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Guidelines for Applicants May 2009

The Greenlands Challenge is a competitive funding program through which the Ontario Ministry of

Natural Resources helps conserve Ontario’s biodiversity.

Please read these guidelines carefully. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

1. Timing and Submission Eligible organizations may submit a maximum of three (3) projects for funding. The deadline for applications is June 10, 2009. Submit by mail one electronic copy of the application and any attachments or supporting documentation burned to a CD-R to the Program Advisor, Land Securement (Julie Simard): Program Advisor, Land Securement (Julie Simard) Land Management Section Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 5th Floor South Tower 300 Water Street Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5 Applications and supporting documents and maps may be submitted as Word files or as scanned PDFs at 72 dpi. Electronic submissions require a signature. Word file applications must include a separate electronic signature (scanned signature image, PDF or jpeg). Electronic signatures cannot be added to the Word document. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that items are posted in time to reach the Ministry of Natural Resources at the above address by June 10, 2009. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered. Applicants will receive an e-mail confirming their submission has been received. Applicants are responsible for contacting Julie Simard ( if they do not receive a confirming e-mail. Special Note: Projects are only eligible for funding if a signed Agreement of Purchase and Sale is in place before November 15, 2009, AND the closing date is between January 1, 2009 and March 12, 2010.

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2. Project Evaluation and Award A total of $1,240,000 in grants is available for this round of applications. Individual projects are eligible for grants of up to a maximum of $400,000 each. Each project proposal will be reviewed for eligibility by a technical committee that includes representatives of various business areas within the Ministry of Natural Resources. Projects are evaluated using the criteria outlined in Section 3 and weighted based on the template in Appendix 1. Funds will be allocated based on the project’s contribution to conserving Ontario’s biodiversity, available matching funds and other social and economic factors. Successful applicants must enter into a funding agreement and a landholding agreement with the ministry. 3. Guiding Principles for Project Eligibility and Selection Projects will be selected based on their strategic contribution to conserving Ontario’s biodiversity, and include the following selection criteria:

• The property makes a significant contribution to the long-term conservation of ecosystems that are representative of Ontario’s biodiversity, including high-quality representative ecosystems, provincially rare types of habitat and provincial species at risk.

• Acquiring this property is the most effective way to conserve the property's attributes and functions over the long term.

• The property is part of a long-term strategic conservation plan. • Applicants can demonstrate the resources and capacity for long-term stewardship of the property’s

biodiversity. Additional criteria include ecological, social and economic considerations, as set out below: Ecological considerations:

• Identified as a priority in the Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint for Aquatic and Terrestrial Biodiversity or a related Natural Area Conservation Plan

• Identified as a priority core or linkage area in a regional securement strategy • Protection of an Area of Natural and Scientific Interest, provincially significant wetlands, coastal

wetlands, endangered or threatened species and their habitats, and/or fish and wildlife management areas

• Property contributes to ecological integrity of existing conservation lands or protected areas • Strong potential for restoration or habitat enhancement • Intact shoreline habitats – coastal/wetland and/or riparian habitats • Carbon sequestering. • Groundwater protection

Social considerations: • Public support for long-term conservation • “Crown jewel” protection, something spectacular or unique that warrants making long-term

conservation a certainty • Provision of access to trails or inaccessible areas • Properties that may provide opportunities for the interpretation of Ontario’s natural heritage

through formal and informal education and awareness programs • Contributes to public health and safety • Aboriginal considerations -- spiritual, ceremonial or cultural sites • Cultural heritage protection.

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Economic and other considerations: • Potential of economic benefits to local/provincial economy from acquisition, such as recreation,

tourism values, etc. • Partnership activity with considerable leveraging of resources • Property is under severe threat of development • Appraised property value and owner expectations, achievability of purchase.

4. Eligible Expenses Only direct purchase price (at fair market value) costs will be eligible for funding. Salaries, benefits and associated costs are not covered by the Greenlands Challenge. Any unused portion of Greenlands funding allocated for a project shall be withheld by MNR and will not be automatically considered for other projects by the same applicant. 5. Match Funding There is no set ratio of match funding for Greenlands applicants, although projects generally receive no more than 50 per cent of purchase price costs. Those organizations that show they can provide substantial match funding will be given priority. 6. Auditing The Ministry of Natural Resources reserves the right, on behalf of the Greenlands Challenge, to complete an audit of the financial records and a stewardship/management review of the properties acquired by the recipient to ensure compliance with the terms and obligations of the Funding Agreement. The Recipient shall provide, when requested, the necessary permissions to access the property and make available to such auditors any records, documents and information that the auditors may require. The scope, coverage and timing of such audits shall be as determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources. The Ministry of Natural Resources will inform the Recipient of the results of any audit and the Recipient will address or put into place measures to address, as soon as possible after the completion of the audit, any activities which the audit may show to be necessary to be in compliance with the intention of the Greenlands Challenge. 7. Documentation Documentation requirements will be outlined in approval letters sent to successful applicants. All documentation will be required electronically (scanned as a PDF at 72 dpi is acceptable) including:

a) Signed Agreement of Purchase and Sale (by November 15, 2009) b) AACI Appraisal, must be submitted on or before the "request for funds" c) Date of closing (verbal or e-mail confirmation is acceptable) within 30 days of completion of

the acquisition of the property Within 90 days of completion of acquisition of the property: d) A final report of all expenses incurred, broken down by land acquisition costs, legal costs and

staff costs, e) Registered Copy of the Transfer/Deed f) Copy of survey (if available) g) Registration date h) Instrument # and/or PIN # i) Formal Statement of Adjustments j) Organization’s charitable number (if applicable) k) Documentation of raised match funding and written confirmation of other funding sources l) Documentation of secured short- and long-term stewardship endowment fund for management

of the property.

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8. Notification The Greenlands Challenge will make every effort to notify applicants in writing within 90 days of the submission deadline with the outcome of the proposal review process. 9. Grant Agreement and Payment After successful applicants sign the Funding Agreement that lays out the terms and conditions of the grant acceptance and expenditures, and upon submission of a formal invoice provided at least 60 days in advance of the date the funds are required, and provided the Ministry of Natural Resources has copies of the signed Agreement of Purchase and Sale and AACI Appraisal, the Greenlands Program will forward 100 per cent of the total grant 30 days prior to the Property Closing Date specified in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 10. Recognition The successful recipient will give credit to and acknowledge receipt of financial assistance from the Greenlands Challenge in every report, advertisement, brochure, media release, signage, etc. relative to the project as follows: “Supported by the Greenlands Challenge – an Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources competitive funding program that helps conserve Ontario’s biodiversity.” Recipients will also include the Ontario logo, to be supplied by the Ministry of Natural Resources, and follow design and usage rules for the Ontario logo set out by the Ministry of Natural Resources, in every report, advertisement, brochure, media release, signage, etc. where other logos are included. 11. Title Consideration and Landholding Agreement Applicant agencies must be the title holder of the subject lands for each project submitted. Successful applicants who receive funding through the Greenlands Challenge shall take title and manage the secured property for conservation to achieve the conservation goals of the program. Recipients will be required to sign a Landholding Agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources. The template for this agreement is attached to these guidelines. When they receive their allocated Greenlands Challenge funds, recipients will be sent a “fillable” version of this document that allows data to be entered on-screen. Recipients must submit two (2) signed originals of the agreement to the Ministry of Natural Resources for signing and registration within 90 days of closing, along with the closing documentation outlined in Section 7 above.

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Appendix 1

Evaluation of Greenlands Challenge Proposals Proposals submitted to the Greenlands Challenge will be evaluated and scored using the principles and criteria of Section 3 of the guidelines and the following questions: A. Ecological significance: • Does the project contain provincially significant features? • Does the project fall within a core natural area/linkage area identified through a planning or natural

heritage mapping exercise? • Is there strong potential for restoration or habitat enhancement? • Does the project offer opportunities to buffer or create connections between natural habitats? • Does the project contain rare or under-represented elements or communities? B. Context: • Is the project directly adjacent to existing conservation lands? If not adjacent, how far away? • Is the project sufficiently large to warrant permanent securement? • Are the features actively threatened, or do municipal or provincial policies or ownership provide an

effective degree of protection already? C. Public benefit: • Will the project provide a clear benefit to the public, such as recreation or tourism? • Is there evidence of community support or opposition to the project being secured for conservation

purposes? • Does the project contribute to the biodiversity conservation goals and objectives of the Ministry of

Natural Resources? D. Management needs: • Is there any evidence of toxic contamination, safety hazards, or other potential liabilities? • Are there buildings or structures? What will they be used for? • Will the natural features on the property be largely self-sustaining, or will they require ongoing

management intervention? • Are there existing incompatible uses on the property, or neighbouring land uses that may be

incompatible? E. Financial feasibility: • Why has this method of securing the property been chosen? • Have any funds been raised already? What proportion of the purchase price do existing committed

funds represent? F. Proponent capacity: • Does this project fit within a broader strategic plan of the applicant? • Has the applicant made significant efforts to investigate long-term management issues and

requirements for the project? • Does the applicant have the resources and capacity for long-term management of the project?


Ministry of Natural Resources

2009/2010 Application Form Application Deadline: June 10, 2009 (5:00 pm)

Application Summary Property name:

Associated natural areas:


Contact person:

Key biodiversity features on property (list):

Funding request from Greenlands Challenge:

Total project budget:

Greenlands Challenge Program: 2009-2010 Application Form Please refer to the 2009-2010 Greenlands Program Guidelines for Applicants and follow the instructions when completing this form. Provide all requested information and use only the fields and format provided below. Documents provided other than the requested information will not be reviewed. Please ensure your submission is complete, as incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Please submit an electronic copy of your application burned on a CD-R directly to Julie Simard as specified in the Guidelines for Applicants. SECTION A: APPLICANT INFORMATION

Date of submission:

Property name:

Agency name and contact:

Agency phone number and e-mail:

Agency address:


Property owner name and address:

Total property size (ha):

Directions to property:

Legal description:


UTM Centroid:

Roll number(s) for each parcel in the property (if more than one roll number please identify associated parcel):


Surface and mineral Rights (Note: Are you acquiring all mineral and gas rights related to the property?)



Buildings or structures:


Yes (please list):


Acquisition Rationale – Feature and Natural Heritage Designation Identify all that apply and if applicable name the specific area or species or provide additional information.

Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (name)

Ontario Parks priority acquisition site (name)

Natural Area Conservation Plan priority site Niagara Escarpment Plan area

Carolinian Canada site Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint priority site

Coastal wetland Oak Ridges Moraine natural core area

Greenbelt protected countryside designation Great Lakes Heritage Coast Signature site

Bruce Trail optimum route Trans Canada Trail optimum route

Provincially significant wetland (name)

Rare habitat (name)

RAMSAR site (name)

Potential habitat for Species at Risk (name)

Important Bird Area (name)

Significant Wildlife Habitat designation (name)

UNESCO Biosphere Reserve site (name)

Species/communities of global conservation concern (name)

World Heritage Site (name)

Species/communities of provincial conservation concern (name)

Species at Risk (name)

Other (name)

Municipal environmental designation

Vegetation Communities List and describe the condition of the vegetation communities that occur on the property. If possible, use community descriptions from the Ecological Land Classification for Southern Ontario. Also provide the approximate area of each community (ha).

Ecological Contribution (Identify other adjacent conservation/public lands):

Provincial park or conservation reserve (name)

Conservation area (name)

Land trust holding (name)

National park or wildlife area (name)

Other (name and describe)

Threats (Describe threats to the property that are reduced/eliminated by land acquisition): Land conversion (agriculture, residential, commercial, etc) Incompatible recreation Inappropriate management for habitat type

Other (describe)

Describe how this property fits into your organization’s larger protection plan for this area.


List and describe any social and economic factors that relate to this property, including public support, potential for public recreation, Aboriginal considerations, cultural heritage aspects, and potential of local or regional economic benefits.


Briefly provide a summary of the history of the project, the objectives of the project and the anticipated work plan to secure the property.


Describe how this property will be managed by your organization in the future.

Describe the habitat type/land use:

Natural cover (ha):

Restoration or enhancement (ha):

Agriculture (ha):


Securement Budget

Agreement of Purchase and Sale (Must be submitted within six months of application deadline) Yes, attached No, pending

Closing date:

AACI appraised value: $ (For approved projects, appraisal must be submitted on or before the request

for funds)

Purchase price: $

Associated costs (Not eligible for Greenlands Challenge funding, but may be counted as match)

Survey: $

Legal fees: $

Staff time: $

If staff time is volunteered, provide hours and rate/hour

Volunteer time: hours $ rate/hour

A. Total securement costs (purchase price + associated costs): $

Stewardship Budget (Not eligible for Greenlands Challenge funding, but may be counted as match.)

Short-term stewardship costs

Inventory: $

Management planning: $

Immediate liabilities: $

Long-term stewardship costs (e.g., amount required to own the property and implement management plan):


B. Total stewardship costs (short-term + long-term costs): $


Securement (A) + stewardship (B): $


Amount of Greenlands Challenge funding requested (for purchase price only): $

Total purchase price funding from other sources (detail sources/amounts and include any donations):

Amount confirmed: $

Amount pending: $

Loans/mortgages (if any): $

Sources for stewardship funding:

Amount confirmed: $

Amount pending: $


Maps* showing property (required): 1. Regional locator map with natural landscape context (e.g., adjacent conservation lands, natural

heritage designations) 2. Property boundary map *Maps must be legible, to scale and include a legend showing property boundary, location of adjacent conservation lands, natural heritage designations, etc. Maps not meeting these requirements will cause an application to be considered incomplete and will affect funding decisions.

Pictures of property (optional): Yes, attached

SECTION I: SIGNATURES The undersigned hereby agree to all conditions in the 2009-2010 Ontario Greenlands guidelines including those regarding eligibility, document submission formats and timelines, reporting, financial accounting, property management, acknowledgement of Ontario Greenlands funding partners, and are willing to enter into both a funding agreement and a landholding agreement with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Name of applicant:

Signature: Date:

I/We have Authority to bind the Applicant

Name of authorized signing officer:

Signature: Date:

I/We have Authority to bind the Applicant

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