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Post on 01-May-2018






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Blakemore Retail Conference2017: Shaping Our Future

Blakemore Retail’s Charity BirthdayParties Raise over £76,000 for NSPCC

New SPAR Store Launches inAldridge

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ContentsIntroductionWelcome to the latestissue of the ‘It’s YourNews’ Magazine. I hope,like me, you will enjoythe chance to look backat what has beenachieved over the lastyear.From the growth of foodservice in ourstores, with Greggs, Subway, Bargain Bitesand dailyDeli all continuing to evolve anddevelop, all the way through to work on anew I.T. system, there is a lot of changeand progression occurring within thebusiness.

This year we brought five more storesinto our group, Haddenham, Queensferry,Carlton, Blacon and Vicars Cross, all ofwhich were already busy successful SPARstores. These stores, along with a newbuild at Aldridge, a store re-location forWarboys and our investment innumerous other refits have all added toour group of great-looking and modernconvenience stores.

At the ‘Shaping our Future’ ManagersConference in June, we highlighted manyareas within our business that we areworking on, areas that are changing anddeveloping, areas that will need your fullcommitment and hard work whereveryou work, and to adlib on a competitor’sphrase …every little really does help! Soplease take time to read about thebusiness in this year’s magazine, and feelfree to contact any of the seniormanagement team if you would like moreinformation.

As expected, this is turning out to bequite a tough year for the industry,ourselves included. It is at times like thiswhere we need to rely on and supporteach other much more - it is great toknow that we have one of the best teamsin the business. One area that I believe

really sets Blakemore Retail apart is thesupport and enthusiasm that you all giveto your communities and charities, andnowhere was this emphasised more thanon the 100 Years of A.F. Blakemore &Son’s NSPCC fundraising day on 1stSeptember, where a colossal figure ofover £76,000 was raised. With sixmonths still to go until our nextManagers Conference in 2018, whoknows what overall figure we couldachieve!

I’d also like to personally thank all theaward winners and long serving stafffeatured, with a special mention to JohnDyson and Brian Cherry, who bothretired this year after many years ofsupport and commitment to BlakemoreRetail and SPAR.

So finally, thank you all for your hardwork and commitment in helping to makeBlakemore Retail a success.

Blakemore Retail Managing Director,

Stuart Adkin

Winter 2017/18

In troduct ion


next edition, please contact: Graduate Communications OfficerNatalie 568 2908

Send Us Your StoriesIt’s Your News is written byA.F. Blakemore’s Corporate Affairsdepartment. If you have any stories or photos thatyou would like to see featured in the

Introduction - Stuart Adkin ................................2

Blakemore Retail Conference .....................3-12

Charity Ball ..........................................................13

New Store............................................................14

Future Leaders Programme..............................15

Kirsty Rhodes Sales Assistant of the Year .....16


Stores in Focus.............................................18-19

Post Office Multiple Retailer of the Year.......20

Post Office Update ............................................21

Blakemore Retail Excellence Awards ......22-23

Charity Birthday Parties.............................24-29

Blakemore Foundation ...............................30-31

Blakemore in the Community...................32-33

DIY SOS Project.................................................34

Blakemore Bake Off...........................................35

Shop & Win..........................................................36

Colleague Award Winners................................37

Foodservice Update....................................38-39

Lottery Relaunch................................................40

Bradley Lowery Foundation.............................41

Worcestershire Homeless Appeal..................42

Llanharry Supports Local Appeals ..................43

Litter Picks ....................................................44-45

NSPCC Fundraising.....................................46-47

Your Development Programme .......................48

Industry Awards..................................................49

In the Spotlight .............................................50-51

Customer Care Awards....................................52

Long Service..................................................53-59

Staff Lottery Winners........................................60

Retirements .........................................................61

Celebrations ........................................................62

Competition Corner .........................................63

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Winter 2017/18



‘Shaping Our Future’ wasthe key theme ofBlakemore Retail’s 2017Managers Conference thissummer.More than 500 store managers, field staff,A.F. Blakemore colleagues and suppliersattended the conference and gala dinnerat the Hilton Birmingham Metropole on14th and 15th June.Blakemore Retail’s management teamtook to the stage alongside colleaguesfrom A.F. Blakemore and representativesfrom the NSPCC and Deliveroo topresent on the company’s keyachievements from the last financial yearand development plans for the future.Blakemore Retail Managing DirectorStuart Adkin opened the conference bythanking all stores and individuals fromacross Blakemore Retail for their supportover the past year.Stuart introduced the central theme ofthe conference, ‘Shaping our Future’, andstressed the important role thateveryone can play in helping BlakemoreRetail achieve its 2020 strategic goals thatseek to grow the store estate, drive sales,increase profitability and reduce costs.Stuart highlighted how smallimprovements made at every store willhelp achieve the step change required inthe face of a wide range of externalchallenges, whether they be fromcompetition, Government legislation orthe economic uncertainty of Brexit.Group Board Director Caoire Blakemoreand Group Board Director TomBlakemore took to the stage to share thesuccesses of A.F. Blakemore over the past100 years and identified how thecompany can continue its evolutionthrough continuous change andinnovation.

This focus on innovation was furtheremphasised by Finance Director DerekClifton, who presented on BlakemoreRetail’s constant commitment to investingin acquisitions and store renovations inorder to secure future profits.Fellow speakers presented on a newcommercial IT system, developments infoodservice, new marketing initiatives,innovation and efficiency, updated storeformats, community engagement andselling plans. Also introduced was the independentcompany Deliveroo, which partners withconvenience stores and restaurantsacross the country to deliver fast, freshand hassle-free food and drink.During the event, Stuart presented theBlakemore Retail Store of ExcellenceAwards, Blakemore Retail’s annual SalesAssistant of the Year Awards and a seriesof long service awards to colleagues.The guest speaker was international

keynote speaker Jim Lawless, whointroduced the Ten Rules for TamingTigers – practical and proven principlesto define, own and create powerfulchanges in your life.At the end of the first day delegatesenjoyed a gala dinner followed byentertainment from live karaoke actRockaoke.

Live karaoke act Rockaoke entertained delegateson the evening of the first day

More than 500 delegates gather at the Birmingham Metropole for Blakemore Retail’s two-day conference

Shaping Our FutureBlakemore Retail Conference 2017: Shaping Our Future

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From SmallBeginnings…Group Board Directors Caoire Blakemore and TomBlakemore took to the stage to share the successes ofA.F. Blakemore over the last 100 years and to considerhow the company can continue its evolution.

Winter 2017/18



Tom explained how the innovation of theservices provided by A.F. Blakemoretransformed the company from its smallbeginnings and pushed the businessforward into the future.

From the start of the wholesaleadventure in 1920, when ArthurBlakemore began purchasing paper bagsand selling them on to retailers, to A.F.Blakemore’s becoming one of the firstbusinesses in the UK to open a cash &carry in 1960, the company has continuedto change and adapt to suit theconsumers’ needs.

Tom said:

Caoire provided an overview of the A.F.Blakemore 100 year celebrations, whichincluded three focus weeks on theenvironment, equality, inclusion anddiversity and education as well as thecharity birthday parties that were to takeplace throughout the country on Friday1st September 2017

She also informed delegates that thecompany will be producing a centenarynewspaper supplement, which will contain100 prizes for 100 years as well as anannual to celebrate A.F. Blakemorethrough the years.

Caoire said:

“We’re safeguarding thebusiness for generationsof colleagues and teamslike you. Thank you forgetting us to 100 – here’sto the next 100 years!”

“To survive you have tocontinually change andinnovate. You will be thepeople that push us

forward and continue todrive innovation.”

FinancialReviewFinance Director DerekClifton presented onBlakemore Retail’s continuedcommitment to investing inacquisitions and storerenovations in order tosecure future profits.

Last year £9m was invested in 66projects, including 11 new stores, storerefits and foodservice developments.Over £6m was further devoted toinnovation and improving efficiency.

Derek explained that innovations, such asLED lighting, air conditioning controllersand a new commercial system havereduced energy costs and freed up fundsto invest in more worthwhile areas.

Derek said:

“It is important that wecontinue to innovate bychallenging all we see anddo, to ensure that costs inall parts of the business are

appropriate for thecompany’s needs.

“With your continuedcommitment, energy andhard work we will ensurethat Blakemore Retail

remains a major player inthe convenience market.”

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Winter 2017/18



Post Office UpdatePost Office Controller Stewert Waldron gave an update on the Post Office network.

He also introduced the Post Office’s newfocus on travel by highlighting that thereare over 50,000 currency transactionsper annum across Blakemore Retail.

An average customer currencytransaction generates around £268,whereas the average spend per headabroad is £643, leaving the company withan opportunity to capture that extraspend.

He reported that the 100th Post Officehad opened in June at ManchesterAirport and that the franchise now offersover 150 products over the counter.

Stewert said:

The Travel Money Card is a prepaid cashcard that stores 13 different currenciesand can be used abroad with no fees.

Stewert challenged colleagues to sellmore Travel Money Cards and explainedthat a series of Travel Workshops arecurrently underway to equip Post OfficeLocals with the skills needed to make themost of selling.

In conjunction with the card, customerscan also use the mobile top-up app toadd money to their cards whilst abroad.

Stewert concluded by explaining how thecard and mobile top-up app would bothmassively play a part in future proofingTravel Money sales by offering customerssimple, safe, holiday money.

Further benefits included: the commissionto be earned when customers top-uponline or via the app; the chance toattract the next generation of customersand the ability to significantly growturnover.

In March, the Post Office launched itsbrand new Travel Money Card with theaim of securing part of customers’additional spend once they have left thebranch.

“Every year over 5millioncustomers walk into ourstores just to use the PostOffice – we need to takefull advantage of this.”

“We need to embrace thedigital world and benefitfrom new technology inorder to ensure that we

become leadinginnovators again.”

New Commercial SystemChief Information Officer Robert Geere presented on the company’s plans to consolidate dataacross the Blakemore Group with new developments in IT platforms.

Robert began by introducing the StrategyVision plan for the company to becomeinnovation leaders through developingintegrated solutions that will place therelevant information at the fingertips ofmanagers and staff.

The systems that are being developedand have already been approved include:

• CRM (Customer RelationshipManagement)

• B2B (Business to Business)Digital

• One Logistics

• Commercial

The new commercial system, which iscurrently in pilot, aims to improve thesharing of data by creating one systemfrom trading floor to retail floor.

Robert explained that the system willimprove in-store and warehouse stockavailability by centralising store ordering

and will prevent future errors in orderingand price listings.

Robert also revealed the future prospectof a B2E (Business to Employee) systemwhich will combine payroll, ESS, HR,Access Control and Time & Attendanceonto one database and provide a mobilesolution for employee communications.

Robert said:

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The Fresh Way

Winter 2017/18



Fresh & Foodservice DevelopmentDirector Matt Teague shared plansto improve fresh participationacross the Blakemore Retail estate.

Matt expressed the need to fulfilshoppers’ needs by providing quick andeasy shopping solutions for both ‘food fornow’ and ‘food for later’ to ensure thatcustomers choose SPAR first for fresh.Concentrating on ‘food for later’, Mattexplained that in order to make SPARcompetitive the business needs toestablish a solid footing by using data toprofile stores, as well as considering theneeds of predominant shoppers.Matt said: “We need to secure a point ofdifference and inspire our customers withvalue-added products such as fresh meatand vegetables. This will be a key part ofengaging our customers and developingconfidence in our fresh food offering.”As a starting point, Matt explained plansto target stores with the best potentialfor fresh foods and then concentrate oninvesting in store design, selling space andlayout.Matt concluded his presentation byimparting plans to improve freshparticipation by £50 per day acrossBlakemore Retail until 2020, wherebyfresh should be generating 27% ofbusiness.

“Making daily tasks funallows colleagues to realisetheir potential and increase

their possibilities.”

“People who work withpassion build strong,passionate teams and


“Customers like to ordertheir food how they like it.Providing customisablefood choices ensures thatwe are targeting and

understanding predominantshoppers.”

Fresh & Foodservice OperationsManager John Mason continuedthe foodservice update byintroducing new plans to evolveSPAR’s ‘food for now’ offering.John discussed developments in the sixkey areas of environment, meals,customisation, indulgence, health andtechnology, highlighting the introductionof new products and better packaging.In period 13, in-store bakery salesincreased significantly by 30.21% onperiod 12. John explained that with newand enhanced products in the hot foodrange, ‘food for now’ sales would furtherimprove.In the future, new store builds will featuredailyDeli over-the-counter customisationfor sandwiches, breakfasts and Sundayroasts, adding that personal touch tocustomers’ food choices.

Counter displays have been revitalisedwith new digital menu boards to enticecustomers with fresh offerings of scotchmorning rolls, katsu curry and ‘Big Eat’pasties.Other developments in providinghealthier choices will help to capture themarket of health-conscious shoppers.

Senior Fresh Food Coach MandyGasson talked to delegates abouthow happy, motivated andengaging colleagues will help thebusiness drive fresh food sales.Mandy continued the focus on fresh foodby discussing ways that store colleaguescan engage with their customers, bySolving, Evolving andRevolutionising.

Solve: Help customers to solve toughmeal dilemmas with inspiring ‘food fornow’ and ‘food for later’ offerings.

Evolve: Evolve quickly to keep up withchanges in the business. Provide updatedofferings on over-the-counter fresh food.

Revolution: Without our peoplebringing their passion to the businessnone of this will be possible.

Mandy explained that all staff need tolove what they do and show it.Maximising staff potential will encouragepositivity and create a more progressivework environment, leading to morefruitful interactions with customers.

Fresh & Foodservice Development Director Matt Teague, Fresh & Foodservice Operations ManagerJohn Mason and Senior Fresh Food Coach Mandy Gasson together gave insight into new developmentsin fresh food, sharing Blakemore Retail’s revitalised focus on customer shopping missions.

“It will be challenging, soall involved need to be

committed and passionateabout what we do, but get itright and it will help usgrow into the future.”

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Winter 2017/18



Social Media: The BlakemoreRetail Story so Far…Operations Support & Marketing Manager Sarah Deakinprovided an update on how social media has continued to beused to promote the business with great success.Over the past year, Blakemore Retail hasused Facebook to promote new facilitiesand services available at SPAR stores,earning the business beneficial coverage.

Sarah stated that she and her team hadreached over 7,000 people this year withjust one click when reporting SPARTreherbert’s refurbishment.

Other activities proving popular on socialmedia include store charity andcommunity events, local events and staffrecognition.

By gathering data from previous posts,Sarah explained how customers could betargeted by taking into account their age,gender, interests and location.

Sarah also shared the triumphs ofrecruitment posts on social media anddescribed how they were free toadvertise.

She reported that the recruitment drivefor the new Aldridge store reached nearly20,000 Facebook users with one post.

Sarah said: “The most important thing isto keep pages current and active and tocommunicate a consistent SPAR messageacross all social media channels.”

An Introduction to DeliverooDeliveroo UK Sales Lead Harry Tyndall introduced delegates to theindependent company’s new approach to food and drink deliveryoptions.

“Social media is only goingto get bigger and continueto shape our future. We

need to take advantage ofthe services available andreach as many members ofthe local community as

possible.” “To satisfy the ‘Meal forTonight’ shopper,

availability is key. If we failto deliver everything theyneed, the customer will notbuy any items and instead

go to competitors.”to look into offering these services withcompany owned SPAR stores.

Harry explained that Deliveroo has onesimple mission, to bring food from thebest restaurants, fast, fresh and hasslefree, straight to the consumer’s door.

Deliveroo’s niche is that it delivers foodfrom restaurants that do not have a take-away offering, capturing the guilty foodiewho doesn’t want to leave the comfort oftheir home to experience delicious food.

Harry explained that Deliveroo’s newestventure is to partner up with localconvenience store chains to helpgenerate revenue by offering a newalcohol delivery service. Also available toorder will be a variety of snacks.

Over the coming months, BlakemoreRetail will be partnering with Deliveroo


Sarah focused on the ‘Deliciously EasyMeals’ marketing campaign launched inMay to grab the ‘Tonight’s Tea’ shopper. The meals have been developed to takeadvantage of holidays and eventsthroughout the year, as well as to providesimple meal solutions for different peopleeating at different times and eatingdifferent meals.

The ‘Deliciously Easy Meals’ campaign willalso be supported by Facebook advertsthat will offer wine recommendations anddirections to the nearest SPAR store.A big campaign for this summer wasSPAR’s 60th anniversary, which wassupported online and on the radio withweekly deals as well as in store with theShop & Win campaign.In line with the ‘what I want, where Iwant it and when I want it’ consumertrend, Facebook canvas advertising wasagain used to capture online users.“Facebook is the most influentialpublisher in the world – it’s a key part ofour marketing strategy this year.”

A.F. Blakemore MarketingDirector Sarah Ellis discussedplans for local, targeted marketingto make the most of sellingopportunities throughout the year.

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Winter 2017/18



Innovation and Efficiency

“This is a brilliantbusiness without a

shadow of a doubt, andwe have 100 years ofproof. It’s a brilliant

business because you’re init – let’s keep embracing


Store Operations Director Chris Bacon presented on howreviewing and improving efficiency in Blakemore Retail stores hassaved the business valuable time and money.Chris began by praising staff ongenerating £1.67m worth of savings lastyear and emphasising that cost controlwould again be a priority this comingyear.

He commented: “In order to securecontinued savings we need to use all ofour skills, innovate our systems andreview and change our processes.”

Chris reported improvements in collatingcustomer feedback with a new surveyoffering shoppers opportunities to win£50 on trial, as well the development ofthe Area Manager Planner, which analysesand prioritises to improve the quality ofstore visits.

He also highlighted further beneficialchanges that have been made in four keyareas. These are:

In total, these changes within store willfree up 17 hours each week in everystore that can be utilised in six key areas:

Store FormatsA.F. Blakemore Head of Formats John Murray informed delegates ofBlakemore Retail’s continued focus on store formats.

“Let’s shape our future tobe the very best it can be!”

John explained the importance ofdifferent store formats for catering to thevaried needs of shoppers.John said:“One size does not fit all. We should dothings differently because our customersare different.”He also reported that a recent surveyhad found that shoppers ranked freshlybaked goods and fresh foods as theirmain reasons for entering a conveniencestore, therefore foodservice and inspiringshoppers will be key ingredients intransforming store formats.John expressed that the challenge willnow be to capture the data on whatdrives shoppers, in order to optimisesales and profit through range, space andpricing strategies.The SPAR store of the future will aim torevolutionise the convenience storeformat in order to satisfy an increasinglymore diverse market.

Selling PlanImplementation

Tracey began by explaining a new cyclicalprocess in regards to promotions, withanalysis and insight being at the core.

Tracey said:

“Data-driven analysis of Blakemore RetailEPOS sales has given us an insight intoclear trends and sales dips throughoutthe year. This will be key in informingsummer sales and will help us takeadvantage of the January dip by drivingsales through promotions.”

Tracey further described how in Januarythe seasonal space in stores had beenused for SPAR 3 for 2 offers:

“We achieved more thanexpected – it was a big tickall round. We now plan tosimilarly utilise the dip inSeptember and drive extrasales with more meal deal


Tracey also informed delegates of thesuccess of the new front-of-store unitwhich has generated significant value andmargin.

Used to display premium offers as well asthose linked to seasonal events, the unitaims to entice shoppers into purchasingindulgence lines that carry higher marginthan the usual promotion lines.

Tracey concluded that all promotionplans are now to be created based onshopping missions and compiled data andthat all seasonal events are to be fullyoptimised for their sales potential.

• Till specific operators

• Weekly department ILSC counts

• Ordering process

• Output to payroll

• Daily store walks

• In-store cleaning

• Ambient date codes

• Upskilling & training

• Planogram changes

• Fresh foods focus

A.F. Blakemore PromotionsController Tracey Simpsonintroduced a new promotionsprocess that is set to put thecustomer at its heart as well asdrive profit.

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Winter 2017/18



Regional Manager Gareth James provided an update on Blakemore RetailCoedpoeth’s successful relocation.

New Stores and Relocations Update

Gareth began his presentation byhighlighting the limitations withCoedpoeth’s original site, stating that thestore was small and dated; it containedold equipment and was unable to offerthe same ranges as other stores.

In 2011, Blakemore Retail purchased anew 3,000 sq ft site in Coedpoeth,previously a bakery, and in 2016 a 16-week building process commenced.

Store Manager Sarah Edwards and staffregularly visited the site and providedFacebook updates to keep the localcommunity involved.

The new store finally launched in 2017providing a renewed fresh food offeringto customers, as well as an extendedalcohol and drinks choice.

Gareth reported that at the newlocation, Coedpoeth is now making 10times the profit previously made, withjust under a £40k increase in sales inperiod 13 16/17 vs. period 13 15/16.

Sarah commented:

Built on a site that had been abandonedfor 16 years, Ruth explained thetransformation the area has undergone asa result of the service station’s launch in2016.

Generating 40 jobs, Laceby Lodge was thefirst of Blakemore Retail’s SPAR stores tofeature an Insomnia coffee shop as well asa Subway and Greggs offering.

Ruth reported that sales for the store’s“Feed Me Now” selection were at 50% incomparison to the 18.6% BlakemoreRetail average.

Ruth concluded:

“We can now offer ourcustomers a new range withexcellent deals and prices,with the same dedicated

customer service within theheart of the community. Wereally are excited for the


“Every customer commentis a positive one and theycan’t believe how beautifulthe site is for a service

station. Within the store wehave an established team ofmulti-skillers, able to assistcustomers with all theirneeds. Laceby Lodge is a

fantastic site with a fantasticteam that will continueshaping our future.”

Gareth concluded:

“Staff at Coedpoeth did afantastic job to keep

motivation going within theteam and get what wedeserved. We now have a

sustainable new store; it hasbeen a wonderfulachievement for all


Regional Manager Ruth Mutton informed delegates of the continued successof last year’s flagship new-build store, Laceby Lodge.

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“We want to supply aworking role model toyoung people who come

from families whohistorically do not work.Our job is to inspire theminto the world of workand hopefully inspire

them to want to work forour business. Please getinvolved and allow yourstaff to get involved.”

Winter 2017/18



Community Affairs Officer Liz Blakemore took to the stage to praise colleagues’ commitment tocommunity engagement and encourage further involvement.

Community Engagement

Another important change reported wasthe Blakemore Foundation’s new policyto only consider In-Kind donationrequests submitted at least two weeksprior to events. This change will make theprocess much smoother and will makesure the Foundation can meet increasingdemand.

Liz also informed delegates of theimpressive growth in communityvolunteering across Blakemore Retail,stating that in eight years the number ofvolunteers involved annually hasincreased from 14 to 563, subsequentlyincreasing the number of hoursvolunteered from 141 to 4,001.

Liz introduced A.F. Blakemore’s neweducation programme, Branching Out,which seeks to equip young people withgreater employability skills and a greaterawareness of opportunities across thefood and drink sector.

Connecting Branching Out with theBlakemore Apprenticeships scheme, Lizexplained her mission to encourage staffto inspire children to enter the world ofwork and join the A.F. Blakemoreworkforce through offering a range ofcareer support programmes, includingreading partnerships, workplace insights,employability workshops and workexperience.

Liz reported on the growth of theBlakemore Foundation over the past eightyears and Blakemore Retail’s role intransforming the charitable trust’s 47donations worth £3,142 in 2009 to awhopping 3,675 donations worth£237,220 in 2017.

Liz also talked about changes toBlakemore Foundation processes,explaining that all requests are now to besubmitted through the A.F. Blakemorewebsite, to reduce the time taken toapply and to also reduce postage costsand email traffic.

Top fundraisers with Liz Blakemore, Tianna Cowen and Stuart Adkin

Following on from Liz, NSPCCPartnerships Manager Tianna Cowentook to the stage to provide an updateon NSPCC fundraising.

She announced that Blakemore Retailraised an amazing £301,268 during the2016/17 financial year, which has resultedin a total of £2.7 million being fundraisedduring the 11 years that the charitablepartnership has been in place.

In recognition of employee’s hard work,Blakemore Retail rewarded the top threefundraising stores and most improvedstore each with a trophy.

1st Place: Winthorpe Avenue - £5,098

2nd Place: Bentley - £4,701

3rd Place: St Fagans Road - £4,066

The award for Most Improved Store:Catshill - £2,951

Tianna said:

NSPCC Celebrates Top Fundraising Stores

“The Speak out. Stay Safe.Scheme reached 85,000 children

in 450 schools last year, allthanks to the incredible supportand hard work of Blakemore

Retail employees.”

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ApprenticeshipsTraining & Development Manager Kerry Hunt presented on the company’s response tothe government’s new Apprenticeship Levy.Kerry expressed that we should see theApprenticeship Levy as an opportunity todevelop new talent in the business andnot a challenge.

Unlike previous apprenticeship schemes,the new scheme allows for moreflexibility and the opportunity to developthe content and make it more relevant tolearners.

Kerry explained:

“The apprenticeshipscheme will complimentA.F. Blakemore’s existingdevelopment initiatives by

offering formalqualifications in retail andwill ultimately bridgeskills gaps, supportsuccession plans andcreate career paths.”

Blakemore Retail aims to recruit 60apprentices on the Retail ManagementLevel 3 apprenticeship by the end of theyear, with opportunities being offered tothose already working within thebusiness.

To be nominated by yourarea manager for theRetail ManagementLevel 3 Scheme, youmust:

- Be store based

- Be working at asupervisory level

- Have a good record oftime-keeping & attendance

- Be interested in careerprogression

Winter 2017/18



Kerry announced that the newBlakemore Apprenticeships scheme,which was launched in June 2017, will aimto recruit 130 apprentices across fourdivisions.

Working in partnership with trainingprovider Performance Through People,the schemes available will include RetailManagement, Diploma in Management &Leadership and Customer Service.

Retail ExcellenceRetail Excellence Manager Dave Hammond provided an update on developments in RetailExcellence that will continue driving the very best standards across Blakemore Retail.

provide area and regional managers witha tablet-based platform to promote,manage and audit more effectively duringstore visits.

Looking to the future, Dave said:

Dave began his presentation byhighlighting the goals of Retail Excellence,which include sharing best practice acrossindependent retailers and companyowned stores, as well as the successfulimplementation and execution of sellingplans.

In summer a Retail Excellence BasketBuilder project was introduced, whichincluded a 10 store trial to drive basketspend by price matching the Co-Op.

The marketing campaign was scheduledto run for three months, and Davereported that colleagues involved hadthrown themselves into the project withpassion and enthusiasm.

Another development within RetailExcellence this year was the introductionof the new dashboard, which aims to

“It’s important that wecontinue to innovate. The

next steps will be todevelop a Retail

Excellence Digital Hub,which will potentiallyreplace SharePoint and

paper printing.”

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Following the first day of theconference delegates enjoyed a fancydress themed gala dinner and‘Rockaoke’, a live karaoke experience.Delegates were also given the chanceto decorate cakes to celebrate100 years ofA.F. Blakemore.

Here is a selectionof photos from theevening:

The Post Office team were the winners of thisyear’s Managers Conference fancy dresscompetition with their ‘Dead Famous People’theme.

The runners up were Ian Bailes’ Areaand staff from Property & BDS.


Winter 2017/18


Blakemore Retail Rocks Out atGala Dinner

Post Office Team Crowned BestFancy Dress Winners

Winners -The Post OfficeTeam

Property & BDS

Ian Bailes’ Area

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Winter 2017/18


Guests were greeted with a drinksreception and then enjoyed an evening offundraising and entertainment from theHarborne Academy Choir, theBirmingham & Midland Operatic Societyand energetic party band Phat Beats.

Fundraisers included a chocolate barraffle, live raffle plus silent and liveauctions. The event saw guests bid onsome incredible prizes, including a five-night stay for two at one of the SmallLuxury Hotels of the World, dinner forfour at the Oblix, London, and a signedManchester United shirt from the2013/14 first team.

NSPCC Director of National ServicesPeter Watt said: “The Blakemore RetailBall was the perfect way for us to cometogether to celebrate a fantasticpartnership that in 11 years has raisedmore than two million pounds for theNSPCC.”

“The unfaltering support of BlakemoreRetail employees over the last decade hashelped us to safeguard many childrenfrom abuse and neglect across the UK, inparticular through our Speak Out. StaySafe. programme which we are nowaiming to deliver to every primary schoolin the country.”

A.F. Blakemore Joint Managing DirectorGeoff Hallam commented: “Since ourinaugural event last year we havecontinued to raise a fantastic amount ofmoney for this wonderful charity.

“Our colleagues continue to astound mewith their innovative ideas for fundraisingand I am immensely proud of theirefforts.

The event was held at Birmingham’s TownHall on 28th April to celebrate thefantastic fundraising that takes placeacross the Blakemore Retail estate eachyear.

More than 200 guests including suppliersand staff attended the event, which washosted by TV chef, author and presenterMarcus Bean.

BlakemoreRetail’s GlitteringCharity BallRaises £32,000 forthe NSPCC

Blakemore Retailraised £32,000 for

the NSPCC inApril at its second

Charity Ball.

“Our Charity Ball hasreally helped us to

celebrate thisachievement and givespecial thanks to thosethat have made it

possible! Thank you toeveryone involved.”

Guest speaker celebrity TV chef Marcus Bean

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New Store Launches in AldridgeBlakemore Retail hasopened a brand newSPAR convenience storein Aldridge, Walsall.Situated on Northgate Road, the 2,580 sqft store opened its doors on Friday 30thJune on the site of a former pub.

Featuring a state-of-the-art dailyDelifoodservice counter, the SPAR sells foodfor all occasions throughout the day.

In the morning this includes full Englishbreakfasts, hot triple-decker sandwichesand toasties.

At lunchtime customers can choose froma range of freshly prepared sandwiches,subs, flatbreads, salads, toasties, flame-grilled burgers and jacket potatoes. Hotmeals including chilli con carne, chickencurry, cottage pie, lasagne, steak and alepie, and even roast dinners are alsoavailable.

The Aldridge store is one of the firstacross Blakemore Retail to feature digitalmenu boards and also one of the first tofeature a dailyDeli fresh cakes andpastries counter.

Regional Manager Gareth Jamescommented: “This is a fantastic new storedesigned especially to optimisecustomers’ shopping missions for ‘foodfor now’ and ‘food for later’.

“Situated on a busy main road within aresidential and industrial area, ourconvenience and dailyDeli food-to-gooffer is perfectly placed to attract nearbyresidents, local workers and commuters.”

Aldridge’s extensive food-to-go offering isalso complemented by a self-serviceCosta Coffee machine with an ultra-modern digital touch screen.

The Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Marco Longhi (centre left), and A.F. Blakemore Chairman Peter Blakemore(centre right) officially open the store

As part of its commitment to serving thelocal community, Blakemore Retail hasinstalled a lifesaving defibrillator outsidethe new store, ready for any future localemergency.

The SPAR was officially launched by theMayor of Walsall, Councillor MarcoLonghi, who cut the ribbon on theopening day. The store also celebrated bygiving out free food samples and goodiebags to its first 200 customers.

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Blakemore Retail Future LeadersProgramme The first Future Leaders Programme has concluded after two years of success.The Future Leaders programme wasoriginally established in 2015, with thetwo year course aiming to equipdelegates with improved operational andbehavioural skills and capabilities as wellas a wider knowledge of BlakemoreRetail.

The group of Future Leaders was formedin March 2015 after a robust recruitmentprocess. At that time, the five memberswere all area managers.

The two year programme concluded inMarch this year with the group spendingtime at SPAR Central Office in Harrow,London, where they deliveredpresentations to their peers andcolleagues including SPAR UK’s ManagingDirector Debbie Robinson.

During the programme, two members ofthe group, Ruth Mutton and GarethJames, were promoted to regionalmanager. Since the programme’s close,group member Paul Wiltshire has alsobeen promoted to regional manager.

The programme has involved regularmeetings with mentors Blakemore RetailManaging Director Stuart Adkin, StoreOperations Director Chris Bacon andTraining & Development Manager KerryHunt, as well as work on key projectsboth individually and in groups.

One of the key outputs of the group has

been the introduction of a new customerfeedback process that has provided anefficient, highly cost effective way to gainvaluable customer insight.

Stuart commented: “I was reallyimpressed by the commitment and hardwork of the people on the group.

“I believe that thinking outside the boxand identifying the need for a programmeof this type, as well as the successful

outcome of the group, has really shownBlakemore Retail at its best.

“I would like to thank all who helpedmake the programme a success and I lookforward to rolling out the next stage.”

Kerry added: “Applications have nowbeen processed for the second FutureLeaders Programme which commencedearlier this year.”

The Future Leaders group, second left to right: Paul Wiltshire, Mark Paddison, Gareth James, Ruth Mutton andCarolyne Barker, pictured with Chris Bacon, Stuart Adkin, Debbie Robinson and Kerry Hunt

New Retail Apprenticeship ProgrammeJune saw the launch of the first ever Blakemore RetailApprenticeship Programme.The Retail Management ApprenticeshipLevel 3 Programme is aimed at thosealready working in store-based roles at asupervisory level and is set to developstore managers for the future. Apprentices are being recruited andmanaged jointly between BlakemoreRetail Training and the training providerPerformance Through People (PTP). Thefirst apprenticeship recruitment day tookplace in the east region and resulted in 10successful apprentices being selected forthe programme. Blakemore Retail Training is running morerecruitment days across the company

throughout the year with the aim ofrecruiting 60 Level 3 apprentices byNovember 2017. Training Manger Anita Goodwin, whocoordinated the first recruitment dayalong with Karen Bowman from PTP,commented: “Feedback from the daysuggests that all who attended enjoyedthe experience. “Through group and individual exerciseswe were able to identify behaviours andqualities that make a leader as well asobserve how people interacted with eachother.

“The day proved to be very successfuland we look forward to the newpartnership with PTP and to developingstore managers of the future.” Training & Development Manager KerryHunt added: “Once we have the Level 3programme up and running, we intend todevelop a Team Leader Level 2Programme to be introduced in thespring of 2018. “This will be aimed at those currentlyworking as customer service assistantswho have aspirations of getting intomanagement.”

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“On top of this, she also undertakes aprodigious amount of charity fundraisingactivity for the benefit of local andnational causes.”

St Dials Store Manager James Bishopcommented on Kirsty’s service to thebusiness:

“Kirsty is directly responsible for ourstore’s strong sales and minimal wastagestatistics.

“Her steadfast approach ensures thatstore and company procedures arereliably followed, presenting an organisedand pleasurable shopping experience toour customers.

“She recognises that presentation is atthe core of our business, and under hersupervision the store is always pristinelyclean and bright.

“Her fair and firm approach enables herto promote upselling initiatives and salespromotions. Kirsty has made numerousinnovative sales promotion suggestions,which have all been implemented.”

Kirsty was awarded the prestigious titleof overall Sales Assistant of the Year 2017at the glamourous awards ceremonyhosted by Convenience Store magazine.

The awards, which took place on 7thNovember at the Dorchester Hotel onPark Lane, London, reward salesassistants who go above and beyond fortheir stores, customers and communities.

In October, Kirsty was named the winnerof the multiple store category and invitedto the ceremony to receive her awardand a £500 cash prize.

At the event Kirsty was in additioncrowned overall Sales Assistant of theYear and picked up a further £500.

The judges commended Kirsty fordemonstrating an in-depth knowledge ofhow the business works and a genuinepassion for building the store’s profit, aswell as an extensive list of charity workincluding a marathon and sky-dive.

On winning the award, Kirsty said: “Ithasn’t quite sunk in yet, I still feel like it’sdue to go to someone else!

“I filled out the application form, then hadthe judging visit, then I stayed in theGrosvenor Hotel and had lunch at TheDorchester! It’s fantastic and certainlysomething I don’t usually get toexperience in my normal life.”

Convenience Store Magazine EditorDavid Rees said:

“As well as maintaining impeccable storestandards and a friendly demeanour at alltimes, she also demonstrates a greatunderstanding of business and retailoperations, with a number of her originalideas being adopted both in the store to

Blakemore Retail is helping tosave lives by installingautomated externaldefibrillators (AEDs) at storesacross its estate.Five automated external defibrillatorshave so far been installed at Warboys,Aldridge, Upton, Lawnswood and SouthWoodham Ferrers, with another recentlydonated to Thorngumbald.

An automated external defibrillator(AED) is a portable device that checksheart rhythm and can send a high-energyelectric shock to the heart to try torestore the normal rhythm of someonewho is in cardiac arrest.

At each of the five sites, the defibrillatorsare located on the store wall in lockableboxes. In the case of an emergency, thecode for the box can be retrieved bycalling 999.

250 people die from sudden cardiacarrest in the UK each day; that is about90,000 per year. Survival rates as high as75% have been achieved when adefibrillator is nearby and promptlydeployed.

Blakemore Retail has a further five unitsto donate to the local communities itserves and a number of stores arecurrently in the process of fundraising tohave one installed.

Kirsty from St DialsScoops National AwardStore Supervisor Kirsty Rhodes from St Dials in Cwmbran, Wales, has won anational award for her commitment to her work.

Store Supervisor Kirsty Rhodes fromSt Dials picked up the award foroverall Sales Assistant of the Year 2017

“All of our four categorywinners were outstandingin their own right, butKirsty is a very worthyall-round champion.

drive incremental sales and across theBlakemore Retail store estate as a whole.

Blakemore Retail Invests in Life-savingDefibrillators

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“We’re very excited to beworking with Deliveroo on

this project. Onlineordering is becoming

commonplace for manyconsumers, who are

prepared to pay a premiumfor the service.

“The process is quitestraightforward from anoperations point of view

and we believe thatpartnering with Deliverooduring the early stages hasgiven us a competitive


PigeonAuction Raisesover £3,200 forNSPCC

Darren, a keen pigeon flyer, encouragedhis friends and dad Ray Hunt to donatepigeons for an online auction onFacebook.

The auction ran over seven days andincluded 43 lots from 41 different pigeonfanciers, with the highest lot raising £400.

Darren explained further: “Pigeon flying isa big passion of mine and I’ve beeninvolved with it for seven years now. Afew of us meet from different clubs onvarious occasions, and I saw anopportunity for us to raise a goodamount of money for the NSPCC.

“It’s a family tradition so it was great tobe involved in something like this with mydad. The auction was a huge success andwe raised a remarkable £3,215 for theNSPCC. I definitely have plans to do itagain next year!”

Area Manager Mark Bostock commented:

Darren and his dad Ray raised £3,215for the NSPCC

Darren Hunt from Wordsleyheld an online pigeonauction in aid of the NSPCCand raised £3,215.

The service has been trialling at thestores Brindley Place, Coleham, Olton,Upton, Welland Road and Westbridgesince July.

Consumers order online throughDeliveroo and the driver collects theproduct from the store then delivers itstraight to the customer.

Available through the service is a range ofoff-licence products, including wine,beers, spirits and soft drinks, along with aselection of snacks and confectionery.

Deliveroo has proved most popular so farat Brindley Place, where the store isprocessing up to 25 orders per week.

From next year, Blakemore Retail plans toroll out Deliveroo to another 16 stores.

Operations Support & MarketingManager Sarah Deakin commented:

Products available for delivery through Deliveroo

Blakemore RetailTrials Deliveroo

Blakemore Retail has partnered up with delivery companyDeliveroo to convey products, hassle free, straight to theconsumer’s doorstep.

“I am so proud of Darrenand thankful to all involvedin raising such a fantasticamount of money for such

a wonderful charity.”

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Winter 2017/18

S tores in Focus

Throughout 2017, Blakemore Retail welcomed six new stores to its SPAREstate, including the brand new build at Aldridge, and invested in current storedevelopments across the country.

Several stores acrossBlakemore Retail werealso given refits to updatestore formats andreinvigorate dailyofferings:

Blakemore Retail Invests in SPAR Estate

Stores in Focus

Carlton, ChesterOpened: August 2017NEW STORE

Vicars Cross, ChesterOpened: August 2017NEW STORE

Blacon, ChesterOpened: August 2017NEW STORE

Haddenham, CambridgeshireOpened: August 2017NEW STORE

Queensferry, DeesideOpened: August 2017NEW STORE

Elton, ChesterRelaunched: April 2017New features: Greggs

Upton, ChesterRelaunched: July 2017New features: Greggs

Warboys, CambridgeshireRelocated and relaunched: June 2017New features: Bigger and better range andthe addition of a post office

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S tores in Focus

The following stores alsoreceived wash and brush upsto improve the look of thestores: Chirk, Brewood,Penistone, Kings Lynn,Llangollen and St Neots.

Lawnswood, StourbridgeRelaunched: October 2017New features: Extended fresh range and‘gourmade’ ready meals

Glascote Heath, TamworthRelaunched: October 2017New features: dailyDeli

Kings Langley, HertfordshireRelaunched: September 2017New features: Increased chilled range

Clifton Green,YorkRelaunched: August 2017New features: Bargain Bites

Reepham, NorfolkRelaunched: August 2017New features: Increased chilled range

Lydd, LyddRelaunched: July 2017New features: Enhanced chilled range

Worthing, Sussex Relaunched: November 2017New features: Full range of chilled wine andbeers and extended dairy range

Docking, NorfolkRelaunched: November 2017New features: Enhanced chilled range, freshproduce unit and bakery stand

South Woodham Ferrers, EssexRelaunched: October 2017New features: Greggs

Sutton-on-Sea, LincolnshireRelaunched: December 2017New features: dailyDeli, increased chilledrange, local butcher section

Raunds, NorthamptonshireRelaunched: November 2017New features: Greggs and enhanced chilledrange

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The annual Post Office Retail SalesAwards recognise the achievements ofPost Office retailers across the franchiseand this year brought together 170 of thebusiness’ top performers to celebratetheir successes.Brumby Corner picked up the award atthe Retail Sales Awards ceremony on10th June. Nine other branches wereshortlisted for the title and all werevisited by judges to determine the finalsix.The award, which for the first timerecognised retailers whose store includesa Post Office outlet, celebrates retailerswho are able to leverage the strengths ofboth store and post office to make asuccess of the overall business.Brumby Corner is a Mains Post Officecomprising a two-position dedicatedcounter and an open-plan combi-tilllocated at the retail counter.Post Office Manager Jane Hewsonexplained the branch’s success: “All staffat the office have an excellent rapportwith customers, many of which use theBrumby Corner store rather than onescloser to them because of the servicethey receive.

Brumby Corner Wins PostOffice Multiple Retailer ofthe Year AwardBlakemore Retail’s Brumby Corner Post Office has wonthe Retail Sales Awards’ new category award for MultiplePost Office Retailer of the Year.

“Additionally, our customers now havethe convenience of using the Post Officeservice to fit in with their busy lifestylesgiven that the combi-till is open outsideof traditional Post Office opening times.”Post Office Controller Stewert Waldroncommented: “I’m thrilled that staff atBrumby Corner Post Office have beenrecognised for their hard work andpassion.

Left to right: Post Office Manager Jane Hewson, Post Office Controller Stewert Waldron and Post OfficeSupervisor Ziggy Hudson collecting the award for Post Office of the Year

BHSF VoucherGiveawayThe company’s currenthealth plan provider, BHSF,carried out a prize drawearlier in the year for allhealth cash plan members.Up for grabs were 1st, 2ndand 3rd place prizes of £100,£50 and £20 high streetvouchers.Congratulations to thewinners:

2nd place: Laura Reagan – Hoo -£50

3rd place: Josephine Johnson – Fairfield - £20

"Post Office ManagerJane and Store ManagerJoan Padley have workedclosely together to raisestandards and exceed

customers’ expectationsto provide the best ofconvenience and Post

Office services to satisfythe needs of busy


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Winter 2017/18

Post Of f ice

Post Office NetworkTransformation Reaches Completion

Blakemore Retail’s estate of post offices isnow fully trading in either a Mains orLocal format.

At the end of the 2016/17 financial yearBlakemore Retail’s post office estatetotalled 98 branches – 44 Mains and 54Locals. During this year Blakemore Retailopened a further 16 Locals and twoMains branches.

The start of the new financial year sawthe addition of a new Mains branch atWarboys and a new Local at ManchesterAirport in Terminal 1. This openingcreated a new milestone for BlakemoreRetail as it took the total number of in-store post offices to 99!

Although there will be no furthergovernment funding, Post Office Limitedwill be looking to offer Blakemore Retailfurther ‘whitespace’ opportunities wherethey feel there is inadequate coverage forpost office services. Decisions onwhether to pursue these branches will bemade on a case by case basis.

What plans do we have for financialservices?

In 2016/17, financial services continued togrow slowly across a wide range ofproducts.

Blakemore Retail placed four members ofstaff from four Mains branches on thePost Office’s Customer Relationshipprogramme to equip them with the skillsto drive financial service sales to the nextlevel. It is therefore no surprise that thesebranches are leading the way on saleswithin the business. The four Mainsbranches were issued with a tablet earlierin the year, which they can use whendealing with customers applying onlinefor Post Office products. This is a muchmore professional and efficient way ofdoing business. At one of the branches,

Porthcawl, staff are now able to arrangeappointments for mortgages wherebycustomers can see a specialist advisorfrom Post Office Limited – this hasmassive cross selling opportunities tooand could take financial service sales to anew level.

Given the success to date, BlakemoreRetail has nominated another five Mainsbranches to be enrolled onto theprogramme.

Post Office – Key Areas of Focus

During the summer, Blakemore Retail’sfocus was on travel money and inparticular the sales of the new PostOffice Multi Currency Card (MCC). Thisis a particularly important area as it looksto ‘lock in’ customers to the BlakemoreRetail brand and future sales.

The Post Office launched the new card inMarch 2017 and sold over 100,000 cardsin three months – their nearestcompetitor took a year to sell 70,000!

What is the Banking Frameworkand how can it help BlakemoreRetail?

Post Office Limited continues to enjoy avery successful relationship with UKbanks to enable their customers tocomplete a range of transaction servicesin branches. Because of this 99% of UKpersonal current account holders canaccess services in branches.

However, the services available vary witheach bank and this makes it difficult forPost Office Limited to market the serviceand ultimately confuses customers.

Although the framework was set toestablish a single set of consistentservices right across the UK tostreamline processes, remove manualtransactions and paper and allow PostOffice Limited to market it properly,there is still some way to go before it isfully achieved.

As the number of bank closurescontinues to grow, Blakemore Retail hasalready seen an increase in the number ofcompanies wanting to do business as wellas growth in the number of personal cashwithdrawals.

Blakemore Retail’sPost Officenetworktransformationprogramme comesto an end.

The Mains Post Office format at Brumby Corner

Key Post OfficeStatisticsA recent report showed howconsumers use and value postoffices and their servicestoday:• Half of consumers (49%)say that a Post Officebranch is one of the mostimportant services in theirlocal community.

• 1 in 5 people use PostOffice for their bankingservices (1 in 4 in ruralareas).

• 93% of small businesses usethe Post Office – mostvisiting us once a month ormore.

• Almost 9 in 10 consumerssay they expect to be usingPost Offices just as muchor even more in two years’time – that goes for 16-30year olds as well as oldergenerations.

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Blakemore Retail has held a series of awards to celebrate stores and individualsacross the estate that have made an outstanding contribution to the business.

Blakemore Retail has awarded sixoutstanding employees with a trip toparadise at its Store of Excellence Awards2017 which were announced at this year’sBlakemore Retail Conference.

Three store managers and one PostOffice manager grabbed top prizes andwalked away with a trip to the 2017 SPARConvention in Tenerife, Spain, based ontheir outstanding store audit scores.

The awards aim to recognise store andpost office managers who put theircustomers first, with exceptional storestandards as the foundation.

This year, the best three stores in eachregion were selected by the regionalmanagers to come up with a list of 15finalists. The finalists were then visited andjudged by Store Operations DirectorChris Bacon and Blakemore RetailManaging Director Stuart Adkin.

Chris said of this year’s awards:

In addition, Blakemore Retail alsoawarded Area Manager Donna Cooperthe title of Area Manager of the Year andRetail Excellence Manager Dave

Hammond with the Tim LyonCommemorative Award for OutstandingContribution.Here are the 2017 winners:

Store of Excellence Awards 2017

Blakemore Retail

Linda Carrington - Thorngumbald Area Manager of the Year – Donna Cooper

Julie Goodall - Wombourne Tim Lyon Commemorative Award for OutstandingContribution – Retail Excellence Manager DaveHammond

Tracey Wilson - Market Harborough Toni Worker - Cotteridge Post Office

“A huge congratulationsto all of our finalists andwinners. Stuart and I hada great time judging 15

fantastic stores.

“The three stores thatwon were outstandingand clearly deserved the

title of Store ofExcellence.

“We are now in theprocess of the first round

of audits for the2017/2018 Store of

Excellence, with everystore having an equal

chance of winning. Goodluck!”

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The Colleague of Excellence Awardsrecognised individuals who always deliveran excellent standard of work and haveshown outstanding commitment tocustomer service and their community.

This year, staff were nominated for theawards by their direct line manager via anonline nomination process.

There were 160 nominations in totalacross the three categories of Store,Foodservice and Post Office.

Those shortlisted for the final roundattended an interview with a member ofBlakemore Retail’s senior team todetermine three finalists for eachcategory.

The nine finalists were invited to theBlakemore Retail Conference where thewinners and finalists were announced.Each winner was awarded £500 worth ofhigh street vouchers and runners upreceived £200 in vouchers.

Colleague of Excellence Awards 2017

Excellence Awards

Post Office Colleague of Excellence finalist:Debbie Smith – Melton Mowbray

Store Colleague of Excellence finalist:Sam Truman – Auckley

Foodservice Colleague of Excellence finalist:Cathy Edwards – Wrexham

Post Office Colleague of Excellence finalist:Julie Brown – Penyffordd

Store Colleague of Excellence finalist:Kirsty Rhodes – St Dials

Foodservice Colleague of Excellence finalist:Jessica Bradock – St Leonards

Post Office Colleague of Excellence winner:Kelly Downing – Catshill

Store Colleague of Excellence winner:Alison Romney – Wombourne

Foodservice Colleague of Excellence winner: LindaWilliams – St Clears

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Blakemore Retail’s Charity Birthday

The day involved colleagues from acrossthe Blakemore Retail estate taking part incelebratory activities and raising afantastic grand total of over £76,000 tohelp keep children safe.

The stores hosted a variety of activities,which included (to name a few) MadHatter themed tea parties, fancy dress,raffles and bake sales, with all proceedsgoing to the NSPCC.

Here is a selection of photos from thebig day:

On 1st SeptemberBlakemore Retailcolleagues across the UKand Wales participated incharity birthday partiesto celebrate A.F. Blakemore’scentenary year.

Aylsham RoadAbbots Langley

Brindley Place




Bad Bargain Lane




Barnby Dun

Bassaleg Road




Builth Wells


Bishops Castle

Birmingham Uni Centre


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Parties Raise over £76,000 for NSPCC

Broseley Brumby Corner



Brunswick Road

CardiganClifton Green

Cardiff Road


Chapel St Leonards


Chepstow Road

Drakes Cross


Chipping Sodbury



Drummond RoadCrosspool

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Blakemore Retail’s Charity Birthday Parties (continued)

ElsteadFelixstowe Hillsborough


Glascote Heath





Ewenny Road

Great Wyrley







John Lennon Airport



Kenfig Hill


King’s Lynn


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New WalthamLaceby Lodge Services


Manchester Airport T2






Loughor Llanidloes

Melton Mowbray


Mill Street

New Road

Oulton Broad

Much WenlockNewbold

New InnNew RomneyNewport


Malpas Road

Northgate Patchway

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Blakemore Retail’s Charity Birthday Parties (continued)

Pothouse LanePenistone Pinchbeck


Rhydyfelin Redditch Road


St Helens

Risca Park


Russells Hall Tickhill

Terminus Road





St NeotsSkegness

St Clears

ShawbirchTaylors Avenue


St Fagans

Ton Pentre Thorngumbald

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Trinity Road


Tenbury Wells








Walsall Manor


Welland Road





Terminus Road





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Baschurch donated £200’s worth ofEaster eggs for the NFU’s Lambing Dayevent at Manor Farm, which raised £850for Anna’s Hope.

Porthmadog donated monetarysupport to the Welsh Institute ofTherapeutic Horsemanship’s ongoingcosts at Pen Y Trip Farm.

Emma Dudley (of Machynlleth PostOffice) and Suzanne Williams (ofDolgellau Post Office) both completedthe Aberystwyth Race for Life in aid ofCancer Research UK.

Leegomery donated a range ofrefreshments to a local panto whichraised £1,165 for Hope House Children’sHospice.

Abigail Hicks of Sherburn Post Officegave support to Selby Channel SwimmingTeam’s fundraiser for Martin HouseHospice that raised £1,890.

Pinchbeck donated refreshments forthe Skegness Town Junior Football Team’sFootball Tournament which raised over£200.

One Million Members of theCommunity Supported

The level of support for the localcommunity has skyrocketed over the pasteight years, from just 47 donations worth£3,142 in 2009 to 3,675 donations worth£237,220 in 2017.

This community backing has been drivenby dedicated staff across the BlakemoreRetail estate. It is hoped that this rate ofsupport will continue to rise, with moreand more local good causes beingsupported. Since 2009, Blakemore Retailhas helped to award more than 16,000donations worth more than half a millionpounds.

If you’re interested in supporting a goodcause in your local area, then theBlakemore Foundation might be able tohelp. It offers three types of donations:

Standard Donations:These areawarded to local good causes, charitiesand projects located within the company’strading area up to the value of £200.

Match Fund Donations: Thefundraising efforts of all employees can bematched by the Blakemore Foundation upto the value of £200. (Please note thatthis does not include fundraising for theNSPCC or Retail Trust.)

In Kind Donations: These are awardedto support local community events in theform of goods e.g. food, drink orequipment for use as raffle prizes orrefreshments.

To apply for a donation, please visitA.F. Blakemore’s company website:

Alternatively for further information,please contact the Blakemore Foundationvia the contact details below:


Telephone: 0121 5682910

Blakemore FoundationUnit 401, Axcess 10 Business ParkBentley Road South, DarlastonWS10 8LQ

Tel: 0121 568 2910Email:

Take a look at just some of thegreat causes supported by staffrecently:

Employees across Blakemore Retail have supported more than one million members ofthe community via the company’s charitable trust, the Blakemore Foundation.

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Tim Farmer of Holmewood donated£200 towards RSPCA Chesterfield.

Beddau donated goods to Beddauunder 7s and 8s tag festival.

Ashgate raised £455 for AshgateHospice Care which includes a £200match fund grant.

Penistone donated goods to theSpringvale Community Garden’s AnnualOpen Day that raised £200.

Lisa Fry, supervisor of Ferndale,awarded £100 to Kellie Fawkes of theFerndale and Maerdy Fast DapsRunning Club.

Manchester Airport gave seasonalgoods to ChildFlight Santa Flight 2016.

Broseley donated £200 towards newtools for Haycop Conservation Group,Shropshire.

Hagley gave monetary support to theHagley Stag Run 5K/10K and Ramble.

West Mersea donated a bundle ofrugby balls to Mersea Island RugbyClub.

Beaumaris donated £200 to YsgolBeaumaris and allowed them to hosttheir own Bake for Books sale outsidethe store.

Nicola Emery, Tonyrefail, hostednumerous cake sales for a localtreatment appeal.

Cardigan donated a variety of goods forthe annual Cardigan Festival.

Abbots Langley donated goods tothe Royal British Legion’s stall for theannual Veterans Day.

Cefn Glas made a monetary donationworth £100 to Evoke Dance Group.

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Winter 2017/18


Ludlow staff spent a day manning amarket in the community selling itemsin aid of the NSPCC.

Pothouse Lane hosted a study tourin store for students from PothouseLane School.

Area Manager Deborah Smith’s storescame together to support RaundsChild Centre and transformed theiroutdoor play area.

Rhydyfelin store and Subway hosted ahealthy eating day with their localprimary school.

The stores from across Mark Bostock’sarea spent the day improving the playarea for the pupils of Millfield PrimarySchool.

Bassaleg Road completed a gardeningproject at Florence Justice Home forthe Elderly.

Laceby Acres School education gardenwas given a new lease of life by stafffrom Brumby Corner.

Christine Harrison from the FreshFood team along with volunteers andArea Manager David Evendenvolunteered at a night walk charityevent in aid of St Barnabas.

Middlethorpe Primary School gardenswere spruced up by staff from TaylorsAvenue.

Blakemore in the Community

Blakemore Retail employees undertook 87 community projects over the last 12 months.

In addition to traditional painting and gardening activities, colleagues volunteered their time to the NSPCC’s Speak Out. Stay Safe. campaign,study tours, reading with school children, charity events and healthy eating initiatives.

If you would like to take part in a volunteering activity, please contact Community Affairs Officer Liz Blakemore on 0121 568 2910 or to request a copy of the Community Engagement Information Pack.

Here is a snapshot of stores’ recent community activity:

As part of the Company’s Community Engagement Programme, Blakemore Retail employeesdonated an incredible 6,714 hours to worthwhile causes during the 2016/17 financial year.

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Staff from Barnby Dun paintedoutdoor planters and a potting shed atBarnby Dun Pre School.

Staff from Ludlow helped a localAcorn charity event and staffvolunteered their time manning stallsto help the family raise as much moneyas possible for Acorns.

Treorchy staff painted the corridorsand cloak room at Cylch MeithrinTreorci.

Pendon House was treated to a newoutdoor seating area by staff fromPenistone.

Fresh Foods coach Christine Harrisonwith staff from local stores volunteeredat Farnham’s ‘Dash of Colour’ event inaid of the Phylliss Tuckwell Hospice.

Malpas Road along with pupils fromMalpas Court Nursery spent the daycreating a vegetable garden andplanters in the nursery yard.

Beddau store and Subway staff ran ahealthy eating day with GwaunmeisgynSchool.

Fresh Food coaches spent the dayrunning a stall at a local 5k Subwayrun.

Tournament winners Property/BDS teamfeaturing: Back L-R – Dan Merrick, Ben Hallam, Dan Tipton, Mark Tipton and Lawrence Brown, Front L-R – Richard Barnett and Shaun Smith

Tournament runners up ‘Making up theNumbers’ collecting their medals

This summer saw colleaguesagain take to the pitch forBlakemore Retail’s annualfootball tournament in aid ofthe NSPCC.

The five-a-side competition kicked off atLutterworth Soccer Centre on 16th July,with 16 teams participating.Over 100 players took part fromBlakemore Retail and this year thetournament welcomed a team fromBlakemore Trade Partners.The event, which was organised by StoreOperations Director Chris Bacon andOperations Support & MarketingAssistant Manager Caroline Wills, raised agrand total of £1,141 for the good cause.Chris said of the day: “It was fantastic tosee so many colleagues donning their shinpads to go head-to-head in thetournament. It was a successful day, withall giving it their best and raising asubstantial amount for the NSPCC.”This year, the Property/BDS team werecrowned the champions of thetournament for the third time in fiveyears, whilst Sam Tomlinson’s ‘Making upthe Numbers’ were the graceful runnersup.

Colleagues TackleTournament toRaise over £1,000for NSPCC

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Retail Volunteers Donate 350Hours to DIY SOS ProjectA team of BlakemoreRetail colleagues hasdonated more than350 hours to acommunity project inTelford.A total of 38 employees from SPARstores across Donna Cooper and MarkBostock’s areas volunteered their time tosupporting a deserving family fromTelford, featured on the BBC One series‘DIY SOS: The Big Build’, to helptransform their home.

In addition to time, the business donateda daily supply of tea, coffee and biscuits tokeep the hundreds of workers andlabourers on-site well watered.

Blakemore Retail colleagues from Wombourneand Bentley SPAR stores take a group shotoutside the house

It was all hands on deck with staff constructingflat-pack furniture

Volunteers from Caernarfon, Benllech, Fourwaysand Dyserth SPAR stores take a quick break tohave a photo opportunity with Nick Knowles

The tea and coffee delivery for day 1 of DIY SOS

Team members with TV presenter Nick Knowles in front of the famous DIY SOS van

Congratulations to all the winners oflast year’s Blakemore Retail ChristmasRaffle:

1st Prize: Erica Marshall – Scartho

2nd Prize: Rob Howard – GreatDarkgate Street

3rd Prize: Ann Dickson – Scartho

4th Prize: Alison Lain – Staplehurst

5th Prize: Karen Wright – Intake

A huge thank you to all whoparticipated – a fantastic £1,730 wasraised for the NSPCC!

Christmas RaffleWinners

Scartho winners,Erica Marshall andAnn Dickson

Great Darkgate winner,Rob Howard

Winter 2017/18


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Jan Robertson CrownedBlakemore Bake Off ChampionJan Robertson from Bishop’s Castle has been crowned the winnerof A.F. Blakemore’s very first group-wide Bake Off competition.In the lead up to the company’s CharityBirthday Party on 1st September,colleagues across the company wereinvited to bake a cake to celebrate A.F.Blakemore’s 100th anniversary.The competition was open to all staffmembers across the A.F. Blakemoreestate and received more than 30 entries.All submissions were judged by A.F.Blakemore’s Centenary Group, whodecided Jan’s stand-out cake was theobvious winner for its creativeness anddetail.Community Affairs Officer Liz Blakemoresaid: “The Centenary Group came to aunanimous decision to award Jan firstprize. The meticulous detail on the cake isincredible; from the shop window to thebrickwork, Jan has thought of absolutelyeverything. “Representing A.F. Blakemore’s very firststore, the cake is the perfectcommemoration of the company’s 100thanniversary, and not only celebrates A.F.Blakemore but SPAR too.”Group Board Director Caoire Blakemorevisited Jan at SPAR Bishop’s Castle tocongratulate Jan personally on herextraordinary baking skills and award hera Blakemore Fine Foods hamper and StarBaker’s apron. Jan commented: “My inspiration for thecake design came from a photo I took of

an old shop front at the Black CountryLiving Museum – I thought it reallycharming.“It took me two days to create the cakeas a lot of the icing detail was veryintricate. It was really a family affair, sincemy mother and sister also work at thestore. “It was really lovely to win thecompetition and celebrate with my familyand colleagues.”Store Manager Matt Davies added: “WhenI saw the email about the Blakemore BakeOff competition, I instantly thought of Janbecause I know she likes to be creative.“When I saw the cake, I was blown awayby the size and detail of it! A bigcongratulations to Jan – she reallydeserves it!”

Tenbury WellsSupportsWorcestershireHomeless AppealColleagues at Tenbury Wellshave supported theWorcestershire HomelessAppeal by collecting anddonating over 350 bottles ofwater from local residents.

Due to a water supply issue inSeptember, Severn Trent distributedthousands of bottles of courtesy water toresidents in the Tenbury Wells area. Afterthe issue was fixed, and the waterdeclared safe, many households were leftwith excess bottles.

Store Supervisor Jane Edwards and StoreManager Dave Powell saw an opportunityto support the Worcestershire HomelessAppeal by asking residents to donatetheir unused bottles of water.

Dave commented: “We have beenoverwhelmed by the support of the localresidents for the WorcestershireHomeless Appeal.

“We advertised that we were collectingspare bottles of water, but had no ideawe would get such a response. Thepeople of Tenbury Wells really came uptrumps with an estimated 350 bottlesdonated to the good cause.”

Community Affairs Officer Kate Senteradded: “This is a great example of SPARstore colleagues working with the localcommunity to support a worthwhileappeal.

“Well done to Jane and Dave for seeing agreat opportunity to help those lessfortunate.”

Blakemore Retail Senior Regional Manager Owen Davies, Blakemore Retail Area Manager Donna Cooper,A.F. Blakemore Group Board Director Caoire Blakemore and Store Manager Matt Davies all congratulate Jan

Volunteer Val McMillan and SPAR Food to GoManager Alex Slater load up the car with over 350bottles of water

Jan’s winning cake

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Winter 2017/18


Karen Howden - Thurcroft

Anthony Woods - Hardy's Road

Kirsty Maddocks - Yarborough Road

Daniel Tumber and family - ChurchillAvenue

Michelle Mills - Sutton-on-Sea

Francesca-May Myer - Buckley

Mathew Squire - Taylors Avenue

Emily Richardson - BirminghamUniversity

Joshua Sanderson - Shawbirch

Wendy Trussell - Yarborough Road

Gavin Ingram - Cefn Fforest

Shop & Win Returns!Blakemore Retail customers have once again scooped top prizes as part ofSPAR UK’s national Shop & Win competition.This year’s Shop & Win campaign kicked off in June 2017, running throughout the summer period. Customers had the opportunity to winevery day with prizes ranging from instant-win daily product vouchers to a massive £10,000 Grand Prize. Also up for grabs were iPadMinis, Bose headphones, iWatches, Sonos speakers and PS4s.

Gainsborough win£200 Shop & Winincentive prize!

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Blakemore Retail ColleagueAward WinnersAs part of A.F. Blakemore’s centenary year celebrations, the company has recognised and celebratedemployees who have gone the extra mile through its Colleague Award Scheme. The winners werenominated by colleagues and awarded £25 in high street vouchers.Here are the Blakemore Retail winners:

Caroline was nominated for always goingthe extra mile to support her colleagues.Over the last 12 months she has workedtirelessly to maximise the potential ofteam members and restructure roles tocapitalise on strengths.

In addition, Caroline is Blakemore Retail’sNSPCC representative and played a hugerole in organising this year’s Charity Ball.

Caroline Wills, OperationsSupport & Marketing AssistantManager:

Sam was nominated for being a valuedmember of the team and herconsiderable self-development.

Beginning her apprenticeship with verylimited IT experience, Sam has pushedherself to learn more and is nowresponsible for checking and organisingmany different Excel documents and forthe production of the weekly BlakemoreRetail bulletin CommX.

Samantha Drewett, OperationsSupport & Marketing Assistant:

Owen was nominated by his colleaguesfor his ability to always be there foreveryone.His team commented that he alwaystakes the time to get to know people andgenuinely makes people feel valued. Hehas also been recognised as a fantasticmentor who is really passionate about histeam.An example of Owen’s caring nature washis reaction at a recent weekend charityfootball match. Someone suffered aninjury and he drove an hour to get themto a hospital and waited to check thatthey were okay.

Owen Davies, Senior RegionalManager:

Kerry was nominated for her ability toempower and support colleagues andpush them to exceed expectations.

Colleagues also praised Kerry for hercaring nature and the fact sheconsistently goes above and beyond. Shenever forgets a birthday, which is a smallthing that means a lot.

Kerry Hunt, Retail TrainingManager:Karen was nominated for her dedication

and commitment to her role and her partin the store raising £493 for the NSPCC.

Karen has worked in the store for around16 years and in this time she has goneabove and beyond for the good of thestore. She organises all the NSPCCfundraising in-store and a lot of the timeshe supplies the raffle and other prizesout of her own pocket.

Karen Jones, Store Supervisor,Warndon:

Sarah was nominated for giving greatcustomer service. Whilst serving on thePost Office counter Sarah wasapproached by an elderly lady whowanted to send £2,000 via MoneyGramto India.

Suspicious, Sarah asked the lady what itwas for. The lady said that it was to pay aphone company to stop giving her coldcalls and that they were on the phone.Sarah intercepted the phone call and thencontacted the lady’s son and the police,and stopped the customer from beingscammed out of £2,000.

Sarah Grimshaw, MuchWenlock:

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Foodservice saleswithin BlakemoreRetail are growing at arate not experiencedby any other categorywithin the business.During the past five years, sales havegrown by 65.74% and during the lastfinancial year sales exceeded £33.5m. Thisrate of growth is not forecast to slowdown in the foreseeable future and salesare expected to grow by over 10% duringthis year.

Blakemore Retail has a portfolio offoodservice options at its disposal anddeploys them at locations thatdemonstrate the best characteristics todeliver successful outcomes for thecompany.

Foodservice Booms

The first Greggs store opened at Brumby Corner, Scunthorpe,in July of 2014. Since this time store numbers have risen toeight with Blakemore Retail launching a further two stores thisyear at Upton and South Woodham Ferrers. There are furtherdevelopment plans in the pipeline for 2018.

At the end of April, Blakemore Retail opened its sixth Greggsstore as part of a major investment at Elton. The impact of theGreggs has been immediate with store sales since the launchincreasing. Prior to launch the Greggs team receive a four weektraining plan, which is delivered locally by Greggs at a nearbycompany store.

At the end of 2016/2017 Greggs sales exceeded expectations,growing by 19.52% on a like for like basis. Strong sales growthwas still experienced in the early part of this financial year,where sales grew by a further 14.89% on a like for like basis.

Following an intense period of development over the last threeyears, the company now owns and operates 47 SUBWAYstores, with an annual turnover this coming financial year set toexceed £9.8m. Development plans have now abated, with threesites in the development pipeline for 2018. It is now believeddevelopment options outside of this within the existing estatehave been exhausted. However, any new acquisitions that areunder consideration with characteristics within its trading areawill be considered. Blakemore Retail now employs over 420people within its SUBWAY family who receive regular trainingand support from the dedicated team of fresh food coachesand from the SUBWAY business.

SUBWAY is in the process of a worldwide development torelaunch the brand under its ‘Fresh Forward’ programme.During the next two years we will see the face of SUBWAYchange, where the branding, packaging, uniforms and technologywill all be upgraded.



Foodservice Performance Last 5 Years

■ Food To Go ■ Subway ■ Costa ■ Greggs

2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017


85% 71%














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Own brand Following the conclusion of an intense programme of franchise development withinBlakemore Retail, the company has now turned its attention to the development ofits ‘own’ brand of foodservice solutions, dailyDeli and Bargain Bites.

WithinBlakemore Retail

dailyDeli is the latest development within SPAR, replacing the‘To Go….’ range that launched back in 2005. Blakemore Retailplayed an integral part in the design of this brand and will nowplough ahead rebranding stores over the next 18 months totwo years. The greatest improvement has come from installingcounter based formats, which have recently been installed atthe Treherbert and Aldridge stores, delivering immediatesuccess. Electronic menu screens, a fresh cream cake counterand a new day menu have been included at Aldridge, whichincludes the ‘build a burger’ concept and a take away SundayLunch. This is also featured at Treherbert, where the storeregularly sells 60 lunches on a Sunday!

dailyDeli is also award winning; Wrexham, which was convertedto a dailyDeli in December 2015, picked up the ‘Food to Go’Store of the Year award at last year’s Retail Industry Awards.

Looking ahead to the future for dailyDeli, providing healthierfood options will now be a priority.

Bargain Bites is the discounter style foodservice own branddeveloped by Blakemore Retail. The format is now featured in21 stores across the division and where installed sales haverisen by over 100%, almost without fail. The concept features avery narrow range of both hot and cold food, with a retail pricefrom just £1. Given the retail price the quality of the product isnot compromised. The latest installations at St Leonards andHolmewood are currently the top two Bargain Bites stores,which operationally is extremely demanding, and productionrates delivered by the teams are exceptional.

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Winter 2017/18


The Staff Lottery draws take place fourtimes a year, now in February, May, Augustand include a double draw in November -just in time for Christmas!

50% of the Staff Lottery receipts will nowgo into the Staff Social Fund to helpcontribute to events at Christmas andthe Alton Towers fun-day, which is set tobe re-introduced next year.

The more staff players involved,the more support there will befor staff social events.

To be eligible for a prize, players musthave paid into the lottery for at least thequalifying quarter. For example: the ownerof the winning numbers drawn on 1stAugust will have contributed to thelottery on all pay dates between 2nd Mayand 31st July.

The lottery will still be drawn inDecember this year as normal, however,

this will be the last draw of the oldprocess before the relaunch of the StaffLottery in February next year.

If you would like to be in with a chance ofwinning, please complete the Staff Lotteryapplication form that can be found in the‘Your Care Programme’ folder onSharePoint.

Blakemore Retail has relaunched its Staff Lottery with an improved prize structure andmore chances to win.

Staff Lottery Relaunch

Draw: 1st Feb Draw: 1st May Draw: 1st Aug Double Draw: 1st Nov

1 x £1000 1 x £1000 1 x £1000 2 x £1000

1 x £500 1 x £500 1 x £500 2 x £500

1 x £250 1 x £250 1 x £250 1 x £250

5 x £100 5 x £100 5 x £100 10 x £100

5 x £50 5 x £50 5 x £50 10 x £50

£2,500 £2,500 £2,500 £5,000

Last year we achieved an overall responserate of 47% and engagement score of 3out of 4. We really want to increase thoseresults so please make sure you log onand have your say.We want everyone in the business tocomplete the survey. Your feedback isvital to help us continue improving thebusiness and strengthening it for thefuture.

Look out for the email next year!

Colleague Engagement SurveyComing Soon!A.F. Blakemore will belaunching its fourth group-wide colleague engagementsurvey next spring and weneed your opinions on thebusiness, its values and theway you are managed.


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Colleagues from across Blakemore Retail have donned their favourite football shirts inaid of ‘Cancer Has No Colours’. On 14th July, staff from 136 BlakemoreRetail stores, along with A.F. Blakemore’sWholesale and Technical Servicesdivisions, wore their favourite brightly-coloured football shirts and clothing tofundraise for the Bradley LoweryFoundation, which has been establishedto help sick children.

The fundraiser coincided with six-year-old Bradley Lowery’s funeral, following hisbattle with Neuroblastoma.

Staff raised over £6,400, including match-fund grants from A.F. Blakemore’scharitable trust, the BlakemoreFoundation.

Community Affairs Officer Kate Sentersaid: “The story behind the BradleyLowery Foundation touched the hearts ofmany, including our staff.

“As a company we would like tocongratulate all staff for making thisfundraiser a huge success and honouringsuch a courageous young boy.

“Thank you to all staff and customers fortheir generosity, digging deep for such aworthy good cause.”

Here is a selection of images from thefundraiser:

Colleagues Fundraise forBradley Lowery Foundation

Winter 2017/18


Have you got an idea that could improve the business?Simply tell us what it is. If your idea is adopted you will be awarded a £100 SPARVoucher.All ideas are considered by the senior team each quarter(January, April, July and October) and you will be notified of theoutcome soon after.You can submit your idea by visiting the site on the right.Good luck!

It’s Your ShoutWelcome to ‘It’s Your Shout’,where good ideas can reap rewards!

Colleagues fromBirmingham University

Colleagues fromWalsall Manor

Colleagues fromWombourne

Colleagues fromYstrad Mynach


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Blakemore Retail SPAR Stores Supportthe Worcestershire Homeless Appeal

Seven Blakemore Retail SPAR storessigned up to the WorcestershireHomeless Appeal’s goods collectionfollowing Area Manager Donna Cooper’sshow of interest.

Over the festive period, collection basketswere made available to customers andstaff in all seven SPAR stores: Batchley,Bromsgrove, Droitwich, Fernhill Heath,Kidderminster, Tenbury Wells andWarndon. The response from the localcommunity was unbelievable, with anestimated £1,500 collected in-store.Donations included food, drink, gloves,scarves, socks and toiletries.

Blakemore Retail’s collection helped theWorcestershire Homeless Appeal raise aneye-watering 3.5 tonnes of stockaltogether with other collection points.The charity and volunteers then sortedthese goods into Christmas shoeboxesand gift bags to help the disadvantaged,vulnerable and homeless last Christmas.

In addition to this, the BlakemoreFoundation awarded a further £1,260 tothe charity via its employee matchfunding. This helped the charity purchasefurther supplies for the colder months,such as sleeping bags, blankets, socks andtents.

Blakemore Retail Area Manager andorganiser Donna Cooper commented: “Tosee colleagues’ enthusiasm for theWorcestershire Homeless Appeal wasamazing. It was the first time ourBlakemore Retail SPAR stores have everdone something like this and I am pleasedto say it was a massive success.

“Christmas is a time for giving and I forone am proud to have helped make adifference to those less fortunate. Thiswouldn’t have been possible without thesupport and generosity of our extremelyloyal customers and kind-heartedemployees – thank you!!”

Worcestershire Homeless Appeal said:“We would like to say a huge thank youto everyone that supported our 2016Christmas Appeal. We have beenoverwhelmed, stuck for words and evenhad a tear in our eye because of thegenerosity of so many warm heartedpeople - we feel humbled by yoursupport.

“Christmas can be an incredibly difficulttime for those affected by homelessnessand your kind donations will help us tocontinue to provide support to thehomeless and vulnerable during thesedifficult winter months acrossWorcestershire.

Colleagues from Blakemore Retail made it their mission to help the disadvantaged lastChristmas by collecting £1,500 worth of stock in store for the homeless.

“From the bottom ofour hearts, a very big

thank you!” Droitwich

Batchley Kidderminster

Bromsgrove Warndon

Fernhill HeathWorcestershire Homeless Appeal'sbig collection

Winter 2017/18


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Llanharry Raises £2,000 forLife-saving DefibrillatorsLlanharry has fundraised £2,000 for a Welsh heart charity to help save lives.Employees at the Llanharry store onTylacoch Road have helped to raise£2,000 to purchase lifesaving defibrillatorsfor charity Welsh Hearts.

The funds have been raised in just oversix months through a series offundraisers from local door-to-door raffletickets to jam-packed charity discos atthe local working men’s club.

Support for the Welsh Hearts charitystemmed from a first aid course theorganiser, Food to Go Sales AssistantRachel Cooper, was involved with. Sheand Supervisor Joanne Pullman kicked offthe fundraising last September withsupport from the wider SPAR team. Thesupport didn’t stop at the store, withoverwhelming contributions made bymembers of the public, local businessesand the Blakemore Foundation.

The monies raised for the Welsh Heartscharity have gone towards the charity’saim to place defibrillators in local

communities, and to deliver CPR anddefibrillator training in Wales. The £2,000has gone directly towards the cost of twonew defibrillators. One defibrillator is tobe located at Llanharry SPAR and theother to be located outside the localcommunity centre.

Llanharry Store Manager Mike Jones said:

“I’d like to congratulate the teamand in particular the organisersfor raising a superb amount forWelsh Hearts. I am humbled toknow that the defibrillators will goon to become an essential piece ofequipment in Llanharry, life-savingfor years to come.

“There cannot be many thatwould give their utmostcommitment and dedication to alocal appeal like this. Thank you toeveryone that has been involved!”

Llanharry Supports Local AppealsThe dedicated team at Llanharry made it their mission to support two local appeals launchedby families in turmoil.

Thanks to big-heartedemployees and

members of the publicthe store managed toraise an astonishing£2,100 in total. Thefunds were splitbetween the two

families in need, onefor a family in

bereavement followinga fatal traffic collisionand the other in needof respite following a

child’s cancertreatment.

Employees from Llanharry presented with thenew defibrillator, along with David Healy ofWelsh Hearts and MP Chris Elmore

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Blakemore Retail Volunteers Litter Pick

Here is a selection of photosfrom the litter picks:

As part of a series of commemorative events to celebrate 100 years in business,Blakemore Retail colleagues took part in the company’s Environmental Focus Week.Across England and Wales, colleaguesfrom 105 Blakemore Retail SPAR storesvolunteered over 950 hours to tidying uptheir local communities.

Throughout the week, which ran from26th to 30th June, the company organiseda series of initiatives aimed at making apositive impact on the environment andpromoting the importance of growing asustainable business for the next 100years.


Donna Cooper’s Area





Bocking Lane

Bishop’s Castle

Fernhill Heath


Hardy's Road







LingwoodLlanberis Pinchbeck



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in Local Communities







Porthmadog Ecclesall


Tenbury Wells



Much Wenlock



Myatts Field



Risca Park

Nuthall Road


Two Dales


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Winter 2017/18


NSPCC FundraisingBlakemore Retail employees from across England and Wales have celebrated anotherspectaular surge of support for the national children’s charity the NSPCC.

Bedale hosted an Easter cake sale thatraised £105.

Tenbury Wells braved the elementsat a rainy car boot sale that raised £40.

Five members of Auckley took part inthe NSPCC’s Tough Mudder event thatraised an incredible £1,010.

Bodelwyddan hosted a Christmasfundraiser that raised a fantastic£1,500.

Treherbert hosted their store’s grandre-opening that raised over £300.

Hillsborough took part in theStannington Carnival that raised £229.

Crewe hosted a store fun day thatraised £526.

Wordsley Post Office hosted a funday with raffle and tombola that raised£105.

Sherburn hosted an Easter cake salethat raised £190.

Wordsley hosted a Valentine’s Dayraffle that raised £43.

Wollaston hosted a teddy bear rafflethat raised £100.

Lisa from Patchway Post Officecompleted the Bristol 10k and raisedan amazing £320.

Blakemore Retail’s 11 year partnershipwith the children’s charity has helped togenerate more than £2.8million, with the

latest fundraising year of 2016/17 raising afurther £301,268.

Here is a snapshot of some of thefundraising activities that have takenplace:

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Cefn Glas organised an Easter Bunnyraffle that raised £520.

Batchley held a onesie and pyjamaday.

Great Wyrley Post Office hosted asummer cake sale.

Bromsgrove hosted a delicious cakesale during the summer that raised£114.

Jamie Wakeham and Andy Jones fromRhuddlan cycled 100 miles fromRhuddlan to Holyhead and back andraised around £1,000.

Terminus Road held a charity stall inthe local market.

Gornal Wood raised money with acharity hamper.

Brumby Corner hosted aWimbledon theme weekend thatraised £374.

Karen, Julie and Donna completed asponsored walk from Russells Hallstore to Kinver store.

Machynlleth store and Post Officehosted an in-store Easter Raffle.

Holmewood celebrated SPAR’s 60thbirthday.

Reepham held a community stall forthe charity.

Barnby Dun hosted a Mother’s Daythemed charity hamper

Aberystwyth completed 11marathons in 10 days and raised awhopping £2,302.

Stores from across Owen Davies’region took part in the first regionalcar wash event in Shrewsbury andraised £610.

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Hollie-Anna Shepherd - Ramsgate

Toni Harris - Leegomery

Ian Bainbridge - Sandwich

Zeke Nibbs - Leominster

Ross Surradge - New Romney

Your Development ProgrammeYour Development Programme is a twelve month Management Developmentcourse aimed at new or newly promoted Store Managers.The programme looks to equipcandidates with knowledge and skillsacross key business areas includingoperations, customer service, managinglegalities, HR, loss prevention, fresh foodand IT.The programme concludes withcandidates delivering a businesspresentation to a panel of senior leadersand is followed by a graduation day.

Since the introduction of the YourDevelopment Programme in 2012, it hasseen over 200 colleagues graduate, themajority of whom are still in the businessand who have gone on to have successfulmanagement careers within BlakemoreRetail. Candidates are supported throughout theprogramme by area mangers and thetraining department, giving them the

opportunity to hone their skills inoperations, people management and salesand service areas.

Here are a few photos of recentgraduates of the Your DevelopmentProgramme:

Birthday CompetitionWinnersIn celebration of A.F. Blakemore’s 100th birthday the company saw a wide range of competitionsand auctions. Blakemore Retail were BIG winners!

Jan Robertson’s winningBlakemore Bake Off entry

Congratulations to these luckypeople:

The Blakemore Bake OffCompetition: Winner, JanRobertson of Bishop’s Castle.

The A.F. Blakemore Big BalloonRace: Winner Owen Davies.

Blakemore Retail Darts Game(head office):Winner, Derek Clifton.

Blakemore Retail Sweets Jar Game(head office):Winner, Rhys Morgan.

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Winter 2017/18


Blakemore Retail Celebrates IndustryAward Success

The Retail Industry Awards rewardexcellence across the retail industrywhereas the Forecourt Trader Awardsfocus on the very best retailers in thepetrol retailing industry.

The winners of the Forecourt TraderAwards were announced on 14thSeptember at a glitzy 1920s themed awardceremony at the Hilton Hotel in ParkLane, London, and included entertainmentfrom musician and model Myleene Klass.

Blakemore Retail picked up twoForecourt Trader of the Year awards in theregional categories, with Fairfield winningthe award for Midlands over 4MLPA andLaceby Lodge Services winning the awardfor Northern England over 4MLPA.

The Retail Industry Awards took place on28th September at the prestigiousGrosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane,London.

Blakemore Retail picked up the award forMultiple Community Retailer of the Yearfor its continued commitment toimproving the local communities thecompany serves.

Over the last 12 months BlakemoreRetail colleagues have fundraised morethan £300,000 for the NSPCC. More than£76,000 was raised for the good cause asa result of A.F. Blakemore’s CharityBirthday Party alone. Employees alsoraised a further £40,000 during last yearfor other good causes chosen by staff.

Bentley Store Manager Michelle Davieswas awarded the title of Store Managerof the Year for her exceptionalcommitment to her team and store.

Blakemore Retail was also highlycommended in the regional ConvenienceRetailer of the Year category.

Blakemore Retail Managing DirectorStuart Adkin commented: “We have greatteams in great stores, who also raise lotsof money for the NSPCC and getinvolved with their local communities, soto get this recognition from the industryis fantastic.

“On behalf of the management team Iwould also like to congratulate Michelle,Kristian, Michele and their teams for theirindividual awards.”

The wider SPAR symbol group alsoenjoyed great success at both awardsevents, walking away with 14 titles at theForecourt Trader Awards and a further14 at the Retail Industry Awards. Inaddition, SPAR was crownedSymbol/Fascia Group of the Year at theRetail Industry Awards.

Blakemore Retail has won big at this year's Retail Industry Awards and Forecourt TraderAwards.

Michelle Davies from SPAR Bentley collects the award for Store Manager ofthe Year (multiple)

Laceby Lodge Services Store Manager Kristian Harrison picks up theNorthern England over 4MLPA award

Community Affairs Officer Liz Blakemore collects the Multiple CommunityRetailer of the Year award

Fairfield Store Manager Michele Lawson picks up the Midlands over 4MLPAaward

Retail Industry Award Wins: Forecourt Trader Award Wins:

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In the Spot l i ght

In the Spotlight

Deborah Smith-Area Manager

Nathan Patel-Central OrderingCoordinator

What does your job involve?Supporting and challenging my team of 12 store managers to runtheir stores effectively and profitably; it’s a mix of dealing withbusiness issues and people. No two days are ever the same!

What is your idea of a perfect day?Spending it with my children (then some wine in the evening).

Where is your favourite place?Hawaii.

If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it?Give lots to my family and then race down to the Maserati garageto buy a car.

Which three people would you invite to your dreamdinner party?Boris Johnson (because he’s hilarious), Tom Hardy (he’s one for theladies) and Bryan Ferry (don’t ask…).

What is your favourite book?Anything spooky.

Who is your favourite star of film or TV?I don’t have a favourite.

What is your favourite song?Human by Rag ‘n’ Bone Man.

Who makes you laugh?Peter Kay and Micky Flannagan.

If you could be born in any year, which one would youchoose?The Roaring Twenties so I could swan around at cocktail parties.

What is the best thing you have ever achieved?Working full-time with two young children whilst completing mydegree.

Which superpower would you like to have and why?Time travel so I could get down the M1 in five minutes.

What is your most vivid childhood memory?Laughing at my younger sister while she was being chased by awarthog at Victoria Falls.

What is your biggest regret to date?Not becoming a vet.

When you were younger, what did you want to be whenyou grew up?A vet.

What three words best describe you?Mischievous, honest and funny.

What three words best describe how you would like to be?Ask my husband – he has loads of suggestions…

What does your job involve?I support the order replenishment process and monitor storestock availability and wastage in Blakemore Retail Stores, byreviewing order exceptions, errors on products, sales trends andpredicted forecasts. I maintain the Visma Retail Suite store databasewhen required and support the IT applications team withdevelopment and testing. What is your idea of a perfect day?A sunny day in a beer garden with friends and family.Where is your favourite place?New York.If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it?Go on a lavish adventure, travelling.Which three people would you invite to your dreamdinner party?Chris Tucker, David Blaine and Richard Branson. What is your favourite book?Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.Who is your favourite star of film or TV?Harvey Spectre. What is your favourite song?Patience by Nas & Damien “Jr. Gong” Marley.Who makes you laugh?Chris Tucker.If you could be born in any year, which one would youchoose?2995 – 1000 + years from my year of birth, to see what the futurelooks like a thousand years on from the year I was born.What is the best thing you have ever achieved?A first-class honours degree.Which superpower would you like to have and why?Time travel, so I could see future technology and also make a lot ofmoney! What is your most vivid childhood memory?Riding the 529 bus to Wolverhampton.What is your biggest regret to date?“Never regret something that once made you happy”.When you were younger, what did you want to be whenyou grew up?A lawyer.What three words best describe you?Positive, enthusiastic and sociable. What three words best describe how you would like to be?Successful, empowering and influential.

Winter 2017/18

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In the Spot l i ght

What does your job involve?

As a store supervisor I am multi-skilled in a variety of dutiesincluding Subway, dailyDeli and the store itself. On a day to daybasis I will do cashing up, date checks and replenishment whilst alsodelegating jobs to other members of staff to ensure the smoothrunning of the store on my shift.

What is your idea of a perfect day?

My perfect day would be going for a walk up Snowdon with myhusband and children and then finishing the day off with a big familyBBQ.

Where is your favourite place?

Anywhere, as long as I am out and about on my bike.

If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it?

Retire early, go abroad and cycle around Europe.

Which three people would you invite to your dreamdinner party?

Donald Trump, Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin.

What is your favourite book?

Fifty Shades of Grey (The Bible is a close second).

Who is your favourite star of film or TV?

Bruce Willis (yippie ki yay).

What is your favourite song?

We Are Family by Sister Sledge - you can rhyme anything with thatsong.

Who makes you laugh?

Roy Chubby Brown because he’s crude.

If you could be born in any year, which one would youchoose?

Any year in the 40s or 50s because men were dapper back then.

What is the best thing you have ever achieved?

Tour de Mon (a 101 mile bike ride around Anglesey) and raising£1000 for the NSPCC.

Which superpower would you like to have and why?

I would like to be able to freeze time because there is neverenough time in a day.

What is your most vivid childhood memory?

My most vivid childhood memory is my parents buying me a puppyfor my 6th birthday and it biting me on my face as soon as it sawme. I have never liked dogs since (Mummy said she took it to thefarm…).

What is your biggest regret to date?

Smoking (the money I could have saved…).

When you were younger, what did you want to be whenyou grew up?

I wanted to be a hairdresser.

What three words best describe you?

Ambitious, loyal and motivated.

What three words best describe how you would like to be?

Efficient, organised and logical.

Michelle McKenzie-Store Supervisor - Valley

Nicola Campbell-Store Manager - Brackla

What does your job involve?

Managing the store to ensure we achieve our budgets in all areasthat are set to make a profit for the business. I am also responsiblefor giving excellent customer service to all customers andcolleagues and empowering staff to reach their potential whilstensuring they enjoy their job.

What is your idea of a perfect day?

Relaxing with the family and having a day off.

Where is your favourite place?


If you won a lot of money, what would you do with it?

Ensure my family was okay; take a holiday; give some to charity andsecure my future.

Which three people would you invite to your dreamdinner party?

Leigh Halfpenny, my husband and dad.

What is your favourite book?

I don’t read books.

Who is your favourite star of film or TV?

Will Smith.

What is your favourite song?

Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams.

Who makes you laugh?

My children’s wicked sense of humour.

If you could be born in any year, which one would youchoose?

The year I was born: 1969. It was a fab year to be born in formusic, life experiences, safety and fun.

What is the best thing you have ever achieved?

Having my children.

Which superpower would you like to have and why?

Speed, so I had enough time in the day to do everything.

What is your most vivid childhood memory?

Holidays with my family at Butlins.

What is your biggest regret to date?

Not following my dream to work with children.

When you were younger, what did you want to be whenyou grew up?

I wanted to work with children.

What three words best describe you?

Small, loud and bubbly.

What three words best describe how you would like to be?

Tall, thin and rich.

Winter 2017/18

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AwardsWinter 2017/18

Your Customer Care AwardsDo you have a member of the team that goes that extra

mile and deserves a Customer Care Award?

Email / Visit: post your nomination to Blakemore Retail Training Support,Longacres Industrial Estate, Rose Hill, Willenhall WV13 2JP

Nominating someone is easy:

Just tell us why you think they deserve it. Staff can be nominated for an award by a customer or a colleague. A monthly winner willreceive £50 worth of Love2Shop vouchers.

July 2016The team at Taylors Avenue

August 2016Suzanne and Bernice atDolgellau Post Office

September 2016Jack Woodman – Tonyrefail

October 2016Trevor Wigley – Sutton-on-Sea

November 2016Philip Ashcroft – Fairfield

December 2016 The team at Tonyrefail

April 2017Gary Watts and Jane Blees –Builth Wells Post Office

May 2017Damien Darrington – Melton


June 2017Callum Martin – Birmingham


Congratulations to these recentCustomer Care award winners:

Jack Woodman - Tonyrefail

Tonyrefail Team

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Long Ser v iceWinter 2017/18

Over the last 12 months many Blakemore Retail colleagues have reached long service milestonesfrom 3 to 40 years. Thank you to all of them for their continued service.

3 Years

Celebrating Long Service

Angela Morgan -Porthcawl

Amanda Baker -Brunswick Road

Abbie Newton -Kirkgate

Ashely Przyszlak -Droitwich

Daniel Thomas -Bannerbrook

Clarissa Huchison -Brumby Corner

Charlotte Fogg -Brumby Corner

Ashley Wood -Tenbury Wells

Celine Francis -Leegomery

David Metcalfe -Bakewell

Deboarah Coupe -Tonyrefail

Louise Gething -Cefn Glas

Lisa Renno -Brumby Corner

Julian Black -Store Development

Laena Cole -Bishop’s Castle

Keely Carroll -Manchester Airport T2

Kerry Wright -Kirkgate

Laura Shaw -Upton

Julie Philpott -Backwell

Lee Garvey -New Road

Lauren Lloyd -Buckley

Lisa German -Humberston

Linda Rushton -Gainsborough

Jose Dermietzel -Tenbury Wells

Jade Prosser -Porthcawl

Jim Hare -Upton

Derek Cook -Bromsgrove

Gwendy Flynn -Tenbury Wells

Heather Bayley -Ross on Wye

Louise Green -Ludlow

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Long Ser v iceWinter 2017/18

Celebrating Long Service3 Years continued

Sarah Beattie -Droitwich

Tash Griffiths -Ludlow

Susanne Sparham -Brumby Corner

Susan Ratcliffe -Upton

Teresa Kershaw -Caerleon Road

Toni Harris -Leegomery

Toni Pope -Rugeley

Rebecca Knowles -Beddau

Sadie McManus -Holywell

Samantha Whitfield -Mill Street

Ryan Onions -Brunswick Road

Rachel Rogers -Gainsborough

Rachel Evans -Brumby Corner

Patricia Dove -Myatts Field

Pippa Shenton andLucy Roberts -Leegomery

Meg Halai -Llandaff

5 Years

Caroline Wills -Operations Support &Marketing Assistant Manager

Allison Lynch -Hatherley

Angela Lewis -Ashgate

Cath Williams -Elton

Donna Cooper -Area Manager

Elsie Hodge -Much Wenlock

Gabby Wragg -Hardys Road

Greta Brickwood -Outwood

Janet Knowles -Elton

Iona Baxter -Droitwich

Jerald Thevathas -Myatts Field

Martin Burkitt -Humberston

Mark Newberry -Llandaff

Maureen Magee -Caerleon Road

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Winter 2017/18

Long Ser v ice

5 Years continued

10 Years

Frances Thomas -Holywell

Hayley Jones -Bishop’s Castle

Jo Brown -Kirkgate

Jane Pattinson -Wells

Jodee Cummins -Manchester Airport T1

Karen Jones -Warndon

Gill Darley -Quay Road Post Office

Anne Farrall -Elton

Angela Crowther -Droitwich

Fay Fahey -Cefn Glas

Darren Kitson -Baghill

Emma Tucker -Ponthir

Sonia Chilton -Scartho Post Office

Stacey Long -Chepstow Road

Mark Bostock -Area Manager

Michaela Hardwick -Droitwich

Nick Orchard -Rugeley

Shirley Thomas Plant -Manchester Airport T1

Sally Purcell -Llandaff

Patrick Cuniffe -Holmewood

Marcus Sims -Elton

Lynette Davies -Brunswick Road

Lisa Williams -Mount Crescent

Linda Byrne -Tonyrefail

Julie Devereux -Hasland Post Office

Joanne Duffy -Droitwich

Karen Jebson -Kirkgate

Kirsty Tideswell -Forsbrook

Karrie Davies -Brumby Corner

Karen Sherwood -Hagley

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Celebrating Long Service10 Years continued

Tracey Wilson -Market Harborough

Sandra Wright -Caerleon Road

Stephen Wade -Newtown

Theresa Frankish -Quay Road

Sally Stephenson -Trinity Road

Rachel Sleight -Barton

Pam James -Walton

Pat Williams -Garden City

Preeti Jain -Crosspool

15 Years

Ann Sampson -Elton

Ann Knights -Newbold

Anamul Hoque -Olton

Carol Ranford -Bulwark

Ceri Jones -Cardigan

Catherine Rees -Treorchy

Cath Rees-Sula -New Inn

Abbie Long -Oulton Broad

Allen Collett -St Fagans Road

Deb Thomas -Cefn Fforest

Deborah Jones -Coedpoeth

Del Holmes -Birmingham University

Darryl Parker -Abertridwr

Christine Chambers -Valley

Chris Wigston -Ashgate

Michelle Dunn -Terminus Road

Kerri Anne -Caerleon Road

Lorna Jackson -Crowland Post Office

Linda Bruce -New Waltham Post Office

Margret Watts -Caerleon Road

Kerrie Small -Bradley Cross Roads

Long Ser v iceWinter 2017/18

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Heather Powell -Brewood

Helen Reed -Llanharry

Jenny Bray -Ross-on-Wye

Jenny Anderson -Fairwater

Jenny Bird -Newtown

15 Years continued

Sarah Douglas -Warndon Post Office

Sandy Wood-Brignall -Prestayn

Nia Hughes -Coedpoeth

Nicola Jones -Mill Street

Nicola Wakeman -Wollaston

Michael Lawson -Wollaston

Melissa Bamber -Fourways

Mike Wigley -Gorseinon

Lynn Henderson -St Ives

Louise Barrett -Loughor

Lisa Carter -Lawnswood

Karen Whitwell -Barton

Linda Perry -Lapwood

Lesley Shakespeare -Russell Hall

Linda Robinson -Ponthir

Karen Cooper -Russells Hall

Julie Taylor -Broseley

Julie Jones -Greatstone

Donna Stickler -New Road

Gayle Dearlove -Coedpoeth

Gavin Jones -Valley

Helen Mills -Llanidloes

Gaynor Haley -Treherbert

Gillian Taylor -Drakes Cross

Glynis Williams -Bodelwyddan

Winter 2017/18

Long Ser v ice

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Long Ser v iceWinter 2017/18

Celebrating Long Service15 Years continued

Beverley Wakefield -Trevethin

Dawn Tyrer -Ecclesall Road

Dawn Magness -Brunswick Road

Christine Humphrey -Bridgend

Donna Reed -Thorngumbald

Gill Hughes -Caergwrle

Jaz Chana -Broseley

Karen Roberts -Rhyl

Jeanette Follows -Pelsall

Jun Gibb -Coedpoeth

Helen Johnston -Kirkgate

Glen Campbell -Coseley

Linda Maund -Tenbury Wells

Kathy Phillips -Filton

Kerri Maloney -Trevethin

Mark Taylor -Wordsley

Lynn Caldecott -Chirk

Lynn Bacon -Great Wyrley

Marie Green -Coseley

Mel Thacker -Caerleon Road

20 Years

Andrea Thomas -Risca Park

Ann Birchard -Cefn Fforest

Barbara Allen -Greatstone

Thomas Gough -Kidderminster

Tara Walters -Llanmartin

Susan Olsen -Hoo

Seren Evans -Holywell

Stephen Chambers -Valley

Sue Gibson -Prestatyn

Sarah O'Hara -Glascote Heath

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Winter 2017/18

Long Ser v ice

Venessa Howes -Porthmadog

20 Years continued

25 Years

Dawn Nolan -Bettws

Cath Jones -Dyserth

Ellen Williams -Amlwch

Jenny Offa -Builth Wells

Helen Bonson -Food to Go Coach

John Kelly -Area Manager

Lois Jones -Pontycymmer

Pamela Marsh -Lapwood

Marilyn Simpson -Warboys

Tracey Jones -Much Wenlock

Debbie Old -Ewenny Road

Sue Vaughan -Aberystwyth

Rowena Frogett -Machynlleth

30 Years

35 Years

Julie Kilvington -Treherbert

Robert Kelly -Bannerbrook

Dawn Turner -Wordsley

Nerys Mortimer -Rhuddlan

40 Years

Nayna Mistry -Retail Trainer

Michelle Lawson -Fairfield

Natalie Moore -Rhuddlan

Pamela Smith -Broseley

Paul Carey -Cefn Glas

Sandra Rewston -Thurcroft

Sandra Jones -Fourways

Scott Tucker -Mount Crescent

Tracey Baker -Prestatyn

Sue Cunnah -Caergwrle

Sylvia Green -Pelsall

Tina D'Arcy -Merthyr Tydfil

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Winter 2017/18

Lotter y


December 2016Draw

Staff Lottery Winners

Matt Davies -Ludlow

Lyn Cox -Lawnswood




Yvonne Leach -Burbage


Ruth Brett -Ashgate


Jane Morgan -Ramsgate


Linda Jordan -Sherburn


Daniel Angelides -Walsall Manor


Jayne Pitt -Bentley


Sarah Deakin -Operations Support &Marketing Manager


March 2017Draw

Pamela Foster -Winterton



Jane Cook -Droitwich



Ruth Mutton -Regional Manager



June 2017Draw

Emma Jones -Llanberis

Shaun Diamond -Assistant DevelopmentManager





Donna Reed -Thorngumbald



Panna Desai -Myatts Field


Helen Igoe -Crowland


Kay Cox -Cardiff Road


Joanne Reynolds -Russells Hall


Susan Holmes -Creswell


Kellie Orchard Reid -Amlwch


Kamran Shah -Crosspool


Adam McCluskey -Gresford


Sally Smith -Wordsley


Lisa Voss -Drummond Road


Andrea MariaMatthews - Sherburn


Adam St Quinton -Aylsham Road


Jeanette Sims -Sleaford


Laura Williams -Gwersyllt


Gaynor Williams -Aberavon


Glenville Campbell -Coseley


Chris Wigston -Newbold


Jessica Broad -Aberavon


Jane Clowes -Lapwood


Gail Meredith -Wrexham


Gareth James -Regional Manager


September 2017 Draw

Alwena Jones -Llanberis


Roger Harker -Drummond Road


Jackie Goldring -Prestatyn


Anamul Hogue -Olton


Megan Massey -Glascoate Heath


Andrew Stringer -New Waltham


Ruth Mutton -Regional Manager


Judy Saywell -Shawbirch


Gail Meredith -Wrexham


Angela Townsend -Intake


Amanda Day -Brumby Corner


Mandy Williams -Stonydelph


Seren Evans -Holywell


Leon Williams -Wrexham


Amber Doody -Fernhill Heath


Julie Diggins -Ramsgate


The Staff Lottery draws take place four times a year, currently in March, June,September and December. If you would like to be in with a chance of winning,please complete the Staff Lottery application form that can be found in the ‘YourCare Programme’ folder on SharePoint.

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Winter 2017/18




John Dyson - Area ManagerCan you give us a brief overview of your career with thecompany?

I started with Price Rite in 1973 as a trainee manager, aged 20, inBletchley, Milton Keynes. I had previously worked for VG FoodStores from 1970 to 1973.The first store I managed was Price Rite Carters Green in WestBromwich, in 1975. Price Rite was taken over by Argyll Foods,which changed its name to Lo-Cost Discount Stores.I then managed several stores until 1986, and was promoted toArea Manager in 1986. I managed an area with 15-16 stores andwas involved in refits and the takeover of stores under severalnames i.e. Safeway, Presto, Liptons, Fine Fare and Mac Fisheries.I came to A.F. Blakemore in 1994 with the acquisition of Lo-CostStores.

What are your happiest memories at A.F. Blakemore?

Management conferences where all of the teams get together asone massive team with the same goals (not to mention the eventsand parties).

What have you most liked about working for thecompany?

Working with fantastic people year after year.

What advice would you give to people who want todevelop their careers at A.F. Blakemore today?

Quality work, by quality people, gets quality results so, work hardand be smart and you will reap the rewards.

How do you see the future of the company?

With the development of dailyDeli, Bargain Bites, Subway, Greggs,and fuel sites, the company is developing multi-skilled colleaguesand creating its own unique selling proposition, which will hold A.F.Blakemore in good stead for its future development and success ina fiercely competitive market, moving forward successfully for thenext 100 years.

What does retirement hold for you?

Nobody knows the future, but I have set myself a few personalchallenges, so hopefully, with good health, I can achieve a lower golfhandicap and continue cycling, take a few more holidays with mywife Yvonne and enjoy the next chapter in my life.

Can you give us a brief overview of your career with thecompany?

I joined the business in April 2005 as Regional Manager for theSouth East after 25 years with Somerfield. The region has changedseveral times and I have controlled many different stores as far asManchester, Nottingham and Lincoln and when the Capper mergerhappened the region grew substantially with 19 stores being addedin Kent, Sussex and Surrey.

What are your happiest memories at A.F. Blakemore?

My involvement in the development of new stores and seeing themtransform into successful, key stores for the company. We have hadsome great results with stores and areas being nominated andwinning Store of Excellence awards - it has always given me a buzzto see my team be successful. I also have to say that I have beenvery lucky in being involved in the company and businessconferences and these have always been excellent days,incorporating the business and social elements that are importantin building a good business culture.

What have you most liked about working for thecompany?

The development of the region and the people that make up thebusiness, as well as the relationships and support over the yearsthat have helped with this development and contributed to thesuccess of the region and the business. Great people workingwithin an inclusive culture supported by the Blakemore Way.

What advice would you give to people who want todevelop their careers at A.F. Blakemore today?

It’s a great business to learn, develop and progress in by applyingyourself diligently and positively with determination and resolve toachieve your best.

How do you see the future of the company?

With the Blakemore family leading the way, the business has a greatfuture. It’s important to innovate and embrace new ideas in thisever-changing world but it is just as important to remember yourcore business to ensure that it is maintained, as this is theheartbeat of the company.

What does retirement hold for you?

I have always wanted to volunteer and support worthy causes inorder to contribute to society, so I am off to support a churchschool in Cusco, Peru, initially and then I will look to see whatother opportunities there may be. I see this change in my life as thenext stage and really intend to remain active and involved in asmany challenges as possible. I am looking forward with greatexcitement and I will certainly let you know how I get on!

Brian Cherry - Regional Manager

In 2017, Blakemore Retail bid farewell to two of its long serving managers. Wecaught up with John and Brian to find out about their time with the business.

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NewsWinter 2017/18


CelebrationsIf you’ve got a photo you’d like tosubmit to It’s Your News please email itto

Here are a few we’ve receivedsince the last magazine:

Caroline Smith retired fromStannington in August after 25 years’service.

Jackie Thursfield retired fromBentley in August after 14 years’service.

Lyn Griffin retired from Backwell inAugust after 8 years’ service.

Joy Adams retired from PothouseLane in August after 26 years’ service.

Many happy returns to SeniorRegional Manager Owen Davies whocelebrated his 60th in September.

Many happy returns to Ludlow StoreManager Teresa Rigby whocelebrated her 50th birthday earlierthis year.

Births Congratulations toFresh FoodOperations SupportCoordinatorHayley Parsons andCefn Glas StoreManager Sean Barryon the birth of theirdaughter Belle LouiseBarry, born 9thOctober at 12:40pmand weighing 5lb 2oz.

Congratulations to Rachel Inman fromLong Sutton who gave birth to a daughter,Eloise Alice weighing 8lb 11oz at 12.12pmon 21st July 2017.


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Winter 2017/18


Competition Corner

WIN£50Worth of Vouchers!

Your Chance to

For this edition’s CompetitionCorner we’re challenging youto come up with a caption forthe photo below of BlakemoreRetail Operations Support &Marketing Assistant ManagerCaroline Wills.

Whoever submits thebest entry will receive£50 worth of giftvouchers for a store oftheir choice.

Please submit your entry toOperations Support &Marketing AssistantManager Caroline Wills viaemail or post. Make sure youinclude the following details:

Your name:

Your suggestion:

Your store or department:

Telephone number:Send your entries to:Operations Support & Marketing Assistant Manager Caroline Wills,Blakemore Retail, Longacres Industrial Estate, Rose Hill, Willenhall WV13

Caption MeIn the last edition ofCompetition Corner we askedyou to come up with a captionfor this photo of RegionalManager Brian Cherry andArea Manager Mark Wilkinson.Gavin Bailey from Docking wasawarded £50 of gift vouchersfor his winning caption:

"Honest Brian, they told methe sun shone out of here

but I can't see it"

Caption Me

PR4203 B_Retail Magazine It’s Your News 2017 V2017.qxp_A4 13/12/2017 14:02 Page 63

to all Blakemore Retail employees and customers who raised an astonishing

£301,268 for the NSPCC’s Speak Out. Stay Safe. programme in 2016/17.

This money will allow us to reach over 80,000 primary school children to give them the knowledge and

understanding to stay safe from abuse and neglect.

If you would like to volunteer for this fantastic service, please contact Liz Blakemore, Community Affairs Officer on

0121 568 2910 or to find out more!







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A big thank you

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ISSUE 7 Winter 2017/18

PR4203 B_Retail Magazine It’s Your News 2017 V2017.qxp_A4 13/12/2017 14:02 Page 64

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