the hues legacy, chapter 11

Post on 22-Jan-2018



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Welcome back to the Hues Legacy, a color-themed joint legacy between Haleigh (meadowthayer) and me (Taube). When we left off, Haleigh had provided us with two wonderful choices for heiress –Coral on the left and Lemon on the right. So who will it be? We were very torn because they both are very pretty and they both have the eyes, so we decided it would come down to LTWs. Coral has Ericka’s nose and Lemon has the family nose, both of which have their ups and downs.

Lemon, who is 9/7/5/1/5, is knowledge/pleasure with the LTW to become an Ecological Guru. Not bad.

Coral, who is 10/7/9/1/1, is popularity/knowledge with the LTWto own 5 top businesses. Bad.

Looks like that makes Lemon the heiress. She and her brother and two sisters all head off to college, where Lemon is already dreaming of graduating with honors.

While the kids ship off to college, the other members of the house are too occupied to really notice. Lime and Ericka are absorbed in each other, and the three dogs, Peach, Slate, and Timberwolf, are enjoying playing in the snow, which is just barely lower than their heads since they’re all small dogs.

At the familial college house, we have a fashion emergency. Coral and Orange managed to grow up fairly normal, but Lemon had to run out to get a bunch of stupid tribal tattoos, and Tangerine, the worst offender, showed up in a Mrs. Claus outfit. God bless random outfits. Orange and Tangerine were out of there before they could even change clothes.

That leaves our two rainbow-eyed girls, dressed in orange. Unfortunately, all of Lemon’s matches on the ball were drop-dead ugly, while Coral attracted some lookers. After some discussion with Haleigh, I decided to reroll them both junior year to see if that improved Lemon’s choices or gave Coral a better LTW, so heiress is back up in the air.

The girls soon settle into a routine. With all their skills, and no dating since I’m going to reroll them and get new matches anyway, there isn’t much going on besides schoolwork and wasting time.

For some reason, Coral is always the only one available when something breaks, so she becomes our little house mechanic.

After a very boring two years, junior year finally arrives and the girls are able to reroll their aspirations. Unfortunately, I was having some kind of problem where when Coral went into junior year, the game crashed. Because of this, I used hacked objects to get them into junior year and then used the orb to change their aspirations. It’s basically the same thing, but just getting around the crash.

So, Coral, what do you want?

“I think I’d like to be a celebrity chef. I’m pleasure/romance now, which means I could have gotten way more arduous LTWs, but I decided to give you a break.”

Well, thank you.

And Lemon, what do you . . .

“PUPPIES! Or kitties. Either really. As long as I raise 20 of them.”

*headdesk* Lemon here is now family/fortune and has rolled another terrible LTW. What is with these girls?

Amusingly, Coral has many of the same matches on her crystal ball. I’m going with YAs this time, and she has several good choices. Lemon, on the other hand, has some better choices, but they’re still not great. Coral is definitely the heiress at this point and that’s final.

Coral met this guy first semester through the ball, and he’s still one of her top matches. His name is Chris Tan, which I appreciate because he already has a color in his name! Because they’ve been talking on the phone since then, all it takes is a flirt to get them going.

Chris and Coral move fast, and they’re soon sharing their first kiss and falling in love.

After falling in love, Coral invites Chris to move in. He looked good in red, so he gets to wear a more stylish red outfit. Pretty cute, right? Chris is a popularity/family sim with the LTW to be a media magnate. His personality is 4/10/4/4/3.

Although the house is small and really only built for two, Chris fits right in to the daily routine.

Coral is a regular Ms. Fix-It, fixing all of the broken items in the house.

Fixing the shower is wet and annoying, but you know what helps?


Lemon finally chooses a match from the ball. His name is Rahim Cash, and he’s not a face I would normally use, but he’s the best of the bunch.

However, he does win my favor by changing into Lemon’s favorite color in the winter. After getting to know each other, they’re soon sharing their first kiss.

This couple also moves fast, and it isn’t long before Rahim has been made over, moved in, and woohooed.

Here’s Rahim. Like I said, not a face I would normally use, but with the right CC, he has kind of a rugged handsomeness about him. He’s not as bad as I thought. He’s also a family sim, so he and Lemon have great chemistry.

Because they both desire it on a date, Rahim and Lemon get engaged right away. Ooh, sparkly!

Chris and Coral have no desires whatsoever to get engaged, but they’re more than happy to mess around.

Lemon and Rahim are one of my favorite pairs ever. They really love each other and they take to cuddling outside, as is family tradition.

Of course, Coral and Chris have great chemistry and are just as in love.

Now that the boys are part of the household, free time usually involves flirting.

Since the boys came after the girls changed their aspirations, they’re two years behind Coral and Lemon. Chris, who is going to join the main house, takes this opportunity to brush up on his skills, which were sorely lacking. Rahim is luckier. He just needs enough skills to keep up with schoolwork.

College was really pretty uneventful for these two, so we have already reached their graduation. As you can barely see behind the thought bubbles, Lemon majored in math and Coral in art, and both graduate summa cum laude.

Chris is very proud of Coral and worries that he’s going to miss her while they’re separate, but they celebrate anyway.

Coral was again crashing my computer when she tried to graduate, so I eventually had to strip her of her CC, which did the trick. Not really sure what was wrong with it, but it seemed to help and she was able to graduate. Lemon also graduated but I didn’t take a picture of her.

With their girlfriends gone, Rahim and Chris have time to bond with each other.

Chris starts to max his skills, and Rahim even helps him study at the chess table.

“So, how lucky are we that we turned up on that crystal ball?”“So lucky. Checkmate.”

Chris has maxed all his skills!

With Coral gone, the daily maintenance falls to Chris.

Fixing computers by himself reminded Chris of Coral, and he just had to invite her over. It had been more than a year since they had seen each other, and he was missing her badly.

The trip was worth it, because Chris finally proposed to Coral. Neither one of them desired it yet, but it was past due. And yes, Coral is actually wearing underwear. They’re a shimmery yellow so they don’t show up well against her pale skin. I didn’t have any orange underwear for her.

“High five, bro! We graduated with honors and each have a smokin’ hot fiancée waiting back in Desiderata. We done good!”“I’ll high five to that!”

Time for the boys to grow up. Before we check in with Coral and Chris, let’s find out what the spares are up to.

Tangerine met a police officer that she was very attracted to, although he has Komei face. His name is Mitch, and although Mitch has a good thing going with the police force, what he really wants . . .

. . . is to be a spy! Tangerine approves of his men-in-black makeover.

Tangerine and Mitch bond over their mutual love of sports, and spend several hours throwing the football and baseball around in the yard.

Of course, the new couple makes time for other activities too, and Tangerine soon finds herself contemplating pregnancy.

Hee. Mitch brought John Mole home from work. I forgot that Desiderata has the official spy of the game.

Once they get rid of John, Tangerine cooks them turkey, hoping she can keep it down. But Mitch has a surprise for her, which Tangerine is ecstatic about.

Pregnancy is soon confirmed and the parents-to-be are thrilled with the news.

The rest of Tangerine’s pregnancy is mostly spent lounging around, while Mitch skills. She’s a family sim and can’t wait for her baby, but Mitch is knowledge and needs to skill to keep up his aspiration.

Finally they decide to tie the knot before the baby comes. Finding yellowish or orangeish dresses with pregnancy meshes is hard, ya’ll.

Aww, now they’re married. And is it just me or does that pregnancy mesh and the way she’s standing make Tangerine’s butt look huge? Sorry for ruining the sweet picture, but I couldn’t help but notice.

Now that they’re official, they’re even more excited for the baby to come.

They don’t have to wait long, though. They literally waited until almost the last minute to get married, lol.

Tangerine and Mitch welcome a little boy named Salmon. All the kids this generation will be pink or purple names. I realized later that Haleigh had already used Salmon for a spare’s child, so oh well. At least I didn’t do it in the main line. Salmon has his dad’s red hair and grey eyes, and a skintone in between his two parents.

Salmon soon grew into a toddler who favored his father quite a bit in the looks department. He’s got an interesting face.

Before long, Salmon was a child who still took after his dad quite a bit.

And that’s the story of Tangerine, Mitch, and Salmon.

Orange met a nice townie named Ivy. They were soon friends and he asked her to move in.

As they got to know each other, the pair fell in love. Orange is pleasure and Ivy is romance, so they’re a solid match.

Like so many of my sims, Orange and Ivy get engaged in their woohoo undies.

They follow that up with a private marriage ceremony . . .

. . . that is not so private thanks to Mr. Humble being too stupid to get off the front porch and needing to leave through the back door. He doesn’t look too happy about it, either.

Not long after their wedding, Ivy discovers that she’s expecting. She never feared the baby, which makes her a good romance simin my book. Soon she was giving birth.

Welcome to baby Mauve, another little boy. I didn’t feel like I had a lot of boy’s names in the pink/purple department, so I’m limiting the spares to one child each, which is a good thing since they keep having boys. Mauve has S1, brown eyes, and black hair.

Mauve grew up into a toddler and except for his hair color, he looked a lot like his dad. The children this generation seem to favor their fathers.

Once he’s a child, we can confirm that Mauve definitely has the family nose, but it looks pretty good on him. Cute kid, right?

That’s the end for Ivy, Orange, and Mauve.

Finally we come to Lemon, who was almost heiress. She can’t have 20 of them, but she did roll wants for a puppy upon moving in, so I let her get one that she named Max.

Once Max is settled, Lemon invites Rahim over, who she hasn’t seen for two years. Their greeting is long and romantic.

I still love this couple. Rahim really grew on me and they’re so, so sweet.

“Hey, hey, sister! Long time, no see.”“Right back atcha, sis!”

Lemon gets an actual wedding with guests, but it’s just her parents and the sister she’s closest to.

Lemon’s secondary is fortune, if you remember, and once she had her puppy she started rolling wants for all kinds of ridiculous things like a fountain, so I let her get married in front of it.

Aww, how sweet. Welcome to the family, Rahim.

Like a good little spare, Lemon wastes no time in getting knocked up. As family sims, Rahim and Lemon are over the moon about their baby.

Before too long, Lemon feels the labor pains coming on, and she soon gives birth to another boy, this one named Orchid. That may not seem like the most masculine name, but did you know that the root orchi- means testicle in medical jargon, such as in the term orchiectomy, a treatment for prostate cancer? And yes, I consider this germane to the discussion and appropriate to talk about because SCIENCE!

Anyway, Orchid is a lovely little boy with blond hair, S2, and brown eyes. I love that two of the spares passed on recessive hair genes.

Unlike his two cousins, Orchid is a good mix of Lemon and Rahim, and he makes an adorable toddler.

Max, now all grown up, is a favorite play toy of Orchid’s.

Max soon grows into a child. I think Rahim’s genes turned out pretty nicely when mixed with Lemon’s.

Now that they can interact more, Orchid and Max are best friends and Orchid becomes Max’s master.

Lemon and Rahim still likes to cuddle outside.

Finally, that’s the story of Lemon, Rahim, Orchid, and Max. Now let’s check in briefly at the main house.

Coral shows up at the house dressed extremely inappropriately for the weather, but it’s one of the few orangeish outfits I have that I think has a pregnancy mesh. We’ll have to see about that. Because sim time is relative, she stands there for two years until Chris can join her. He’s wearing a t-shirt with a rainbow on it, just perfect for a future Hues.

Chris immediately finds a job in journalism, and as a college graduate, he’s well on his way to his LTW. Coral’s preferred career, cuisine, has not come up yet.

That day it’s time for the wedding. Having just barely met, Lime, Chris, and Ericka get to know one another while they wait for the bride to get ready.

“Oh honey, you look stunning. But, really? A black dress for a wedding?”“It has gold on it, and gold is like orange. Case closed, your honor.”“Ok, whatever, sweetie. You look gorgeous.”

All of Coral’s siblings plus Rahim are invited, and the girls show up in bridesmaid dresses in the appropriate color. Tangerine is stewing a little bit that I only let them each have one child, despite having three family sims in the spare families.

Tangerine takes it out on me by refusing to sit for the wedding. Regardless, it’s a beautiful winter wedding with bushes that are apparently snow-proof for the backdrop.

They say their vows, trade rings, and with a kiss, they become Mr. and Mrs. Hues.

The parents of course desired the wedding, but so did Coral. Chris is just happy he married such a beautiful woman and can’t help checking her out.

“Congratulations, Coral.”“Aww, thanks, Lemon. You’re not sore that I ended up heiress?”“No way. Rahim and I are as happy as could be, and although I would have gotten to have more children as heiress, I’m still happy with my boy.”

Lime and Ericka start off the party with a little grinding. Ericka changed out of her pretty orange dress because she tried to sneak off to work in the middle of the wedding party.

The party centers around the pool table, and Lemon and Orange even become best friends around it!

Meanwhile, Chris and Coral head upstairs to drive up party score spend some time together.

When they’re done they rejoin the party, but the pair only pay attention to each other. Dancing and gossiping, they are in their own little world.

“You know the difference between me and you?”“What’s that?”“I make this look gooood.”“Whatever.”

Coral and Chris delight me by celebrating their wedding with an autonomous cuddle outside in the snow, which is maybe not the best thing to do in formals, but cute nonetheless.

Unfortunately, their sweet moment is cut short by Peach, who has chosen the end of the wedding party as the perfect time to move on.

Peach was the Hues’ first dog and she was a good dog, and the family will miss her very much. Her death was well-attended not just by the entire family, but also by several passers-by.

While Orange wailed in the background, several ladies, including Ericka, stopped to notice how hot Lime is. Luckily, he has eyes only for his wife.

Despite the death, it was a good party, apparently. I would think a death would kind of bring down the mood of a party, but not for sims, I guess.

With the party and wedding accomplished, Coral and Chris head off on vacation.

Where will Coral and Chris go on vacation? What lies in store for them? How many kids

will be born with the eyes? Tune in next time to find out all this and more!

In the meantime, please head over to SiMania to hang out with us.

Thanks for reading!

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