the messenger - amazon other words, we may wear casual clothes to church and worship god...

Post on 14-Jul-2020






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Volume 6, Issue 11 November 2018

Although I don’t get it as much as I used to, one of the ques-

tions I get from time to time is “What should we wear to church?”

Often it’s not been in the form of a question but rather in the form

of a stated opinion (seen in their eyes as a fact). I came across this

article which addresses this subject, and I thought I’d share it with

you this month…

“What Should We Wear To Church?” written by Jon Bloom


When I was a little boy, probably 80% of men wore a coat and tie to our church,

and 90% of women wore dresses. By the time I was in high school, 40% of men wore

a coat and tie, and 50% of women wore dresses to church — the majority of both

genders being middle-aged and elderly. Everyone else dressed “business casual.”

Jeans were rare. Tee shirts even rarer. Shorts were never seen outside the nursery,

even in mid-July.

Today, in the church I attend, no man wears a suit or sport coat unless it’s a spe-

cial occasion. And ties are seen less than coats. I’d say less than 5% of women

wear dresses on Sunday. Shorts, tee shirts, and sandals are commonly worn in

warmer weather. My young son wonders why he has to “dress up” for church if I tell

him to change into better jeans and a nicer tee shirt.

In the small Protestant denomination I belong to, no pastor I know of preaches in

a coat or tie on a typical Sunday. Pastors, worship team members, and other plat-

form participants dress pretty much like everyone else minus the shorts, tee shirts,

and sandals.

These changes in what people wear to church reflect the wider cultural changes

over the past fifty years regarding clothing. The whole of American culture has

dressed down. This has produced largely generational debates over appropriate

church attire. Those who favor more formal dress suspect casual clothes reflect a

disrespectful, irreverent attitude toward God. Those who favor casual dress feel it

reflects a more authentic approach to God. Does either have a biblical case?

Does God tell us what we should wear to church? The debate over formal versus

casual church clothing is a shrinking one for at least two reasons: 1. the pro-formal

party is shrinking, and 2. the pro-formal remnant is now so outnumbered it hardly

seems worth the effort to argue.

Most folks who lament the casual trend came of age in an era where public

dress in general was more formal. They, like most people in every era, simply as-

sumed their own cultural norms. It just wasn’t “right” to wear casual clothes in cer-

tain places, especially in church.

So, as the cultural clothing norms changed, and people — typically younger

people — started wearing casual clothes to those places, including church, it felt

“wrong.” It felt like a form of disrespect, even rebellion, toward the older genera-

tions. In church, it felt like disrespect, even rebellion, toward God.

But is this true? Certainly, on the microlevel of sinful individuals, plenty of rebellion

toward elders and God took place, just as it has in all generations. The pro-formal

crowd had their own generational expressions of rebellion. But from a biblical

standpoint, there is no compelling exegetical case to be made that more formal

dress is de facto more respectful toward God than casual dress. Church clothing is

a preference formed by culture and tradition.

Continued on Next Page

A Message from Pastor Jason White

Student Ministry



Kids Ministry



Music Ministry 4

Ladies Ministry






Inside this issue:

OCC Box Packing


Student Ministry Bake


Thanksgiving Meal

Exercise Class

Women’s Ministry

Painting Night

BCCM Fall Food Drive

Special Points of



A Message from Pastor Jason White, continued On the other hand, many of those who embrace the trend toward more casual have come of age during

the dressing-down decades, and they are just as vulnerable to assuming the cultural norms that have shaped

them. It feels “fine” to wear jeans and a tee shirt to church, perhaps the same ones worn on Saturday. But

why does it feel okay?

As I mentioned before, “authenticity” is the most popular answer. We are coming to God as we are, put-

ting on no airs or masks with him. It sounds good, but I don’t really buy it. Wearing casual clothes is no

more de facto spiritually authentic than formal clothes are de facto spiritually respectful. We might not be at

all authentic standing before God in our jeans. We may choose casual clothes primarily to fit in socially, or to

attract attention to ourselves, or to nurture a “cool” image. In other words, we may wear casual clothes to

church and worship God with our lips, while our hearts are far from him (Is. 29:13).

Perhaps casual clothes can help us approach God more authentically in ways formal clothes don’t. Per-

haps formal clothes can help us express respect and reverence toward God in ways casual clothes don’t. I

have significant doubts about both.

God does not explicitly endorse either formal or casual clothes in corporate worship. He doesn’t even en-

ter the debate. In fact, outside of ritual Levitical laws that no longer apply in the new covenant, God says vir-

tually nothing regarding how we should dress when we come together to worship him.

It’s not that clothing doesn’t matter to God. Clothing matters a great deal to God — just not in the same

ways or for the same reasons it typically matters to us. God refuses to decide the formal-casual debate, but

he does explicitly tell us what he wants us to wear to church: Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward

one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Pet. 1:5)

What are we supposed to wear? Humility. All clothing — formal, casual, work, sport, beachwear, sleep-

wear, underwear, headwear, every other kind of wear — can be a source of great pride. There isn’t a cloth-

ing item or style that we can’t turn into an expression of self-centered, self-exalting self-worship.

But if we clothe ourselves with humility, if we “count others more significant than [ourselves],” and “look not

only to [our] own interests, but also to the interests of others,” then no matter how we dress, we will honor and

reflect Christ (Phil. 2:3-4).

God doesn’t specify what external clothes honor him most, because he cares what our hearts wear.

What’s inside of us either honors him or dishonors him — either approaches him with authenticity or with inau-

thenticity. If our hearts are wearing humility, no matter what we wear, we will dress in loving ways. If our

hearts are wearing pride, formal clothes will always be disrespectful and casual clothes will always be inau-


If our hearts are wearing humility, what will matter to us is whether God is glorified and others are loved. But

if our hearts are wearing pride, we will disregard God’s glory and others’ spiritual health in favor of our person-

al preferences and freedoms. And, in the end, if our hearts are wearing humility, we will think of our clothes as

little as possible when we draw near to God together in worship.

In His Name,

Jason White, Lead Pastor

512.282.0875, x14

Can you help us reach our goal of being debt free by

March of 2019? If so you can give during the offering time at

one of our services (mark Freedom Initiative on your check),

online (at, or in person at the church

office throughout the week. Did you know that you can also

donate stocks, bonds, property, etc. by contacting the office as well? Thanks in advance for partnering with

us to set the church up for future success in this community!

Only 4 Months Left to Go, Can You Help?

Volume 6, Issue 11 Page 3

Student Ministry HEY MBC FAMILY!

As we enter into November I find myself overwhelmed with what the Lord has been do-

ing over the school year so far! Redneck Homecoming was a success, and students are

with one another more and more. Sunday nights have been so uplifting as we have been

in our identity series and it is apparent the spirit is moving. If your student hasn’t been able

to make it yet, I hope you’ll help them arrange their schedules so they can be here. It has

truly been a fruitful experience.

For the month of November, we have several things going on for students and yourself to be a part of, and

to be praying for. November 4th is a special MBC Students Parent Service. We are asking all parents to attend

and participate in our Sunday night service as we close out the identity series. This special night will let parents

see what our students are a part of as well as hopefully grow their relationships closer to Jesus and each other.

November 11th we are rolling out our mission trip for students to sign-up to be a part of the team for the sum-

mer. Last year we experienced our students really growing in Jesus and connecting their faith to outside the

walls of the church. Please pray our students will respond to God’s calling on them accordingly. Last, is our

Student Bake Sale on November 18th during the Thanksgiving lunch. All of the money raised goes towards our

fall and spring retreats to help with scholarships and other things of that nature. Please consider participating

in the silent auction. We are so excited about this time of year and feel it will be very impactful for many of

our students.

As the holiday seasons begin, we ask that you continue to pray for our students. Pray that the Lord helps

them realize all the blessing that they have through Jesus Christ and that if any of them do not have a person-

al relationship with Jesus, that He would bring them to know and fall deeply in love with Him.

Because of Grace,

Tanner Shumake, Student Pastor

512-282-0875, ext. 22

Children’s Ministry In November we all have so much to be thankful for and I am so excited about the

monthly themes for MBC Kids.

This month we will begin teaching our preschoolers to grow up with eyes that see the

helpers in their life and a heart that is thankful. Because no matter how grown up you are,

you always have people helping you—and a “thank you” goes a long way.

Also, this month our Elementary kids will be learning that cooperation is a spiritual con-

cept that originates with God. God created us to work together in community. Throughout the Bible, we see

how God brought people together to accomplish something big for Him. When we work together, we reflect

what Jesus envisioned for His followers. Our love for one another can point people to Him.

As we enter into November together, my hope is that we all are overwhelmed with thankfulness for all God

has done in and through our lives. I am so thankful for each of you and it is an honor to serve with you at


In His Joy,

Jenny Childress

Children’s Director

512-282-0875, ext. 26


Music Ministry

I don’t know how many times you have read the New Testament, but I am finding more

and more, that I have missed the simple points that God left me through His word. I know

that Jesus died for my sins and through Him, I am set free, but what does it really mean to

follow Him?

Matthew 4:19 is one of my favorite examples of the urgency of the Gospel. Jesus meets

Simon Peter and his brother Andrew on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and immediately calls them into minis-

try by telling them to drop their nets and follow Him. Jesus said that He would show them how to become fish-

ers of men. Jesus didn’t go to the temple and pick two religious men or to a place of education and pick two

scholars, He picked two of the most blue-collar people of that day and time………fishermen.

Jesus has called us. The Gospel is urgent, and the time is now. He will show us how, but we have to set out

on the path with him. I think all too often we are afraid to invite people to church because we are afraid of

failing. Two things- fear is not of God and He cannot fail because He is God. Deuteronomy 31:6

The choir has begun leading worship in the 8:30 service again. With this, I think we have been given an

amazing opportunity to reach out to people that enjoy/prefer a more traditional style of worship. There are

not that many choirs around anymore. This is a fact. Each one of us probably knows someone that is frustrat-

ed because of this. Some people even leave their church over it. It’s up to us to spread the word that

Manchaca Baptist Church has a choir again. Right now, you may be thinking of someone who needs to

hear this. Maybe it’s your mom or dad or your grandparents. Maybe it’s your neighbor. We all need to have

the faith of Simon Peter and Andrew and just drop our nets and follow Jesus. You will not fail because He is


Keith Davis

Worship Pastor


Wednesday Dinner Menu

Nov. 7

Taco Soup, Chicken & Sausage Gumbo,


Nov. 14

Ham, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Dessert

Nov. 21

No Meal - Thanksgiving Week

Nov. 28

Spaghetti, Green Beans, Bread, Dessert

Student Ministry Bake Sale

Page 5 Volume 6, Issue 11

Baptist Community Center Mission (BCCM)

Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse.

MBC collects various items all

throughout the year. For the month

of November we are collecting cash

for shipping, underwear and socks

(all sizes). Items to be donated all

year are: shoeboxes, and cash donations which we

will use to buy items for the boxes and for shipping.

To find out more information about OCC, or to vol-

unteer to serve in this ministry, please contact Marta

Knight 512-657-2366.

Join us on Sat., Nov. 10, at 9:00am, in the

Gym, for our Box Packing Party. Invite a friend

and bring a dish for our snack table!

Ladies Ministry Events O.A.S.I.S.


vited to our November

IF:Tables. For locations and

times, please contact Amanda


LADIES BIBLE STUDY - All ladies are welcome for

Bible Studies on Fridays at 9:30am in Room E115.

LADIES COFFEE - Ladies meet at the Texican Café

at 9:00am the 4th Sat. of each month (excluding Nov.

& Dec.) for coffee, Dutch-treat breakfast and great


O.A.S.I.S. (Older Adults Still In


ALL Senior Adults are invited for our

monthly gathering on

November 9, at 11:30am, in Room E115,

for some good food,

wonderful fellowship and dominoes!

The BCCM is having their annual Fall Food Drive, and are collecting

the following items:

Canned goods: can chicken, can ham, tuna, beef stew, chili without

beans, spam, chicken & dumplings, hash, sloppy joes, ham spread, bbq

beef, chicken spreads, roast beef, deviled ham, vienna sausage, salm-

on, potted meat, corned beef, all canned vegetables, canned fruit,


Dry goods: peanut butter/jelly, pancake mix, syrup, sugar (2-lb bags), gravy packets, spaghetti, spaghetti

sauce, taco sauce, mayonnaise, catsup, mustard, relish, tomato sauce/paste, Jiffy cornbread mix, cereal,

rice (1-2-lb bags), pinto beans (dry/1-2-lb bags), instant potatoes, pop tarts, oatmeal, grits, crackers, flour,

muffin/bread mixes, Crisco/oil, baking soda, baking powder, spices, cake mixes, cake frosting, pie filling, pud-

dings, brownie/cookie mixes.

Beverages: tang, juices, tea, coffee, hot chocolate mix, evaporated milk, nonfat dry milk.

Baby Items: formulas, cereals, can meat, fruit & vegetables.

Soap & Washing Detergent: all kinds/small boxes, bath soap, dish detergent.



1Adventurer’s Acad.

1:30-3:30pm Gym

Open Studio 10:00am-2:00pm E115

Men’s Lunch Golden Corral 10:45am

Adapted Sports 6:00-8:00pm Gym


Ladies Bible Study 9:30-11:30am Room E115

Terry’s Dayhab 10:00-11:00am Gym

3 Room E115 in Use


Childress Baby Shower 2:00-4:00pm Kids Worship Room

Daylight Saving Time Ends - Set Your

Clocks back an Hour!


Student Ministry Parent Service

5:00pm The Loft


MBC Kids Weekday



Basketball Ages 18+ 7:00-9:00pm Gym

7KW 9:00am-2:00pm -

Family Meal 5:45-6:30pm Gym - Men’s Study 6:30-7:30pm Room S204 - Women’s Study 6:30-7:30pm Room S207 - Sr. Adult Study 6:30-7:30pm Room E115 - AWANA 6:30-7:45pm

8Adventurer’s Acad.

1:30-3:30pm Gym

Open Studio 10:00am-2:00pm E115

Men’s Lunch Golden Corral 10:45am

Adapted Sports 6:00-8:00pm Gym

9 Ladies Bible Study

9:30-11:30am Room E115

Terry’s Dayhab 10:00-11:00am Gym O.A.S.I.S. 11:30am Room E115


Operation Christmas

Child Shoebox Packing Party 9:00am Gym


Deacon Meeting 2:30pm Room E115


MBC Kids Weekday



Basketball Ages 18+ 7:00-9:00pm Gym

14KW 9:00am-2:00pm -

Family Meal 5:45-6:30pm Gym - Men’s Study 6:30-7:30pm Room S204 - Women’s Study 6:30-7:30pm Room S207 - Sr. Adult Study 6:30-7:30pm Room E115 - AWANA 6:30-7:45pm

15Adventurer’s Acad.

1:30-3:30pm Gym

Open Studio 10:00am-2:00pm E115

Men’s Lunch Golden Corral 10:45am

Adapted Sports 6:00-8:00pm Gym


Ladies Bible Study 9:30-11:30am Room E115

Terry’s Dayhab 10:00-11:00am Gym


Project Linus 10:00am—2:00pm

Room E115


No 8:30am Service

Congregational Thanksgiving Meal

and Student Ministry Bake Sale

12:00pm Gym



Basketball Ages 18+ 7:00-9:00pm Gym


No Scheduled Activities Church Office is Closed

at 12:00pm.




No Scheduled Activities Church Office is Closed


25 26

MBC Kids Weekday



Basketball Ages 18+ 7:00-9:00pm Gym

28KW 9:00am-2:00pm -

Family Meal 5:45-6:30pm Gym - Men’s Study 6:30-7:30pm Room S204 - Women’s Study 6:30-7:30pm Room S207 - Sr. Adult Study 6:30-7:30pm Room E115 - AWANA 6:30-7:45pm

29*Adventurer’s Acad.

1:30-3:30pm Gym *Open Studio 10:00am-2:00pm E115 *Men’s Lunch Golden Corral 10:45am *Adapted Sports 6:00-8:00pm Gym *Ladies Event 6pm E115


Ladies Bible Study 9:30-11:30am Room E115

Terry’s Dayhab 10:00-11:00am Gym

November 2018

Volume 6, Issue 11 Page 7

New Exercise Classes Daylight Saving Time Ends

Is your new year’s resolution to be healthier

in 2019? If so then you are invited to attend a

lunch time exercise class led by MBC’s

own Lindsey Lear. Classes begin January 10th

and will be held on Thursdays from 12:00-

12:30pm in the Gym. This class is for adults of

any age, and will be exercises that can be

adjusted for any fitness level. Got questions or want to know more? Con-

tact Lesa Yanes in the Church Office at 512-


Ladies Event


When: Thursday, November 29

Where: MBC, Room E115

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Cost: $10.00

Amanda Burchett will be leading us to paint

the winter scene you see here!

Sign-up on the table located in the Main


Questions? Contact the Church Office at


Daylight Saving Time Ends

November 4

Set your clocks back 1-hour Sat., Nov. 3.

1215 W. FM 1626

P.O. Box 400

Manchaca, TX 78652

October 31, 2018

Phone: 512-282-0875

Fax: 512-292-0043 E-mail:

“I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for

God my Savior; my God will hear me.”

- Micah 7:7

Annual Thanksgiving Meal

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