the lakeside hearing… ·...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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HEAR the words, feel the


Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.


Lakeside Diagnostic Hearing and Tinnitus

Centre provides leading client-focused

hearing healthcare.

It is a team based audiology centre which

provides comprehensive audiologic care

and hearing rehabilitation for all ages.

Audiologic care is the protection,

preservation, evaluation and treatment of

the hearing and balance functions and is

provided by audiologists, either

individually or as part of a health care

team, who use their professional skills to

improve the quality of life for each


The centre works with your physician to

share information, findings and

treatment planning and is locally owned

and operated by Nichole Sorensen, B.Sc.,

M.A., RAUD, registered Audiologist who

has provided audiology care in the

Okanagan since 1999.

Lakeside Hearing is part of the

WorkSafeBC Provider Network and also

provides services through Veteran’s Afairs Canada, NIHB, Social Services, and out of province

WCB.auditory cortex of your brain. Any sounds that are not picked up by your ears are also not

sent to your brain.

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

What is a Diagnostic Hearing Assessment?

Hearing Assessments are Not All Created Equal

The following information provided by the BC association of speech language pathology and

audiology is helpful in diferentiating a diagnostic hearing evaluation from a hearing screening.

Hearing assessments are not all created equal. A complete hearing test, also referred to as a

‘diagnostic hearing test’ or a ‘hearing evaluation’ includes a full assessment of your hearing ability,

your speech understanding ability, and an

assessment of your outer ear, middle ear, and

inner ear. This type of test can take anywhere

from 30 minutes to 1 hour or more, depending on

the degree and type of your hearing loss, and is

typically performed by an audiologist.

A hearing screening is an abbreviated version of

a standard hearing test. It is a test only of your

ability to hear diferent tones for each ear. The

screening will only indicate if a hearing loss is

present or not. A hearing screening typically

takes less than 15 minutes. This type of test can

be performed by any number of individuals,

including public health or school nurses,

Speech-Language Pathologists, ENT medical

oice assistants, hearing aid dispensers or

dealers, audiometric technicians and


The Medical Services Plan (MSP) of British

Columbia does not cover the cost of hearing

screenings or tests unless performed at a hospital

(under the direction of an ENT). Hearing tests performed in public health units are typically free of

charge to the public. All other tests are subject to a charge, at the discretion of the audiologist or

dealer. ‘Free’ hearing tests are normally, in fact, hearing screenings.





Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Hearing Loss Treatment Plan

Steps to better hearing:

• Diagnostic Hearing Evaluation: In depth assessment of your outer, middle and inner

ear function.

• Consultation: Discuss your hearing levels, any present hearing loss, hearing loss

prevention, communication strategies, tinnitus, and treatment options

• Hearing aid selection: Discuss together what your hearing needs are and choose a

manufacturer, style of hearing aid and color based on your personal preferences,

hearing loss and lifestyle.

• Hearing aid fitting: Get your hearing aids programmed by your audiologist based on

your unique needs and comfort level. Learn how to use your new devices, cleaning tips,

insertion and using accessories, Bluetooth and smartphone apps where applicable.

• Hearing aid follow up: 1-2 weeks after your fitting, it is important to come in and do

some “fine tuning” and have an opportunity to ask any questions you have or go over

something again.

• Come in for regular cleaning of your hearing aids (every 3-6 months) and get annual

hearing assessments at no charge.

Successful outcomes are determined by:

• Level of Existing Hearing Loss

• Central Auditory Nerve Function

• Level of Hearing Aid Technology

• Motivation

Additional benefits

• Your hearing device purchase is tax free

• You may be eligible to claim the

• Disability Tax Credit

• Adjustments, hearing tests, cleanings, and repairs

within warranty are all included in the purchase of

your hearing aids.


Audiogram of Familiar Sounds

Understanding the Audiogram

An audiogram is a graph that charts the result of your hearing test. Results of the audiogram show

the softest sounds you can hear, and if there is a hearing loss, the type, severity and degree. Word

Recognition testing, both in quiet and in noise, is extremely important when determining

appropriate technology levels to address your hearing diiculties.

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Anatomy of the Ear

We hear with our brain, not our ears.

Your ears act as messengers for your brain by receiving sounds and transferring them along the

hearing branch of the Vlllth cranial nerve to the auditory cortex of your brain. Any sounds that

are not picked up by your ears are also not sent to your brain.

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Hair Cells

The cochlea contains both inner and outer hair

cells, often referred to as “nerve endings.” These

hair cells are responsible for sending information

to the auditory cortex of your

brain via the Vlllth cranial nerve. Once your hair

cells become damaged, speech becomes unclear

and you have more diiculty understanding

speech, particularly in noisier situations. The hair

cells of the cochlea cannot be repaired by

medication or surgery.

I can hear, but I have trouble understanding.

Today’s sophisticated digital hearing aids

provide auditory stimulation and

help restore speech clarity, which not only

significantly improves your interaction

with others, but may even contribute to

delaying or preventing diseases like dementia. To

learn more about the link between hearing loss,

auditory deprivation and dementia, please visit The goal of amplification is to

find the proper balance between suiciently

high performance and the resulting cognitive load.

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Better Hearing Starts with your Brain

Auditory Deprivation

A lack of sound stimulation to your brain, results in an accelerated deterioration along the

hearing nerve pathway. Depriving your brain of sound can permanently weaken the ability of

your brain to understand speech, much like an unused muscle becomes weak over time.

Primary Auditory Cortex

Medial Geniculate

Inferior Colliculis

Superior Olive

Cochlear Nucleus

The Auditory Pathways

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Which best describes your lifestyle?

ACTIVE• Activities at Home

• Casual Conversations

• Small Group Conversations

• Meetings

• Shopping / Public Places

• Golf / Outdoor Activities

• Busy Restaurants

• Concerts / Sporting Events

CASUAL• Activities at Home

• Casual Conversations

• Small Group Conversations

• Meetings

• Shopping / Public Places

• Golf / Outdoor Activities

QUIET• Activities at Home

• Casual Conversations

• Watching Television

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Hearing Aid Styles

Behind the ear (BTE) This style rests behind the ear and is suitable for severe to profound hearing losses. The hearing aid can

be attached to a custom ear piece or a thin tube with a dome. BTE’s are easy to use and maintain.

Receiver in the ear (RITE) A smaller behind the ear option suitable for mild to severe hearing loss. Easy to use and maintain.

Mini Receiver in the ear (miniRITE) A popular discrete solution for mild to severe hearing losses. This hearing aid can be used with a silicone

dome or a custom ear piece. Very low maintenance and high durability.

In the ear (ITE) This hearing aid is suitable for mild to severe hearing loss. It is custom made for the individual’s ear and

is easy to use even with dexterity or vision issues.

In the canal (ITC) Suitable for mild to moderately severe hearing loss. Is smaller than ITE hearing aid and sits in the lower

portion of the ear canal.

Completely in the canal (CIC) This hearing aid style sits deeper into the ear canal for a more discrete custom hearing aid solution.

Suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss.

Invisible in the canal (IIC) Suitable for mild to moderate hearing loss. This style sits the deepest in the ear canal of all the hearing

aid styles, making it invisible.

he audiologist will discuss which style is best for you based on your hearing loss, lifestyle, hearing needs and your preference / comfort.

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Choose Your Perfect Fit

What will hearing devices do for me?

• Will reduce the rate of or stop nerve decline (auditory deprivation)

• Help you hear better within the limits of

• your existing hearing loss and nerve function

• Make soft sounds audible and improve speech clarity

• Generally help reduce the awareness of tinnitus

• Provide sound therapy for those who struggle with tinnitus and hyperacusis and

decreased sound tolerance.

Successful outcomes are determined by:

• Level of Existing Hearing Loss

• Central Auditory Nerve Function

• Level of Hearing Aid Technology

• Motivation

Additional benefits

• Your hearing device purchase is tax free

• You may be eligible to claim the

• Disability Tax Credit

Image © Oticon

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

We are Independent Audiologists

Independence Matters

We are locally owned and operated, allowing us to provide a wide range of services and products

tailored to each individual’s unique needs.

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Protect Your Hearing




Safe Listing Levels

140 - jet engine

130 - pain threshold

120 - ambulance siren

110 - rock concert

100 - chainsaw

95 - motorcycle

85 - blender

70 - vacuum

65 - conversation

50 - rainfall

40 - quiet oice

30 - whisper

20 - leaves

15 - pin falling

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Custom Ear Molds

Protect your ears from damaging loud sounds at work, home, or



Keep your ears dry and protected from outer ear infections


Sleep like a baby and block out road noise, voices, and snoring!


Preserve the sound quality of music while protecting your hearing with

musician plugs or in ear monitors


Do your earbuds fall out while running or working out? Do they hurt if you

leave them in too long? Custom earpieces keep them in place and



Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Tinnitus Treatment

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is most often described as high-pitched ringing but can also take the form of a buzzing,

hissing, pulsing, whistling, roaring, or various other sounds.

As many as 360,000 Canadians sufer from annoying tinnitus and nearly half of those experience it

to such a degree that it significantly afects their quality of life. Many tinnitus suferers have

diiculty sleeping and/or concentrating. Tinnitus does not cause hearing loss, but it may accompany

decreased hearing.

The tinnitus centre provides specialized assessment and tinnitus care for those sufering from

persistent, bothersome tinnitus and/or hyperacusis (reduced sound tolerance). Tinnitus clinic

participants undergo audiologic evaluation, followed by group or individual education, counselling

and sound therapy provided by an audiologist trained in Progressive Tinnitus Management and

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. Treatments are aimed to lessen the impact of tinnitus on daily life.

Participants require physician referral so that causes of tinnitus that might be addressed medically

are ruled out.

The centre’s tinnitus management program is an evidence-based, clinically proven strategy to

assess and manage tinnitus. It consists of 4 levels of hierarchical multi-disciplinary services based

on individual needs.

What can be done?

Hearing Aids /

Combination Devices

Sound Generator

Ear Level Sound Therapy

Personal. Experienced . Total. Hearing Care.

Aural Rehabilitation

Feeling Isolated? Let us help.

Hearing loss can lead to isolation, frustration, and fatigue for the individual and family members. We

ofer a group multi-disciplinary aural rehabilitation program to support and help you stay active,

communicate in diicult situations, and enjoy more of life and all of its moments.

We provide you with the education and resources to help you and your family manage your hearing

loss and communication needs. We will guide you on ways to maximize your hearing, communicate

efectively, and reduce the negative impact your hearing loss may have on you and your family.

Classes are ofered once a week over a four week session. The program is family centered. Family

members are encouraged to participate.

We also ofer a multi-disciplinary integrated auditory, motor, cognitive training program through

the Interior Development Centre which focuses on speech in noise training, balance, co-ordination,

and cognitive training.

The goal of our aural rehabilitation is to help you and your


• understand and manage your hearing loss

• make the best use of your hearing aids

• explore assistive listening devices that might help

• retrain your brain to process speech in background noise

• learn speech reading techniques

• manage conversations

• learn efective communication techniques

• maintain relationships, reduce stress, and minimize the efects of hearing loss on your social and

emotional well-being

Join our Support Groups!

You are not the only one with a hearing loss. Joining a support group will give you the opportunity to

learn from others’ experiences. How do they handle traveling, meetings, appointments, going to the

hospital, telephone conversations, hearing in theaters, diicult family members or work associates?

Have they used assistive listening devices? What has worked? Support groups are excellent forums

for problem solving and mutual support. They are also good for your sense of humor – an essential

ingredient for coping with a hearing loss!

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