the living light - · the living light “ ... —j.b. priestley good...

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The Living Light “...and Christ shall give thee light.” Ephesians 5:14

Volume 55, Number 3 First Friends Church of Whittier Third Month, 2016

Dawn is Surely Coming

Youth Offer Reflections on


“God searches our hearts with the candle of conscience,” wrote John Woolman. Our youth provided their own take on the concept at Meeting for Worship on February 14.

Woolman’s story of his experience with killing a small bird as a youth, though unsettling, remains a dramatic example of how conscience affects us at an early age and how it develops within us as we grow. The adage “well, it seemed like a good idea at the time” can often open the door to self-examination.

Conscience affects our views of equality, as Woolman illustrates. The message was delivered by the youth in the form of a readers theatre. Depicting “A Day in the Life of John Woolman,” the message took a dramatic framework to tell of his refusal to write a bill of sale for a slave. “As for me,” said Woolman, “I will withdraw” adding “I can’t be a brother to someone I just bought.”

Youth Sunday once again affirmed how Quaker voices speak through all of us today, and especially through our youth.

—Elisabeth Elliot

Celebrate Easter I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.

—J.B. Priestley

Good Friday, March 25 Journey to the Cross An interactive observance hosted by Whittier Area Clergy Association Noon First Christian Church at Greenleaf and Hadley

Easter Sunday, March 27 Easter breakfast presented by Young Friends 9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall (No Sunday School classes)

Meeting for Worship at 11:00 a.m. Rejoice and Other Reactions

What’s Lara all wrapped up in?

See page 4.


Friendly Fare by Lea Wright

Dear Friends, this weekend as I was looking for a picture to include in this column, I was counting back years to the first time we included a “ The Living Light Travels” picture in the Friendly Fare. It was March 2009. For a brief moment I considered doing “Flashback Friendly Fare” using that picture. The funny thing is this month’s picture is of the same people at the same place as the picture was seven years ago. Do I have your curiosity yet? Read on down to the end to see the answer. Maybe you didn’t know, but I love traditions. I hope this inspires some of you to take pictures with your Living Light, and send them in for next month.

New Friends: Olivia Ann Bald, baby sister to Danielle Zhu (who was born in November 2013) and daughter of Eric & Lanning, was born on January 23. Lanning’s mother came from China for a visit of several weeks with her daughter and family. Wolfgang Kussler was born February 16, and joined sister Lilly and brother Bear. Parents are Phil & Kasey Kussler, grandparents are Andy & Lisa (Thompson) Adam and great-grandparents are Bob & Lou Secord, who traveled north to Santa Maria to spend time with the family.

Friends Celebrate: Ashley Ryder’s U-12 Girls All-Star soccer team took first place in Area Play with a 5-1-1 record. They were scheduled to play again on February 20-21 to try and move on to a higher level of competition. Bill Ryder said he has had the pleasure of coaching these 12 very talented players.

Friends About Town: Carol Urner attended Rotary’s 2016 World Peace Conference in January. With chapters in virtually all countries of the world, Rotary understands how crucial conflict prevention and resolution are. Carol and a colleague from Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom then headed north on a West Coast speaking tour to spread the word about the growing worldwide push for nuclear disarmament. Deanna Woirhaye and daughter Anathea have been recently enjoying spending time attending Anime and Dr. Who conventions. Convention attendees often go dressed as their favorite character. This is known as cosplay or costume playing. Her favorite anime is the series “Hetalia,” where the main characters are anthropomorphic world countries, and at the convention, Anathea was Switzerland. Deanna also just participated in a photographic look at Whittier over the course of a single day, which she hopes will sometime be presented at the Whittier Public Library.

School and Work News: Friend Marshall Hockett retired after 15 years of service as a Superior Court judge. Most recently he worked in the North County criminal arraignment department in Vista. Marshall spent more than 20 years in private practice before being appointed to a judgeship. He now hopes to spend time traveling with his wife of 40 years, Debbie, and of course spending time with grandson, Jaxson. Amy Wright recently was in San Diego to train for leading an overseas mission trip. In June, she will be leading a team of University of Oregon students for a summer mission trip to Slovakia. Many of these high school students want to learn English so that they can go to a university in English-speaking countries. “Because these students are likely the future leaders of their country, it is exciting to have an influence in their lives now!” said Amy. Beth Strader was honored as the first female mayor of La Habra at a recent meeting of the city council. She was surprised by several of her former colleagues who joined in the tribute.

Friends Travel: Jack & Sharon Huffaker spent a wonderful weekend in AZ watching granddaughter Madelyn play a young “Nala” in her school’s production of “The Lion King.” They also attended her older brother, Noah’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor. Ellie Bewley had to arrange a medical evacuation for her partner Genevieve from the southern tip of Baja California after she contracted pneumonia while they were vacationing there. Thankfully, Genevieve is back at home and recovered. Dan & Lea Wright spent a long weekend in Laguna Beach, continuing their annual tradition of more than 20 years. This year they posed for a picture in front of a recently added whale sculpture in Heisler Park. Here they are with The Living

Light, continuing our tradition: “The Living Light

Travels.” (Remember, your submissions are welcome

and needed). Friends Sharing News: Help to keep the Friendly Fare going. Email me a quick note and tell me your news. Send to Lea at, or deliver to me at Meeting for Worship on Sunday. See

Summer 2009 Summer 2016


At Monthly Meeting in February, Friends were once again encouraged to keep a watchful eye on our church buildings as there have been a number of things found missing

from our kitchen. Outreach is working on a new water filter program. Our music library has inherited a large amount of sheet music from Whittier Presbyterian Church, which has sold their building. Loletta Barrett has joined the City of Whittier’s homeless committee

Monthly Meeting for March is March 13. Chicken salad, marinated vegetable salad, chips and cookie brownies are on the menu.

Your Voice is Requested

Friends Committee on National Legislation is in the process of setting legislative priorities for the 114th U.S. Congress.

On March 6 at rise of meeting, we will meet to discern our own Meeting’s values and testimonies as part of this process.

Working together to find solutions to complex problems, we find our spiritual experience deepening as we seek divine guidance, ask for renewed strength and act with hope.

Loletta’s Lines

One of my ancestors was Irish, but it took me years to find out. My f r i ends ’ g randparents emigrated from interesting places, but when I asked I was to ld , “We a re American.” Best I can tell, it was not pride. Sure, one side of the family boasted ancestors who settled the Cuyahoga River Valley in Ohio, but later study uncovered an ancestor on the other side who came in the late 1600s. But we also had recent arrivals.

Potato famine times in Ireland; an ancestor who was one of a dozen children, who stowed away on a boat at 13. Never looked back, stopped speaking Gaelic, changed religion, rejected country of origin, didn’t send any money back “home.” At least that’s the legend. The reticence to claim Irish heritage continued with Dad, who replied when asked where our family castle was, “We didn’t own the land we stole the potatoes from.” More significantly, he declared he would visit Ireland, “when they stop killing each other.”

So before I visited all the amazing ruins and beautiful hills, I had to discover some history. During “The Troubles” (1969-2002), more than 3,500 were killed, more than half of them civilians. But trouble began well over 300 years before, and included the Irish Famine (1740-41), estimated to have killed at least 38% of the people. Mass starvation, caused by cold, rainy weather resulting in food losses of grain, milk and potatoes, was compounded by an outbreak of disease. The Great Famine followed (1845-51, also referred to as the Potato Famine because of a blight that destroyed the staple food of the poor). More than one million died and another million (including my ancestor) emigrated. So as I reflect on the lesson of Irish troubles, I also reflect on the current troubles of the world, including wars and refugee crises, and the emphasis on military expenditures in our national and world budgets. I wonder. Can’t we use our resources more wisely? Don’t we have enough natural disasters, contagious diseases, and mass food insecurity to challenge and keep us busy? On St. Patrick’s Day, when all the world is Irish, and on every day thereafter, let’s be grateful for our blessings and use them create peace.

This Month in Meeting for Worship

March 6 Lynda Ladwig brings the message Are You at Peace with God?

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

March 13 Loletta Barrett brings the message Pressing Onward

Philippians 3:10-14

March 20 Palm Sunday

Loletta Barrett brings the message What a Week

Luke 19: 28-38, 23:50-56

March 27 Easter Sunday

Loletta Barrett brings the message Rejoice and Other Reactions

Philippians 4: 4-9

We welcome and encourage your comments as well as your contributions and photos

for inclusion in The Living Light. Kindly send your email to Elisabeth Elliot



Peaceful Fun in the Pines

The first weekend in February, the youth and Lynda Ladwig and Mel Sturr went to the Votaws’ cabin n Big Bear. We had a great time sharing each other’s company and enjoying the beautiful setting.

Our retreat started with our tradition of going to the Pizza House for dinner and arcade games (Lara scored a LOT of tickets). We got to the cabin and settled in for the night.

The next day there was not very much snow at the cabin, but that didn’t stop us. We drove up to Big Bear Village and went to Snowplay, where we had lots of fun tubing. We went back to the cabin and, after a healthy lunch of Top Ramen and grilled cheese sandwiches, we went to the village, where we walked around the shopping outlets.

After coming back to the cabin and eating dinner, Lynda gave us an assignment. She split us into two teams and had us each pick items out of a bag. Based on the items we picked out, we were supposed to come up with a five-10 minute sermon. We talked about the resurrection and how Christ renews our faith, and we talked about how even in the bleakest of times love and acceptance can cover a multitude of sins. We left the cabin the following morning.

When we weren’t out going places, we spent our time playing ping pong or other games and maybe, if we had time, even did some homework.

All in all, it was a great trip and I can’t wait for next year.

—Ethan Purkiss

March brings an opportunity to visit Whittier Friends School’s Open House and Science Fair on Wednesday, March 16, at 6:30 p.m. At this special annual event, our classrooms will be open for visitors while our students present their projects. The TK-1st grade will have science projects to share while the 3rd-6th grade will be sharing their National History Day projects, which they will also be presenting in front of judges at the Los Angeles County National History Day competition on March 12. The Open House is also the official beginning of registration for the 2016-2017 school year, though applications are already available and are now being accepted. Prospective families should plan to attend our Open House so they can see our classrooms and program and get current families’ feedback. If you know of a family who needs an invitation to our special night, let me know at and I will send them information.

Friday, February 12, was Whittier Friends School’s annual Grandparents Day. We were excited to have the involvement of our students, their grandparents, and several school committee members, members of the Meeting and parents of school graduates, including Loletta Barrett, Linda Flournoy, Brad Harmer, and Mary Hall. Valentine's Day was also celebrated on this special day. The children did crafts, played games, and told stories that focused on animal families and communities. We read the story “Is Your Mama a Llama?,” matched animal babies and parents, made bird feeders, decorated Valentine bags using hearts to make animal shapes, and even did animal yoga. The collaborative experience among children, grandparents, and visiting community members was a special experience for all involved, and we appreciate everyone's attendance on this special day!

—Cassie Caringella

News from

Whittier Friends School


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Schedule for




First Day

Classes—9:30 a

Meeting for



7:00a Spiritual

Growth group

9:15a Trustees

10:00a Great


7:00p Handbell

Choir rehearsal

8:00p Ministry

and Counsel



Business and

Finance meeting


7:00p Friends

Choir rehearsal


6:30p Friday

Family Movie




12:15p Junior

High Fellowship/

Young Friends

Fellowship Bake

Sale and Outing

to Sky Zone


1:30p Writing



Quakerism Class


7:00a Spiritual

Growth group

10:00a Great


7:00p Handbell

Choir Rehearsal


4:00p Pastoral

Care meeting

6:00p All Friends

Fellowship Night


7:00p Friends

Choir rehearsal



11:00a Olney

Friends School



Friendly Fare

Deadline 12:15p

Monthly Meeting




1:30p Writing



Living Light

Deadline 7:00a Spiritual

Growth group

7:00p Handbell

Choir rehearsal


6:30p Whittier

Friends School

Science Fair and

Open House


7:00p Friends

Choir rehearsal




12:15p Christian




Last day to buy

Easter lilies


1:30p Writing



7:00a Spiritual

Growth group

7:00p Handbell

Choir rehearsal



Compose Living



7:00p Friends

Choir rehearsal


12:00p Good

Friday Service

Journey to the


First Christian

Church at

Greenleaf and




9:30a Easter





1:30p Writing



7:00a Spiritual

Growth group

7:00p Handbell

Choir rehearsal


Living Light

Folding and




7:00p Friends

Choir rehearsal

March 2016

Pati Jackson-Johnson

Allison Lew

Susan Marshall

Lauren Marshburn

Jonathan Moody

Evan Mooney

Rose Nedrow

Debi Nelson

Sabron Newton

Sara Adams

Carole Borries

Jack Carlisle

Helen Carlisle

Micah Eggleton

James Garland

Eric Haynes

Debbie Hays

Sheri Hendrix

If we've missed your

birthday, we apologize

(and happy birthday)!

We're working hard to

keep our birthday

calendar up-to-date so

please let us know if

we're forgetting


Thank you!

Lee Riley

Sue Settlage

Lara Wemmerus

Gerry Wolfe

Emily Wood

Dan Wright


A New Perspective on Ministry

Four visitors from the Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Indiana brought greetings from midwestern Friends in January as well as news about new directions in the ESR curriculum And although they may have been hoping for a sunny California break from snow-bound Indiana, they rejoiced with us for the drought-relieving rain that greeted them.

Jay Marshall, Dean of ESR, and his wife Judy usually bring graduate students from around the world for what has become a traditional event at the church. This time, the Marshalls brought two alumni, Matt Hisrich (2008) and Summer Cushman (2010). Since graduation, they have developed successful careers in non-traditional ministries, becoming examples of an innovative trend in the ESR teaching program.

Jay updated Friends about new programs and planning at ESR. Matt and Summer added their own experience of ESR’s expanding concept of ministry, based on the historical tradition that all Friends are ministers. Matt is now the Director of Recruitment at ESR and Summer practices therapeutic counseling in Washington State. Both see their vocations as active ministry.

Celebrate 20 Years of Walking

On April 23, Shelter's Right Hand will hold its 20th annual 5K Walk to raise funds for the Women's and Children's Crisis Shelter.

The shelter offers a hotline, a temporary home, counseling, schooling, and emergency support systems to survivors of domestic violence. These services, along with transitional housing, are provided for clients who live in the southeast area of Los Angeles County, including the Greater Whittier area.

Go to our website at to register today or go on over to Whittier's Central Park early on the day of the Walk to register and also find activities, food, entertainment and lots of prizes! Since we have two presenting sponsors, WCCS receives 100% of the proceeds from all other sponsors and walkers. In addition, awareness will be raised about the devastating issue of violence committed by loved ones in the home. Your support can help stop the cycle of violence. Brochures and reminder cards are available in Founders Court. For more information, go to or seek out Marilyn Fant at Meeting for Worship on Sunday or at 562-693-7378.

—Marilyn Fant

What's better for lunch or

dinner than a cup of soup on a

cold day in March? Putting

together packages of bean soup

mix is on the agenda for the March

Monthly Mission.

Participants (that’s you and me)

will be packaging a mixture of dried beans and

seasoning, attaching ingredient labels and sending these

economical packages of comfort food to the Interfaith

Food Center for distribution. Join us in Fellowship Hall

on March 21 at 6 p.m. and let’s make some soup.

—Lynda Ladwig

Summer drew from Thomas Kelly’s Testament of Devotion for her message in Meeting for Worship. She described her own response to a fast-changing, often bewildering and disconcerting modern world and the haven of wholeness available to us and the security in maintaining awareness of that of God in everyone.

During a delightful catered luncheon provided by ESR, Matt and Summer elaborated on their current ministries. Summer is a certified yoga instructor as well as a spiritual counselor. She leads group meditation sessions and provides individual counseling. Her ministry is described on her website

Matt’s academic graduate training was in societal and environmental studies. He was attracted by the forward-looking, pro-active philosophy of ESR and is grateful to be involved in a dynamic trend in Friends education.

—Bob Newton

Right Sharing of World Resources—Eustace Street Friends Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, a small Quaker meeting of approximately 30 members, has raised funds to sponsor several projects in Kenya. This grant money has enabled women to identify and sell products that are most in demand, grow community gardens and con-struct houses to rent. One woman said, “I walked with my head down; now I can walk with my head up. I’m empowered!’ She also said she no longer had to beg her husband for money for salt. Another woman from the same group said, ‘"The grant has changed our lives – the future is bright.”


Anthony Manousos, a long-time Friend and activist, recently attended the Friends World Committee for Consultation World Plenary conference in

Peru. He will be speaking to us on Wednesday, March 9, about his experience there and especially Friends’ concern and interest in peace and eco-justice. How can we become better stewards of this earth we inhabit? Come hear what Anthony has to say, ask questions and have a short discussion on the topic.

Potluck dinner begins at 6 p.m. in Fellowship Hall with the program to follow at 7 p.m. Sign up in Founders Court to bring a main dish, salad or dessert. Drinks and bread will be provided. Please bring $1 per person with food or $3 per person if you do not bring food but will be joining us for dinner. There is no charge for children 12 or under with their parents.

—Ted Marshburn On February 10, All Friends Fellowship Night

hosted six genial visitors from the Islamic Institute of Orange County in Anaheim.

Jamal Zaheen is Outreach Coordinator of the Institute, and Friends remembered him as a participant in the Intercommunity Thanksgiving service in November. Jamal is a native of Pakistan.

Accompanying Jamal were Yafa Aweenat (her ancestry is Palestinian), Manada Labanieh (hers is Syrian), Omar Ell-Sayed (from Egypt), Mikayeel Watkins (an American-born convert to Islam), and Shaykh Mohammed Faqih, an instructor at the Institute.

Shaykh Mohammed’s ancestors were natives of the southern Arabian peninsula and Ethiopia. He came to this country at the age of 18 knowing no English. Now a U.S. citizen, Mohammed was extremely articulate and amusing as he explained the precepts and history of Islam in a very understandable way.

There are more than one billion Muslims in the world, representing 140 countries and twice that many language groups. Mohammed has participated nine times in the annual hajj, or pilgrimage, to Mecca that is required of all Muslims who are able to travel. He recalled praying there once beside a Chinese Muslim who, like millions of other Muslims around the world, could recite from memory and in Arabic the entire Koran, the Islamic scripture, as written by the Prophet Mohammed.

Mohammed said that the American Muslim community is dismayed by the violence perpetrated by a few thousand eager-to-fight young men, such as those with ISIS, and grieved at the resulting backlash against Muslims felt by many in America. Our visitors expressed gratitude for the good will they found at our church.

The pre-program (pork-free in respect for our visitors) potluck supper was, in this reporter’s experience, one of Ted and Mary Marshburn’s finest productions.

—Bob Newton

Friday Family Movie Nights



6:30 p.m. in FELLOWSHIP HALL

Free admission and popcorn

Open to the community

Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult

Donations of canned goods for the Interfaith Food Center are appreciated

On Our Calendar...

Uptown Whittier Art and Antique Faire April 2

Youth scavenger hunt and organ tour April 3

Quaker Heritage Day at Berkeley Friends Meeting

April 16

Serve Weekend Shelter’s Right Hand 5K Walk

April 23

Founders Day in Central Park May 7

Whittier Friends School Spring Event May 21

Summer Worship schedule July 3—September 4

Youth Heifer Project in Rutland, Massachusetts

July 17-22

Peace Camp July 25-29

All-Meeting Retreat Dana Point Marina Inn

October 7-9

All Friends Fellowship Night

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The Living Light

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remember in


those Friends

unable to

worship with

us regularly.

Peggy Anderson

Audrey and Carlos Bailey

Helen and Jack Carlisle

Phil and Liz Ellis

Rose Nedrow

Alpha Overin

Maureen Russell

Wil Sargent

Vi Smith

Ami Troedsson

Sue Walker

Gerry Wolfe

The Living Light USPS 316-320

Volume 55 Number 3

Issue Date: March 1, 2016

The Living Light is published monthly by First Friends Church, 13205 Philadelphia Street, Whittier,

California, 90601-4303. Periodical postage paid at

Whittier, California. Elisabeth Elliot................................ Editor

Judy Browning ....................... Copy Editor

Loletta Barrett ................................. Pastor

Lynda Ladwig ................. Associate Pastor

........ and Christian Education Coordinator

Russell Litchfield………Director of Music

………………..….Ministries and Organist

Mary Boltz ............... Office Administrator

Lorenzo Mora ........................... Custodian

Telephone 562-698-9805

FAX 562-698-1127

Whittier Friends School Staff

Marie Kaneko .... School Committee Clerk


Order Easter Lilies by March 20 Please place ____ lily plant(s) in the meeting house on Easter Sunday, March 27, for $8 each.

In memory of ______________________________________________

In honor of ________________________________________________

Name ____________________________________________________

Phone_________________________ Amount enclosed $____________

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