the internet provides new challenges and opportunities for...

Post on 14-Mar-2019






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The Internet provides new challenges and opportunities for the

integration, representation, dissemination, and communication of

geographic information.

Everyday the Internet is becoming more important in our lives

Today I shop, get traffic conditions, compare products, buy

tickets, and read product reviews

Today I can't find restaurants in my area that serve a particular

cuisine that can take a reservation at 7PM

Today a business can't find a vendor that has an item in stock

or which vendor is cheapest or which can ship it to me the


Agama Harta Keturunan Kecantikan/Kegantengan

Getting information in the right place at the right time

means getting it anywhere and anytime. Information

service delivery expectations and models increasingly call

for 24 hour / 7 day a week access for clients and partners.

Sentralisasi data, aplikasi, dan pemrosesan data mell. internet

yang bisa diakses oleh berbagai device

• A new trend in information technology, moving softwarefrom personal computers to the Internet

• Popular cloud systems include: Flickr, Google Docs andAmazon Cloud Drive. They perform the functions that weretraditionally done with software installed on personalcomputers.

• Put data and software, which are used to be on personalcomputers, to a giant centralized computer system. Thisform is called cloud computing. The centralized system iscalled a cloud system.

You rent cloud services, such as photo editing,managing and sharing, from them, the same way asyou rent textbooks from bookstores

Cloud services is the use of computer resources incloud systems

Power Plants Power Grids Users

Orang punya listrik tanpa punya pembangkit listrik

The term "cloud" is used as a metaphor for the Internet, based on the cloud drawing used in the past to represent the telephone network

The concept of cloud computing dates back to 1961, when Prof. John MacCarthy predicted that “computation may someday be organized as a public utility.”

In 1991,, one of the first movers in cloud computing, introduced the concept of delivering enterprise applications via a simple website

In 2002, Amazon Web Service was launched

Google brought cloud computing to the forefront of public consciousness by introducing Google Docs in 2006

• In the following years, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and a host of companies joined cloud computing

Dalam kerjanya komputasi modern menghitung dan mencari solusi dari

masalah yang ada, dan perhitungan yang dilakukan itu meliputi:

1. Akurasi (big, Floating point)

2. Kecepatan (dalam satuan Hz)

3. Problem Volume Besar (Down Sizzing atau pararel)

4. Modeling (NN/Neural Network & GA/ Genetic Algorithm)

5. Kompleksitas (Menggunakan Teori big O)

Mobile Computing atau Komputasi Bergerak.

Mobile computing (komputasi bergerak) merupakan kemajuan teknologi komputer

sehingga dapat berkomunikasi menggunakan jaringan tanpa menggunakan kabel

serta mudah dibawa atau berpindah tempat, tetapi berbeda dengan komputasi


Grid Computing.

Komputasi grid memanfaatkan kekuatan pengolahan idle berbagai unit komputer,

dan menggunakan kekuatan proses untuk menghitung satu pekerjaan.

Cloud Computing atau Komputasi Awan.

Komputasi awan adalah sebuah paradigm baru dari konsep yang sebenarnya sudah

ada. Beberapa aplikasi yang sangat akrab dari cloud computing adalah icloud

(produk dari Apple) dimana user menyimpan data-data phonebook mereka di server

Apple, bukan lagi di handphone mereka.

1. Komputer-komputer penyedia sumber daya bersifat

heterogenous karena terdiri dari berbagai jenis perangkat keras,

sistem operasi, serta aplikasi yang terpasang.

2. Komputer-komputer terhubung ke jaringan yang luas dengan

kapasitas bandwidth yang beragam.

3. Komputer maupun jaringan tidak terdedikasi, bisa hidup atau

mati sewaktu-waktu tanpa jadwal yang jelas.

Email yang tersedia dalam bentuk web

mail merupakan contoh yang sangat

kecil dari teknologi cloud computing.

1. Google Drive yang didukung oleh Google (15 GB),

2. Dropbox yang didukung oleh Facebook (2 GB)

3. OneDrive yang didukung oleh Microsoft (7 GB + 5 GB

jika mengajak teman-teman)

4. iCloud yang didukung oleh Apple (5 GB) .

A cloud based online Office

Allow you to create, edit and share

documents online using web browsers,

iPads or even smart phones.

Upload and manage your photos online

Share your photos with your family and friends

Post your photos everywhere on the web

A personal assistant app comes with iPhone 4S. You can

use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings and

place phone calls.

Know the score.

Ask Siri for baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and soccer scores as well as schedules, rosters, and stats.

Choose a movie.

Ask Siri to get showtimes, buy tickets from Fandango, look up movie facts, play trailers, show you reviews, and more.

Find a restaurant.

Ask Siri to search by different criteria or a combination. Siri gets you photos, reviews, and reservations.

Cloud Servers

Multi-tenancy◦ Resources in cloud systems can be shared among a large

number of users.

◦ Improve the efficiency of cloud systems and save cost for cloud service providers.

• Scalability

– Even when the total work load for a cloud system increases dramatically, the system could improve its capacity by adding more hardware to handle the increased load effectively

• Elasticity

– A cloud system only delivers the minimum amount of computing resources that meet users’ need. The amount of resources provided to users increase when they need more, and decrease when they need less. Users only pay for whatever they consumed.

Device independent◦ Users can utilize cloud services using whatever device they

have, should it be a laptop, an iPad or a smartphone, as long as they have access to the Internet.

Low-cost◦ Computing resources are provided by cloud systems. Users

do not need to purchase expensive computers to perform tasks that need high performance computing.

◦ If you do not want to keep a book, why don’t you rent the book from the UB bookstore or borrow one from the UB library? So you only spend a fraction of the cost of buying the book.

Reliability◦ Multiple redundant sites are used in cloud systems. There

are always backups available when one or more sites are down.

1. SaaS (Software as a Service)

2. PaaS (Platform as a Service)

3. IaaS (Infrastructure a Service)

dimana user dapat memanfaatkan aplikasi tertentu di Cloud -umumnya dengan cara berlangganan, Yahoo Premium, LotusLive atau Microsoft Office 365, Siri, Amazon Cloud Drive…


Bussines applications:1. Employease2. Netsuite3. Salesforce

(pro et contra)

adalah layanan yang menyediakan modul siap pakai; yang

digunakan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi, berjalan diatas platform tersebut.

game di Facebook, Google Android, Apple i-Tunes, dsb.


(pro et contra)

adalah layanan yang "menyewakan" sumberdaya teknologi informasi

dasar, yang meliputi media penyimpanan, processing power, memory,

sistem operasi, kapasitas jaringan dll, yang digunakan untuk menjalankan aplikasi.

1. Lebih murah, karena kita tidak perlu menyediakan infrastruktur &

SDM TI sendiri.

2. Lebih reliabel, karena data dan apikasi kita dijaga oleh layanan

tanpa henti 24x7.

3. Lebih efisien, karena kita bisa memilih layanan yang kita butuhkan

dan membayar sesuai dengan biaya layanan itu saja.

4. Lebih kompatibel, karena dapat diakses dimana saja asal ada

koneksi internet.

5. Lebih aman, karena seluruh data disimpan dalam sebuah server

terpusat yang memiliki fungsi backup.

6. Lebih sederhana, karena kita tidak memerlukan pemahaman

sistem TI.

Kelebihan cloud computing :

Komputer akan menjadi lambat atau tidak bisa dipakai

sama sekali jika internet bermasalah atau kelebihan

beban. Dan juga perusahaan yang menyewa layanan dari

cloud computing tidak punya akses langsung ke sumber

daya. Jadi, semua tergantung dari kondisi

vendor/penyedia layanan cloud computing. Jika server

vendor rusak atau punya layanan backup yang buruk,

maka perusahaan akan mengalami kerugian besar.

Kekurangan Cloud Computing

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