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How to Realize Any Dream Through the Mastermind Principle

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.1

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret! How to Realize Any Dream Through the

Mastermind Principle

James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen

“The Master Secret” reveals the Mastermind

Principle and how to use it at a completely new



© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.2

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

The Authors

JAMES SKINNER is the founder of two global financial

groups that manage billions of dollars of assets. He is

also recognized as one of the world’s foremost business

thinkers and appears regularly on Japanese television.

ROICE KRUEGER co-founded Franklin Covey, the

world’s largest training company, and has supervised

consulting projects for 80 percent of the Fortune 500.

MARK VICTOR HANSEN is the co-creator of the Chicken

Soup for the Soul empire and is the best-selling nonfiction

author of all time. His goal is to make the planet work

for all humanity!

NOTE: Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ is a

collaboration of three of the world’s most amazing

authors, speakers, and thinkers. The first person “I” may

refer to any of the authors.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.3

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

Achieving Without Doing

The world is created by thought.

This is the great secret of the ages and the ultimate

discovery of modern science.

The entire universe self-organizes in response to

what we think—the impulses of thought energy, which

electrify our environment, literally turn us into magnets

that can attract anything that we need, want, or desire

into our orbit of influence.

Achieving without doing may seem unnatural to

you, but it is really quite the opposite.

Take just a minute to think about what a magnet


A magnet does not do anything.

It just is. It sits there, engaging in no action, and yet

everything around it that is of a similar nature, i.e., made

of a ferrous metal, is attracted to it.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.4

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

How does it do this?

A ferromagnet is created whenever the magnetic

moment of the valance electrons—those electrons in the

outermost shell of an atom—are aligned with each


In other words, whenever things start heading in a

common direction, magnetic forces are created and

attraction occurs.

The same is true of us.

By merely desiring or wanting something in our

lives, we align the forces of our spirit in a single

direction and begin to encounter, notice, attract, and

enchant all of the people and other resources that we

need to make our desire a reality.

From this perspective, desiring or wanting can be

seen as an action of the spirit!

Desire is an action of the spirit.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.5

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

Wanting is an action of the spirit.

Thoughts are actions of the spirit.

Desire is an action of the spirit!

Now, there are only two ways to get anything done.

You can either do it with the body or do it with spirit.

Which do you think is faster?

Which do you think is more powerful?

By using the laws of the power of thought we can

turn ourselves into a money magnet, a boy- or girl

magnet, a business magnet, an invention-and-innovation

magnet, or any other type of magnet we desire.

The Mastermind Principle

With any ferromagnet, the more valance electrons that

are aligned, the stronger the magnet will become.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.6

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

The Mastermind Principle has long been known and

taught by the masters of the ages, but it is

misunderstood more often than not.

Most people have heard of Mastermind groups but

have no idea of how to go about forming one or

operating one or using one to accelerate their success.

The most common belief about Mastermind groups

is that they are a place where people come together to

share ideas and to give advice.

This completely misses the point.

A Mastermind group is a group that comes together

to desire for you what you desire for yourself!

By having a group of people gathered together and

all desiring the same thing, the human attraction magnet

at a spiritual level grows bigger.

Just as having more electrons aligned increases the

pull of a ferromagnet on the physical level, so having

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.7

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

more people aligned increases the pull of a human

magnet at the spiritual level.

For those with a religious perspective, individual

prayer becomes group prayer.

Building the Mastermind

I want to tell you now exactly how to build your

Mastermind Group.

Because of the incredible magnetic potential of the

Mastermind to attract and rearrange the universe on

your behalf, you should be exceedingly careful and

thoughtful in selecting the members of your group.

There are four principles that will guide you in this


Selection Principle 1: The Mastermind Group is

Not Open to Application

There may be many people who want to join your

group, but generally speaking, a Mastermind group

should not be open to application.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.8

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

Every Mastermind requires an Initiator, who holds

the responsibility of being in relationship with every

member of the group.

Selection of the Mastermind members is up to the


The Initiator may consult with other people in

making these decisions, but ultimately it is the Initiator

who must choose and invite members into the group.

Selection Principle 2: All Members Must Have a

Positive Mindset

The Mastermind relies on a positive mindset for the

generation of its tremendous force.

You should only invite people who are possessed of

a positive outlook, mindset, and character—people who

exude a positive energy.

Never allow your meetings to be clouded with


© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.9

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

Feel free to fire immediately any member who does

not live up to the standard.

Selection Principle 3: Members Must Exhibit the

Possibility Mind

The Mastermind is predicated upon a true

understanding of reality.

Limitation is always an illusion. Only possibility is


Only possibility is real.

Consequently, members of the Mastermind must

perpetually exhibit the Possibility Mind—which is the

mind of the universe, believing that all things are

possible even if we do not yet know how or we

currently lack the vision to see how they may be


Once you begin to operate in the context of the

Mastermind, all previous conceptions that you held

about what is possible in this world in a lifetime, in a

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.10

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

week, in a day, or in an hour will fly out the window.

You are entering new ground where everything is

possible and any reality can be created.

NASA literally put a man on the moon through

using the Mastermind Principle. One man stepped on

the moon, but the Mastermind that put him there was

more than 150,000 people strong.

Selection Principle 4: Members Must be Fun to Be


This is the most important selection criteria.

Members of your Mastermind Group must be wildly

fun to be with—whatever that means for you.

Look in your circle of friends, relations, and

acquaintances, and choose the seven to eight people

who are the most fun to be with. That is your list!

Operating a Mastermind Group

The operation of a Mastermind is fundamentally simple,

easy, and enjoyable.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.11

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

Operating Principle 1: The Mastermind Group

Must Meet Regularly

The Mastermind should meet on a regular schedule,

with monthly meetings being recommended in most


The reason for this is simple. Your Mastermind

must be sustainable. It should never be a burden on the


For this reason, you should think very carefully

before undertaking to join more than one Mastermind.

Regular meetings are essential to the unity and

relationship that will empower your Mastermind group

to achieve the level of miracles that you desire to see in

your life.

Operating Principle 2: The Mastermind Group

Should Meet in a Location that Inspires Possibility

Choose a location that inspires a sense of possibility.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.12

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

This may be done at no cost, such as meeting in

nature, or you may choose to go to some expense to

meet in the most inspiring and uplifting surroundings


My Mastermind group, for example, had its last

meeting in an over-water villa at a tropical resort in the

Maldives. We have also met in restaurants, hotels, and

other locations less glamorous, as the occasion permits.

Nevertheless, you may want to go to some effort to

secure the best location possible for your meetings—

whatever that means for you.

The mind cannot distinguish between things

imagined with clarity and things remembered. But, it is

easier to imagine things that you remember as a part of

your experience.

It is easier to vividly imagine things that are part

of your memory!

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.13

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

At one of our early meetings, we chartered a Rolls-

Royce Phantom VI to transport all the members

between the restaurant where we were meeting and the

train station.

If you have ridden in a chauffeured Rolls-Royce

once, it is fairly easy to imagine something like that

happening to you again.

Once again, be guided by your instincts about what

is best for your group, and what will take your

imagination and the power of your thought to the next


You may want to sit on the steps of the seat of

political power in your community and imagine the

members of your group running your nation or


You may want to go into nature and think on the

great power of God and of the universe in organizing

the variety (by whatever means it was achieved) that we

see before us, and think on the great interactions and

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.14

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

unity among all things in creating the song of life that

sings to us so sweetly every day.

Just remember, wherever you meet, let it be a place

that speaks of possibility to your soul.

Operating Principle 3: Desire for Each Other

Whatever it is That Each of You Desires

Remember, a Mastermind group is a group that comes

together to desire for each member what that member


Where advice and encouragement is given, it is given

out of the spirit of desire and is a consequence of it.

But such advice and encouragement is not and never

has been the essence of the Mastermind.

Each member in the group should take turns sharing

the one thing that they most want at this time.

Then the other members of the group desire that

the individual’s desires and wishes be realized.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.15

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

They do not need to speak. They do not need to

“do” anything. All that is needed is for the members to

desire that each other’s desires be fulfilled.

Operating Principle 4: Desire Good for the Planet

The final step is this. One member represents the group

in stating what they desire for the planet.

Then the whole group desires this for the planet.

In the end, heaven and hell are ultimately choices

that we make by choosing good or evil in this life.

Heaven and hell are ultimately choices that we

make by choosing good or evil in this life.

We need practice every month in desiring good for

the world.

© 2007, James Skinner, Roice Krueger, and Mark Victor Hansen, All rights reserved.16

Ideas That Can Change Your Life™ in Manifestation

The Master Secret!

It is our goal to create more than a million

Mastermind groups that come together every month to

desire good for the world.

There is no question that when this is achieved we

collectively can manifest the magnetic energy to attract

ideas, inventions, policies, and approaches that will

make the planet work for every man, woman, and child

who shares this precious orb.

With best wishes that your every desire should be


James Skinner, Roice Krueger, Mark Victor Hansen


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