the most important factor in self-sufficiency and

Post on 25-Dec-2021






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The most important factor in self-sufficiency and reconstruction is to develop scientific and research centers, to properly distribute facilities, and to comprehensively encourage inventors and discovers and those who are specialized and committed; those who are brave enough to fight ignorance and have discarded the view of science as exclusively possessed by West and East, and those who have demonstrated that they can keep the country on its own feet.

• The real power of the country is the cultural power.• The independence of a nation is secure by its cultural independence.• The main goal of the scientific movement is to turn Iran into a scientific authority in the world, and this great wish will be realized through the endeavor of the scientists and students of this territory.• Science leads to a country’s national power, national wealth, and pride.

We used knowledge in every part, even in the promotion of religion, our speech was more solid and lasting and successful, and our management within the knowledge framework was moving in the right direction. No nation has achieved power and wealth, except in the light of knowledge, science and technology. Today is the mainstay of national power and national wealth of knowledge.

IndexA Brief History of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution .................................. 6Some Objectives of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution ............................... 10Some Responsibilities of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution ...................... 12Natural members of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution ....................... 17Legal members of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution ........................... 18Scientific and Cultural Developments .............................................................................. 20Statistics on Elite Women ................................................................................................... 28Some Titles Of The Resolutions ......................................................................................... 31


A Brief History of the Supreme Council of Cultural RevolutionThe victory of the Islamic revolution of the great Iranian nation, followed by the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran instead of the oppressive and dependent Pahlavi regime, required fundamental changes in different fields, including the foundations and structures of the new state. As such, the category of science and culture is of special importance, and thinking about changing the ruling system without changing its culture is in vain.


The New Year (Norooz) speech delivered by Imam Khomeini, the leader of Islamic revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in 1979 should be considered a turning point in the history of Iran’s Cultural Revo-lution. “Bringing about an essential revolution in all the universities of the country” and “turning universities into a sound environment for compiling Islamic knowledge” were among the points he emphasized in his speech, after which he issued the order of founding ‘cultural revolution’ commit-tee in the same year. The duty of this committee was to focus its activities, as regards the academic education, on training competent and qualified teacher for universities, applying an Islamic environment to universities, and modifying the curricula of universities so that the products of their activities could be at people’s service.


Years later, in 1997, in his message to the Supreme Council of Cultural Rev-olution, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, insisted on the mo-mentous duties of this council and stated that:“The development of universities and research institutes and other higher education centers, which is a natural response to that need, as well as con-siderable increase in the number of university students assign new duties to cultural affairs officials of the country, the most important of which in-clude, firstly, improving the quality of research and science in these centers, and secondly, dealing with spiritual training of the students and directing their thinking and practice.”


Referring to the all-out cultural hegemony of enemies to the Iranian-Is-lamic culture and beliefs of the Iranian nation, he obligated the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution – which is considered as the headquarters of the national jihad against illiteracy and underdevelopment – to put cul-tural management of the country as its first priority, while through essen-tial policy-making, pave the way for a society endowed with divine life. It should be mentioned that along with its duties, the Council has fulfilled the following strategic missions during the last few years: comprehensive scientific map of the country, educational system’s development and ren-ovation document, cultural engineering map of the country, and cultural declaration of the Islamic Revolution.


Some Objectives of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution1. The expansion and promotion of the influence of Islamic culture in so-ciety, and the consolidation of the Cultural Revolution and enrichment of the public culture. 2. The development of universities, schools, and cultural and artistic centers in accordance with the righteous Islamic culture; the expansion and continuous strengthening of these centers for training of dedicated experts, Islamic scholars, bright and patriotic thinkers, active and skilled manpower, and university trainers and teachers with a commitment to Islam and country’s independence.


3. The expansion of literacy, promotion of seeking knowledge and thought, research, and utilizing the achievements and experiences of useful human knowledge to achieve scientific and cultural independence.4. Preserving, invigorating, and introducing Islamic and national works. 5. The publication of the cultural works and ideas of the Islamic Revolution, and the establishment and consolidation of cultural relations with other countries, Muslim nations in particular.


Some Responsibilities of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution1. Formulating the principles of the cultural policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and determining the country’s educational, scientific, cultural and social objectives and strategies. 2. The evaluation and review of global cultural trends, defining the impact of important centers and instruments in all areas, and taking appropriate measures. 3. The review and analysis of cultural trends, trends in the value system, and social trends within the country aimed at determining strengths and weaknesses and recommending suitable solutions.


4. Reviewing the development patterns and evaluating the cultural im-pact and consequences of policies and plans of the country’s political and socio-economic development and giving corrective recommendations to concerned authorities. 5. Defining and providing qualitative and quantitative indices for evaluation of country’s economic condition. 6. Reviewing and evaluating the cultural educational and research conditions in the country. 7. Devising and formulating the base and criteria for academic centers compatible with the Islamic system and providing the mechanism for the materialization of this objective. 8. Determining the country’s elementary and higher education policies.


9. Preparation and approval of strategic and applicable plans and programs for creating healthy and constructive social interactions and rectification of deviations. 10. Preparation and approval of policies and plans aimed at promotion and consolidation of religious, spiritual and cultural tendencies and beliefs in the country and promoting cultural affairs. 11. Policy making and approval of appropriate programs for promotion of the spirit of commitment and a feeling of cultural responsibility in society and encouragement for people to participate in various cultural, political and revolutionary arenas. 12. Finding intellectual and epistemological needs within the society and devising plans for activities of scholars and utilizing the potentials of universities and the religious seminaries to respond to these needs. 13. Planning and formulating special programs for identifying, recruit-ing, and intellectually promoting the elite, and helping the scientific and


spiritual potentials of talented individuals to flourish; utilizing their cre-ativity, knowledge, and initiative. 14. Preparation and approval of programs and plans for scientific, edu-cational and research cooperation among universities and theological schools. 15. Adopting appropriate policies for correcting the impressions and in-sights of the society towards the status of women (based on the sublime teachings of Islam), and the preparation of effective programs to con-solidate the foundation of the family and defining what should be a role model for Muslim women. 16. Policy making regarding the content of the text books and deter-mining the regulations for publication of books and other cultural and artistic products. 17. Adoption and approval of the cultural principles of the country’s tourism and pilgrimage policies.


18. Adoption and approval of general principles and policies of the coun-try for the promotion of scientific, research, and cultural ties with other nations. 19. Approving the procedures for the establishment of cultural centers, scientific and research centers, academies, universities, and higher edu-cation centers and approving the articles of association for such institu-tions and revising the existing articles of association of these centers if needed. 20. Policy making for the eradication of illiteracy.


1. Saied Reza Ameli

2. Mohammad Reza Mokhber Dezfooli

3. Gholam Ali Hadad Adel

4. Ali Akbar sadeghi Rashad

5. seyed Ali Reza Sadr Hoseyni

6. Ali Akbar Velayati

7. Ali Reza Arafi

8. Hasan Rahimpour Azghadi

9. Mohsen Ghomi

10. Sadegh Vaez zadeh

11. Hoseyn Kachooiyan

12. Reza Davari Ardakani

13. Ali Larijani

14. Mahdi Golshani

15. Abdullah Jasbi

16. Mohammad Reza Aref

17. Mansoor Kabkaniyan

18. Mahmood Mohammadi Araghi

19. Hamid parsania

20. Ezatollah Zarghami

21. Mohammad Ali Keinezhad

Natural members of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution


Legal members of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution

• President (Head of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution) • Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly • Head of the Judiciary• Minister of Science, Research and Technology• minister of culture and Islamic guidance• Minister of Health and Medical Education• Minister of Education• Minister of Sports and Youth• Vice Presidential Science and Technology• Head of Program and Budget Organization


• Vice President for Women and Family Affairs• Head of the Parliamentary Cultural Commission• Chairman of the Parliamentary Education and Research Commission • Head of the Health Committee of the Parliament• Head of the Islamic propaganda organization• Head of Sound and Television Organization• The head of the representative of the supreme leader in universities • Head of academic Jihad• Head of Islamic Azad University• Head of Islamic Culture and Communication Organization• Head of Islamic Propaganda Department of Qom Seminary


Scientific and Cultural DevelopmentsSome people look at the Islamic Revolution of Iran as a political revolution that changed the government and brought about a political system based on religious values to the world; many others, however, think that this revolution was a cultural revolution that not only changed the cultural trends within the country but also provided a revolutionary new world culture.


One of the great achievements of the Islamic Revolution of Iran was intellectual independence that helped people to believe in, and rely on, themselves, an orientation which is the foundation of the significant progress that has been made, especially in the domain of science. Many of these achievements, such as the Omid satellite launch into space, and Iranian scientists’ advancements in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy, are evident because they have been reported by global media organizations. But many other achievements have yet to receive sufficient coverage. This short introduction provides a glimpse to such achievements In order to provide a picture of how the scientific revolution took place in Iran in recent years after the Islamic Revolution, knowing the following points is essential.


- The academic boycott by Western countries on Iranian students studying in specific scientific fields has made our country’s scientists, researchers, teachers and students stronger in different fields of science and technology, especially in the fields of nuclear science, the air and space industry, nanotechnology and medical technology – something that a few years before seemed impossible.- Iran is now in second place in scientific terms in West Asia and the Islamic countries.- Iran has first place in scientific growth and is second in its number of articles in the region.


- Finding effective formulae and drugs for HIV+ and diabetes by Iranian re-searchers and scientists and self-sufficiency in most medical fields is considered a significant achievement.- The achievements of Iranian youth in nuclear technology during heavy sanc-tions has impressed the world. Today Iran is among the countries that rely on themselves for their industrial production and among few countries in the world able to utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.


- The latest scientific news that received wide coverage in the Western media was the inauguration of an Iranian space station project which began with the launch of an Iranian space rocket. In recent days the Omid satellite launch was a great achievement. Going to space and having a space industry is a great goal that every nation wants; the Islamic Republic of Iran is the world’s eleventh country that has gained the ability to launch satellites into space.- In these seven academic branches, Iran is first in the region: mathematics, mechanics, polymers, chemistry, chemical engineering, nanotechnology and medicine.- The Islamic Azad, Payam-e-Noor and Applied Science universities are all three of the universities which, after the Islamic Revolution had a wide range of higher education volunteers cover the country. All three universities have these specialties:


•Azad University, with the aim of expanding higher education in all parts of the country as a nongovernmental sector, has branches in almost all cities which have a population of more than 50 000. The university currently has 376 branches and more than one million students.• Payam-e-Noor University, with the aim of using the virtual system and pro-fessional training, has 510 branches and about 900 000 students in many cities and even small villages.• The Vocation College (Daneshgah Jami’-e Elmi Karbordi), was established to meet the specialized needs of applied/technician level education, has reached out to every region of the country, and its graduates immediately enter the la-bour market. The university now has 851 branches.


- The establishment of several international academic units is one of the achieve-ments of the Islamic Revolution. These universities use the latest distance learn-ing methods.- There are students from 40 countries in Payam-e-Noor University. With the aim of attracting foreign students, the Imam Khomeini International University has been established. There are 13 000 foreign students, mainly in the fields of humanities and Islamic studies in Iran.- Iran cooperates with more than 40 countries and regional organizations and academies, scientific centers, research and technology institutes, Iran is also a member of 20 organizations, conferences and international forums.


- Another noteworthy point about the scientific advances of our country is the establishment of Science and Technology Complexes that aim to support young entrepreneurs. Research and commercialization achievements in the private sector can supply technology products to national and international markets and accelerate the process of sustainable development for the country. Our country currently has 16 Science and Technology Complexes and plans to build at least one such complex in each province.Now, after thirty years of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, comparing statistics and indicators of scientific research can be a suitable criterion for evaluating the scientific achievements of the country.


Statistics on Elite WomenThe number of women faculty members has increased from 1,894 in 1978 to more than 12,000 in 2008. The number of female students has increased from 54,248 in 1978 to more than two million in 2008. Female students can now study in any field that they wish, even fields such as mining engineering, aero-space engineering and so on; there is no restriction on them. In recent years, more women succeeded in entering the university than men. Nowadays women in our country are active in universities, research centers, hospitals, and schools, and also in managerial positions. Women take responsibilities in positions of consulting, as vice-presidents, and as members of Parliament.In 2010, 62 percent of university entrance exam volunteers were women, and in 2010, the number of women admitted in public higher education was 392,935;


in comparison to the last decade, this number has been increased to more than 4.8 times, and in comparison to the last three past decades, it has been increased more than 27 times.In 2010, 63.56 percent of bachelor’s students, 45.68 percent of post graduate students and 47.88 percent of PhD students were female.In 2010, the number of state female faculty members and teaching staff of higher education stood at 15,500; that has increased more than 6.5 times in comparison to the past three decades. 173 of female faculty members at public universities are full professors; 436 are associate professors; and 3,086 are assistant profes-sors. The number of female faculty members of Azad University is 12,450; in comparison to the last decade, this number has increased more than 3.5 times.


The share of elite women in science festivals and science Olympiads has been grow-ing quite rapidly in recent years. These statistics show that in over 22 international Khwarizmi Festival periods in various fields of science and technology, more than 20 Iranian elite females offered plans, and their innovations and new inventions were selected.Also, 877 of the selected members of the final 14 Student Olympiads Courses in various fields were women.52 of the selected participants in the Khwarizmi Festival in the student section and 124 of selected participants in the Khwarizmi Festival in the collegian sectionduring the 11 periods were women; statistics also indicate that during the 9 periods of the Dr. Hedayat Dentistry Festival, 114 women who were chosen for that had the top designs and innovations. During the three Farabi Festivals in the various fields of the Humanities, 11 women were selected.During two national robotic competitions, 11 women were selected as the winners of the finals. Also in the last Razi Festival, 3 elite women were the winners. And at the end, 8 of the selected leading scientific figures were women.So far at the web site of the Women’s Statistics Center (, more than 22,117 women working in 43 various fields have been mentioned, including 6,196 faculty members, 120 female Iranian inventors, 693 outstanding women researchers, 667 authors, and 381 poets.


Some Titles Of The Resolutions• Comprehensive Scientific Map• Cultural Engineering Map• Policies Pertaining to Supporting Employment of Artists• Statute on Collecting Funds for Supporting Research in the Country• Indices for Evaluating Science and Technology • Policies, Responsibilities, and Procedures of Activities of Centers Of-fering Free Education in the Country• Principles of Research Policies about Women’s Issues• Socio-Cultural Policies of Women’s Sports in the Country• Statute on Associations of Research and Scientific Towns• Principles of the Cultural Policy of the Country • Principles of the Cultural Policy of the Country• Statute on the Association of the High Council for Youth• Approving of Saturday (Shabath) Closure of Jewish Schools• The Research Policy of the Country• Objectives, Policies, and Conditions of Publishing Books


• Definitions and Conditions for Establishing Research Centers • Regulations for Developing Higher Education• Policies and Regulations of the Islamic World Science Citation Database• Prediction of the Need for Cultural Attachment for Economic Development Projects• Biotechnology Strategies• Women’s Health Promotion Policies and Strategies• Women’s Health Promotion Policies and Strategies• Established National Home for Free Discussion• Institute for the Establishment of Veteran Artists• Regulations on Obtaining Top Talented and Elites• Policies and Strategies to Promote and Develop Nanotechnology in Iran • Statute of Rights and Responsibilities of Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran


• Policies to Improve Leisure Time of Women and Girls• Cultural Advertising Policy on Women’s Day• Statute regarding Sooreh (Non-Governmental/Private) Institute• Policies on Supporting and Guiding Talented Elites• Cultural and Social Policies of Women’s Sports• Statute on the National Treasures of Iran’s Water• Female Employment Policies In Iran• The Guidance and Assistance Unit (In Addition to Specific Civil Courts)• Statute on Shahed University• Agreement With Teaching Armenian Religious Lessons for Fellow Armenian-Speaking Students • Determine the Responsible Organizations to Follow the Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Employment of Youth • Statute on the Country’s Elite Foundation• Statute on the Works and Cultural Figures Association


The drafting of a document on the fundamental development of edu-cation in the 20-year horizons of the Islamic Republic of Iran, after its adoption and approval by the High Council for Education, is on the agenda of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and, final-ly, after the formation of the bachelor-research circles Participation of university professors and academic leaders and experienced experts in education and other relevant organizations, while adhering to the views


The comprehensive scientific map of the country is defined as a com-prehensive, coherent, dynamic and forward-looking set of principles, goals, policies and strategies, structures and requirements for the strate-gic transformation of Islamic-based science and technology to achieve the vision of the twenty Year-old country, as well as trying to rely on the values and indigenous values of the country, past experiences and theo-ries and scientific examples and scientific experiences.


It is possible to realize the essence and function of cultural engineering and provide an effective way of communicating with the cultural system of the social, political and economic systems of the system.Document Cultural Engineering Map as a document upstream with the cooperation and active participation of institutions and research centers of researchers, thinkers and experts in the field of science and technolo-gy and related executive and cultural institutions.

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