the movie. positioning = reconnect with todays’ consumer microsoft learns you how to communicate...

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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The movie

Positioning = Reconnect with todays’ consumer

• Microsoft learns you how to communicate in a more meaningful way with today’s consumer: how to stay in touch with the self-directed consumer

• This positioning deals with the very essence of the entire new media debate: how does a brand have to communicate in order not to lose it’s consumers?

• It’s a positioning on a higher level: we don’t talk about media only, we talk about the real issue: how to communicate with people in this whole new advertising age?

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We communicate in the right order

•First we sell digital media: “Why/how should I use digital media?”

•Then we sell digital Microsoft-media:

“Why/how should I use digital Microsoft media?”

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We communicate on 2 levels

level 1 = the claim:

•create awareness, establish authority and credibility, behave as the market leader

•‘general’ communication level, in which we talk to the 3 different target groups at the same time

•advertising, but in the broadest possible meaning of the word

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We communicate on 2 levels

level 2 = the proof:

•inspire and educate through cases, cases and cases - and off course research

•‘segmentated’ and even ‘personalized’ communication level, in which we adapt our communication to the specific audience (cf top topical approach)

•roadshows, seminars, presentations, ...Page 5 |

We call for action

•The best way to increase the usage of Microsoft digital media ...

•... is by demonstrating it’s numerous - and often unknown - possibilities

•therefore, we include a call to action in every piece of communication: ‘sign up for a presentation, click here’ / ‘learn more about interesting cases’, etc

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We don’t talk about ‘reach’ only

using digital media is not only a question of reach:

•it’s a question of communicating in a more rich and meaningfull way (it’s about the ‘quality’ of communication, cf. communication is participation)

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We don’t get too ‘technological’

•we stay away from a too complex or technological tone of voice; it’s not about technology, it’s about building relationships with the consumer (cf. a conversation in a pub)

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How does the agency propose to put this in the market?

•Launch a movie

•Everything that goes out is based on this positioning

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Why a movie?

1. The claim we want to make is that digital media is not about technology but about ‘quality of communication, about interaction between 2 people. There is no better medium than movie to symbolize the 1-2-1 communication between the advertiser and the consumer. In the movie you see 2 people sitting at a table talking to each other you can’t get any closer to the essence of 1-2-1 than this. On top of that it’s important that we symbolize this in a approachable and recognizable manner, because we want to take MSN out of the technological/complex sphere and we want to make clear that it’s all about human relations, about emotions.

2. Sharing movies online is hot. Look at the succes of Youtube and the launch of Soapbox. Spreading a movie online is playing out this strong point.

3. Making a movie and spreading online is unusual for an ad selling company and therfor remarkable (premiise 1 for all communication). Most competitors have boring and defensive communication and mostly only using trade press. Making a movie is exciting, ambitieus and original.Page 10 |

How are we going to make sure our target sees the movie without a media budget?

• Sharp seeding, (cfr the launch of livewriter)

• Look at‘Day Of The Longtail’:, which has been viewed 368.000 times...

• Use the movie during presentations, seminars, roadshows, etc

• PR to Trade press and broader

• Think about incentives?

• Think about an event (premiere?)

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Why do we need a top quality video?

1. As the market leader we have to be credible and stand for quality.

2. Because you claim to tell something useful about communication and so you have to proof that you yourself can communicate as it should. We don’t position ourselves as media-selling people but as a company who has something to say about communication in 2006. Your own communication has to be on par otherwise people don’t believe you.

3. To show that you mean it, that your are the central player in the ‘new advertising’ age.

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How do we make sure that we talk the talk and walk the walk?

• This is about the difference between the claim and the proof. The movie has to make the claim, then it’s time for the proof: cases, cases and again cases. Showing how you can communicate effectively and which role Microsoft’s digital media can play here. This is about roadshows, seminars, presentations and cases. To do this we will built a strong engagement plan and roadshows.

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