“the law of awakening” jennifer hough · “the law of awakening” jennifer hough _____

Post on 08-Sep-2018






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“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

Tammy Lawman: Welcome, everyone. I’d like to welcome you to another wonderful session of the Intention Event. We’re here to help you get clear on what you want and give you the top 24 experts, tools, techniques, and systems so you can manifest each and every dream. My name is Tammy Lawman, and I’m your host. We have a spectacular session planned for you today with the founder of The Vital You Clinic and creator of the Get Out Of Your Own Way course. Not only is she a speaker and author with the gift of intuition, but she’s a holistic nutritionist and teacher of the art of awakening. She truly walks her talk and has transformed her own life from years of financial struggle and chronic migraines to abundance and limitless vitality. She’s a master of leading people just like you to wake up and break free from the underlying patterns that keep you stuck. On behalf of the founders and listeners of the Intention Event, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Jennifer Hough. Jennifer Hough: I’m so happy to be here, Tammy. I’m just getting prepared for a UK trip. I have lots of things rolling around in my head and lots of people emailing with lots of energy moving. It’s a time of great change. That’s for sure. Tammy Lawman: For those who don’t know that much about you, can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you got your start in the self-improvement industry? Jennifer Hough: Sure. When I started out, I worked for a big multi-national company. I got a degree in economics, believe it or not. That’s a little left-brained. What happened was I was living on my sailboat, and I got exposed to some toxins. As a result of that exposure, I started to have chronic migraines and yeast infections. I was breaking up every relationship I was in. I sought some help, first medically. I was taking medications, and they were helping some symptoms, but they were causing other symptoms. I knew that really wasn’t the root for me. I didn’t know anything about the holistic world. I was a purchasing manager at the same time that I was also a personal trainer. Even personal trainers at that point didn’t know a lot about anything holistic or anything to do with quantum physics or anything like that. I found several different holistic modalities. I went to a chiropractor, a network chiropractor, a craniosacral therapist, and a reiki master. I went to a lot of different things. Each of them had a different story and a different take. One day I was in my chiropractor’s office, and a nutritionist came up to me and said, “Jennifer, you really don’t look that good,” to which I replied, “Thank you.”

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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From there, she said, “I know you know about Chinese herbs. Can you teach me about Chinese herbs if I teach you how to get your body back in balance?” She did. We traded. To this day, she’s still a very good friend. I got about 2/3 better by using supplements and nutrition and basically roto-rooting my body with homeopathy and bodywork. People started saying that I looked years younger. I did look years younger. They started coming to see me for advice because I had learned so much. That’s actually how I started in the field of holistic nutrition. What we’re talking about tonight, and what I really want to share about, is what happened after that. That was the part that had my practice become the largest one in Canada. It really was around how our beliefs affect our biochemistry. I said I was 2/3 better, so I still had 1/3 that wasn’t so hot. What happened was I still had migraines. People were coming to see me. I had a woman come in, and she had a brain tumor. That was the one avenue I had not explored about my particular migraine case. I had a lot of people who had migraines come to see me, and almost 99% of them we could assist them to reverse. There was just that 1%, including myself. I got most of the way better, but I was still getting migraines once a month. This woman came, and that was the one avenue I hadn’t explored about me, which was having a brain tumor. For some reason, I just knew that she was going to pass away. I’d already had a few thousand clients, so I was getting extremely intuitive and sensitized to people’s symptoms and what they meant. I looked at her, and I knew instantaneously where that particular issue had come from when we started talking about it. It had to do with her mother and being given up for adoption. Her mother was a cocaine addict, and she was given up for adoption when she was young. She held resentment against her mother that her mother didn’t love herself enough to make herself better so she could be with her mother. This was despite the fact that she was with an extraordinary adoptive family. I knew she wouldn’t heal. She passed away in about a week and a half. I thought, “Brain tumors. I will get to the bottom of this because I refuse to have this happen in my office again. I know there’s a way. If the universe is a benevolent, loving universe, then there’s really no reason why we have to suffer. We’re a function of an amazing, creative force that makes worlds. Surely we don’t have to suffer symptoms. “What is it, and how can I transcend it effortlessly without restrictive diet or having to take a ton of supplements the rest of my life?” I just knew because it was a struggle. Probably a lot of people listening right now are hearing this and thinking, “I don’t eat wheat, dairy, or sugar.” Some of you maybe do eat all those things. Yay for you. I didn’t want to have to keep doing that anymore in order to stay 2/3 well.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

I wanted to be all the way well. I wanted to feel free to be able to eat, drink, and do whatever inspired me and to feel well without migraines. I knew that if I was a divine child of a wonderful, expansive universe, there was a way. That night, I went to bed. I woke up at 3:00 in the morning, and I took out a pen and a book, and I just started writing. I wrote, and I wrote. I basically channeled or downloaded the entire Get Out of Your Own Way program and how our biochemistry is linked to our beliefs. I could feel shifts in my body such that I was able to see energy even more. I saw the big picture. I didn’t even see it. I felt it on a whole other level. I saw for me what the migraines were all about, and I stepped out of them in an instant. I started assisting my clients for the next week and months to come, and people started being referred from all over the place. What happened from there was I started speaking about what happened. Then I realized that this really was about awakening to who we are and having a cellular shift such that it really transcends the effort. We get to wake up to who we are and thank our body for the symptoms it gives us that express how we really are. What a wonderful gift that our body gives us by telling us. It’s communicating with us all the time. This is about how we get to actually transcend all of that. That’s how come now we’re teaching the Law of Awakening and why Get Out of Your Own Way is something I’m very passionate about paying forward. Does that kind of give you an idea, Tammy? Tammy Lawman: Definitely. That’s an amazing story. I’m sure you never thought when you were getting your degree in economics that you would be in this field now. Jennifer Hough: Oh my gosh, no. One of the things that happened to me was the reason I went into economics and accounting, Tammy, was actually was one of the reasons I had migraines. One of the things that happened in that waking dream was I had this flash, and the flash was of me in my basement with my dad, helping him finish the basement with that ugly wood paneling that a lot of us used to have. He was very meticulous. His father was an engineer, so everything had to be perfect. For my dad, nothing was ever good enough. He was very hard on himself as well. I was downstairs, and I was 3 to 5 years old. He had just meticulously jigsawed out this beautiful piece of paneling to fit around the fireplace, and I came along. I was helping my daddy. I took a hammer, and I whacked off the end of it. I remember him just exploding. For me as a 5-year-old, I didn’t understand why he was so upset. When you’re 5, everything is about you. It must have been something you did. I immediately said to myself, “I must be bad. I must have to do things perfectly. I must have to get things right. I must have to do things in order for my daddy to approve of me and love me.” I started collecting evidence for it the rest of my life.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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It seemed pretty true because he barked at my sisters. How I interpreted that was, “I guess we all really have to live up to that, and then he’ll approve.” The funny thing was I went into accounting and economics because of that, which was good. It gave me some insight into numbers and all of that. It’s very much not how I think, but it’s all good. All that pressure to get approval, to be good enough, and to really be okay was the same pressure that was in my head. As I saw it, I remember having a conversation with my dad where I actually apologized. I said, “I’m sorry. I haven’t been telling you about my life because I’ve been too scared you wouldn’t approve of me.” This was quite a life-changing moment. He said, “Jennifer, I could not love another human being as much as I love you. You do your life. Sometimes I bark, but that’s just me. Don’t worry about it.” That was in my 20s, and I had spent 20 years basically putting undue pressure on myself that I had adopted from my father. Voila! The migraines went away. That actually happened from the dream that I had. They went completely away because I got it on a cellular level. I understood who I was. I was much bigger than not up to par for somebody. In the end, Tammy, what I was doing was I was saying that the opinion of my father mattered more than the fact that a creative force that makes the world decided I should be here. If a creative force that makes worlds decided I should be here, then I’m worth it. I’m so much more than good enough. I’m blessed. I’m wonderful. I must be if an omnipotent, omniscient, all-seeing, all-knowing creator thought I should be here. The same is true for everyone on the line. How do you cellularly remember that? How do you actually know that in your cells so you don’t have to do a lot of intellectual work to get to your infinite, expansive life? You really don’t even have to do vision boards and intentions. You become a walking vision board and an embodied intention. You are the intention. Your beingness is. That’s really what happened to me. Again, that’s why I’m so passionate about this. Tammy Lawman: Awesome. It seems like people are really feeling this urgency to get on with their lives, fulfill their passions, and make their dreams come true. Why do you think that is? Jennifer Hough: Let’s go on a little journey. Hopefully everyone is willing to come on this journey with me. I think we’re all on the same page that thoughts are things, and thoughts have energy. Would you agree with that, Tammy? Tammy Lawman: Yes, I would agree. Jennifer Hough: I think your listeners are probably on that page, too.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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Tammy Lawman: Yes. Jennifer Hough: I think we’re all on that. Let’s take that and make it a much bigger concept. Let’s say that trillions of people have come before all of us. Just imagine that. Trillions of people have come before all of us. They have. All of these beings were here before us. There were much less conscious times in the past few thousand years and possibly more conscious times before that. We don’t know. Imagine that they went through the whole thing with survival and dinosaurs, medieval times, and Roman times. Everything has been about surviving, overtaking, plotting, pillaging, and burning things. It hasn’t been really fun being human, depending on which culture you were in. Because of all of that, there has been an innate knowing within human beings that there’s more to life. We’ve always loved joy, and we just want more of it. Imagine going through all of those times and all of that contrast. Just put yourself there because for many of you, you believe that you have past lives. If you don’t, that’s okay. Just come along for this conversation anyway. Imagine you had past lives, and you’ve been there. Imagine what it feels like to be in that kind of concern, struggle, and worry. Imagine the yearning, prayer, thought, or intention that you put out there for the world and for your life. Imagine that trillions of people who came before you yearned for peace. You can imagine that’s one of the things that would come from that kind of living: joy, love, and that we all understood each other. Just think about it. I really ask everyone who’s listening tonight not to listen to me from your head. If you listen from your head, it will just be like any other workshop on the planet. I really am committed that no matter what it is that I do, it actually makes a permanent difference in your life. Whether it’s on the telephone or you come live to a workshop, it will really have an impact on your tomorrow and on all the tomorrows to come. Experience what I’m saying. You’re back there in those times. Of course you’re going to yearn. You’re going to look at your children and think, “I wish the world had more love and understanding. We’re all the same. Can’t anyone see it?” We all knew when we were 5 years old that we’re all the same. We all got along until someone taught us differently. Imagine that the energy of those trillions of people yearning has been waiting in the ethers as thought forms to be expressed. That has a frequency. It’s the joy, peace, and love prayer of trillions of people who feel the power of that. Imagine the creative force that makes worlds. You can call it God, quantum physics, the universe, or source energy. Whatever you choose to call it doesn’t matter. Again, if you resonate with God, use that. If you’re not really sure about all of this, just try it on, play with it, and see if it feels good.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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Imagine that creative force that makes worlds. Most of us would agree that beautiful creative force is about the expansion of joy, peace, and love. If we imagine ourselves being connected with God or creation, if we just breathe it in right now, it feels like it must be peaceful, joyful, easy, and expansive. Imagine that our prayers match the frequency of the desire of God. Imagine that can’t come to fruition until the human beings or humanity that’s in a body on this planet is a vibrational match for the unfolding of that reality. In other words, we had to be ready for something to turn around where more joy, peace, and love is available for all of us. Imagine that everything got set up on the internet and telephone lines where anybody could communicate. Imagine anything that involved trying to understand and communicate with each other and debunking some of the manipulations that those in power have had and things we’ve been told that maybe aren’t true. Imagine being able to openly communicate about that so we can all see the world for what it is and who we are. Imagine that time is now. Imagine that the time for the unfolding of joy, peace, and love on this planet is right now and that the universe knew exactly because the universe knows all. We’ve decided that it’s omnipotent, omniscient, in all things, and of all things. It knew exactly who it was putting here. That means that each of us is a piece of the puzzle of the unfolding of heaven on earth. If you think that you’re not important, think again, first of all. Secondly, that sense of urgency that you just asked about, Tammy, is coming because this is a really amazing time to be alive. We get to ride the wave and be a part of the wave of the expansion of more understanding, joy, peace, and love. It just requires us all to be incredibly conscious. We have to be awake to experience this world as the heaven on earth that it is. It already is heaven on earth. It’s just that what we’ve been making it is something else. All of a sudden it’s time to live our purpose and really follow our bill, as Joseph Campbell says. We need to just wake up to the fact that our old stories are boring. All of the things that have held us back, all of the ideas we’ve had from our parents and things we’ve taken on from society, are just getting really old really fast. We’re ready. From my perspective, that’s why we’re feeling such an urgency. Tammy Lawman: Wonderful. So Jennifer, what happens if we don’t figure out what our passion is or we don’t follow our bliss?

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

Jennifer Hough: It’s so powerful, Tammy. It’s a great question because if you can just imagine, it’s like a river of energy that creates worlds, and we get to float down on this amazing inner tube. We get to steer where we go, what we do, and all that kind of stuff. When we start going off current, bumping into things, and not being conscious about what we’re doing, what happens is these loving, physical bodies of ours will actually give us symptoms to let us know that we’re off-track. They will actually talk to us and say, “You’re thinking things that aren’t true, like you’re not good enough and you’re not worthy. You’re not taking action that’s right in front of your face. You really should take that action.” The ship keeps coming in because it’s a loving, benevolent universe. It doesn’t matter that we don’t follow what life brings us, but there’s an opportunity to fly forward. If we resist because it feels too unfamiliar, maybe too scary, and maybe not what we’re used to, we start to get symptoms. It can start with aches, pains, headaches, and feeling really anxious or worried, and it can go as far as any symptom or disease you can think of. All of that is your body talking to you and saying, “You’re off-track. You need to wake up.” That’s what can happen when we forget to learn the tools and follow the call. Tammy Lawman: We need to really listen to our bodies and our intuition telling us that something is wrong or right for us. Jennifer Hough: More importantly, we’ve been so used to, in our history, really analyzing the living heck out of our past. When something shows up that isn’t working, we think, “I have something wrong. This must have to do with my mother!” Then what we do is we analyze it. Maybe we think, “This has to do with a past life,” and we analyze it. There are so many things that we make it mean. The challenge or shift is this: these days, the energy is moving so fast that we have the opportunity to transcend and end the need to analyze all that stuff. We can leap into the world where we can expand what we want and follow the footsteps of what it is that we want. It’s so funny. I’m just thinking about going to the UK. A year ago, around this time, I was in the UK. I was invited over for the first time. I wasn’t getting paid for it. They wanted me to sell stuff to make money, which I really don’t like doing. It’s not the most fun for me. I like just talking about what inspires me and assisting people. It didn’t make any logical sense. I was going to spend all this money on a hotel, which wasn’t paid for, all this money on food and all that kind of stuff, and I was going to speak in front of people who didn’t even know me. I thought, “Why am I going?”

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

Every time I would go to cancel speaking there, I would shake my head and think, “That feels really bad.” I was listening to my body and my instincts. My instincts were saying to go. It felt really weird not to go. I didn’t cancel, and I went. I stood on stage, and there was such a resonance. It was powerful. That’s why I’m going back again now. I met so many people who are soul family over there that I can’t even tell you how much I adore them. It’s like we’ve known each other for eons. They’re so excited about doing the work together and really awakening. Their lives are shifting by leaps and bounds. The stories are just incredible. What if I hadn’t followed the instinct? It’s really about becoming instinctual and very intuitive beings. It’s not even intuitive. Instinctual is a far better word because we came wired connected to our purpose. We came wired that way. It’s actually more effortful to not do it. It’s just our ego goes nuts when we’re following the unfamiliar. It says, “You don’t know how to do this. You’re not good enough for that.” It’s chit-chatting away just like it did with me when I went to England. My ego was going nuts. “What are you doing? You’re going to lose money.” By the way, I more than covered my cost. I actually didn’t do a minute of sales pitch. I wasn’t even conscious of it. It’s pretty interesting how that happens. Tammy Lawman: That’s an amazing story. Let’s get into a little bit about what the Law of Awakening is. Jennifer Hough: There’s so much to say here. Sometimes I think, “What is the Law of Awakening?” There’s so much to say about that. The first aspect of the Law of Awakening is that it’s for people who are ready to go beyond. It’s the next thing from the Law of Attraction. You’ve done the vision board, intentions, and all that stuff that we learned about Law of Attraction, which was very helpful. It made us very aware that we do play a part in our moving forward, flying forward, and our cosmic journey. That’s really what the Law of Attraction was all about. It was about you ask, and the universe answers. You just get out of the way of what the universe delivers, and there it will be. You line your energy up and transcend the belief that has you stuck, and away you go. In the Law of Awakening, it says that even that is effortful. What we get to do is we get to be the embodiment of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is always working, but what if we so became who we are and who we came here to be and we so embodied our purpose that we emanated our intentions from our beingness? We radiate out intent and embodied it on such a level that the universe can only deliver what’s a vibrational match. It’s not because we’re working hard and our minds are working hard to get it to us but because that’s just the way it is.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

That’s the natural order of things. We’ve all experienced it where something happened that you didn’t intend or envision, but it was so much better than what you could have imagined. What if your life just becomes that way? What if you’re just living in the miracle zone? That’s just your life. A miracle is no longer a miracle. It’s what I like to call a normal. The Law of Awakening has a few aspects. Do you want me to go into those? Tammy Lawman: Yes, definitely. Jennifer Hough: Cool. The Law of Awakening says this: first of all, most people who are interested in the Law of Awakening are members of the Not Belonging Club. We’re going to have an AKA. It’s AKA the Freedom-Seekers Club. I already know you are one, Tammy. You don’t even need to say. Tammy Lawman: That’s why I’m laughing. Jennifer Hough: I get that. The Not Belonging Club is affectionately known by me as the NBC. How you know you’re in it is first of all, you don’t like listening to the news. In fact, most people who belong to the Not Belonging Club have had the idea at some point in their life that there should be a good news channel or a good news newspaper. Almost everyone in the Not Belonging Club has had that idea. The second thing about the Not Belonging Club is that you are independent. The third thing is that usually you have friends or family who call you the wacky one. They say, “That’s just Tammy,” “That’s just Julie,” or “That’s how Bob thinks.” Some of them will accept you for it, and some of them say, “They’re off their rocker. What do you mean you have an idea to clean up the entire oil spill?” or whatever it is. We have ideas that are outside the norm. Whether we act on them or not is irrelevant. A lot of us have those ideas, but we don’t act on them. We know that we think a little bit differently. We’ve always also had this sense like in some ways we don’t fit in. Another aspect of the Not Belonging Club is we probably don’t even want to belong to the Not Belonging Club. Generally, we don’t like to belong to things because we like our freedom. We keep the fact that we’re members of the Not Belonging Club on the lowdown. That’s basically the Not Belonging Club. That’s an aspect of the Law of Awakening because the Law of Awakening is being driven by the members of the Not Belonging Club. The Law of Awakening is coming to the forefront because the people who are in the Not Belonging Club really don’t want to work so hard to have a life of miracles. They just don’t want to spend 24/7 intending, envisioning, working, and strategizing. It’s like it has to be easier than that. Life must love me more than that. I don’t want to get rid of my entire path before I can have my great life.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

Tammy Lawman: You’re thinking, “Why shouldn’t I have something now instead of later?” Jennifer Hough: They’re really bored with their story. Their yearning to be free is actually creating the Law of Awakening coming to the forefront, just like people who wanted to take their power back were the driving force behind the Law of Attraction. You had a question, Tammy. What was that? Tammy Lawman: It was just more of a commentary of knowing that there’s something more and wanting to find what that is, contribute to it, and be a part of it but still have that freedom. Jennifer Hough: Absolutely. Here are some characteristics of the Law of Awakening. Instead of controlling or manipulating life so you manifest what it is that your mind perceives it wants, you don’t do that. I’m going to give you an example. I’ll show you why. There was a woman who came to one of my workshops. She was in the Get Out of Your Own Way course, as a matter of fact. She was talking about how she was teaching her son the Law of Attraction. She said, “I just really get the Law of Attraction.” I said, “Okay.” She talked about how she and her son did a vision board together. They did this red truck that she wanted, and he did his own. It had been months. She’s a contractor, so stuff got piled up in their garage. They found their vision boards again. In fact, her son found them again. They were looking at them, and basically everything that he wanted on his board was done. It was so cool. Then they looked at hers, and they realized the red Ford truck that she had on her vision board was actually in her driveway. He said, “Look at that, Mom.” His mom was so proud because she thought, “I’m teaching him that quantum physics exists, and he’s getting it.” She said, “Do you see? You ask, and the universe delivers.” I said, “Actually, that’s not what happened.” She said, “What?” I said, “It is the Law of Attraction, but it’s not the way you think.” She said, “What do you mean?” I said, “Long before that red truck was in your driveway, long before that red truck was even in your head, your higher self, the part of you that’s connected to God, already knew you were going to have a red truck. “In order to let you know how powerful you are, the first step is to have you have an idea that comes to fruition. I promise you the idea came from your higher levels in the first place. That already knew that red truck was coming. You actually didn’t intend it into being. It was already coming anyway.” She said, “Wow.” I said, “It’s because you’re waking up that you even had the idea, and it looks like the idea created the truck. The truck was already created because you’re a divine child of God. It was done.”

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

What the Law of Awakening says is that instead of using your mind, start dancing with what the universe presents. If you have the idea, it’s already done anyway. Your job is to dance with what life presents. There’s an aspect that we call dancing, which is what we can get into later. The art of dancing with life is so fun because now this magical, miraculous flow between you and life always delivers. This is a key point of the Law of Awakening. Always what gets delivered is the “or better” version. It’s always better than what you could ever intend with your mind because your mind is limited by your past. In the Law of Awakening what gets delivered is always better. For instance, the England thing was so much better than what I imagined. I can’t even express to you the friendships. It’s so magical. Now all the people I’ve taught Get Out of Your Own Way to in North America are all going over to the UK. They’re all going over to the UK at the same time we are. It’s amazing. It’s always better. Dancing is one concept. The next concept is you no longer have to excavate your beliefs. What will happen is the energy is moving so fast that it’s going to bring your dissonant beliefs or the beliefs that are in the way of your full beingness. Those are going to come to the top whether you like it or not. You don’t have to excavate them. They’re just going to show themselves in perfect timing, and it’s going to be really annoying because all this crap will come up. It’s not like you’re asking for it. The difference is that in the old world, 10 to 20 years ago, you had to analyze the Dickens out of it. You had to look at it, apologize to people, write about it, journal about it, or forgive it. There was so much to do about it. By the way, I was involved in that. I assisted people to do that. In this faster moving energy, the Law of Awakening says that when it comes up, it’s only coming up to be released, healed, and depolarized for the good of all humanity and for the good of your life. Disengage. Just unplug your energy from it. Disengage from it, which doesn’t mean ignore. It will be there. You will have an awareness of it. It’s not like you’re going to ignore it. Just disengage the drama of it. Unplug. It’s just that simple, Tammy. It’s so simple people have a hard time actually grasping that we can do that. We can. It takes some practice, and sometimes it takes a little assistance, but once you see how you do it, it’s amazing how magical that becomes. I had to do that a whole bunch today. I’m leaving tomorrow night. I have all this stuff to do, and I had a full day of clients. If it was the old me, I’d be so caught up I’d probably have a migraine headache by now. I just danced and disengaged. Those are some key aspects.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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Tammy Lawman: Do you find that people have trouble with the letting go part because some of us have this engrained need to feel like we’re in control of our lives and our destiny? What you’re talking about sounds like it’s already predetermined for us. Jennifer Hough: Thanks for bringing that up. It actually isn’t predetermined. It’s so not predetermined. The third aspect is what you just brought up. Of course, this is the “or better” conversation. You just brought up so perfectly the other characteristic of the Law of Awakening, which is not knowing. The universe doesn’t even know, Tammy. That’s the crazy part of it. You are constantly flourishing to your next level of, “This gets to be my life. I get to live in the miracle zone. I get to flourish, blossom, and experience all these wonderful people.” When you actually are dancing with life, as you blossom, your possible outcome gets better. Even the outcomes of your life start to be different. Let’s put it this way. When you’re not awake, you don’t see all that’s in front of you. The more you wake up, the more your eyes are open to what’s available. As you wake up more and more, you feel yourself as an extension of the creative force that makes worlds. Imagine the energy that creates worlds is flowing through us, which is what gives us life. We get to be this pinnacle or focal point like a laser. We’re this focal point of that energy. As a creative force in the universe, we are going out and living our unique purpose based on all of our skill sets and who we are. Imagine that. We’re expanding creation itself. The key here is to follow your heart. As you follow your heart, you’ll be in alignment. This is the next piece of Law of Awakening. You’re going to be in alignment with the love, joy, and peace that is God or creation. If you’re in alignment with that, you’re in the flow of that. If you’re in the flow of that, that means that as you take another step, the universe takes a step with you. Then you take another step, and the universe says, “What about this?” Then you take another step and say, “I’m going to act on that,” and the universe says, “That’s cool. Let’s do this.” It becomes this dance back and forth, not at all of predetermined outcomes. Tammy Lawman: I’m starting to see it. I’m starting to get the picture now. It’s about opening yourself up to the possibilities. Jennifer Hough: Right. The predetermined outcome is joy, peace, and love. That’s the predetermined outcome. How you get there is totally up to your awareness and what you choose. There are things that will present that will be in your highest because you’re so loved by creation that it will always present you options that are in your highest. Even if the options aren’t in your highest, so many of them are still so juicy.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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It’s really about following your bliss. Here’s the last characteristic. It’s an adventure. It’s like an exploration of what’s possible for humanity on the leading edge of creation. It’s so fun I can’t even tell you. The missing ingredient for most people is just knowing that it’s true and that that is the way it is. It is that way. You are an extension. Life wants to dance with you. It loves you. Knowing that in our cells is really what I’m a facilitator of. I’m a facilitator of that remembrance. When you remember it, my goodness. I can think of so many stories of people who are coming to the UK. These are people who some of them are divorced and single parents, but they all have found their way to live the life they’ve always dreamed of. They didn’t even know that they were dreaming of it. It showed up better than what they dreamed. Tammy Lawman: Jennifer, can you give everyone an example? Can you pick one? Do you have one that comes to your mind right away? Jennifer Hough: Sure. I have one that comes to mind right away. Her name is Michelle. She might even be listening tonight. She’s wonderful. She had come to take the Get Out of Your Own Way course. She’d become such a great friend too. I just love her. What happened was that she had been divorced from her former husband, and they were still butting heads. They had two young children, and both of them are indigos. They’re very freedom-seeking, free-thinking, brilliant people. Of course, that’s how Michelle had always been. In her marriage, she had forgotten that she was a freedom-seeker. She fell into the role of mommyhood, so she felt responsible and obligated to try to follow all the rules that everybody had set in schools, all the parenting rules, and all that kind of stuff. She came to Get Out of Your Own Way, and what happened was just a remembrance of this adventurous, playful soul and a remembrance that children learn by example. We all want our children to be happy. We teach them what we know, but the problem is that what we know has gotten us to the happiness level that we have. If we want our children to be happy, we have to learn how to be happy. The funny thing is if we ask who’s happier, a 42-year-old or a 3-year-old, almost everyone will say the 3-year-old. Why are we teaching them? It’s really a question of remembering that intuitive, instinctual soul and how to live there. Michelle started to dance with her school. She even became a member of the PTA. She started working and changing things from within. She started being this example of someone who really gave permission for her children to be self-expressed.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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I can’t give details because that would take a long time, but this isn’t about her children going wild. This is about finding a way that it worked for them and helping the teachers to find a way that it worked for them. It was so magical. The school is actually changing because more and more children are like her children. It’s not going the other way. There aren’t more followers. There are more freedom-seekers. She’s actually helping. So much is happening. She came to swim with the dolphins with Joe and I. Joe is my partner. We do adventure travel together. We take people on spiritual journeys to wake up. She’s been to Peru, and she’s been to swim with the wild dolphins in Bimini. She’s come on lots of spiritual adventures with us, and that’s leaving her children with her husband and being the example of following her heart’s content. Those children are so inspired. They tell her, “Mommy, where are you going next? Tell us.” It’s just a magical journey. Right now she’s over in the UK having a visit with her brother and having these amazing conversations with her kids while she’s over there. They’re really learning that you get to do whatever you want to do. You get to follow your heart because she’s following her heart. That’s what permission they have. Tammy Lawman: One of the best gifts people can give to their children that anything is possible. Jennifer Hough: That’s what happened. I even forgot that she thought she wanted to be in real estate or sales. She even tried to work with us. All of it wasn’t working. She disengaged from it, and all of a sudden this woman showed up. This is the dance. She said, “I need organizing. I do weddings. I need an executive assistant.” Michelle said, “I’ll do that in the meantime.” Meanwhile, she’s amazing at it. She goes to all of these wealthy people. She has the lifestyle of the rich and famous, and she gets paid way more than she did before. She meets all these amazing people. She has a job that she never would have imagined that she would have, and it’s a total “or better” job. She struggled because she had all these ideas of what she should be doing. Then she just allowed it to show up. Usually, it comes out of left field, kind of like relationships. I have a feeling that’s what’s next for Michelle. That’s what Law of Awakening is about. It’s about letting go, dancing, and shining your light so that you ignite other flames. Tammy Lawman: Jennifer, for those people who are struggling a little bit, how can we help them get out of their own way? Do you have any steps they can follow for that?

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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Jennifer Hough: Sure. For people who are struggling, a lot of those people will be the freedom-seekers I’m talking about who are ready to come to the next level and really wake up. There are some things that I think are very helpful. The first thing is stop judging yourself and where you’re at. A surefire way to stay stuck is judge where you’re at. Let go of the judgment. You are where you’re at. There’s no point in judging it as bad or like there’s something wrong. We have all these perceptions of what’s good and what’s not good in life. We have all these perceptions of how it’s supposed to be and that there are things that happen to us, and it isn’t supposed to be that way. If we stopped keeping score of many of the things from our past that we perceived were bad, we would actually see how our personalities evolved, how we grew up, and how we gained wisdom from most of those things that we would judge as bad when really, they weren’t bad. They just were. They contributed something that was needed so that we could live in our now. To judge anything as bad in our now is really to sabotage ourselves from moving forward. I say that hesitantly because I know when I say we’re sabotaging ourselves, then people judge themselves for sabotaging themselves. Just let it go. You’re fine. I promise you the universe has your back. You’re loved, and wherever you’re at, even if it feels crappy, it’s perfect. Joe and I just did a relationship workshop about living a deeper love this weekend. There was a woman there who was probably the most intellectual. She had a lot of shoulds and a lot of school, university, and post-graduate education. She’s a very smart woman from that perspective, but she knew so much, and she analyzed so much that everything didn’t look like it should be according to the books. She was paralyzed. She’s done Get Out of Your Own Way a few times. Many people do. She started to let go of all of what she knew because knowing didn’t help her. She wasn’t having a great time in life. In fact, it was not pretty. The funny thing was that by the end of the course this weekend, you could see that she had done the work. She was entirely in that miracle zone of not judging where she was. She just met this amazing man, and they’re having a relationship like she has never had in her life. She’s not pontificating, analyzing, telling him what he knows, or judging him for not knowing enough. She’s let go of all of that. That’s why I say to stop judging where you’re at. The next thing I would say is if the universe thought it was a good idea for you to be here, stop arguing with it. If the universe thought it was a good idea and you’re worthy and deserving of being here, stop believing someone else.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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God trumps everybody. Just place your hand over your heart and repeat after me. “I resign as general manager of the universe.” Why I say that is because it’s time to resign as general manager of the universe. You are not the general manager of the universe. There already is one, and he or she wants their job back. You’re the CEO or the visionary. You’re the one who gets to dance with creation. You have a general manager. Let the general manager expedite for you. Your job is to have fun, love, and do what life puts in front of you. Dance with it. At first, you’re going to be judging it like crazy. You’ll say, “I can’t do that.” It’s okay. You’re going to end up living the Law of Awakening. We’re all going to go there, so you’re either going to go kicking and screaming, or you’re just going to go. That would be the third one, Tammy. I know someone had a question. Tammy Lawman: We did. We have Candace sent in a question. She says, “I have a number of chronic conditions with no known cures. I’ve had symptoms for the last 15 years that at times have caused me to be totally bedridden. I was able to get better in 2004, which lasted for two years, and then it’s been a slow decline to the present, where I’d be totally bedridden if I was not on the very liberal pain management program that I’m on. “I started implementing Law of Attraction concepts and thought processes in 2005 but have gotten worse instead of better. I’ve tried many traditional and alternative medical treatments and worked with numerous different types of alternative practitioners in addition to traditional doctors and therapies. Currently, I work with a DO who does energy bodywork, a physician who does the traditional and conventional treatment, and a nutritionist who works with supplements and diet. They’re all very smart and are working hard for me.” In spite of this, she’s not improving. Jennifer Hough: Right. This is what I feel. One of the things that happened with Get Out of Your Own Way is I became extremely medically intuitive but also extremely intuitive about the energy that runs someone’s life. Here’s what’s happening with this beautiful woman. I can’t say that I blame her because it’s so easy when we’re in pain and frustrated to say, “Somebody help me.” I get it. Having three migraines a week wasn’t fun. Trust me. That was not the way to live. I would have probably eaten dirt if someone told me to. It wasn’t until I took my power back and realized that nobody else has the answer for me but me. It really is about finding someone who will facilitate you finding your answer instead of telling you from the outside what they think your answer is.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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Once you do that, not only will your health improve, but your entire life will start to improve because you start to be empowered about the whole thing. It’s about excavating. I can feel a couple of things already just from looking at her energy. It’s about excavating that. It’s just about waking that energy up. God bless all of the practitioners who have helped you because in some way, from that belief system, they have. Usually when it’s not working, it’s because it’s time for you to wake up and take you back. It’s time for you to become the doctor of osteopathy and the nutritionist. It’s time for you to do that for yourself. That’s likely why it’s not working. You really need to get to the root cause. I know that all of those practitioners think they’re getting to the root cause, but I think part of the thing is that you haven’t taken your power back. You’re giving it away. Bring it back in to you like you have all the answers and what you want from your practitioners is for them to mirror back to you what your answer already is. Stop pretending that you don’t know. Even though your mind or ego would like you to believe that the answer is out there, it’s not. You have it. You have several of them. There are about three or four things going on within you. That would be my answer to that question, Tammy. Tammy Lawman: Fabulous. I have another question from Samir in the UK. He says, “When is Jennifer coming to the UK, and where will her event be?” Jennifer Hough: Hi, Samir. It’s great to hear from you. I am going to be in the UK from the 1st to the 23rd of July. On the 10th and the 17th I’m doing workshops with Joe that are very powerful. We’re doing those workshops probably at the Theological Society or something like that. I think we’ll be doing them there. If you go to my website, www.TheVitalYou.com or if you email me at VitalYou@gmail.com I’ll send you the details for the UK, and you can check them out. Thanks for asking. Those two events will be extremely powerful. Tammy, maybe you want to come. We’re going to be meditating in the middle of some of the most powerful crop circles that are coming up right now as well as Stonehenge. We’re doing a whole tour there that a lot of people are being called to. We’re being very discerning about who comes with us because there are only six people who are going to be on this tour with us. That’s from the 3rd to the 7th. Thank you for asking, Samir. Tammy Lawman: Jennifer, I have another question from Jerry in San Marcos, California. “Is belief of the ego? If that is true, then isn’t the Law of Attraction driven by the ego, and when we judge results and outcome, we’re back in ego, coined as edging God out?

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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Jennifer Hough: Okay. First of all, when we judge the results, we’re definitely in ego. There’s no question. The results are the results. Here’s the thing. The results could be suboptimal. The results may not be in the highest. That’s happened to me lots of times because I know I wasn’t in perfect alignment or paying attention enough. The results are always perfect. They’re always a vibrational match, and they’re always showing you something. Ultimately, if we were just awake, we wouldn’t need to be shown all that stuff and go through what we perceive as painful situations. That’s judging it. They’re always perfect. That is the ego judging the situation for sure. What was the first part, Tammy? Tammy Lawman: Is belief of the ego? Jennifer Hough: What about that? Tammy Lawman: It says, “If that is true, then isn’t the Law of Attraction driven by the ego?” Jennifer Hough: The belief in the ego. In other words, did we make ego a reality? Actually, this is really interesting, Jerry. Thanks for asking that question. It’s a very well thought out question, actually. I’ve only given this answer one time before. The ego served us. Trust me. It wouldn’t be in existence unless it served. We did ask for the ego at some point. Was it a function of Law of Attraction? Absolutely. Imagine what the ego must have served in times when people were raping, pillaging, taking over countries, and all that kind of stuff. When you have someone with a huge ego that has no consciousness, in order to respond to that, you would have had to have a pretty huge ego to understand what a huge ego is like. Ego is abounded. It was suboptimal, but it worked in the way that society was set up. It worked for us. We’re getting more and more optimal all the time. The issue is we’ve reached the tipping point where we’re now waking up to our God selves. The ego isn’t serving us anymore because we don't want our egos anymore. We want to get along. We don’t want to fight. We want to have cooperation. We don’t want to have competition. We want to be able to help other people. So many of these things that are happening in the world today are giving people an opportunity to stop being so much about their materialistic stuff and starting to help people who are really in need. We’re given the opportunity to drop the need to win, compete, and all of these things. Remember, don’t even judge the ego. We don’t even want to judge the ego because it did serve. It just is suboptimal for these times. That’s all.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

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Tammy Lawman: That’s a fabulous explanation, Jennifer. I have one last question from Ann from Santa Cruz. She has arthritis developing in her feet and has avoided surgery, but she knows there’s something deep going on and wants to know if you have any advice as to how to get to the root of the matter. Jennifer Hough: There are a few pieces of advice I could give. It’s so funny because what I get about her is that so much of her life is very happy, wonderful, and connected. It’s almost like she doesn’t want to go there. That’s why the arthritis is so far away from her heart and her head. It’s like, “I have wonderful things around me. I don’t want to address this particular thing.” It may not even be something she’s aware of. It’s finding a safe place. Here’s the advice: don’t be afraid. I have to process it sometimes out loud, Tammy. Don’t be afraid. Her higher levels are just telling me don’t be afraid of what needs to come up about this. Let it come up. It’s okay. It may be painful from your personality’s perspective, but in all honesty, it will be so worth the awareness and the freedom that it’s going to give you to let the issues that are way down there in your feet come up and out. Just allow them to show themselves. They probably won’t be that pretty, but it’s okay. You don’t have to engage them. You don’t have to go through the pain again. You can have it come up and disengage. Get some assistance with that process so that you feel safe to do that. Tammy Lawman: All right. I know you have a billion things going on, and you’re short on time. Why don’t we go ahead and tell everybody about the package that you put together for everybody tonight. Jennifer Hough: Sure. First of all, we’ve put this together. I think on my homepage there’s a link that says “For Intention Event Participants.” Also, it’s for your friends too. Tammy Lawman: We put that at www.IntentionEvent.com/jennifer. Jennifer Hough: Perfect. If you go there, what you will find is it will take you to a page, and that page has the Get Out of Your Own Way program. At the very top, you’ll see you can enter your name and email, and you’ll receive two free recordings. One of them is one of our most popular recordings. It’s called “Finding Peace in Times of Great Change.” The other one is called “Expanding Into Your Personal Yes! Creating Peace & Prosperity.” I really ask you to spread those. Send them to people you love, or get them to sign up for the same thing. The program we’ve put together is called the Get Out of Your Own Way program, and it includes the “Wide Awakening” audio series, which is 12 activations.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

Tonight, if you look, you’ll see that your energy feels different not because you were listening with your head. It’s almost like you’re resonating with what I’m saying. You’re feeling that it’s true. You’re feeling the resonance with it. What happens is that truth gets reminded from within us. We have done it for the activations. There’s one on abundance, so it actually activates the Law of Attraction within you cellularly on abundance. That’s one of the 12. The next one is on putting your past in the past, so completion. The next one is around 11: 11. The next one is around transcending karma. Another one is around finding peace and love in your family and deepening your relationships. All of these are activations of that truth so that you become the embodiment. You become the walking Law of Attraction without all the effort. There are 12 of those. We normally sell those for about $800. We’re putting it all together, so it’s actually a very good deal. The next is an interactive online teleworkshop. Two of them are live with me. One is called “Joyful, Juicy Relationships: Finding a Deeper Love.” The next one is called “Discovering Your Passion with Clarity and Prosperity.” The last one is a recording called “Living in a Body You Love.” It’s about how your biochemistry and beliefs are intimately connected. It’s very powerful. Those are generally worth about $97 each. The last one is we’ve done Get Out of Your Own Way, a master’s set of audios of all the subjects we’ve ever done. It’s basically a Get Out of Your Own Way on lots of subjects such as the purpose of life, finding ease and flow, being free of dieting, and anti-aging your cells. There are tons of subjects. That’s worth about $200. What we did was we put all of that together for the participants in the Intention Event. We’re able to do that all for $397. We’re happy to do that over two payments, so for those of you who get in your way about money, we really like to offer a payment plan of two payments. It just makes it so much easier for you to be able to do it. All of the audios will be sent to you in MP3 format. For those of you who sign up in the next 24 hours, so by the end of June, you’ll also get the quantum wakeup calls for a year, which are more valuable probably than anything else I mentioned before. That’s twice a month live with me asking any questions you want. I’m $350 an hour to talk to, so this is people from all over the world who are members of the Not Belonging Club. It’s the most popular thing we do. That’s a really big deal for me to offer that as a bonus. It says here that it’s worth $600, but it’s actually worth $800. There you go. You can participate in that just by clicking on the link at www.IntentionEvent.com/jennifer.

“The Law of Awakening”

Jennifer Hough ______________________________________________________________________________

www.IntentionEvent.com All Rights Reserved

Tammy Lawman: Awesome, Jennifer. Thank you so much for being so generous with that package. For you guys who are listening, I hope you’ll go over, check that out, and take advantage of it. I have no doubt that Jennifer’s program will help you get unstuck wherever you feel stuck and help you get out of your own way. That’s what it’s designed for. Jennifer, you’ve been absolutely awesome. Thank you so much for taking the time to come onto the call and share this time with our participants tonight. Jennifer Hough: Thank you so much for having me, Tammy. It’s been really wonderful. I greatly appreciate everyone’s questions and the thought that went into them. I could not be happier to assist. It really is a privilege. Thank you for having me. Tammy Lawman: That link one more time is www.IntentionEvent.com/jennifer. Go check it out. I’ll see you guys next time on the next session of the Intention Event. Until then, manifest everything. Jennifer Hough: Goodnight, everyone. Tammy Lawman: Goodnight.

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