the last great feast day ( yahu)

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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According to the

Days of Reckoning

the Scriptual Calender 2017

The Last Great Day (fixed appointed Times)

5th October 2017 ( previous evening to evening )

1 Cor 15:3

For I delivered to you at the first that which I also received: that Meshiakh died for our sins

according to the Scriptures,

These are days of reckoning not of the moon, but according to scriptures

Ya-Yahu is one

According to the Scriptures means to be in agreement

Agreeing; harmonizing.


Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Can] better Will? or Do

(be agreed]

have appointed themselves (or each other), i.e. have met by agreement or have agreed to

be together.

Yah gives his fixed appointed times of his feast days and except we are in agreement with

that convocation we are likely to miss the most important days of our lives

First, two do not walk together along a road unless they have first met, chatted, and agreed

to continue on together.

So unless you and I are in total agreement according to scriptures we are being deceived

The Last Great Day Lev 23:36b

On the eighth day there shall be a set-apart gathering for you, and you shall bring an

offering made by fire to Yahh. It is a closing festival, you do no servile work.

The eighth day is the dedication of the final act of the tabernacle no longer needed, For this

corruptible must put on Incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. After seven

days ( 7000 years) six of which we were in the wilderness of sin, we have finally reach the

day of judgement

That is, in the last day, the day of judgment; the time when the principles of all pretenders

to prophecy and piety shall be tried.

The End of the Way: Sayers versus Doers

A candle is not lighted in order to be hidden.

Matt 7:22

(My Sovereign, (King of Kings) My Sovereign), didn’t we eat and drink by your name , preach by

Your name, and by Your name cast out gods, and perform many works of power by Your


Matt 7: 23

23. And then I will profess to them, ‘Never did I acknowledge you: [Matt 10: 32] even if you

are on My lap ( judgement) and do not do the will of My Father Who is in heaven, out of My lap

will I cast you away!

Pro 17:23

A lawless one taketh a bribe out of the lap To pervert the ways of judgment.

Better (sweeter) is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith. Dry bread was soaked in wine or

water before it was eaten. Thus Boaz bid Ruth "dip her morsel in the vinegar" (Rth_2:14);

thus Yahuah gave the sop to Yehuḏah from Qerioth when he had dipped it (Joh_13:26

"Better is a morsel with joy in peace."


The ability to see beyond what is seen in the physical present as a light piercing through the

darkness. to take hold of the ends of the earth, and the wrong be shaken out of it? As in the

Judgement day

a king who invited his sons to feast with him for a certain number of days, and when the

time came for them to leave, he said: ''My sons! Please, stay with me just one more day,

[for] it is difficult for me to part with you!'

We must say “No” to the “I” life which is seated in our soul

Joh 7:37

And on the last day, the great day of the festival, Yahuah stood and cried out, saying, “If

anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and let him who believes in Me drink

The Feast of Tabernacles lasted a week. After the excitement of the first two or three days

had died down, Yahuah began to teach in the temple. People were impressed with his

teaching, though he taught not to gain honour for himself but to bring glory to Yah who had

sent him. If people loved Yah and wanted to do his will, they would see that what Yahuah

taught was the truth of Yah (John 7:14-18). The Yahudah accused Yahuah of breaking the law,

because on a previous occasion he had healed a man on the Sabbath (John 5:1-16). But, replied

Yahuah, they themselves did not hesitate to circumcise a child on the Sabbath (John 7:19-24).

People were amazed at Yahuah’ boldness in so speaking, and even more amazed that he

was not arrested and killed. Maybe, some thought, the religious leaders were convinced

that he was the Meshiakh. They soon changed their minds, however, when they

remembered that Yahuah was from Galilee. They had always believed that no one would

know where the Meshiakh would come from. Yahuah pointed out to them that his real

place of origin was not Galilee, but heaven. He was sent by Yah (John 7:25-29).

The words of Yahuah caused division among the Yahudah, with some bitterly opposed to

him and others convinced that he was the Meshiakh. The leaders of the Sanhedrin became

concerned that many were believing in Yahuah, and they sent temple guards to arrest him.

But the temple guards were powerless to do anything. No one could arrest or kill him until

the time appointed by his Father. When that time arrived, he would die, rise to life, and

return to his Father in heaven. His opponents would not be able to find him, because he

would be in a place that they could never reach. Their unbelief excluded them from heaven

eternally (John 7:30-34).

Again the Yahudah misunderstood Yahuah’ words. They thought that when he said he was

going away, he was planning to go preaching among the Gentiles (John 7:35-36).

Yahuah brought the feast to a fitting climax by offering to satisfy all who, in their spiritual

need, came to him for help. He would work a life-giving change within them.

He was pointing to


on the eighth day shall be an Sacred convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering

made by fire unto the Almighty: it is a solemn assembly; and ye shall do no servile work


This day represents the final act in Yah mercy, when the chaff will be separated from the

wheat, and some will go on to everlasting life and the rest will become has never existed


Yahuah is more concerned about our “walk” than our “talk.” He wants his followers to do

right, not just say the right words. our tabernacle (which represents your life) will withstand

the storms of life only if you do what is right instead of just talking about it.

His Blessing be upon you

Yah will kneel before you presenting gifts, and he will guard you with a hedge

of protection,

Yah will illuminate the wholeness of his being toward you, bringing order,

and he will provide you with love, sustenance, and friendship,

Yah will lift up the wholeness of his being and look upon you, and he will set

in place all you need to be whole and complete,

Baruch Haba b’Shem Yah

keiyah Ben Yahuahthah

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