the merchant of venice - · the merchant of venice is one of the greatest romantic...

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VENICE William Shakespeare

Conflict between Christian & Jew

Quality of Mercy



• Duke of Venice





Wife Wife








Lady in waiting maid PRINCE OF ARRAGON




Daughter Friend





Musicians, servants, merchants and officers of the court of justice.

ANTONIO (rich merchant)

PORTIA (heiress of Belmont)

SHYLOCK (Jew & money lender)



The most influential writer in English literature is William Shakespeare. He was born

in April 26, 1564 at Stratford- Avon-Warwickshire in London. His father was John

Shakespeare. He was a well to do former and trader.

Education and Marriage:-

Shakespeare entered into grammar school at the age of nine. He studied Greek and

Latin. But he left out the school at the age of twelve. Because his father’s fortune declined in

his business, he went job for the sake of his family situation and at the age of nineteen, he

forced to marry Anne Hathaway. But, she was eight years senior to him. So, his marriage life

gave him only dissatisfaction.

Career &works:-

About 1585, he moved to London to seek his fortune. There, he gradually started his

career from 1587 to 1611.He became the greatest dramatist in London.

He wrote 37 plays 154 sonnets. His plays have divided into 4 types.

Comedies: Mid Summer Night’s Dream, Much Ado about Nothing, All is Well that Ends

Well, Love Labour’s Lost.

Tragedy: Othello, Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth

Historical play: Richard II, Henry IV- part I & II, Henry V.

Romance: Pericles, Winter’s Tale, Tempest, Cymbeline.


He produced the dramas for the taste of the people only. He spends his last days in

Avon. He died in 1616 April 26 at the age of 52. Even he is in Gods abode, he is living

through his dramas. He is called as ‘The Prince of Poet’ and ‘The King of Dramatist’. His

birthday is celebrated as ‘World’s Book Day’.

The Merchant of the Venice

William Shakespeare

Introduction of the Play:


William Shakespeare is one of the greatest dramatists. He has written 37 plays in

various categories. “The Merchant of Venice” is one of the romantic comedies. But it is

categorised as a tragic comedy because the play has both comic and tragic elements. In this

play, he has created the unforgettable heroine ‘Portia’ and also the unforgettable villain

‘Shylock’ for us.

Composition of the Play:

Shakespeare wrote the play in about 1596. It was first published in 1600 and its final

from came in 1623.

Sources of the Play:

He used many possible texts to construct the play “The Merchant of Venice”. Mainly

he took from the Italian collection entitled “Pecorone II” by Giovanni Fiorentino in 1378,

Gesta’s “Romanirium” and Marlowe’s “Jew of Malta”.


The quality of mercy and justice are the major themes in the play. Shylock, the villain

never shows his mercy to anybody especially Antonio.

During the trail scene, he asks Portia what could possibility to compel him to be merciful.

She replies that the quality of mercy is not strained and also she says that human beings

should be merciful because God is merciful to us.

The minor themes are friendship and love. Antonio, Bassonio, Portia sacrifice themselves

for their love and friendship.


“The Merchant of Venice” is not a problem play. It contains high and low comedy and

love lyricism. A common characteristic of all the comedy plays is the use of disguise. It

enables Shakespeare to symbolize one of his favourite themes the contrast between

appearance and reality.

Act I


The Merchant of Venice is one of the greatest romantic comedies of Shakespeare’s

plays. In the play, he focuses the Elizabethan audiences, who are money-minded and live

their life recklessly.

The Opening Scene:-

The opening scene was set in Venice and it was opened by Antonio, the merchant of

the play who was a kind man and greatly loved by fellow citizens was in a sad mood. He was

talking with his friends, Salarino and Salanio. They did not know the reason why he was sad.

They guessed that he might be worried about the safety of his ships at the sea. But Antonio’s

sadness was mysterious and strange. When they were talking, Bassanio an intimate friend of

Antonio came with his friends, Gratiano and Lorenzo. They talked about Antonio’s sadness

and they advised and warned him not to fall a victim of sadness because it was a dangerous


Bassanio’s Confession:-

After their friends exited, Bassanio talked freely with Antanio. He confessed in a

regret mood that he had squandered away all his fortunes by living an extravagant life. Now,

he wanted to retrieve his wealth by marrying Portia, a wealthy heiress in Belmont.

Bassanio’s Love:-

Bassanio told Antonio that he was in love with Portia. He desperately needed some

money to win her as his wife. But Antonio said that he had no hard cash in his hand because

he had invested all his money in the merchant ship. So he suggested him to secure some loan

in Antonio’s personal security in Venice.

Portia’s Caskets:-

Portia expressed her sadness to Nerissia, her handmaid about the schemes of her

father’s will which stipulated that she must marry the man who correctly chose one of the

three caskets. The caskets were made of Gold, Silver and Lead. But she could not get a

husband because none of the man who had come succeeded.

Portia’s Suitors:-

Nerrisia listed the suitors of Portia who had already visited. They were Neopolitan

Prince, Count Palatine, Monsieur Le Bon, the French Lord, the Young Baron of England, the

Scottish Lord and The German failed to win her. Portia mocked each of their short comings

but she fondly praised Bassanio who visited her when her father was alive.

Jewish Money Lender:-

Bassanio decided to borrow 3000 ducats from shylock, a Jewish money lender for

3months on the personal security of Antonio. Shylock felt very happy because he was waiting

for this chance only because he hated Antonio due to some reasons. First, he was a Christian,

secondly he spoiled his business that he lent money to the needy people without interest,

thirdly in public places, he abused him. So, he wanted to teach a lesson.


Shylock pretended that he forgave Antonio and told him that he would treat him as a

friend. He admitted to pay a loan by getting a sign from Antonio in a bond in which it was

written that if Antonio failed to repay the money in time, Shylock could cut a pound of flesh

from any part of the body. Though it was a fatal agreement, Antonio signed it. Bassanio also

warned him but he signed for the sake of friendship and he assured him that he could pay the

money within the due time. Shylock mocked them that one pound of human flesh was more

worthless than mutton.


In every first act of the plays, Shakespeare always creates more expectation to the

audience. The audience are made to expect whether Antonio would repay or not. This is the

success of Shakespeare.

Act II

The Prince of Morocco in Belmont:

While Portia was describing about all her suitors to Nerissa, Prince of Morocco came

to meet her. As he liked her too much, he spoke very openly from his bottom of his heart. He

openly declared not to reject him because of his black complexion. He said that the black

colour came by his country and the uniform which he wore in the battle field. Finally he told

that though he was black, his blood was very redder than the northern fair boy because he had

that much level love on her. Portia replied that the choice was not her but the man who would

choose the correct box.

The Challenge to Marry Portia:

The suitors who wanted to marry Portia to choose the correct casket among the three

caskets whish should have the portrait of Portia. She warned him that if the suitor failed to

choose the correct casket, he should not reveal which casket he chose and he should not

marry any other girl in his life time. Even after Portia warned him, Morocco accepted the

challenges because he hoped that he would marry Portia. He swore on his very luckiest sword

by which he won Shah of Persia and Prince of Persia. Even though he hoped very much, he

was afraid that he might be defeated like the strongest man Hercules was defeated by his

servant Lichas.

The Dilemma of Launcelot Gobbo :

Launcelot Gobbo was the servant of Shylock. As Shylock treated him crudely, he

suffered a lot so he tried to decide that he should go away from Shylock. His conscience told

him to stay with Shylock. But a devil voice asked him to go away from him. Finally he

decided to leave Shylock and join to Bassanio who was a good man and he treated his

servants well with the good trimmed uniforms.

Love of Jessica and Lorenzo:

When Launcelot went to Shylock’s home to bid farewell to Jessica, the daughter of

Shylock, she felt very sorry for her father’s misdeeds on him. She said that her house would

be like a hell without the merry making of him. After the conversation, while he bid farewell,

she gave a letter to Launcelot and asked him to gave it to Lorenzo and she warned him not to

show this letter to Shylock.

The madness of Launcelot:-

Old Gobbo wanted to see his son so he went to Shylock’s house. On the way to his

house, he met Launcelot. But, due to his impaired sight, he could not recognize his son. So,

Launcelot planned to make fun with his father. So he confused his father by giving him a

confusing direction. While he enquired his son, Launcelot told that his son was died. So,

Gobbo was shocked and shouted. Launcelot consoled him by remaining his mother’s nick

name Margery. Only then, he believed that he was his son.

The Masquerade:-

Antonio, Bassanio and other friends were discussing their plans for a masquerade at

Bassanio’s dinner for which Gratiano complained that they had no good preparation for torch

bearer. Lorenzo convinced them that they would have two hairs more and they could arrange

the party in a grand manner. When they were discussing, Lancelot came with Jessica’s letter.

Lorenzo told him that he would never to fail to meet her and asked him to invite Shylock for

the dinner.

Departure of Shylock to Dinner:-

When Launcelot invited Shylock for dinner, he ordered his daughter Jessica to close all the

doors and windows and not to hear any sounds and music of Christian. Even though, he did

not like to go for the dinner, he accepted to go only to waste the money of Christians. So, he

gave the keys of his house to Jessica and left the place. During the time, Launcelot gave hint

to Jessica that a young Christian would come in the disguised manner to meet her.

Elopement of Jessica and Lorenzo:-

Lorenzo came in front of the house of Jessica with Gratiano and Salarino. He called

her to come down. Then, she threw the casket of gold to him and then both of them ran out of

the place.

Gold Casket:-

The Prince of Morocco opened the golden casket in which he found the “Human

Skull” with a letter which told that all that glitters are not gold. So he deceived and lost the

chance to marry Portia.

Shylock’s Reaction on Jessica’s Elopement:-

When Shylock came to know the elopement of his daughter, he ran on the road with

shouting as “O’ my daughter! O’ my ducats”. He felt angry very much about his jewels and

precious stones were taken by Jessica rather than her elopement with a Christian.

The Prince of Arragon:-

The Prince of Arragon came to open the casket to marry Portia. So, he read all the

inscriptions- on every casket. Then, he chose the silver casket in which he found the picture

of “Blinking Idiot” with a description that all the metals are judged after seven times and all

the judgments are delivered after having many examinations. Like that, he should have

thought well before opening the silver casket. So, he lost the chance to marry Portia. After he

went, her servant came and informed her that the new suitor came from Venice described in a

lovely manner. So, Portia was very eager to see him. Nerrisa thought that if he was Bassanio

it would be very happy.



The Act- III is alternatively set in Venice and Belmont. Shakespeare in this scene

included the social status of the country as a satire, that increasing of Christians lead to hike

of prices in the market. This is a more romantic and comic scene with a sad beginning.

Loss of Antonio’s Merchant Ship:-

Salarino and Salanio are talking about the lost ships of Antonio in English Channel.

Salarino feels sad about the accident and further prays for Antonio’s ship. Meanwhile,

Shylock comes to search Lorenzo and Jessica and he hears about Antonio’s loss and

bankrupt. Then, Tubal appears and informs Shylock that he cannot find Lorenzo and Jessica

at Genoa. Then he informs Shylock about the loss of Antonio’s merchandise ships. Shylock

requests Tubal to meet their lawyer to claim the bond case to court and asks him to meet him

at the synagogue.

Bassanio Choosing the Caskets:-

Bassanio gets three thousand ducats from Shylock under Antonio’s personal security.

He is unaware of the fact that Antonio’s ships have lost at English Channel. Portia is truly

glad by Bassanio’s arrival. She does not want him to lose forever. Bassanio is also anxious to

select the casket as soon as possible. Portia arranges musicians to guide him to select right

casket. It gives him a hint to choose the correct casket which has the portrait of Portia.

Bassanio chooses the correct lead casket which has the portrait of Portia and wonders

at the beauty of Portia. Portia feels so much overwhelmed with joy at Bassanio’s success.

Nerrisa expresses her congratulations to both Portia and Bassanio. Gratiano congratulates

them and informs that he will marry at the same time of Bassanio’s marriage and says that he

has been wooing Nerrisa and makes her to agree to marry.

A Letter From Antonio:-

Lorenzo and Jessica after visiting several places, they arrive at Belmont to take part in

the general rejoicings. While these events are taking place at Belmont, things are taking a

different turn in Venice. There is sad news that Antonio’s ships have sunk and lost at sea is

heavy. Shylock wants to take his revenge upon Antonio. When the day for payment comes,

Antonio has no money to meet Shylock’s demand.

Shylock makes Antonio to arrest. So, Antonio writes a letter to Bassanio in Belmont

requesting him to visit him before his trial. Salarino is a messenger who carries the letter to

Belmont. He gives it in the hands of Bassanio on the very day of his wedding. When

Bassanio reads the letter his face turns pale and blue. Portia notices and understands that a

very bad news is on the letter. Then she urges Bassanio to leave the place and flee to Venice

to save his friend who suffers for Bassanio’s own cause. Portia says “take all the money that

you want to pay the Jew several times over. I do not wish that your friend should suffer by

your fault”

Shylock’s Cruelty:-

Antonio has forfeited his debt to Shylock. Shylock has no mercy towards Antonio and

he wants a pound of flesh as in the bond. Shylock urges the duke to grant justice as the bond

demands otherwise the laws of Venice will be ruined. Antonio says that he is also ready to

face the trail. But he wants to see Bassanio before his death.

Portia’s Plan:-

Bassanio and Gratiano have left Belmont and then Portia plans to disguise herself as a

male lawyer and to take a secret mission to save Antonio with Nerrisa. So, she asks her

servant Belthazar to meet Dr.Bellario in Padua to instruct him to get the things whatever he

gives and she asks Lorenzo to take charge of her house and she says that she and Nerrisa

would like to go and stay in a monastery for the welfare of their husbands.

Argument between Launcelot and Jessica:-

In the garden of Portia’s house, Launcelot says Jessica that she will be damned for her

father’s sins. Jessica defends herself by saying that she is not his daughter any more but the

wife of Lorenzo and also she says that his good deeds will save her. When they are talking,

Lorenzo appears and asks about their intimate talk to which Jessica replies that they have an

argument about the conversion of Christian. Lorenzo asks Launcelot to make dinner.


This act can be considered as a light hearted and it relieves the readers from the

tedium of the melancholic mood. Shylock feels proud himself to be the most heartless of the

money- lenders. Portia plays a witty roll to attract the audience.



The Merchant of Venice is a play by William Shakespeare in which a merchant in 16th

century Venice must default on a large loan provided by an abused Jewish money lender. In

this act- iv, we reach the dramatic high point of the play, regarding the “bond”. Perhaps the

moment of strongest contrast between Shylock and the Christian ideals concern the contract

of a pound of flesh for Shylock money and if a pound of flesh is equal. Meanwhile, Portia

comes to Venice in disguise as a lawyer with Nerrisa as her clerk and speaks to Shylock

about mercy. But he refuses it. Then Portia wit fully wins over the case.

Shylock’s Aggressiveness:-

Antonio is brought before the duke and the magnificous of Venice to stand trial for

failing to pay of his obligation to Shylock. The duke is upset about the penalty, a pound of

flesh, but cannot find any lawful way of freeing Antonio from his bond. Shylock enters the

court and the Duke tells him that he has already sworn by his Sabbath that he will take his

pound of flesh from Antonio.

Shylock’s Accusation on Christian:-

Bassanio then comes forward and offers Shylock the six thousand ducats as

repayment for the loan. Shylock tells him that even if there were six times as much as money

offered to him, he would not take it. Then, the Duke remains Shylock that if he does not show

any mercy how can he expect mercy from God?

“How shult thou hope for mercy, ren’d ring none?”

Shylock responds that he is doing nothing wrong, and compares his contract with

Antonio to the Christian solve trade. He tells the Duke that he does not demand that the

Christians should free their slaves, and therefore the Christians should not demand that, he

free Antonio the Duke threatens to dismiss the court without settling the suit brought by

Shylock if Doctor Bellario fails to arrive. Salario tells him tells that a messenger has just

come from Bellario and Nerrisa enters dressed as a man and informs the duke that Bellario

has sent a letter to him. Shylock with his knife on his shoe, confident that he will receive his

pound of flesh.

Arrival of Portia as a lawyer:-

The letter from Bellario recommends a young and educated doctor to attribute the

case. The duke asks where the young doctor is, and Nerrisa tells him that he is waiting

outside to be admitted into the court. The duke orders him to be brought in and Portia enters

dressed as a man, pertaining to be a doctor named Balthazar. Portia tells the duke that she has

thoroughly studied the case and then asks,

“which is the merchant here, and which the Jew?”

Antonio and shylock both step forward and Portia asks Antonio if he confuses to sign

the bond. He does and Portia then says that shylock therefore must be merciful.

Quality of mercy:-

The conflict between Shylock and the Christian character come to a head over the

issue of mercy. The other characters acknowledge they all expect him to show mercy. Which

he refuses to do when, during the trial, Shylock asks Portia what could possibly compel him

to be merciful, Portia’s long reply, beginning with the words, “The quality of mercy is not

strained”. Human being should be merciful; mercy is an attribute of god himself and

therefore greater than power, majesty or law God who forgive others. When Portia warns

Shylock against pursuing the law without regard for mercy, she is promoting what

Elizabethan Christians would have seen as a pro-Christian, anti-Jewish agenda. But Shylock

replied that he didn’t want any salutation.

Portia’s Judgment:-

Portia asks Shylock to get ready to cut a pound of flesh from near Antonio’s heart.

But he is not to shed even a drop of blood from Antonio’s body. Shylock is shocked to hear

this. Now, he demands thrice the amount of the bond. But, Portia is firm on going by the

bond. As per the Venetian law as Shylock has attempted to kill a Venetian. One half of his

property will go to the state and the other half to Antonio. Shylock’s life is at the mercy of the

duke, however, pardons Shylock but confiscates his property. Antonio wishes that Shylock

should become a Christian and his property should reach his daughter and his son-in-law.

Ring Exchange:-

Disguised as a lawyer, Portia saves Antonio from the cruel shylock. As a reward,

Bassanio comes forward offer three thousand ducats. But Portia wishes to have the ring

Bassanio has on his finger. First he is not accepted after Antonio’s advice Gratiano meets the

disguised Portia and gives her Bassanio’s ring, as fee for her service as lawyer. The disguised

Nerrisa also gets her husband Gratiano’s ring.


Portia and Nerrisa arrive back at Belmont before Bassanio, Gratiano and Antonio

arrive. The men are unaware that it was Portia and Nerrisa who defended them in the

Venetian court. Nerrisa and then Portia scold their husbands for giving away their wedding

rings. They charge them with infidelity to their wives. Much comedy ensures as the two men

attempt to make excuses for this. Portia ends Bassanio’s and Gratiano agony by producing a

letter which explains their role in Venice. The two men are ashamed that they could not

recognize their own wives. Portia delights Antonio by informing him that his ships are quite

safe in the harbor.

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