the money flow formula: 5 steps to release stress to clear

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The Money Flow Formula | Heidi B Garis, M.S.W., NCTMB, CAC






The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Table of Contents


Stress ‘n Money………………………………………………....…..3

Money Panic…………………………………………………….….7

The Five Steps…………………………………………………..….11

Step One………………………………………………………..….12

Step Two………………………………………………………..….26

Step Three………………………………………………………….27

Step Four………………………………………………...…..……...29

Step Five……………………………………………………….…....34

Tapping for Money Panic and Stress Relief……….…………….....42

Tapping Tips………………………………………………….....…45

Tapping Points………………………………………………….…48

Putting It All Together…………………………………………….49

Cheat Sheet…………………………………………………..….....50

How To Tap Video……………………………………………...….52

Tapping Scripts…………………………………………………….53

About the Author…………………………………………………..66

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis


Welcome to “The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity.” This home study guide is designed to

take you on a tour of how stress affects our lives and money flow, how to recognize it in your own life and how to effectively release your

stress thereby clearing the way for prosperity.

The companion audio to this e-book is a Guided Tap-Along MP3 that will immediately reduce your money panic and stress and help you tap

into a place of peace and calm.

For further information and support in creating more money, more freedom and more flow in your life please visit

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

I recently asked these questions at my talk at a women’s networking luncheon and, not surprisingly, ALL hands in the room went up. These two issues are giant shared pain points among almost every single one of us in the entrepreneurial and professional worlds. We are juggling mountains of stress and under that massive weight we are struggling to make more money!

So if you, too, raised your hands to both

be assured you’ve come to the right place!

Most of us want less stress AND more money but did you know that there is a direct cause and effect relationship between stress and

money? This relationship is played out simply like this:

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

More Stress = Less Money

Less Stress = More Money

I’m sure you know people who have tons of stress and tons of money but have you ever wondered how much more they might have if their stress was cut in half? Stress creates resistance and lowers your vibration creating a drag on the ability to make, create, attract and multiply money. And while it is possible to create and attract money when stress is present the truth is it’s much harder! When I am calm, peaceful and not controlled by my stress, money has a nice way of showing up and I have a much easier time spotting opportunities, acting on them and adding to my bank account.

I remember a time when I had mounds of stress which stemmed from lack of money. I was living in a fairly constant state of money panic and it wasn’t pretty!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

(Me before)

I had a perpetual gripping tightness in my throat and each time I’d open a bill or sneak a look at my account balance it would feel like someone punched me in the gut. Although I tried to hide from it, it was pretty consuming and affected numerous areas of my life.

I developed heart palpitations and low back pain, was irritable and edgy, argued with my husband over silly things, had little patience with my precious toddler and flew off the handle at my dogs’ sweet attempts for attention. I surrendered to the stress, worry and fear of not having enough and that made it impossible to focus on possibility, opportunity and action. And not surprisingly, my results were more “not enough!”

It became a downward spiral and it wasn’t until, I first and foremost, got a handle on my stress that I was able to reverse the trend and step squarely onto the path of prosperity. Now because I can recognize my

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

patterns of stress and have powerful “go-to” tools and techniques at my fingertips, when stressful situations arise I have a choice. I am no longer powerless and do not have to allow the stress to creep in, push me off course and steal my focus, freedom or my money flow.

(Me after)

My stress was specifically money stress but any stress will have similar effects. Any and all kinds of negative stress- whether it’s stress about money, “general, hectic life, crazy pace, so many demands, not enough time stress” or stress arising from other situations—All of it will have negative effects on your pursuits of prosperity.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Money Panic is a category of stress all of its own! Stress has many forms and disguises and affects us in a myriad of ways which you’ll read about in the following pages. Every day normal stress wears and tears at us and actually deforms our ability to create flow and ease in our life. And the specific stress around money and all its facets (which for many of us is the stress of “not enough”), often results in what I call money panic.

“What if I don’t have enough?” “I don’t feel safe.”

“How am I going to pay for this?” “I’m not sure I’m going to make it.”

“I don’t feel secure.” “I feel trapped and scared.”

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Money panic can feel like this and more. It can also show up as:

*Avoidance of the mailbox *Delay in opening bills

*Peeking in envelopes with one eye closed *Resistance to paying bills

*Fear of seeing your account balance

Here are some more ways money panic can manifest: : *Fear of/conflict around giving because there won’t be enough for me *Going to bed worrying about money *Waking up with a sick feeling in your stomach because you don’t know where the money’s going to come from *Belief that it’s impossible to invest in oneself (personally or professionally) *Resistance to investing in one’s business – even if advisable or necessary *Workaholic Syndrome *Paralysis in business

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Money stress and panic block our ability to attract money, make money, manage money and effectively act on opportunities that are the path to the financial security we desire. Money panic always feels justified and sometimes it is. But often money panic rears its head long before there’s any real, present danger of financial disaster. Not too long ago I worked with a woman named Marti who had severe money panic. She feared looking at her account balance and the natural, normal fluctuations of money coming in and going out each month sent her into true anxiety. Despite the fact that she and her husband had solid, steady jobs she experienced money panic regularly. It didn’t matter that there was no actual danger of not having enough, her panic was set in motion when their checking account balance went below $10,000. Most of us would be thrilled to have $10,000 in checking but she could not stomach the ups and downs of her balance as it triggered feelings of fear and insecurity. Because of her money panic she experienced numerous ailments including insomnia, mental anxiety and was unable to move forward in her professional life and new side business. It was controlling her life and she felt powerless and incapable of change. During our time together we uncovered and cleared some childhood issues related to safety and uncertainly and she learned to manage her stress around money. In doing so she was able to find freedom from her money panic and the problems it created. She now feels safe when her

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

balance dips and says that her balance has become just a number that no longer holds power over her. She’s moved forward in many ways and has taken some big leaps forward in her career, new business and her finances as a result of leaving her money panic behind.

In this home study guide I’m going to take you through 5 simple steps that will help you release money stress (and everyday stress too) which will help you to create a firm inner foundation for financial success. It is heartfelt belief, backed by my and my clients’ own personal experiences that, when you faithfully apply the following principles, you will gain new power over stress and clear your own path to prosperity, abundance and the realization of your dreams.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

When we are able to understand how and why stress blocks our money flow we are more likely to be moved to make change. Stress, anxiety and worry all block us from creating prosperity. This happens on a couple of levels: practical and energetic.

To understand this properly we have to first understand and define what stress is. We all experience stress, but look at this definition and see if it helps give you a deeper understanding of its nature:

According to stress is defined as:

a. the action on a body of any system of balanced forces whereby strain or

deformation results

b. a load, force, or system of forces producing a strain

c. the internal resistance or reaction of an elastic body to the external forces applied

to it

d. a specific response by the body to a stimulus, as fear or pain, that disturbs or

interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

While these definitions point to mechanical, emotional and physiological stress I think they all equally and accurately apply to how stress affects us in the realm of making money too.

“resulting in strain or deformation”… “interferes with normal equilibrium,” … “internal resistance”

This absolutely applies to us physically, emotionally and energetically and points to what can happen when we’re faced with stress while we’re attempting to grow our income, grow our business and step into the prosperity and abundance we’re reaching for. To explain this cause and effect relationship between stress and money I’ve framed it into two main areas:

Practical and Energetic

To help get you even more super clear on the pervasive results of stress and how they go hand-in-hand with our finances I’ve broken down the effects into smaller categories. Let’s first look at the practical effects which I’ve divided into physical, mental and emotional effects of stress:

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Stress is Damaging to our Physical Body You’ve probably heard before that stress is damaging to our health and body. You may have even experienced catching a cold during a time when you were under extra stress or had difficulty sleeping prior to a pressure-filled event. These are often simply the body’s response to being overly stressed. Here are some specific ways stress can manifest for us physically:

Skin Rashes Gastrointestinal Issues/IBS

Headaches & Migraines Premature Aging of Skin Bruxism/Night Grinding

Insomnia Loss of Energy

Changes in Metabolism Weight Gain/Weight Loss

Increase in Allergy Symptoms Development of New Allergies Depressed Immune Response

Flare-up of Eczema, Psoriasis, Arthritis

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Back & Neck Pain Increased Existing Pain Raised Blood Pressure

Chest Pain Heart Palpitations

Heart Attack Stroke

Stress makes our physical condition worse and disables our bodies from responding with healing and balance. Hormones get thrown off, immune response is weakened and muscles shorten and tighten creating pain. Stress, along with anxiety and trauma, very often get downloaded and then stored in our muscles, connective tissue and the cells themselves. In these modern times most of us are running at such high levels of stress that we barely recognize it as stress. We have grown so used to pressure, lack of sleep, time constraints, deadlines and juggling responsibilities that heightened levels of stress have become our norm. But our bodies were not designed to constantly run at these high levels of stress. To cope our bodies often absorb the stress physically which then manifests as physical symptoms. We need to have a strategy to combat, manage and even neutralize the stress we face daily or, we may face serious physical problems as a result. Of course, when our health is compromised so is our ability to work and make money. Who can do their best work, be committed, focused and present when battling the flu, muscle pain or a more serious diagnosis?

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Taking care of ourselves is critical but often gets overlooked because we’re so busy taking care of our businesses and everybody else’s business! We tend to put ourselves last in line and then feel guilty when we do make moves to take care of ourselves, de-stress or relax. So here is a great big bowl of permission and a prescription to make yourself a priority. Allow yourself time space and a place to release your stress. Your physical and financial health depend on it!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Fuzzy Thinking, Anyone?

Have you ever experienced a stress-induced ‘’brain freeze?’’ When you just couldn’t get those wheels spinning to put 2 + 2 together? Or tried to figure out a solution to a difficult problem when you felt frazzled? Has your mind ever just blanked-out when you were about to speak in front of an audience or even just to a client? Have you ever got in the car, started driving down the road and momentarily forget where you’re going or how to get there?! (Hope I’m not the only one!) Or, after a crazy, stress-filled day, got completely lost watching an episode of LOST? (Ok, that’s a bit dated but it’s a good example since I STILL haven’t figured that one out!) Stress takes up so much of our brain-power that normal, simple mental tasks can become monumental and overwhelming. Research shows

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

that chronic stress impairs brain functioning and that even just a few hours of stress can negatively affect our mental capabilities. Stress also activates the release of the hormone corticotopin which negatively impacts how our brains collect and store information. Look below at what additional cognitive problems we may encounter as a result of stress:

Lack of Mental Clarity

Inability to Concentrate

Inability to Focus

Short & Long-Term Memory Impairment

Difficulty in Making Decisions

Decreased Ability in Critical Thinking, Reasoning & Creativity


Impaired Judgment

Learning Difficulties

How many of these are critical to growing our business and adding to our bank accounts? Can we be effective conscious creators of money if our thinking is compromised? We must integrate conscious stress-reducing activities into our daily routine if we are to be effective and efficient, firing on all pistons.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Stress Can Turn Us into Screaming Mee-mees!

For the majority of us how we feel determines everything! Our emotions are the glasses through which we see and experience our world and stress plays a big part in how we feel.

If we feel happy it’s a good day!

If we feel frustrated we’re more likely to snap at those around us.

If we’re feeling down in the dumps we will most likely not be setting any new records or achieving our goals

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

We are “feeling beings” that operate on emotion and everything in our lives is filtered and viewed by how we are feeling in each particular moment. Stress generates and magnifies negative feelings and can trigger or heighten the emotions we all want to avoid:

Anger Sadness

Depression Frustration

Impatience Resentment

Feelings of Overwhelm & Inability to Cope

Anxiety Hostility

Sense of Detachment / Withdrawal Nervousness

Crankiness / Irritability Worry Fear

Apprehension Sense of Dread

Think how your financial world would be different if you were on an even emotional keel. Since stress affects our emotions and how we feel often determines our actions we would most likely be living more abundant lives. We would have a positive outlook and focus and therefore interact with clients and colleagues in a more engaging, laid-back manner. We would be more open to setting higher goals, have better capacity to reach them and take swift action when amazing opportunities appear. We could also engage with the Law of Attraction so much more powerfully in the direction of our desires. What we

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

focus on grows and emotion is the fertilizer that grows things faster and fuller. Releasing your stress and freeing yourself emotionally naturally add up to more money for you!

Ok, for some of you this may be a bit “woo-woo” but the truth is we are energetic beings and stress blocks our energetic flow, our ability to receive, and our ability to attract and manifest our goals and dreams.

One way to look at this is around vibration. Think back to 7th grade science class when you learned about mass, molecules and movement. Do you remember how we were taught that seemingly solid objects are actually made up of gazillions of molecules that are constantly in motion—that are constantly bumping into and off each other in a vibrating-like movement? Well, that’s applies to us too! We are in a state of constant energetic vibration and our vibration is how we attract things to us, like attracting like. If we’re in a low-energy vibration such as fear, worry or lack then we are going to create more of that for

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

ourselves. But if we are in a higher vibrational state that is generated from trust, peace and abundance then we will attract more of that for ourselves too. Stress is produced from the lower-level states and only serves to block our creative and generative energetic flow.

Another way to look at this energetically is through the concepts of contraction and expansion. Remember again how, in school we were

taught that the universe is in a constant state of expansion? We are part and parcel of this universe and when we are in a higher vibrational state we are expanding and growing faster than ever. Stress holds the low energy of contraction and stagnation but in order to create and receive we need to be in that growth-energy of expansion.

Picture yourself when you’re stressed—How is your posture? Are you hunched over, muscles tight, hands clenched? Do you see how this is representative of how you are not able to create, how you are not open to receiving while in this energy? Now picture yourself relaxed. How has your posture changed? Are you standing straighter or even leaning back, arms wide and hands open? Do you see how there is so much more ease and expansion now? This is the energy of invitation, of openness to opportunity and freedom to receive.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

So to sum up this first step in understanding how stress blocks us and reduces our money flow is the illustration of a waterfall. Picture a beautiful, rolling body of water flowing downhill and as it reaches the top of the cliff it surges over the edge naturally in massive buckets of abundance. Picture the hundreds of thousands of gallons of water flowing over and down from its never-ending source. Now imagine that the banks of the river that feed the waterfall are the immense walls of a rocky canyon. Often, perhaps after a heavy rain or blustery day, rocks and boulders break free from those walls only to crash down into the river blocking its powerful flow ever so slightly. This continues day after day, year after year. Sometimes what breaks free is a small seemingly innocent pebble and sometimes they are enormous slabs of

rock. But as they fall they each take their place in that once easily flowing river. Soon there are so many pebbles, rocks, stones and boulders that they affect the

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

amount of water reaching the waterfall. And in time, the once vibrant waterfall slows to a crawl—a little bit of water finding its way over the edge but reduced to tiny trickles. That is exactly how money panic and even everyday stress block our money flow. Would you rather have your money flow wend it and wind its way through a bed of stones and boulders losing its potency and strength along the way or would you prefer to clear the way and allow your abundance to flow naturally, powerfully, and abundantly to you?

So now that we understand money panic, regular ole’ stress, and the effects they have on our money flow (and the rest of our lives) we’re ready for the next step :

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Ok, this may or may not be an easy one but in order to create change in any area we first have to recognize and admit that there’s something that needs to be changed. Although we are amazing, powerful beings we are not comic book superheros. We were never designed to run at the current levels of stress society throws at us, that family demands create, that work thrusts upon us and that our financial situations generate. We feel slaves to our “To Do” lists and some of us feel like we can do it all or should do it all!

“I got it!”

“No worries—I can handle it.”

“Nope! I’ll take care of it-- ALL!”

Really? We shouldn’t have to. It’s ok to allow ourselves to be human and admit that sometimes it’s just too much.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Ok, so are you ready to formally admit your stress? Here we go:

I, (insert your name here), hereby declare that I am not a

superhero and that it’s ok for me to be a mere mortal. I admit

that I am under an undue amount of stress (including money

stress) and that it is negatively affecting me in numerous ways.

I give myself permission to not have to do it all or be it all and

release myself from negative self-talk or guilt when I fail to meet

my own expectations.

Signed _________________________________________ Date___________________

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Clarity is vital. You can’t hit a target if you don’t first identify which direction to shoot. When we really sit down and identify what stresses us we create those clear targets and know just where to aim our stress relieving efforts.

Clarity also provides motivation. It gives us a big, strong “WHY” and when we know our “why” we are more easily moved to action.

Take a moment right now. Grab a pen and identify five of your biggest stressors and where they come. Then list how your stress affects the various areas of your life:

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

My 5 biggest sources of stress:






The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

My stress affects me physically & I know this because:

My stress affects me mentally by & I know this because:

My stress affects me emotionally & I know this because:

My stress affects my relationships & I know this because:

My stress affects me financially & I know this because:

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

My stress affects my work/business & I know this because:

Now, some of this may overlap and that’s ok but since I know a lot of you are really identifying with the reality of money panic let’s continue this clarity building exercise with that specifically in mind:

5 reasons I’m stressed and/or panicked about money






The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

My Money Stress/Money Panic affects me in these areas:

The ways my money stress/money panic affects me are:

Great! You should be crystal -but hopefully not too painfully- clear on your own stress, stressors and the multiple ways it affects you. Don’t worry—I’m not going to leave you hanging—Relief is just around the corner so keep reading!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Choosing to create change--making a conscious decision—will set you up for success in any area and it’s no different with stress and money panic. Intention is powerful and a making clear conscious decision to do something about your stress is a vital step in clearing your path to prosperity.

Are you serious about shifting your stress and the natural roadblocks it creates in keeping abundance from flowing your way? If so, make that decision right here and now. Write down your decision in your own words. Here’s an example you might want to follow:

“I choose today to clear my path to prosperity by reducing

stress in all areas of my life. I commit to this as a conscious

choice and will take action every day to make this a

constant reality in my life.”

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Now for your version:

Congratulations! You are now ready to move onto Step 5!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

There are tons of ways we can reduce our stress and clear our path so I’m going to outline a few of my favorites here with special reference to one particular method. This method, which I’ve saved for last, has the power to transform not just your everyday stress and money panic but your entire life. It is called EFT or Tapping and it is transformational in clearing not only stress but also fears, limiting beliefs, negative thinking, and even trauma. It has been for me the single most effective tool in clearing my own path to success, prosperity and abundance and I am excited to introduce it to you! If you can’t wait you can jump right to page 40 but if you’d like various tools in your toolbox you can start right here:

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis


Move Your Body. Physical activity generates stress-

relieving hormones and the excess deleterious energy

that stress creates. You don’t even have to break into

buckets of sweat, just move! Take a relaxing walk,

dance like no one’s watching or attend a gentle yoga


Use your Imagination. Take 5 minutes, sit comfortably

in a quiet, darkened room and visualize yourself on a

large sun-warmed rock next to a gentle bubbling

brook in a lush, green forest. Or, if you prefer, picture

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

yourself on a deserted island beach with warm waves

lapping at your toes. Sounds of water & images of

nature reduce stress and induce a relaxed state of


Phone-A-Friend! This strategy is not just a lifeline for

“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” contestants! Talking,

venting, and discharging the energy of what’s

bothering us to a friend who cares is a wonderful way

to let off steam and stress. Don’t hold it in—Let it out!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Partner-up! Do a stress-relieving activity with your

partner, kids or best friend once a week: go for a bike

ride, play board game, watch the sun set, have a

friendly pillow fight!

Meditate. Meditation need not be tied in with a

particular faith or religion and can do wonders to

rejuvenate our minds. Take 5-10 minutes to clear your

mind, breathe and focus on a single relaxing word,

thought or theme. If meditating on your own feels

daunting, try a guided meditation. They are plentiful

and effective for those of you who prefer not to go it


The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Laugh – Seriously, make time for laughter in your life!

Laughter releases all kinds of happy, stress-relieving

hormones so go to a comedy club, watch your

favorite sitcom, play a silly family game and giggle,

chuckle, snort and belly-laugh your way to less stress!

Sleep – One of the easiest ways to reduce stress is to

get your 8 hours and 40 winks. And while you’re at it,

give yourself permission to NAP!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Schedule some time for FUN. That may sound silly but

many of us are too busy to have fun—And having fun

is the polar opposite of being stressed! So schedule in

some fun!!! What’s fun for you?

Reading? Biking? Doing a crossword puzzle? Rock

climbing? Going to the movies with your best friend?

Attending the ballet? Singing in the shower? Playing

freeze tag with your kids? Jumping the waves at the

Jersey shore (ok- Tahiti is better but….)? Identify what

it is for you and GO HAVE FUN!!!

TURN OFF THE NEWS!! I’m not saying be uninformed but

think about it: Does the nightly news do anything good

for your levels of stress? Bad, negative alarming news

sells so that’s what we are bombarded with every day.

Those heart-breaking stories and tragedies and crime

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

reports worm themselves into our minds and so our

sense of peace and calm is shattered. Take a break

from all the negativity and turn on a show that makes

you laugh instead!

And last but not least:

Learn and Use EFT & Meridian Tapping!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

In my opinion and experience, Tapping stands head and

shoulders above every other strategy and technique.

Tapping not only helps to manage our stress but actually

neutralizes it allowing us to react calmly to what would

normally trigger frustration, anxiety, anger, worry, fear or


Tapping is by far the single most effective way I have found

over my many years of experience to manage stress and to

even neutralize reactions to stress. With the consistent use of

this technique I have watched lives transformed from

tension and anxiety to peace and calmness— This is a tool

we all need in our bags!

(To learn how to tap turn the page!)

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

We have the world at our fingertips and don’t even know it! Tapping is the single most effective clearing and releasing technique I have ever found. It is simple and powerful and literally puts the world at our fingertips! This guide has been written to help you reduce stress and money panic but tapping can be used to clear fears, limiting beliefs, physical pains and discomfort, trauma and so much more. Tapping, Meridian Tapping, or EFT (which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique) is a very simple, forgiving process that gently releases stored emotion from our body and energy system. This is done by lightly tapping with our fingertips on meridian or acupuncture points while focusing on and verbalizing about an issue. I’m going to take you through the how-to’s of tapping but I don’t want you to worry too much about doing it “right” – The two most important

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

things are intention and focus. So take a moment before you begin to set your intention. In this case, your intention or goal may be to feel calm, to release tension, to gain a sense of peace. Focus is equally important so while you are tapping train your mind on the issue at hand and focus on the words and feelings that surface. The Tapping Sequence The basic sequence consists of:

a Set-Up Phrase and Reminder Phrases. The Set-Up Phrase does just what it says: It sets us up- sets up our mind, so that we’re more open psychologically to release the negative beliefs, fears or emotions we want to get rid of. The Set-Up Phrase is made up of 3 things:

“Even though” + the problem + a simple affirmation

Here are a few examples of the Set-Up Phrase: “Even though I have so much stress I accept myself anyway.” *Even though I have so much stress in my shoulders I accept who I am and how I feel.” “Even though I’m totally stressed out I am okay.”

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

The Set-Up Phrase is repeated 3x while tapping on the Karate Chop Point (see points description below). The Reminder Phrases are short-hand versions of the Set-Up Phrase and simply remind us and keep us focused on the issue.

Here are some examples of Reminder Phrases: “This stress” “So much stress” “I am really feeling stressed.”

Reminder phrases are repeated while lightly tapping various acupuncture points (explained below). Each point can be tapped approximately 5-7 times while repeating the reminder phrases but don’t feel you need to count. After tapping through just a few rounds you’ll quickly find the rhythm and flow. Reminder phrases do not have to be fancy, complicated or wordy to be effective. The same words can even be repeated at each point. Creative variations may also be used but only if it feels natural and is not distracting. When tapping with a therapist, coach, or even with the scripts and audio for this program, you will be guided to repeat different Reminder Phrases at each point. However, when tapping on your own it is not necessary to be wordy to be effective. Focus is more important!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Beginning Tappers often feel they don’t know what to say or how to construct the Set-Up and Reminder Phrases. Don’t get hung up on wording – Just tell the truth! Say what you’re feeling and trust that you’re doing it right.

These tips will help make your tapping more effective:

Be specific. The more specific you are the more effective your tapping will be. Tap on specific situations, memories and events: “Even though I feel so stressed about paying the mortgage this month…..” “Even though I was totally stressed when my boss called me in the office today…” “Even though I have all this tension in my neck because the drive home was horrible….”

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Tap when and where you can focus.

Don’t tap in front of the TV or while your iPad is on your lap. Tap in a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Now, some people, like me, tap in the car (great for road rage!) or while walking the dogs around the neighborhood. Once you get the hang of it you might decide to do this too—but only if you can be safe doing more than one thing at a time AND as long as you don’t mind being known as the neighborhood nutball! At first you may think tapping seems and looks strange but once you “get it” you probably won’t care what others think. The benefits far outweigh the strange looks and odd stares!

Take note of where you are before and after tapping.

If we don’t do this it is more difficult to recognize the results. Ask yourself, how stressed do I feel right now? If you have a specific memory or situation in mind gauge how stressed you are thinking about it. Rate your stress from 0-10 with 10 indicating the highest level of stress. Also note any physical discomfort or tension. Do your shoulders feel tight? Do you have sore shoulders or back pain? Maybe a headache or unsettled feeling in your stomach? Rate yourself before and after each round of tapping to keep track of your progress.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Just Tap!

I said this earlier but it bears repeating because nearly all of my clients tell me at one point or another that they aren’t tapping as much as they’d like because they’re afraid of doing it wrong or don’t know what to say. Don’t worry about making mistakes like missing a point, going out of order or saying the “wrong words.” You can’t really do it wrong! You can’t hurt yourself, mess up your energy or make things worse if you’re not doing all the exact steps in perfect order while saying precisely the perfect thing. In fact, I’ve read more than one case study where someone had vaguely heard of this weird tapping thing and without any formal instruction whatsoever started tapping on their body and focusing on their problem and guess what? They got results! So read on, absorb what you can, let go and Tap!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Basic Points: Karate Chop Point: Side of hand below the pinky finger Eyebrow: At beginning of the eyebrow just left or right of center Side of Eye: At the side of the eye on the bone Under Eye: Under the eye on the bone Under Nose: Under the nose/Above the lip Chin: Above the chin/Below the lower lip Collarbone: At the base of the throat just left or right of center Under the Arm: Approximately 4 inches below the armpit Top of Head: On top of the head

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

The total basic Tapping Sequence is outlined below: 1. Identify the feeling and/or stressor 2. Rate it (the emotional intensity) from 0-10 3. Note any physical symptoms 4. Tap on the Karate Chop Point while repeating the Set-Up Phrase 3x 5. Tap through the body points while repeating the Reminder Phrases (you may do one or several rounds here depending on how you feel) 6. Take a deep breath 7. Rate again from 0-10 (also noting physical symptoms) 8. Rinse and repeat until your feel your stress is low or even gone—anywhere from a 0-2 9. Note what comes up during tapping—ideas, epiphanies, memories etc. You may choose to then tap on these things as they are most likely related to your stress.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Cheat Sheet

Sometimes cheating isn’t a bad thing. So many of my clients get hung up on wording that I created an easy tapping formula or cheat sheet that takes the guess work out of tapping.

So, if you too, are feeling unsure of what to say check out the chart on the following page. This is your cheat sheet. Print it out and then simply fill in each column then tap across the page. (Remember to include an affirmation at the end of your Set-Up Statements).

You might want to refer back to the section on Clarity where you identified your stress. Use your answers to the clarity exercises to help you create your own tapping rounds and include specific memories and situations as you tap to release your stress.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis


Emotion Who/What Cause of Emotion How it's Affecting Me

ie: Even though I feel (emotion) because (who/what) did/happened (cause) and it's affecting me by ____ i.e. Even though I believe _____and feel ____about it and it affects me by ____ ** Remember to add a simple affirmation at the end of your set-up statements

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

So, you’ve read through the “how-to’s” but maybe you’re still not quite sure how this tapping thing works. Click on the link below to watch a short video I made demonstrating how to tap for stress:

Tapping Video

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Even with a video and a cheat sheet to follow beginning tappers may still feel unsure of what to say or how to tap so below are two tapping scripts for you to follow.

The first is for stress relief around money-- specifically, money panic. This script is the transcript of the guided tap-along audio you received as part of this program. Feel free to tap through this script on your own or along with the MP3. The second script is for general stress relief and can be used and modified to suit various stressful situations and issues.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Tapping for Money Panic

Karate Chop Point:

Even though I’m feeling panicky about my money situation, I accept my

feelings and I accept me too.

Even though I’ve got this money panic running through me because there’s

just not enough, I am open to feeling and knowing I am safe now.

Even though I really feel this money panic—I feel it in my gut and my chest

and throughout my body, I am open to feeling surprisingly calm and peaceful.

Tapping Through the Points:

Eyebrow: This money panic

Side of Eye: My money panic

Under Eye: There’s just not enough

Under Nose: I’ve been here before

Chin: It’s not a new story

Collarbone: All of this money panic

Under Arm: Running right through me

Top of Head: I’m so stressed

Eyebrow: I’m so worried

Side of Eye: I don’t know what’s going to happen

Under Eye: What I do know is

Nose: I don’t have enough

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Chin: And I’m feeling panicked

Collarbone: I’m feeling scared

Under Arm: Like the bottom’s dropped out

Top of Head: Like I’m not safe

Eyebrow: I need money

Side of Eye: And I need it now!

Under Eye: I’m just so worried

Nose: I don’t have enough

Chin: There’s just not enough

Collarbone: And I don’t know what I’m going to do

Under Arm: All of this money panic

Top of Head: Like a punch in the gut

Eyebrow: So many bills

Side of Eye: And not enough money to pay them

Under Eye: I’m feeling all alone

Nose: I’m feeling so stressed

Chin: So panicky about not having money

Collarbone: It feels so unsafe

Under Arm: I feel so unsupported

Top of Head: Doesn’t God know I need money?

Eyebrow: I’m frustrated

Side of Eye: And angry

Under Eye: Why do I never have enough?

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Nose: It doesn’t seem fair

Chin: Where is the money?

Collarbone: Show me the money!

Under Arm: But it’s not coming in

Top of Head: It’s not coming in

Eyebrow: And I just don’t have enough

Side of Eye: Not nearly enough

Under Eye: And I’m worried

Nose: I’m fearful

Chin: I’m panicked

Collarbone: And I don’t know what to do

Under Arm: All of this money panic

Top of Head: All of this pressure

Eyebrow: All of this stress about money

Side of Eye: Feeling it in my stomach

Under Eye: Feeling it in my chest

Nose: Feeling it in my gut

Chin: Feeling the weight of it on my shoulders

Collarbone: Feeling this money panic throughout my body

Under Arm: So scared

Top of Head: So worried

Eyebrow: So panicked

Side of Eye: I hate this feeling

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Under Eye: I’m ready to be done with this

Nose: I’m so sick of not having enough money

Chin: I’m so tired of this battle of not enough

Collarbone: I’m just so tired

Under Arm: And worried

Top of Head: And scared

Eyebrow: I wonder what these feelings are doing for me?

Side of Eye: I wonder how these feelings are affecting my money?

Under Eye: I wonder if my money panic is connected to not having enough?

Nose: I wonder if these feelings are really serving me?

Chin: But even if they aren’t

Collarbone: What am I supposed to do?

Under Arm: How can I get away from this money panic?

Top of Head: How can I free myself from the fear?

Eyebrow: How can I escape the worry?

Side of Eye: I feel trapped by it

Under Eye: Controlled by it

Nose: Controlled by the panic and worry

Chin: Controlled by not having enough

Collarbone: I’ve got no control!

Under Arm: I feel like I’ve got no control

Top of Head: And I’m stuck in my not enough

Eyebrow: I’m stuck in this money panic

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Side of Eye: Stuck in the fear

Under Eye: Stuck in the worry

Nose: Stuck in this money panic

Chin: All of this fear

Collarbone: All of this worry

Under Arm: All of this “no control”

Top of Head: All of this money panic

Eyebrow: But what if I could let some of this go?

Side of Eye: What if I could feel calmer about this?

Under Eye: What if I could actually be peaceful in this moment -

Nose: And maybe the next?

Chin: What if I could feel calm despite my money situation?

Collarbone: What if I could feel safe right now?

Under Arm: I wonder how that would be?

Top of Head: I wonder if that would help?

Eyebrow: I wonder if that could open me up to a shift with my money?

Side of Eye: I think I’d like to be open to that

Under Eye: I just don’t know how to do it

Nose: And it doesn’t feel possible

Chin: But I am open to feeling better

Collarbone: I am open to feeling calmer

Under Arm: I am open to releasing my money panic

Top of Head: I’m open to feeling more peace right now

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Eyebrow: I’m open to letting go some of this money panic

Side of Eye: The worry and fear and panic

Under Eye: Are not doing anything for me

Nose: Not anything good

Chin: All it’s doing is pushing my money further away

Collarbone: It’s keeping me in this place I don’t want to be

Under Arm: It’s lowering my ability to function

Top of Head: Causing so much stress

Eyebrow: So I’m open to letting it go

Side of Eye: The panic and fear and worry don’t help

Under Eye: So I’m open to letting it go

Nose: I’m open to feeling surprisingly calm

Chin: I’m open to feeling surprisingly peaceful

Collarbone: I’m open to regaining my balance

Under Arm: I’m open to regaining my center

Top of Head: I’m open to shifting out of this pattern

Eyebrow: All of this money panic

Side of Eye: All of this money worry

Under Eye: All of this money stress

Nose: All of this money fear

Chin: Letting it all go

Collarbone: And creating a conscious space of peace

Under Arm: Creating a conscious space of calm

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Top of Head: Creating a conscious place where I can receive

Eyebrow: Choosing to know I have more control than it feels

Side of Eye: Choosing to take back my power from the panic

Under Eye: Choosing to stand in my power

Nose: Choosing hope

Chin: Choosing gratitude

Collarbone: Choosing peace

Under Arm: Choosing to release my money stress now

Top of Head: Choosing to release my money panic now

**If you are feeling “stress” rather than “panic” feel free to exchange those

words and edit this script throughout to personalize and make it resonate

with where you are right now.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

General Tap-Along Script for Stress

Karate Chop Point:

Even though I’m feeling stressed, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I feel this stress in my body, I honor how I feel.

Even though I have so much stress, I accept who I am and how I feel.

Tapping through the points:

Eyebrow: I feel so stressed

Side of Eye: I feel it in my body

Under Eye: All of the stress in my head

Under Nose: All of this stress in my mind

Chin: There is so much tension

Collarbone: And I can feel it in my ______

Under Arm: I have all this stress and it’s overtaking me

Top of Head: There’s so much stress in my life right now

Eyebrow: I’m feeling so tense

Side of Eye: I have all this stress

Under Eye: And don’t know what to do

Nose: All this stress in my body

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Chin: All this tension in my head

Collarbone: All this stress in my mind

Under Arm: I’m feeling so much stress

Top of Head: I am thinking of what makes me stressed

Eyebrow: And I feel it so strongly now

Side of Eye: I am remembering what gives me my stress

Under Eye: And it’s right here with me now

Under Nose: So much stress

Chin: It makes me feel ______ (describe how you feel)

Collarbone: So much tension

Under Arm: And I feel so _______ (describe how you feel)

Top of Head: All of this stress in my mind, body and spirit

Eyebrow: I wonder if I could let some of it go

Side of Eye: I wonder how that would feel

Under Eye: Maybe I could let some of my stress go

Nose: Maybe that would feel good

Chin: But I have so many reasons to feel my stress

Collarbone: I have such good cause to have this stressed

Under Arm: But even though I have good reasons

Top of Head: Maybe I could let some of it go anyway

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Eyebrow: Even though my situation is still the same

Side of Eye: Maybe I could choose to let my stress go anyway

Under Eye: Even though things haven’t changed

Nose: It might be good to feel less stressed

Chin: Even though I’m so used to being stressed

Collarbone: And I’m not sure how to let it go

Under Arm: Maybe I’m ready now

Top of Head: Even though I’m not sure I can let it go

Eyebrow: Maybe it’s time to try

Side of Eye: I choose now to release my stress

Under Eye: I choose now to let it go

Nose: Letting my stress leave my mind

Chin: Allowing my stress to leave my body

Collarbone: Letting go of all my stress

Under Arm: I choose now to free myself

Top of Head: I choose to embrace more peace

Eyebrow: I choose now to feel at ease

Side of Eye: I am feeling more relaxed

Under Eye: I choose now to feel more calm

Nose: I choose to soften my mind

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Chin: I choose now to embrace tranquility

Collarbone: I choose to relax my body

Under Arm: I am now feeling more at peace

Top of Head: I am now feeling my mind grow calm

Eyebrow: I am now feeling my body unwind

Side of Eye: I am now feeling much more tranquil

Under Eye: Embracing Peace, Feeling Calm

Nose: Embracing Tranquility, Feeling Relaxed

Chin: Allowing peace to flow to my mind

Collarbone: Allowing calm to flow through my body

Under Arm: Inviting peace into my spirit

Top of Head: Embracing peace in my life right now.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

If you’ve gotten this far you have gained a new understanding of stress, how it affects you and your money flow, admitted that it is an unwelcome presence in your life, decided to make a change, learned powerful tools and techniques and hopefully Tapped to release your stress and money panic! If you’ve completed this Money Flow Formula you can trust that you are well on your way to clearing your path to prosperity! Remember, there is a direct link between stress and money and the more effective and committed you are to releasing your stress the more able you are to create, attract and act on the opportunities that will allow money to flow freely to you!

Do you want to get clear on what’s blocking your money flow?

Schedule your complimentary Money Mojo Consultation today

by emailing

or calling 215-453-1418.

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

Heidi B. Garis, M.S.W., NCTMB Success Coach, EFT Specialist

& Money Mojo Expert

Coaching, Therapeutic Services, Speaking, Workshops, TeleClasses


Heidi Garis is a Success Coach who works with goal-oriented women who are sick of being stuck,

tired of worrying about money & who wish they could be free inside and out. Specializing in creating money & abundance, Heidi helps her clients discover exactly what is holding them back and then guides them through clearing and releasing the fears, limiting beliefs & past painful experiences that have kept them spinning their wheels for too long. Her clients go on to create fulfilling, free &

financially abundant lives that flow.

Heidi holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work, is a trained psychotherapist and is an acknowledged expert in energywork, EFT & Meridian Tapping. She works with clients individually

as well as in groups & teaches teleclasses and in-person workshops.

Heidi lives in Bucks County, PA with her husband Roge'rio, daughter Taiani, two fuzzy Pomeranians and a larger-than-life miniature parrot named Nix-Noox who rules the roost!

The Money Flow Formula: 5 Steps to Release Stress To Clear Your Path to Prosperity, Copyright © 2012 Heidi B. Garis

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