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Post on 14-Oct-2020






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Minding Your Own Business : 101



Wellness Tour 2010 2


New Generations

Month activities


Member Profile 3

Upcoming Events 4

Member Updates 5

The Liguanea Plains Monthly

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 0 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2


The Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains (RCLP) is a community-based ser-vice club founded in 2008 and sponsored by the Ro-tary Club of Liguanea Plains. RCLP consists of young men and women who are dedicated to making a differ-ence in their communities. We aim to be active in so-cially uplifting programmes, promote literacy and be mentors to the leaders of tomorrow.

Official Newsletter of the Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains Jamaica

Editorial Our October Issue aims to bring sharp focus on young people in action. Those who inspire through

their tireless efforts creating a legacy and those who selflessly give of themselves in service. As we observe Vocational Services month we look at the many professions that make up our membership but also the many possibilities that await us if we choose to follow our dreams. The common theme running throughout this issue however is Unity. Throughout these pages are the results of young men and women working together to make a difference… Transforming our world.—LPM

consultancy company spe-cializing in delivering cost effective business solutions through text messaging ser-vices, says technology is one business sector that remains impregnable.“Looking at the market you would see that this has been one of the ar-eas that has consistently grown, and it‟s not very hard to start-up,” he says. The Information and Commu-nication Technologies Sector continued to grow even at the height of the economic crisis last year according to the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ). The growth was due in part to the drive to expand and mod-ernize telecommunications networks and introduce new services. “The hard part of being in

business is sustaining the

business,” he says. “You

have to be willing to work

hard, listen to your clients and

stay focused on what you do.”

Cont’d… Pg 2

With meagre opportunities

in the labour market, the idea of being your own boss is be-coming a more attractive option for many university graduates and young professionals. Surveys by the region‟s largest university, the University of the West Indies, show that while 90 percent of its own graduates find employment, many find jobs that are not necessarily financially fulfilling. And, according to President of the Young Entrepreneurs Association (YEA), Stephen Spence many are unhappy in their jobs. “You want to be able to do what you love,” encourages Spence. “And, having your own business provides that opportu-nity.” “And, it‟s not very hard to start your own business in Jamaica,” the young entrepreneur says. According to the 2010 Doing Business survey by the World Bank, “Jamaica is ranked 19th out of 183 countries in the world when it comes to starting-up a business.” Although the current eco-nomic climate may seem

daunting for young professionals wanting to establish businesses, Spence says there is no better time than now to start-up. “What we are facing right now is a cycle and you want to position yourself in such a way so that when things get better you can capitalize on the opportunities,” he says. “In times like these some assets are more easily ac-quired because they are being sold for less than their actual value and you can fetch an even better value when the climate improves.” Spence, who is also Prin-cipal of SMS Communications, a

“Transforming our World, One Community at a time”

President of the Young Entrepreneurs Association (YEA), Stephen Spence

P A G E 2

Wellness Tour 2010: Rotaract Edition

In September Rotaractors played their part in

ensuring that our parent club, the Rotary Club of Liguanea Plain‟s had a successful stop on its Wellness Tour. The Wellness Tour is an annual project of the Shipping Association of Jamaica (SAJ), in part-nership with the Rotary Club of Liguanea Plains, and is in its fifth year. Both organiza-tions joined with the Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains and the Rotary Club of Kingston East and Port Royal in this year‟s undertaking. The first stop was the Caribbean Maritime Insti-tute (CMI) and students of the institution as well as residents of Port Royal benefited from the week long health outreach. The CMI family and residents received general health check-ups, diabetes screening, hyper-tension checks as well as optical screening. Some participants also received free medica-tion. Speaking at the ceremony, President of the Shipping Association of Jamaica, Roger Hinds , pledged the association's support for the Wellness Tour for years to come. "The SAJ firmly believes in giving back to the communi-ties it serves as well as the wider society, and wellness has always been at the heart of the association's service," Hinds said. President of the Rotary Club of Kingston East and Port Royal Marcia Barned also used the

event to announce her club‟s intent to establish a Rotaract Club at the CMI. RCLP Members had a visible presence during

the tour as they assisted with patients and

the distribution of care packages provided by

various sponsors.

RCLP‟s involvement in the event also formed

part of the clubs activties for New Generation‟s

Months. —LPM

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2

The Four Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all


3. Will it BUILD goodwill




4. Will it be




We meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday


6:30 pm

Eden Gardens 39 Lady Musgrave Rd

Kingston, Jamaica

Join us!!

Minding Business cont’d...

He encourages young entre-

preneurs to prepare thorough

business plans and to stick to

them. “If your making baskets

don‟t start making shoes be-

cause you see John Brown

making shoes,” he advises.

“And look for new and efficient

ways to conduct your opera-

tions,” he continues.

Managing Director

of eZines Limited, Tyrone Wil-

son adds that mentors are

also important to the sustain-

ability and growth of the com-

pany. “You need to get men-

tors who are experienced and

successful, who can lend their

reputation to your business

and guide you,” the 25 year-

old entrepreneur advises.

Wilson‟s company, which pro-

duces an online business magazine, was fortunate to get the backing of reputable finan-

cial expert, Chris Williams of NCB Capital Markets fame and Marketer, Sheree Martin also of the National Commer-cial Bank, when he started out in 2008. The company has been experiencing steady growth over its two years of existence and is working towards build-ing a strong internet-based media company. It currently employs four people full-time employees and six others on a part-time basis. Wilson encourages his con-temporaries to “think big” even in face of discouragement. “Forget the patty shop ideas

that eventually fail. Do re-

search and work at ideas that

are sustainable,” he says.

“And put God first!” - LPM

Managing Director of eZines Limited, Tyrone Wilson

Rotaractor Gareth Manning (right), presents a care package to a resident of Port Royal during the Shipping Association of Ja-maica/Rotary Club of Liguanea Plains Well-ness Tour held at the Caribbean Maritime Institute.

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2

Name Tanya Latoya Walters RCLP Vice President


Kingston, Jamaica

Profession Attorney-at-Law

How I’ll transform my world.

For one woman to change the world is a mammoth task; but to change one’s self is no simpler. We may be products of our environment yet we have power over the nature of our own environment. If we all recognize this

power over our physical and emotional circumstance and unite with fortified determi-nation then the world would bend to our benevolent will. I hope to inspire the recognition of the internal latent power of change by living true to the spirit of change I have discovered in myself.

RCLP Member Profile

September: New Generations Month Activities

Fellowship with Rotaract Club of St Andrew

While rain dampened a num-

ber of the planned activities for New Generations month, Rota-ract Club of Liguanea Plains (RCLP) members were still able actively participate in a number of successful club ac-tivities. The First meeting for the month was an informative ex-ercise for members and visi-tors alike, as Jamaica Red Cross President, Dr Jaslin Salmon was a special guest speaker. He gave a wide ranging pres-entation which highlighted the many outreach activities of the Red Cross in communities all across the island. He also

made special mention of the Organizations role in assisting the ODPEM in times of disas-ter. Based on his presenta-tion club members and visitors had several questions and showed keen interest in future involvement in Red Cross or-ganized activities. New Generations month was also an opportunity for Fellow-ship and RCLP members vis-ited a number of other Rota-ract Clubs including the Rota-ract Clubs of St Andrew, New Kingston and Kingston. In the true spirit of New generations month members also visited Rotary Clubs such as the Rotary Club of St An-

drew North and the Rotary Club of Trafalgar New Heights who were gracious enough to host us at their monthly „Cool down meeting‟. It was games galore as members from both clubs tested their knowledge in a "Jamaica Trivia competition". When the dust settled the host club won the competition but in true Rotary spirit, members donated their winnings to RCLP (3 bottles of Appleton Genesis rum). Fellowshipping will continue beyond New Generations Month as RCLP seeks to build relationships and foster change in our community.—LPM

RCLP Secretary, Michelle Rattigan (right) presenting a Certificate of appreciation to Jamaica Red Cross President, Dr Jaslin Salmon (left) following his presentation to the club.

RCLP members and guests listen intently as Jamaica Red Cross President, Dr Jaslin Salmon makes his presentation.

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 P A G E 4

Upcoming Events

Interested in making a donation to the club? You can contact any member of the

Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains or email us at:

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 2 P A G E 5

Club dues for 2010 - 2011 are $7000.

Please make arrangements for payment of both with Club Treasurer Georgia Munroe.

By email - or Cell - 394-4292

—————————————————————— Invite your friends to come and fellowship with us

every 1st and 3rd Wednesday 6:30 pm

Eden Gardens 39 Lady Musgrave Rd

Kingston, Jamaica

Birthday Corner October 12

Lionel Blackwood

Gareth Manning

October 14

Kemolyn Lyons

October 15

Curtis Brooks

October 27

Tasha Wilson

Meet the RCLP Board Members

President Yahneake Sterling

Charter President Tasha Wilson

Director of Public Relations Kevin Clarke

Secretary Michelle Rattigan

Vice-President Tanya Walters

Director of Fundraising Khadrea Folkes

Treasurer Georgia Munroe

Director of Club Services Fallon Harris

Director of International Service Kerry-Ann Ebanks

Director of Prof. Development Sigmund Anderson

Sergeant at Arms Aleisha Martin

Member Updates




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