the middle east by night – most countries sleep. except for israel

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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The Middle East by night – The Middle East by night – most countries sleep. most countries sleep.

Except for Israel

15’204 Palestinian attacks

against of teenagers, women, children, families and soldiers since

Sept. 2000: sniper and drive-by-shootings, lynches, suicide bombings,

sideway and car bombings, mortar, rocket and knife attacks etc.

Source: 11.11.2002 (



Would they make peace with you?

Hamas/Islamic Jihad: The creation of an islamic Palestine – instead of Israel.

1. Israeli-Palestinian Peace ProcessThe Oslo Peace Accords were signed by Yitzkak

Rabin and Yasser Arafat in September of 1993.

But after having received land, guns, a Police force, a Government, an airport, etc. to rule their own life - they armed their terrorists for Jihad.

What was the reason for the failure for OSLO? „You where the reason, why Camp David failed“.

(Bill Clinton to Yasser Arafat, 2001)

and this was the result:

2. Palestinian Education

1. Palestinian educational elementary school books (financed by the EU*) content hatred, racism, deny the existence of the State of Israel and reject that Jews have ever lived in the region. WHY?

2. They intend to win the intifada with so many shahidim to “free Palestine”, that Israelis will seek refuge in Germany, France, Russia, Poland…where they’d be welcome with open arms.

But they rejected the creation of an independent Palestine in 1947, 1948, 1967, 1973 and 2000.


Do you understand now where

Palestinian terror comes from?

3. Suicide bombings• Support for suicide bombings:

Israelis – 0 % (of 5.6 Mio. Israelis)

Palestinians – 67% (of 3.4 Mio. Palestinians)

• Suicide Bombings (since Sept. of 2000):Israelis – 0 suicide bombings

Palestinians – 145 suicide bombings

source: Palestinian Human Rights Group

4. Suicide bomber camps Palestinians terror organisations offer children

for 8-12 yrs. to join suicide bomber camps:• Islamic Jihad operates 4 camps in Gaza (

• Hamas operates 3 camps


Preparing the next “intifada”???

5. Palestinian Terrorism

In 15’204 attacks against Israelis 4’738 were wounded and 656 killed.

• Westbank : 6’934 attacks

• Gazastrip : 7’629 attacks

• Homefront : 641 attacks

source: (11.11.02)

6. Value of Life

Israeli protect life, they don’t commit terrorist attacks.

Palestinians militants use their life (and that of others) for political purposes, only

martyrdom is their meaning of life.

The lynching of 2 Israeli soldiers in October of 2002performed by a Palestinian child in Gaza.

7. Jerusalem(the holy city)

The meaning of Jerusalem to Jews: As the capital of Israel for 3300 years it is

mentioned in the bible 700 times. It is not mentioned in the Koran at all.

Or would you bomb your own holy sites? …

8. Palestinian “aim”: Liberation of occupied land

Palestinians claim to liberate (“their”) occupied land. Is that the reason they bomb the cities in Israel?

Do you think they want to liberate the malls, buses, train and bus stations, markets, synagogues, kibbutzim, streets, schools, apartments, family festivities???

Think again please – they bomb Israeli towns: Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, Hadera, Beer-Shewa, Haifa, Netanya… to liberate them too???

What massacres? “The Israeli Defence Force is most powerful army in the region with F-16 combat jets, helicopters, tanks...“ (Saeb Erakat, BBC 2002)

But why then did the notorious IDF succeeded in killing only a poor number of 1’651 Palestinians with the those F-16s, Apaches and tanks?

Because the IDF defends itself against perpetrators and does NOT kill innocent civilians - otherwise the number of Palestinian casualties was much bigger.

Per comparis: The Iraqis killed 50’000 Kurds, Lebanese killed 35’000 Christians and

Palestinians, the Russians killed 250’000 Chechens, Egypt killed 45’000 Islamic

Militants, in Algeria 50’000 Berbers were killed, Syria and Jordan each killed 20’000

Palestinians in violent uproars...

Weren’t those massacres? Were was the UN then? Why were they not condemned ?????

UN-ResolutionsIsrael’s condemnations have become routine and it has the most resolutions by the UN-Security Council in the world.

Please note why the UN is biased: • China and Russia, permanent members with VETO-rights,

committed atrocities in their and other countries. NO condemnation.

• There is not a single resolution against or condemnation of Arab countries having committed crimes against humanity.

• Arab League Members: 22 Members, 22 Votes.

• Syria (UN Security-Council; Presidency until Dec. 2003)

• Libya (Presidency of UN Human Rights from Jan. 2003)

Arab supporting states : 92

Israel supporting states: 1 You still wonder why?

9. Israel an Apartheid state?

Out of 1.2 Million Israeli Arabs living in Israel:

• 96% go to public schools in Israel

• 87% work in Israel

• 44% posses cars (8% less than Israelis)

• 38% posses apartments (4% less than Israelis)

Israeli population includes more than 92 foreign nationalities

(incl. Arabs), but the Palestinians want all Israelis/Jews out from

the Westbank and Gaza to be “JUDENFREI” (ethnic cleansing).

And Palestinians call Israel an apartheid state? ….

10. “Peaceful” Demonstrations?

Palestinian funerals (mass-demonstrations) become violent congregations of terror group members. Note the colours of their flags:

• Black flags : Islamic Jihad

• Green flags : Hamas

• Red flags : PFLP

• Yellow flags: Hisbollah

11. What “innocent” civilians?

And Palestinians call Israel a terror state?


Timeline of Palestinian Terror

The PLO was founded in 1964 by Yasser Arafatin order to create a Palestine - instead of Israel.


Responsible for Palestinian Terror:

Yasser „Abu ammar“ Arafat

1. By smuggling and selling weapons to terror organisations (Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP…)

2. By creating a coalition of terror3. For not acting against, but encouraging terrorism. 4. For incitement of terror in Palestinian Medias. 5. Corruption and misleading his own people6. Murdering and terrorising people (for more than 35 yrs.)

Responsible for terror and therefor breaching the Oslo Peace Treaty:

“The Palestinian Authority has become a mafia-like organisation”. (Zinni, 2001)

“President Arafat is must stop terrorists and not give refuge to them“. (Bush, 2002)

„The reason why Wye and Camp David failed, was because of Arafat“. (Clinton, 2001)

Put the man on trial in DenHague!

For questions or ideas please write:© 2002)

With the kind support of S.

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