the lie of the antichrist: "there was no rapture!"

Post on 14-Oct-2014






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Spiritual Matters in a Physical World: The Events of "The End Times" addressed to those who have been left behind.


NOTE: AS OF 21 November, 2007, work still needs to be done on portions of this book. DLS

The Lie of the Antichrist:“There was NO Rapture!”


By DLSmith

Be aware – this book: The Lie of the Antichrist: “There was NO Rapture!” is copyrighted.

That being said, copies of this book are allowed to be made, free of charge, provided that it be printed, or copied, in its entirety – without any changes made as to its content - UNDER ONLY, AND SPECIFICLY, ONE CONDITION: that a global wide situation occurs in which millions of people disappear, apparently without an immediate, obvious explanation.

Otherwise, this book may only be published by authorized entities.

Portions of this text may be quoted, provided that the author and the book title are cited. No person or entity may charge any amount or fee, for copies made of this book – with the exception of the author (should the author so desire) and his authorized representative(s).

It is the author's desire is that, after the Rapture of the Christian church, many copies of this book will be available so that those left behind will NOT be tricked by the Lie of the Antichrist. May God bless you and keep you in the palm of his mighty hand!


All bible verses in this bookare from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, unless stated otherwise.



Appendix I - The Lie of the Antichrist - PAGE 24

Appendix II - The Power behind the Antichrist - PAGE 26


Book References- PAGE 29



This book is a work of non-fiction regarding the events of the Christian Rapture and what happens around the world afterwards. The contents of this book have been carefully researched; if I could not document, biblically - or in the secular realm - that which I have written, in this book, I DID NOT PUT IT IN THIS BOOK. There are some books that have been written regarding the end times that are wonderful and I strongly endorse reading. However, there are occasionally things, in those books, that may not be biblically accurate. That is not the case with this book.

This book deals with spiritual matters in a physical world. In the world in which we live, when one hears talk of spiritual matters, it is often in the context of religion in one form or another. Religion, by definition, can range from Judeo-Christian ideals to the Church of Satan… and a myriad of other groups and practices.

More specifically, this book deals with spiritual matters regarding the Rapture of the Christian church. There have been pastors, evangelists, and theologians that have spent countless hours preparing sermons on the subject. Many a night has been spent with some poor soul tossing and turning in their bed - or on their knees beside their bed,- wondering about the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Countless people have asked themselves, "Am I going to hell?" "Are we living in the end times?" "Will I have to go through the tribulation?" "When WILL Jesus Christ come back?" Will I go to heaven when I die?" These have been the questions that have plagued the soul of man since the time of the 1st century church.

Will this book provide the definitive answer to the question of the second coming of Jesus Christ? Will this book present such evidence that there will be no more questions? Alas, the answer is no. Some will read this book and find hope. Others will find in these words answers long sought. And yes, there are those that will pore through these pages and conclude what they already knew… that there really was no truth to be found here at all. Read that last sentence again. This book provides answers that the reader seeks.

Then… there will be others that read these words; those who read tomorrow’s headlines.

This book is written for them… those that were left behind.



“It’s Time!”

The thunderous cry rang out across the skies; “It’s time!” The shout was echoed by a myriad host of heavenly angels and accompanied by the trumpet call heralding the long awaited return of Jesus Christ . The joyous and triumphant cry signaled the ending of Man’s day and the beginning of the Day of the Lord.

For the Lord himself shall descend from

heaven with a shout, with the voice of the

archangel, and with the trump of God: and

the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be

caught up together with them in the clouds,

to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we

ever be with the Lord. I Thessalonians 4: 16 - 17




Chapter ONE


Vanished. Millions of people had suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth. Gone. In an instant. One moment, the people were there; then, as quick as a thought, they were gone.

It happened in a moment - less than a moment, it happened in the blink of an eye. In that moment, the world changed. The world had seen change before. Ages had come and gone. Generations had lived and died. Each generation had seen their world change. The one constant in the world, it has been said, is that there will always be change.

The world watched as change occurred throughout human history. The annals of time recorded each passing change. When Alexander the Great began his military conquest, the world changed. When Thomas Edison invented his light bulb, the world changed. And when the bomb exploded over Hiroshima, the world changed.

Sometimes change occurred in an instance, but most often, the world changed slowly, a moment at a time. Even during the days of Noah, there were many that were unimpressed by the first drops of rain. But there had never been change like this. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, the world had changed.

How many had disappeared would never be known; millions, definitely. It was the beginning of a time that history would never forget. In the aftermath of the disappearance of so many of the world’s population, thousands more died - tens of thousands certainly, maybe even more. Thus began a time of trouble that the world had never seen before… and would never see again.


Chapter TWO


What had happened? Within moments of the disappearances, television news channels began airing special reports of the disappearances. Around the world, news organizations scrambled to find out why so many people had suddenly vanished. As people began to realize the magnitude of the tragedy, panic, hysteria, and fear spread across the globe like a dark black cloud. Rioting occurred. Many fled major metropolitan areas in a mass exodus, fearing nuclear holocaust. Looting, suicides, mass murder on city streets… police departments, militias, and military forces around the world mobilized as fear spread across the globe. Within twelve hours of the disappearances, civilization as we know it had crumbled into a massive cauldron of turmoil.

The disappearance of millions of people all around the globe predictably caused widespread panic, fear, hysteria, and virtually every other possible emotion. Every culture, every country was affected. No ethnicity, race, religion, nor country appeared to provide a common denominator for those who had vanished in that instant. Admittedly, English-speaking countries had suffered a higher percentage of population loss. However, countries seemingly on the opposite end of the spectrum from, say, the United States, were also severely affected. Several countries on the continent of Africa, for example, had huge numbers of their population disappear. There seemed to be no one thing that could be pointed to as to why certain persons had been “chosen” to be among those that disappeared. Several inmates on death row at one of America’s most notorious maximum-security penitentiaries had even vanished without a trace!

Of course, the immediate reaction from many was that the second Coming of Christ, what Christians called the “Rapture”, had occurred. But that was soon rejected after it was discovered that some of the most reverent and respected leaders in virtually every religious denomination had not disappeared at all. In addition, it was later revealed that every religion in the world - including those of Moslem countries, and other decidedly “anti-Christian” religions, had "some" members of their population missing - supposedly due to the disappearances. That fact, along with those "left behind" religious leaders pointing out exactly why the Rapture could not have occurred, logically ruled out the Rapture as a possibility.

Once the “Rapture” was dismissed, by those authorities on such matters, as a likely possibility, other viable options were discussed and argued worldwide. Mass abduction by extraterrestrials seemed to be the most logical explanation. That conclusion itself only made matters worse. How could Earth defend itself against invaders from outer space? However, a host of other possibilities were analyzed and discussed for months after the disappearances. Such discussions, however, were put on hold, for the most part, as the world tried desperately to cope with the magnitude of millions of Earth’s population disappearing all at the same time.

For three days, there was seventy-two hours of hell on earth; the world had dissolved into chaos. Even chaos could not describe what the world had become in an instant. In the wake of the disappearances, the world experienced one cataclysmic event after another when many planes and other forms of transportation crashed as their human operators disappeared. Disaster struck industries worldwide as workers suddenly vanished; emergency services workers around the world faced a hopeless struggle to even begin to aid a stricken world. Always shorthanded and with never enough help, the ranks of emergency and law-enforcement personnel had been further diminished by the disappearances.


Many cities around the world were paralyzed by the loss of much of their emergency services personnel. English speaking countries were the most affected; however, all countries around the world reported missing citizens. The United States found itself in a crisis heretofore totally unimaginable. In the ensuing months, it was estimated that more than 20 million of the population of the United States had disappeared. Financial markets around the globe went into a fatal tailspin with a market crash that made all previous drops pale in comparison. On Wall Street in New York City, even suspension of trading was unable to prevent the complete collapse of the American economy.

Governments all across the globe struggled to survive. Armies were placed on their highest alert status as causes for the disappearances were sought. Militaries worldwide were scrambling, even fighting to protect - or in many cases, to further - their national interests. The United Nations met in emergency session in hopes of restoring order to the worldwide chaos.

In the United States, martial law was declared. Curfews were set and the military were ordered onto the nation’s streets to restore some semblance of normality. If anything, armed troops on city streets just made matters worse. Militia groups, armed citizens, and street gangs engaged in open battle among themselves and with the military. It was immediately apparent to all that another American civil war was ready to explode. Greed, anxiety, and fear only added fuel to the fire. With many businesses, factories, and homes left vacant as a result of the disappearances, armed gangs began raiding door-to-door to reap the rewards of being left behind. A sea of humanity began to flow across the southern border of the United States seeking newfound wealth from the possessions of those who had disappeared. The resulting violence was not surprising as militia groups and the military engaged each other and the invading masses in open battle. The long-feared (for the white-supremacist groups - the long awaited and hoped for) race war had come. The race war and war of the militias quickly escalated into a full scale, second, American civil war. War seemed to break out on every side as armed clashes occurred. Civil war mixed with race war stretched American military and law-enforcement units beyond the limits of control.


Chapter THREE

The New World Leader

After the disappearances, the United Nations faced the seemingly impossible task of restoring some sense of normalcy to the world’s nations. In emergency sessions, the United Nations moved rapidly to restore order. A number of its member nations’ ambassadors were missing, or dead in the aftermath of the disappearances. Among the casualties, after the disappearances, was the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The first order of business was to appoint the new Secretary-General. After much political wrangling and maneuvering, the new leader was chosen. The chosen one was surprising to some, and unknown to many; however, his credentials and background were clear indicators of the wise choice that had been made. Because of the internal struggles of the United States, the United Nations decided that a move to a more stable environment was a necessity. The new leader of the United Nations, seeming to be the sole sane voice in the midst of world chaos, decided upon a Middle Eastern headquarters for the “new” United Nations. With the United States in such turmoil, and much of Europe in a similar crisis, it was decided that the Middle East was the best spot to relocate to. This would solve several problems, not the least of which would be a stabilizing influence in the strife torn region of the Middle East. Several locations were looked at in the Middle East. Israel, and the surrounding countries, was immediately rejected due to the obvious political ramifications. Iran, Egypt, Turkey, and similar countries were also rejected for the same reasons. Ultimately, the most obvious location became Baghdad, the largest city in Iraq. Baghdad was ideal also due to the technological and communications capabilities due, in part, to the wars that had been fought in that country in recent years. Conveniently, the facilities established during the "reconstruction" of Iraq, by - primarily - the United States, provided an adequate site for the United Nations.

(Author’s note: the astute reader will notice the proximity of the location for the new headquarters of the United Nations to the ancient site of Babylon. Also, for accuracy purposes, the author will not deem to provide the new name of the U.N. but will continue to refer to the governing body as the United Nations - or U.N.)

Once the UN relocated, the United Nations itself underwent its own transformation under the leadership of its new “director”. A new charter was established and many other changes were rapidly made. The United Nations of old was basically done away with and a new world organization was given birth, complete with a new name and a new title for its top leader.

The new leader began to take steps to restore order to the chaos that gripped much of the world. The first, and widest reaching, step was to declare the equivalent of martial law in all UN member nations. Such an obviously practical step was welcomed by most of the governments of the member nations. Leaders in each country were responsible for enforcing their own laws of martial law but were restricted to guidelines established by the U.N.

With its wide-reaching authority, the declaration of martial law was an affront to many nations. The most important, and powerful, nation to take exception to the new leader and his policies was China. China was the first to leave the U.N; others followed, but most stayed. IS CHINA A MEMBER?

Many governments around the world had their respective militaries in war readiness mode since the disappearances; now, the most urgent task facing the new leader of the U.N was to get control of the world’s military might before things spun even further out of control.


Faced with the growing threat to world peace from China, the new UN leader began to take steps to unite the military power of its member nations. This included the vast nuclear arsenal of the United States and other member nations possessing nuclear capability. Soon, the control of much of the world’s nuclear armament belonged to the military council arm of the UN. This new council was directly controlled by the new world leader. Through masterful diplomacy and the use of military force by reacting quickly to quell disturbances, the new leader of the UN was able to unite member nations. The new leader of the United Nations seemed to be bent on declaring war on anything and everything that stood in the way of his new world order. In the weeks and months after the disappearances, most countries were able to return to some degree of normalcy despite widespread disease and famine resulting from natural disasters and the use of military force by the United Nations’ Secretary-General.


Chapter FOUR

The Environment

Meanwhile, the world faced another enemy, an enemy against which there was no possibility of fighting. That enemy was the environment. The environment seemed to be waging its own war against the human race. After the disappearances, the weather appeared to get worse. Up to the time of the disappearances, there had been an earthquake here, an erupting volcano there, and some natural disaster elsewhere. Now, it all seemed to come at once. Erupting volcanoes, massive earthquakes, and weather that were breaking records everywhere made just staying alive a daily task. Devastating earthquakes further crippled the United States, already in its death throes. Areas of the country never having felt the earth shake, now experienced tremendous destruction. Coastal Florida and those states bordering the Gulf of Mexico, long accustomed to seasonal hurricanes, experienced hurricanes, tropical storms, tidal waves and other natural disasters. Worldwide, the cataclysmic weather continued. No new day passed without word of another disaster in some part of the world. Disasters were not limited to just the environment. From space, a record number of large meteorites began hitting the earth. Even worse, scientists began tracking a newly discovered comet that seemed to be on a collision course with the planet.


Chapter FIVE


While the new world leader fought to bring order to his portion of the world, the Unites States struggled on its own, unaided by the U.N. Things only became worse for the world’s former superpower. The second civil war raged without an apparent end in sight. Acts of terrorism and unbelievable slaughter came from terrorists, both foreign and domestic. The United States were also attacked by foreign enemies. The oil-rich land of Alaska was the first to face invasion by foreign armies. Soon, other armies followed suit. Commercial airlines coming from overseas’ airports became the invasion vehicle of choice for small groups of invading soldiers. Invading terrorists and soldiers used passenger aircrafts as flying bombs and as transportation. Once stateside, the soldiers joined with armed comrade's already in place and attacked American installations.

China appeared to finally put one of its long-range plans into play when hundreds of Chinese "soldiers" joined in the attack on America. Living quietly and patiently in the U.S. for years as law-abiding citizens, the "resident" Chinese invasion force struck fear into America. The technology and riches of the world’s most advanced nation were too great of an attraction. Military and government targets and American business’ faced attack from the Chinese forces eager to take advantage of America’s technology. Other countries, seeing the raids, joined the ravenous attack on the United States. Moreover, the apparent willingness of the UN’s new leader to leave America to fend for itself also invited the vultures to descend on the crippled country.

Meanwhile, the attention of the world was increasingly drawn to mainland China and its neighbors. The United States was paralyzed by the disappearances, and by war and turmoil. China became the world’s greatest super-power. China was preparing for war at an alarming rate. The world’s largest standing army became even larger as the great dragon mobilized its war machine. Calling up reserve forces – already the largest in the world – was one of China’s first steps. Much of the reserve forces were sent to strengthen the country’s borders. Exports from the world’s exportation leader virtually ceased as war-making preparations began in the country’s vast array of factories and manufacturing facilities. All signs pointed to an ominous presence building. The United Nation’s new leader had no choice but to strengthen his grip on the member nations’ military might and prepare to face this growing threat from the East. Tensions between China’s neighbors also began to increase. The build-up of China’s army and the strengthening of its borders only added to tensions.

The various Russian countries, that had once formed the great Soviet empire, joined together to face the growing threat from China. As the Soviet/Russian militaries came together, the question of oil became increasingly important. Leading Russian generals looked toward Israel and weighed the situation and found the time to be opportune to regain the strength and glory of the once powerful Soviet empire. The great "Mother Russia" added to the escalating world tensions.

Secret alliances formed, by China, with North Korea and other countries only increased the pace at which the world sped toward global war. Equally alarming, the long-standing hostility between India and Pakistan continued to escalate and threatened to ignite the entire region.

The world’s worst nightmare began between India and Pakistan. The launch of nuclear warheads spelled the beginning of a series of events that would eventually set the world on


fire. North Korea also chose that period of time to launch its long-awaited conquest to the south of its border. South Korea, long dependant upon America’s military protection, fell in a matter of days. The fall of South Korea did not quench the thirst of North Korea. The entire region became a battle field. American troops stationed in the region were slaughtered without the support from their homeland. The American Pacific region forces were ordered to abandon bases all across Asia and the Pacific and retreat to Pearl Harbor. Many made it to safe haven... many more did not.

Then, for a time, through exhaustive diplomatic efforts and the ruthless use of military power, the new world leader - the head of the U.N - slowly began to bring hopes of world-wide peace to a planet that had seen so much death and destruction in such a short period of time. Much of the world’s population hailed the world leader’s efforts as peace began to seem possible.

That notion was destroyed with China launching what would become World War III. Long in patience, the dragon had waited for its moment to strike. That strike began with nuclear weapons. Beginning with the launch of its few intercontinental ballistic missiles against the United States, China started its conquest of the world. Shorter-range missiles were launched against China’s enemies and neighbors. Taiwan was almost obliterated by the attack. Hawaii, now home to tens of thousands of American troops that had retreated from the Pacific region, was devastated by the impact of China's nuclear fury. Chinese communist forces, already at war in the United States, launched a simultaneous attack. Already crippled, the United States was unprepared for China’s assault. The counter attack by the military of the United States was virtually futile, due - in part - to the stranglehold that the new World leader held on America’s military might. In large part, the only response came from American naval forces armed with nuclear weapons. Disobeying the orders of the new world leader, the counter strike by American naval forces killed millions in China. However, the Chinese government and military leadership escaped virtually intact.

The crippling strike against cities, military bases, and other strategic sites sounded the death knell for a country that had once been the haven of democracy, liberty, and freedom from oppression. The United States of America, once the most Christian, Bible-believing nation on earth, virtually ceased to exist on the world stage. The world had lost one of its great lights; darkness began to descend like a shroud upon the face of the planet. Time was drawing to an end.

The new leader of the United Nations was unwilling to use nuclear weapons to stave off China’s nuclear assault. China had wisely avoided direct confrontation with the UN leader’s region of the world. China had chosen its moment well. In a matter of days, it had conquered half of the world.

American forces in Europe - now under command of the “new” United Nations - demanded retaliation against China. When no response was forthcoming, they rebelled. The new head of the United Nations was quick in its response. Anticipating such a move, the military revolt was quickly and permanently quashed. With few exceptions, every American commander above the level of Captain was executed. The lower ranks were not spared either. Influential and popular leaders throughout the ranks of the American military were executed or simply disappeared. In addition to the cleansing of the American military, a purging of the United Nations forces insured the might of the new world leader.

With some sense of normalcy restored, the Secretary-General began to take steps to strengthen and fortify his position as the new world leader. Appointing regional governors to oversee specific regions of the world, the UN leader was seen as a shining light in a world that had become all too dark and foreboding. Peoples and countries all around the world


hailed the new world leader as the instrument of its salvation. The world leader was even able to dissuade China from further aggressions, for a time.


Chapter SIX

The Antichrist

A growing voice, however, was beginning to be heard against the new leader of the world. The opposition, for the most part, was ignored. Every leader in history has had its detractors. But as demonstrations grew, especially in the Middle East, the Secretary-General began to speak out publicly against the “enemies of our new world order”.

Then, just when things seemed to be getting back to normal… at least, as normal as one could expect, the new world leader - the savior of the world - was assassinated.

Nations mourned the loss of its great leader. Every nation in the world sent representatives to the funeral ceremony of the slain leader. The world’s religious leader decried the loss of the world’s savior as the funeral ceremony was televised internationally. Across the planet, millions viewed the funeral on television. The global masses wept as prayer was lifted up that the life of the world’s leader be restored.

As the world watched from televisions all around the planet, in the midst of the funeral ceremony, before billions of eyes, the slain world leader began to move. Before the stunned eyes of a global audience, the man that had been slain came to life, taking breath, and rising up. He who was dead was now alive. Millions dropped to their knees in awe and in wonder as risen world leader moved to speak before cameras broadcasting his image to every corner of the planet.

In an oratory that was unrivaled in the history of man, the resurrected world leader - the Antichrist - will reveal the truth behind his appearance, behind his role as the world’s leader, and the truth about the disappearances. He will discuss the widely held belief that the disappearances were the result of a mass abduction by extraterrestrials. He will agree that such a belief is indeed the truth, except that it wasn’t abduction, it was rescue, and the disappearances were an evacuation of those who were less enlightened. The disappearances were necessary to remove the negative karma from the world so that the world, as a whole, may survive the terrible ordeal it would be going through. Only the strong, the enlightened, were left behind.

The Antichrist will point out the references to UFO’s in the Bible. He will discuss the man, Jesus. The world will listen with rapt attention and love as he will describe and talk about the many beliefs of the so-called New Age including reincarnation. The world, watching through internationally broadcasted media, will hang on his every word.

The man that the Holy Bible called "the Antichrist" will finally reveal the "truth" about himself, and the "truth" about Jesus Christ. He will say that Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, was a visitor from another world. The Antichrist will state that visitors from other worlds have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. He will claim that these visitors have endeavored to aid Earth during 'troublesome times". The Antichrist will claim that Jesus Christ was sent to steer the world onto a better course. He will point out that other leaders that have helped in making the world a better place were also alien visitors.

The man that was slain, and then came back to life will announce that he, the leader of the new world order, is Jesus Christ; indeed, He is God the Son and has returned - as promised - to rule the world.

The new world leader, now seen by many in the world as the returned Jesus Christ, consolidated his base of power with a move to his rightful place, Jerusalem. Amidst great


ceremony, he took his place in the holiest city on Earth. As befitting the "returned" Messiah, he ordered that a new temple, the "new Jerusalem", be built. There he would take his "rightful place". Meanwhile, the "messiah" continued his war against the enemies of his new world order.


Chapter 7

The Road to Armageddon

China, however, was not long in regarding the new leader as who he claimed to be. After a short respite from its war making, China’s aggressions were becoming even bolder. The largest standing army in the world was on the move; country after country fell as the great dragon furthered its conquest. Finally, the leader of the UN was left no choice. As China’s army neared the United Nation’s last stronghold in the Middle East, the battle began. The army of the Antichrist engaged the army of China on the Plains of Megiddo. The war raged and thousands died.

In desperation, facing defeat, the Antichrist opened the door to hell with a full-scale nuclear assault against China. The battle of Armageddon was underway.


Section TWO


Chapter ONE

The Rapture

The truth behind the Rapture, also known (among a number of names) as the Second Coming, is exactly what the Holy Bible says in two sections of verse. These two sections are, I Corinthians 15: 51-58 and I Thessalonians 4: 13-18. Jesus Christ shall return for his Church, that body of believing persons that have believed in the truth contained within the verses of Roman 10: 9,10. Those who are dead at his return shall be made alive, and those living at the time of his return shall be changed. Both those that were dead and those that were alive will have a new spiritual body.

After the Rapture, the events of the book of Revelation will occur, climaxing in the battle of Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon will pit the forces of the Antichrist against the forces of China - led by Chinese leadership possessed by the four fallen angels of Revelation 9:14,15. These four fallen angels, who were directly responsible for the flood of Noah - and, a result, were placed in chains and - as a result - were bound in the great river, Euphrates, will wage war against the Antichrist who is possessed by Satan himself. Indeed, the four fallen angels are at war against the devil and his demonic forces; however, the only army that the fallen angels have at their disposal is the human army of China. The battle of Armageddon will commence on the plains of Megiddo, north of Jerusalem.

It is at the height of the battle when the forces of the Antichrist will respond with a full scale nuclear assault against China and the forces arrayed against the army of the Antichrist (the new world leader). When the battle of Armageddon reaches its apex, God will intervene.

The battle of Armageddon will end upon the (second) return of Jesus Christ. He will be accompanied by the heavenly angels led by the Archangel Michael and the messenger angel Gabriel. With Jesus Christ and his angels will be those that were gathered up in the Rapture (and now having new spiritual, heavenly bodies). The battle of Armageddon will escalate to a battle between good and evil. The second war between God and Lucifer will be waged here on planet Earth. However, this time, the forces of good - led by Jesus Christ and the Archangel Michael - are reinforced by millions of resurrected believers. All of those persons that were gathered together at the Rapture now have new, spiritual bodies like unto Christ's resurrected body. Lucifer and his fallen angels won't have a chance against the army of God. Subsequent events are described in Revelation chapters 19 through 22 and other verses.


Chapter TWO

God’s Word

“The Lie of the Antichrist” was written based on two fundamental principles. First and foremost, this glimpse into tomorrow’s headlines was written with the firm belief and guiding principle that the Bible, as originally given to the prophets of old, is, and was, the written Word and will of God. Several verses, from the King James version of the Holy Scriptures, form the crux of this belief.

But I certify you, brethren that the gospel, which was preached of me, is not after (according to) man.For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Galatians 1. 11,12

All scripture is given by inspiration (the Greek word is theopneustos, god breathed) of God…II Timothy 3.16

For the prophecy (the word of God, the scriptures) came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of

God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (God). II Peter 1.21

“The Lie of the Antichrist” was written with the belief that the Bible, as originally written, was divine revelation given to men of God like Moses, David, Paul, John, Peter and others. Hence, all verses given in this book are used in the belief that those verses were words that God wanted written down and passed on throughout the generations.

The second principle upon which this book is written can also be found in God’s Word.

God is spirit… John 4.24

They who have believed in Jesus Christ as Lord, and have believed that God raised him from the dead (see Romans 10:9, 10) are what many call “born again”.

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water (the 1st birth, born of a woman) and of the Spirit (the 2nd birth, born of God) he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit (God) is spirit. John 3:5,6

Once a person becomes “born again”, that person has spirit from God within.

… and I pray God your whole spirit (from God)and soul (that which makes us alive), and body (from woman) be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I Thessalonians 5:23

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27

What is this “mystery among the Gentiles”? It is the spirit of Christ in you. Jesus Christ came to make available the 2nd birth, the birth by holy spirit. This holy spirit birth is what Jesus Christ called, the “Comforter”.


And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter (holy spirit), that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. John 14:16,17

But the Comforter (holy spirit, Christ in you), which is the Holy Ghost (holy spirit), whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26

This Comforter, the Christ in you, that holy spirit is written of throughout the New Testament of the Holy Bible. However, the second principle upon which this book is written is best seen in I Corinthians 2.

I Corinthians 2:12-16: Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost (holy spirit) teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man (one not born again; one without holy spirit) receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

In other words, the author does not expect the natural man (the person without holy spirit) to understand the things written within these pages. Why? The ideas, the words, the concepts given within this book are not to be believed by this person. This person will see these words as foolishness, because he cannot receive them. However, the person with spirit inside will believe; that Christ within you will understand. Why? Because I state in this book’s prologue, this book deals with spiritual matters in a physical world. Things of the spirit may be seen in the physical world, but the natural man will not understand them.

Thus forms the principles behind which this book is written.


Chapter THREE

The New Heaven and Earth

What does the future hold for you and me? For that answer, we look forward to that period of time AFTER the Battle of Armageddon. Erroneously, that great and terrible battle has been called the final battle between good and evil… alas… it is not. The final battle between good and evil will occur as described in the Book of Revelation, chapter 20, verses 7, 8, and 9 and the conclusion of the final battle ends with Revelation, chapter 20, verse 15.

While much detail is given in the Bible regarding the new city and the “new paradise” – the 3rd heavens and earth, there remains the question… “what will we be doing?”. That answer is subtly hidden in God’s Word, the unlocking of which would involve more time and space than the author feels is appropriate here. However, details of what our future holds can be seen throughout God’s Word from the Old Testament through the New.

The details of our future may also be seen through the eyes of those who have already experienced the millions of years of wondrous beauty before the destruction of the first heaven and earth of Genesis chapter one, verse one. I am speaking, of course, of God and the angels of God, as well as of Lucifer* and his fallen angels.

* See appendix, section II, The History of Lucifer

With a discerning eye and an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness, one can look into the realm of the prince of the power of the air and see our future… by looking at the past. Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer, and all the accompanying angels have all experienced the time before Lucifer began his wayward journey to ultimate destruction. The author of truth and light, the creator of the heavens and earth has also seen the glory of his creation. God himself knows what lies ahead. Through the influence of both the powers of light, and the powers of darkness, glimpses into our future have already been shown. As the author stated in the prologue of this book,

This book deals with spiritual matters in a physical world.

There are two primary influences in this world, powers of light, and the powers of darkness. Indeed, God and his loyal angels, and Lucifer and his fallen angels have influenced man’s history more than even the author realizes. Looking back through history, a discerning eye can see this influence during the dark ages, and the age of renaissance. All through history, there have been the influences of the two Gods; the god of this world - Lucifer, and God, the creator of the heavens and earth.

So, what does our future hold? Take a peek into the future by looking at what has already been revealed. Examples would include “impossibly intricate” works of art that have been created in moments, when reason would dictate that days of toil would be more in order. The future may also be seen in film through movies of which the influence of Lucifer may be seen. The author recalls a scene from a movie regarding alien contact in which the principle character is shown a glimpse of what lies ahead. Stunned by the beauty of what is seen, this character finds words hard to express the glory of what lies ahead. The author, watching through the eyes of Christ, spiritually speaking, recognized, from about fifteen seconds of film, a scene that was taken from before the time of the fall of Lucifer.

Much has been said about the potential for life out among the stars. Standing on a mountaintop, far from the reaches of city lights, one has only to look up to see where our


future lies. There among the stars shall we as heirs of glory walk and fly. God has made the heavens for us… and it’s been waiting millennia for the redemption of the children of God.

The author recalls several episodes of the television show, Star Trek, the Next Generation, and its predecessor, the original Star Trek. Glimpses of a perfect world, made by its creators, were seen. Man-made paradises, unique to the whims of its creator were shown. The author, with the spirit of God working within, recognized what was seen.

There are other glimpses of what lies ahead. Just as Moses walked up the mountain and glimpsed the Promised Land, God has allowed others a view, a vision, a glimpse of the future ahead. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – just before his assassination – told the world that he had been up to the mountain and looked over to the other side. Others, too, have been allowed to view what lies ahead.

(The author believes that this book – is one of the reasons that he lived …because the book needed to be written for you who are reading these words. The author remembers how the Devil – his adversary - has tried to stop the writing of this book. The author recalls a vacation that he went on with his family.

The author and his family were driving down interstate I-24, approaching a highway overpass. A speeding truck, dark green in color, crashed through the concrete and steel guardrails of the overpass above the highway. The truck flew threw the air, falling down toward the windshield of the author’s car. But for the intervention of God, the full sized pick-up truck would have crashed, nose first, right through the windshield of our car. But God, in His infinite mercy and grace, had sent two angels to thwart the plans of the devil. The angels rode atop the author’s car and pushed the flying truck away, sending it crashing to the pavement. The author, hearing a noise overhead, glanced in the rear view mirror - just in time to see the truck crash into the pavement less than ten yards from the rear of the car. The author, stopping the car, got out and - at that moment - God revealed, to the author, the presence of the angels.)

The author recalls his own spiritual journey up the mountain and his glimpse of the other side. Did you know that we will fly? Not with the wings of birds, or the trappings of man shall we take to the air; we shall soar through the heavens with a mere thought, a desire, a wish to rise. The author recalls, with tears in his eyes, a vision - that was given by the God of hope - of flying through the sky – like an eagle in calm, peaceful flight - over wondrous beauty the like of which cannot be described.

Have you ever wanted to shape a world to fit the desires of your heart? Ever wanted to carve out a mountain so that it lies just so? How about change the course of a stream so that it flows just the right way? How about have all the wondrous colors of the sunset at your disposal to color the wings of the butterfly, or the petals of a rose?

Have you ever wanted to know what sound a sunrise could make? The melody a flower would send through the wind? What sort of song there would be if all of nature could sing? Have you ever wanted to dance a dance of joy with the birds of the air or the fishes of the sea?

How about a sculpture that you have seen? What if we could create something that could be touched with the eye, seen with the ear, and heard with the mind? Have you ever wanted to fly like an eagle in the sky? Have you ever desired to swim to the depths of the sea and shape the ocean floor into a wondrous garden of love? Ever wanted to play with an otter and dance with the breeze?


Have you ever wished that you could sing with a voice that would show the love that you have? Are you longing to spend time with those that has passed on before? Have you wished you could spend more time with your mom or your grandfather? Would you like to meet Moses? King David? Mary? Paul? Wouldn't you like to see just what the tree of life looks like? Haven't you ever wanted to kneel at the throne of God?

Have you ever wished that you could look into the eyes of Christ and tell him just how thankful you are that He loved us so much?

All this, and more, are waiting for you, and for me.

As wonderful as are all of the things above, there are even greater things that can be looked forward to when Jesus Christ comes back to gather together the body of believers at the Rapture. For those who are raptured, and for those who are saved after the rapture, a new heaven and a new earth will be our inheritance; it will be so different than the world that you and I see.

What lies ahead? No more death. No more pain. No more torment, nor fear. In the world that the children of God shall see, there shall be no more hunger, guilt, sadness, or tears. The gift of eternal life to all those who believe will hold an unending future of all that God wanted to give, but could not. The best thing about eternity in heaven is that it never ends! The wonder and glory, and magnificence that Lucifer and his fallen cohorts rejected await you and me. Oh, what a glorious day that shall be, to live without worry, sorrow, and stress. To be able to fly through the air with a mere thought and not worry about falling nor failure nor danger, nor the evil so prevalent today. Remember what Jesus said, just moments before he gave up his last breath on the cross? “It is finished”. The battle has already been won. The last curtain has yet to fall, but the battle has been won! Now, surely, and truly, we can say… yes, it is finished. And now all eternity lies ahead. Oh, what a glorious journey it will be!


Could we with ink the oceans fill,And were the skies of parchment made;

Were every stalk on earth a quill,And every man a scribe by trade -To write the love of God above -

Would drain the ocean dry.Nor could the scroll contain the whole,

Though stretched from sky to sky.2nd stanza of the song, The Love of God by Frederick M. Lehman



Who shall be left behind?

It is time for the question. The question that has plagued many a poor soul. Who shall be left behind after the Christian rapture? Who will be taken up to meet the Lord in the air, and who shall remain behind?

The answer lies not in the pulpits of man, nor in the guidelines, beliefs, and laws of any church. Instead the answer of who will be left behind is in God’s Word for all to see.

To find out who will be left behind, we must first find out who will be gathered together at the Christian rapture. The first paragraph of section two, chapter one of this book tells us who will join the Lord in the air at the second coming. Verses in the Bible also shed light on this issue. I Thessalonians 1.10 speaks of those who have been delivered from the wrath to come, as does Romans 5.9. II Thessalonians 2. 1-4 also speaks of those who shall be spared the day of the Lord. That particular section of verse has been twisted and interpreted wrongly to no end. Let me give you a proper translation of II Thessalonians 2.1-4.

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming (the 2nd coming – the rapture) of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together (as shown in I Thessalonians 4. 13-17) unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ (better translated as the Day of the Lord) is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day (the Day of the Lord - the time of the events of the book of Revelation) shall not come, except there come a falling away ( the words: falling away have a two-part meaning; 1- a turning away from the one trueGod and the things of God; and 2- a departure of the Church of the Body of Christ. The Church of the Body of Christ is composed of those persons, both living and dead that have believed in the truth contained within the verses of Roman 10: 9,10.) first, and that man of sin ( the Antichrist, the coming world leader) be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God (as God not in the original text) sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God ( God the Son, of the Trinity, believed by many Christians today).

From these verse, and others found in God’s Word, we find that those left behind do not have the holy spirit of Christ within (Colossians 1.27). In other words, they are not “born again”.

The question has been raised that if God so loves, how could He leave so many people behind on earth to face the terrible events that shall befall the world’s population? The answer is not simple, nor is it often believed but it has everything to do with Lucifer being the God of this world. As the god of this world, all things of this world are in his realm - including those people of body and soul, the natural man (those without the spirit of Christ within). Because of Adam, Lucifer has literal ownership of all peoples until they exchange the bondage of sin for the glorious freedom of God.

What of those persons that will be saved after the rapture? (Revelation 7.3-9, 13, 14 and Revelation 20.4.) Why were these persons left behind? The terrible truth of the matter is that these persons would never have believed in the truth of the one true God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the truth of salvation without being left behind after the Christian rapture. These persons would have lived and died and not believed in the truth of Romans 10.9,10. It will take the terrible realization that their friends, family and loved ones were right… that to be saved from wrath, you must be born again. Alas, the realization of this truth will come too late to save them from facing the world of the Antichrist. But the realization, the


believing, of this truth shall save them from sharing the fate of the Antichrist and those who chose to never believe. They have been given one last chance to reject the lies of the world and to reject the lie of the Antichrist. The one thing they must do, to be saved, is to believe as they have never believed before!

What an opportunity those left behind have. As terrible as are the events they shall face, they have the opportunity to know - to know - that there truly is a God. Those persons living after the Rapture have the opportunity to experience first hand the truth of God’s Word unfolding before their very eyes. Those persons left behind can also take comfort in the knowledge that those who were gathered together in the rapture are there with them. For God has built an army that all the powers of hell cannot withstand; that army is fighting - during the tribulation - a spiritual battle to save their loved ones from hell. All that is required of those persons left behind is to believe in the things of God, thus assuring eternal salvation and eternal glory. To not do so guarantee that, for the rest of eternity, they will wish they had.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8: 35-39.


Chapter FIVE


The future lies ahead and what a future it will be. It is up to you, the reader to decide which future will be yours. Will your future be that of glory and light? Or will you join the Antichrist is his realm of eternal despair?

…choose you this day whom ye will serve… Joshua 24.15a

The author believes that the lake of fire into which the souls of those who are lost are cast is far more than a pit of flames and pain. The author believes that those who are lost will be shown what could have been, and know that it will never - ever - happen for them; what a horrible way to spend the rest of eternity. The Devil, as god of this world, has claim to your soul; only you can deny that claim, that right, and declare yourself forever free from the realm of despair.

Worst of all… it is almost, just about, close to…. being too late…

Do it NOW!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised

him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (emphasis added).

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Romans 10. 9, 10


Chapter SIX

For those left behind: A Survival Guide

The author could provide tips, advice, and suggestions on HOW to survive after the Rapture of the Christian church.* The author could suggest obtaining books, manuals, and information on survival. Indeed, after the Y2K scare, survival manuals and guides on how to become a “survivalist” were plentiful. It might even be helpful for those left behind to consult these manuals. However, with the Rapture of the Christian church – and with the rise of the Antichrist – the rules have changed. For those who want to find the truth behind the Rapture, for those who desire to know God and His Son, Jesus Christ, survival guides will not protect them, nor keep them alive.

At the beginning of this book, remember, the author stated that this book deals with spiritual matters in a physical world. Trying to fight a spiritual battle with physical weapons and strategies is to lose before you could even begin. That is not to say that physical weapons or strategies should not be used – just do not expect to prevail in that manner, for you shall not!

HOW is one to survive – and live for Jesus Christ in the world of the Antichrist? To fight a spiritual battle, you MUST use spiritual weapons. For those left behind, the most powerful spiritual weapon available is the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. This Sword MUST be accompanied by a strong, steadfast belief in the Son of God who is that Living Word. Like any weapon of warfare, a weapon not used is useless. Through prayer, belief, and an undying passionate dependence on God – by way of His Son, Jesus Christ – as your soul protector and all-powerful ally, THE VICTORY IS YOURS!

Yes, unfortunately, many of those who will come to believe AFTER the rapture shall die – yet they shall NOT see the SECOND death of the Antichrist; they shall see the Lord Jesus Christ return to reclaim their souls from hell, and from the grasp of the wicked one. They SHALL see heaven and be rejoined with those loved ones who were taken up at the moment of the Rapture! Oh, what a joy it is to KNOW that there IS – even during THE Tribulation – HOPE! And what a GLORIOUS HOPE DOES AWAIT THOSE WHO SHALL BE SAVED DURING THE TIME OF THE TRIBULATION!

To Summarize: How can the left behind believer be saved in the time of the Tribulation period?

1- YOU must recognize, and believe, that Jesus Christ is Lord, that God DID raise him from the dead and that Jesus Christ HAS returned to gather together born again at the Rapture of the Christian Church. Also, recognize, and believe, that Jesus Christ IS coming back with his angels AND his saints (those who were raptured) to rescue those who were left behind, and to have vengeance on the devil and his minions.

2- Recognize that while those who are saved AFTER the Rapture may die a physical death, they SHALL NOT die the spiritual death of the Antichrist.

3- You MUST believe in God and his Son, Jesus Christ – as well as in their army of angels and raptured believers – as your soul protectors and as those who are fighting in the spiritual plane of existence for you and for those others who believe after the Rapture.

4- Pray, and believe, as you have never done before! A minimum of three hours a day should be spent in prayer AND in the study of God’s Word. There will be times when you will be hard-pressed – but remember: you can pray even while you might be fleeing for your life! Indeed THAT is when it is even more important to pray. You can pray while walking, while hiding, while eating and as you lie down to sleep… just pray, as you’ve never prayed before! Your prayers ARE your weapons! God and His Word are your power! USE THEM!


* Various measures will be implemented after the disappearances. Once martial law is declared in the United States, and later, around the world, nation-wide ID cards and - at a later time - "ration" cards will be issued that will be required to be carried. Technology, involving the use of these cards, will allow the tracking of the activities and location of the user. Therefore, use of these measures should be limited; otherwise, those striving to avoid detection by the AntiChrist's forces will be easily tracked. After the assassination, and resurrection, of the AntiChrist, implantable chips, using the same technology will become mandatory for "loyal" followers of the AntiChrist. As of July, 2007, this technology is in place and is being used on a limited basis.


Chapter SEVEN

Author’s NoteAs a final note, this book is a work of non-fiction; it should not be considered prophecy from God. Prophecy, in this context, is considered to be specific information given from God or for God. Prophecy, as defined here, may be seen in the Bible, for example, as the information God gave the Apostle John regarding the end times.

The information in this book is researched from secular sources as well as from religious sources. While the author does believe that God inspired the author with the need for the writing of this book, the reader should understand that the author does not claim that the writing of this book is prophecy from God. However, having said that, the reader of the future looking at the events of his day will see the hand of God in the writing of this book. The reader of the future will ask: “How did he know?” Indeed, how DID I know?

This book is specifically addressed - and dedicated to - those who will be left behind after the rapture of the Christian church. I wrote this book with one purpose in mind. This message is left behind with the intent that those who read it will receive the truth. Within me, within my spirit, is the sense that time is short. Tell others of this book. Don’t let them be tricked by the Lie of the Antichrist!

Thank you, and may God keep you and bless you… I will see you in the air! *

David L. Smith

*Just a short note to my adversary, the Devil: This body may be mortal, but my spirit is not; should I die before the Gathering Together - I will be coming back and I will be holding a sword in my hands! And I will be coming back and looking for you! No power on this earth can keep me down. You'll know my voice, for I shall be one of those yelling:

“It’s Time!”


… or is it? The choice is YOURS!

…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24.15b




The Lie of the Antichrist

What exactly is the lie of the Antichrist? For that answer, we must first look at what the Antichrist will claim as stated in the last paragraph in section 1, chapter six. The Antichrist will claim that Jesus Christ was a visitor from another world; that Jesus was actually what we call an extraterrestrial. Followers of this belief will be quick to point out references to this particular belief. These references will include the voice from heaven after Jesus’ baptism. The transfiguration and appearance of Moses and Elijah are considered to be an occurrence of alien visitation. Included also in the belief that Jesus was an extraterrestrial is his being taken up (or “transported” up, if you will) in the first chapter of the book of Acts.

The Antichrist will also claim to be Jesus returned to Earth. The belief in the Christian Trinity will also support his claim. The Antichrist will claim that he is indeed God the Son (of the Christian Trinity).

Many of the “New Age” books, that are so popular today, attempt to explain God and what God truly is. Actress and author Shirley MacLaine’s various books deal with this topic in detail. One of her first books dealing with this topic is the book Out on a Limb*. This book details her year's long search for the truth regarding God and life itself. In several of MacLaine’s books, the topic of God is covered extensively, including the belief that each one of us has a part of God in us - indeed, we are that which is God. At least, that is the belief stated in the actress’ book.

- Out on a Limb by Shirley MacLaine (Bantam Books, 1983)

The reason that UFOs didn’t announce themselves more publicly was not only because of potential panic but more because mankind would tend to revere them as gods and abdicate personal responsibility for their own human growth.

- Page 68,69 It’s All in the Playing by Shirley MacLaine (Bantam Books, 1987)

According to MacLaine, aliens from other worlds reveal themselves to those who don’t “limit their thinking”; to those who are more enlightened. (The explanation of why they appeared after the "disappearances": They no longer had a choice. They were there to help mankind survive) Shirley MacLaine also reveals in her book, It’s All in the Playing, that she, and others of her ilk, believe that aliens are what we traditionally call angels.

- Page 321-323 It’s All in the Playing by Shirley MacLaine (Bantam Books, 1987)

The acceptance, and the popularity, of the idea that there are UFOs and extraterrestrial life can be seen in LIFE magazine’s March, 2000 issue. The seven-page cover story includes a survey taken in mid-January, 2000. Here is a sampling of the questions asked, followed by some of the results.

Is there intelligent life in the universe, other than on earth? 54% said yes.Have intelligent beings visited earth? 30% said yes.Are UFOs real or imaginary? 43% believed UFOs are real.

- LIFE poll taken by Yankelovich Partners. Survey of 1,564 adults, 18 or older. Conducted Jan 12,13, 2000. LIFE, March, ‘00

Wherever one turns these days, the topic of Extraterrestrials, UFOs, and life from “outer space” is apparent. Many of the most popular prime-time television shows deal with this topic. The Star Trek series of television shows and movies are a prime example. In written


form, there is even more material on these subjects. In a local library, the author has researched more than thirty books on the subject; many of the more popular and pertinent books are listed in the bibliography. Using an internet search engine to search for the term extraterrestrial will result in millions of web pages to be studied. Indeed, it seems as if there is more information available (regarding this subject) on the internet than there is in "hard copy" publications.

In its April 10, 2000 issue, TIME magazine, devoted 51 of 152 pages to the universe and the future in its issue; included in the section, there was a two-page article, “Will we meet E.T.?”

Many listeners of late night radio are familiar with the names Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. Together, and individually - along with other writers - they have written a number of books on an array of subjects. Both writers have exhaustively researched their books dealing with extraterrestrials, UFOs, and related subjects. A book by Art Bell and Brad Steiger, The Source*, is a fascinating book that this author encourages the reader to peruse. Chapter seven, Angels versus Demons, is particularly enlightening. While this author disagrees with many of the conclusions reached in the book, The Source, this author has found that many of the facts and information are completely accurate when looked at from a spiritual perspective. (Please note that this author did not say that the information was accurate from a religious point of view; there is a difference.)

- *The Source by Art Bell & Brad Steiger (Paper Chase Press, 1999)

In her book, Aliens Among Us, author Ruth Montgomery speaks of a loose-leaf type book (by Thelma Terrell) entitled, “Project: World Evacuation”. In Aliens Among Us, Montgomery refers to Thelma Terrell by her “space name”, Tuella. Tuella quotes an “alien” from “Ashtar Command” that describes the coming Great Evacuation.

“The Great Evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly. The flash of emergency events will be as the lightning that flashesin the sky. Our rescue ships will be able to come in close enoughin the twinkling of an eye to set the lifting beams in operation ina moment. Mankind will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by thebeams from our smaller ships. These smaller craft will in turn taxithe persons to the larger ships overhead, higher in the atmosphere,where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millionsof people.”

In her book, Aliens Among Us, Ruth Montgomery writes of extraterrestrials that are among us and are helping guide us through the “New Age”. Montgomery also admits that her Guides write through her typing fingers. Montgomery and her Guides have “jointly produced” (her words) eight books.



The Power behind the Antichrist

The History of Lucifer

To understand the power behind the Antichrist, we must look to God’s Word. We shall see what God says about his archrival,Lucifer - the power behind the leader of the coming “one world government”, the Antichrist. In order to understand the comingAntichrist, and the power behind the Antichrist, we need to look at the history of Lucifer, aka, the Devil.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground,

which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my

throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah. 14.12-14

Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the

diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the

workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Thou

art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou

hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that

thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the

midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of

God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted

up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the

ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Ezekiel 28. 13-17

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and

his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was

cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into

the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Rev. 12.7-9

There are other verses in both the Old and New Testaments that shed more light upon the being that is called Lucifer. He is referred to by many names including the devil, Satan, Beelzebub, and the Lord of Flies (one of the author’s favorite names for Lucifer). He is also called our Adversary. Nowhere in the Bible are the works of Satan referred to more than in the New Testament. Indeed, Jesus Christ came to expose the works of the devil. In this section of “The lie of the Antichrist”, we want to look at the history of Lucifer. To look at the history of Lucifer, we must go back to the beginning.


Our solar system was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Some experts think that the universe, as we know it, began to form more than 6 billion years ago. According to scientists, life began on earth approx. 3.8 billion yrs ago. For about 2 billion yrs, the only life was simple cells without a nucleus. Much later on, about 15-20 MILLION yrs ago, higher intelligence life came into being. The species Homo sapiens, according to science, evolved approx. 300,000 yrs ago.

FROM THE BOOK, Extraterrestrials, Where are they?

In contrast to this vast expanse of time, it is generally agreed that the Adam & Eve of the Bible were made about 4000 BC. The Companion Bible by E.W. Bullinger

How can the vast difference in time between the formation of our solar system and the age of Adam and the Garden of Eden be explained? The answer lies in a combination of science and the careful study and research of God’s Word. For thousands of years, there have been arguments that the two areas of religion and science contradict each other. However, the author believes that scientific and religious fervor has allowed the subject to be clouded and misunderstood. The author believes that there is no contradiction. Instead, science and religion harmonize, or compliment, one another. To explain, we must turn to the words given to us by God, the originator of life - and the originator of what we call science and religion.

Genesis, chapter one, verse one states: In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. When was the beginning? Well, science says it was more than 4.6 billion years ago. Verse two of the 1st chapter in the Bible says: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The fourth word in the verse, the word was, is a poor translation from the ancient Hebrew text. If God created the heavens and earth, why would He make it without form and void? That is foolishness. The word was is actually the word became. And the earth became without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. How did the earth become without form, and void?

In the book of the Apocalypse, the book of Revelation, we find the answer. And there was war in heaven….

Lucifer was the first angel created during the events of Genesis 1.1. He and the other archangels, Michael and Gabriel were the leaders of three groups of angels. Lucifer was the original bright and morning star; he was the angel of Light. Michael, the warrior, leads the band of angels that protect, guard, and fight. Gabriel is God’s voice, His messenger. Gabriel dispatches his group of Angels to deliver messages, and to speak for God.

God’s Word is silent regarding much of the events prior to His making of Adam and the Garden of Eden. However, through a combination of science, God’s Word, and the working of God’s spirit within - what the author describes as an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness - we can see what happened before the time of Adam and Eve.

Literature and the arts have long painted angels as mythical beings whose chief occupation seemed to be looking beautiful and floating around on clouds playing harps. Even the most loyal angel would quickly become bored with such activity. In section two, chapter three of this book, you were given a glimpse of what occupied the angels before the fall of Lucifer. Over a period of time, perhaps more than a billion years, the angel Lucifer became self important and envious of the power and glory of his creator, God. The creation desired to be as the creator; indeed the created one desired to be greater than his creator. We know from God’s word regarding doctrine, reproof, and correction that God would have lovingly confronted Lucifer as a parent to a child. God strove to direct Lucifer along the correct


path. God’s efforts would surely have had some affect over a period of time. However, Lucifer’s actions continued to “get him in trouble”, so to speak.

(Interestingly enough, the confrontations between good and evil can be seen in many modern movies, books, and other forms of media. Recently, the author has read a book of science fiction, the subject of which the reader may be familiar with. In the Star Trek; The Next Generation book, Q-Strike (of the Q Continuum series), a character called ‘Q’ tells of a confrontation between a race of god-like beings and the war that follows. The similarity between that confrontation and the war of Revelation chapter 12 is striking. The author encourages the reader to look at movies and books with a “spiritual eye” and you will find much that explains the unseen things of the Bible.)

Eventually, God had to confront Lucifer before the other angels. The apostle Paul, in the epistles, tells of a similar situation regarding confronting wrongdoers before the church. The humiliation and anger of Lucifer at God for this “affront” was too much for him to take; Lucifer began to recruit other angels to his cause. As the Angel of Light, Lucifer already had a sizable contingent of angels loyal to him. This insatiable desire to usurp the throne of God led Lucifer and his follower angels to lead a rebellion that eventually led to outright war in heaven. The results were catastrophic in scale as ruin came to the first heavens and earth that God had created in Genesis 1.1. The science fiction book referred to above, Q-Strike, parallels this occurrence remarkably. How long this war lasted is unknown, but we do know that a vast expanse of time (millions of years) passed between the first and the second creation of Genesis chapter one.

(What steps and actions did lead Lucifer to eventually rebel against God? The details of that remains a mystery. However, in seeking a scientific answer, the author suspects that Lucifer’s fall began with his activities in what we know as our solar system. The author believes that Lucifer’s realm in the universe was centered on and around the planet Earth. Much argument has been made regarding evolution and the apparent contradiction with the Genesis of the Bible. However, to the author, there is no contradiction. The author believes that Lucifer was responsible for the dinosaur age and the surrounding period of time. The author also believes that Lucifer “meddling” with life up to the time of the emergence of the Homo sapiens species approximately 300,000 years ago led to his being cast out of heaven. Much scientific evidence and the researching of God’s word have led to this belief on the author’s part. However, this topic in itself would fill the pages of a book. Let us return to the history of Lucifer.)

Having lost the war with God, and being cast out along with his rebelling angels, Lucifer continued a subtle campaign against God with his seduction of Adam and Eve. His part in man’s fall from paradise led to the need for a savior and to his eventual - still future - demise. Lucifer’s realm of power and control also caused God to call him, among other names, the god of this world. Lucifer, now more commonly called the Devil, or Satan, has continued his campaign against God by waging war against mankind. The progeny of Adam and Eve, whom God made, are the target of a hate-filled being whose continuing objective is to usurp the throne of God and obtain the worship that he craves.

The first coming of Jesus Christ was a direct response to the world’s need for a savior. In order to overthrow the hold on power that the god of this world (Lucifer) had, a savior was required. Jesus Christ fulfilled that mission and was the sacrifice that enabled man to throw off the stranglehold of bondage and death that the god of this world had inflicted upon the children of Adam. When Jesus died on the tree, Lucifer thought he had beaten God. When Lucifer orchestrated the death of the only begotten Son of God, Lucifer thought he had finally won. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave, however, sealed the doom of


Lucifer and his fallen angels. Lucifer permanently lost his battle with God when he hung the Messiah on the cross. (I Corinthians 2.8)

Lucifer, however, continues his war against God and His resurrected Son. Lucifer continues to think that he can win. Over the course of the years since the resurrection of Christ, Lucifer and his army of fallen angels has continually tried to put into place a world dictator. Looking back through history, one can see the procession of leaders that have been manipulated of their own free will to be the world’s king. There were the Caesars, Attila, Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler, and other lesser kings.

Lucifer knows - he knows - that there will, one day, be another resurrection. Lucifer knows that there will come a day when God raises from the dead His sleeping children; and gathers together, in the air, those of His church, the church of the Body of Christ. And Lucifer has set the stage for that day… for that day when he can once again rule the world. In preparation for that day, Lucifer will raise up a child of his own, the coming world leader - the Antichrist.


Section III

Book References


Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs; HarperCollins Publishers copyright:1997Important chapters to read:Chapters 1 The Greatest UFO?Ch. 7 Face-to-faceCh. 11 The Mind’s EyeEpilogue New Realities

The New Encyclopedia Britannica; re: the moon:Vol. 27 (around pg.540): Craters, moonquake; internal heat, etc…

"Someone else is on the moon" by George Leonard, New York Pocket Books 1977

"Above top secret: the worldwide UFO cover-up" by timothy good (Armstrong)

"Mind Wars: The True story of government research" by Ronald m. McRaeSummary: Excellent info regarding moon (claims extraterrestrial evidence not

supported by othersources; also claims moon is hollow – not supported by other evidence.) Excellent info

re: remote viewing & “visiting” other worlds; Comprehensive coverage of UFO history & sightings,

abductions, etcThe author of Alien Agenda, Jim Morris, believes in UFOs and offers evidence

supporting his belief – evidenceoften not documented through other sources. Excellent book from the PRO UFO


Alien Life ( the Search for Extraterrestrial & beyond) by Barry Parker (Plenum Press,1998)Excellent introduction regarding UFOs and the UFO debate;Excellent intellectual & scientific review of the UFO debate, fairly unbiased


Extraterrestrial (where are they?) by Ben Zuckerman & Michael H. Hart (Cambridge University Press, 1995, 2nd edition)

Excellent intellectual & scientific review of the UFO debate, fairly unbiased book

See: Ch.1; 4; 14; 17; 21Excellent section on age of world, life, etc…Age of earth approx. 6 billion yrs; Life began on earth approx. 3.8 billion yrs

ago.For about 2 billion yrs, the only life was simple cells without a nucleusHigher intelligence life came into being approx. 15-20 MILLION yrs agoHomo Sapiens originated approx. 300,000 yrs ago.

UFO Sightings (The evidence) BY Robert Sheaffer (Prometheus books, 1998)Excellent book covering the gamut of UFO sightings, abductions, phenomenon,

etcPage 11,12 points out the lack of evidence provided by “UFOologists”.


UFOs and Alien Contact by Robert E. Bartholomew & George S. Howard (Prometheus books, 1998)

Good book with in-depth look at numerous UFO encounters.Has catalogue of 205 UFO encounters from 1906 to 1983 and summarizes eachencounter

Producing Spiritual Phenomena in the Physical Realm by Earl H. Burton (American Christian Press, 1985)

Are we living in the end times? By Tim LaHaye/Jerry B. Jenkins (Tyndale House Publishers, 1999)

World Aflame by Billy Graham (Doubleday & Company, 1965)

The Companion Bible by Bullinger Publications Trust/Zondervan Bible publishers, 1974 (E.W. Bullinger)

Says Adam created in 4004 BC

Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible by Robert Young (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1982)

LIFE Magazine, March, 2000

The acceptance, and the popularity, of the idea that there ARE UFOs and extraterrestrial life may be seen in LIFE magazine’s March, 2000 issue. The seven-page cover story includes a survey taken in mid-January, 2000. LIFE OFO poll taken by Yankelovich Partners.

Survey of 1,564 adults, 18 or older. Conducted Jan 12,13, 2000.

Question: Intelligent life in the universe, other than on earth? YES: 54%Have intelligent beings visited earth? YES 30%Think US GOV withholding info re: UFOs? YES: 49%Are UFOs real or imaginary? YES: 43%43% of Americans believe in UFOsShould US GOV support scientific search for intelligent life on otherplanets? YES: 54%

Of college graduates, 61% believe in extraterrestrial life; compared to 46% of those who have no higher than high school education.

Out on a Limb by Shirley MacLaine (Bantam Books, 1983)

Ch. 18 - “Explains” about how UFOs in the Bible are referenced.Chapter 19 - UFOS in PeruPage 305 - EVERYONE in the village has seen UFOs (village: near

Llocllapampa in Andes mts). Villagers say UFOs stay in mountainswhere people don’t go. Speaks of an “alien from the Pleides”named Mayan.

Its All in the Playing by Shirley MacLaine (Bantam Books, 1987)

Page 68,69 - Why UFOs don’t announce themselves openly:They are afraid of causing world wide panic. Also, they don’twant to be revered as gods.


They reveal themselves to those who don’t “limit their thinking”; to those who are moreenlightened.Page 321-323 Angels are aliens

TIME magazine, April 10, 2000 issue - Devoted 51 pages of 152 pages to the universe and the future in its issue; Including a 2 pg article : “Will we meet E.T.?”

………… Alpha Centauri: Referenced in Time magazine (above article), “moon book” (above), popular computer game on the shelf at Wal-Mart; often mentioned in the TV. series “Babylon 5”.

Beginning of the End by John Hagee (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1996)

The Quickening by Art Bell (Paper Chase Press, 1997)This is an excellent book detailing the deteriorating morals/conditions/etc in the world

today. Describes these rapidly changing conditions as “The Quickening”… The quickening is supposed to culminate in some world changing/life altering event or series of events – event(s) not described in Bell's book.

Confirmation by Whitley Strieber (St. Martin’s Press, 1998)Eyewitness accounts of UFO’s. In-depth discussion of “alien implants” found in human



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