the implementation of using picture media to...

Post on 11-Mar-2019






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(Classroom Action Research in Eight Grade Students of MTs ASWAJA

Tengaran in the Academic Year of 2015 / 2016)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Educational Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Arranged By:


NIM : 11311072












“ Education is Not Learning of Facts, but The Training of

The Mind to Think “

( Albert Einstein)

“ We Must Become The Change We Want to

See “

( Mahatma Gandhi )



I dedicate this graduating paper to:

1. Allah SWT and prophet Muhammad SAW who always guides and gives

strength for me.

2. My beloved mom Siti Rahmawati and my father Romson thanks for your

praying, guidance, love and kindness. You are the best parents and your

smiles give me power to always stand up. You are my everything.

3. My lovely sister Feby Silvia Karawati, thanks for your kindness.

4. My second parents aunty Siti Maemonah, uncle Sutono. Thanks for your

Kindness and support.

5. All of my family in Java and Lampung, thanks for your support for me. I

love you.

6. All of my beloved friends in campus and boarding house: mbox‟e novita,

doni, bima, ersa, uchil, dwy, imam arifin, hety, lela, leli, zie thanks for

your friendship, kindness, kidding and support.




In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the kings of

universe and space. Thanks to Allah because the writer could complete

this thesis as one of requirement to finished study in English and

Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State

Institute for Islamic Studies. Thanks for Your will and endless blessing in

my life.

This thesis would not have been completed without support,

guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like

to express special thanks to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd., the Rector of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M. Pd., the Dean of Teacher Trainig and Education

Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph. D., as the Head of English Education


4. Mr. Haryo Aji Nugroho, S.Sos., M.A. as my academic counselor

thanks for your support and guidance.


5. Mrs. Mashlihatul Umami, S. Pd.I, M. A., as the counselor of this

research thanks for support, suggestion and recommendation for this

research from beginning until the end.

6. All lecturers of English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga.

7. All of the staff that helped the writer in processing of graduating paper


8. My beloved family mother ( Siti Rahmawati), father ( Romson) and

my beloved little sister ( Feby Silvia Karawati). Thanks for every

things, no one better than you.

9. My best friends: mbox‟e Novita, Doni, Bima, Ersa, Uchiel, Dwy,

Imam Arifin, hety, Lela, Lely and Zie. Thanks for always give me

sweet memory, experience, adventure and great support. Love you so

much and success for you all.

10. All of my teachers and students MTs Aswaja Tengaran, especially for

Mr. Hafidz Zaen Ahmad, S. Pd.I and the students of VIII A, thanks for

your cooperation.

11. My lovely friends of KKN posko 9 Mungkid, Magelang 2015.

12. My friends of PPL SMK Saraswati Salatiga 2014.

13. All my friend in English Education Department „11 class A until E

especially in C (Charming) class whose names cannot be mentioned

one by one, thank you for being my friends in happiness, sadness and

giving sweet moments.

Salatiga, March 15th



The writer

Maylia Suryani

NIM. 113-11-072


Suryani, Maylia. 2016. The Implementation of Using Picture Media to Improve

Students‟ Writing Performance in Descriptive Text (A Classroom Action

Research of The Eight Grade Students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the

Academic Year 2015/2016). Graduating Paper English Education

Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Counselor: Mashlihatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A.

Keywords: Picture Media, Writing Performance In Descriptive Text

The aims of this research are (I) to describe the students‟ of teaching learning

strategy using Picture media to the descriptive writing performance of the Eight

Grade Students of MTs ASWAJA Tengaran, (II) To find out the improvement in

using Picture media to the students‟ ability in writing descriptive text of the Eight

Grade Students of MTs ASWAJA Tengaran and (III) To find out to what extent of

the use Picture media to improve students‟ writing performance in writing

descriptive text of the Eight Grade Students of MTs ASWAJA Tengaran. The

research method that is used in this research is classroom action research. The

subjects of the research were 15 students in second grade at MTs Aswaja

Tengaran. The researcher uses two cycles; each cycle consists of planning, action,

observation and reflection. The result of her research shows that there is an

improvement of students„ writing performance in descriptive text using picture

media. It can be seen from T-Test calculating in cycle I is 2.52 and cycle II 11.39;

T-Table with N = 15 is 2.14. And also the increasing students‟ mean score in

percentage from cycle I to cycle II with the standardized score (the minimum of

passing criteria) is 65, At the cycle I is 80% students and 93.33% in the cycle II.

The increasing of score in percentage from cycle I to cycle II is 13.33%. This

indicates that by applying picture media, the students' in writing performance in

descriptive text and get an idea can be improved.



TITLE ........................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ........................................................................................ iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ....................................................... iv

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ....................................................... v

BOARD OF EXAMINERS …………………………………………….. vi

MOTTO ..................................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION ......................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ xii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................... xvi


A. Background of the Research …………………………… 1

B. Problems of the Research ………………………………. 4

C. Objectives of the Research ……………………………... 4

D. Benefits of the Research ……………………………….. 5

E. Limitation of the Research ……………………………... 6

F. Review of Previous Research …………………………... 6

G. The Definition of the Key Terms ………………………. 7

H. Graduating Paper Outline ……………………………… 9



A. Picture Media ………………………………………... 11

1. The Definition of Picture Media ……………….... 11

2. Guidelines for Using Picture Media …………….. 11

3. The Roles of Pictures Media …………………….. 12

4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Picture

Media .………………………………………..….. 12

5. Types of Picture Media …………………….......... 13

6. Sources of Pictures Media ………………………. 14

7. The Use of Pictures Media …………………....… 16

B. Writing Performance in Descriptive Text ……….….. 18

1. The Definition of Writing ……..……….……..… 18

2. Components of Good Writing ……….……...….. 19

3. The Types of Writing …………….….……..…… 19

4. The Writing Process ……………………….……. 25

5. The Importance of Writing ………………......….. 27

6. Teaching Writing in Descriptive text ………...…. 28

7. Strategy to Learn Writing ………………….....… 29

8. The Indicators of Students‟ Writing ……….....…. 30

9. The Definition of Descriptive text …………...….. 30

10. The Purpose of Descriptive text …………..…….. 31

11. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text …...…. 32


12. Kinds of Descriptive text ……………..........……. 33

13. Language Feature of Descriptive Text …….….…. 35


A. Research Method ………………………...………..… 36

1. Setting of the Research ……………..….….…...... 36

2. Subject of the Research ………………....………. 36

3. Method of the Research …………….………....... 38

4. Procedure of the Research ……………….…….... 41

5. Technique of Collecting Data ……………..…….. 43

6. Technique of Data Analysis …………….….……. 47

B. The General Information of MTs Aswaja Tengaran .... 46

1. The Profile of MTs Aswaja Tengaran ………….... 49

2. Location of MTs Aswaja Tengaran …………...…. 50

3. History of MTs Aswaja Tengaran …………..…… 51

4. Visions and Missions of MTs Aswaja Tengaran .... 51

5. Facilities and Tools ………………….………........ 52

6. Students‟ Activity ........……………………………53

7. The Organizasi Structure of School ………..…….. 54


A. The Implementation of CAR ………………………… 55

1. Cycle 1 ………………………………..………..… 55

2. Cycle 2 …………………………………..……….. 64

B. Discussions ………………………………….……….. 72



A. Conclusions ………………………………………….. 76

B. Suggestions …………………………...……..………. 77





A. List of Tables

2.1 Procedure “Anzac biscuits” ………………………...……… 21

2.2 Purposes for Descriptive Text ……………………...……… 32

3.1 List of VIII A Class of MTs Aswaja Tengaran ……..……... 37

3.2 Time Schedule of the Research ……………………………. 38

3.3 Cyclical Action Research Model ………………………...… 43

3.4 The Facilities and Tools of MTs Aswaja Tengaran …...…... 49

3.5 The Office Equipments of MTs Aswaja Tengaran ……...… 49

3.6 The Students‟ Activities of MTs Aswaja Tengaran ...…...… 50

3.7 The Organizasi Structure of MTs Aswaja Tengaran……….. 51

4.1 The score of students‟ pre-test and post-test in cycle 1 .....… 56

4.2 Result of the observation sheet in cycle 1 ………………..... 59

4.3 The score of students‟ pre-test and post-test in cycle II ….... 64

4.4 Result of the observation sheet in cycle II …………….….... 68

4.5 The Mean and T-calculation of Students‟ Score Cycle I and

Cycle II …………………………………….………………. 69

4.6 The Students‟ Mean Score in Percentage ……………...…... 69




A. Background of the Research

Language is a tool to communicate human‟s thought and feeling to

others. Communication in this term means utilize of conventionalized

signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meaning (Webster‟s

Third New International Dictionary of the English in Brown, 1996: 5).

Language is an instrument to transmit messages from speaker to

hearer, from addresser to addressee, from locutor to interlocutor. To

connect the countries all over the world, English has been chosen as the

international language. The current status of English as an international or

global language is underpinned by it‟s wide use in a range of fields such as

politics, diplomacy, international trade and industry, commerce, science

and technology, education, the media, information technology, and

popular culture (Allan, 2008: 12).

English is spoken by people from all over the world. Everybody

knows about English even though they cannot speak or write this language

well. There are four skills of English that should be mastered students such

as speaking, listening, reading and writing. Writing is productive skill in

English because students must be through a process that is full with

theoretical rules about grammar.English is a foreign language in

Indonesia. The importance of it in relation to our friendship with other

countries is to accelerate the development in our nation, English has been


a language of international communication and a language of modern


In language learning process there are some skills must be

mastered by students. They are writing, reading, listening and speaking

skill. Those skills are needed to the students to communicate both oral and

written form.

The learning process is based on the high interest and ability in

understanding science and information. Hodgson (Tarin, 1994: 7) says that

reading is a process that is carried and used by a reader to get a message to

be conveyed through written language writers. Based on some of the

above definition, it can be concluded that reading is a thinking process that

includes telling, interpret the meaning and symbols of written by involving

eyesight eye movement, inner speaker, and memory.

People need to communicate with others by a language because

language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, which permits all people

ingiven culture to communicate or to interact. By language people are able

toconvey the messages, feeling and thought in their mind so that they

caninteract with other. Communication between the reader and the writer

will be better if the reader has a better ability. The progress of civilization

of a nation cannot be separated from a continuous learning process.

Writing is the most difficult language skills. It is also considered as

the most complicated language skill to be learned, compared to other

language skills. In writing process we always involve thinking skill and


creative skill. Not only that, but also it is supported by tight rules.

Mastering vocabularies and tenses become the main key to get a good

writing. We have to choose appropriate vocabularies to arrange words to

be a sentence and develop it to be paragraph. Besides that, we also have to

use a compatible tense to express an event in certain time. Writing skill is

the one of skill which has to be mastered by students.

Based the phenomenon above, the writer tries to find the method to

improve the students‟ ability in writing especially in writing descriptive

text. MTs Aswaja Tengaran is a school for the writer to conduct

anresearching study by Picture media. Picture is a visual media that

produced from photograph. It is everything that formed visually into two

dimensions as the outflow of various think. Picture is one of the media

used to create the game.

The writer thinks that the students are in need to develop in their

writing performance to write something especially in descriptive text. For

that purpose, the writer decided to conduct a research entitled “THE



TEXT” (A classroom action research of the Eight Grade Students of MTs

Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year 2015/2016).


B. Problems of the Research

Based on the explanation above, the problem statements consist of:

1. How is the using Picture media in writing class of the Eight Grade

Students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016?

2. Is there any improvement in using Picture media to the students‟

ability in writing descriptive text of the Eight Grade Students of MTs

Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016?

3. To what extent is Picture media to improve students‟ writing skill in

writing descriptive text of the Eight Grade Students of MTs Aswaja

Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016?

C. Objectives of the Research

Generally, the study aims to improve the students‟ writing

performance, specifically it is to:

1. To describe the students‟ of teaching learning strategy using Picture

media to the descriptive writing performance of the Eight Grade

Students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016.

2. To find out the improvement in using Picture media to the students‟

ability in writing descriptive text of the Eight Grade Students of MTs

Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016.

3. To find out to what extent of the use Picture media to improve

students‟ writing performance in writing descriptive text of the Eight

Grade Students of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of



D. Benefits of the Research

There are some benefits of the research some of them as follow:

1. Theoretical Benefit

The English language teaching methods especially Picture will

inspire other researchers to conduct further researches.

2. Practical Benefit

a. The writer

The research finding will improve teaching ability in

teaching English using Picture method and develop this.

b. The students

The result of this research will make the students able to

solve their problems in writing especially in descriptive text.

c. The English teacher

Give the real description to use Picture to improve the

students‟ skill in writing descriptive text.

d. Other Researchers

The result of this study can be used as the reference for

future research.


E. Limitation of the Research

The writer realizes that this study is only a little part of study that

discusses writing session related to junior high school level. So, it can not

cover the entire chapter in it. This study will only deal with the match of

written result of the Eight Grade Students of MTs ASWAJA Tengaran in

writing session. It concerns with the match of making a descriptive text

based on characteristic in identification and description part. It also

identify difficulties of the students in making a descriptive text.

F. Review of Previous Research

In this graduating paper, the researcher reviews several related

studies to support this paper from the other graduating papers. One of

them is a study by Ngabidatun Mukaromah (12308001) in her thesis

entitle “The Use Of “Writing In The Here And Now” Strategy To Improve

Students‟ Writing Ability (A Classroom Action Research of the First

Grade Students of SMP Nusantara Tuntang Semarang in the academic

year of 2012/2013)” English Department of Education Faculty State

Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. She found that the

effectiveness of “writing in the here and now” strategy to improve students

writing ability.

The second study had been done by Muchamad Salimin

(11307144) in him thesis entitle “The Use Of Portfolio To Improve The

Students‟ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text (A Classroom Action

Research Of The Second Grade Of Mts Sudirman Kopeng 2012/2013)”


English Department of Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic

Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. The research from Muchamad Salimin focused

on the students‟ ability in writing skill especially in descriptive text.

The third study had been done by Rumza Naela (11307083) in her

thesis entitle “The Use Of Picture In Narrative Text To Improve Students‟

Attention In Learning English In Man 1 Tengaran (A Classroom Action

Research in the First Year Students of MAN 1 Tengaran in the Academic

Year of 2011/2012)” English Department of Education Faculty State

Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. She found that the using

picture to improve students‟ attention in learning English especially in

narrative text.

The fourth study had been done by Ikhsan Susilo (11310044) in

him thesis entitle “The Effectiveness Of Using Realia To Improve The

Students‟ Ability In Writing Descriptive Text (An Experimental Study Of

Smk Saraswati Salatiga In Twelfth Grade In The Academic Year Of

2014/2015)” English Education Department of Teacher Training And

Education Faculty State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. The

research from Ikhsan Susilo focused on the effectiveness of using realia in

writing descriptive text.

G. The definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misinterpretation about the title of this research, the

writer would like to clarify and explain the terms used in this study as



1. Implementation

Implementation is geared to the activity, action, or to the

mechanism of a system. Implementation is not justactivity, but a

planned activity and to achieve destination activities "(Usman, 2002:

70). Understanding implementations described above, can besaid that

the implementation is not just the activities, butan activity that is

planned and carried out seriouslyby reference certain norms to achieve

the objectives of the activity. Therefore implementations do not stand

alone but is influenced by the next object.

2. Picture Media

Picture is a visual media that produced from photograph. It is

everything that formed visually into two dimensions as the outflow of

various think (Asnawir, 2002: 47). Picture is one of the media used to

create the game. Students can gather pictures about a variety of

subjects and give reports to the class. Help the pupils know how and

what to look for in a picture. A file of meaningful pictures should be


3. Improve

Improve is become or make better (Oxford Dictionary, 2003:

216). Some theories give the definition about improve as the activities

to raise more desirable or more excellent quality or condition or to

increase the productivity or value of land and property.


4. Writing Skill

The term of skill is defined as ability. Concisely, writing ability

is the skill to express idea, though, and feeling to other in writing

symbol to make other people or readers understand the idea conveyed.

Writing is a clearly systemof human intercomunication by

means of conventional visible marks, but it is evident from what has

been sain that what the primitives understood as writing is not the

same thing as what we do (Gelb, 1962:12).

5. Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give

information. The context of this kind of text is the description of

particular thing, animal, person, or others, for instanceour pets or a

person we know well. It differs from report which describes things,

animals, persons, or others in general. The Social Function of

descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.

(Depdiknas, 2004: 4)

H. Graduating Paper Outline

As a guidance for either researcher in writing the paper or reader on

whole content of the paper, the researcher who also the writer needs to set

up paper outline. This paper consists of five chapters, those are following:

Chapter 1 is Introduction that discusses background of the research,

objectives of the research, problems of the research, benefits of the


research, limitation of the research, the definition of the key terms, review

of previous research, graduating paper outline.

Chapter II presents Literary review (framework). It consists of discussion

about the definition of picture media, the definition of writing performance

in descriptive text and the definition of descriptive text.

Chapter III discusses about the research method. It consists of setting of

the research, subject of the research, method of the research, procedure of

the research, technique of collecting data, and technique of data analysis.

Chapter IV is discusses about data analysis. It consists of data description

and result of the research.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestions. It contains all of data analysis

and gives some suggestion of the problems discussed.

The last part is bibliography and appendix.




A. Picture Media

1. The Definition of Picture Media

Picture is one of learning that can be used to explain the subject

matter. Picture is a flat visual representation of an object, person or

view and its main purpose is to draw attention to or emphasize a

certain think (Sharon, 1977: 78).

According to Asnawir (2002: 47), picture is a visual media that

produced from photograph. It is everything that formed visually into

two dimensions as the outflow of various think. Picture is one of the

media used to create the game.

Picture used almost for all levels of learning or intelligence. The

use of picture as a media or means of delivery of the lesson, not only

interesting but also can bind to the attention and clarify ideas or

information presented to the students of a teacher (Asnawir, 2002: 54).

2. Guidelines for Using Picture Media

Students can gather pictures about a variety of subjects and give

reports to the class. Help the pupils know how and what to look for in

a picture. A file of meaningful pictures should be kept.

Mounting, filing and careful storage is important if the file is to

be useful. Use fewer pictures rather than too many so they do not lose


their impact. Try to have a picture large enough for the entire class to

see rather than having to pass a small picture from person to person.

Select pictures appropriate for the age viewing them. Pictures can also

be purchased commercially for class use (Sharon, 1977: 78-79).

3. The Roles of Pictures Media

According to Andrew Wright (1989, 10) there are several roles

of picture media:

a) Pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to pay

attention and want to take a part.

b) Pictures contribute to the context in which the language is being

used. They bring the world into the classroom.

c) The pictures can be described an objective way or interpreted or

responses to subjectively.

d) Pictures can responses to question, or cue substitutions through

control practice.

e) Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in

conversation, discussion, and storytelling.

4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Picture Media

According to Sharon K. Zanger (1977: 79), there are several the

advantages and disadvantages of picture media:

a. The Advantages

1) Can stimulate and motivate students to become more observant

and express themselves.


2) Is inexpensive, may even be free, and fairly easy to locate.

3) Can be used by an individual or in groups.

4) Can be displayed for as long as necessary so pupils can work at

their own rate.

5) Is up-to-date and can bring reality into the classroom.

6) Can be used to introduce, supplement, or summarize a unit.

7) Enriches reading and can help clarify misunderstanding.

b. Advantages

1) Cannot depict motion as fill does.

2) If not unique, can seem uninteresting to pupils.

3) Depicting a specific purpose might be difficult to locate.

4) Uneven use of the photo for children and less effective in sight.

5. Types of Picture Media

People can get pictures anywhere, it may be a large and small

size and it can be found in our surrounding. According to Andrew

Wright (1984: 193-199), picture media have many types:

a) Chech chart of pictures

b) Pictures of single objects

c) Pictures of one person

d) Pictures of famous people

e) Pictures several people

f) Pictures of people in action

g) Pictures of the news


h) Pictures of fantasies

6. Sources of Pictures Media

According to Andrew Wright (1984: 182-187), there are sources

of picture. They are as the following:

a) Magazines

This is the major sources of useful pictures material of

might quality. Full page pictures are big enough for class use.

While other is more appropriate for individual.

b) Calendars

Commonly in Indonesia calendars are illustrated with

written text are pictures to make it more interesting but sometimes

for advertisement media.

c) Advertisements and Publicity

This includes direct mail leaflets, posters and

advertisements in magazines and newspaper.

d) Newspaper

This pictures in newspaper are usually small and too

distinct for use with the whole class, but they are usually logical

and linked with text, which can lead to particular activities.

e) Catalogues

In some countries catalogues are rich of pictures material.


f) Business Brochure

Business brochures are use in many offices like: banks, post

offices and university. They showed reader written text and

pictures of building and facilities.

g) Post Cards

Every possible subject is illustrated on post cards. Post

cards are associated with writing. For instances, when the pictures

on the collages at the Cambridge, then a text can be given by

students as if written there.

h) Reproduction of art

Painting, drawing, and photography represent an immense

range of subject scene an abstract concept. The special quality of

art is that it is expensive and stimulating. Reproduction of art can

be use for creative work.

i) Posters

Posters are designed big enough to be seen. A huge poster

may show a subject or it may illustrate a lot of information.

j) Instruction

Instruction for carrying out process such as “drop a little

here” or “out” here. Are often illustrated can be in sequencing



k) Course book

There are illustrations in the course. These illustrated can

be used in ways which the author doesn‟t suggest.

l) Playing cards

Many playing cards have illustrations, the card can be used

for the original purpose and the students ask to play the game in

the target language.

m) Comic and Cartoon strips

These are heavy illustrated. They are sequence of pictures

with are closely related to a narrative text. The stories in some

publication are illustrated by hundreds of photograph.

n) Family photographs and skill

Sometimes family photographs can be brought to the

lesson, show to the students and talked about it.

The pictures used in the class must be appropriate with the

intellectual level of the students. When the teacher teaching must

always have creativity to make their students enjoy and pay more

attention to learn about English by using picture.

7. The Use of Pictures Media

Teacher have used pictures to engaged students and

linguistically useful. Pictures of all kinds can be used in a multiplicity


of ways, Harmer stated (2001: 134-136) as the following example


a) Drills

With lower level students a traditional use for pictures or

graphics whether drawn, taken from books, newspaper and

magazine, or photographs to facilitate learning.

b) Communication (games)

Pictures are extremely useful for a variety of

communication activities, especially where they have a game like

feel such as describe and draw activities.

c) Understanding

One of the most appropriate used for pictures is for the

presenting and checking for the meaning.

d) Ornamentation

Pictures of various kinds are often used to make work more


e) Prediction

Picture are useful for getting students to predict what is

coming next in a lesson.

f) Discussion

Pictures can stimulate question.


B. Writing Performance in Descriptive Text

1. The Definition of Writing

As Hornby states in Oxford Advance Learner‟s Dictionary,

Writing is the activity to make letters or number on a surface,

especially using pen or pencil. Generally, writing can be interpreted as

the act of forming or tracing a character on paper or other suitable

materials with a pen or pencil.

According to Gelb (1962: 12) Writing is a clearly system of

human intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks,

but it is evident from what has been saint that what the primitives

understood as writing is not the same thing as what we do.

From definitions above, it can be said that writing can be

distinguished from other skills as the most difficult one. There are

many factors influencing writing to be a good one such as

grammatical, vocabularies, punctuation, and spelling knowledge which

must be integrated to be a paragraph.

From the ideas previously, the writer conclude that writing is

more than a medium communication. It is a way of remembering and a

way of thinking. Because of that, writing is not easy. It needs a hard

work. In writing we have to produce words, phrase, sentences, and

paragraph at the same time. It is a way of learning. None of us can


write much of interest without first thinking, probing, observing,

asking question, experimenting, and reading.

2. Components of Good Writing

Some elements in good writing are content, form, grammar,

style and mechanic (Haris, 2001: 306). A good writing must express

good characteristics as follow:

a. Content: writing must convey the main idea or an attentive reader

should be able to grasp the writer purpose. The substances of the

writing; the idea expressed (Haris, 1969: 68).

b. Form: writing should contain logical or associative connection and

transition which clearly express the relationship of the idea

described. The organization of the content (Haris, 1969: 38).

c. Grammar: writing should adhere to the rules of grammar related to

the tenses with the sequence of time, the employment of

grammatical forms and syntactic pattern (Haris, 1969: 69).

d. Style: writing should engage its reader through original insight and

precise. Haris (1969: 69) say that style: the choice of structures and

lexical items to give a particular tone or flavor to the writing.

e. Mechanic: writing must use good spelling, punctuation, and tidy

and clean writing (Haris, 1969: 69).

3. The Types of Writing


Based on the competencies standard and basic competencies

recommended by the government, there are some types of writing

which have to be taught in senior high school, they are; procedure,

descriptive, recount, narrative, exposition, anecdote, news item, and


a. Procedure

According to Mark Anderson (1998: 28) a procedure is a piece

of text that tells the reader or listener how to do something. Its

purpose is to provide instruction for making something, doing

something or getting somewhere. Example of procedure texts

include: recipes, itineraries, instruction manuals, directions.

1) Features of Procedure

a) Constructing of Procedure

procedure text usually has three sections. There is an

introductory statement or title that gives the aim or goal of

the procedure, followed by a list of materials that will be

needed to complete the procedure. The final section is a

sequence of steps, in the order they need to be completed,

to achieve this goal.

b) Grammatical feature of a procedure

- Sentences that begin with verbs and are started as



- Time words or numbers that show the order for carrying

out the procedure.

- Adverb to describe how the action should be performed.

- Precise terms and technical language.

2) Modals of Procedure

Table 2.1

Table of Procedure “Anzac biscuits”

You will need:

- 2 cups of rolled oats

- 1 ½ cups caster sugar

- 4 tablespoons golden syrup

- 2 tablespoon boiling water

- 1 cup plain flour

- 250 grams butter

- 1 teaspoon baking soda

- Turn oven to 160 ْ C.

- Lightly grease oven tray.

- Mix oats, flour and sugar in a

large bowl.

- Melt butter and golden syrup in

a pan.

- Mix baking soda and boiling

water in a cup.

- Add this mixture to melted

butter and golden syrup.

- Add this to the oats mixture in

the large bowl, mix together well.

- Rolls tablespoonfuls of the

mixture into balls. Put on tray 5

cm apart.

- Press lightly on top of each with

a fork.

- Bake for 20 minutes.

b. Descriptive

Descriptive presents the appearance of things that occupy

space, whether they are object, people, buildings, or cities. The

purpose of descriptive is to convey to the reader what something

looks like. It attempts to gain a picture with words. The


explanation about this term will be presented in the next session

(Elizabet, 1998: 148).

c. Recount

According to Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson (1998:

48-49) recount is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in

the order which they happened. The aim of a recount is to give the

audience a description of what occurred and when it occurred.

Some example of recount text types are; newspaper, reports,

conversation, speeches, television interviews.

1) Feature in Recount

a) A first paragraph that gives background information about

who, what, where, and when called an orientation.

b) A series of paragraphs that retell the events in the order in

which they happened called events.

c) A concluding paragraph is called re-orientation, but it is not


2) Language Feature in Recount

a) Proper noun and pronouns to identify those involved in the


b) Action verb


c) Descriptive word to give details about who, what, what,

when, where, and how.

d) The use of the past tense to retell the events.

e) Conjunction and time connectives.

f) Adverb and adverbial phrase.

g) Words that show the order the events.

d. Narrative

According to Mark and Kathy (1998: 3) a narrative is most

generally described as a story told by the narrator. Narratives are

not as simple as that. They are construction of certain

characteristics that relate a tale through an organization of words.

The narrative text is type of written text that tells a story of

one character or more who face certain situation. Its purpose is to

present a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or

listener. It is related to the recount type.

1) The Narrative Scaffold

a) Orientation

b) Complication

c) Sequence of Events

d) Resolution

e) Coda

2) Language Feature in Narrative

a) Noun


b) Adjective formed noun phrase; long black hair, two red


c) Time connectives; then, before, soon.

d) Adverb and adverbial phrase; here, in the mountain.

e) Action verb in past tense; stayed, dimed.

f) Saying verb and thinking verb; said, told, felt.

e. Anecdote

Anecdote is a story about funny or silly events that have

occurred in order to invite readers to share your emotions with the

reader. Because it is ridiculous, basically has a funny character.

(Pardiyono, 2008:104)

f. News Item

News item is a type of writing that has the main function or

communication purpose is to inform readers or listener about

events of the day that are considered newsworthy or important


g. Exposition

Exposition is a method that explain or clarifies some one

purpose by presenting examples. Exposition is the common

method of development whether of his evokes specific sensory

detail. For a description or complies pertinent evidence foe an

argument, he argument, he must provide example to illustrate the

purpose. (Pardiyono, 2008:86).


h. Discussion

Discussion is the type of writing that used to inform the

ideas or opinion of the writer. Through this discussion text, the

writer offer ideas neutrally and impartial to anyone but the side

with the accuracy of insight or idea itself (Pardiyono, 2008:185)

4. The Writing Process

Writing is a process that involves several steps. At least, there

are three steps in the writing process mentioned by Karen Blanchard,

and Christine Root (2003: 41) in their book, Ready to Write: A first

Composition Text.

If the writers follow the steps, and practice by writing often,

they will find it easier to write paragraphs and to improve their writing.

a. Pre-writing

Pre-writing is the thinking, talking, reading, and writing we

do about our topic before we write a first draft. Pre-writing is a

way of warming up our brain before we write, just as we warm up

our body before we exercise. On the other hand said that pre-

writing is any activity in the classroom that encourages students to

write. (Karen and Christine, 2003: 41)

There are several ways to warm up before start writing:

1) Brainstorming


Brainstorming is a quick way to generate a lot of ideas on a

subject. The purpose is to make a list of as many ideas as

possible without worrying about how you will use them.

To brainstorm, follow these steps:

a) Begin with a broad topic.

b) Write down as many ideas about the topic as you can in

five minutes.

c) Add more items to your list by answering the questions

what, how, when, where, why, and who.

d) Group similar items on the list together.

e) Cross out items that do not belong.

2) Clustering

Clustering is another prewriting technique. It is a visual

way of showing how your ideas are connected using circles and

lines. When you cluster, you draw a diagram of your ideas.

b. Writing

After we have spent some time thinking about our topic and

doing the necessary prewriting, we are ready for the next step in

the writing process: writing our paragraph. When we write the first

draft of our paragraph, use the ideas we generated from prewriting

as a guide.

As you write, remember to:

1) Begin with a topic sentence that states the main idea.


2) Include several sentences that support the main idea.

3) Stick to the topic.

4) Arrange the sentences so that the order of ideas makes sense

(Karen and Christine, 2003: 43).

c. Revising

It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the

first try. The first try is called the first draft. After you complete the

first draft, you must look for ways to improve it. This step is called

revising. When students revise, they review their text on the basis

of the feedback given in the previous stage. They reexamine what

was written to see how effectively they have communicated their

meanings to the reader (Karen and Christine, 2003: 44).

5. The Importance of Writing

According to Ramelan (1992: 10), writing is another means of

communicating ideas, which is more prevailing and more often used in

daily life. Written texts are more exposed as found in newspapers,

magazines or letters.19 So that the researcher can conclude that writing

is very important as one medium of communication. The importance

of writing can be seen in daily life and also in social life, like in

education and business aspect.

Writing, as one of the language skills, has given an important

contribution to human work. It is not only records spoken language,


but it also be used to preserve ideas of great thinkers in the past. There

are so many records of recent activities that people can read today,

which can also be read in the future. Writing can also be used to

convey massages over long distance.

From the statements above, the researcher can conclude that

writing is very important as one media of communication that can help

people to have a good socialization, can express idea, feeling, and

opinion so that they can have a good interaction with their society, for

example when they write letter, application letter or business


6. Teaching Writing in Descriptive text

As one of the four language skills, writing like the other skills, is

taught in schools and is considered as the most difficult skill to be

mastered in learning English. In the realization, therefore, teaching

writing is not so easy as just asking students to write something. To

result a good product of writing, teaching writing needs to be oriented

not only to the product, but also to the process of writing. Harmer

(2004:5-6) explains that writing is a recursive process. It means that in

the process of planning, drafting, revising and editing, we will often re-

plan, re-draft and re-edit before we get the product of writing. It deals

with Meyer‟s opinion (2005:2-3) that:

Any good paragraph or essay goes through many stages before it

is finished. First you may simply explore ideas as you put them


in to word, lists or chard. At this point, you should not worry

about grammar and exact word choice. Afterward, you can write

a first draft. Then you can examine your ideas, rearrange them,

add to them, and probably rewrite the draft. Perhaps, you will

revise your ideas and wording in several drafts until you are

confident that your audience will understand and care about you

have to say.

From the explanation above, teachers need to insert classroom

activities which give opportunities for students to learn specific writing

skills, notably the skills of planning, drafting, revising and editing, in

teaching writing. Certainly, it includes the process of re-plan, re-draft

and re-edit. The expectation is that students will be able to produce the

final products of writing which are appropriate to the purpose of

writing itself.

7. Strategy to Learn Writing

According to Lewin (2003) in the following there are some

techniques to write ideas:

a. If you have found the main idea, write it on the paper first. Exactly

in the beginning paragraph.

b. Write down any idea which thought in the marrow. Don‟t worry

about organization of idea. In this step we only require to write

relevant arguments or ideas which appropriate with main sentence.


c. If you have done, don‟t forget to reread what you produced. This

aim is to know if there are the incoherence sentences, inappropriate

vocabularies or to ascertain there are no jumping sentences.

d. Mark the wrong sentence; in order to you will not forget to

rearrange the sentences.

e. If you have rearranged the sentence you can write down the first

paragraph and the other paragraphs according to sequence you


8. The Indicators of Students’ Writing Performance

A performance indicator indicates what concrete actions the

student should be able to perform as a result of participation in the

program (Rogers, 2010: 5). In the writing performance the indicator is

used to knowing the students outcome in their learning. Performance

indicator should be developing which identify the focus on instruction

and the level which students should demonstrate their writing

performance. There are some indicators the students writing

performance, they are:

a. Students consistently use the rules of standard English convention

in their writing (application level).

b. Students able in choosing appropriate words choices (evaluation


c. Students can apply the writing process to compose text (application



d. Students should use the logical organizational pattern in their

writing (application level).

9. The Definition of Descriptive text

Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give

information. The context of this kind of text is the description of

particular thing, animal, person, or others, for instance: our pets or a

person we know well. It differs from Report which describes things,

animals, persons, or others in general. The Social Function of

descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing

(Depdiknas, 2004: 4).

Descriptive text is a part of factual genres. Its social function is

to describe a particular person, place or thing. Description in writing is

the process of creating visual images and sensory impression through

words. More often, description is a part of another piece of writing and

is used to inform an audience about how something or someone looked

or to persuade an audience to see something from the writer‟s point of

view (Dumais, 1988)

Descriptive paragraph is a set of a sentences related to each

other in which the writers draw their ideas and thoughts clearly based

on their senses on the object they see (Purnomo, 2014: 13)

10. The Purpose of Descriptive text

As social beings, we want to share our experience, so we write

to others to describe things such as vacations, childhood homes, and


people we encounter. We even use description to persuade others to

think or act in particular ways: advertisers describe products to

persuade us to buy them; travel agents describe locales to entice us to

visit them; and real estate agents describe properties to stimulate a

desire to see them. As the examples in the following chart show,

description enables us to entertain, express feelings, relate experience,

inform, and persuade.

Table 2.2

Table of Purposes for Descriptive Text

Purpose Description

To entertain An amusing description of a

teenager‟s bedroom

To express feelings A description of your favorite

outdoor retreat so your reader

understand why you enjoy it so


To relate experience A description of your


home to convey a sense of the

poverty you grew up in

To inform (for a

reader unfamiliar

with the subject)

A description of a newborn calf

for a reader who has never seen


To inform (to create a

fresh appreciation for

the familiar)

A description of an apple to

help the reader rediscover the

joys of this simple fruit

To persuade (to

convince the reader

A description of a degrading

music Video


that some music

videos degrade


11. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

The generic structure of descriptive text consists of:

a. Identification: is the part of paragraph that introduces the character.

b. Description: is the part of paragraph that describes the character.

(Purnomo, 2014: 13)

12. Kinds of Descriptive text

As we know that descriptive text is a text to describe something,

such as persons, places, or things. So, it normally takes on three forms,

they are:

a. Description of a people

People are different, and writing description of people is

different. You are probably already aware of some of the

complications because you have often been asked, “What‟s so-and-

like?” In replying, you might resort to identification, an

impression, or a character sketch, depending on the situation. Let‟s

examine each (Michael and Jean, 1976: 149)

b. Description of a place


In describing a place for example a room, what should you

describe first? The walls? The Floor? Unlike a chronologically

developed paragraph, there is no set pattern for arranging sentences

in descriptive paragraph. It is not necessary to begin with one area

and then proceed to another one. Nevertheless, the sentences

should not be randomly arranged.

The description must be organized so that the reader can vividly

imagine the scene being described. To make the paragraph more

interesting, you can add a controlling idea that states an attitude or

impression about the place being described. And the arrangement

of the details in your description depend on your subject and

Purpose (Regina and Mary, 1976: 69)

c. Description of a thing

According to Santi (2002: 267) to describe a thing the writer

must have a good imagination about that thing that will be

describe. Besides, to make our subjects as interesting and as vivid

to our readers as they are to us using proper nouns and effective


1) Using proper noun

In addition to filling our descriptive writing with concrete

details and figures of speech, we might also want to include a

number of proper nouns, which, as we know, are the names of

particular persons, places, and things.


For example; Arizona, University of Tennessee. Including

proper nouns that readers recognize easily can make what we

are describing more familiar to them.

2) Using effective verb

We know how important verbs are to narration, but

effective verbs can also add much to a piece of description.

Writers use verbs to make descriptions more specific, accurate,

and interesting. For instance, “the wind had chiseled deep

grooves into the sides of the cliffs” is more specific than “the

wind had made deep grooves.” The verb chiseled also gives the

reader a more accurate picture of the wind‟s action than made


13. Language Feature of Descriptive Text

According to Purnomo (2014: 13-14), language feature of

descriptive text consists of:

a. Using adjectives and compound adjectives.

Examples : A five hundred seated football stadium

b. Using Linking Verb/Relating Verb

Examples: The temple consists of five terraces.

c. Using Simple Present Tense

Example: the hotel provides 450 rooms and a large swimming pool

d. Using degree of comparison

Example: Bogor has the same weather as Ungaran.





A. Research Method

1. Setting of the Research

This research was carried out at MTs Aswaja Tengaran. It is

located at Dusun Krajan RT 01 RW 02 or in Jalan Masjid Besar No. 32

Tengaran. This research started on January till February 2016. The

research was applied for the students of the second grade of MTs

Aswaja Tengaran. The place was chosen in consideration the students

had English ability, but most of them had difficulties in writing

because; a) they had a limited vocabulary in English, b) they had a

problem to express their ideas directly, so they were difficult to write,

c) they were confused in grammar, so felt difficult in writing using the

proper rules.

2. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research is the students of eight grade especially in

class A of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year 2015/2016. The

researcher chooses the eight grade students because the age level of

these students supposed to be able to write out the English language as

a means of communication. The researcher chooses this school

because she was ever there as a practice teacher. Many students have

interest to learn English better, but they got difficulty to understand the


materials and to write descriptive text in English. Therefore, the

researcher uses her media to solve the problem in class.

Table 3.1

List of VIII A Class of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the Academic

Year of 2015/2016

No. Name of Students‟ Sex

1 Majid Male

2 Herru Purnomo Male

3 Siti Rohmah Female

4 Kiki Puspita D. Female

5 Dhea Ihza Alfara Female

6 Novi Yanto Male

7 Guna Darma Male

8 Agung Male

9 Muthi Ishwariyah Female

10 Alif Fatikhah Female

11 Reza Alif Nasya A. Male

12 Virgo Bimantara Male

13 Sardi Male

14 Muhammad Afif F. Male

15 Ika Ardianti Female


Table 3.2

Time Schedule of the Research of MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the

Academic Year 2015/2016

Step Date And Time Activities Place

16 November

2015 Observation

MTs Aswaja


Cycle 1

23 November


Giving Pre-test and

material descriptive

text about animal

Class VIII A

MTs Aswaja


24 November


Explain about the

material and finally

giving Post-test

Class VIII A

MTs Aswaja


Cycle 2

30 November


Giving Pre-test and

material descriptive

text about place

Class VIII A

MTs Aswaja


01 December


Explain about the

material and finally

giving Post-test

Class VIII A

MTs Aswaja


3. Method of the Research

The method to be used in making this research is Classroom

Action Research. Action research is trying out an idea in practice with

a view to improve or change something, try to have a real effect on the

situation (Kemmis: 1983 in Hopkins, 1993: 45). Classroom action


research is research organized by teacher in the class on the pressing of

completing or improvement process and learning practice.

Action research might be defined as the study of a social situation

with a view to improving the quality of action within it. It aims to feed

practical judgment in concrete situation, and the validity of the theories

or hypotheses it generates depends not so much on scientific tests or

truth, as on their usefulness in helping people to act more intelligently

and skillfully. In action research theories are not validated

independently and then applied to practice. They are validated through

practice, as quoted by Elliot (1991: 69) in Hopkins (1993: 45).

According to Arikunto (2006: 2), classroom action research is

coming from three words they are:

a. Research is in activity to find out accuracy some subject using

methodology which interest and important for the writer.

b. Action is some activities deliberately done by having several


c. Class is a group of students in the same time, have same

lesson from teacher.

According to Kunandar (2010: 45), there are three elements or

concepts of action research, they are: a) research is an activity to

observe the definite object through scientific methodology by

collecting data and analyzing to finish the problem. b) action is an

activity that does intentionally with certain purpose in the form of


cycle to increase quality of teaching learning process. c) class is a

group of students who get similar lesson from teacher in the same


According to Arikunto (2009:6-9) there are some principles of

action research as follows:

a. The real activities in routine situation

b. The awareness for recondition work ability

c. SWOT as research foundation

SWOT is summary of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and

Threat. Strength and weakness are used to identify researcher and

it is subject. The opportunity and threat are identified out of the

teacher or researcher and students.

d. Empiric and systematic endeavor

e. Using SMART principle in planning

The meaning of SMART is:

S = Specific

M = Manageable

A = Acceptable or Achievable

R = Realistic

T = Time-bound

From the definition above, the writer conclude that classroom

action research is research which is done by the teacher in teaching


learning process to understand the situation and to improve the skill of

the students in learning process.

The classroom action research conducted in MTs Aswaja

Tengaran which aims to the implementation of using picture media to

improve students‟ writing performance in descriptive text.

4. Procedure of the Research

According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) in Hopkins (2011:

92) there are four steps to do a Classroom Action Research (CAR).

Those were planning, action, observation, and reflection.

a. Planning

The activities in the planning session would be present below:

1) Preparing materials: making and designing the steps in doing


2) Preparing list of the students‟ name and scoring.

3) Preparing teaching aids.

4) Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the

situation of teaching and learning process when the method,

technique or strategy is applied).

5) Preparing a test (to know whether the students‟ writing

performance improve or not).

b. Action

In action activities, as an implementation of the planning, the

researcher presents them in the following:


1) Giving pre-test

2) Explain the materials

3) Giving post-test

4) Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or


c. Observation

Observation is one of the instruments in collecting data. As a

scientific method, observation could be systematically used to

observe and note the phenomena investigated like the students

felling, thinking, and something they do in teaching learning

process. So, the researcher was observed the students by analyzing

the results of field note which is made by the partner of researcher.

Moreover, the researcher was analyzed the result of pre-test and

post-test to know whether the students‟ vocabulary improves or


d. Reflection

Based on the result of the observation, the researcher makes an

evaluation to the students during teaching learning process. It is

important action if the researcher finds the problem of the students

in first cycle. The researcher will do better in the next cycle like the

first cycle.

The model, which is used in implementation of this research, is

as follows:


Table 3.3

Model of the Research

Source: Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) in David Hopkins


5. Technique of Collecting Data

a. Test

According to Madsen (1983: 9), test of language sub skill

measure the separate components of English, such as vocabulary,

grammar, and pronunciation. But communications skill test show

how well students can use the language in actually exchanging

ideas and information.

Test is used by the writer to examine the result of the subjects

by using questions or other instruments which measure the

students‟ result of the lesson that is researched. In this research, the


writer will use two times. It contains of pre-test and post-test in

each cycle.

To get the writing score, the writer used the table of scoring


Table 3.4

Scoring Result of writing

Component Score Criteria



excellent to very


Knowledgeable, substantive,

development of thesis, relevant

to assigned topic.


good to Average

Sure knowledge of subject

adequate range, limited,

development of thesis, mostly

relevant to topic but lacks



Fair to poor

Limited knowledge of subject,

little substance, in adequate

development of topic.

16- 13

Very poor

Does enough to evaluate not

show knowledge of subject,

non-substantive, pertinent, or

not enough to evaluate.

Form /



excellent to very


Fluent expression , ideas,

clearly stated/supported,

succinct, well organized,

logical sequencing, cohesive


Good to average

Somewhat choppy, loosely

organized but main ideas stand

out, limited support, logical

but incomplete sequencing

16-13 fair to poor Non-fluent, ideas confused or

disconnected, lack logical

sequencing and development


Very poor

Does not communicate no

organization, or not enough to




/ style


excellent to very


Sophisticated range, effective

word/idiom choice and usage,

word from mastery,

appropriate register


Good to Average

Adequate range, occasional

arrows of word/idiom form,

choice, usage but meaning not



Fair to poor

Limited range, frequent errors

of word/idiom form, choice,

usage, meaning confused or



Very poor

Essentially translation, little

knowledge of English

vocabulary, idiom, word form,

or not enough to evaluate



excellent to very


Effective, complex

constructions, few errors of

agreement, tense, number,

word, order/function, articles,


21- 18

Good to average

Effective but simple

construction, minor problem

complex construction, several

errors agreement, tense,

number, word, order/function,

articles pronouns, preposition,

but meaning seldom obscured


Fair to poor

Major problem in

simple/complex construction,

frequent error of negation,

agreement, tense, number,

word, order/function, articles,

pronouns, preposition and or

fragments, run-ons, deletions,

meaning confused or obscured


Very poor

Virtually no mastery of

sentence construction rule,

dominated by errors, does not

communicate, or not enough to





Excellent to very


Demonstrates mastery of

conventions, few error of

spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing

4 Good to


Occasional errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, but meaning not



Fair to poor

Frequent errors of spelling

punctuation, capitalization,

paragraphing, poor

handwriting, meaning

confused or obscured


Very poor

No mastery of convections,

dominated by errors of

spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing,

handwriting illegible, or not

enough to evaluate

Scoring profile by Jacobs et al.‟s (1981)

b. Observation

Observation is the process of observe toward the subject of

observation by using all of sense (Suharsimi: 2002). Observation is

a way of gathering information about teaching, rather than a way of

evaluating teaching. It involves visiting class to observe different

aspects of teaching (Richard and Lockhart: 1994).

c. Documentation

According to Arikunto (2010: 274), documentation is an

activity to look for variable like notes, transcribes, books,

newspapers, magazines, etc. In this method, researcher holds a

check- list to look for the variable that had been decided.


6. Technique of Data Analysis

According to Hadi (1981: 246) the formula is:

a. Mean

Mean is formula to know the average of the students‟ score.

The formula is:

: Mean of students‟ score

: The sum score of students‟ writing test

: The total number of students

b. SD (Standard Deviation)

SD : Deviation Standart

: Difference between pre-test post-test

: Number of observation in T-test

c. T-test

To be able to know whether there is a significant improvement

or not between pre-test and post-test, researcher using t-test after

calculate the SD. The formula is:







: T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

SD : Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

: Different between pre-test and post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

B. The General Information of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja


1. The Profile of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran

a. School name : MTs Aswaja Tengaran

b. NSS : 21 2 33 22 02 023

c. Address : Jalan Masjid Besar No. 32

d. Village : Tengaran

e. District : Tengaran

f. Regency : Semarang

g. Province : Central Java

h. Pos code : 50775

i. Phone number : (0298) 610015

j. Area : Village

k. Categories of school : Private (Swasta)

l. Accreditation : B


m. SK : Kabid Binrua Islam

n. The year of built : 1977

o. KBM : Morning

p. Building area : Wide; 6 m, Long; 50 m

q. The distance to the central districts : 0.5 km

r. The distance to the city center : 30 km

s. Located on track : Districts

t. Implementation organization : Foundation organization

Source: Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran; 2015

2. Location of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran

Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran is an educational

college with Islamic characters, it has the same level as Junior High

School. Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran is in the middle

Tengaran village and in the center of Tengaran sub-district of

Semarang regency.

There are other schools around Islamic Junior High School

Aswaja Tengaran, they are; Elementary School (1) SDN 1 Tengaran, it

is for about 0.5 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran, (2) SDN 2 Tengaran,

it is for about 0.7 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran, (3) SDN 3

Tengaran, it is for about 1 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran, (4)

Madrasah Ibtida‟iyah Tengaran, it is for about 1 km from MTs Aswaja

Tengaran. The junior high school; (1) SMP N 1 Tengaran, it is for

about 0.5 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran, (2) SMP Islam Sudirman, it


is for about 0.5 km from MTs Aswaja Tengaran. And for senior high

school; (1) MAN 1 Tengaran, it is for about 1 km from MTs Aswaja

Tengaran. In the environment, the school has made collateral evidence

for safety, silence, and peaceful atmosphere for students in undertaking

learning – teaching process. The school is near to sub-district office

and Tengaran traditional shopping.

3. History of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran

MTs Aswaja Tengaran was found by Mr. Ahmad Nazari who

also donated his field to establishment. Before changing into MTs

Aswaja, the name of the school was; PGA 4 tahun conducting teaching

learning activities in the morning (1967), PGA A, than changed into

PGA 6 tahun consisting of Islamic Junior High School (MTs) and

Islamic Senior High School (MA) then, the MA taken over by

government and changed into MAN 1 Tengaran and while the former

keep becoming MTs Aswaja Tengaran (1977), under supervision of LP

Ma‟arif. The headmaster succession is chronogical as follows:: Mr.

Muh Amin, Mr. Dawam Badarudin, Mr. Khamil Yasin, Mr. Muh.

Gufron, Mr. Muh Amin, and Siti Khabibah, S. Ag. until now.

Source: Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran; 2015


4. Visions and Mission of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja


Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran has a mission that

being the excellence to improve the qualified human resource both in

science and religious awareness.

Then Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran also has a

visions that conducting education orienting knowledge, social and

moral qualities to produce human resource qualified in science and

religious awareness.

Source: Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran; 2015

5. Facilities and Tools

There are many facilities of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja

Tengaran. Facilities are building, things, needed by teachers, students,

and other educators provide by school or institution to support

successful teaching learning process in school.

Table 3.5

The Facilities and Tools of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja

Tengaran in the Academic Year 2015/2016

a. Building

Construction Permanent

Status Right the Ownership

Headmaster Office 1 Room

Structure of Exertion Room 1 Room


Teacher‟s Room 1 Room

Classrooms 6 Rooms

Library 1 Unit

Computer and Skill Room 1 Room

Intra Students Organization

(OSIS) and Scout Room

1 Room

Unit of Healthy School Room 1 Room

Mosque 1 Unit

Bathrooms/WC 4 Rooms

Storehouse 1 Room

Parking Lot 1

Source: Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran; 2015

b. Office Equipments

Table 3.6

The Office Equipments of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja

Tengaran in the Academic Year 2015/2016

Computers-Printers 2

Telephone-Internet 1

TV 2

Typewriter Machine 2

Strongbox 2

Tape Recorder 1

Dispenser 2

Source: Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran; 2015


6. Students’ Activity

To complete students‟ achievement, Islamic Junior High School

Aswaja Tengaran provides more activity, that as follow:

Table 3.7

The Students’ Activities of Islamic Junior High School Aswaja

Tengaran in the Academic Year 2015/2016

No Action and Devotion activities Extracurricular activities

1 Reciting the holy Qur‟an before

the teaching and learning process

Reciting the Islamic


2 Praying jama‟ah dhuha Scouting

3 Praying jama‟ah dhuhur Islamic band extra

4 Reciting the holy Qur‟an Speech

5 Calligraphy Red Cross Teen


7. The Organizasional Structure of Islamic Junior High School

Aswaja Tengaran

Table 3.8

The Organization Structure of MTs Aswaja Tengaran 2015/2016

Source: Islamic Junior High School Aswaja Tengaran; 2015



Class IX B


Class VIII B

S. Zahroh B,


Class VIII A



Class VII B


SH. M.Pd.I

Class VII A

H.Dimyati A,


Vice of Studentship

Evi Lailia, A.Md

Vise of


Sugeng W, S.Ag


Witriyani, A.Md Treasurer

Evi Lailia,


Vice of Library

Muh. Zuhdi,

SH. M. Pd.I




Khabibah, S. Ag








In this chapter, the writer analyzed the data gathered from the action

research activities. The data was obtained from the teaching learning process and

evaluation. The aim of the analysis is to measure the improvement of fifteen

students‟ writing performance by the use of a picture of descriptive text. In the

research the data consist of 2 picture in descriptive text.

A. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. Cycle 1

In this part, the writer carried out series of action namely planning

the action and implementing the action which included two meetings.

a. Planning

The first activity in this research is planning. Planning phase of

using picture in writing performance in descriptive text was carried

out on November 23th

, 2015. It was done for two periods, each

periods was 40 minutes in the classroom.

Before conducting the research, the researcher prepared the

instruments of research, such as:

1) Making lesson plan (RPP), and designing the steps in doing

action using RPP,

2) List of students‟ name,

3) Preparing sheet for classroom observation,

4) Teaching aid (e.g. blank paper, camera),


5) Test Instrument ( pre-test and post-test),

6) Preparing Materials

b. The Implementation of Action

Action was the implementation of the activities that had

arranged before.

The first meeting was conducted on Monday, November 23th


2015. Maylia Suryani as a teacher (the writer) and the English

teacher Mr. Hafidz Zaen. The teacher (the writer) entered A class of

the eighth grade of MTs Aswaja Tengaran and greeted students‟,

introduced myself, than he checked attendance. The number in

attendance at the time 15 students‟, consisting 7 girls and 8 boys

students‟ attended to the class. It was the first meeting in cycle I.

There were three steps which were done to build the students‟

knowledge. There were pre activities, main activities, and post

activities. In the pre activities the teacher greeted the students‟, pray,

checked the students‟ attendance, explained the goals and benefits of

the lesson, and explained the activities that were going to do by the

students. In those pre activities students‟ give attention to the


In this phase, the teacher conveyed the learning objectives,

and then teacher are did apperception of writing by giving students‟

question about their experience of writing. Some students‟ like to

read the story but did not like to writing a story because it was


difficult. Then the teacher asked again, why they had difficulty in

writing story. Some student responded that the most difficulty thing

in writing was to find ideas to make the story. There were also

difficulties in developing an idea.

After those the teacher gave pre-test to the students. When the

students‟ were doing the test, the teacher walked around the class to

check the students‟ task. After the students‟ finished the pre-test, she

collected the students‟ result and began to teach.

The next activity the teacher distributed a text to the students‟

about descriptive text with a familiar picture, it was cat and school.

All the students‟ paid attention and read the text by themselves.

After a few minutes, the teacher explained about descriptive text and

the generic structure of the text. There are some of students‟ who did

not know about the generic structure of descriptive text and then the

teacher explained more about the generic structure.

After giving some explanations about descriptive text to the

students, the teacher continued the lesson by explaining language

features that uses in descriptive text such as: Specific participant,

simple present tense, action verbs, conjunction of time and cause-

effect. Furthermore, the teacher asked the students to underline the

words that indicating the language features of the text. Then the

teacher explained the students how to make a descriptive text.


The second meeting of cycle I is implemented on Tuesday,

November 24th

, 2015. The first activity of the step was the teacher

explained about the social function, the generic structure and the

language feature of descriptive text. And then the teacher asked them

to determine the generic structure and language feature of the


The teacher explained about the descriptive text clearly. She

made example from some picture like a familiar animals. After the

teacher finished to explain the material and the students understood

how to make an essay about descriptive text, the teacher asked the

students to describe an animal pet that given by the teacher. It was

also as the post-test in cycle 1.

c. Observation

In the first cycle, the researcher and her partner observed the

teaching process. By monitoring the students‟ activity and attention

during the action, we could see that most of the students are

enthusiastic in teaching learning process, but there were some

students who had a little difficulty to answer the question from the

teacher. Some students had difficulties to begin or to make the idea

because they had a limited vocabulary in English. The condition in

the classroom is so noisy but the researcher had handled it.


Furthermore, the researcher will analyze the students‟

improvement in learning writing by looking the result of pre test and

post test in cycle 1.

1. The score of test in cycle 1

Table 4.1

The score of students’ pre-test and post-test in cycle 1

No Name Pre-test

I (X)


I (Y)


(D) D


1 Majid 60 65 5 25

2 Herru Purnomo 60 60 0 0

3 Siti Rohmah 40 65 25 625

4 Kiki Puspita D. 60 70 10 100

5 Dhea Ihza A. 60 70 10 100

6 Novi Yanto 100 60 - 40 1600

7 Guna Darma 60 75 15 225

8 Agung 40 60 20 400

9 Muthi I. 60 70 10 100

10 Alif Fatikhah 60 65 5 25

11 Reza Alif N.A. 60 70 10 100

12 Virgo B. 40 75 35 1225

13 Sardi 40 65 25 625

14 Muh. Afif F. 60 70 10 100

15 Ika Ardianti 40 65 25 625


Jumlah 840 1080 165 5875

2. The calculation of mean and standard deviation

a) Mean of Pre-test 1

M =

M =

M = 56

b) Mean of Post-test 1

M =

M =

M = 72

Mean of pre-test = 56

Mean of post-test = 72

Mean of pre-test < than mean of post-test

There is an improvement of writing ability through

the use of picture media in writing descriptive text between

pre test 1 (before the action) and the post test 1 (after the


c) Calculating of Standard Deviation


SD =

SD =

SD =

SD = 16,45

d) T-test calculation

T =

T =

T =

T =

T =

T = 2,52

T calculation is 2,52

T-table < t-calculation = 2,14 < 2,52

The calculation result of t-test = 2,52 and t-table with

DF= N-1, DF=14, level of signification 5% in t-table = 2,14.

The result of t-test is 2,52 > 2,14. So, t-test calculating is

greater than t-table.

Based on the result, it means that there is a significant

difference between pre test and post test.


The improvement is also can be calculated in

percentage by calculating students‟ pre-test and post-test

score. The calculation can be shown below:

P= x 100%

P= x 100%

P= x 100%

P= 14,84 %

The calculation which shows the class percentage of

students who pass the KKM (the minimum of passing criteria)


P= x 100%

P= x 100%

P= 80%

It means there are 80% of students‟ who pass the

standardized score (the minimum of passing criteria). Only 12

students who pass the KKM. It indicates that the successful of

cycle I should be improved. Finally, the researcher will take the

second cycle so that 85% students are able to pass the KKM.


3. Students‟ Observation Sheet

Table 4.2

Result of the observation sheet in cycle 1

No Names of Students Sex Object Note


1 Majid M √ √

2 Herru Purnomo M √

3 Siti Rohmah F √ √ √

4 Kiki Puspita D. F √ √

5 Dhea Ihza Alfara F √ √

6 Novi Yanto M √ √ √

7 Guna Darma M √ √ √

8 Agung M √ √ √

9 Muthi Ishwariyah F √ √

10 Alif Fatikhah F √

11 Reza Alif Nasya A. M √ √

12 Virgo Bimantara M √ √ √

13 Sardi M √ √ √

14 Muhammad Afif F. M √ √

15 Ika Ardianti F √ √ √


A: Pay attention C: Activeness in responding question

B: Activeness in asking question D: Enthusiasm in doing test

d. Reflection

Based on the result of cycle 1, the researcher found the

improvement after applying picture as a media in teaching

learning. The first was the improvement of writing descriptive text.


It happened in the process of writing, especially in writing

descriptive text by used a picture. The second, the improvement of

students‟ participation could be seen in during of process teaching

and learning in the classroom.

Based on the observation, there‟s improvement on students

writing score, but it still did not pass the passing grade of 65. So,

researcher conducted the cycle 2. In next cycle 2, the researcher

emphasized the grammar, generic structure and language feature

more deeply.

The weaknesses found in cycle I, they are some of students

were still passive in shearing ideas in the learning process, they

were confuse to make a paragraph, the students relied on the

dictionary too much and some of the students still hesitated on

exploring their idea.

2. Cycle II

Based on the result of cycle I, it is necessary for the researcher to

continue the next level:

a. Planning

In cycle 2 the teacher would only emphasize the generic

structure, language feature and grammar more deeply to solve the

weaknesses occurred in cycle I, in cycle 2 the teacher would stimulate

students to be more active in exploring their idea.


The researcher prepared the instruments of research, such as:

1) Making lesson plan (RPP), and designing the steps in doing action

using RPP,

2) List of students‟ name,

3) Preparing sheet for classroom observation,

4) Teaching aid (e.g. blank paper, camera),

5) Test Instrument ( pre-test and post-test),

6) Preparing Materials

b. Action

The first meeting in cycle 2 was conducted on Monday,

November 30th

2015. The steps were still the same with the cycle I.

There were pre activities, main activities, and post activities. In the

pre activities the teacher greeted the students‟, pray, checked the

students‟ attendance, reviewed the previous lesson, and explained the

activities that were going to do by the students‟.

The next activity the teacher distributed a text to the students‟

about descriptive text especially about place with a familiar picture, it

was like a mosque and school. All the students‟ paid attention and

read the text by themselves. After a few minutes, the teacher

explained about descriptive text again and the generic structure of the

text. There are some of students‟ who did not know about generic

structure of descriptive text and then the teacher explained more about

the generic structure.


After giving some explanations about descriptive text to the

students‟, the teacher continued the lesson by explaining language

features that uses in descriptive text such as; specific participant,

simple present tense, action verbs, conjunction of time, and cause

effect. Furthermore, the teacher asked the students to underline the

words that indicating the language feature of the text. Then the teacher

explained the students how to make a descriptive text.

At every meeting the teacher discusses descriptive text theme

picture pets or place they have visited. Through of explanation or a

picture of animals that they understand, they will be easier to

understand what the descriptive text and a detailed explanation of the

object is described. The description of the text they will also

understood what is the generic structure and the language feature.

The second meeting of cycle 2 is implemented, the teacher

began the class with the same activities. On Tuesday, December 01,

2015. The teacher gave the students motivation by gave them

brainstorm and brain gym activities to make their brain balance and

ready to study.

She continued the lesson with the same material but different

theme. Before learning process began, the teacher made asking to

students about a favorite place. Every student had different a favorite

place. In this time was used by teacher to give pre-test before the

teacher started the lesson. After pre-test, she began to teach.


The teacher gave explanation clearly to the students. Before

the teacher gave post-test, she showed the favorite place again to make

the students remember it. After the students understood how to make

an essay about descriptive text, the teacher asked the students to

describe a place that given by the teacher. It was also as the post-test

in cycle 2. During the students did their work, the teacher walked

around the class to know if there were students who still had

difficulties and guidance them to compose text well.

c. Observation

In the second cycle, such as in the first cycle, the researcher get

field note from the partner which has been written in above. By

monitoring the student‟s activity in the action, the teacher can see that

the students could understand the descriptive text using popular

picture, it show with some of students have no difficulty in

understanding the text that has been learned.

1) The score of tests in cycle II

Table 4.3

The score of students’ pre-test and post-test in cycle II

No Name Pre-test

I (X)


I (Y)


(D) D


1 Majid 60 80 20 400

2 Herru Purnomo 40 70 30 900

3 Siti Rohmah 40 70 30 900

4 Kiki Puspita D. 40 75 35 1225

5 Dhea Ihza A. 40 60 20 400


6 Novi Yanto 40 80 40 1600

7 Guna Darma 60 80 20 400

8 Agung 40 65 25 625

9 Muthi I. 40 70 30 900

10 Alif Fatikhah 40 80 40 1600

11 Reza Alif N.A 40 80 40 1600

12 Virgo B. 40 75 35 1225

13 Sardi 60 75 15 225

14 Muh. Afif F. 60 70 10 100

15 Ika Ardianti 40 65 25 625

Jumlah 680 1095 415 12725

2) The calculation of mean and standard deviation

a) Calculating Mean of Pre-test II

M =

M =

M = 45,33

b) Calculating Mean of Post-test II

M =

M =

M = 73

c) Calculating of Standard Deviation


SD =

SD =

SD =

SD = 9,12

d) T-test calculation

T =

T =

T =

T =

T =

T = 11,39

In the second cycle, the result shows that the students‟ writing

ability increase significantly. The calculation result of t-test = 11,39

and t-table with Df = N-1, Df = 14, level of signification 5% in t-

table = 2,14. The result of t-test is 11,39 > 2, 14. So, arithmetical t-

test was greater than t-table. Based on the result, it means that there

is a significant difference between pre test and post pest in cycle 2.


From analysis above, the researcher concluded that score mean

of pre-test and post-test was a significantly difference, by which

post-test (73) was greater than pre-test (45,33). It shows that using

picture media gave improvement to the students‟ writing ability

especially in writing descriptive text.

The improvement is also can be calculated in percentage by

calculating students‟ pre-test and post-test score. The calculation

can be shown below:

P= x 100%

P= x 100%

P= x 100%

P= 23,39 %

The calculation which shows the class percentage of students

who pass the KKM (the minimum of passing criteria) is:

P= x 100%

P= x 100%

P= 93,33%

It means that 93,33% students pass the KKM. There are 14

students who pass the KKM. Meanwhile, 1 students do not pass the

KKM. It concludes that the improvement of students‟ writing

performance in descriptive text is good enough.


e) Students‟ Observation Sheet

Table 4.4

Result of the observation sheet in cycle II

No Names of Students Sex Object

Note A B C D

1 Majid M √ √

2 Herru Purnomo M √ √ √

3 Siti Rohmah F √ √ √

4 Kiki Puspita D. F √ √ √

5 Dhea Ihza Alfara F √ √ √ √

6 Novi Yanto M √ √ √ √

7 Guna Darma M √ √

8 Agung M √ √

9 Muthi Ishwariyah F √ √ √

10 Alif Fatikhah F √ √ √ √

11 Reza Alif Nasya A. M √ √ √ √

12 Virgo Bimantara M √ √ √

13 Sardi M √ √

14 Muhammad Afif F. M √ √

15 Ika Ardianti F √ √


A: Pay attention C: Activeness in responding question

B: Activeness in asking question D: Enthusiasm in doing test


d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of cycle 1 and 2, it can be concluded

that using picture as learning media could improve students to active

in learning writing in the classroom. They could practice language

optimally especially in writing descriptive text and express their idea

through writing directly, even though there were many limited

vocabularies and error grammatical. But now, they could express their

idea, increased their vocabulary and wrote their idea directly.

B. Discussions

From the result of analyzing in cycle I and cycle II. There is

significant improvement on the students‟ writing ability. That will be

explained in the table below:

Table 4.5

The Mean and T-calculation of Students’ Score Cycle I and Cycle II

No Analyze Cycle I Cycle II

1 Mean







2 t-table N=15 2,14 2,14

3 t-calculation 2,52 6,42

4 t-test > t-table 2,52 > 2,14 11,39 > 2,14


Table 4.6

The Students’ Mean Score in Percentage

Category Cycle 1 Cycle 2

<65 20% 6,67%

>65 80% 93,33%

There are 93,33% who pass KKM (the minimum of passing criteria)

and 6,67% students who not pass on it. The score of pre test cycle II is

45,33 which is less than pre test of cycle I, i.e 56. Meanwhile, the score of

post test cycle II is 73 which is higher than post test cycle I, i.e 72. In

addition, the students look more confident and have a good idea to write

English in the class.

Based on the field note and short interview conducted when the

media was applied, the researcher analyzed that there were many

improvement in many aspect, they are the improvement of students

mastery of writing descriptive text using picture media, other improvement

was grammar and vocabulary.

Based on the result among T-test of cycle 1 and cycle 2, the

implementation of picture media on writing performance is successful to

improve students‟ writing ability especially in descriptive text. It can be

seen from the table, that shows that T-test of cycle 1 is 2.52 and cycle 2 is



In addition, the mean of pre test and post test of each cycle increases

significantly. The table above displays that the mean of cycle 1 improves;

the mean of pre test is 56 and the mean of post test is 72. In cycle 2, the

mean of pre test and post test also increase. In cycle 2, the mean of pre test

is 45,33 and post test 73.

The implementation of using picture media can improve the students

understanding in learning writing descriptive text. The improvement can

be examined from the results of the students answers tests in the pre-test

and post-test. Before the strategy was implemented, the students

encountered many difficulties in understanding of descriptive text and

have difficulties on express their ideas. They could not tell the generic

structure of the text correctly and confused to determine the language

feature of the text. Trained with using picture media helped the students to

understand descriptive text that was comprehensible.

From the finding research above, it can be seen that the using of

picture media can improve the students understanding in learning

descriptive text. Because the function of picture media itself is to give a

certain illustration in the whole and details, so the students were helped in

learning writing descriptive text. By the other word, this research proves

that the students understanding can be improved through using picture

media in learning.

Briefly, the writing achievement in the research class has proven that a

picture can be good media in developing writing descriptive text. In addition,


the positive finding of this research is in line with the previous research done

by Rumza Naela with the title “The Use Of Picture In Narrative Text To

Improve Students‟ Attention In Learning English In Man 1 Tengaran (A

Classroom Action Research In The First Year Students Of Man 1

Tengaran In The Academic Year Of 2011/2012)”




A. Conclusions

After conducting the research of writing ability to improve

students‟ writing performance through picture media especially in

descriptive text, the researcher can conclude based on the findings

discussed in the previous chapter that:

1. The implementation using picture media of the eight grade of MTs

Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year of 2015/2016 can improve

the students‟ attention and participation in learning writing

descriptive text. It can be seen from the field note of two cycles

where students enjoying and interesting in learning process. They

can find the generic structure of the descriptive text; they also can

express their ideas in writing descriptive text.

2. The improvement of using picture as a media in descriptive text to

improve students‟ writing performance in learning English in MTs

Aswaja Tengaran tend to runs well. The use of picture in teaching

learning process as a media can make the students are more

interested to study descriptive text in English. The students‟ being

more understood and remembers about what the meaning of

descriptive text. In the other hand, by using picture it make all of the


students who are follow the class being more enjoy and fun. Lose

their boring and sleepy.

3. The extent of using picture media can be proved by the writing

result in teaching learning process. It can be proved by the score of

pre-test and post-test. The increasing percentage students who pass

in writing test from cycle 1 and cycle 2 are: 80% and 93,33%. The

decreasing percentage students who not pass in writing test are:

20% and 6,67%. At the first cycle the mean of post test (72) is

higher than pre test (56). The T-calculation shows that the t-table is

2,14 while the T-calculation is 2,52. In the second cycle, the mean

of post test (73) also higher than pre test (45,33). The result of the

T-calculation is bigger than T-table that is 11,39 from T- table 2,14.

It means that there is significant different between pre test and post

test. This indicates that picture media can improve the students‟

writing performance in descriptive text of eight grade students‟ of

MTs Aswaja Tengaran in the academic year 2015/2016.

B. Suggestions

Based on the result of the study and conclusion that regarding to

teach writing by the use of picture media, the writer would like to

suggest as follows:

1. For the English Teacher

a) Writing mostly known as difficult subject. English teacher

should be able to develop their technique to teach the students in


order to make them interest in learning the subject. The use of

picture in teaching and learning process is interesting media

because it can attract students‟ interest and motivation in

teaching and learning process.

b) The use of picture media will influence the students‟ attention to

learn. They will pay more attention to the fact that students are

encouraged to improve the teaching learning process.

2. For the Students‟

a) The students have to give more attention, keep their attitudes

when the teacher explained the lesson and teach them. In

addition, students have to study English harder to reduce their

difficulties of English learning.

b) To improve writing ability, students have to develop their

knowledge and do many exercises in order to get a better

achievement in producing written text.

3. For the Other Researcher

It has been known that the using of picture media can

improve students writing performance, so that the other researchers

or the readers could use the picture media when they are want to

develop their writing ability. They should read this research clearly,

so they can understand how to practice picture media to improve

their writing ability especially in writing descriptive text.


Finally, the result of this research can be use as reference for

other researchers dealing with the methodology in language



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Wright, Andrew. 1898. Pictures for Language Learning. New York: Cambridge

University Press.

Zenger, K. Sharon., Zenger, F.Weldon. 1977. 57 Ways To Teach. Los Angeles:


babii_d-x.pdf/ accessed at Mei 13th


para.html/ accessed at Mei 19th

2015 accessed at August 15th


accessed at September 3rd




Personal Details :

Name : Maylia Suryani

Address : Gunung Agung Rt 002/001, Sekampung Udik,

Lampung Timur

Place/Date of Birth : Lampung, 15 Mei 1993

Gender : Female

Phone Number : 085725450424

Religion : Moslem

Educational Background :

1. 1999-2005 : SD N 1 Gunung Agung, Sekampung Udik,


2. 2005-2008 : SMPN T Gunung Agung, Sekampung Udik,


3. 2008-2011 : SMA N 1 Wonosegoro, Boyolali

4. 2011-2016 : State Institute Of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga







Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:


Nim : 113-11-072



Menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya tulis ini benar-benar merupakan hasil karya

saya sendiri, bukan jiplakan dari karya orang lain. Pendapat temuan orang lain

yang terdapat dalam skripsi ini dikutip / dirujuk berdasarkan kode etik ilmiah.

Skripsi ini diperkenankan untuk dipublikasikan pada e-repository IAIN Salatiga.

Salatiga, 15 Maret 2016


Maylia Suryani

NIM. 11311072


Sheet for Classroom Observation

No. Statement


Yes No

1 Teacher prepared the material well √

2 Teacher conduct the classroom well √

3 Teacher use the time effectively √

4 Teacher convey the material clearly √

5 Teacher give evaluation after the lesson plan √

6 Teacher ask the students‟ difficulties √

7 Students feel enthusiastic to follow the lesson √

8 Students give attention to teachers‟ explanation √

9 Students active during learning process √

10 Students apply a picture media well √

11 Students understand the teachers‟ explanation √

12 Students do the evaluation well √




Sekolah : MTs Aswaja Tengaran

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII (Delapan) A/ 1

Standar Kompetensi : 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional

dan essay pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan

recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar : 6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam

esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk


Indikator : 1. Melengkapi rumpang teks essai pendek berbentuk


2. Menulis teks essai dalam bentuk descriptive.

Jenis Teks : Descriptive (animal)

Skill : Writing

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit (1 Pertemuan)


A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

Menulis text fungsional pendek sangat sederhana tentang descriptive text.

B. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Descriptive text merupakan jenis teks yang banyak digunakan dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari dalam menggambarkan benda, tempat, manusia,

hewan dan lain sebagainya, baik secara kenampakan, bau, suara, atau

tekstur dari benda atau makhluk hidup tersebut.

2. Generic Structure Descriptive Text

a. Identification yaitu bagian dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang

topik atau "apa" yang akan digambarkan atau dideskripsikan.

b. Description bagian terakhir dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang

pembahasan atau penggambaran tentang topik atau "apa" yang ada di

Identification mengenai kenampakan fisik, kualitas, perilaku umum

maupun sifat-sifatnya.


Contoh Descriptive Text:



As we know most cats look so cute, so does my

cat. My cat's name is Coti. I named Coti because she

looks so cute and make me always want to hug her.

Description of



Description of

Habit and


My Coti has white and cream fur. It is so soft. And

make me always want to stroke it.

She has blue eyes. Her tail is long. She also has sharp

teeth. The whiskers in her mouth make her so funny.

Although she looks very cute and funny, when she

is angry or wants to catch her prey like mouse, she

makes me scared. Her paws come out; they look so

sharp and long. Her sound also changes like tiger sound.

I never approach her when she is angry. But, when my

Coti back as usual, I approach her again and play her

ear, her whiskers, her tail and she look very enjoy it. I

feed her twice a day with fried fish. I love my cat so


C. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik

- Ceramah, diskusi, penugasan

- Media gambar

D. Langkah- langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal (20 menit)

Greeting, praying, calling the roll


Brain storming dengan menanyakan pada siswa berbagai macam

hewan peliharaan yang mereka miliki

Menunjukkan berbagai macam gambar hewan peliharaan kemudian

meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan nama hewan tersebut

Melakukan Pre-test, yaitu dengan meminta siswa untuk

mengerjakan soal pada lembar tugas yang telah disediakan.

2. Kegiatan inti

a. Eksplorasi (15 menit)

Menunjukkan gambar kucing

Menunjukkan contoh teks descriptive

Membaca teks monolog berbentuk descriptive

Mengartikan teks secara klasikal

Menjelaskan berbagai hal yang terkait dengan teks (Generic

Structure )

b. Elaborasi (30 menit)

Meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan soal yang sudah diberikan

Dalam mengerjakan soal siswa terbimbing menganalisis dengan

mnemonic kalimat yang ada dalam text

Meminta siswa untuk mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaannya

c. Konfirmasi (10 menit)

Menanyakan kesulitan siswa

Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan penguatan materi

3. Kegiatan Akhir (5 menit)


Menugaskan kepada siswa untuk membaca teks descriptive yang

lainnya di rumah

Mengakhiri pelajaran dengan berdo‟a dan mengucapkan salam

E. Sumber / Media Pembelajaran

Sumber : Lembar kerja siswa, gambar-gambar yang terkait tema/ topic,

buku teks yang relevan, kamus Bahasa Inggris-Indonesia

Media : White board, laptop, boardmarker

F. Penilaian

Teknik : Produk tertulis

Bentuk : 1. Melengkapi bacaan

2. Mendiskripsikan gambar

Instrument :


Complete the paragraph using the verb!


Create a descriptive paragraph about your favorite objects!


3. Rubrik Penilaian

No. Unsur yang dinilai Skore Skore siswa

1. Content 20

2. Form / organization 15

3. Vocabulary / style 20

4. Grammar 30

5. Mechanic 15

Jumlah 100

Salatiga, …………………..

Guru Mata Pelajaran Praktikan

Hafidz Zaen Ahmad, S. Pd.I Maylia Suryani


Kepala Sekolah

Khabibah, S. Ag.




Sekolah : MTs Aswaja Tengaran

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas / Semester : VIII (Delapan) A / 1

Standar Kompetensi : 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional

dan essay pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar : 6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam

esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa

tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk


Indikator : 1. Menyusun kalimat menjadi teks yang bermakna dalam

bentuk descriptive.

2. Menulis teks essai dalam bentuk descriptive.

Jenis Teks : Descriptive (place)

Skill : Writing

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit (1 Pertemuan)


G. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

Menulis text fungsional pendek sangat sederhana tentang descriptive text.

H. Materi Pembelajaran

3. Descriptive text merupakan jenis teks yang banyak digunakan dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari dalam menggambarkan benda, tempat, manusia,

hewan dan lain sebagainya, baik secara kenampakan, bau, suara, atau

tekstur dari benda atau makhluk hidup tersebut.

4. Generic Structure Descriptive Text

c. Identification yaitu bagian dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang

topik atau "apa" yang akan digambarkan atau dideskripsikan.

d. Description bagian terakhir dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang

pembahasan atau penggambaran tentang topik atau "apa" yang ada di

Identification mengenai kenampakan fisik, kualitas, perilaku umum

maupun sifat-sifatnya.


Contoh Descriptive Text:



Bali is situated between the island of Java to the

west and the island of lombok to the east. This island is

widely regarded by visitors as the ultimate island.

Description of



Bali is 145 km (90 mi) long and 80 km (50 mi)

wide. When people come to Bali‟s capital city,

Denpasar, it is well worth to visit Bali National

Museum. Most of the exhibits now have labels in

English explaining their history, origin and

significance. Visiting pasar Badung is also

recomended. It is known as the town‟s largest market,

housed in a three-storey building. Visitors can buy

unique handicrafts in reasonable prices.

Bali is also known for its beaches. Bali‟s most

popular beaches are Kuta, Legian, and Jimbaran Beach.

Kuta and Legian Beaches are paradise for surfers and

famous for their funky nightlife zone. Jimbaran Beach,

on the other hand, is quite and tranquil. Many visitors

are always excited to see sunset in these stunning


I. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik

- Ceramah, diskusi, penugasan

- Media Gambar

J. Langkah- langkah Pembelajaran

4. Kegiatan Awal (20 menit)


Greeting, praying, calling the roll

Brain storming dengan menanyakan pada siswa berbagai macam

tempat yang pernah mereka kunjungi

Menunjukkan berbagai macam gambar tempat kemudian meminta

siswa untuk menyebutkan nama tempat tersebut

Melakukan Pre-test, yaitu dengan meminta siswa untuk

mengerjakan soal pada lembar tugas yang telah disediakan.

5. Kegiatan inti

d. Eksplorasi (15 menit)

Menunjukkan gambar kota bali

Menunjukkan contoh teks descriptive

Membaca teks monolog berbentuk descriptive

Mengartikan teks secara klasikal

Menjelaskan berbagai hal yang terkait dengan teks (Generic

Structure )

e. Elaborasi (35 menit)

Meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan soal yang sudah diberikan

Dalam mengerjakan soal siswa terbimbing menganalisis kalimat

yang ada dalam text

Meminta siswa untuk mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaannya

f. Konfirmasi (10 menit)

Menanyakan kesulitan siswa

Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan penguatan materi


6. Kegiatan Akhir (5 menit)

Menugaskan kepada siswa untuk membaca teks descriptive yang

lainnya di rumah

Mengakhiri pelajaran dengan berdo‟a dan mengucapkan salam

K. Sumber / Media Pembelajaran

Sumber : Lembar kerja siswa, gambar-gambar yang terkait tema/ topic,

buku teks yang relevan, kamus Bahasa Inggris-Indonesia

Media : White board, laptop, boardmarker

L. Penilaian

Teknik : Produk tertulis

Bentuk : 1. Menyempurnakan bacaan

4. Mendiskripsikan gambar

Instrument :


Rearrange the following sentences correctly!


Create a descriptive paragraph about this place below!


5. Rubrik Penilaian

No. Unsur yang dinilai Skore Skore siswa

1. Content 20

2. Form / organization 15

3. Vocabulary / style 20

4. Grammar 30

5. Mechanic 15

Jumlah 100

Salatiga, …………………..

Guru Mata Pelajaran Praktikan

Hafidz Zaen Ahmad, S. Pd.I Maylia Suryani


Kepala Sekolah

Khabibah, S. Ag.


Soal Pre-test Cycle 1

Name :

Class :

Complete the paragraph using the verb!

My Lovely Pet

I used to have a beautiful cat named Proudy. She had white fluffy and ….

(1) eyes and she had a little gray spot on her head and a black spot on her tail, and

she also had small legs with very cute paws.

Proudy was a very smart cat too. She knew my …. (2). She would wake

me up in the morning, a couple of minutes before my alarm clock rang. She even

knew what time I came home. When I opened the door, she would jump on me

…. (3) as if she was trying to tell me that she missed me so much.

Proudy and I used to have great times together. Unfortunately last year she

died …. (4) a truck hit her. I buried her in our garden in front of my bedroom ….

(5). I really love and miss Proudy.

schedule window purple because quickly


Soal Post-test Cycle 1

Name :

Class :

Describe the picture below into the text paragraph description!


Soal Pre-test Cycle 2

Name :

Class :

Rearrange the following sentences correctly!

1. The temple compound is approximately 17 kilometres (11 mi) northeast of

the city of Yogyakarta on the boundary between Central Java and

Yogyakarta provinces.

2. Candi Prambanan or Candi Rara Jonggrang is a nineth-century Hindu

temple located in Central Java, Indonesia, and dedicated to the Trimurti,

the expression of God as the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu)

and the Destroyer (Shiva).

3. The temple compound which is considered as a UNESCO World Heritage

Site, is the biggest Hindu temple site in Indonesia.

4. Prambanan impresses many visitors from across the world.

5. It is characterized by its height and pointed architecture, and the towering

47-metre-high (154 ft) central building inside a large complex of

individual temples.


Soal Post-test Cycle 2

Name :

Class :

Create a descriptive paragraph about this place below!



Nama : Maylia Suryani Progdi : TBI

Nim : 11311072 Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan

No Jenis Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Keterangan Nilai

1 Orientasi Pengenalan Akademik

Dan Kemahasiswaan (OPAK)

dengan tema “Revitalisasi Gerakan

Mahasiswa di Era Modern Untuk

Kejayaan Indonesia”


20 - 22

Agustus 2011


2 Achievement Motivation Training

(AMT) dengan tema “Membangun

Mahasiswa Cerdas Emosi,

Spiritual, dan Intelektual melalui

Achievement Motivation Training”

STAIN Salatiga

23 Agustus



3 Orientasi Dasar Keislaman (ODK)

dengan tema “Menemukan Muara

Sebagai Mahasiswa Rahmatan Lil

„Alamin” STAIN Salatiga

24 Agustus



4 “User Education (Pendidikan

Pemakai” UPT Perpustakaan

STAIN Salatiga

19 September



5 Seminar Regional dengan tema

“Meningkatkan Nasionalisme

Ditengah Goncangan Disintegrasi

Dan Pengikisan Ideologi Nasional”

MENWA Kalimosodo STAIN


26 Oktober



6 Seminar Regional dengan tema

“Negara Islam dalam Tinjauan

Islam Indonesia dan NKRI”

IPNU Kab. Semarang dan PMII

kota Salatiga

30 November



7 Penerimaan Anggota Baru JQH

dengan tema “Membangun Pribadi

Islami Dengan Nilai Qur‟ani”

JQH STAIN Salatiga







MANCORO dengan tema

“Peningkatan Kecintaan Pada

Almamater Menuju Edi Mancoro di

Masa Depan”

25 Desember



9 English Public Speaking Training

(EPST) CEC dengan tema “Build

Your Character and

Communication Skill with English

Public Speaking Training”

CEC STAIN Salatiga

17 Maret 2012 Peserta

10 Practicum Program

“Pronounciation and Intensive


English Education Study Program

STAIN Salatiga

28 April 2012 Peserta

11 Seminar Regional dengan tema

“Peran Mahasiswa Dalam

Mengawal BLSM (BLT) Tepat



03 Mei 2012 Peserta

12 Pelatihan Jurnalistik oleh Unit Pers

dan Bahasa (UPB) Pondok

Pesantren Edi Mancoro

27 Mei 2012 Peserta

13 Seminar Nasional dengan tema

“Pendidikan Multikultural Sebagai

Pilar Karakter Bangsa”

Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan

(HMJ) Tarbiyah STAIN Salatiga

06 Juni 2012 Peserta

14 Kegiatan Pelatihan Asatidz oleh

Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis Tarbiyatul

Banin Wal Banat (UPT TBB)

Pondok Pesantren Edi Mancoro

10 Juni 2012 Peserta

15 Kegiatan Musyawarah Santri

(Mustri) dengan tema “Mustri

Sebagai Sarana Regenerasi Untuk

Mewujudkan Pemimpin Yang

Berakhlakul Karimah” di Pondok

Pesantren Edi Mancoro

15-17 Juni



16 Seminar Nasional dengan tema

“Mewaspadai Gerakan Islam Garis

Keras di Perguruan Tinggi”


23 Juni 2012 Peserta


17 Sarasehan/Seminar Nasional dengan tema Talkshow “Peran

Mahasiswa dalam Realita dan

Idealita Bangsa”


01 Juli 2012 Peserta

18 Practicum Program “Magazine

Writing and Public Speaking”

English Education Study Program

STAIN Salatiga

24 September



19 “English Friendship Camp (EFC)

and Social Work in Merbabu

Foothill 2012”

CEC STAIN Salatiga

13-14 Oktober



20 Seminar Nasional dengan tema

“Ahlussunah Waljamaah dalam

Perspektif Islam Indonesia”


26 Maret 2013 Peserta

21 Kegiatan Pelatihan Keterampilan di

Pondok Pesantren Edi Mancoro

05 Mei 2013 Peserta

22 Seminar Nasional Entrepreneurship dengan tema

“Menumbuhkan Jiwa Entrepreneur

Generasi Muda”

KOPMA Fatawa STAIN Salatiga

27 Mei 2013 Peserta

23 Seminar Nasional “How to

Develop the Best Generation” by

Communicative English Club

(CEC) STAIN Salatiga

01 Juni 2013 Peserta

24 Seminar Sosialisasi dan

Silaturahim Nasional dengan tema

“Sosialisasi UU No.1 TH.2013,

Peran Serta Fungsi OJK, Peran

Pemerintah Dalam Pengawasan

LKM (Lembaga Keuangan Mikro)”

HMJ Tarbiyah dan Syari‟ah STAIN


30 September



25 Kegiatan “Scholarship Forum” by

Communicative English Club

(CEC) STAIN Salatiga

15 Maret 2014 Panitia

26 Workshop Classroom Management

“How to Engage Students in the


By IALF Bali Language Centre

18 Juni 2014 Peserta


27 Seminar Nasional dengan tema

“Berkontribusi untuk Negeri

Melalui Televisi” di STAIN


05 November



28 Kegiatan “CEC FESTIVAL 2014”

as “Traditional Dancer” CEC

STAIN Salatiga





29 Seminar Keagamaan dengan tema

“Bahagia Sejak Mahasiswa”

STAIN Salatiga ditayangkan di

TVRI Jawa Tengah

26 November



30 Seminar Harmonisasi Lingkungan

oleh Mapala Mitapasa STAIN


27 Desember



31 Kegiatan Wide-Game dalam rangka

meningkatkan kegiatan

Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka di SD N

Ngrajek 1, Mungkid, Magelang

03 April 2015 Panitia

32 Pelatihan Manajemen TPQ dengan

tema “Menyiapkan Generasi

Qur‟ani, Menyongsong Masa

Depan Gemilang” KKN IAIN

Salatiga Desa Ngrajek, Kec.

Mungkid, Kab. Magelang

05 April 2015 Panitia

33 Kegiatan Training Kepribadian di

IAIN Salatiga

19 Mei 2015 Peserta


Salatiga, September 2015



Photos during the Research

The Researcher explain the material and give instruction to the students




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