the most important part of your business video 2

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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This is video #2 in this series on, learn how to make money online - learn how to make money online step by step video 2. This will be an ongoing series. I will be including some topics that will help you elevate your business to the next level. So if you are a beginner or a seasoned online marketer you will find some golden nuggets as we progress in the series. In this video I will teach you the most important part of your business, no matter what your niche is. As we go along in the series we will get more in depth on each topic. I will personally share with you my past and present experiences with the online marketing world. I am personally mentored by a multi-millionaire. He has been in the online marketing world for almost a decade. He is super successful and lives the life that only some people dream of. He started with zero. He now owns one of the most successful companies in the industry. What he has passed on to me, I will share with those that join my marketing team. My passion is to help other people achieve their Dreams. I have a formula that can change your life style! I'm talking $25,000 or more monthly income! Go to: I hope you enjoy this video and the series that I am working on. I truly want to help you succeed in your business! So check out my team here: just fill in your name there and email address to see for yourself how great an opportunity with my team! :) See You Soon, Tim



WORLD.Online Marketing - Step By Step

Video #2

Lets Start With The Most Important Part Of Your Business….


So Why You?

You know your strengths and weaknesses.

Only you can shape your destiny. If you want to be in the top 2% earners of

online marketing, then only you that can discipline yourself to achieve that.

30/30/30 Plan

What is the 30/30/30 plan? The first 30 is 30 minutes a day of

reading. Leaders are readers. Read books that will grow your knowledge on the niche that you are working in.

The second 30 is watching 30 minutes of video or audio teaching.

The last 30 is for 30 days. After reading and watching videos for 30 days you will develop a habit.

To Be Successful You Need A Successful Mindset…

It’s so important to surround yourself with successful people.

Only have a plan “A”. Never have a plan “B”. Having a plan “B” will cause you to fail….

The more books that you read about successful people, The greater your outlook will be about your business. ( I will give you a book list on great books to read very soon!)


Goal setting very important , in fact it’s a must!

Don’t just think about them, wright them down on a list and read them daily.

Be LASER FOCUSED on your goals. Do this no matter what your niche is in.

In Closing…

I hope you enjoyed video 2 in this series. Next video we will be talking about how to put

your Goal List into action. In Video 4 we will be looking at “The Six Figure

Blueprint” Your comments are always welcome! I will be giving away a awesome Traffic Generation

tool in the next video! Its worth over $1,000. I will give it to you FREE. It’s a way of me saying, “Thank you” for subscribing to my channel.

If you want to get started right away with my team go to:

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