet’s Prayer

Sayyid Ibn ±¡w£s, may Allah have mercy on him, has narrated, through an authenticated chain of authority, that when he was asked about Ja`far al-±ayy¡r’s Prayer, Imam al-Ri¤¡ (`a) said, “Have you known about the Holy Prophet’s Prayer? Perhaps, the Holy Prophet (¥) had never offered Ja`far al-±ayy¡r’s Prayer and Ja`far al-±ayy¡r had never offered the Holy Prophet’s Prayer.” When the asker asked him to teach him that prayer, Imam al-Ri¤¡ (`a) said,

Offer a two-unit prayer reciting in each unit S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah (No. 1) once and S£rah al-Qadr (No. 97) fifteen times. When you come to the Ruk£` (genuflection), repeat it (i.e. S£rah al-Qadr) fifteen times; when you raise your body after the Ruk£`, recite it fifteen times; when you do the Suj£d (prostration), repeat it fifteen times; when you raise your head from the Suj£d, repeat it fifteen times; when you do the second prostration, repeat it fifteen times; and when you raise your head from the second prostration, repeat it fifteen times. When you finish your prayer, you will have all your sins forgiven by Almighty Allah and you will have all your requests granted for you. The supplication that should be said thereafter is as follows: Mp3

;l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu There is no god save Allah ال إله إال ٱلله

-rabbun¡ wa rabbu ¡b¡'in¡ al ولين�ربنا ورب آبائنا ٱال


our Lord and the Lord of our fathers of old.

;l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu There is no god save Allah ال إله إال ٱلله

il¡han w¡¦idan wa na¦nu إلها واحدا ونحن له مسلمونlah£ muslim£na

one God, and to Him are we submissive.

;l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu There is no god save Allah ال إله إال ٱلله

,l¡ na`budu ill¡ iyy¡hu we worship none save Him ال نعبد إال إياه

mukhli¥¢na lah£ aldd¢na مخلصين له ٱلدينmaking our devotion sincere as in His sight

wa law kariha almushrik£na ولو كره ٱلمشركونeven though the polytheists may detest it.

;l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu There is no god save Allah ال إله إال ٱلله

,wa¦dah£ wa¦dah£ wa¦dah£ alone, alone, alone وحده وحده وحده

£anjaza wa`dah نجز وعده�اHe has truly fulfilled His promise,

,wa na¥ara `abdah£ granted His servant victory ونصر عبده

,wa a`azza jundah£ made powerful His soldiers عز جنده�وا

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 2


wa hazama al-a¦z¡ba حزاب وحده�وهزم ٱالwa¦dah£

and defeated the parties alone.

£falah£ almulku wa lah فله ٱلملك وله ٱلحمدal¦amdu

All sovereignty be His and all praise be to Him.

wa huwa `al¡ kulli shay'in وهو على كل شيء قديرqad¢run

And He has power over all things.

رض �نت نور ٱلسماوات وٱال�اللهم ا

ومن فيهن

all¡humma anta n£ru alssam¡w¡ti wal-ar¤i wa man f¢hinna

O Allah, You are the Light of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in these two.

.falaka al¦amdu So, all praise be to You لك ٱلحمدف

رض ومن �نت قيام ٱلسماوات وٱال�وا


wa anta qayy¡mu alssam¡w¡ti wal-ar¤i wa man f¢hinna

And You are the Fashioner of the heavens and the earth and whatever exists in these two.

.falaka al¦amdu So, all praise be to You فلك ٱلحمد

,wa anta al¦aqqu You are the (utter) Truth نت ٱلحق�وا

,wa wa`duka al¦aqqu Your promise is utterly true ووعدك ٱلحق

,wa qawluka ¦aqqun Your word is true وقولك حق

,wa inj¡zuka ¦aqqun Your fulfillment is true وإنجازك حق

,wal-jannatu ¦aqqun Paradise is true وٱلجنة حق

.walnn¡ru ¦aqqun and Hellfire is true وٱلنار حق

all¡humma laka aslamtu سلمت�اللهم لك اO Allah, to You have I surrendered,

,wa bika ¡mantu in You do I believe وبك آمنت

,wa `alayka tawakkaltu on You do I rely وعليك توكلت

,wa bika kh¡¥amtu for Your sake do I dispute وبك خاصمت

.wa ilayka ¦¡kamtu and Your judgment do I seek وإليك حاكمت

y¡ rabbi y¡ rabbi y¡ rabbi يا رب يا رب يا ربO my Lord; O my Lord; O my Lord;

ighfir l¢ m¡ qaddamtu wa خرت�إغفر لي ما قدمت وا


(please) forgive me my past and next sins

.wa asrartu wa a`lantu and my hidden and open ones علنت�سررت وا�وا

anta il¡h¢ l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta نت�نت إلهي ال إله إال ا�اYou are verily my God; there is no god save You.

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alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa¥ صل على محمد وآل محمد

¡li mu¦ammadin

Send blessings upon Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad,

,waghfir l¢ forgive me وٱغفر لي

,war¦amn¢ have mercy on me وٱرحمني

.wa tub `alayya and accept my repentance وتب علي

innaka anta alttaww¡bu نت ٱلتواب ٱلرحيم�إنك اalrra¦¢mu

Verily, You are the Oft-Returning, the Most Merciful.

Imam `Al¢’s Prayer

Shaykh al-±£s¢ and Sayyid Ibn ±¡w£s have recorded that Imam Ja`far al-¯¡diq (`a) said: One who offers the four-unit prayer of Imam `Al¢ Am¢r al-Mu'min¢n (`a) will be as free of sins as newborns and will have all his requests granted. In the first unit, recite S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah (No. 1) once and repeat S£rah al-Taw¦¢d (No. 112) fifty times. On accomplishment, say the following litany of Imam `Al¢, peace be upon him: MP3

sub¦¡na man l¡ tab¢duسبحان من ال تبيد معالمه


Glory be to Him Whose signs never perish.

sub¦¡na man l¡ tanqu¥uسبحان من ال تنقص خزائنه


Glory be to Him Whose reserves never downgrade.

sub¦¡na man l¡ i¤mi¦l¡laسبحان من ال ٱضمحالل لفخرهlifakhrih¢

Glory be to Him Whose honor never vanishes.

sub¦¡na man l¡ yanfaduسبحان من ال ينفد ما عنده

m¡ `indah£ Glory be to Him Whose possessions never run out.

sub¦¡na man l¡ inqi§¡`a سبحان من ال ٱنقطاع لمدته


Glory be to Him Whose duration (of existence) is never interrupted.

حدا في �سبحان من ال يشارك ا

مره�اsub¦¡na man l¡ yush¡riku

a¦adan f¢ amrih¢

Glory be to Him Who never betakes to Himself a partner in His affairs.

sub¦¡na man l¡ il¡ha سبحان من ال إله غيره


Glory be to Him save Whom there is no god.

Thereafter, say the following supplicatory prayer:

يا من عفا عن ٱلسيئات ولم يجاز

بهاy¡ man `af¡ `ani alssayyi'¡ti

wa lam yuj¡zi bih¡

O He who overlooks sins and does not inflict punishment in return,

ir¦am `abdaka y¡ all¡hu إرحم عبدك يا الله(please) have mercy on Your servant, O Allah,

.nafs¢ nafs¢ that is I myself, that is I myselfنفسي نفسي

,an¡ `abduka y¡ sayyid¡hu I am Your servant, O my Chief نا عبدك يا سيداه�ا

an¡ `abduka bayna yadayka نا عبدك بين يديك يا رباه�ا

y¡ rabb¡hu I am Your servant; I am at Your disposal; O my Lord.

il¡h¢ bikayn£natika ماله�إلهي بكينونتك يا اy¡ amal¡hu

O my God, in the name of Your Being, O my Hope,

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y¡ ra¦m¡n¡hu y¡ ghiy¡th¡hu يا رحمناه يا غياثاهO my All-beneficent, O my Supporter,

abduka `abduka l¡ ¦¢lata`عبدك عبدك ال حيلة له


Your servant, Your servant, has no strategy.

!y¡ muntah¡ raghbat¡hu O Ultimate of my desire يا منتهى رغبتاه

¢y¡ mujriya alddami f¢ `ur£qيا مجري ٱلدم في عروق عبدك


O He Who makes blood run into the veins of Your slave!

!y¡ sayyid¡hu y¡ m¡lik¡hu O my Chief, O my Master يا سيداه يا مالكاه

ay¡ huwa ay¡ huwa يا هو يا رباه�يا هو ا�ا

y¡ rabb¡hu O He Who is Unique! O He Who is Unique! O my Lord!

—abduka `abduka I—Your servant, Your servant`عبدك عبدك

ال حيلة لي وال غنى بي عن

نفسيl¡ ¦¢lata l¢ wa l¡ ghinan b¢ `an


have no strategy and I cannot avail myself

wa l¡ asta§¢`u lah¡ ¤arran wa ستطيع لها ضرا وال نفعا�وال ا

l¡ naf`an and I have no control over loss or over profit.

£wa l¡ ajidu man u¥¡ni`uh صانعه�جد من ا�وال اI do not find anyone from whom I may seek help;

taqa§§a`at asb¡bu alkhad¡'i`i سباب ٱلخدائع عني�تقطعت ا`ann¢

so, all profitable avenues have been blocked,

wa¤ma¦alla kullu ma¨n£ninواضمحل كل مظنون عني`ann¢

and all my expectations have turned into disappointments.

afradan¢ alddahru ilayka فردني ٱلدهر إليك�اHelpless and forsaken I came to You,

faqumtu bayna yadaykaفقمت بين يديك هذا ٱلمقامh¡dh¡ almaq¡ma

So, I have presented myself before You in this current stand.

y¡ il¡h¢ bi`ilmika k¡naيا إلهي بعلمك كان هذا كله

h¡dh¡ kulluh£ O my God, You are aware of all that which I speak about.

?fakayfa anta ¥¡ni`un b¢ So, how would You deal with me نت صانع بي�فكيف ا

wa layta shi`r¢ kayfa taq£luوليت شعري كيف تقول لدعائيlidu`¡'¢

If I but knew how would You dispense with my prayer?

?’ataq£lu na`am am taq£lu l¡ Would You say, ‘Yes’ or ‘No م تقول ال�تقول نعم ا�ا

فإن قلت ال فيا ويلي يا ويلي يا

ويليfa-in qulta l¡ fay¡wayl¢ y¡wayl¢ y¡wayl¢

If You say ‘No,’ then I am ruined! I am ruined! I am ruined!

¢y¡ `awl¢ y¡ `awl¢ y¡ `awlيا عولي يا عولي يا عوليWoe to me! Woe to me! Woe to me!

¢y¡ shiqwat¢ y¡ shiqwatيا شقوتي يا شقوتي يا شقوتي

y¡ shiqwat¢ Oh my misery! Oh my misery! Oh my misery!

¢y¡ dhull¢ y¡ dhull¢ y¡ dhull يا ذلي يا ذلي يا ذليOh my ill-luck! Oh my ill-luck! Oh my ill-luck!

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 5


?il¡ man wa mimman To whom? By Whomإلى من وممن

aw `inda man aw kayfa aw و ماذا�و كيف ا�و عند من ا�اm¡dh¡

From whom? How? What?

?aw il¡ ayyi shay'in alja'u In which place to take shelter �لجا�ي شيء ا�و إلى ا�ا

?wa man arj£ For whom shall I hope رجو�ومن ا

ومن يجود علي بفضله حين

ترفضنيwa man yaj£du `alayya bifa¤lih¢ ¦¢na tarfu¤un¢

Who shall bestow upon me with his favor when You forsake me?

!y¡ w¡si`a almaghfirati O Liberal in forgiveness يا واسع ٱلمغفرة

وإن قلت نعم كما هو ٱلظن بك

وٱلرجاء لكwa in qulta na`am kam¡ huwa al¨¨annu bika

walrraj¡'u laka

But if You say ‘Yes,’ as I expect You to say and as I desire from You,

نا �نا ٱلسعيد وا�فطوبى لي ا

ٱلمسعودfa§£b¡ l¢ an¡ alssa`¢du wa

an¡ almas`£du then joy is for me, I am successful, I am happy;

fa§£b¡ l¢ wa an¡ almar¦£mu نا ٱلمرحوم�فطوبي لي واthen joy is for me, I will receive (Your) mercy.

y¡ mutara¦¦imu يا مترحم يامترئف

y¡ mutara''ifu O Ever-merciful! O Ever-compassionate!

y¡ muta`a§§ifu يا متعطف يا يا متحنن

y¡ muta¦anninu O Ever-sympathetic! O Ever-commiserating!

!y¡ mutamalliku y¡ muqsi§u O Ever-sovereign! O Just يا متملك يا مقسط

¢l¡ `amala l¢ ablughu bih بلغ به نجاح حاجتي�ال عمل لي ا

naj¡¦a ¦¡jat¢

I lack any act due to which I can attain achievement of my desire.

لك بٱسمك ٱلذي جعلته في �سا�ا

مكنون غيبكas'aluka bismika alladh¢ ja`altah£ f¢ makn£ni ghaybika

I thus beseech You in the name of Your Name which You have reserved in the innermost of Your Hidden Knowledge

وٱستقر عندك فال يخرج منك

إلى شيء سواكwastaqarra `indaka fal¡ yakhruju minka

il¡ shay'in siw¡ka

and it has thus settled with You so firmly that nothing of it can come out from You to any other thing.

جل �لك به وبك فإنه ا�سا�ا

سمائك�شرف ا�واas'aluka bih¢ wa bika fa'innah£ ajallu wa ashrafu asm¡'ika

I beseech You by it and by You, for it is certainly the most exalted and honored of Your Names.

¡l¡ shay'a l¢ ghayru h¡dh ال شيء لي غير هذاI have nothing to mention except this,

wa l¡ a¦ada a`wadu `alayya عود علي منك�حد ا�وال ا


and no one can be more beneficent to me than You.

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 6


y¡ kayn£nu y¡ mukawwinu يا كينون يا مكونO Absolute Being! O Creator of creation!

y¡ man `arrafan¢ nafsahu يا من عرفني نفسهO He Who has introduced Himself to me!

¢y¡ man amaran¢ bi§¡`atih مرني بطاعته�يا من اO He Who has commanded me to obey Him!

y¡ man nah¡n¢ `an يا من نهاني عن معصيته


O He Who has warned me against disobeying Him!

wa y¡ mad`uwwu y¡ mas'£lu ويا مدعو يا مسؤولO He Who is besought! O He Who is pleaded!

!y¡ ma§l£ban ilayhi O He Who is desiredيا مطلوبا إليه

وصيتني �رفضت وصيتك ٱلتي ا

طعك�ولم اrafa¤tu wa¥iyyataka allat¢ aw¥aytan¢ wa lam u§i`ka

I have overlooked Your instructions, which You gave me and have not obeyed You.

مرتني �طعتك فيما ا�ولو ا

لكفيتني ما قمت إليك فيهwa law a§a`tuka f¢m¡ amartan¢ lakafaytan¢

m¡ qumtu ilayka f¢hi

If I obeyed You in what You have ordered me, You would certainly grant my requests that I am presenting before You.

wa an¡ ma`a ma`¥iyat¢ laka نا مع معصيتي لك راج�وا


In spite of my transgression, I am hopeful for You.

fal¡ ta¦ul bayn¢ wa baynaفال تحل بيني وبين ما رجوت

m¡ rajawtu So, do not let my hope remain unfulfilled.

عذني من بين �يا مترحما لي ا

يدي ومن خلقيy¡ mutara¦¦iman l¢ a`idhn¢

min bayni yadayya wa min khalf¢

O He Who always has mercy upon me, keep me safe, under Your protection, from (all evils that are) before me, behind me,

,wa min fawq¢ wa min ta¦t¢ above me, below me ومن فوقي ومن تحتي

¢wa min kulli jih¡ti al-i¦¡§ati bومن كل جهات ٱإلحاطة بيand from all sides that surround me.

all¡humma bimu¦ammadin اللهم بمحمد سيديsayyid¢

O Allah, [I beseech You] in the name of Mu¦ammad, my master,

¢wa bi`aliyyin waliyyوبعلي ولييand [in the name of] `Al¢, my chief,

wa bil-a'immati alrr¡shid¢na ئمة ٱلراشدين عليهم ٱلسالم�وبٱال`alayhimu alssal¡mu

and [in the names of] the orthodox Imams (leaders), peace be upon them,

فتك �ٱجعل علينا صلواتك ورا

ورحمتكij`al `alayn¡ ¥alaw¡tika wa

ra'fataka wa ra¦mataka

(please) bestow upon us with Your blessings, compassions, and mercy;

wa awsi` `alayn¡ min rizqika وسع علينا من رزقك�واand grant us expansive shares of Your sustenance;

waq¤i `ann¡ alddayna waوٱقض عنا ٱلدين وجميع حوائجنا

jam¢`a ¦aw¡'ijin¡

and help us repay our debts and settle all our needs,

.y¡ all¡hu y¡ all¡hu y¡ all¡hu O Allah, O Allah, O Allah يا الله يا الله يا الله

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innaka `al¡ kulli shay'in إنك على كل شيء قديرqad¢run

Verily, You have full power over all things.

The Imam (`a) then added: One who offers this prayer and says this supplication will have all his sins forgiven.

Numerous are the narrations that have mentioned splendid reward for those who offer this prayer on Fridays. Similarly, one who says the following supplicatory prayer after that prayer will have all his previous and coming sins forgiven, will be given the reward of him who recites the holy Qur'¡n entirely twelve times, and will be saved from thirst on the Resurrection Day:

O Allah, send blessings to the Arab Prophet and on his Household.

all¡humma ¥alli `al¡ alnnabiyyi al`arabiyyi wa ¡lih¢

صل على ٱلنبي ٱلعربي اللهم


Lady F¡§imah al-Zahr¡'’s Prayer

It is narrated that Lady F¡§imah al-Zahr¡', peace be upon her, used to offer a two-unit prayer taught by Archangel Gabriel. In the first unit, she used to recite S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah and repeat S£rah al-Qadr one hundred times. In the second unit, she used to recite S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah and S£rah al-Taw¦¢d. After Tasl¢m (i.e. the concluding part of a prayer), she would say the following :

سبحان ذي ٱلعز ٱلشامخ ٱلمنيفsub¦¡na dh¢ al`izzi alshsh¡mikhi almun¢fi

Glory be to the Lord of Honor and Sublime Authority.

سبحان ذي ٱلجالل ٱلباذخ


sub¦¡na dh¢ aljal¡li alb¡dhikhi al`a¨¢mi

Glory be to the Lord of Majesty and Exalted Greatness.

سبحان ذي ٱلملك ٱلفاخر


sub¦¡na dh¢ almulki alf¡khiri alqad¢mi

Glory be to the Lord of eternal, splendid sovereignty.

سبحان من لبس ٱلبهجة وٱلجمالsub¦¡na man labisa albahjata waljam¡la

Glory be to Him Who dressed Himself with splendor and beauty.

سبحان من تردى بٱلنور وٱلوقارsub¦¡na man taradd¡ bilnn£ri


Glory be to Him Who is clad in light and dignity.

ثر ٱلنمل في �سبحان من يرى ا


sub¦¡na man yar¡ athara

alnnamli f¢ al¥¥af¡

Glory be to Him Who makes out the footprints of the ant on the stone.

سبحان من يرى وقع ٱلطير في


sub¦¡na man yar¡ waq`a

al§§ayri f¢ alhaw¡'i

Glory be to Him Who knows (the exact time and place of) the bird dipping down through the air.

سبحان من هو هكذا ال هكذا


sub¦¡na man huwa h¡kadh¡ l¡ h¡kadh¡ ghayruh£

Glory be to Him Who is like this and no one (other than Him) is like this.

Sayyid Ibn ±¡w£s adds that it is better to say the famous Tasb¢¦ al-Zahr¡' after offering this prayer and then invoke Almighty Allah’s blessings upon the Holy Prophet and his Household.

However, in Mi¥b¡¦ al-Mutahajjid, Shaykh al-±£s¢ has recorded that Lady F¡§imah al-Zahr¡'’s prayer consists of two units in the first of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and S£rah al-Qadr is repeated one hundred times; and in the second unit, S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and S£rah al-Taw¦¢d is repeated one hundred times. After the Tasl¢m, Tasb¢¦ al-Zahr¡' is said and then one’s knees and arms are uncovered so as to embrace the ground with all organs of prostration without putting any barrier between the ground and the organs of

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prostration. Such being the case, one should supplicate to Almighty Allah and pray for granting one’s requests. Being prostrating oneself, one should say the following prayer: MP3

يا من ليس غيره رب يدعىy¡ man laysa ghayrah£ rabbun

yud`¡ O He besides Whom there is no lord to be supplicated!

يا من ليس فوقه إله يخشىy¡ man laysa fawqah£ il¡hun

yukhsh¡ O He above Whom there is no god to be feared!

يا من ليس دونه ملك يتقىy¡ man laysa d£nah£ malikun

yuttaq¡ O He except Whom there is no master to be revered!

يا من ليس له وزير يؤتىy¡ man laysa lah£ waz¢run

yu't¡ O He Who has no counselor to be approached!

يا من ليس له حاجب يرشىy¡ man laysa lah£ ¦¡jibun

yursh¡ O He Who has no attendant to be bribed!

يا من ليس له بواب يغشىy¡ man laysa lah£ baww¡bun

yughsh¡ O He Who has no doorkeeper to be visited (secretly)!

يا من ال يزداد على كثرة ٱلسؤال

إال كرما وجودا

y¡ man l¡ yazd¡du

`al¡ kathrati alssu'¡li

ill¡ karaman wa j£dan

O He Who gives not but generously and liberally no matter how many the demands are

وعلى كثرة ٱلذنوب إال عفوا


wa `al¡ kathrati aldhdhun£bi

ill¡ `afwan wa ¥af¦an and deals not with numerous sins but mercifully and kindly!

…صل على محمد وآل محمد¥alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li

mu¦ammadin… Send blessings upon Mu¦ammad and his Household…

And then one may mention one’s personal requests.

Lady F¡§imah al-Zahr¡'’s Another Prayer

Shaykh al-±£s¢ and Sayyid Ibn ±¡w£s have reported on the authority of ¯afw¡n that Mu¦ammad ibn `Al¢ al-°alab¢, once, visited Imam Ja`far al-¯¡diq (`a) one Friday and asked him to teach him the best deed to be practiced on Fridays. The Imam (`a) said: Listen, Mu¦ammad! I do not know any one who was more beloved and more respected than Lady F¡§imah al-Zahr¡', peace be upon her, in the view of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his Household. Likewise, I do not know anything that was more valuable than that which he had taught her to do on Fridays. In Friday morning, one should bathe oneself, stand upright, and offer a four-unit prayer each two alone. In the first unit, recite S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah once and repeat S£rah al-Taw¦¢d fifty times. In the second, recite S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah once and repeat S£rah al-`ªdiy¡t (No. 100) fifty times. In the third, recite S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah once and repeat S£rah al-Zalzalah (No. 99) fifty times. In the fourth, recite S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah once and repeat S£rah al-Na¥r (No. 110) fifty times. This S£rah was the concluding revelation. Upon accomplishment of the prayer, pray Almighty Allah with the following prayer:

,y¡ il¡h¢ wa sayyid¢ O My God and Master يا إلهي وسيدي

man tahayya'a aw ta`abba'a �و تعبا�ا �من تهياwhilst one prepares oneself, sets up,

aw a`adda aw ista`adda arranges, or gets ready و ٱستعد�عد ا�و ا�ا

li-wif¡dati makhl£qin for visiting a mortal لوفادة مخلوق

¢raj¡'a rifdih¢ wa faw¡'idih رجاء رفده وفوائدهin the hope of attaining a gift, interests,

wa n¡'ilih¢ wa faw¡¤ilih¢ wa ونائله وفواضله وجوائزهjaw¡'izih¢

a souvenir, bequests, or presents from him,

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 9


فإليك يا إلهي كانت تهيئتي

وتعبئتيfa-ilayka y¡ il¡h¢ k¡nat

tahyi'at¢ wa ta`bi'at¢

to You, O my God, have I prepared myself, set up,

wa i`d¡d¢ wasti`d¡d¢ arranged and got ready وإعدادي وٱستعدادي

raj¡'a faw¡'idika wa رجاء فوائدك ومعروفكma`r£fika

in the hope of attaining Your interests, favors,

.wa n¡'ilika wa jaw¡'izika souvenirs, and presents ونائلك وجوائزك

fal¡ tukhayyibn¢ min dh¡lika فال تخيبني من ذلكHence, (please) do not disappoint me of all these.

لة �يا من ال تخيب عليه مسا

ٱلسائلy¡ man l¡ takh¢bu `alayhi

mas'alatu alss¡'ili

O You with Whom no asker is disappointed

wa l¡ tanqu¥uh£ `a§iyyatu وال تنقصه عطية نائل


and no present of an earner causes You reduction.

fa'inn¢ lam ¡tika bi`amalin فإني لم آتك بعمل صالح قدمته¥¡li¦in qaddamtuh£

In fact, I have not come to You with a righteous deed that I have done

wa l¡ shaf¡`ati makhl£qinوال شفاعة مخلوق رجوته


nor with an intercession of a creature that I hope

ataqarrabu ilayka تقرب إليك بشفاعته�اbishaf¡`atih¢

to seek Your nearness through him

ill¡ mu¦ammadan wa ahla هل بيته�إال محمدا وا


save Mu¦ammad and his Household,

alaw¡tuka `alayhi wa¥ صلواتك عليه وعليهم`alayhim

Your blessings be upon him and them.

ataytuka arj£ `a¨¢ma رجو عظيم عفوك�تيتك ا�ا`afwika

I am coming to You hoping for Your munificent amnesty

¢alladh¢ `udta bihٱلذي عدت به على ٱلخطائين`al¡ alkha§§¡'¢na

that You have conferred upon the sinners

inda `uk£fihim`عند عكوفهم على ٱلمحارم`al¡ alm¦¡rimi

who confined themselves to the commitment to forbidden acts;

فلم يمنعك طول عكوفهم على

ٱلمحارمfalam yamna`ka §£lu `uk£fihim `al¡ alm¦¡rimi

nevertheless, their long-lasting commitment to forbidden acts has not made You

an judta `alayhim ن جدت عليهم بٱلمغفرة�اbilmaghfirati

stop conferring upon them with Your forgiveness.

wa anta sayyid¢ al`aww¡du نت سيدي ٱلعواد بٱلنعماء�واbilnna`m¡'i

You, O my Master, always confer upon me with Your graces

.wa an¡ al`aww¡du bilkha§¡'i while I always recommit sins نا ٱلعواد بٱلخطاء�وا

لك بحق محمد وآله �سا�ا

ٱلطاهرينas'aluka bi¦aqqi mu¦ammadin wa ¡lih¢ al§§¡hir¢na

I thus ask You by the Right of Mu¦ammad and his Household, the Immaculate,

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an taghfira l¢ dhanbiya ن تغفر لي ذنبي ٱلعظيم�اal`a¨¢ma

to forgive my grand sins,

fa'innah£ l¡ yaghfiruفإنه ال يغفر ٱلعظيم إال ٱلعظيم

al`a¨¢ma ill¡ al`a¨¢mu for none forgives the grand sins but the All-great.

y¡ `a¨¢mu y¡ `a¨¢muيا عظيم يا عظيم يا عظيم

y¡ `a¨¢mu O All-great, O All-great, O All-great,

y¡ `a¨¢mu y¡ `a¨¢muيا عظيم يا عظيم يا عظيم

y¡ `a¨¢mu O All-great, O All-great, O All-great,

!y¡`a¨¢mu O All-greatيا عظيم

In his book of Jam¡l al-Usb£`, Sayyid Ibn ±¡w£s has recorded a special prayer and supplication for each of the holy Imams. Hereinafter, let us mention these prayers and supplication:

Imam al-°asan’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of four units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and S£rah al-Taw¦¢d is repeated twenty-five times.

Imam al-°asan’s Supplication

تقرب إليك بجودك �اللهم إني ا

وكرمكall¡humma inn¢ ataqarrabu ilayka bij£dika wa karamika

O Allah, I seek nearness to You in the name of Your magnanimity and nobility.

تقرب إليك بمحمد عبدك �وا

ورسولكwa ataqarrabu ilayka bimu¦ammadin `abdika wa ras£lika

I seek nearness to You in the name of Mu¦ammad, Your servant and messenger.

تقرب إليك بمالئكتك �وا

ٱلمقربينwa ataqarrabu ilayka bimal¡'ikatika almuqarrab¢na

I seek nearness to You in the name of Your Favorite Angels

wa anbiy¡'ika wa rusulika نبيائك ورسلك�واand Your prophets and messengers,

an tu¥alliya `al¡ mu¦ammadin ن تصلي على محمد�ا[and I beseech You] to send blessings to Mu¦ammad,

,abdika wa ras£lika Your servant and messenger` عبدك ورسولك

wa `al¡ ¡li mu¦ammadin وعلى آل محمدand upon the Household of Mu¦ammad,

,wa an tuq¢lan¢ `athrat¢ overlook my slips ن تقيلني عثرتي�وا

,wa tastura `alayya dhun£b¢ cover my sins وتستر علي ذنوبي

,wa taghfirah¡ l¢ forgive them for meوتغفرها لي

,wa taq¤iya l¢ ¦aw¡'ij¢ settle all my needs وتقضي لي حوائجي

wa l¡ tu`adhdhibn¢ biqab¢¦inوال تعذبني بقبيح كان مني

k¡na minn¢

and not to punish me for the evildoings that I have committed.

fa'inna `afwaka wa j£dakaفإن عفوك وجودك يسعنيyasa`un¢

Verily, Your pardon and magnanimity include me.

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innaka `al¡ kulli shay'in إنك على كل شيء قديرqad¢run

Verily, You have power over all things.

Imam al-°usayn’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of four units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah and S£rah al-Taw¦¢d are repeated twenty-five times. While genuflecting, S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah and S£rah al-Taw¦¢d are repeated ten times. So is done when one raises his head after the genuflection and while prostrating oneself and between the two prostrations.

Imam al-°usayn’s Supplication

SUPPLICATION AFTER IMAM AL-°USAYN’S PRAYER This supplication is recommended to be said after Imam al-°usayn’s prayer, which is mentioned in Volume

One of this book, page 147: Mp3

نت الذي ٱستجبت آلدم �اللهم ا

وحواء إذ قاالall¡humma anta alladh¢ istajabta li-¡dama wa ¦aww¡'a idh q¡l¡

O Allah, it is You who responded to Adam and Eve when they both said,

¡rabban¡ ¨alamn¡ anfusan نفسنا�ربنا ظلمنا ا«“Our Lord! We have been unjust to ourselves,

wa in lam taghfir lan¡ wa وإن لم تغفر لنا وترحمناtar¦amn¡

and if You forgive us not and have not mercy on us,

lanak£nanna mina »لنكونن من ٱلخاسرين.alkh¡sir¢na

we shall certainly be of the losers.”

wa n¡d¡ka n£¦unوناداك نوح فٱستجبت لهfastajabta lah£

And when Noah cried to You, You answered him

£wa najjaytah£ wa ahlal هله من ٱلكرب ٱلعظيم�ونجيته واmina al-karb al`a¨¢mi

and delivered him and his family from the great calamity.

طفات نار نمرود عن خليلك �وا

إبراهيمwa a§fa'ta n¡ra numr£da `an khal¢lika ibr¡h¢ma

And it is You who extinguished the fire of Nimrod for Your intimate friend Abraham

faja`altah¡ bardan wa فجعلتها بردا وسالماsal¡man

and thus changed it into coldness and peace.

يوب إذ �نت ٱلذي ٱستجبت ال�وا

نادىwa anta alladh¢ istajabta li-ayy£ba idh n¡d¡

And it is You Who responded to Job when he cried to You, saying,

رحم �نت ا�إني مسني ٱلضر وا«

»ٱلراحمين.inn¢ massaniya al¤¤urru wa anta ar¦amu alrr¡¦im¢na

“Harm has afflicted me, and You are the most Merciful of all those who show mercy.”

fakashafta m¡ bih¢ min فكشفت ما به من ضر¤urrin

Therefore, You took off what harm he had,

wa ¡taytah£ ahlah£ wa هله ومثلهم معهم�وآتيته اmithlahum ma`ahum

and You gave him his family and the like of them with them:

ولي �رحمة من عندك وذكرى ال

لباب�ٱالra¦matan min `indika wa dhikr¡ li-ulil-alb¡bi

a mercy from You and a reminder to the owners of sound intellects.

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 12


wa anta alladh¢ istajabta نت ٱلذي ٱستجبت لذي ٱلنون�واlidhilnn£ni

And it is You Who responded to Dhu’l-N£n (i.e. Prophet Jonah)

na n¡d¡ka f¢ al¨¨ulum¡ti¢¦ حين ناداك في ٱلظلماتwhen he cried through the depths of darkness,

an l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta نت سبحانك�ن ال إله إال ا�اsub¦¡naka

“There is no god but You. Glory be to You.

inn¢ kunti mina al¨¨¡lim¢na إني كنت من ٱلظالمينI was indeed of those who are wrong!”

fanajjaytah£ mina فنجيته من ٱلغمalghammi

So, You delivered him from distress.

نت ٱلذي ٱستجبت لموسى �وا

وهارون دعوتهماwa anta alladh¢ istajabta lim£s¡ wa h¡r£na da`watahum¡

And it is You Who responded to the prayer of Moses and Aaron

جيبت دعوتكما �ا قد«حين قلت

»فٱستقيما.¦¢na qulta qad uj¢bat da`watukum¡ fastaq¢m¡

when You said, “Accepted is your prayer! So, stand you straight.”

wa aghraqta fir`awna wa غرقت فرعون وقومه�واqawmah£

You thus drowned Pharaoh and his people.

wa ghafarta lid¡w£da وغفرت لداوود ذنبهdhanbah£

You forgave the sin of David

wa tubta `alayhi ra¦matanوتبت عليه رحمة منك وذكرىminka wa dhikr¡

and accepted his repentance out of Your mercy and as a reminder.

wa fadayta ism¡`¢laوفديت إسماعيل بذبح عظيمbidhib¦in `a¨¢min

You ransomed Ishmael with a momentous sacrifice

ba`da m¡ aslama wa سلم وتله للجبين�بعد ما اtallah£ lil-jab¢ni

after he had submitted his will and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead for sacrifice.

fan¡daytah£ bilfaraji فناديته بٱلفرج وٱلروحwalrraw¦i

Hence, You called him with relief and comfort.

wa anta alladh¢ n¡d¡ka نت ٱلذي ناداك زكريا نداء خفيا�واzakariyy¡ nid¡'an khafiyyan

And it is You to Whom Zachariah cried in secret,

faq¡la rabbi inn¢ wahanaرب إني وهن ٱلعظم مني«فقال al`a¨mu minn¢

praying, “O my Lord! Infirm indeed are my bones,

washta`ala alrra'su وٱشتعل ٱلراس شيباshayban

and the hair of my head has glistened with grey,

wa lan akun bidu`¡'ika »كن بدعائك رب شقيا.�ولم اrabbi shaqiyyan

but never am I unblest, O my Lord, in my prayer to You.”

¡wa qulta yad`£nanيدعوننا رغبا ورهبا«وقلت raghaban wa rahaban

And You said, “They used to call on Us with love and reverence

wa k¡n£ lan¡ kh¡shi`¢na »وكانوا لنا خاشعين.and they humbled themselves before Us.”

نت ٱلذي ٱستجبت للذين آمنوا �وا

وعملوٱ ٱلصالحاتwa anta alladh¢ istajabta lilladh¢na ¡man£ wa `amil£ al¥¥¡li¦¡ti

And it is You Who responded to those who had believed and done good deeds

litaz¢dahum min fa¤lika لتزيدهم من فضلكso as to increase Your favor upon them.

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 13


هون ٱلداعين لك �فال تجعلني من ا

وٱلراغبين إليكfal¡ taj`aln¢ min ahwani aldd¡`¢na laka walrr¡ghib¢na ilayka

So, (please) do not consider me the most debased suppliant and desirous to You.

wastajib l¢ kam¡ istajabtaوٱستجب لي كما ٱستجبت لهمlahum

And respond to me in the same way as You responded to them,

bi¦aqqihim `alayka بحقهم عليك (I beseech to You) by their right (that is incumbent) on You.

,fa§ahhirn¢ bita§h¢rika Purify me with Your purification فطهرني بتطهيـرك

wa taqabbal ¥al¡t¢ waوتقبل صالتي ودعائي بقبول حسنdu`¡'¢ biqab£lin ¦asanin

accept my prayer and supplication in the best manner,

,wa §ayyib baqiyyata ¦ay¡t¢ make the rest of my life good وطيب بقية حياتي

,wa §ayyib waf¡t¢ make my demise goodوطيب وفاتي

wakhlufn¢ f¢man akhlufu خلف�وٱخلفني فيمن اbe the supervisor of my inheritors,

¢'¡`wa¦fa¨n¢ y¡ rabbi bidu وٱحفظني يا رب بدعائيsafeguard me, O my Lord, through my supplication,

¢waj`al dhurriyyatوٱجعل ذريتي ذرية طيبةdhurriyyatan §ayyibatan

and make my offspring goodly

ta¦£§uh¡ bi¦iy¡§atika by encompassing them تحوطها بحياطتك

حد من �بكل ما حطت به ذرية ا

هل طاعتك�وليائك وا�اbikulli m¡ ¦u§ta bih¢ dhurriyyata a¦adin min awliy¡'ika wa ahli §¡`atika

with the same things with which You have encompassed the offspring of Your intimate saints and the people who obeyed You appropriately,

bira¦matika y¡ ar¦ama رحم ٱلراحمين�برحمتك يا اalrr¡¦im¢na

out of Your mercy, O most merciful of all those who show mercy.

y¡ man huwa `al¡ kulliيا من هو على كل شيء رقيبshay'in raq¢bun

O You Who observes all things,

wa likulli d¡`in min ولكل داع من خلقك مجيبkhalqika muj¢bun

Who answers all those who supplicate to You amongst Your creatures,

wa min kulli s¡'ilin qar¢bun ومن كل سائل قريبand Who is close to all those who implore You!

¡as'aluka y¡ l¡ il¡ha ill نت�لك يا ال إله إال ا�سا�اanta

I thus implore You, O He save Whom there is no god,

al¦ayyu alqayy£muٱلحي ٱلقيومO He Who is Ever-living, Self-Subsisting,

,al-a¦adu al¥¥amadu One and Only, Absolute حد ٱلصمد�ٱال

alladh¢ lam yalid wa lam ٱلذي لم يلد ولم يولدy£lad

You beget not nor are You begotten

£wa lam yakun lah حد�ولم يكن له كفوا اkufuwan a¦adun

and there is none like unto You.

wa bikulli ismin rafa`taوبكل ٱسم رفعت به سماءكbih¢ sam¡'aka

And I implore You by all Names with which You raised Your

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 14


,wa farashta bih¢ ar¤aka spread out Your earth رضك�وفرشت به ا

,wa arsayta bih¢ aljib¡la firmly fixed the mountains رسيت به ٱلجبال�وا

,wa ajrayta bih¢ alm¡'a made water flow جريت به ٱلماء�وا

¢wa sakhkharta bih وسخرت به ٱلسحابalssa¦¡ba

made the clouds subservient,

walshshamsa walqamaraوٱلشمس وٱلقمر وٱلنجومwalnnuj£ma

as well as the sun, the moon, the stars,

,wallayla walnnah¡ra the night, and the daylight وٱلليل وٱلنهار

wa khalaqta alkhal¡'iqa وخلقت ٱلخالئق كلهاkullah¡

and created all beings.

as'aluka bi`a¨amati لك بعظمة وجهك ٱلعظيم�سا�اwajhika al`a¨¢mi

I implore You by the magnitude of Your Magnificent Face

شرقت له ٱلسماوات �ٱلذي ا

رض�وٱالalladh¢ ashraqat lah£ alssam¡w¡tu wal-ar¤u

to which the heavens and the earth shone

fa-a¤¡'at bih¢ al¨¨ulum¡tu ضاءت به ٱلظلمات�فاcausing darkness to change into lights,

¡ill¡ ¥allayta `al إال صليت على محمد وآل محمد mu¦ammadin wa ¡li mu¦ammadin

(I implore You by all these) to send blessings to Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad,

wa kafaytan¢ amra مر معاشي ومعادي�وكفيتني اma`¡sh¢ wa ma`¡d¢

save me from the troubles of my living and my other life,

,wa a¥la¦ta l¢ sha'n¢ kullah£ amend all my affairs ني كله�صلحت لي شا�وا

¢wa lan takiln¢ il¡ nafs ولم تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين§arfata `aynin

not to cause me to depend upon myself for even a winking of an eye,

wa a¥la¦ta amr¢ wa amra مر عيالي�مري وا�صلحت ا�وا`iy¡l¢

manage the affairs of my household and me,

,wa kafaytan¢ hammahum save me from their concerns وكفيتني همهم

غنيتني وإياهم من كنزك �وا

وخزائنكwa aghnaytan¢ wa iyy¡hum min kanzika wa khaz¡'inika

make them and me rich out of Your treasure, hoards,

¡was a`ati fa¤lika alladh¢ l بدا�وسعة فضلك الذي ال ينفد اyanfadu abadan

and Your expansive grace that never runs out,

wa athbit f¢ qalb¢ yan¡b¢`a ثبت في قلبي ينابيع ٱلحكمة�واal¦ikmati

fix in my heart founts of sagacity

allat¢ tanfa`un¢ bih¡ from which I may benefit ٱلتي تنفعني بها

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 15


wa tanfa`u bih¡ man وتنفع بها من ٱرتضيت من عبادكirta¤ayta min `ib¡dika

and from which You may benefit Your servants with whom You are pleased,

waj`al l¢ mina almuttaq¢na وٱجعل لي من ٱلمتقينchoose for me an imam (i.e. leader)

f¢ ¡khiri alzzam¡ni im¡man that is pious in the last of time في آخر الزمان إماما

kam¡ ja`alta ibr¡h¢ma كما جعلت إبراهيم ٱلخليل إماماalkhal¢la im¡man

in the same way as You made Abraham Your intimate friend to be a leader.

fa-inna bitawf¢qika yaf£zu فإن بتوفيقك يفوز ٱلفائزونalf¡'iz£na

Verily, only through Your guidance do the winners achieve prosperity,

,wa yat£bu altt¡'ib£na the repentant declare repentance ويتوب ٱلتائبون

way a`buduka al`¡bid£na ويعبدك ٱلعابدونand the true worshippers worship You.

wa bitasd¢dika ya¥lu¦uوبتسديدك يصلح ٱلصالحونal¥¥¡li¦£na

And only through Your supervision do the righteous,

almu¦sin£na almukhbit£na ٱلمحسنون ٱلمخبتونthe good-doers, those who humble themselves before You,

al`¡bid£na laka alkh¡'if£na ٱلعابدون لك ٱلخائفون منكminka

those who worship You sincerely, and those who fear You become righteous.

¡wa bi-irsh¡dika naj وبإرشادك نجا ٱلناجون من ناركalnn¡j£na min n¡rika

And only through Your direction will those who will be delivered from Your Hellfire be saved

¡wa ashfaqa minh شفق منها ٱلمشفقون من خلقك�واalmushfiq£na min khalqika

and those who fear You, from amongst Your creatures, stand in awe of it.

wa bikhudhl¡nika khasiraوبخذالنك خسر ٱلمبطلونalmub§il£na

But through Your disappointing them will the wrong lose,

,wa halaka al¨¨¡lim£na the unjust perish وهلك ٱلظالمون

wa ghafala algh¡fil£na وغفل ٱلغافلونand those distracted from You be inattentive.

¢all¡humma ¡ti nafs اللهم آت نفسي تقواهاtaqw¡h¡

O Allah, grant my soul its piety

fa anta waliyyuh¡ wa نت وليها وموالها�فاmawl¡h¡

for You are its guardian and master

wa anta khayru man نت خير من زكاها�واzakk¡h¡

and You are the best to purify it.

¡all¡humma bayyin lah اللهم بين لها هداهاhud¡h¡

O Allah, show it its true guidance,

,wa alhimh¡ taqw¡h¡ inspire it with what is good for it لهمها تقواها�وا

wa bashshirh¡ bira¦matikaوبشرها برحمتك حين تتوفاها¦¢na tatawaff¡h¡

carry to it the good news of Your mercy when You grasp it,

wa nazzilh¡ mina aljin¡niونزلها من ٱلجنان علياها`uly¡h¡

lodge it in the highest positions of the gardens of Paradise,

wa §ayyib waf¡tah¡ wa وطيب وفاتها ومحياهاma¦y¡h¡

make good its death and life,

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 16


wa akrim munqalabah¡ wa كرم منقلبها ومثواها�واmathw¡h¡

and honor its place and abode

wa mustaqarrah¡ wa واها�ومستقرها وماma'w¡h¡

and its dwelling and house,

fa anta waliyyuh¡ wa نت وليها وموالها�فاmawl¡h¡

for You are its guardian and master.

On accomplishment, the following prayer is said:

Alternate translation....

O My Allah! Thou art He Who heard the prayers of Adam and Hawwaa when they said: “O our Lord we did not listen to the voice of our conscience. Now if Thou does not take a lenient view, and have mercy on us, We shall always be among the losers.” And Nooh cried unto Thee, then Thou heard his prayer, and kept him and his companions safe From the terrible catastrophe. Thou put out the fire set burning by Namrood, for Ibraaheem, Thy friend, who came out from it hail and hearty. Thou art He Who heard the prayer of Ayyoob, when he cried unto his Lord: “Truly, I am hard-pressed and concerned by losses and damages, and Thou art Most Merciful of all who show mercy.” Then Thou dispersed hardships that were bothering him gave him back his family, And the like thereof along with them, a mercy from Thy store, and a remembrance for men of understanding. Thou art He Who heard the prayer of Noon (Younus). As soon as he cried unto Thee in the darkness: “There is no god save Thee. Be Thou glorified. Surely I have been a wrong-doer.” Then Thou saved him from anguish. Thou art He Who heard the prayers of Moosa and Haroon, When they called (unto Thee). Thou said, “Your prayer is heard. You two keep to the straight path.” Firawn (Pharoah) and his people were drowned. Thou had forgiven mistakes committed by Dawood, and relented towards him through Thy mercy and glory. Thou ransomed Ismaa-eel with a “Zibhin Azeem” (great sacrifice), when they had both surrendered (to Allah), and he had flung him down upon his face. Then he received the news of joy and relief. Thou art He unto Whom Zakariyya cried, A cry in secret. Saying: “My Lord! Surely my bones are weak and unsteady, my head is full of grey hair, And I have never been deprived of blessings whenever I prayed to Thee, O my Lord.” Thou said: “They cried unto Me in longing and in fear, and were submissive unto Me.” Thou art He Who hears the prayers of those who believe and do good deeds, Gives them more and more of Thy bounties. So count me not among the unimportant (people) who call on and turn to Thee (in vain). Give answer to my prayer just as Thou heard the prayers of those whom Thou found worthy of Thy attention So purify me with Thy purity, Listen to my prayer and supplication, And kindly accept them Make what is left in my life pure and pleasant, and make easy for me my death, Let me make amends and compensate for misdeeds. Protect me. O my Lord! I call upon Thee. Make my children pure and chaste. Surround them with Thy reliable protection, To save them from all that which degrade and humiliate; Children, every one of them to be among Thy close confidants and obedient servants, through Thy mercy. O the Most Merciful, O He who watches over all things, And gives answer to all those who cry unto Him; And is near to all those who make a request. I beseech Thee, O “There is no god save Thou, The Everliving, the Everlasting, One, Independent, Who begets not nor was begotten, and there is none comparable unto Him.” In the name of all (Thy) Names, Thou employed to raise the sky, To spread out the earth, To set up the mountains, To make water run its course, To keep in control the clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars, the nights, And the days, (so that they work as Thou wills); And thus Thou brought into existence all creations. I beseech Thee, In the name of Thy Sublime Glory which lighted up the heavens and the earth. Darkness spread far and wide over them, Unless “Durood” was recited for Muhammad and the children of Muhammad.

Free me from the worries of life in this world and spare me in the other world. Make better all my affairs. Do not let me rely upon my “Nafs” (source of vain desires and passions) for a flash of an eye. Set my affairs right, and affairs of my dependents. Keep away from me sorrows and poverty, Make me independent. Give them from Thy unknown treasures. Multiply Thy favours that do not ever run out. Let my mind know for certain. And stand firm so that it fills me with wisdom that makes me fit for the company of Thy servants. Put me among the God fearing when Thou will send the Last Imam, Just as Thou elected Ibraheem, the beloved one as the Imam, For certainly, with Thy consent and guidance, the chosen successful attain their end; Turn repentant to Thee the penitent; Worship Thee the devotees; With the help of Thy “True Path”, Remain upright the honest, praiseworthy and secluded worshippers, And take refuge with Thee. On account of the direction in the right way, (Thou shows) the relieved save themselves from the fire, and those who remain on guard against evil get mercy and forgiveness. When forsaken by Thee the triers suffer losses, The (transgressing) oppressors are cast into Hell, The careless are neglected.

O my Allah! Give me peace of mind (a restful soul), For Thou controls the soul, and refines him who keeps

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 17

 it pure. O my Allah! Render it clear and let it feel relieved, Overfill it with wisdom and piety, bless it with inner satisfaction, Through Thy mercy, when Thou stimulates it, And let it take quarters in the pleasant surroundings of the exalted sanctuary, Make it noble, Let it grow in substance, and develop, Be kind when its turn comes to depart, And when it reaches the permanent abode, To live there for ever, allow it to dwell in Paradise, Because Thou art its Friend, and its Master. O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.

Imam Zayn al-`ªbid¢n’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of four units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once while S£rah al-Taw¦¢d is repeated one hundred times.

Imam Zayn al-`ªbid¢n’s Supplication

y¡ man a¨hara aljam¢la ظهر ٱلجميل�يا من اO He Who has shown only goodness

wa satara alqab¢¦aوستر ٱلقبيحand concealed the evil (deeds of His servants)!

y¡ man lam yu'¡khidhيا من لم يؤاخذ بٱلجريرة


O He Who has not censured for the offenses

!wa lam yahtik alssitra and has not exposed the hidden ولم يهتك ٱلستر

y¡ `a¨¢ma al`afwi يا عظيم ٱلعفوO He Who is Ample in pardoning!

y¡ ¦asana alttaj¡wuzi يا حسن ٱلتجاوزO He Who is Excellent in overlooking!

!y¡ w¡si`a almaghfirati O He Who is Liberal in forgiving يا واسع ٱلمغفرة

y¡ b¡si§a alyadayni bilrra¦mati يا باسط ٱليدين بٱلرحمةO He Who opens His hands wide with mercy!

¡y¡ ¥¡¦iba kulli najw يا صاحب كل نجوىO He Who is present in all confidential talks!

¡y¡ muntah¡ kulli shakw يا منتهى كل شكوىO He Who is the ultimate objective of all complaints!

y¡ kar¢ma al¥¥af¦i يا كريـم ٱلصفحO He Who is Generous in condonation!

!y¡ `a¨¢ma alrraj¡'i O He Who is greatly hoped يا عظيم ٱلرجاء

y¡ mubtadi'an bilnni`ami يا مبتدئا بٱلنعم قبل ٱستحقاقها

qabla isti¦q¡qih¡

O He Who takes the initiative in favoring before they are deserved!

y¡ rabban¡ wa sayyidan¡ wa يا ربنا وسيدنا وموالنا


O our Lord, our Master, and our Chief!

¡y¡ gh¡yata raghbatin يا غاية رغبتناO He Who is the ultimate of our desires!

ن تصلي على �لك ٱللهم ا�سا�ا

محمد وآل محمدas'aluka all¡humma an tu¥alliya `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa

¡li mu¦ammadin

I beseech You, O Allah, to send blessings to Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad.

Imam al-B¡qir’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of two units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and the following litany is repeated one hundred times:

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,sub¦¡na all¡hi All glory be to Allahسبحان ٱلله

,wal¦amdu lill¡hi all praise be to Allahوٱلحمد لله

,wa l¡ il¡ha ill¡ all¡hu there is no god save Allah وال إله إال ٱلله

.wall¡hu akbaru and Allah is the Greatest كبر�وٱلله ا

Imam al-B¡qir’s Supplication

,all¡humma inn¢ as'aluka O Allah, I beseech You لك�سا�اللهم إني ا

,y¡ ¦al¢mun dh£ anatin O Indulgent, Forbearing ناة�يا حليم ذو ا

,ghaf£run wad£dun Forgiving, and Loving-kindغفور ودود

ن تتجاوز عن سيئاتي وما �ا

عنديan tataj¡waza `an sayyi'¡ty wa m¡ `ind¢

to overlook my sins and what I have had,

bi¦usni m¡ `indaka بحسن ما عندكout of the excellence of what You have,

ن تعطيني من عطائك ما �وا

يسعنيwa an tu`§iyan¢ min `a§¡'ika m¡ yasa`un¢

to give me, out of Your giving, that which suffices me,

عطيتني ٱلعمل �وتلهمني فيما ا

فيهwa tulhiman¢ f¢m¡ a`§aytan¢

al`amala f¢hi

to inspire me to act upon what You have given me;

bi§¡`atika wa §¡`ati ras£lika بطاعتك وطاعة رسولكthat is to obey You and to obey Your Messenger,

wa an tu`§iyan¢ min `afwika ن تعطيني من عفوك�واand to give me part of Your pardon

m¡ astawjibu bih¢ kar¡mataka ستوجب به كرامتك�ما اso much so that I ought to have Your honoring.

all¡humma a`§in¢ m¡ anta هله�نت ا�عطني ما ا�اللهم ا


O Allah, (please) grant me that which befits You

£wa l¡ taf`al b¢ m¡ an¡ ahluh هله�نا ا�وال تفعل بي ما اand do not do to me that which I deserve.

fa'innam¡ an¡ bika Verily, I exist through You نا بك�فإنما ا

wa lam u¥ib khayran qa§§u صب خيرا قط إال منك�ولم اill¡ minka

and I have never been given any good thing from any source except You.

y¡ ab¥ara al-ab¥ar¢na بصرين�بصر ٱال�يا اO He Who is the best Seer of all those who can see!

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 19


wa y¡ asma`a alss¡mi`¢na سمع ٱلسامعين�ويا اO He Who is the best Hearer of all those who can hear!

wa y¡ a¦kama al¦¡kim¢na حكم ٱلحاكمين�ويا اO He Who is the Justest of all those who judge!

wa y¡ j¡ra almustaj¢r¢na ويا جار ٱلمستجيرينO He Who aids those who seek His aid!

wa y¡ muj¢ba da`watiويا مجيب دعوة ٱلمضطرين


O He Who responds to the prayer of the oppressed!

alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li¥ صل على محمد وآل محمد


Send blessings upon Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad.

Imam al-¯¡diq’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of two units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and ªyat al-Tashahhud (3:18-19) one hundred times.

Imam al-¯¡diq’s Supplication

y¡ ¥¡ni`a kulli ma¥n£`in يا صانع كل مصنوعO He Who Makes all made things!

y¡ j¡bira kulli kas¢rin يا جابر كل كسيرO He Who splints all broken bones!

wa y¡ ¦¡¤ira kulli mala'in ويا حاضر كل مالءO He Who is present in all assemblages!

¡wa y¡ sh¡hida kulli najw ويا شاهد كل نجوىO He Who is the Witness of all confidential talks!

wa y¡ `¡lima kulli khafiyyatin ويا عالم كل خفيةO He Who knows all hidden matters!

wa y¡ sh¡hidan ghayra ويا شاهد غير غائب


O He Who is always present and is never absent!

wa gh¡liban ghayra maghl£bin وغالب غير مغلوبO He Who is always triumphant and is never defeated!

wa y¡ qar¢ban ghayra ba`¢din ويا قريب غير بعيدO He Who is always nigh and is never remote!

wa y¡ mu'nisa kulli wa¦¢din ويا مؤنس كل وحيدO He Who entertains all lonely ones!

¡wa y¡ ¦ayyu mu¦yiya almawt ويا حي محيي ٱلموتىO He Who is ever-living, raiser of the dead,

!wa mum¢ta al-a¦y¡'i and causing the alive to die حياء�ومميت ٱال

alq¡'imu `al¡ kulli nafsinٱلقائم على كل نفس بما كسبتbim¡ kasabat

O He Who watches every soul as to what it earns!

wa y¡ ¦ayyan ¦¢na l¡ ¦ayya ويا حيا حين ال حيO He Who was living when there was nothing existent!

!l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta There is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li¥ صل على محمد وآل محمد


(please) send blessings to Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad.

Imam al-K¡¨im’s Prayer of Fridays

This prayer consists of two units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and S£rah al-Taw¦¢d is repeated twelve times.

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 20

 Imam al-K¡¨im’s Supplication

il¡h¢ khasha`ati al-a¥w¡tu laka صوات لك�إلهي خشعت ٱالO my God, all sounds are submissive to You,

wa ¤allat al-a¦l¡mu f¢ka حالم فيك�وضلت ٱالall intellects are too short to recognize You [as exactly as You are],

,wa wajila kullu shay'in minka all things are fearful of You ووجل كل شيء منك

,wa haraba kullu shay'in ilayka all things flee to You وهرب كل شيء إليك

wa ¤¡qat al-ashy¡'u d£naka شياء دونك�وضاقت ٱالall things are too tiny in comparison with You,

.wa mala'a kulla shay'in n£ruka and Your light fills all things كل شيء نورك �وملا

fa-anta alrraf¢`u f¢ jal¡lika نت ٱلرفيع في جاللك�فاTherefore, You are the Exalted in Your majesty,

wa anta albahiyyu f¢ jam¡lika نت ٱلبهي في جمالك�واYou are the Luminous in Your splendor,

wa anta al`a¨¢mu f¢ qudratika نت ٱلعظيم في قدرتك�واYou are the Great in Your omnipotence,

wa anta alladh¢ l¡ ya'£duka نت ٱلذي ال يؤودك شيء�وا


and You are Whom nothing can tire.

¢y¡ munzila ni`mat يا منزل نعمتيO He Who sends down my bounties!

!y¡ mufarrija kurbat¢ O He Who relieves my agonies يا مفرج كربتي

!wa y¡ q¡¤iya ¦¡jat¢ O He Who settles my needs ويا قاضي حاجتي

¢a`§in¢ mas'alat لتي�عطني مسا�ا(please) Give answer to my request,

bil¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta نت�بال إله إال اin the name of ‘There is no god save You’.

mantu bika mukhli¥an laka¡آمنت بك مخلصا لك دينيd¢n¢

I believe in You and I am sincere to You in obedience.

صبحت على عهدك ووعدك ما �ا

ٱستطعتa¥ba¦tu `al¡ `ahdika wa

wa`dika m¡ ista§a`tu

I begin my day keeping my covenant and promise to You as much as I can.

ab£'u laka bilnni`mati I confess of Your favor to me بوء لك بٱلنعمة�ا

ستغفرك من ٱلذنوب التي ال �وا

يغفرها غيركwa astaghfiruka mina aldhdhun£bi allat¢ l¡ yaghfiruh¡ ghayruka

and I beseech You to forgive my sins that none else can forgive.

¢y¡ man huwa f¢ `uluwwih يا من هو في علوه دان


O He Who is nigh in His sublimity,

,wa f¢ dunuwwih¢ `¡lin Sublime in His nearness وفي دنوه عال

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 21


,wa f¢ ishr¡qih¢ mun¢run Brilliant in His glow وفي إشراقه منير

wa f¢ sul§¡nih¢ qawiyyun وفي سلطانه قويand Powerful in His [absolute] authority!

alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa¥ صل على محمد وآله


(please) Send blessings upon Mu¦ammad and his Household.

Imam al-Ri¤¡’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of six units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and S£rah al-Ins¡n (or al-Dahr No. 76) is repeated ten times.

Imam al-Ri¤¡’s Supplication

!y¡ ¥¡¦ib¢ f¢ shiddat¢ O My Companion in my distress يا صاحبي في شدتي

!wa y¡ waliyy¢ f¢ ni`mat¢ O My Patron in my bounties ويا وليي في نعمتي

wa y¡ il¡h¢ wa il¡ha ibr¡h¢maويا إلهي وإله إبراهيم وإسماعيل

wa ism¡`¢la

O My God and the God of Abraham, Ishmael,

!wa is¦¡qa wa ya`q£ba Isaac, and Jacob وإسحاق ويعقوب

يا رب كهيعص ويس وٱلقرآن

ٱلحكيمy¡ rabba k¡f-h¡'-y¡'-`ayn-

¥¡d wa y¡-s¢n walqur'¡ni al¦ak¢mi

O Lord of k¡f-h¡'-y¡'-`ayn-¥¡d, y¡'-s¢n, and the Qur'¡n full of wisdom!

as'aluka y¡ a¦sana man حسن من سئل�لك يا ا�سا�ا


I beseech You—O Most Excellent of all those who may be besought!

wa y¡ khayra man du`iya ويا خير من دعيO Most Favorite of all those who may be prayed!

¡§`wa y¡ ajwada man a عطى�جود من ا�ويا اO Most Magnanimous of all those who may give!

wa y¡ khayra murtajan ويا خير مرتجىO Most Preferred of all those who may be hoped!

ن تصلي على محمد �لك ا�سا�ا

وآل محمدas'aluka an tu¥alliya `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li


I beseech You to send blessings to Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad.

Imam al-Jaw¡d’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of two units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and S£rah al-Taw¦¢d is repeated seventy times.

Imam al-Jaw¡d’s Supplication

all¡humma rabba al-arw¡¦i رواح ٱلفانية�اللهم رب ٱالalf¡niyati

O Allah, Lord of the souls passing away

!wal-ajs¡di alb¡liyati and the rotten corpses جساد ٱلبالية�وٱال

رواح ٱلراجعة �لك بطاعة ٱال�سا�ا

جسادها�إلى اas'aluka bi§¡`ati al-arw¡¦i alrr¡ji`ati il¡ ajs¡dih¡

I beseech You in the name of the obedience of the souls that are restored to their bodies

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 22


جساد ٱلملتئمة �وبطاعة ٱال

بعروقهاwa bi§¡`ati al-ajs¡di almulta'imati bi`ur£qih¡

and the obedience of the corpses that join their veins

wa bikalimatika alnn¡fidhati وبكلمتك ٱلنافذة بينهمbaynahum

and in the name of Your Word that is effective on them

wa akhdhika al¦aqqa خذك ٱلحق منهم�واminhum

and in the name of Your judging justly among them;

wal-khal¡'iqu bayna yadayka وٱلخالئق بين يديكwhile the [other] creatures are standing before You

yanta¨ir£na fa¥la qa¤¡'ika ينتظرون فصل قضائكawaiting the decisions of Your judgment,

wa yarj£na ra¦matakaويرجون رحمتك ويخافون عقابكhoping for Your mercy, and fearing Your punishment;

wa yakh¡f£na `iq¡baka صل على محمد وآل محمد(please do) send blessings to Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad,

alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa¥ وٱجعل ٱلنور في بصري

¡li mu¦ammadin place light in my sight,

,waj`al alnn£ra f¢ ba¥ar¢ strong belief in my heart وٱليقين في قلبي

¢walyaq¢na f¢ qalbوذكرك بٱلليل وٱلنهار على لسانيand reference to You night and day on my tongue,

wa dhikraka billayli وعمال صالحا فٱرزقنيwalnnah¡ri `al¡ lis¡n¢

and provide me with a righteous deed.

Imam al-H¡d¢’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of two units in the first of which S£rahs al-F¡ti¦ah and Y¡s¢n (No. 36) are recited and in the second of which S£rahs al-F¡ti¦ah and al-Ra¦m¡n (No. 55) are recited.

Imam al-H¡d¢’s Ali Naqi as Supplication

y¡ b¡rru y¡ wa¥£lu يا بار يا وصولO Foremost Beneficent! O Object of Love!

y¡ sh¡hida kulli gh¡'ibin يا شاهد كل غائبO He Who is the Witness of all unseen things!

wa y¡ qar¢bu ghayru ba`¢din ويا قريب غير بعيدO He Who is Nigh without being away (from any other thing)!

wa y¡ gh¡libu ghayru ويا غالب غير مغلوب


O He Who (always) prevails (but) is never overpowered!

wa y¡ man l¡ ya`lamu kayfaويا من ال يعلم كيف هو إال هو

huwa ill¡ huwa O He Whom no one knows how He is except He!

£y¡ man l¡ tublaghu qudratuh يا من ال تبلغ قدرتهO He Whose authority no one can challenge!

لك ٱللهم بٱسمك ٱلمكنون �سا�ا

ٱلمخزونas'aluka all¡humma bismika almakn£ni almakhz£ni

I beseech You, O Allah, in Your name: the Well-Guarded, the Treasured,

almakt£mi `amman shi'ta ٱلمكتوم عمن شئتthe Concealed from whom You will,

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 23


al§§¡hiri almu§ahhari ٱلطاهر ٱلمطهر ٱلمقدسalmuqaddasi

the Pure, the Purified, the Holy,

,alnn£ri altt¡mmi the utter Lightٱلنور ٱلتام

al¦ayyi alqayy£mi al`a¨¢mi ٱلحي ٱلقيوم ٱلعظيمthe Ever-living, the Everlasting, the Greatest,

-n£ri alssam¡w¡ti wa n£ri al رضين�نور ٱلسماوات ونور ٱالara¤¢na

the Light of the heavens and the Light of the [layers of the] earth,

limi alghaybi¡` عالم ٱلغيب وٱلشهادةwalshshah¡dati

the Knower of the unseen and the seen

alkab¢ri almuta`¡li al`a¨¢mi ٱلكبير ٱلمتعال ٱلعظيمthe Highest, the Sublime, the Glorious!

alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li¥ صل على محمد وآل محمد


Send blessings upon Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad.

Imam al-`Askar¢’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of four units in the first two of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and S£rah al-Zalzalah (No. 99) is repeated fifteen times, and the last two of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once and S£rah al-Taw¦¢d is repeated fifteen times.

Imam al-`Askar¢’s Supplication

all¡humma inn¢ as'aluka ن لك ٱلحمد�لك با�سا�اللهم إني اbi-anna laka al¦amda

O Allah, I beseech You in the name of all praise being to You;

,l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta there is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

albad¢'u qabla kulli shay'in ٱلبديء قبل كل شيء[You are] the Premier before all things;

wa anta al¦ayyu نت ٱلحي ٱلقيوم�واalqayy£mu

and You are the Ever-living, the Self-Subsistent;

,wa l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta and there is no god save You نت�وال إله إال ا

alladh¢ l¡ yudhilluka ٱلذي ال يذلك شيء

shay'un nothing can humiliate You;

¢wa anta kulla yawmin f نت كل يوم في شان�واsha'nin

and You, every moment, are in a state (of glory).

,l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta There is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

kh¡liqu m¡ yur¡ wa خالق ما يرى وما ال يرى

m¡ l¡ yur¡ the Creator of what is seen and what cannot be seen,

al`¡limu bikulli shay'inٱلعالم بكل شيء بغير تعليمbighayri ta`l¢min

the Knower of all things without learning;

as'aluka bi-¡l¡'ika wa لك بآالئك ونعمائك�سا�اna`m¡'ika

I beseech You in the name of Your bounties and gratuities

bi'annaka all¡hu alrrabbu نك ٱلله ٱلرب ٱلواحد�باalw¡¦idu

and in the name of Your being Allah, the One Lord,

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 24


,l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta there is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

alrra¦m¡nu alrra¦¢mu ٱلرحمن ٱلرحيمthe All-beneficent, the All-merciful;

wa as'aluka bi'annaka anta نت ٱلله�نك ا�لك با�سا�واall¡hu

and I beseech You in the name of Your being Allah;

,l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta there is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

,alwitru alfardu the Unique, the Singleٱلوتر ٱلفرد

al-a¦adu al¥¥amadu حد ٱلصمد�ٱالthe One, and the eternally Besought of all,

alladh¢ lam yalid wa lam ٱلذي لم يلد ولم يولدy£lad

Who begets not, nor is he begotten,

£wa lam yakun lah حد�ولم يكن له كفوا اkufuwan a¦adun

and none is like Him.

wa as'aluka bi'annaka نك ٱلله�لك با�سا�واall¡hu

And I beseech You in the name of Your being Allah,

;l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta there is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

alla§¢fu alkhab¢ru ٱللطيف ٱلخبيرthe Knower of subtleties, the All-aware,

alq¡'imu `al¡ kulli nafsinٱلقائم على كل نفس بما كسبتbim¡ kasabat

Who watches every soul as to what it earns,

.alrraq¢bu al¦af¢¨u the Watcher, the Preserver ٱلرقيب ٱلحفيظ

wa as'aluka bi'annaka نك ٱلله�لك با�سا�واall¡hu

And I beseech You in the name of Your being Allah,

al-awwalu qabla kulli ول قبل كل شيء�ٱالshay'in

the First before all things,

wal-¡khiru ba`da kulli وٱآلخر بعد كل شيءshay'in

the Last after all things,

walb¡§inu d£na kulli وٱلباطن دون كل شيءshay'in

the Knower of all hidden things,

al¤¤¡rru alnn¡fi`u ٱلضار ٱلنافعthe source of both harm [for those who deserve harm] and benefit,

.al¦ak¢mu al`al¢mu the All-wise, and All-knowing ٱلحكيم ٱلعليم

wa as'aluka bi'annaka anta نت ٱلله�نك ا�لك با�سا�واall¡hu

And I beseech You in the name of Your being Allah,

,l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta there is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

al¦ayyu alqayy£muٱلحي ٱلقيومthe Ever-living, the Self-Subsistent,

,alb¡`ithu alw¡rithu the Resurrector, the Inheritor ٱلباعث ٱلوارث

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 25


,al¦ann¡nu almann¡nu the All-tender, the All-favorer ٱلحنان ٱلمنان

-bad¢`u alssam¡w¡ti wal رض�بديع ٱلسماوات وٱالar¤i

the Fashioner of the heavens and the earth,

,dhuljal¡li wal-ikr¡mi the Lord of majesty and honor ذو ٱلجالل وٱإلكرام

wa dhul§§awli waوذو ٱلطول وذو ٱلعزة وذو ٱلسلطانdhul`izzati wa dhulssul§¡ni

and the Lord of bounty, dignity, and absolute authority.

;l¡ il¡ha ill¡ anta There is no god save You نت�ال إله إال ا

a¦a§ta bikulli shay'in حطت بكل شيء علما�ا`ilman

You encompass all things with knowledge,

wa a¦¥ayta kulla shay'in حصيت كل شيء عددا�وا`adadan

and You record the number of all things;

alli `al¡ mu¦ammadin wa¥ صل على محمد وآل محمد

¡li mu¦ammadin

(please) send blessings to Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad.

Imam al-Mahd¢’s Prayer on Fridays

This prayer consists of two units in each of which S£rah al-F¡ti¦ah is recited once but the following ªyah (verse) is repeated one hundred times:

You do we worship, and Yours aid we seek.

iyy¡ka na`budu wa-iyy¡ka nasta`¢n(u) .إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين

Then, S£rah al-Taw¦¢d is recited once.

Imam al-Mahd¢’s Supplication Mp3 a Mp3 b

all¡humma `a¨uma albal¡'u اللهم عظم ٱلبالءO Allah, unbearable is our tribulation!

!wa bari¦a alkhaf¡'u The hidden has been disclosedوبرح ٱلخفاء

!wa inkashafa alghi§¡'u The cover has been exposed وٱنكشف ٱلغطاء

wa ¤¡qat al-ar¤u رض بما وسعت ٱلسماء�وضاقت ٱالbim¡ wasa`at alssam¡'u

The earth has become too narrow to carry that which could be embraced by the sky.

wa ilayka y¡ rabbi وإليك يا رب ٱلمشتكىalmushtak¡

To You, my Lord, is the complaint

¢wa `alayka almu`awwalu fوعليك ٱلمعول في ٱلشدة وٱلرخاءalshshiddati walrrakh¡'i

and in You is the trust in sorrow and in joy.

all¡humma ¥alli اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد`al¡ mu¦ammadin wa ¡li


O Allah, send blessings to Mu¦ammad and the Household of Mu¦ammad

alladh¢na مرتنا بطاعتهم�ٱلذين اamartan¡ bi§¡`atihim

whom You have commanded us to obey,

wa `ajjil all¡hummaوعجل ٱللهم فرجهم بقائمهمfarajahum biq¡'imihim

and hasten their Relief through the Rising Imam among them;

£wa a¨hir i`z¡zah ظهر إعزازه�واand make manifest Your fortifying him.

!¢y¡ mu¦ammadu y¡ `aliyyu O Mu¦ammad! O `Al يا محمد يا علي

Namaz/Salaat of Masoomeen Pg 26


!y¡ `aliyyu y¡ mu¦ammadu O `Al¢! O Mu¦ammad يا علي يا محمد

ikfiy¡n¢ fa'innakum¡ k¡fiy¡ya إكفياني فإنكما كافيايSave me, for you both are true saviors of me.

!¢y¡ mu¦ammadu y¡ `aliyyu O Mu¦ammad! O `Al يا محمد يا علي

!y¡ `aliyyu y¡ mu¦ammadu O `Al¢! O Mu¦ammad يا علي يا محمد

¢un¥ur¡n نصراني فإنكما ناصراي�اfa'innakum¡ n¡¥ir¡ya

Aid me, for you both are true aides of me.

!¢y¡ mu¦ammadu y¡ `aliyyu O Mu¦ammad! O `Al يا محمد يا علي

!y¡ `aliyyu y¡ mu¦ammadu O `Al¢! O Mu¦ammad يا علي يا محمد

¢i¦fa¨¡nإحفظاني فإنكما حافظايfa'innakum¡ ¦¡fi¨¡ya

Protect me, for you both are true protectors of me.

y¡ mawl¡ya y¡ ¥¡¦ibaياموالي يا صاحب ٱلزمان


O my master, the Patron of the Age!

y¡ mawl¡ya y¡ ¥¡¦ibaيا موالي يا صاحب ٱلزمان


O my master, the Patron of the Age!

y¡ mawl¡ya y¡ ¥¡¦ibaيا موالي يا صاحب ٱلزمان


O my master, the Patron of the Age!

alghawtha alghawtha الغوث ٱلغوث ٱلغوثalghawtha

Help, help, help!

¢adrikn¢ adrikn¢ adrikn دركني�دركني ا�دركني ا�ا[come to] succor me, [come to] succor me, [come to] succor me!

-al-am¡na al-am¡na al مان�مان ٱال�مان ٱال�ٱالam¡na

[grant me] security, [grant me] security, [grant me] security!


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