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The Keys To Physical Perfection Program Page 1 4/20/2009

The Keys To Physical Perfection Program Page 2 4/20/2009


Introduction and hidden truths about nutrition……………………………………….Pages 1- 4 The most potent drug! More powerful than steroids or growth hormone………..Page 5 The most important Key to success…………………………………………………….Page 6 The truth about carbohydrates…………………………………………………………...Page 7 All carbohydrates are not equal / Where the problem starts………………………..Page 8 Insulin and fat storage / Carbs, how much is too much……………………………..Page 9 Balance is the key / what type of carbs and when…………………………………….Page 10 – 11 Optimum balance and synergy / calories how much & when……………………….Page 12 – 13 The importance of protein / slow down the aging process…………………………..Page 14 – 15 Timing is critical for protein intake / why 99% of diets fail……………………………Page 15 The second most important nutrient for optimum health……………………………..Page 16 How eating less fat can actually make you FATTER……………………………………Page 16 The cheapest and most effective weight loss aid available………………….………..Page 17 Key supplements to help reach your goals sooner……………………………………..Page 18 Supplements for increasing natural HGH levels…………………………………………Page 18 Pre workout supplements / natural testosterone boosters…………………………….Page 19-20 Acetyl L Carnitine / Glutamine / HMB / Advanced creatine products…………………Page 22 How to accelerate fat burning to a whole new level……………………………………..Page 22-24 Essential fatty acids- we can’t live without them…………………………………………Page 25-26 The importance of anti oxidants……………………………………………………………..Page 27 How to train for less time & still get amazing results……………………………………Page 28-30 Example 3 days per week weight training for beginners………………………………..Page 31-32 Example 3 day split routine for intermediate/advanced trainers………………………Page 33-36 Example nutrition program for male………………………………………………………...Page 37

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Example nutrition program for female………………………………………………………Page 38-39 Advanced Pre Contest nutrition plan for extreme definition……………………………Page 40-41 Power of positive thinking…………………………………………………………………….Page 43 Final word – Steve Jones contact details…………………………………………………..Page 44 Steves Photo gallery……………………………………………………………………………Page 45-46

Author - Steve Jones Pan Pacific Physique Champion, Australasian Champ

Fitness Model

The Keys To Physical Perfection Program Page 4 4/20/2009

MAIN PROGRAM NOTE: No liability is assumed by POWERZONE or the author for any information contained here in. This text does not provide medical advice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health care practitioner before commencing this or any other exercise and nutrition program. THE KEYS To Physical Perfection by Steve Jones INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Keys to Physical Perfection..... You are about to access information that has the power to transform your body into a living work of art! Let the Journey begin There are no barriers, only stepping-stones to higher ground. Use the barriers you come up against as opportunities, challenges, and goals to further your life long pursuit for ultimate physical and mental well-being. Most of all enjoy the wonderful gift of life. It's your life and you are in the drivers seat give it all you've got as you can't beat the feeling of achievement and being in total control. This program is dedicated to all the hours I have spent searching and gathering information and to all the learning experiences I have had. To all of the dedicated people who are in search of a more effective, time saving way to reaching their personal goals. My name as you all know is Steve Jones. I am going to be your guide over the next few hours. I will help you discover your true potential for ultimate physical health and fitness. Some of the things you read below may seem to go against what you have read in the past, but don't worry because many of the things you think you know are right are not so right. Actually they are totally wrong! Yes the truth unfortunately has been hidden from you for many reasons. Some of those are political! Lets just say there is money in promoting certain foods to consumers to make more $$$$$. It is unfortunate that the truth tends to be hidden away so we can be influenced into buying foods that are no good for our health. This program is designed to open your mind to the hidden truth, it is designed not just for hardcore bodybuilders and athletes, but for the average man or woman who wants to lose their love handles or trim the thighs or just improve their health and well being. Not to say it won't work for bodybuilders, as this is what I follow and I have won numerous bodybuilding titles. The program is simple.... Anyone can follow it and get great results with a little determination. I like to keep things simple because too much technical jargon is going to lose most people and confuse them. I would like to start by exposing a few little lies that the food industry etc has been feeding you.

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• Lie no 1. Carbohydrates should make up 70% of your diet. Follow this and you will never, ever

lose weight and get lean.

• Lie no 2. Eating any kind of fat will make you fat. A total lie, fat is necessary for many important functions within the body.

• Lie no 3. You can eat as much complex carbohydrates as you like and not get fat. Any excess

carbs eaten over and above what you need in one day, will be stored as fat.

• Lie no 4. Sugar is good for energy. True if you only want the energy to last for 15 minutes and then have it drop leaving you feeling low and down. Not to mention the fact that the excess sugar will convert to fat and deposit in all the places you don't want it to.

• Lie no 5. Short-term diets help you drop body fat. Wrong, diets don't work full stop. A diet is

something that you hate, how can you stick to or follow something you hate! The only weight you will lose on a short-term diet is water weight, because you are dehydrated. As soon as you start eating normally again you will gain the weight you lost back plus some extra as a bonus. If you want to be serious about getting into shape don't diet.

• Lie no 6. The best form of exercise for losing weight is Aerobics. Wrong again, sorry aerobics

is only one of the keys to losing body fat but not the most important. Muscle burns fat, not aerobics! But, aerobics CAN burn muscle. What does this mean?

Ok, let’s say your muscle cells are your engines (Your fat burning engine) and fat is the fuel. E.g. two people the same weight; one has more lean muscle than the other does. Who burns more fat? Correct the one with more muscle. So what I am trying to say is that TOO MUCH aerobics is a BAD thing and can and will reduce your lean muscle mass there for reducing your fat burning capabilities. The real key is to combine a balanced nutrition program that promotes fat loss, with a complete weight-training program and then add aerobics at key times to boost your fat burning. To accelerate the process we then add selected supplements taken at the right times to enhance the whole process. Don't worry, I will go over all of the above in detail.

• Lie no 7. You have to train in the gym for 2 hours six days a week to get results. Totally wrong,

you can get away with training for 15-20 minutes even less 3 - 4 times per week and still get results. I want to tell you the truth, sometimes the truth hurts but to follow the lies that have been told to you will only lead to constant failure and frustration. So please keep the above seven lies in the back of your mind and if anyone tells you different don't listen, just smile:) as you know the real truth.

As you can see I want to give you the truth, sometimes the truth hurts but it is simply true. To follow the untrue only leads to constant failure and frustration. So please keep the above seven points in the back of your mind and if anyone tells you different don't listen, just smile :) as you know the truth. The Keys that will unlock your true potential I have called this program "The Keys to physical perfection" because keys are designed to "unlock". This is what we are going to do. We are going to work together as a team to unlock you true potential for physical perfection. You will be a leaner more confident person if you follow this program 100%. Below I have outlined the program in "Keys", and each one of these keys is designed to unlock the chains that have been holding you back. Each key is specific to a certain area, so please read them in the order as they appear so you can complete the full "UNLOCK" at the end of this program. Once

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you have read each key you will be amazed at how good you feel armed with this powerful knowledge. Each key will bring you closer to being in total control and gaining more confidence in your life. You will feel strong, energized and be on the road to physical perfection. The most potent drug! More powerful than steroids or growth hormone! I bet you are waiting to hear of some major breakthrough drug OR pro-hormone! Sorry the most powerful drug of all when it comes to the bodybuilding is FOOD! That's right….. plain old food. Are you a bit disappointed, don't worry it's not all that bad.... Because you now know what the most powerful drug in the world is for muscle building and fatloss. If you think I am exaggerating ask yourself this. What is muscle made of? Protein right! Where do you get protein? Steroids, growth hormone...NO sorry you get protein from FOOD! What about energy, where do you get that? Drugs! No, FOOD! Carbohydrates and fats. BUT the most important point I would like to make here is it does NOT MATTER how many steroids or pro-hormones you take. If your diet is NO GOOD you can forget about building muscle or losing fat because it just will not happen. Unfortunately food can either be a GOOD drug or a BAD drug; this all depends on what you eat and when you eat it. Another point I would like to stress is that food does have SIDE EFFECTS just like a drug, but probably a great deal worse than any drug. How can this be? Just try eating junk food for a good 12 months and then you will understand! Here's a little list of side effects:

• Obesity

• Heart disease

• High Cholesterol

• Diabetes

• High blood pressure

• Gout

• Skin problems

• Pre-mature aging

• You feel and look pretty lousy. And the list goes on.... But what if you selected key nutrients and provided your body with only the best food in the precise balance needed to optimize hormone release, build new muscle tissue, lose unwanted fat and slow down the aging process! You can if you follow the Keys to Physical Perfection The information you are now reading has more power than any steroid in the world, but ONLY if you act upon it.

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Let’s have a look at the positive side effects of a balanced nutrition program:

• The ability to build more lean muscle mass

• Lose all the fat you desire

• An increase in self-esteem

• More attractive to the opposite sex (this has got to be a bonus)

• A strong healthy heart

• Stable blood sugar levels

• The ability to slow down the aging process

• Look good in any clothes

• Clear blemish free skin

• Control cholesterol levels

• Most of all you FEEL and LOOK damn good. Tell me now that food is not a powerful drug! KEY ONE: The most important Key to success is Nutrition. Supplying your body with the correct balance of nutrients at the right times to build lean muscle mass, stimulate hormone release and promote fat burning. Nutrition accounts for 80% of your success, so this is where I will spend the most time teaching you the rights and wrongs of eating. First off I am going to cover the controversial high carbohydrate diet that most people follow. Let me start by saying that if carbohydrates were the "wonder foods" then why do so many people fail to lose weight on low-fat, high carb diets. As I stated above there is a great deal of money in the marketing of carbohydrate foods, the reason behind this is that they are very cheap and store for years on a shelf, never have to be refrigerated and can easily be packaged. Where protein is difficult and a much more expensive product to store as it only has a short shelf life and requires refrigeration. This is why carbohydrate based foods are less expensive than protein foods. Compare rice to say chicken breasts or eggs! So economically carbs are a better income for the big companies than protein. It makes sense why they promote a high carb diet on the food pyramid. If you want some good advice don't get sucked in by the high carb sales pitch, it is only providing further income for the big guys and making you are fatter individual. Don't get me wrong you do need carbohydrates but not in abundance, and even then there is good and bad in everything.

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Lets look a little closer at carbohydrates and protein. Question: What fuel does your body use for energy production? Answer: Fat and glucose (carbohydrate). But you have trained your body to use either one or the other over the course of your lifetime. Question: What fuel is the most efficient for providing long-term energy production? Answer: If you said carbohydrate you are wrong. Fats are the preferred fuel by your body and they have been so from the beginning of mankind. OK let’s start with the basics first off... This is very important so read carefully. There are three basic macronutrients these being: Proteins = Amino Acids (the building blocks of life) These are the most important nutrients. Carbohydrates = Short-term energy source. Fats (stored fat + essential fats) = Long-term energy source preferred by muscle cell's. Essential fats are one of if not the most important nutrients that are often overlooked and misunderstood. Dietary fat has been labeled the culprit for many years. Everyone has the idea in their head that eating fat makes you fat. QUESTION: How many of you have followed the low-fat high carbohydrate diet with very little success? Why doesn't this diet work like it’s supposed to? ANSWER: EXCESS CARBOHYDRATES. Remember carbs are short-term energy, and energy from glucose only lasts around 3 hours. Yet we have a huge supply of stored energy in the form of fat on our bodies that we can never tap into because we consume too much carbohydrate. What happens when we eat too much carbohydrate? Ultimately all carbohydrates after digestion enter the blood stream as glucose. Excess carb intake obviously results in higher than normal blood sugar levels. Here comes the good part...... insulin. This little hormone released by the pancreas has many important functions one of them being to keep blood sugar levels at a normal level. It does this by acting as a delivery driver by carrying excess sugar out of the blood stream and storing it in appropriate cells. Muscle cells and the liver take up glucose at a rather slow rate but fat cells usually end up grabbing the majority of the excess glucose. What does all this mean? I hate to say, but you get fatter. All that excess glucose is converted to triglycerides (or simply plain old fat, the saggy stuff around your waist) NOTE: There is one exception to this rule, this being postworkout. After an intense weight workout you body's hungry and does have the ability to soak up additional glucose to replenish glycogen stores. However this is a double edged sword….

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There are two opinions on carbs post workout. Yes your body can suck them up and store as glycogen rather than storing as fat stores, however high sugar levels can suppress HGH levels. For the athlete who is looking to add some muscle size and not too worried about muscular detail it would be fine to ingest some simple carbs. For the athlete preparing for a bodybuilding event or wanting to get that super lean shredded look it would be advisable to stick with just protein after a workout. Obviously this is going to depend on when you do your weight workouts, if you train in the evening it’s not a wise move to ingest a lot of carbs late at night. If you train early or before 3pm carbs post workout should be fine. "All carbohydrates are not equal" THE GLYCEMIC INDEX ( GI ): The glycemic index is a scale to show how quickly sugars are released into the bloodstream from the food we eat. Everything we eat elicits a blood-sugar response. White bread is assigned a GI of 100 the same as sucrose. So basically the higher the number the higher the rise in blood sugar and the opposite applies to foods with a lower GI rating. Other sugars are assigned a rating of 80-100 except fructose, which has a value of about 20. Usually the more processed type of carbs will digest at a faster rate and elicit a sudden rise in blood sugar. Fructose facts: The reason fructose rates so low on the glycemic index is because it never enters your blood stream as glucose! It is in most cases converted to triglycerides in your liver ( fatty acids ) and enters you blood stream as fat. This is why is has confused so many nutritionists over the years into actually believing it is a health food! In fact you are better off ingesting pure glucose because glucose can be metabolized quickly and easily into glycogen and does not follow an elaborate pathway. Hospitals use a glucose drip for patients because your muscle can utilize it and store as glycogen directly. If you received a fructose drip it would in fact kill you or make you very sick. If you goal is to get extremely lean my advice is to avoid fruit all together, stick with more green vegetables and more complex type carbs. Carbohydrate foods such as rice cakes will raise blood sugar levels quicker than eating a mars bar. The reason being is the fat contained in the mars bar slows down the rate at which the sugar enters the blood stream. Also eating carbs on their own will cause a sharper rise in blood glucose levels then if you ate protein and carbs together. So it would not be a good trick to stuff down half a bag of rice cakes or slam down a Gatorade right before your workout. Why? Because of the sugar burst that these foods will give you. Naturally what goes up must come down. By the time you get to the gym your blood sugar levels would be lower than a snakes arse, and that's pretty low! If you are going to consume high glycemic index carbs do so after your workout when your body needs the sudden hit. Any other time during the day we want to keep our blood sugar levels at the lower end of the scale to prevent over production of insulin that will only start the body storing any excess sugar as bodyfat.

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Why Carbohydrate foods are the real problem! I want to keep this explanation as simple as I can. Follow this below. EXCESS CARBS = HIGH BLOOD SUGAR = INSULIN SURGE = FAT STORAGE = " LOVE HANDLES" As you can see it's kind of like a chain reaction that takes place when you over eat carbohydrates. The more glucose in your blood the more insulin released by your pancreas to lower the levels of sugar in your blood. Most of the time your muscle and liver glycogen stores are full, so any glucose not immediately used for energy production will be stored in the fat cells. I hope this information helps you to understand the whole carbohydrate myth and the upside down food pyramid that is promoted by many so-called nutrition experts sponsored by grain companies! Question: Why can't I get my body to burn fat? Answer: Because you have taught your body to burn predominantly carbohydrates for most of your life! You can teach your body to burn either fat or carbs. Carbs being a short-term energy source and fats being a long-term energy source. It’s as simple as this; if you eat more carbs your body uses’s glucose as its main fuel leaving your stored bodyfat untouched. If you eat less carbs your body naturally uses's more stored bodyfat as a fuel source. Now we are talking..... We can now burn some serious bodyfat. Insulin is the KEY to controlling fat storage. Overeating carbohydrates is what release's excess insulin into your blood. Insulin immediately does its job to well and removes any excess glucose out of the blood. The worst part of eating highly processed carbs is that they digest a lot quicker than natural carbs and therefore the sugar enters your blood at an even faster rate. And the faster the rises in blood sugar the faster the falls. Remember the old theory what comes up must come down. INSULIN is again the guilty party; it senses high blood glucose and takes too much sugar out of your blood leaving you feeling lightheaded and tired. To expand upon the story even more; now that you have lower than normal blood sugar levels your body senses this as a danger and stimulates the appetite area of your brain. Then you get savage cravings for sweet foods and hereby the whole process repeats itself kind of like a sugar powered rollercoaster ride out of control. How much is too much when it comes to carbohydrate intake? We need only 3 GMS per kg of bodyweight per day taken at KEY times. This is guide is not cast in stone as some people are super sensitive to carbs and need to cut them back to around 1.5gms per KG. I say KEY times because timing is everything in developing the human body to its utmost potential of lean muscle mass while keeping body fat to an absolute minimum.

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Let me give you an example of carb requirements for someone weighing 90 kilograms, its pretty simple. I.e.: 3gms x 90kgs = 270gms of carbs per day. (Note: this may vary depending upon activity) What we are trying to achieve is a body that burns fat and maintains or builds lean muscle mass. Muscle is our bodies’ engine that burns fat. So naturally we would like to train our bodies to burn fat for fuel and use the right carbs to maintain moderate blood sugar levels during the day. Post workout allows for some simple sugars to be added within reasons, but caution needs to apply if your workouts are late in the evening. Remember everytime you ingest carbs they will suppress your fat burning ability and your HGH release to a degree. However simple carbs after training can provide and insulin shuttle to assist amino acids and glucose for muscle recovery. The way you implement this depends on your goals. Balance is the KEY when it comes to building lean muscle mass and keeping fat to a minimum. So far we have learnt that carbs have to be controlled to get the results that you are aiming for. Selecting the right sort of carbs foods for your day is probably one of the most important KEYS to getting a lean muscular body. An ideal ratio would look like this for the 90kg male example: At 2.5gms of protein per KG of bodyweight: 90 x 2.5 = 225gms per day. 225gms of protein per day divided by 5 = 45gms of protein per meal. The carbohydrate would be: At 3gms of Carbs per KG of bodyweight: 90 x 3 = 270gms ( for weight gain ) At 1.5gms of carbs per KG of bodyweight 90 x 1.5 = 135gms ( for fat loss ) 270gms of carbs per day divided by 5 = 54gms of carbohydrates per meal. 135gms of carbs per day = 27gms per meal NOTE: Keep in mind that if your goal is to really speed up the fat loss I would recommend consuming 1.5gms of carbs per KG of bodyweight per day. Ensure that your afternoon meals are composed of more vegetable ( Fibrous carbs ) rather than the starchy carbs like rice, pasta, potatoes. Last but not least fats: I would stay around the 20gms of fat per day for a 90kg person athlete. So around the 4-5gm mark for fat per meal is ideal. In a typical chicken leg or breast you will get around this amount of fat. Plus you should add 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day either to your food or into a protein drink to maintain fatty acid levels.

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What type of carbohydrates and when? CARBOHYDRATES: The body's chief source of energy (though fat is the most abundant). There are two groups: Divided into- Simple sugars (easily digestible and cause wider swings in blood sugar, which affects mood and may promote greater fat storage) Complex (more slowly released into the bloodstream for time-released energy and fewer fluctuations in blood sugar). For the typical bodybuilder, carbs should make up about 40-50% of his total caloric intake for muscle building. If you goal is weightloss around 30- 40% of your nutrition should come from carbs. Good sources: vegetables, grains (oats) whole grain breads (Rye), brown rice. Foods that are lower on the glycemic index are a better choice for main meals. The lower the number the slower the sugar will be released into your blood. This will give you a long lasting energy rather than a short burst from simple carbs. Make sure you eat a meal high in complex carbs at least two hours before your workout. The only time simple carbs are useful is after a hard workout. We need the quick sugars to replenish glycogen supplies. Post workout carb supplements: You don't need massive amounts of sugar just enough to replenish your reserves and promote a rise in insulin to drive amino acids into your hungry muscle cells. Preferably I would take a liquid supplement that contains glucose and glucose polymers mixed with a protein powder or amino acid supplement. By doing this you are setting in motion the anabolic recovery system within your body. For breakfast you should eat high fiber ( Complex) carbs to slow down the release of sugar into the blood. Rolled oats is a good choice with some egg whites or protein powder. For lunch I would recommend a chicken salad with some brown rice or rye bread. Pre- workout I would have another bowl of rolled oats with some protein powder mixed with low fat milk. For dinner you could have lean beef, fish or chicken with some steamed vegetables and one potato. The above is only a guide. At the end of this program I will have two example nutrition programs one for males and the other for females. Use the glycemic index and the protein and carb counters provided on this site to formulate a program that appeals to your personal tastes. It is very difficult for me to select food groups for people as some may like fish and others chicken. This is very important as it does play an integral part of your program. IMPORTANT NOTE: The nutrition program has to be pleasing to YOUR tastes otherwise you will find it hard to follow. Try and rotate your food groups and vary them as much as possible as this will stop you from getting sick of any one food. This is another reason why diets also fail because they consist of ONLY a small

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selection of foods that get very boring after eating them day in day out week after week. Imagine how some of the people felt who followed the grapefruit diet!! After a month on this program they probably started to look like a grapefruit :) The key words to remember here are precision, synergy & consistency. SYNERGY = Nutrients do not function at their best when eaten on their own. They function only by interactions with each other. Each nutrient enhances the effect of the other to potentiate the actions on a whole. We must now balance our protein intake with our carbohydrate intake. Along with this we must supplement with essential fatty acids or Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) to balance our diet. I feel for every 40gms of protein you should consume just under or the same in carbs. So naturally if I have 40gms of protein I would take in 35-40gms of carbohydrate and also supplement with ½ teaspoon of Parent Essential Oils to provide the Omega 6 and 3 your body needs to produce natural hormones and maintain optimum cellular functions. Optimum balance and synergy for nutritional perfection PRECISION: There is only a narrow intake of each nutrient that will produce optimum results, nothing should be consumed in excess as this will only create an imbalance in the body. We can and we will optimize our own hormone levels through the precise amounts and timed placement of macro and micronutrients. The answer has always been right in front of our eyes; we have just been looking in the wrong direction, towards calories instead of nutrients. The ultimate answer is precise nutrition through quality food and quality supplementation with the latest scientifically proven products. It has taken me 25 years of trial and error to come up with this program; I have tried just about every diet and training program under the sun. I always knew there was a fundamental way of eating and training to constantly build lean muscle and lose fat. Bodybuilders are extremists, and this trait could be their worst downfall as it negates against the meaning of the word balance and synergy. Too much protein, too many calories, too much training to many drugs, extremism equals frustration and confusion not success. Moderation, balance, precision, synergy and consistency = SUCCESS. HOW MANY CALORIES? I am not an advocate of counting calories or getting obsessed with numbers as this becomes too much of a burden and a pain for most people to keep track of and control. Although for those who are interested in this topic I have provided the information below for educational purposes. Understand that it is far easier to use the portion method and all you need to do to understand this is divide your meal plate into portions. Try and keep half of the plate protein food, the other half should be a break down of half starchy carbs like rice or potatoes and the other half fibrous carbs like vegetables. A good starting point is to find your basal metabolic rate (BMR), a measure of how many calories it takes to support your bodily processes at rest. This rate varies from person to person and is strongly influenced by age, gender, genetics and body composition.

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The more muscular you are the more calories you will burn even while you are resting. So this is another reason to increase you lean muscle mass and increase your fat-burning engines. You also must take into account the number of calories you burn during daily activities and exercise. REF.1 (BMR) Follow the calculation to obtain your (BMR) Take your body weight and divide it by 2.2 (E.g. 200 Divided by 2.2= 90.91kg) Take that amount and times it by 24 (E.g. 90.91x 24= 2181.84) That's how many calories your body would need to sustain it at rest. Depending how active you are you may need to increase your daily caloric intake. Please note that calories are only one factor to consider more importantly is the nutrient content of the food that you consume because your body recognizes nutrients and not just calories. REF 2 (GMS Cal) If you follow the calculations of protein at 2.5gms per KG of bodyweight The fat at 0.22gms per KG of bodyweight And the carbohydrate at 3gms per KG of bodyweight you will find that the equations work out as follows: E.g.: 90 kg man = 225gms of protein per day = 270gms of Carbohydrates per day = 19.8gms of Fat per day 1 GM of protein = 4 calories X 225gms = 900 calories 1 GM of Carbohydrate = 4 calories X 270 = 1080 calories 1 GM of fat = 9 calories = 9 calories X 19.8 = 178.2 calories Total calories after adding the protein, carbohydrates and fats together comes out to- 2158 per day (BMR) Which you will find is pretty much the same as the REF.1 (BMR) calculation. Use this only as a guide but ensure to select quality protein foods and low glycemic index foods to get the best results. Remember calories are only numbers, your body does not know numbers it ONLY knows nutrient values. The ideal situation is to select foods that are low in calories but very HIGH in nutrient VALUE. THIS IS THE REAL SECRET TO BUILDING LEAN MUSCLE AND LOSING FAT AT THE SAME TIME.

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Please note that BALANCE is the most important KEY to success in developing a sound program So try and stick to the calculations in REF2 in regards your ratios of protein/carbs/fats. THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTEIN -"Are you getting enough?" It's a simple fact: that Protein is the most important nutrient for building muscle and enhancing the anabolic state. If you don't consume enough quality protein on a regular basis, you can say goodbye to quality muscle gains and fat loss. Most people are not getting even a quarter of the protein they require in one day. It is important to understand that up to 65% of the protein you eat is lost during the digestion process. Although because your body is working by digesting the solid protein it is also boosting your ability to burn fat. Another good reason why solid protein foods are far superior to milk based protein drinks. What happens when you don't supply enough protein? When the body is low on protein it is leached from muscle cells for growth and repair in areas that need it within the body. This is especially true after strenuous workouts. Basically you must ingest some form of protein every 3 hours to prevent your body from literally eating itself away. How would you like to slow down the aging process? I am sure you will all answer yes to this question and one way of slowing down aging is to ensure you are getting your recommended allowance of protein per day. This is called positive-nitrogen balance. Meaning we are not chewing into our own muscle tissues and we have an adequate supply from dietary sources to rebuild new cells. What is the biggest cause of premature aging? Lack of nutrients....more importantly proteins as these are the building blocks for NEW Cells. What happens to starved cells......They die off. When cells continually die off naturally we are going to age at an accelerated rate. It’s a simple supply and demand scenario. You have to supply your body with what it needs to meet the demands. You don't meet the demands and you will simply speed up the aging process. Which one do you prefer? Age fast or age slow, the decision is yours. You can control it if you want to. How do we keep our bodies in a positive nitrogen balance to prevent loss of muscle cells? To maintain a positive nitrogen balance, you need to ingest high-quality, complete protein. Egg whites, lean beef, fish, poultry, are the optimum choices. Vegetable sources such as beans are much less effective at maintaining positive nitrogen balance because they're considered incomplete; that is, they don't contain all the essential amino acids necessary to form a complete protein. So how much protein do you need? Study after study has shown that the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 50 grams protein a day is far below what you should consume if you want to succeed in achieving lean muscular body. In

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fact, even with double the RDA, the body goes into a negative nitrogen balance after a brief period of intense exercise and starts to chew up your own muscle tissue. As a basic rule aim for 2.5 grams of complete protein per Kilo of bodyweight per day. The old saying you are what you eat is truer than you ever may think! Your cells are in a constant state of renewal every day of your life. Muscle cells are made from proteins; These proteins are replaced by the proteins that you take in, so naturally the quality of the foods you have eaten over the last six months determines what the end quality of your body composition is. Garbage in garbage out. "Don't expect to build a body on twinkles and donuts" How is your body going to re-build hungry cells from Twinkies and’s not. The funny thing is when you are young your body can amazingly patch up and make use of the rubbish you put into it, but it is not running at an optimum level and it is still deficient in what it requires to rebuild new cells. As the years go by the body gets less and less capable of patching up the damage you are doing. Then if not rectified more and more damage is done sometimes beyond repair. E.g. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, premature aging, arthritis, gout and the list goes on. Let me make a comparison; It’s like putting thick oil into your car rather than premium fuel and then wondering WHY it breaks down in a couple of years. For your body to run like a dream you need to feed it good quality clean foods that supply all of the nutrients your body needs to rebuild new cells. The weird thing is many people spend hours on their cars, polishing, adding the best oils the best hot mag wheels and yet feed themselves a pile of empty junk food! Hey, you can always buy a new car but a new body is not yet available on the market. "Timing is critical when it comes to protein intake" PROTEIN Powders: To make things 100% clear, there are no substitutes for solid protein foods. Dairy based whey protein powders are ok if used in moderation but they do not come close To the efficiency of good old steak,eggs, chicken and fish. Protein drinks are made for convenience but they lack the metabolic benefits of solid protein foods. In fact most protein powders are highly processed products stripped of all mother nature’s original nutritional qualities. Who should use protein powders? If you are built like a pipe cleaner and you can see your ribs then protein powders will help fill out your frame so make the perfect tool for the very skinny novice athlete. If you are a bodybuilder and seek to add bulk without too much worry that it may be a bulky waistline then you are good to go with the protein drinks. Keep in mind no matter what some companies may say all proteins do contain some lactose and this is a milk sugar that softens your physique. Who should avoid protein powders? If you have trained for a number of years and have a degree of quality muscle and want to keep your body looking quality I would suggest maybe one or two high quality shakes per day at the max. If you goal is to stay really lean avoid protein shakes all together and run with solid protein and a amino acid formula like Leukadron.

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Which protein powders do I recommend? If you are looking for pure quality ion exchange whey protein I would suggest Horley’s ice whey. It is manufactured by one of the leading dairy companies in the world and you can guarantee it will be true to label. As a full meal type replacement I personally have had success with Met RX drink mixes. This product is very well known in the USA and I have known of top US athletes use Met Rx extensively and get great results. I can confirm when I use Met RX I stay nice and sharp with no gain in body fat percentage. How many protein drinks per day? Timing is the key, and pre and post workout are always key times when your body require adequate protein to prevent loss of muscle and facilitate muscle growth and recovery. My advice would be to run with a max of twice per day, pre and post workout and keep the rest of your meals solid. What about amino acids? I personally use the advanced amino acid formula Leukadron to supplement my protein requirements because I am not a big fan of milk based protein drinks as I find I have an intolerance to lactose and they make my body hold onto that last little bit of fat under the skin. Call me fussy but after 25 years of training that’s just how I am. Leukadron is a state of the art product that contains all the essential amino acids needed for muscle growth and repair along with high doses of the Branch Chain Amino acids. It is one of the first amino acid formulas to contain three forms of the anabolic amino acid L Leucine- Free form L Leucine, Leucine Gluconate and Leukik. On top of this it also contains a new ingredient called NCG ( N Carbamyl Glutamate) that has been shown in recent research to enhance protein synthesis and increase natural HGH levels. I actually mix 2-3 teaspoons of the Leukadron with 2 teaspoons of the After Shock formula into my drink bottle and take it to the gym. I drink it throughout my workout to ensure my muscles are getting a constant supply of amino acids to facilitate growth. If you are trying to get extreme leaness stick with solid protein foods and pure form amino acids as contained in the Leukadron and After shock, ensure to avoid heavy use of milk based protein powders unless you are the ectomorph type frame who is very skinny with a super fast metabolic rate. Why 99% of most diets fail? Eating heavy food or snacking at night while watching TV. Plain and simple buts it’s the truth. The best way to avoid these evening munchy sessions is to have NO JUNK in your fridge or pantry. Get rid of it because if it’s there you will eat it and regret it. Keep yourself occupied, do a crossword, read, use the net for research. TV is no good because it’s boring and when you are bored you get HUNGRY. Another thing I have found effective is drink more water, as thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Drink a good 500ml of water and then see how you feel, I am sure your appetite with suppress. The second most important nutrient for optimum health.....Fat!! So far we have learned that cells are in a constant state of renewal. Within 6 -12 months every cell in your body has been renewed from the food that you have consumed. More importantly protein as a

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KEY building block for new cells. We have also looked into the truth about carbohydrates and why they are not the wonder food they are made out to be. Actually they are more of a profit food for the powers that be. Remember don't be misled by the carbohydrate scam. Now I would like to explain why fat is actually the second most important nutrient within the human body. Yes I said FAT, that 3-letter word everyone loves to hate. But fat can actually work for us if we know how to use and in a balanced nutrition program. IS FAT REALLY THE ENEMY? We've become a nation of fat-phobias. We hate fat. Fat is bad, fat is the enemy. The media has scared many of us away from ingesting even the smallest amounts of fat. No, you aren't going to get any high-fat diet recommendations here, but you do need a certain amount of fat in your diet. Why? Fats help build some hormones, provide an alternate energy source for long-term activity, are necessary for the storage of specific fat-soluble vitamins and can help boost your calories high enough to keep you out of a catabolic state. More important is the kind and amount of fat you consume, and the majority should come from unsaturated fats (you'll get enough saturated fat from meat and butter). Introducing essential fatty acids: PEOS ( Parent Essential Oils ) Two unsaturated fats, linoleic and linolenic acid, must come from your diet because they aren't produced in the body hence the word ESSENTIAL. The best sources are oily fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel and trout, and PEOs ( Parent Essential Oils) This term “Parent Essential Oils” refers to the only two true essential fatty acids: parent omega-6 (LA) and parent omega-3 (ALA). The term “parent” is used because these are the whole, unadulterated form of the only two essential fats your body demands, as they occur in nature. Once PEOs are consumed your body changes a small percentage of them—about 5%—into other biochemicals called “derivatives,” while leaving the remaining 95% in parent form. This is crucial to understand. There are a host of omega-6 and omega-3 oils being sold as EFAs that are not EFAs, but rather nonessential derivatives such as EPA, DHA, and GLA. Fish oils are made up almost exclusively of omega-3 derivatives. Scientifically and biochemically, calling derivatives such as EPA, DHA and GLA by the term “EFA” is wrong. Derivatives are not EFAs because they are not essential—your body has the ability to make them as needed. My research has shown that supplementing with the derivatives so commonly found in the marketplace and mislabeled as “EFAs” can easily be harmful to your health. Why are the parent forms—PEOs—so important? Many of the EFAs sold in the stores consist of manufactured EFA derivatives. Your body doesn’t need or want these derivatives, because it makes its own derivatives out of the Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) you consume as it needs them. Taking fish oil and other health-food-store “EFAs” often overdoses you with derivatives, which can be very harmful. Don’t make the common “EFA mistake” by unknowingly substituting derivatives for parents! Since the term has become so confused by so many it is time to focus on the essence of what they are and why they are so vital to our health and wellbeing. Our bodies require special fats that make it possible, among other important functions, for sufficient oxygen to reach the cells. These special fats are highly oxygen absorbing, and are called EFAs. However, the PEOs (Parent Essential Oils)—not the commonly termed EFAs—are what’s important. PEOs consist of parent omega-6 and parent omega-3. “Parent” means they are the whole form of the essential oil as it occurs in nature before it’s broken down or built up into other biochemical substances, which are called “derivatives.” However, PEOs are essential and must be supplied from outside the body every day, from foods and certain oils. Your body can’t manufacture PEOs (commonly termed EFAs) on its own—they MUST be consumed daily.

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Every one of your 100 trillion cells is surrounded by a membrane (a thin enclosure). The cell membrane is half fat—it contains virtually no structural carbohydrate. A portion of the fat making up the membrane is saturated. “Saturated” means chemically nonreactive—in other words, it doesn’t easily react with, or absorb, the oxygen that comes into contact with it. The other portion of the fat in the membrane is, however, “unsaturated”—it DOES easily absorb oxygen. One of the major functions of unsaturated (also called “polyunsaturated”) fats in the cell membrane is to help the inside of the cell absorb oxygen. The saturated fats in the membrane function as a barrier to help protect the delicate, highly reactive, oxygen-absorbing, energizing, unsaturated fats in the membrane. For more info on PEO’s visit this link How eating less fat can actually make you FATTER! PLEASE NOTE: The worst thing you can do when trying to lose weight is declare a total war against all fats and omit them from your program. Your body is far smarter than you are and will go into defense mode. It will sense that you are dangerously low in essential fats and will first off slow down your metabolism, reducing your fat burning engines. Secondly it releases a sneaky little enzyme called lipoprotein lipase, its job is to search around the body for even the smallest amount of fat and then grab it and store it. Not a good set-up! Thirdly your appetite will soar to a whole new level and your will be ravenous. As you can see by knocking fat on the head you can cause more damage and create further frustration for yourself. By adding one teaspoon of flaxseed oil to a protein drink, or sprinkled on a meal will not make you fatter, if anything it will enable you to lose more bodyfat. I would also recommend taking supplementing your diet with ½ teaspoon of PEO’s twice per day to balance out your essential fatty acid levels and maintain optimum health for your cell membranes. The cheapest and most effective weight loss aid available! PURE WATER You must consume at least 2-3 liters of water per day to optimize fat loss and to keep your kidneys cleansed. Being thirsty is NOT a good indication of whether you need water, by this time it is too late you are already dehydrated. Pure water flushes out toxins from the breakdown of stored bodyfat and there for does accelerate the fat loss process. Also a fully hydrated muscle cell is FAR MORE anabolic than a dehydrated muscle cell. You will find that by drinking more water your muscles will look fuller and tighter plus your skin will appear to be thinner. You will be going to the toilet more often but this is good it is a natural diuretic action that takes place when more water is consumed. First thing in the morning I suggest drinking 500mls of pure water to flush your kidneys, as they will be somewhat congested after sleep. I actually mix a special little drink that contains green barley, greens powder, maca powder, vitamin C blend and physillium . Then I add a little diet orange juice for taste. It acts as a mild laxative and really helps to cleanse the digestive system, which is very important to keep you healthy on the inside. These green and red vegetable super foods contain high levels of powerful natural antioxidants, vitamins and minerals the way mother nature intended. I also find that it improves the quality of my skin tone. I always take a water bottle with me to the gym and consume around 1 liter of water while training. A dehydrated muscle is also a weak muscle, so fuel up on water to gain strength. NOTE: Try to keep your water intake at least 1/2 and hour before meals and one hour after, as drinking too much liquid with meals can dilute important digestive enzymes. Stick with just a small glass of water with a meal.

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Timing is everything! You can see that precise timing of nutrients is the key behind achieving that edge over your fellow trainer who haphazardly throws in any kind of food at anytime of the day with very little thought. This hit and miss approach will only produce hit and miss results and waste valuable time. Everyone who trains wants to see quick results so why not weigh the odds in your favor by applying a systematic approach to your training and nutritional intake. Summary & Overview You are now armed with the knowledge to design a nutrition program that will have you on your way to a fitter, more muscular new you. The first step is to work out your protein requirements for the day per KG of bodyweight this is The most important aspect as without protein you are doomed to failure. Then work out your carbohydrate intake for the day followed by the fat intake. The next step is to divide the totals into five or six meals, this will then give you an even nutrient flow throughout the day to keep your blood sugar levels and protein levels at a constant. Once you have done this it is a matter of selecting the protein foods you prefer. Then the carbohydrates. And the fats will more or less be in the food you eat, all you need to do is add the appropriate essential fats. KEY supplements to make things easier for you! DO I REALLY NEED TO USE SUPPLEMENTS? How often do you here the old story of "I don't need supplements I get everything I need from my diet".When you here someone say this just laugh because you know better. By the time we purchase our vegetables or fruit and overcook our food how much nutrient do you think there is left? Well sure you can survive on it but to think you can reach your true physical potential on standard supermarket food is only wishful thinking. Personally I can see the difference in the quality of my muscle size, shape and definition when I don't take my supplements. Anything I spend on my body does not bother me, because I look at it as an investment in my health and vitality. Not to mention I look a great deal better also. Training only serves one purpose and that is to stimulate your body to grow, it doesn't make you grow. So don't be one of those people who spend 80% of the time in the gym and 20% of your time eating the odd chicken and rice meal and expect to grow!!! Because you won't. Muscle only grows when supplied with the precise nutrients at the precise time of the day, and on a regular basis. Off and on nutrition will just not cut it. Consistent training coupled with quality food and scientifically engineered supplements is the only way to achieve your true genetic potential. SUPPLEMENTS FOR MAXIMIZING GROWTH HORMONE PRODUCTION: HGH Formulation - The Ultimate Anti-aging and longevity Growth Hormone Stimulator. This product is simply amazing, nothing comes close to the quality and effectiveness of this unique formula whether your goals are to increase lean muscle and reduce fat or simply improve the quality of your life. Potassium: A deficiency in potassium will reduce levels of growth hormone and IGF and inhibit lean tissue growth. So make sure your diet is high in natural potassium and also supplement your daily

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intake. Green leafy vegetables are a good source of natural potassium. 500mgs of Chelated potassium 3 times per day should be sufficient. Vitamin C: Vitamin C intake must also be adequate to activate the growth hormone releasing hormone, somatocrinin. So ensure you take your vitamin C supplement daily to insure you of any deficiencies. Calcium ascorbate is one of the better sources because it is no-acidic. 1/4 of a teaspoon 3 times per day should be sufficient. Phosphatidyl Choline And Pantothenic acid B5 Another condition for growth hormone release is adequate supplies of phospatidyl choline and pantothenic acid. These are the main constituents of the brain neurotransmitter acetylcholine,one job of acetylcholine is to reduce the hormone that inhibits release of growth hormone. And vitamin C helps acetylcholine do the job lecithin gel caps are a good source of Phosphatidyl choline and it also has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and help lower blood pressure. Pantothenic acid or Vit B-5 is available from most health food stores. A dose of 3x1000mg lecithin caps 3 times a day plus B-5 500mg 3x per day should be sufficient. POST WORKOUT GROWTH HORMONE RELEASE. We can create a cascade of hormonal responses postworkout by combining intense weight training with precise timing and intake of advanced amino acids supplements. By combining two amino acids L Arginine Pyroglutamate and L Lysine in precise amounts it has been scientifically proven to increase HGH levels by up to 700%. For more information on HGH and amino acids visit this site. NOTE: Consuming protein and carbs together elicits a greater loading of muscle glycogen stores than just carbohydrates alone, however carbs do have a tendency to lower suppress HGH levels. This is one of my favorite pre workout supplement plan: 1 teapoon of Ignite II triple fuel delivery system 3 hours prior to exercise 1 teaspoon of Ignite II triple fuel delivery system 30 minutes prior to exercise Ignite II is a state of the art sport supplement that helps to increase anaerobic and aerobic energy. It also helps buffer lactic acid and remove toxic levels of ammonia from the body that contribute to muscular fatigue. This is my essential post workout supplement plan: ( 3 teaspoons ) 9gms of After Shock devastating post workout formulation within 10-30 minutes of my workout. Plus 3 teaspoons of Leukadron advanced amino acid peptide formula. Taken with a carb drink for off season , pre contest just with water. NOTE: Workouts should be kept to 30-40 minutes maximum. GH levels peak at 20 minutes and start to decrease after 45 minutes. This is a good reason to keep your workouts short hard, 30 seconds rest between sets. I will cover the training later on in the program. INCREASING NATURAL TESTOSTERONE LEVELS: Increasing natural testosterone levels is a lot harder to do than increasing natural GH levels. But by stimulating Growth hormone you can increase testosterone levels. It achieves this difficult task by enhancing the action of luteinizing hormone, the direct influence on testosterone production. So while we not only get the benefits from increasing our natural growth hormone levels, we also get an added bonus of testosterone.

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Vitamin C has a strong influence on testosterone production because high intakes of ascorbic acid partially inhibit the adrenal gland response to ACTH, so that it makes less of the catecholamine hormones. Therefore more of the body's pregnenolone is available for conversion to testosterone. Vitamin C deficiency is notorious for destruction of testicular tissue through its effects on testosterone. So make sure you take your daily supply of Vitamin C. The mineral Zinc also dramatically influences testosterone production. These effects occur because the leydig cells in the testes that produce testosterone require continuous adequate supplies of zinc to maintain their function. Inadequate zinc even for a week, retards muscle growth and weakens immunity. INCREASING NATURAL TESTOSTERONE Below you will find three of the most effective herbal extracts known to assist with increasing natural testosterone levels. These extracts are not steroids, they work on stimulating your own body to produce hormones naturally. Protodioscin - Natures Testosterone Enhancer You may have heard of Tribulus Terrestris and it’s natural testosterone boosting properties. You may have actually tried a tribulus product in the past. It’s important to understand not ALL Tribulus is created equal and it's the actual active ingredient protodioscin and total saponins that make all the difference between getting incredible results! Before you buy any Tribulus ensure you check for total saponins and Protodioscin content as all the successful studies conducted on Tribulus had at least 40% Protodioscin. Shocking test analysis shows many tribulus products contain ZERO Protodioscin Protodioscin is the active ingredient in Tribulus and has been shown to increase sex drive,testosterone levels & sperm count. However, NOT all Tribulus is equal and in a recent analysis of some name-brand Tribulus products results showed them to contain as little as 1.5mgs of Protodioscin or less per serve! The Benefits of High Protodioscin Tribulus are well documented by Science. - Increase testosterone by 30% without side effects shown in study in males taking 750mgs per day for 5 days - Dramatically and safely increases sex drive/libido in both men and women - Ideal, safe non-hormonal sports nutrition supplement. ( No side-effects from harmful steroids ) - Dramatically speeds muscle and energy recovery, increases strength levels. - Greatly improves mood and self-confidence. - Reduces cholesterol and high blood pressure in clinical trials. - Alleviation of symptoms of sexual frigidity in women Trigonella Foenum Graecum ( Fenugreek Extract ) Fenusides are a group of saponins extracted from the plant Trigonella Foenum Graecum. Fenusides appear to have a mode of action through the Adrenal Cortex. They appear to stimulate the secretion of Corticotropin Releasing Hormone [CRH] from the Hypothalamus in the brain.

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The CRH reaches the Anterior Pituitary Gland and stimulates it to produce Adrenocorticotropic Hormone [ACTH]. ACTH then acts on the cells of the Adrenal Cortex stimulating them to produce Androgens. Androgens are precursors to Testosterone with Testosterone like activity, the common one being Androstenedione. Testosterone itself has 19 carbons and such a steroidal skeleton in general is called an Androgenic Skeleton. Fenusides help in simulating Luteinizing Hormone [LH] secretion. LH is secreted by the pituitary glands in response to negative feedback from Testosterone. The negative feedback effect of Testosterone is actually produced by the conversion of Testosterone to 5-Alpha Reduced Androgens like 5-Alpha-DHT. So LH then stimulates the Interstitial Cells of Leydig in the testes to produce Testosterone. Testosterone then produces 5-Alpha-DHT and the cycle goes on. Testosterone has anabolic and androgenic activities. Anabolic Activity relates to role played in development of Muscle Mass. Androgenic Activity relates to role played in development of sexual characteristics of the human body like growth and development of male sex organs, male sexual drive and performance, spermatogenesis etc. Fenusides have shown Testosterone boosting activity which leads to Anabolic and Androgenic activity consistent with the above hypothesis. Fenusides also seem to have Testosterone like properties on their own. They seem to bind to the Testosterone receptor sites in the body and stimulate anabolic and androgenic activity. This has been verified by studies done on castrated male Swiss Wistar rats wherein administration of Fenusides has led to anabolic and androgenic activity similar to Testosterone. Ashwagandha - ( Withania Somnifora ) Ashwagandha, also know by the names Indian ginseng and Wild Cherry, has been used in Ayurvedic practice for thousands of years as a "rasayna" or "life path" herb to restore healthy balance throughout the body. Science has isolated several active constituents that are responsible for Withania somnifera's medicinal properties. So far, 12 alkaloids and 35 steroidal alctones have been isolated in the ashwagandha root. Alkaloids such as anaferine, anahygrine, cuscohygrine, iron pseudotropine, scopoletin, somniferinine, tropanal and withanine found in ashwagandha impart pain relieving and antiseptic properties to the plant. Steroidal lactones such as withanolides (withaferin A and withanolide D in particular) are believed to work as hormone precursors to aid in the production of hormones when levels drop. Functionally, it is believed that the plant hormone precursors can also serve to block the function of excess hormones from exerting a negative effect on the body. Boosting your sex drive naturally! These three potent extracts also play an integral role in increasing sex drive in both men and women. Where can I find these potent herbal extracts? Brute Force II Reloaded contains these 3 potent herbal extracts in one powerful formula. The product is available in an easy to take capsule form and can be taken 30 minutes prior to exercise for those seeking to increase muscle size and strength. For further information on Brute Force click here

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Do Pro-Hormones live up to their reputation? Not at all, they can in fact have worse side effects than actual steroids! If you are competing in a natural event you have to be aware that Pro Hormones will be banned so don’t even think of using anything related to a pro hormone. Another point to keep in mind is pro hormones can actually be a great deal more harmful than steroids themselves! This has been proven in some recent scientific studies in the USA. Pro hormones are in fact closely related to steroids, the molecule has just been tweaked a little to fall into the legal/grey area so they can be sold on the free market. My advice would be to stay clear of prohormones and opt for a more natural approach by increasing your own natural levels through herbal extracts. I have in fact heard of numerous athletes who have taken pro hormones and experienced some bad side effects after they have stopped using the products. This is due to the impact that pro hormones can have on your body’s own natural production. You can actually shut down your own production of testosterone and it can take months to correct in some cases. My suggestion is to work on stimulating your own natural levels with herbal extracts like those found in Brute Force II re-loaded. ALC Acetyl-L-Carnitine and testosterone. Studies found that ALC has the ability to actually stimulate testosterone production so it increases training drive and intensity. ALC is the only product I know of that has steroid like effects but without the negative side effects. Another advantage of ALC is that it is very anticatabolic. It has the ability to prevent decrease in plasma testosterone after chronic exercise stress. After a killer workout our testosterone levels will not be reduced so the catabolic (tearing down) effects of the workout will be lessened and the anabolic (muscle building) effects are increased. You remain in a continuous anabolic state, sort of the way steroids work. Also the medical community is showing interest in ALC because of its protective effects on the brain, the heart and various other organs. It has showed positive effects on some signs of aging and is said to lower cholesterol levels. ALC also increases your sex drive through the increased testosterone levels. Many bodybuilders’ sex drives go up and down with steroid use. With ALC this negative is eliminated. Apparently with the ALC adding Glutamine, branch chain aminos, and essential nutrients increase the effects increased to even higher levels. Glutamine Powder The amino acid Glutamine is without a doubt one of the best if not the best amino acid supplement for increasing recovery times and boosting immune functions. I recommend taking a product that contains pure glutamine peptides like Glutamine Alpha Keto Glutarate and N Acetyl Glutamine as these are superior to the standard L Glutamine because of the absorption and bioavailability. After Shock contains both forms of Glutamine along with Arginine –Hmb bond and Tri Creatine Hmb Bond.

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L-Leucine the Anabolic Activator leucine activates a molecule known as Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). This cellular machine ends up activating the initiation factors and increasing a cells capacity to increase protein synthesis. The amazing thing is that mTOR is sensitive to leucine concentration, growth factors released from exercise, energy status in the cell, and insulin concentrations. Therefore for protein synthesis to act optimally it requires an interaction between all of these factors. In summary increased leucine concentration activates mTOR, which activates protein synthesis, and increases a cells capacity to produce new proteins. Summary: Leucine > mTOR >Protein Synthesis > Skeletal Muscular Growth Are there any supplements that can activate the mTOR factors? Yes Powerzone’s new product Leukadron contains 3 advanced forms of the amino acid L Leucine so you can turn on your muscle building engines like never before. Supplementing and timing for maximum Anabolic effect. If you administer leucine alone, protein synthesis rises for only 30 minutes, but if you provide other essential amino acids then protein synthesis remains elevated for at least 2 hours. Thus, they play a supporting role. Also leucine administered alone can lower the concentration of other amino acids, particular other BCAAs. This is because leucine stimulates the enzyme which degrades all BCAAs. If given in the absence of other BCAAs, they will lower in concentration, and protein synthesis will lower with their decrease. Introducing Leukadron and Advanced forms of Leucine Research suggest that peptide bonded forms of amino acids offer superior absorption and carry additional metabolic benefits when it comes to activating protein synthesis in the body. It makes sense to cover all bases when supplementing with L Leucine by ensuring the supplement contains not only free form L leucine, but also some advanced peptides. L-leucine-ketoisocaproic acid calcium is a peptide made up of L leucine bound to alpha-ketoisocaproic acid calcium. KIC is a branched-chain keto acid (BCKA) that has been shown to have anti-catabolic effects – meaning it can help prevent muscle loss. BCKAs also aid in a muscle's energy production, while also helping to remove ammonia that can cause fatigue after intense training. Quicker uptake equals a faster anabolic response! The faster we can deliver the L leucine into our hungry muscle cells the better the anabolic effect. L leucine Gluconate is free form L leucine bound to the the ion form of Gluconic acid. Gluconic acid is an organic compound with molecular formula C6H12O7 and condensed structural formula HOCH2(CHOH)4COOH. In aqueous solution at neutral pH, gluconic acid forms the gluconate ion. The salts of gluconic acid are known as "gluconates". Gluconic acid and gluconate salts occur widely in nature because such species arise from the oxidation of glucose. What this basically means is L leucine Gluconate ( Leuconate ) could possibly be one of the most anabolic forms of l leucine because the faster the response the faster the anabolic switches are turned on activating the powerful mTOR factors. Essential Amino Acids for total synergy. It is recommended to include the key essential amino acids (EAAs) to optimize total Leucine uptake and prevent enzyme reactions prevent the other BCAAs from being absorbed.

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Aim for a ratio of 2:1:1 for the Branch Chain Amino acids plus one or preferably two advanced peptide forms of L leucine e.g L-leucine-ketoisocaproic acid calcium and L Leucine Gluconate. Putting it all together L leucine appears to be one of the key players in anabolism and there is substantial scientific research to validate it’s efficacy. Run a search for “Leucine mtor” on for a closer look at the research. Leucine supplementation may well be a natural bodybuilders dream come true. Powerzone Nutrition’s Leukadron contains 3 powerful forms of L-Leucine including the exciting new fast acting Leuconate, along with Leu-Kik and free form L Leucine. On top of this the formula contains the high levels of the essential amino acids and N Carbamyl Glutamate(NCG) to enhance protein synthesis and HGH release. For more information on Leukadron visit Creatine monohydrate for size and strength Does it actually work? That is the big question in regards the effectiveness of Creatine on increasing muscle size and strength. From my own personal experiences I would have to say yes. It works as long as you know how and when to take it plus the product you select must be of a good quality. Timing once again is of utmost importance, pre workout is still the best time to take Creatine. Forget all the talk about not combining it with glutamine and protein this is hogwash. Creatine is present in red meat and red meat also contains protein and the amino acid glutamine. Obviously the way nature intended, so why is it so bad to take Creatine and glutamine together. Well, I believe it is not bad at all, this is just another marketing ploy by many supplement companies who sell each item separately.....Basically they want MORE MONEY out of you. NOTE: Not all Creatine is created equal! Standard creatine has now become a thing of the past as science has allowed us to move on with superior peptide bonds like Tri Creatine Malate , Creatine Ethyl Ester Malate,and the new Creatine boosters L Citrulline malate. Good old Creatine monohydrate was good in its day but as with anything in this world, we move on to more advanced forms through science and technology. Taking creatine monohydrate is like watching black and white television, it’s old and out dated. The new advanced forms are like watching the latest HD television. It’s not all about creatine! Creatine is just one aspect of a pre workout formula and results can and will be increasing 10 fold if you supplement with a product that contains L Citrulline Malate and advanced peptides of Arginine. There is a whole lot more to pre workout supplements than simple creatine monohydrate. Finish the job that creatine starts! Taking creatine only addresses half of the equation of muscle energy, recovery, and growth!!! Creatine works by supporting and enhancing the anaerobic production of energy in the muscle. Unfortunately, it does nothing to address the production of aerobic energy in the muscle. This is where L Citrulline Malate comes in. L Citrulline Malate has been shown to increase aerobic ATP production in the muscle by 34%! The result is a marked decrease in fatigue and a substantial increase in aerobic exercise performance. L Citrulline Malate does this in part by stimulating the removal and utilization for energy of the lactic acid formed during anaerobic glycolysis.

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L Citrulline Malate also works synergistically with creatine in another way as well. After exercise your creatine phosphate levels are depleted and it takes a while for the free creatine in your muscles to be rephosphorylated. With L Citrulline Malate, the rate of phosphocreatine recovery after exercise is increased by 20%! This means that you recover more quickly between weight training sessions giving yourself a better opportunity to grow faster.L Citrulline Malate stimulates the urea cycle and therefore markedly increases the body’s ability to remove ammonia. Ammonia is a toxic metabolic by product produced by your muscles, especially during intense exercise. Ammonia is very toxic to the body and muscles; the buildup of ammonia in the body results in a rapid onset of fatigue. If the levels are not reduced, they can lead to muscle catabolism and interference with brain function. Severe ammonia toxicity can lead to organ failure, and eventually death. Hyper-Volumizing Taurine Ethyl Ester ( T-EE ) Taurine is the second most abundant amino acid in muscle, some muscle biologists have determined that it is Taurine rather than glutamine which is the most voluminous amino represented in striated type 2 muscle fiber! Taurine has several critical functions and can act similar to creatine in that it expands your cells by helping the muscle cell itself hold more water, increasing cell volume. For bodybuilders, this is significant because expanded muscle cells can boost hydration resulting in a higher rate of protein synthesis and bodybuilders will appreciate the increased appearance of muscle fullness. Up until now most supplements have contained standard L -taurine however it offers minimal results compared to Powerzone’s new Taurine Ethyl Ester (T-EE). T-EE uses advanced Ethyl Ester technology to create a state of hyper-volumization to such a point that your muscle’s feel so full and hard your mates will think you are on something else! Let’s face the fact’s most steroids work by making your muscle cells hold more intra-cellular fluids (water) now you can achieve the very same result with a 100% natural supplement! More fluid in your muscle cells increases the leverage within the fibers so you not only look amazing your strength levels will go through the roof! Combine T-EE with all of the other powerful ingredients in IGNITE 2 and you have one formidable weapon for blasting through any sticking point in your training! Magnesium Orotate for peak performance. Magnesium Orotate is magnesium bound to orotic acid, a key intermediate in the biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides (a building block of the “letters” of your DNA code, and of RNA, the messenger that delivers the instructions from the DNA to the cellular machinery that assembles cellular proteins based on DNA’s commands). Although little known and underappreciated, decades of research and clinical trials have documented the powerful benefits of Magnesium Orotate for strengthening the heart and improving performance for athletes. In a recent double-blind, randomized controlled trial, Magnesium Orotate supplementation has also been found to simultaneously improve physical performance and reduce some of the punishing negative impacts of extreme physical exercise in triathletes. Compared to the placebo group, Magnesium Orotate users enjoyed faster times on the course, better mitochondrial energy metabolism, reduced over-activation of the immune response, a less extreme cortisol (stress hormone) spike,

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decreased muscle damage as measured by the enzyme creatine kinase, and greater reductions in insulin levels. Where can I find all of these advanced ingredients and more in one formula? The team at Powerzone spent many months researching before formulating their award winning Pre workout formula Ignite II. It contains all of the ingredients listed above plus the latest peptides forms of Arginine for those massive nitric oxide pumps. To discover why Powerzone Nutrition’s Ignite II is the number one pre workout supplement in the world visit How to accelerate fat burning to a whole new level. HERE ARE SOME POINTERS TO HELP YOU DROP THAT UNWANTED BODYFAT: 1. Ensure your basic nutrition plan is in good order to start with. 2. ALC is my preferred choice because it is superior to standard L Carnitine. I also recommend 7-Keto Formulation as it is the only product that increase’s resting metabolic rate, and resting metabolic rate is where we burn 70% of our calories. Lipo Fusion is another superb weight management system that covers fat burning from all angles. It has a profound effect on increases the number of fat burning units so you basically burn more fat 24/7! 3. Eat adequate fiber in your diet (satisfies the appetite and slows sugar release into blood stream) Vegetables are one of the best sources of fiber and they are also very low in calories. 4. Supplement with Chromium Picolinate to maintain a healthy insulin metabolism. 5. Supplement with PEOs as this helps maintain insulin sensitivity. 6. Use weights to build lean muscle mass as muscle is your bodies engine and you can only burn fat in muscle cells. The less muscle you have the less fat you burn. For a beginner 3-4 weight workouts is adequate each session only has to be 20-30 minutes in length. 7. Don't overdo the aerobic training. 30-40 minutes of low intensity aerobic activity is adequate to speed up fat loss. Try doing your aerobic training before your breakfast as you burn more fat at this time because of lower blood sugar levels. This also boosts your metabolic rate for the rest of the day also. Never do aerobic training before weight workouts. If anything 20 minutes after is adequate, but if possible keep aerobic training separate from weight workouts to prevent excessive muscle breakdown. 8. Avoid all fad diets because diets don't work. Follow a balanced moderate calorie plan and avoid all excessive intake of high fat foods. Don't starve yourself of nutrients while trying to lose weight as this will only lead to a slow down in your metabolic rate and further difficulty in losing weight. Slowly but surely is the correct procedure. 9.Eat every 3 hours to prevent blood sugar levels from dropping to low and causing massive hunger pangs which leads to mega pigouts on high sugar junk foods. Remember to take your supplements to boost your insulin sensitivity. 10. Timing. WHEN you consume foods is more important than calories. Eating huge amounts of carbs when you don't need them is going to result in one thing. BIGGER FAT CELLS. Avoid massive meals in the evening as the food is more likely to be stored as fat.

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11. This is a note to bodybuilders -Don't bulk up in the off season. This, concept has never worked and it never will. Gaining massive amounts of fat on your body has nothing to do with building quality lean muscle mass and will only lead to a slow in your metabolism and insulin insensitivity (Inability for muscle cells to take uptake glucose) You want to improve all year round not just 1 month of the year before a Competition. Carrying excessive fat neither looks good nor is healthy for you, so please avoid this practice if you want on going success in bodybuilding. When you stay lean all year round you will also feel more confident in yourself. 12. Have patience. You have to remember how long it has taken you to gain the weight. So don't expect it to fall of overnight, just follow the KEYS I have outlined in this program and stay on track. If you need any support just give me a call. 13. Avoid snack foods at night when watching TV. This is one of the major downfalls for most people trying to lose weight. All snack foods are usually high in sugar and easily convert to fat especially when eaten late at night. Ensure that you follow you meal plan during the day as hunger at night is usually caused because you missed meals during the daytime. Remember-Timing; eat every three hours. 14. If you are going to snack at night snack on protein. Protein has an appetite suppressing effect where is carbs will stimulate your appetite. Tell me one person who can eat just one potato chip!! Try eating some chicken breast. Or having a protein drink, within half an hour your appetite will have diminished. 15. Think positive. You will never succeed if you have negative thoughts in your mind. When the going gets a little tough just imagine in your mind how good you will look on the beach this summer. Every time you go for some junk food imagine yourself as a huge bloated whale floundering on the beach!! I am sure this would put anyone off! If not you have problems ; ) 16. Supplement your diet with some quality fat burning products. I can recommend the 7-Keto Formulation and a good quality Fat Transporter to ensure your body is actually using your stored bodyfat as ENERGY!! If you lack in L Carnitine your body will not be able to use your stored fat as fuel so supplement with Acetyl L Carnitine at least twice per day when trying to drop those excess pounds. 17. Allow yourself one day per week when you can have a little cheat day. A little chocolate, pizza or whatever you prefer. By doing this it will satisfy any craving you might have and also stop you from pigging out. After eating good food for a period of time you will most often not want to eat any junk. This is how I usually feel, but every now and again it does not hurt to have a little. Just use control. 18. The best fat burning exercise is done with your mouth. This involves not stuffing useless calories in when you could be consuming muscle building proteins. 19. Ensure that your liver is in good health, as a congested liver can slow down fat burning and give you a numerous other general health related problems. Lipo-tropics aid in liver functions these being inositol, choline and methionine. These ingredients can be found in Powerzone 7-Keto Formulation.

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The Essential Fatty Acids -We can't live without them! Fats are not all bad! There are good fats and bad fats, and those who want their bodies in optimum shape should make a clear distinction between the two. The body can use all types of fat as its largest source of energy. They provide about nine calories of energy per gram. Food fats and oils are all composed of fatty acids. As the name implies a fatty acid consists of a fat bit and an acid bit. Saturated fats are the bad fats, like the fat on meat or in cream cheese or pork, these kind of fats are difficult to avoid entirely but you have to try your hardest to keep them to an absolute minimum. Also all processed oils should be avoided because the essential CIS configuration is destroyed by modern processing procedures, including heating and hydrogenation, bleaching and deodorizing. These procedures are applied to almost all mass-produced fats and oils today. They change the healthy CIS configuration into an unhealthy TRANS configuration. Processing changes the molecular structure of the molecule, the molecule loses its shape and its ability to perform the biological functions required by the human body. Today, almost all processed fat and oil products, cooking oils, margarine's, and fats used in breads, cookies, candies, chocolate, frozen dinners, pies, and processed meats contain high levels of nutritionally damaging trans fatty acids. FATS TO MINIMIZE: -Beefburgers, porkroast, frankfurters, sausages, bacon, cream cheese, toasted muesli, all deep fried foods, fish and chips, cheddar cheese, whole milk, potato chips, cornchips, crackers, chocolate, candy. FATS YOU NEED-ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS: You need only the essential fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linoleic. These two fats are major components of cell membranes around every cell of the human body. They are also used in exclusive ways in the brain, ear, eyes, adrenal glands, and sex glands. WITHOUT THESE SPECIAL FATS YOU WOULD QUICKLY SICKEN AND DIE OR WITH A DEFICIENT SUPPLY YOUR PERFORMANCE WILL SUFFER. Without the addition of essential fatty acids your body cannot perform many important functions, including muscle growth. Many bodybuilders overlook the importance of the essential fatty acids while in the search for other supplements. The powerful chemical switches inside muscle cells are made from essential fats, these are the switches that turn on and off our release of the growth hormones IGF-l, and IGF-2. In the thought that all fats are bad bodybuilders avoid taking any fat at all, but by not supplementing with essential fatty acids is the worst thing a bodybuilder could do to slow down his or her muscle growth. Balancing all three, protein, carbs, and essential fats plus combining this with precise timing of the intake of these foods is the true secret behind successful bodybuilding.

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PEO’s the Only two true Essential Fatty Acids This term “Parent Essential Oils” refers to the only two true essential fatty acids: parent omega-6 (LA) and parent omega-3 (ALA). The term “parent” is used because these are the whole, unadulterated form of the only two essential fats your body demands, as they occur in nature. Once PEOs are consumed your body changes a small percentage of them—about 5%—into other biochemicals called “derivatives,” while leaving the remaining 95% in parent form. This is crucial to understand. There are a host of omega-6 and omega-3 oils being sold as EFAs that are not EFAs, but rather nonessential derivatives such as EPA, DHA, and GLA. Fish oils are made up almost exclusively of omega-3 derivatives. Scientifically and biochemically, calling derivatives such as EPA, DHA and GLA by the term “EFA” is wrong. Derivatives are not EFAs because they are not essential—your body has the ability to make them as needed. My research has shown that supplementing with the derivatives so commonly found in the marketplace and mislabeled as “EFAs” can easily be harmful to your health. Why are the parent forms—PEOs—so important? Many of the EFAs sold in the stores consist of manufactured EFA derivatives. Your body doesn’t need or want these derivatives, because it makes its own derivatives out of the Parent Essential Oils (PEOs) you consume as it needs them. Taking fish oil and other health-food-store “EFAs” often overdoses you with derivatives, which can be very harmful. Don’t make the common “EFA mistake” by unknowingly substituting derivatives for parents! Since the term has become so confused by so many it is time to focus on the essence of what they are and why they are so vital to our health and wellbeing. Our bodies require special fats that make it possible, among other important functions, for sufficient oxygen to reach the cells. These special fats are highly oxygen absorbing, and are called EFAs. However, the PEOs (Parent Essential Oils)—not the commonly termed EFAs—are what’s important. PEOs consist of parent omega-6 and parent omega-3. “Parent” means they are the whole form of the essential oil as it occurs in nature before it’s broken down or built up into other biochemical substances, which are called “derivatives.” However, PEOs are essential and must be supplied from outside the body every day, from foods and certain oils. Your body can’t manufacture PEOs (commonly termed EFAs) on its own—they MUST be consumed daily. Every one of your 100 trillion cells is surrounded by a membrane (a thin enclosure). The cell membrane is half fat—it contains virtually no structural carbohydrate. A portion of the fat making up the membrane is saturated. “Saturated” means chemically nonreactive—in other words, it doesn’t easily react with, or absorb, the oxygen that comes into contact with it. The other portion of the fat in the membrane is, however, “unsaturated”—it DOES easily absorb oxygen. One of the major functions of unsaturated (also called “polyunsaturated”) fats in the cell membrane is to help the inside of the cell absorb oxygen. The saturated fats in the membrane function as a barrier to help protect the delicate, highly reactive, oxygen-absorbing, energizing, unsaturated fats in the membrane. Link to PEOs Antioxidants protect your cells! Slow down the aging process! The conversion of fat and sugar to energy occurs by oxidation. Every time you exercise, it produces millions of superoxide free radicals, hydroperoxides and hydroxyl free radicals. These act like shrapnel, damaging every muscle cell they contact. The damage they cause is a major source or the continued muscle soreness and weakness you feel for days after heavy exercise. Whenever you push your training the situation gets worse. Athletes in hard training use 12 to 20 times the oxygen of sedentary people.

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That’s a ton of free radical potential. With every bout of intense exercise, you literally get an inflammatory chain reaction that lasts up to 20 hours. The damage itself initiates another free radical sequence that goes on for days. It’s kind of like a chain reaction. Free radicals are like an army, which go around your body killing cells, poisoning enzymes, and pretty much stuffing things up for you. So what we need is a defense strategy to combat these free radicals this is where antioxidants come into the picture. WHAT CAN ANTIOXIDANTS DO FOR ME?

1. Reduce post workout muscle soreness. 2. Help protect the body against cancers. 3. Strengthen the immune system to wave of different viruses. 4. Delays Pre-mature aging. 5. Protect cell membranes from further damage. 6. Support cellular protein synthesis. 7. Counteract pollution and environmental toxins.(smoking~drinking) 9. Reinforce liver function.

Scientists are beginning to discover how much damage free radicals can do to our bodies. And if you workout you probably have more free radicals in your system than the average person. Fortunately, there may be something you can do about this problem. Numerous vitamins and other trace elements have been discovered as "antioxidants” in the body. Recent studies have demonstrated a powerful synergism when antioxidants are combined. This happens because different antioxidants perform different functions in the radical scavenging process. Also, there are many different types of tissue in the body and different antioxidants function optimally in each tissue. The best antioxidants are the ones Mother Nature has provided! I personally supplement with two very good phyto nutrient formulas that contain virtually every natural anti-oxidant you could ever imagine. They product comes in a powder form and is easily mixed with some diet juice to make a pleasant life enhancing drink to start the day and cleanse the body of harmful free radicals. My recommendations are- Phyto red and green formula, Green barley, phyto C formula, and Maca powder. OK, I have covered the supplements which I think are on the "worthy of taking list". No doubt there is a great deal more out there but I feel that the products I have outlined above will meet most people’s needs. When combined with your nutrition program these products will give you an extra 10-20% on top of what you will get out of the program alone. 10-20% is not a bad addition to the overall equation. I will now move on to the exercise part of the program, this only accounts for about 20-30% of the total deal. Nutrition is 80% so I would suggest going back over the above information to keep it in your mind. Fine-tune your nutrition and the results will come thick and fast.

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How to train for less time and get better results! The KEY to getting the most from your gym workouts is by doing less. That's right...less! How long you spend in the gym is not nearly as important as how you spend your time in the gym! Three KEY words = Short - Hard - Fast. These three words are the most important points to remember when you are in the gym. You should never be in the gym any longer than 40 minutes, ideally 20 minutes is enough and even 15 is better. Forget reading fancy training programs you see in magazines as they are only there to fill space not to educate. Plus what a Pro bodybuilder does has no relation to what you are doing, as drugs happen to play a large part in their training routines. You don't take drugs so you can't train the way they do. If you do you will end up overtrained and totally destroyed in a matter of weeks. You are natural so you have to training accordance to certain rules that will help you maximize your own recovery abilities. Key points to remember. Growth hormone peaks at 15-20 minutes and starts to decrease at the 60-90 minute. Growth hormone is the most important hormone when it comes to building muscle and burning fat so we want to use it in our favor and not suppress it. I recommend keeping if you train alone your workouts should

be no longer than 20-30 minutes. If you train with a partner they should be around the 45-minute mark. If your workouts take any longer than this you are doing too many sets or having too long rests in between sets. If you train with a partner it should be you do a set, he does a set. No resting or talking until after you have finished. 2. 3 sets per exercise and 20-30 seconds rest between sets is an ideal range. Resting is done after we finish training NOT during. To stimulate GH release the workouts need to be...Short - Hard - Fast. The fast part cannot be accomplished if we rest longer than 30 seconds between sets, neither can the hard part. Or the short. Get the picture. Rest after training not during. Most of the times I will not even have any rest because I will superset two body parts. E.g bench press and lat pull downs. This is a great combination and lets one body part rest while the other is working. Try it I am sure you will agree. 3. Three exercise's per major body part e.g. Chest, shoulders, back, thighs. Two exercises for smaller body parts e.g. biceps, triceps, calves, hamstrings. No exceptions. I see guys in the gym doing five or six sets per exercise. Why? Because they do not understand that once the muscle has been fried you can't fry it anymore. It’s a little like cooking food, there is a right time to get it cooked. After that it is burnt and totally useless. 4. Repetitions of 8-10 for everybody part except calves and abs. Calves will be 15 and abs 20 reps. This is an ideal repetition range for building muscle. The same repetition range works for both men and women. 5. Any exercise will build muscle it all depends on how much effort you apply to the exercise. Either free weights or machines can be used. It is a matter of personal preference and feel. If an exercise does not feel right than try something else. E.g barbell bench-press instead of dumbbell or visa/versa. 6. Do not go too heavy. Stay with a weight that you can control and feel the muscle working and contracting. If the weight is too heavy you will be more conscious of lifting the weight than feeling the

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muscle working. Sculpting is a delicate process, we don't use a heavy sledge hammer to shape a work of art! 7. You should choose a weight that allows you to perform 8-10 repetitions, and fail on the last or 10th rep. There is no use doing 10 reps if you can still do another 3 or 4. So try and select a weight that allows you to complete only 10 reps maximum. As soon as you can do over 10 reps increase the weight and come back to 8 reps. 8. The only time you should do any less than this is if you are training purely for strength. Then 6 reps is an ideal range. For strength training more rest will be required between sets to replenish energy reserves. Although this type of training will increase strength it WILL NOT add much muscle to your frame as 8-10 reps is the ideal for muscle growth. 9. Avoid very high rep training. That is anything over 20 reps, as this range will pretty much do nothing for muscle growth. More than likely you will reduce the size of your muscles doing very high reps. 10. Forget toning. This mythical word "Toning" came in through the gym grape vine and women's mags and I still can't figure Why! There is no such thing as toning it is a nothing word. You can build, maintain or lose muscle...But not tone! Let me explain; muscle is hard. Fat is soft. Lose fat and the muscle appears harder or more" Toned"as people refer. The word should be defined NOT "Toned". As you lose fat from around the muscle you have developed it will show more because you have lost the fat that blurs the muscle. 11. Forget slow-motion training. Muscles don't grow at all with this concept. The fibers that you are trying to hit are explosive muscle fibers because they have the biggest potential for size gains. They are white fibers. A repetition has to be explosive and then controlled on the negative part, but not too controlled. Not jerky just a constant movement using the weight so you can feel the muscle contract hard. Leave the Slo-Mo for the snails :) 12. Ensure that you drink plenty of pure water during your workout, as a dehydrated muscle is a weak muscle. I carry a drink bottle and consume around 1 liter of water during my workouts. I have witnessed many people train over the years only to be frustrated because they don't get the body they're aiming for. And the reason is the average trainer spends a lot of time doing very little work instead of a little time doing a lot of work. It is not the amount of time you spend in the gym it's the amount of work you do in a short time; this is the true meaning of intensity. The bottom line is long drawn out low intensity workouts produce little if not no results at all so don't do them if you want to succeed in reaching your true genetic potential. I personally favor the good old three-day on one day off program and have found this to be the most effective in producing consistent quality muscle growth as long as you keep the workout around the 20-30 minute mark. I actually get through some of my sessions in 15 minutes! For beginners (those who have only been training for less than 3 months) I would start with only three days per week with weight workouts and combine this with some aerobic activity depending on whether you desire to lose weight or gain weight. If you want to drop a few pounds I would recommend 30-40 minutes of aerobics per day. Walking first thing in the morning before breakfast so you can tap into stored bodyfat. I would take the HGH Formulation to increase the fat burning process. If you are on the skinny side and have no fat to lose I would just do 3 aerobic sessions per week, doing these on the days you don't go to the gym. So Monday, Wednesday, Friday would be your weight workouts and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday would be your aerobic sessions.

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For the more advanced trainers (At least 3-6 months) I would train for 3 days and then have one day off. This is still the best for adding lean muscle and getting constant results. Although at certain times you may wish to have an extra days rest if you feel a little tired. In regards the aerobic training I would once again recommend walking for 30-40 minutes per day. Obviously it all depends on how much bodyfat you have to lose. The time frame to complete the beginner’s workout is around 40 minutes as it is an overall complete body workout, which is done three days per week. I would recommend following this for 3 months and then moving to the three days on one day off program. The same applies for both male and female trainers. Note this following word .....WORKOUT. What does it mean? It means you have to work your ass off! Not sit around staring into the air, having 5 minutes rest between sets so you can write everything down. If you want to stimulate muscle growth the bottom line is just plain old hard work = INTENSITY. And the equation for intensity is 20-40 minutes of hard work resting only 20 seconds between sets, and doing no more than 3 exercises per body part of 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. What we want to do is shock the body into releasing a surge of growth hormone, and this is the only way to do it. To format your training routine always go by the above guide, you can change the groupings of the body parts but keep the INTENSITY FACTOR in there. I personally recommend the 3 on 1 off because I feel it allows just the precise amount of time before re-training the body part again. And you can get each one of these sessions completed in 15-20 minutes any longer than this and you're resting to long between sets or doing to many sets. I always train by the clock trying to do as much work as I can in the shortest amount of time. I would like to point out that it is vital to warm up before attempting your first set on any given exercise to prevent injuries. I perform one set of each new exercise with 50% of my maximum weight for 20 repetitions to warm the muscle up. Then you can commence with your 3 work sets of 8-10 reps. At the end of my session I do some light stretches for each muscle group I have worked to prevent excessive muscle soreness. It is good to keep the same sequence of days but change the exercises marginally to hit the muscle from slightly different angles E.G. Dumbbell bench instead of barbell bench press. This workout is designed to get you in and out of the gym in the quickest amount of time. You should always walk out of the gym feeling GOOD, not totally wasted and depleted. We want to keep training an enjoyable experience NOT something that you are going to love to hate. I find that if I keep my workouts short and sweet I get a good release of endorphins and walk out feeling energized. If you feel totally stuffed after your workouts you are either spending too long in the gym or doing too many exercises or both.

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Following is an example of the 3-day beginner program that can be done in any gymnasium. Weight training days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Aerobic workouts depending on how much fat you have to lose: If you are lean and want to just increase lean muscle just do 3 aerobic sessions per week on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday for 30-40 minutes. Either walking or stationary bike at the gym is the best option. NOTE: Aerobic training done first thing in the morning before breakfast will burn more fat than if done in the evening. Never do aerobics before you train with weights as you will NOT tap into stored body fat as easily plus you will deplete your energy levels and your weight workout will suffer. You can get away with doing 20-30 minutes on the stationary bike after you have completed you weight workout if you can't manage the early sessions. I know it is sometimes hard to get up in the morning especially when it’s in winter. Beginner’s 3-day workout program: BACK One warmup set of lat pull downs 20 reps with 50% of max weight

1. Lat pull downs 3 sets of 8 -10 reps 2. Seated Rows 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps

CHEST One warm-up set of barbell bench press 20reps with 50% of max weight

1. Barbell bench press 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps 2. Incline dumbbell press 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps

SHOULDERS One set of shoulder press 20 reps with 50% of max weight

1. Seated shoulder press 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps (Can either be done with machine or free weights) 2. Side lateral dumbbell raises 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps

BICEPS One warm-up set of barbell curls 20 reps with 50% of max weight

1. Barbell curls Standing 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps TRICEPS One warm up set of lying triceps extensions with 50% max weight.20 reps

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1. Lying triceps extensions to the forehead 3 sets of 8 -10 reps

HAMSTRINGS One warm-up set of leg curls with 50% of max weight. 20 reps

1. Lying leg curls 3 sets of 10 - 12 reps QUADS One warm up set of leg extensions with 50% of max weight 20 reps

1. Leg Extensions 3 sets of 10 - 12 reps 2.45% Leg Press 3 sets of 10 - 12 reps

CALVES One warm-up set of calve raises with 50% of max weight 20 reps

1. Standing calve raise 3 sets of 15 - 20 reps ABDOMINALS

1. Ab Crunches 3 sets of 20 reps 2. Reverse Crunches 3 sets of 20 reps

Aerobics: If you have not done your early session you can now do 20-30 minutes on the stationary bike. NOTE: If you are on the very skinny-side I would do only 15 minutes on the bike. Next up is an example of the three-day on one day off program that I currently follow and is suitable for those who are in the more advanced stages of training. NOTE: Many people will find that they DO NOT ever have to change from the beginners workout as it is adequate for the majority of people who don't want to spend a great deal of time in the gym. It is simple easy yet still one of the most effective programs I have followed. The three-day split program: (3 days on one day off cycle) e.g. Day 1. chest, shoulders, triceps Day 2. legs ( Thighs, hamstrings, calves) Day 3. back, biceps. Day 4. Off

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As you can see the workouts are divided into two upper body and one leg session which are completed over a 3-day period then followed by one day off. The workouts should only take 20-30 minutes, possibly 15 when you get into it a little more. Anything over the times outlined above and you will no doubt be stressing your body's recuperation abilities to their maximum and therefore leading to an imbalance in the anabolic / Catabolic ratio. You need to stress the muscle's just enough to nudge them into growing but not that much to completely destroy your chances of growth and deplete your energy reserves. Over stressing the body leads to massive tissue damage, which then leads to massive release of Cortisol (catabolic hormone). Cortisol is released when too much damage has been done to the muscle cells. This is one good reason to keep your workouts short and sweet not only for the release of growth hormone but also to prevent the excess release of the catabolic hormone cortisol. You can also supplement with ALC to minimize your bodies cortisol levels. We have to apply the same balance to our training that we do with our food. Not too much but not too little. Time and time again I have witnessed people in gyms in total states of confusion over what program to follow. They're constantly looking in the magazines for the secret wonder workout that will transform their body into a super human form. Or they spend half of their workout writing things down in a little book maybe hoping to sell it as a best seller in years to come! This program is ideal for those who have more time available for gym workouts and want to split their workouts up so they take less time to complete. Each one of these sessions should only take 20-30 minutes if you follow the rest interval guidelines I have laid out earlier for you. What I often do is superset two body parts E.g Chest and shoulders. This is a great way to increase the intensity of your workouts and also it makes your workout short and sweet. Following this technique I can sometimes finish my workouts in 10-15 minutes. Remember it is not the time you spend but the QUALITY of the time that counts. Day l. Chest / shoulders / Triceps Chest: 1 x warm-up set with 50% of weight on bench-press 20 reps. Bench-press 3 x 8-10 reps Incline dumbbell press 3 x 8-10 reps Dumbbell fly's 3 x 8-10 reps Shoulders: Seated dumbbell press 3 x 8-l0 reps Side lateral raise 3 x 8-10 reps Upright rows 3 x 8-10 reps Triceps:

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French press 3 x 8-10 reps Tricep pushdowns 3 x 8-10 reps Day 2. Legs = Thighs / hamstrings / calves Hamstrings: Leg curls 3 x 8 -10 reps Stiff leg dead lift 3 x 8-10 reps Thighs: Squats or Hack squats 3 x 8-10 reps Leg press 3 x 8-12 reps max Leg extensions 3 x 8-10reps max Calves: Standing Raises 3 x l0-15 reps Seated calf raises 3 x 10-15max reps DAY 3. Back / Biceps Back: Lat pull downs to chest 3 x 8 – 10 reps Seated pully rows 3 x 8 – 10 reps One arm dumbbell rows 3 x 8 –10 reps Biceps: Barbell curls 3 x 8- 10 reps Incline dumbbell curls 3 x 8-10reps max AEROBICS: If possible aerobic work is better kept separate from weight workouts to prevent over training. Early morning aerobics done prior to breakfast will burn bodyfat at a faster rate and also has the added benefit of raising your metabolic rate for the rest of the day. Half an hour to forty minutes per day is adequate if fat loss is your goal. Thirty minutes 3 days per week for maintenance. Remember not to over do aerobic work use it only as a tool to lose that hard to move fat. Doing hours of aerobics will not make up for bad eating habits. Over doing aerobic work will only lead to fatigue and loss of lean muscle mass.

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Abdominal training: Everyone wants six pack abs. But the misconception that doing crunches and leg raises by the thousands to get abs to pop out is just a dream. Sure you have to exercise abs but good nutrition is the KEY to a lean tight stomach. A combination of balanced nutrition, aerobics and some ab exercises is what you require to get those abs chiseled like granite. The best approach is to do 3 x 20 reps of crunches an 3 x sets of 20 rep reverse crunches after you have completed your main workout. Do this 3 times per week on alternate days as the abs still require time to recover like any other muscle group. Summary on KEYS to optimizing your workouts.

1. Keep your workouts short and sweet. If you train alone no longer than 30 minutes.If you train with a partner 40-45 minutes is plenty. 2. Use a combination of machines and free weights as this will hit your muscles from different angles and keep you from getting bored with your workouts. 3. Never lift beyond your means. Keep strict style no swinging of the weights, or jerky movements. 4. Try super setting two body parts like chest and back, or shoulders and biceps. This is a great way of keeping the intensity high in your workouts. 5. Don't worry about what you see other people doing in the gym because 95% of people in gyms just have no idea what they are doing in the first place. So use this program as your guide and avoid being misled by the miss-information that is circulating around many gyms. I use to own a gym so believe me I know what goes on and I have seen some pretty outrageous exercises! At times I have seen exercises that I have never even seen before! 6. Use a constant smooth rhythm when you perform your exercises. Contract and feel the muscle as you work it, concentrates on getting a good pump and burn in the muscle. Control the weight on the negative part of the movement e.g (lowering the weight on barbell curls) but don't go to slow. Slow motion work is futile and will get you nowhere fast.

7. Ensure that after finishing your workout you consume a good protein and carb drink along with your supplements. You have to force feed your hungry muscle cells with the nutrients they need to speed the recovery and growth process. 8. If you have injuries like bad back or knees avoid heavy squats, deadlights, bent over rows or anything that stresses the injury. There are plenty of alternatives to these exercises that will keep you in one piece and injury free. 9. If you are unsure of anything in regards to the above information please call me, as I am always here to answer any questions that you may have – 0414 751 924 . I have tried to include as much information as I can in this program but there could be a few points I have missed so feel free email or call if need be. 10. The most important point is to enjoy your workouts and the way they make you feel. You should never come out from the gym feeling totally wiped out, you should feel a good adrenaline rush, pumped and energized. Forget the old saying " No pain. No gain" it is a fallacy put out by hardcore bodybuilders who follow the same dietary philosophy as " Eat big, to get BIG!". Obviously this approach is not very scientific to say the least so just work out hard, enjoy and feel good after your workouts. Don't destroy yourself for days to come.

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Example nutrition programs Below you will find three example nutrition programs that I have provided as a guide. They are not set in stone so if you don't like a particular food please substitute it with something you like, as you have to follow it not me. The first diet is for an average size man who is wanting to gain lean muscle and keep as lean as possible, the second is for a female who is trying to achieve the a lean " bodyshaping look". The third diet is a pre-contest diet for those who are planning on competing in a bodybuilding competition or want to get a good set of six-pack abs in a short period of time. It’s a tough program on the taste buds but it does the job, you will get extremely lean on this program. Although I would suggest only following the third plan for 6- 8 weeks maximum then go back to the first nutrition program to maintain. By adjusting your carbohydrate intake you will find that you can stay in good shape all year round. So just use the third program for accelerating fat-loss if you want to drop the excess baggage quickly. Program 1 Example Male nutrition plan: For a 80-90 kg male UPON AWAKENING: 1 teaspoon of HGH formulation Breakfast: 40 gms of complex carbs (rolled oats or mini wheats plain) 6 egg whites plus one yolk (scrambled or omelet) ½ teaspoon of PEO’s ( Parent Essential Oils) 1/2 teapoon of 7-Keto Formulation powder 2 x Lipo Fusion capsules 2 x Bullet Proof Capsules Mid Morning: 30gms of carbs – From Sweet potato or brown rice. Mixed green salad (lettuce,tomato,alf alfa) 35gms of protein-150gms of water packed no added salt Tuna. Lunch: 30gms of carbs-1 medium potato or sweet potato. 200gms of broccoli or green beans 35gms of protein: -250gms of chicken breast or 150gms of tuna 1 x 500iu It E cap. 2-3 hours prior to workout: - Mid-Afternoon Pre workout meal: 30gms of carbs (rolled oats or miniwheats) 2 teaspoons of Leukadron powder. 2 teaspoons of IGNITE II Hyper Volumizing Formula 30 minutes Pre-Workout Supplements: 3 capsules of Brute Force II 1 teaspoon of IGNITE II Hyper Volumizing Formula 1 teaspoon of ALC ½ teaspoon of 7-Keto Formulation 2 x Lipo Fusion capsules 2 x Bullet Proof capsules

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In-Workout drink bottle mix: 3 x Teaspoons of Pure AFTER SHOCK post workout formulation. 3 x Teaspoons of Leukadron After workout: Post workout drink mix 2 x Teaspoons of Pure AFTER SHOCK post workout formulation. 2 x Teaspoons of Leukadron Dinner: 30gms of carb (Fibrous vegetables) Small sweet potato, broccoli, green beans or green salad. 35gms of protein: -250gms of chicken or fish. 1 x 250mg Evening primrose oil cap, 1 x 500iu Vit E cap. Before bed: On an empty stomach- 1 teaspoon of HGH Formulation This program will give around 220gms of protein, 160gms of carbs and around 20gms of fat for one day. Calories = 2200-2500 As you can see although the calories are still very low with this program but it is extremely high in nutrients which is perfect for building lean muscle and stripping bodyfat. Note: If you find you need to drop more bodyfat and are carb sensitive reduce the carbs per meal down to 20gms. Carb intake has a lot of variables these depend upon your energy output during the day. If you have a heavy labour job you will need more carbs if you have an offive job your carb requirements will be a great deal lower. Recommended supplements enhance this program:- HGH Formulation Brute Force II Testosterone booster Bullet Proof Hormonal Optimiser, balancer PEOs ( Parent Essential Oils ) IGNITE II Hyper Volumizing Formula. AFTER SHOCK Devastating post workout formula. Leukadron advanced amino acid Formula. ALC – Acetyl L Carnitine fat transporter 7-Keto Formulation – Advanced thermogenic fat burner Lipo Fusion capsules – State of the art Weight management system

For the full range of Advanced Sport Supplements visit. One of the international sites below USA: Australia:

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Example Female Nutrition program: For average 60kg 132lbs female Six meals per day- breakdown of macronutrients should look like this for each meal. Protein 25gms Carbs 30gm Fats 3.5gms Your best choices of protein will come from 1 x Chicken breast 25gms, tuna 120gms= 25gms, salmon 120gms=25gms ,1 cup low fat cottage cheese 25gms , yogurt 1 cup = 14, 1.5 tablespoons whey protein powder= 25gms. Your best choices for carbs come from Broccoli, cauliflower,cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, alfalfa. Fresh fruit: 1 apple 18gms of carbs, 1 cup strawberries 9gms , 1 cup blueberries 9gms, grapes 1/2 cup 9gms, kiwi fruit x19gms ,1 x plum 9gm, pineapple 1/2 cup 9gms . You can still eat a little bread, and rice and potatoes but keep them to a minimum as they tend to put weight on easier. Fats: 1.5 gms of fat = 1 x macadamia nut, 1.5 teaspoons of slivered almonds, 1/3 teaspoon of olive oil, 1/3 teaspoon of peanut butter. These are all good fats that you body needs, stay away from saturated fats like butter, margarine, fatty meats, high fat cheese. UPON AWAKENING: 1 teaspoon of HGH Formulation to stimulate growth hormone release Breakfast: 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese. 1 piece of whole grain rye bread 3/4 teaspoon of peanut butter 1/2 apple or 1 plum 1 tablet good quality vitamin mineral and anti-oxidant ½ teaspoon of PEOs 1 x 500iu Vit E Snack: 1 cup of diet yogurt 2 tablespoons of protein or ½ packet of drink mix 1 x Kiwi fruit 1.5 teaspoons of slivered almonds Lunch: 120gms of tuna or salmon 2 tomatoes 2 cups of shredded cabbage 1/2 mini pita bread 1 teaspoon of salad dressing Snack: Pre workout meal 2-3 hours before 1 cup of diet yogurt

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1 tablespoon of whey protein 1.5 teaspoons of Slivered almonds 30 minutes pre workout: 1 teaspoon of IGNITE 1 teaspoon of ALC In workout drink mix: 2 teaspoons of Leukadron 2 teaspoons of After Shock After workout: Post workout drink mix 2 teaspoons of Leukadron 9gms of After Shock post workout recovery formula Dinner: 1 x Chicken breast 1/3 cup of rice (cooked) 1 1/4cups of broccoli ( cooked) 1 1/3cups of cabbage (cooked) ½ teaspoon of PEOs Before bed: 1 teaspoon of HGH formula to promote fat loss and lean tissue repair while sleeping The breakdown of this nutrition program will be around 150gms of protein, 190gms of carbs, 20gms of fat. Calories = 1540 Once again this is not a great amount of calories but it is high in nutrients and keeps the metabolism running at high levels. Recommended supplements enhance this program:- HGH Formulation PEOs ( Parent Essential Oils ) IGNITE triple fuel delivery system. AFTER SHOCK Devastating post workout formula. ALC – Acetyl L Carnitine fat transporter 7-Keto Formulation – Advanced thermogenic fat burner Lipo Fusion capsules – State of the art Weight management system Leukadron – Advanced amino acid peptide formula Pre contest nutrition program for extreme definition: For males. Ok by no means is this an easy program BUT it does strip off plenty of excess fat from the places where you don't want it to be. Love handles, thighs, lower abs, lower back. These are the so called stubborn areas that really give some people a great deal of frustration as the fat in these areas seems to just grab on and not let go. Well, this little program will solve kill those little stubborn areas dead. They will not know what hit them. I would suggest following this for 6 - 8 weeks and then going back to the standard program. This is designed for short-term get -ripped up for comp style work, NOT for all year round, because it’s too damn tasteless for most people.

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Here it is.... Early morning: 1 teaspoon of HGH Formulation Powder Pre aerobic: ( 45 minute power walk) 1 x teaspoon of ALC 1 capsule 7-Keto 2 capsules of Lipo Fusion 2 capsules Bullet Proof 2 teaspoons of Leukadron Breakfast: 8 egg whites ( No oil just use some non-stick spray) either omelet or scrambled. 1 cup of rolled oats ( dry weight) mixed with boiling water and some equal. Cook in microwave for a few minutes take out stir, and repeat. Add a little more equal to sweeten. 2 gms of vit C, ½ teaspoon of PEOs ( Parent Essential Oils ) 1 teaspoon of 1 x Multi Vit and Mineral Lunch: 2 chicken breasts (Skinless) boiled or microwave 1 cup of brown rice (cooked) NO sauce 1 cup of broccoli steamed or microwave


2 gms of vit C, ½ teaspoon of PEOs ( Parent Essential Oils ) 1 teaspoon of 2 teaspoons of


Mid afternoon: 200gms of fish or 2 chicken breasts 1 small baked potato or sweet potato (Micro waved) 1 cup of green beans (Steamed) 1 cup of broccoli (Steamed) 1 teaspoon of Leukadron Pre workout supplements: 2 capsules of BRUTE FORCE II 1 teaspoon of IGNITE II 1 capsule 7-Keto 2 capsules of Lipo Fusion 2 capsules of Bullet proof In Workout drink mix: 2 teaspoons of After Shock 3 teaspoons of Leukadron Post workout supplements: 1 teaspoon of IGNITE II Hyper Volumizing formula 1 teaspoon of 2 teaspoons of


3 teaspoons of Leukadron

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Dinner: 2 chicken breasts 1 cup of green beans 1 cup of broccoli 2 gms of vit C, ½ teaspoon of PEOs ( Parent Essential Oils ) Supper: 8 egg whites or 200gms of fish 1 cup of green beans 1 cup of zucchini Before bed: 1-2 teaspoons of HGH Formulation Powder to stimulate growth hormone release while sleeping Pre contest tips for bodybuilders. (Please note these tips are purely for those who want to take the next step and enter a bodybuilding contest- I wanted to include this in this program because I wanted it to appeal to ALL sections of the fitness world) Water intake before a competition: Ensure to drink a good 4-5 liters of pure water per day while following this nutrition program. Drinking plenty of water will definitely help to flush your system and keep your skin looking tighter. The more you drink the more you will pass water and this has to be done up until a 3-4 days before an event. Water intake before bodybuilding events can confuse many athletes and it is prudent to say that if you are a natural athlete you would not follow the same protocol as a athlete who is using steroids and diuretics. I have heard some crazy methods prior to competitions and you have to ask yourself is it worth risking 12 -16 weeks of hard work on some unproven water loading technique that is only suitable if you can pop a few chemical diuretics to get the desired result. As a natural athlete the best approach is to gradually taper your water intake prior to the event. If you your show is on the Saturday start to gradually reduce your water intake eac day from the Wednesday. E.g if you regular intake is 4 litres, drop to 3 litres Weds, then 1 litre Thurs and then the Friday to 500mls and on the day just sip water.Stay clear of chemical diuretics as they are banned at all drug tested events. You can use a simple herbal diuretic and short black coffee works wonders. Achieving that paper thin skin shredded look: Thiomucase Cream There is a little secret know only to a few athletes in the bodybuilding and fitness world and it’s called Thiomucase cream. This cream has been used by professional athletes, models and figure girls in the US and Europe extensively. What it actually does is release an additional 20-30% more fluid from the remaining fat cells under your skin, that results in that paper thin shrink wrapped appearance on the day of the event. Keep in mind you can’t be 20% bodyfat and expect Thiomucase to work, you need to be on the lower end of the fat percentage scale to notice a difference. If you are already lean the difference is quite substantial especially if you have stubborn areas that do no tend to lean up as easy. I have have used in a number of times before events and it does work extremely well. To get the best results it needs to be massaged into the skin vigorously for 1-2 minutes per area. The cream also improves skin texture and vascularity. More information on thiomucase

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The importance of posing practice: Many bodybuilders often overlook posing. They seem to spend a great deal of time in the gym working out but only a few hours on their routines as the contest approaches. I feel that they are missing out on the added benefits that you can achieve from posing practice. Before my contests I practice posing in all kinds of different poses, trying to hold each pose hard for 30-60 seconds. This has a dramatic hardening effect on my muscles, plus I have a great deal more control of each individual group while I am on stage. Posing can be hard work, so you better be prepared for the big day by putting in some practice. I love the posing round as this is where my creativity shines through, I am very artistic when it comes to posing and feel that people have paid good money to come and see a bodybuilding contest so I want to give them their monies worth. When searching for music look for something that suits YOUR personality not someone else's. I have seen many a guy turn up at a show and literally copy one of the pros posing routines pose for pose!! Come on, be original and creative, use your own talent and develop your unique style. Tanning: Having a good tan is very important when you are going into a bodybuilding contest. Muscles appear healthier, and more muscular when they are darker. I feel that even the best body in the world looks no good if they don't have a great tan up on stage. The best way to get a great tan is first use a sun bed, a good one that turns you a dark golden brown. Once you have a base color you can then apply some self-tanning cream to darken it even more and finally apply the contest color for that super rich dark color on the day. I use and recommend Phil Kabakoff's Contest color because it is the best product on the market. It is best applied the night before the contest, using a sponge. One coat should be applied followed by a light shower under warm water, don't scrub yourself just let the water take off the excess. Then pat yourself dry and apply another coat, then another light warm shower. Repeat this process about 5-6 times and you will have the best tan in the contest. You have my word. The reason for the shower in between coats is to take off the excess so it does not build up and look all streaky, and start to run under the hot lights. Believe me you will thank me for this tip on the day when everybody's tan is streaky looking and yours looks great. Phil Kabakoff also has a great self-tanning cream and lotion that can be used all year round to give you a healthy bronzed glow. It is certainly a safer approach than spending hours lying under the sun. To order Phil Kabakoffs range visit this site Carbing up before the show: Forget it, it does not work and there is more chance of it back firing than working well for you. I have tried many times only to have it back fire, so my advice is if you are looking good two days out stick with what you are doing, its a great deal safer approach. THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING! The power of the mind. YOUR philosophy on life: What you think and how you feel about what you think is going to determine your ultimate destiny in life! Whatever you think of most is usually what you become. Things are easy to do but also easy not to do! It is better to shoot for the stars and hit the eagle than to shoot for the eagle and hit the rock! Your body is the means of transport to move you through the journey of life. It only makes sense to glide through life in a high performance sports car than a clapped out old Model T. We have made the choice to maintain and build our bodies so we can have a long and safe journey through the gift of life. Therefore, it makes sense to also do the same for our minds.

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Just as we feed our bodies quality nutrients we must nourish our minds with healthy thoughts. Set yourself a goal/first a short-term goal then along term goal and don't look back until you've achieved that goal. Don't give up until you're there stay focused and positive. Enjoy what you do, as it’s your own choice no one is making you do anything. You can do anything you want in life there is only one person stopping you! YOURSELF!! It’s time to decide what you really want to do and act on it right now. What's stopping you from taking that initial step? You are. Don't hold yourself back fill your mind with positive thoughts, reject negative people, and learn from your mistakes and then move on. Don't linger in the past learn from it let it be your teacher not your slave. It's what you think and do from now that is going to determine your ultimate outcome in life. Acquire, as much knowledge as you can in life and then combine that knowledge with hard labor and determination and everything you strive for will be yours. Remember that knowledge is power. A lot of people blame lack of motivation as the reason they can't succeed. But this is not so, applied knowledge plus labor is the true answer to success. Let’s face it if you motivate an idiot all you have is a motivated idiot. Success is a simple equation. Positive attitude + Knowledge + Labor = Results. You now have all the knowledge you need to make your dreams become a reality.... To unlock your true physical potential Thank you note: The information supplied in this program is the accumulation of my journey through the bodybuilding and health and fitness world. By sharing this with you gives me a great feeling that I am offering a little part of me to help you reach your very own goals. If this program even helps just one person to realize their true hidden talents and live a healthy fulfilling life then that's all I want. I have given a part of myself, to contribute to the quality of someone else's life. One thing I would like to say is make sure you enjoy this lifestyle. Love your training and love eating healthy food and most of all enjoy your quest to develop your body to its utmost potential. Now it’s your turn to put it all into practice, you have the Keys to Physical Perfection so take the next step into a whole new world of personal accomplishments. By following this information you will surprise yourself at how quickly you can transform your body.

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Final Word/ Contact Details I would like to point out that I am always available anytime if you wish to email and ask me any questions you might have. I will only be too happy to help you out. My goal is to spread the word on this amazing lifestyle we all follow and one way we are able to do this is through our new magazine Australian Natural Bodz. The magazine is dedicated to achieving your true physical potential drug free and features amazing profiles on athletes who have reached amazing levels of physical development naturally. Be sure to check our my magazine at We are also about to launch the world’s first knowledge sharing social network for health and fitness enthusiasts so you can learn from some of the best in the industry and share your experiences to help others achieve their personal health and fitness goals. I truly hope that this program has empowered you to take control of your life and pursue the great lifestyle that is ahead of you. I thank you for your attention and wish you all the very best for a long and healthy life. Yours in Health and Fitness Steve Jones CEO / Director Powerzone Enterprises Pty Ltd

Email: Web site: USA Site: Australian site: MSN: Myspace:

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STEVE JONES: Pan Pacific Bodybuilding Champion, Fitness Model, Writer international fitness magazines, featured in Muscle Mag, Iron Man, Joe Weiders Flex, Muscle & Fitness, Muscular Development plus many more international physique magazines. 20+ years experience in the health and fitness industry.

Copyright © 2009, Powerzone Enterprises Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved

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