the melting snow

Post on 05-Sep-2015






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The author believes that the life and love have been created at the same time in the heaven. And the love and life exist and will be existing infinitely. And in completing this long journey , the human being must meet failures and successes. This implies that the human life moves ahead like wave of sea following the other waves . In fact, the waves catch no waves ; but they move ahead. In other words, this suggest that the life needs to be adapted to the upcoming changes taking place in the social, political, cultural and scientific fields. And we have got to accept these changes as life will continue to move ahead with success and failures before finally ending its long journey . The love and life can be seen in the light of the following poetic words: ” The drop of love drops from the heaven as dew of blossomed flowers, And the beauty shines the beauty touching the feeling of love ,The mind changes the minds like the new stream of thoughts change the minds of many as followers, And the waves of sea catches no waves and follow the ahead ones reaching the shore.The author believes that the life moves ahead with the love and support of parents (i.e. particularly mother and father). And nothing is more important for anyone in life than loving family and being loved. For that to make happen, the parents have to play the main role as the children begin to learn everything from home . And the feeling of love grows within the family and remains for being shared in the society in the years to come.


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    The Melting Snow

    Dr Faruque Mirza

    The Melting Snow

    Monograph of Poetry

    Published, Brussels, 5 January, 2015
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    The Melting Snow


    Author i

    Preface ii

    Acknowledgement iii

    Chapters iv

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    Author i

    Faruque Mirza has done his B.A Honours M.A in economics from Rajshahi University

    in Bangladesh in 1972. He joined civil service of Bangladesh in 1973 and posted as

    Traffic Officer in BRTC under the Ministry of Communication, Railways, Roads and

    Highways and Road Transport Division as an equivalent post of Assistant

    Commissioner of Government of Bangladesh. He worked in different positions including

    Division Manager , Project Manager and Project Coordinator ( UNROB, UNDP and

    ILO under Rehabilitation Programme of Truck Division of BRTC ,Truck Division ) and

    during his short tenure of services before undergoing a training programme in Belgium

    under the Belgian Technical Assistance Programme. As a Belgian citizen, he is living in


    He left his job in 1983 and continued his studies in Brussels until obtaining Master of

    Industrial Location and Development, Master of Business Administration and Ph. D in

    economics sciences from University of Brussels in 1991. After finished his studies, he

    worked as research fellow in Mathematics, Operation Research , Statistics and

    Information System for Management (MOSI) under the Faculty of Economics and Social

    Sciences (ESP) until 1995 before joining as professor of economics at the Inter-university

    Institute for Training and Development (ITTD) in Brussels jointly managed by

    Universite Libre Brussels (ULB) and (VUB) Vrije Universitei Brussels where he worked

    until 2003. During this intervening period, he also worked short time as visiting professor

    of Khulna University and North South University in Bangladesh.

    From 2003 -2007, he worked as Research fellow under MOSI ; and later he joined to

    Department of Mechanical Engineering as Senior Research Fellow ,Scientific Advisor

    ( Project Design, Economic Evaluation and Coordination) to Research Group, Fluid

    Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB), Pleinlaan-2,

    1050,Brussels where he is still working.

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    The melting snow

    Preface ii

    The author believes that the human mind changes all the time. And the mind changes

    with the changed environment around which one lives. This means that ones behaviour

    depends partly on him and partly under environment where he is living (i.e. between kind

    and harsh and tough and easy ). And behaviour of a person transforms from hard state

    to soft state and vice versa under the changed circumstances. In short, human mind is

    changeable all the time. Conducting daily business of life, the flexibility in decision

    making is necessary. And that is true from an ordinary man to the man of highest stature.

    The adjustment takes place all the time in decision making process. The lesson we must

    learn is to become strict as well as flexible in living our lives; and that is exactly what one

    expects from a normal person. And the human being needs to be flexible always to

    adjust the environment where he is and will be living in the future. In order to live a happy

    and peaceful life , one has to be prepared to accept pain and pleasure, happiness and

    sadness and strictness and softness.

    The ultimate goal of life is to feel love and happiness . Thinking happiness without love

    is as much unrealistic as thinking life without emotion and feeling. The life without

    emotion and feeling make a person hard and unsocial. Feeling of love between two

    persons are not always the same as they are always two different persons. As such, the

    love exists between two persons as long as they are willing to feel love making

    adjustment and sharing feeling. Therefore, thinking of a happy life without love and

    adjustment is impossible. The life exists as we feel love around us. And life exists and

    will be existing as long as if we possess love in its different forms. This means that love

    must be shared by different group of people differently as part of their relationships. (i.e.

    husbands love for wife, parents loves for children, lover s love for lover and brothers love

    for sisters and the opposite) By same analogy, the love exists between two persons only

    if they are believing and doing things without much difference. Here again, adjustment of

    feeling and thinking come to play its part in keeping love between the partners. These

    explicit behaviours of humankinds are natural outcome of relationship; and that

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    relationship between male and female exits from time immemorial and will perpetuate as

    long as human being will be existing in this world.

    The author also believes that we all feel love; and cherish that deep in our minds even if

    we do not say explicitly. That is why love dominates our lives. And nothing is more

    important in our lives than possessing love and sharing within family and friends. In

    other words, the feeling of love is felt through adjustment. For that to make happen, the

    parents have to play central role as the children begin to learn everything from home

    The adjustment is achieved through taking by giving. And the feelings of love between

    lovers and members of family or society exist and grow on that very basic understanding.

    As a matter of fact, the peaceful co-existence of human race is not possible without love

    and sharing love .This is true as much for the family as for the society as a whole ; where

    we all live and have to live now and in the future. The life becomes peaceful only if love

    exist between lovers, husband and wife , members of family and the people living in the

    society. In broader sense, the same is true among people living as a citizen of a country .

    And to cultivate love and spread that throughout the world, we have to build a society

    where people will not feel shortage of love. And this ideal situation can be thought of

    more easily than achieved. But this does not mean that we cannot think of creating such

    ideal situation in our society. In fact , what we need to create that situation , is to change

    us to change the mentality of our generation and the next . This implies that the

    thoughtful people , the social scientists , teachers and political leaders who have lot of

    intellectual influences on the society have to come forward to changing the part where

    they really want to change.

    We can create threshold for being loved and shared in a pluralistic society where we now

    live and will be living in the future. And more importantly , the parents have to play an

    important role to grow love among their children matching societal needs and physical

    conditions existing around them. In fact, lives of human , animals or plants have their

    own roots of feeling ;and those are reflected in their behaviours in respect of love,

    happiness , sorrows, liking, disliking , rejection and so on. These are natural phenomena of

    our lives that we are and will be carrying forward to hand down to the generation in the

    years to come.

    In this materialistic world, society needs more lovable and generous persons than more

    egoistic rich men. Because , we live as couple and member of society in a pluralistic

    society where many poor and unhappy persons live with us. In fact, the society benefits

    significantly if love is created, nurtured and sustained among us to spread through stages

    to different stratum of people (i.e. living with diversity of thought). Hopefully, many

    people understand the need of love as much for their families as for others.

    Inviting friends and family in dinar parties , reciting poetry, listening songs, meeting

    people in social gathering ,making jokes and so on are part of social amusement as part of

    integrating different groups of people achieving common goal of peaceful social life. These

    activities not only reduce the distance of relationship among groups of people, particularly

    young and old ,but also mental health of the society and establish platform for ensuring

    peaceful co-existence of human being. Beside these, the cultivation of friendly relation

    among people creates a platform for achieving peaceful coexistence , growth of healthy

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    generation ,economic prosperity and tension free society for all. And we can achieve that

    broad objective and become a part of an advanced society if we believe in integration of

    diversity without barrier. We do not have to bear any cost for loving people and being

    loved. Let us all become human kinds and be loved likewise. Because, at the end of the

    day, we all have to leave this world leaving everything behind that we claim to be ours.

    The love needs to be loved , as the best part of human life passes through love and

    sharing love. And we all struggle to fulfil our demand of love through individual and

    collective efforts. As part of fulfilling our lives, the society evolves where human being

    live together in a social environment enjoying love and other demands of life through

    diversity (i.e. liking and disliking of all types) ; and that becomes the relevant social

    inter-action. In fact, we are born to struggle matching us with everything, everyone and

    everywhere ! But it is not easy to have an appropriate match, even in our family or society

    where we are living now and will be in the future. Yet we always try to match. Who

    dislikes love and affection? All of us like to love and be loved. The question remains to be

    seen whether all of us have it or we are rightly exploiting the available opportunities to

    nurture love; or are we doing enough to create and spread the love among our dearer and

    nearer ones.?

    All what we need to do to achieve that ideal environment is the following: i) cultivating

    love in every layers of society through networking, ii) eradicating jealousy iii), integrating

    people of the world by believing diversity of thought , colour and races and iv) treating all

    human being equally human , v) avoiding conflict than winning in the conflict and vi)

    preventing destruction of natural regime. The concerted efforts of all human races are

    inextricably relevant to achieving these objectives. But the initiation for achieving these

    specific objectives have to come from the resourceful people and particularly resourceful

    young generation leaders of the world.

    To leap frog our efforts to cultivate love and spread feeling of love among people,

    different audio-video means are to be seen as instrumental. Thanks to various business

    operators in the ICT sector ( i.e. internet, Goggle, MSN , Face-book, Twitter , LinkedIn ,

    blog, Instagram , youtube and so on ) which are playing important roles as main

    contributor to the social and professional networking. Hopefully, these operators are and

    will be working to mashroom the social networks more than ever before , sothat the

    friendly relationship among people of different ages and social groups are increased in

    different countries in the years to come.

    This monograph of poetry has been written in different period of time imagining hopes for

    love, realisation of love and creation of relationship and so on. These situational scenarios

    have to be seen, if any similarity exists among those imaginary relationship, as

    imaginatively created. In fact, lover ,love relationship, feeling and exposition of sentiment

    that have emerged in various parts of the theme in this monogram of poetry are fictitious

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    The Melting snow

    Acknowledgement iii

    The people whom I love to thank are my colleagues in the university who directly and

    indirectly helped me to successfully bring to an end to this undertaking. It needs to be

    mentioned here that this undertaking would not have been completed within the set

    timeframe, should my family members were not supportive to allow me taking their

    times to think and write this monogram of poetry . I am also thankful to Professor Chris

    Lacor for his encouragement and help finishing this monogram of poetry. Mr Alain

    Wery who has provided all technical support. Special thanks needs to be given to

    Chairman, Research Group of Fluid Mechanic and Thermodynamics Department of

    Mechanical Engineering , Professor Dr Chris Lacor for his help. Without having their

    supports ,it would be difficult for me to complete this undertaking.

    Beside this, I have to mention some of face book friends namely Kazi Rzjib, Dilwar, Arif

    Khan, Shivly Anwar, Meghla Akash, Hanif Bablu, Pranab, Asgor Asgor, Onor Uddin,

    ahmed firoz, Khondakar A Hafiz, Assaduzzaman and celebrities, young generation

    leaders and dignitaries living in different countries of the world who have always been

    generous reading my poetry ( posted in the face book ,Google and Scribd ) expressing

    their invaluable comments. Their supports have helped me to concentrate on advancing

    my fifth monogram of poetry as this one.

    Last but not the least, I must express my gratitude to my family and friends who have

    directly or indirectly encouraged me from behind the curtain creating the theme of the

    poetry. I am indebted to them who not only live central in my thought, but also deep in

    my heart and mind. I also think that this work would not have been completed had not

    those persons remained associated with me in one form or another in forming my

    imagination. My love for love and lovers, transformation of society from negative to

    positive thinking and glorifying humanity have profound influences on forming

    imagination and writing this monogram of poetry. My efforts will be fruitful if this

    monogram of poetry attracts and multiplies the readers over the coming years.

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    The Melting Snow

    Chapter iv

    Chapter 1 You and I change to change us page 10

    Chapter 2 Love rests in its own place page 11

    Chapter 3 The melting snow page 12

    Chapter 4 Exposing my love page 13

    Chapter 5 The beauty beautifies the world page 14

    Chapter 6 Little I want page 15

    Chapter 7 The crying sky page 16

    Chapter 8 Seeing you in your eyes page 17

    Chapter 9 The tranquility of barren field page 18

    Chapter 10 Bridging the gap page 19

    Chapter 11 Throw not my flowers page 20

    Chapter 12 The restless mind page 21

    Chapter 13 I come to go page 22

    Chapter 14 The commotion of flying ducks page 23

    Chapter 15 Dreaming of a full life page 24

    Chapter 16 Dreaming the blue sky page 25

    Chapter 17 Power of love page 26

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    Chapter 18 When EBOLA is not my friend! page 27

    Chapter 19 The lovers songs Page 28

    Chapter 20 Inseparable knot page 29

    Chapter 21 Seeing the light page 30

    Chapter 22 I live everywhere page 31

    Chapter 23 The loved moments page 32

    Chapter 24 The lover wind page 33

    Chapter 25 The invincible power page 34

    Chapter 26 Let us share your dreams page 35

    Chapter 27 Locked up coffin page 36

    Chapter 28 I am helpless elephant page 37

    Chapter 29 You see me not seeing all the time page 38

    Chapter 30 The lovers mind page 39

    Chapter 31 Losing the blooming flower page 40

    Chapter 32 Love me always page 41

    Chapter 33 Leave me not on my door way page 42

    Chapter 34 Warm touch of love page 43

    Chapter 35 Searching my lover page 44

    Chapter 36 The touch of angels love page 45

    Chapter 37 It does not matter page 46

    Chapter 38 I love my lover as Goddess of beauty page 47

    Chapter 39 Walking alone in the darkness page 48

    Chapter 40 Love has no perimeter page 49

    Chapter 41 The beautiful flower of green tree page 50

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    The melting snow

    1 You and I change to change us page 10

    The face of nature changes from summer to winter as the season changes,

    And mind of humankinds change furtively showing no changes in face,

    The winter changes the life of vales, woodlands , hills and rivers,

    And the cold wind freezes the water and makes the snow as hard as stone.

    The human mind changes from softness to hardness as the time changes,

    And the hard mind steals the softness and increases the burden of human pains,

    The soft mind hides the pains and brings happiness to all humankinds,

    And all the pains and sufferings flee away as the softness wins making compromises.

    See you not, I win your heart and mind avoiding the conflict as boastful winner,

    And you become kind and give umbrella comforting me in the hot and rainy days,

    Sometime you become angry and punish the recalcitrant children as boastful mother

    or father,

    ,And now the time has come for you and me to change changing all our plights.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 14.40


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    2 Love lives in its own place page 11

    Lover loves the lover seeing the beauty and touching the feeling of love,

    And the feeling of love flee away if the lover s touch of love is kept far away,

    The lover lives in the lovers mind to feel and touch the love being near,

    And lover shifts the place if lovers neglects and keeps the lover dry.

    The life changes with changing mind as the wind sweeps the dust ,

    And the dust shifts its home with the wind from one place to another,

    The river becomes full and empty and changes its course creating new island,

    And love always searches love to anchor choosing the lover.

    The cloudy sky swallows the brightness of sun and darken the nature,

    And the rain softens the earth and makes the nature as soft and green,

    The sun rises and light the nature and its children to make love

    And I ask my lover to come back her home getting back the lovers crown.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels :13.15


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    3 The melting snow page 12

    The horizon of blue sky bends and kisses the fathomless sea water,

    And the summer misses blooming flowers welcoming the winter .

    The accumulated pain and anguish of the nature freeze its face as snowy as hard ,

    And the bald-headed trees stand alone warming the natures frozen heart and mind.

    My lover races with anger and become lifeless as if breathing no life,

    And the nature weeps as the untimely rains of my lovers eyes not cease,

    She grows from childhood to womanhood like flowers blooming into full flowers,

    And I see her growing in front of my eyes seeing all her beauties.

    The blow of wind and snowy storm vanish the valley making the hill ranges as the

    plain nature,

    And I lose all my longing in the tempest of life which neither I want nor deserve,

    My lover wakes up from sleep as if the morning sun rises to brighten the winter snow,

    And the summer peeps through the melting snow and green the lifeless trees to grow.

    Being rejected by life, I always remain lifeless and sorrowful breathing my breathe,

    And my darling lover searches many pleas keeping me away from her love,

    The season changes the face of nature changing the mood of all her children,

    And the flowers bloom into full flowers and enchant the lover bees and birds making

    love in my garden.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 16.30


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    4 Exposing my love page 13

    I cried , laughed and slept in the bygone days and nights,

    And my mind took many years to grow as I now stand ,

    I became happy when my mother listened to me and found no faults,

    And I became angry when she left me alone becoming unintentionally unkind.

    My mind now lives alone in my own home racing with time ,

    And sometime I become whimsical and destroy my mothers many built up hopes,

    For, my mother becomes shameful and hide her face,

    And I make promise to change me breaking all the hard stones.

    The sky remains free from windy cloud welcoming the rising sun,

    And I come back to live in your mind that you always desire ,

    If you expose your love and beauties as the bright moon,

    I will open the door of my heart and keep you with my love.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels : 11.00


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    5 The beauty beautifies the world page 14

    The beautiful is the one who beautifies the other,

    And light brightens the day and swallows the night,

    The soft wind melts the snow and makes the sweet water,

    And stream flows the water and greens the face of hill tract.

    The sun rises flashing the horizon and brighten the blue sky,

    And cloud overshadows the blue sky and darken its face,

    The rain becomes happy and wet the earth becoming the rainy day ,

    And the full moon flood the nature with its beauty showing the bright face.

    I stand alone on the balcony of my lonely home and look at the silent blue sky,

    And I see the smiling face of beauty far away with the twinkling stars,

    I nurture the flowers in my garden to smell its flavor and love the beauty,

    And the creator creates beauties for the heaven and keeps some for the human lovers.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 13.30


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    6 Little I want page 15

    The loved one is the one who loves the other,

    And I desire to become a lover if you want,

    I give you all if you give me a little as your lover,

    And I will give you back all one day if you me love grant .

    I nurture flowers of love in my garden to give you and other,

    And you lose no time falling in love with my flower you love,

    You keep the flavour of love in your heart and spread the love of flower,

    And I leave the garden of mine for you and young generation to love .

    The happiness of life comes to go and pain hides in the pain to rest,

    And you become restless and search the peace racing with recalcitrant time,

    The peace of mind follows you like shadow that you feel and see not ,

    And you can always become happy if you are satisfied with what you have .

    Faruque Mirza

    Edited by author

    Brussels: 14.40


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    7 The rainy sky page 16

    Walking alone on the muddy road, I meet the rainy sky ,

    And the dusk goes away with sorrowful day looking pale,

    The lonely lover cries deeply and hides the pain all the day,

    And sky becomes sad and drops the pain of rains everywhere.

    The day changes into night to meet the twinkle stars and bright moon far away,

    And the lovelorn lover cry with the rainy day and night,

    The love lives in the heart of lover and remains forever as fragile and touchy,

    And lover forgets not to love the lover with the lover s mind-set.

    The feeling of love stream my heart and streaming my mind as floating swimmer,

    And the cloudy sky wet its eyes dropping the rains in the vast dry plain.

    I imagine the pale face of my lover hiding love as lover dreamer ,

    And I love my lover forever as lover green.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 20.00


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    8 See you in my eyes page 17

    You become more beautiful when you become angry ,

    And I lose my heart forthwith and plunge into sea of love,

    When your beauty streams my heart exposing your beauty,

    I embrace the love hiding in my heart as long as I live.

    When you cry, your eyes open as blossomed flower,

    And when you close your lips, I miss your sweet words for thousand years,

    I see your lovely face and desire your love now and forever,

    And you imagine your lover closing your deer eyes.

    You look beautiful with silky dress matching your silky hair ,

    And your lover imagines your un exposed beauties and become restless,

    Now you can kiss lovers face and smell flavour of love with no fear,

    And your lover feels the love opening his hearts all the windows .

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels 12.00


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    9 The tranquility of barren field page 18

    The snow fall whitening the face of nature to the distant horizon,

    And partly vanishes melting away ; and partly filling the hills and dried valley,

    The wind blows gently with low voice as if no plant ever planted to become green,

    In the sky, the tired birds hover around finding no resting place and fly away.

    Below the world turns into a barren field as if nothing is waiting to grow,

    And the stream flows slowly as if its life has gone away ,

    The nature cries inside bearing the pains for losing the green brow,

    But I cultivate flowers of love in my greenhouse garden for the lovers not to go away.

    The sun is setting in the fathomless sea seeing off the day to sleep in the dark night,

    And I become lonely and feel pains silently as if lover loses all the love of life,

    The night remains longer and painful as my lovers leaves me breaking my heart,

    And the morning sun awakes me up again and give new life hugging the warm love.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 17.05


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    10 Bridging the gap page 19

    The gap remains always gap if you make no bridge anywhere,

    If you make the knot that closes the gap and remains tied all the time,

    The distances changes not if the point is not changed on the plane,

    And the love vanishes soon if that is not kept on the right place.

    See you not, the heaven becomes heaven if you feel that is around you to love,

    And the hell swallows the heaven if you become weak and vulnerable,

    The rainfall cools down the earth and put off all the undesirable fire,

    And your lover gives you heaven on earth and gives life to love .

    The winter swallows the summer making the nature grey and cold,

    And the rainfall greens the nature and snowfall limits the life as hard,

    The warm love of summer changes the nature greening its face ,

    And the nature becomes pregnant and love its children giving full of life,

    The monsters of hell and angels of heaven live together as shadow in our minds ,

    And lovers of peace welcome the angels of heaven and say - no to the earths monsters .

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 16.16


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    11 Throw not my flowers page 20

    The amount of love I get from you to you I give,

    And you never miss me as shadow of your love,

    But you hide part of your love and remain unloved and dry ,

    For, I lose some of your love and in silent I miss you and cry.

    I pass time partly sad and partly lonely that no one sees,

    And stars twinkle far away in the blue sky and glow your deer eyes,

    The flowers blossom and carry heavenly flavor to the virgin lover,

    And the moonlight purify your love and brighten your beautiful face .

    The feeling of love makes the lover lively and beautiful as lovers face shines ,

    And the lovelorn lover become lifeless if the love is dumped halfway being loved,

    The time changes not the mind of true lovers who always love the loved ones,

    And I throw not the blossomed flowers from my vase even if they become dried,

    Faruque Mirza

    Edited by author , Brussels: 22.12


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    12 The restless mind page 21

    I want to fly like a free bird in the sky,

    But I am not born with the wings to fly,

    I want to discover the hidden treasures in the ocean,

    But I am not blessed with the lungs to breath longer and remain.

    I want to live peacefully making my home in the outer space,

    But my weightless body keeps me away to make the history I want to make ,

    I want to cross the Gobi desert , Sahara, Siberia and Antarctica,

    But my limitless desires are bounded by the boastful Himalaya.

    I want to make a home in the heaven to live with my lover whom I want,

    And my lover dreams many sweet dreams closing the deer eyes all the night,

    I want to love her like the full moon kissing the horizon with its bright face,

    But she lives far away like the stars and twinkle leaving no trace .

    I wish to see her with shining face as any lover desires to see ,

    And she still remains far away opening deer eyes with the sunrise ,

    The sunny day flood the horizon and I give my mind to roam,

    And my hope of winning the impossibility vanishes as a flying foam.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 12.10


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    13 I come to go page 22

    I come to go that I always forget to know,

    And the darkness remains behind the light I know and see,

    I am blessed to live sometime in his land and to him I bow,

    And I light the lamp in my mind and darkness of mine I free.

    I live in the present and future keeping the past behind,

    And the darkness go away as I see the past in the future,

    The past reminds me to burry the mistakes and future to hold,

    And the future becomes my present and the future I foresee.

    I nurture love in my garden and I keep nothing for me,

    And lovers of beauty love my blossomed flowers and take away,

    The creator creates the beauty for us to see and love as paradise,

    And flavour of love I leave for you all to smell before I go away finally.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 22.30


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    14 The commotion of flying ducks page 23

    With mine eyes, I see the beauty of beautiful flower,

    And never I see anyone smelling not the sweet flavour ,

    The flowers keeps the flavour to spread around and far away,

    And the feeling of love remains within lover s mind and grow silently.

    I keep my mind in the wilderness as it keeps full of life and free,

    And the love I search breaks up before taking the shape ,

    The pains I feel losing my love hurting me in my breast,

    For , I remain alone in the dark night with my broken heart.

    In the morning, I forget the pains with the suns rising up,

    And heart of mine remains still heavy after breaking my sleep,

    The gentle wind blows gently and soothe my mind to forget the lost love,

    And I hear commotion of flying ducks as if breaking the silence to renew the hope.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 16.15


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    15 Dreaming of a full life page 24

    I desire to live longer with you all and push the future away,

    And the time stops not carrying my mind to live in the past,

    The nature lives with its children and remain forever ,

    And I feel as if my thoughts is getting older to remain in rest.

    The night darkens the day and the world goes to sleep,

    And stars glow far away and beautifies the blue sky ,

    The stream flows with life passing through the valley as deep.

    And morning shows up its face as rising sun focuses the first ray .

    The night unveils its beauty shining with moonlight which I always dream ,

    The softness of my lovers mind remains soft with my soft touch of love,

    For, the loneliness of life which I am carrying forward I want to trim ,

    And the pathway I choose will hopefully give my lover and me a full life,

    Faruque Mirza



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    16 Dreaming the blue sky page 25

    I walk to live in the present to exist in the future,

    And the present follows me to become my future forgetting the past,

    The nature changes its dress and beautifies the face,

    And many of my thoughts become obsolete getting rest.

    The night sees off the day and my mind goes to sleep,

    And million of stars twinkle at night and hide faces in the day,

    The mind of mine flows as restless stream as feeling deep,

    My heart burns as burning pyre with the suns bright ray.

    Now my mind takes shelter into loneliness from imaginative fear and scream,

    And I walk alone on the distant horizon in search of love and peace,

    The cloudy night steals the glowing stars that I ever dream.

    And my mind never rest until our loves become ours at the dusk of life.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 20.20


  • 26

    17 Power of love page 26

    All dreams are mine and always remain mine ,

    And nobody ever knows what I imagine and dream,

    One day, I keep my dreams in your breast and I leave,

    And all dreams of mine I will leave you with no thinking stream.

    The flowers blossom and become beautiful spreading the flavor everywhere,

    And the face of nature changes many times growing from green to grey,

    The stream beatifies the nature flowing through the hills and woodland and filling the


    And the lover eyes searches restlessly to see the lovers hidden beauty.

    The love grows furtively in all human minds for being loved,

    And the human being can touch the human minds should they like,

    The power of love defeats all villains and make its home in lovers mind,

    And our lovers often make mistakes and fail to recognize the real love.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 17.00


  • 27

    18 When EBOLA is not my friend! page 27

    Being far away, the sun and moon brighten the world and many of you live in peace and


    And in the dark world, my breathing ends silently in the darkness with despair and

    pains ,

    Like me, the children, men and women, young or old cry helplessly and reluctantly leave

    their loved ones,

    And the woodland, streams, rivers and hill ranges become saddened fearing lonely time

    as many of us become weak and lifeless.

    Like others , I am left alone on the street or in the abandoned house having no touch of

    lovers care,

    And the air and sky live with me and become my friends taking part of my pains as share,

    I blame no one for my destiny as I often remain alone half alive and half dead breathing

    somehow and somewhere,

    And my body now hides my breath with the touch of EBOLA and no one feels my pains

    seeing the closed eyes and my dried face.

    My life was created by the creator to begin and end as wasted child of the nature ,

    And the Ebola comes as shadow and discriminate not taking my life away with many


    In the dark world, many come to go like yours as wasted child of mother nature,

    See you not , my mind leaves my heart and soul leaving me with no lovers.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels 02.35


  • 28

    19 The lovers songs page 28

    The drop of rains in your eyes I do not want to see,

    And much of love I feel when you cry missing my love and me,

    The million of lovers loves match not the love of mine,

    And cry of my heart for missing you always hide my smile.

    As the day plunges in the fathomless sea losing its light in the darkness of night,

    And unkind tempest flattens the trees not to stand up again and fight,

    The feeling of my love floats with life streaming my love in every lovers mind,

    And little misunderstanding strikes the eyes of love and makes the lover misguided

    and blind .

    Of the open and blue sky, the day and night play with sun ,moon and glowing stars,

    And horizon of my hopes and imaginations live happily with many of my emerging


    I love my lover as breath of mine; and you come back from becoming selfish ,egoist

    and unkind,

    And we will join to the cue singing songs for becoming lover of all mankind.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels 21.14


  • 29

    20 Inseparable knot page 29

    The moving cloud swallows the tranquil sky making lifeless and gloomy,

    And the morning sun rises and blots the soaked eyes of my darling lover,

    Waking up in the morning , I see no hope of light in the eyes of the day ,

    And the grey leafs of dried trees fall whirling with the wind as if leaving the dearest of

    the dear.

    I become restless thinking of humankind changing with the changes of time and nature,

    And mind of mine rests with my breath and body as free air kissing the wind as

    inseparable lover,

    I see the limitless sky , twinkling stars in the galaxy as if living with the undiminished


    But they leave not their lovers remaining far away and keeping the love as lover dear.

    The power of beauty attracts the power and keep the love alive balancing everywhere,

    And the love of human kinds bind the lovers minds making them dear and lover


    The creator lives everywhere in the universe and creates the lovers love,

    And love comes from the heaven to live on earth making all human kinds beautiful

    and kind.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 12.15


  • 30

    21 Seeing the light page 30

    I walk along with my mind on the bank of the river,

    And suddenly I see the light to the distant horizon,

    The Life is created within life not knowing if that remains forever ,

    And the creator creates and destroys life and everything leaving no question.

    The human kind creates races and groups as their minds grow ,

    And the creator creates all as his own and makes no discrimination ,

    The truth is that the jealousy , egoism and greediness grow and that life borrow,

    And all good and bad go away with sadness in burial or cremation.

    No one sees the burning pains of hearts and minds among divided human kinds,

    And their feeling of loves die before blooming into a blossomed flower ,

    Let us grow love to love the human kinds and live together in diversities,

    And that is what we are left with living peacefully and making love not war.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 19.00


  • 31

    22 I live everywhere page 31

    Like the free air, I take breath and grow in my mothers womb ,

    And no one sees me until I am asked my creator to show my face,

    I grow and travel everywhere to live in everybodys heart and mind ,

    And I go nowhere if they throw me back and not me embrace.

    I live in all lovers hearts as long as they me desire,

    And no difference I make when I choose their loves,

    I travel everywhere from east to west and north to south and them I love,

    And I become happy to see many loveable faces and kind human kinds.

    Before my existence in my mothers womb, I live in the heaven,

    And my time passes seeing the beauty and love plying with the kind angel,

    I desire to live everywhere like blooming flowers in everybodys garden

    And I live as much in the heart and mind of human being as in my lovers love.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 19.25


  • 32

    23 The loved moments page 32

    I still see you standing below the green mango tree and looking me with your smiling


    And you forget not beautify your beauties wearing the blue dress matching the forehead

    with blue tip,

    I feel as if all the beauties created by creator for you has not been missed to give,

    And the sunny morning throw back the gloomy day as if all your beauties come back to

    you peep.

    I still feel like touching the dimple on your cheek and beautifying untouched beauty ,

    And I lose my eyes seeing you wearing a white dress and taking bath in the lonely pond,

    I see the soft wind touching and embracing the unspoiled beauty of yours as love


    And swinging and long black hair of yours tie me as lover blind.

    The skeleton of your beauty shows the face of beauty embracing the wet dress,

    And my longing of having you has been enchained by your beautiful and bare legs,

    But my sacred feeling of love restrains me fulfilling all my unfulfilled desires ,

    For , now I become happy saving my love remembering all the sensational moments.

    Faruque Mirza



  • 33

    24 The lover wind page 33

    The soft wind blows softly to carry your love through the bamboo tree ,

    And whirling dust embraces the lover wind and keeps the love not to free,

    The moment you live me relaxing my hug and saying good bye,

    All the feeling of mine dies in my heart and silently feels the pain of love .

    My heart grinds my heart with taking off your plane,

    And your deer remain fixed until the plane vanishes from eyes of mine,

    I come back with broken heart and plunge into your love,

    And snow of distant mountain melts filling the vale as if giving me the renewed hope.

    The life of mine begins again with singing songs as lover bird ,

    And blue sky becomes blue with twinkling stars driving out the dark cloud ,

    In the morning, sun rises and heralds the joyous day with smiling rainbow ,

    And I feel as if my lover hugs me before beginning her flight from the lovers row.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 16.15


  • 34

    25 The invincible power page 34

    He gives you independence what you waited long to have,

    And never you have understood the real meaning of independence,

    He has given you freedom to live with others as good neighbor as happily,

    And you never become happy and allow others to live in diversity peacefully .

    He gives you democracy not to become dictator and remain democrat.

    But you have always shown tendency to become dictator and tyrant,

    You oppress and suppress the people everyday wearing the shabby and camouflaged


    And you never become a good citizen of your own country and the rests ,

    He gives you time to change you and to change the people living in your society,

    And you never listen to him and become good citizen of your own country.

    He has given you enough time and resources to develop your country and change,

    And now he has to take away all your freedom and power of own home,

    If your evil power is not destroyed in the broad day light, he will surely destroy your peace

    of mind ,

    And then you will begin blaming others not to see your fault and remain always blind.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 18.50


  • 35

    26 Let us share your dreams page 35

    I still see me in the arms of my mother not knowing where I am going ,

    Now I know as I grow , the frock and crossing border were only mine,

    I see my parents working hard and becoming quickly older what they are sharing,

    Now I fully understand as to why they live in shadow and pale with no smiling face.

    The time we passed over the years has given us no hopes and dreams to make,

    And life of mine and others alike become as monotonous as slave of fear and stress,

    Suddenly , the time turns back its face and make our dreams flashing the light of hope,

    And the morning sun lightens the horizons and heralds the news of our free lives.

    The hopeless hope now shows the face and comes out of the captive darkness,

    And the angel of God comes down from the blue sky and lights the lamp showing the

    right path,

    Now the forgotten hope resurrects again and sees off the dark night expecting coming

    back not in many years,

    And you always remain our only true lover saving us from falling into the trap of

    unjust wrath.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 16.30


  • 36

    27 Locked up coffin page 36

    I keep all my feeling and untold sorrows in the locked up coffin,

    And pains of mine linger in my heart missing you all the time,

    One day, my soul will fly away to the unknown and distant horizon,

    And with the broken heart, you certainly will weep losing all my love .

    Never I forget the beautiful hair of yours flying with the rhythm of wind ,

    And the smiling face exposes unseen beauty of yours as if showing the beautys face ,

    The tree near the tea stall still stands as the witness as my story untold,

    And the feeling of love is locked up in my heart to carry forward to shine.

    I look back to my past and search if I have ever missed any gift of life,

    And nothing more I see and feel than the happiness of heaven that I lost,

    I see a stranger like my lover passing in front of my home,

    And the dusk of life, I run behind her to embrace as my lover flashing back the past.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 15.30

    25.11. 2014

  • 37

    28 I am helpless elephant page 37

    You understand not my pain as I live in the jungle and remain far away,

    Nor feel you my feeling of love, happiness and sorrows as those remain in my


    I often meet the extreme heat, dusty wind, cold weather and rainy day,

    And I fight back flood shortage , drought and storm around the year and still remain


    No one sees my diseases and take care treating me when that I require,

    I am vulnerable to catching diseases as I live in the forest and fields under the open sky,

    Some of you see me and touch my big body seeing unique image of mine,

    As I express me in my mother tongue, you understand not the language of my sorrows

    and cry.

    You always neglect me knowing my importance to bio diversity and human life,

    And you take ivory with my life and make profit hastening the process of our extinction,

    I am sober , big and most powerful in the forest comparing other animals as you see ,

    And you choose me and my body in your business without thinking our extinction.

    See you not, my baby as sober and beautiful as sweet children of yours ,

    They play and grow with my care and show no rage taking your life or food,

    You change your cruelty now and let us live peacefully with our children in own


    And the creator creates us giving enough food and place ; and we take no food from you

    giving extra burden of load

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 22.30

    27.11. 2014

  • 38

    29 You see not me seeing all the time page 38

    The question remains always a question if you have not seen me,

    I see all of you and everything everywhere where no one except me prevails ,

    You search me in the thick jungle , roaring river , dusty desert, rough sea , natural

    calamities or in the tranquillity of nature ,

    And you see me not seeing all the time for which I see many of you and I laugh.

    I created and create all the time as my whim I plan and desire,

    But I discriminate not you nor anyone of you as mine and my creation,

    All children are mine and I teach them and discipline as I require,

    No one I allow to jeopardize my desire and misjudge my obedient children.

    I am a great democrat and allow my children to become democrat expressing their beliefs

    and ideologies,

    But no one should dishonor my messengers who represent me everywhere on my earth,

    See you not I create beauties and destroy all ugliness to keep the beauty beautiful all

    the time,

    And I keep on sending my books and messengers showing my wrath and love.

    In fact, I want to give you heaven on earth what you lost making mistake,

    And you have got my love as long as you love me and all my children whom I equally


    The gift of my love I give to you all here and hereafter when you meet me alone,

    Surely, I will give peace of mind to you all if you all obey me all the time.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels 22.08


  • 39

    30 The lovers mind page 39

    My ex- ray eyes see all your beauties of unseen beauty,

    And you follow me all the time as glue as shadow,

    I see no flower beautifying my vase except my lover lovely

    And she dries rain of my eyes drying my cheek as rainbow.

    One day, I will fly with restless cloud and knock on your door ,

    And all your sorrows and pains will be swept away as whirling wind,

    I still feel you as my precious treasure as dearest lover,

    And soft touch of yours love I keep in my heart and always guard .

    You hover around my love all the time and fear losing love of mine,

    And you follow me always if af feeling love from the lovers heart,

    I come to live in your heart if that still remains empty filling your desire

    And I will not let you go away losing me and losing my heart.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 15.51


  • 40

    31 Losing blooming flower page 40

    Walking long way alone, my mind becomes tired and searches a place to rest

    And suddenly the queen of my heart opens her door embracing me with happy face,

    The hidden beauties of her come out in her flashing face and feeling of mine sweeps over

    my breast ,

    And I plunge deep into imagination as if getting back my love with renewed desire.

    The light of happiness stays not longer in my mind and goes away as flickering lamp,

    And all hopes of mine put off by stormy wind as darkness swallows the hope of light,

    I meet you in the dark night and you show me the resting camp,

    And now you stop flying with me to show the pathway in the dark night .

    I lament not with my luck losing the flower before blooming into full flower ,

    And I feel as if your feeling of love dies long before lighting the lovers heart,

    The ending of loves leaves a meaning of life to a lover as painful souvenir,

    And I lock up my love for someone who will be loving me and my love with flower

    shower .

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 14.15


  • 41

    32 Love me always page 41

    Life comes and goes and the world remains to welcome the life,

    And the monster of mind hurts the heart all the time and darkens the light,

    Jealousy and antipathy lives in the filthy mind and destroys the flavor of love,

    And the darkness overshadows the blue sky as if light making the flight.

    I love and love the human kind living in the kingdom of King and his pride ,

    No one can steal treasure of my mind and exhaust the love of my heart ,

    The lover always searches the beauty and beauty shines the beauty everywhere ,

    And the darkness hides the light all the time as the false lover always flirts.

    The morning sun rises in the blue sky and flashes the light to the tranquil horizon,

    And the stormy wind camouflages the rage and hides its face as sober clouds,

    The blue sky becomes blue again and drives out windy wind hiding the eyes of stormy

    rain ,

    And the free air breaths the life and lighten all my lovers hearts and minds.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels 0:41


  • 42

    33 Leave me not on my doorway page 42

    Time is taking me away from my body and mind ,

    And I live with what I did over the years and missed,

    One day, life of mine will end racing with immortal time,

    And many of you love me or not will be forgetting me.

    See you not, the dried leafs of dried trees die in the winter,

    And resurrect with green face with green life in the summer,

    My thinking machine works day and night and keeps my body and mind alive,

    And my love streams my life and pump my heart to breathe.

    I see you not as if you have forgotten me long ago and my thought ,

    And I love my lover all the time to remove drought of my heart,

    See you not, I never take away my shadow of love from you as your lover ,

    And I keep my heart open for you to breathe the lover air .

    Faruque Mirza

    Edited by author, Brussels: 10.55


  • 43

    34 Warm touch of love page 43

    I know not if I have ever wanted to be born,

    And I grow to go away in time leaving nothing with mine,

    Sometime I meet hell on earth searching the earths heaven,

    And shadow of helplessness follows me and steal my lover face.

    The selfish life takes me far away from following the right pathway,

    And the time dresses me as if I have no going back ,

    I see the distant hill ranges changing its green face and becoming hard and snowy ,

    And the time changes the dress of nature changing its lively track.

    Likewise human mind changes all the time and becomes hard and soft,

    And my walking alone on the unsmooth pathway makes me stubborn,

    Suddenly warm touch of love changes my mind and beautify my heart ,

    And I go back to my darling lover taking flower from my garden.

    Faruque Mirza

    Edited by author, Brussels: 10.00


  • 44

    35 Searching my lover page 44

    You always keep me away from your mysterious mind

    And feeling of mine hovers around you and touches no love,

    Now I am gone far away and no bundle of love remains for you to bind ,

    And you remain alone to weep losing me and my love.

    The blue sky becomes cloudy in the rainy day and misses the twinkling stars ,

    And I see no one on my side and I walk alone with empty mind,

    I look at the distant horizon and no birds I see flying with my hopes,

    And I become sad to imagine that the blue sky passing time with the stormy cloud.

    I see the palm trees standing alone lonely and love the bright moon playing with the sea


    And no gusty wind and stormy rain refrain from playing the love day and night,

    In full moonlight, the beauty floods the sea beach flooding my lovers beautiful face ,

    And I search my lover plunging into fathomless sea of thought.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 12.56


  • 45

    36 It does not matter page 45

    This year as last year, I passed my time with lonely mind,

    And I slept with my mind leaving all imagination alone,

    Suddenly I woke up at mid night and felt me as abandoned

    In the morning, I got back me with no new year wishes except mine.

    On new year , I began the day with new resolution of mind ,

    And smiling face of baby I saw in the future fulfilling aspirations of mine,

    The day and night passed with time and the darkness swallowed the light making

    the day blind,

    And I walked alone on the pathway with the rising sun hoping to realize my hope.

    It does not matter , if I was left alone to walk alone in the vast horizon of galaxy,

    And on the doorstep , I waited alone to welcome you to join me making the needed


    Of the vast horizon of space, the truth of life that I understood was to begin to end

    meeting the obscured eternity.

    And one day, I would surely go alone leaving my soul and body to you with my

    dried face.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 12.30


  • 46

    37 The touch of angels love page 46

    In the chilly weather, I stand beside the window looking at the open sky ,

    And the snow falls and melts all the way touching my flower garden,

    Like melting snow, all desires of mine vanishes in the distant valley ,

    And suddenly many twinkling stars pop up in the milky way lightening the dark horizon.

    The imagination of mine remains captive around my lover whom I love ,

    And the soft wind blows softly taking my mind and opening her soft heart,

    The light I am given to hold is for my lover and not only for mine,

    On the Christmas night, the angel of heaven comes to gift us for what we all wait.

    The breeze blows and melts the snow all the way as if showing the unexposed love,

    And I stand alone beside the window feeling the emptiness flows through my heart ,

    The pains of mine remain with me until all the hard snows are melted and gone,

    And I feel as if the love of angel streaming my lovers frozen heart.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 20.35


  • 47

    38 I love my lover as Goddess of beauty page 47

    I love my lover as Goddess of beauty,

    And temple of her heart I win as bounty,

    The play of love she plays with me as mysterious,

    Yet the love of mine remains for her as undiminished as boundless.

    She hides the unexposed beauties closing eyes in shyness,

    And I see all her hidden beauties with power of my thirsty eyes,

    The beauty flashes to my mind as rising sun in the blue sky ,

    And angel of love comes down on earth and give me her love as lover fairy.

    See you not, lover of mine hides her beautiful eyes stealing the stare ,

    And the smiling lips unveils her beauty and her desired love,

    She makes up many times a day to beautify her beautiful face,

    But the feeling of her love for me does not change and remains always the same.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels :15.42


  • 48

    39 Walking alone in the darkness page 48

    I am not sorry or angry as you leave me out in your life,

    My life follows the pathway of my destiny,

    But the darkness forgets not to give me light of love,

    And I walk alone in the darkness to find out the lost way.

    You show up the other day as if you are searching the lost pathway,

    And I see your shadow what I always long to have as mine,

    It does not matter, I go back to the night making my day,

    And my breath of love breaths as if I am missing all love of life.

    I pass my time as lifeless as dried trees lose all their green leafs,

    And the nature advances with all its children and impede no one choosing own life,

    I leave my life with the immortal time to anchor on a resting place as others,

    And certainly the darkness will be my only companion with the last breath of mine.

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 11.53

  • 49

    40 Love has no perimeter page 49

    Life without lover is like life without life,

    And feeling of life I feel as if living without breath,

    The face of my lover remains alive in my heart all the time,

    And flow of love stream all lovers minds to garland the wreath .

    The Queens and Princesses are beloved wives and mothers ,

    And all Kings and Princes glorify their lives being their beloved lovers,

    The love lives as gift of God in the minds of all royal families as in every human minds

    , And love spreads with flavor of love and embrace all the human kinds.

    The love is like magnet or inseparable atom that keeps all human races in one community

    thinking in different perimeters,

    And diversity of languages and thoughts prevent not spreading the love everywhere

    without any prejudice,

    The feeling of love still remains central in the hearts and minds of all human lovers,

    And certainly waiting longer to hug the lover on the doorway is the expressive of real


    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 11.36


  • 50

    41 The beautiful flower of green tree page 50

    The green leafs of green trees dance with the gentle wind,

    And mind of my lover no more dances with my love,

    I open the door of my heart opening my lover mind,

    And heart of my lover still remains far away to become mine.

    The beauties I imagine and see in my lover eyes flashing as the moonlight ,

    And the feeling of mine hovers around her all the time touching no love ,

    The moon and twinkling starts remain far away shining their beauties at night,

    And the soft air blows softly as if my lover stands behind me and embrace.

    The lovely face and kind heart I love to imagine of my lover ,

    But the stormy wind and black cloud change her lovely face into black face,

    For , I become sad thinking of her as my lover dreamer,

    When she can always become a beautiful flower of a green tree .

    Faruque Mirza

    Brussels: 19.14


  • 51

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