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Quality, quality, quality…

Looking to the very beginning of NAOS Marketing,

being its first customer, I can see the way we have

achieved and on which ground its development has

been built. As a customer, my main concern wasn’t

the price NAOS Marketing was billing me, even

though it was important, but the quality delivered to

the French contacts of my Database. By sticking to the

ground rule that an unsatisfied contact disseminate

his dissatisfaction to 10 of his relatives, colleagues or

partners, I was very much concerned of having a very

good level of service. Nadine convinced me at that

time that it was possible to have a call center in Egypt

providing European quality at Egyptian prices. So we

started the business and things have gone on with ups

and downs but always moving forward.

Why Ups and Downs ? Because Quality is an everyday

issue, we have to face every day new questions, new

issues; our customers will always find new ways of

challenging us. That is why quality is a journey, not a

destination. It can be reflected into figures,

percentages, graphs but it is much more a mindset

than a set of Excel tools... And this is the pure

Naosian’s style…

Antoine Gauthier, General Manager

February 2013 - #4

Quality as a competitive advantage

Nadine keeps on repeating in the call center that we are not theoldest , the biggest, the smallest call center in Egypt. Hence, we hadto find a different positioning, and she had chosen for NAOSMarketing to be a high quality call center. And really we succeeded,because that’s what we are now! A quality call center in Egypt. AtNAOS, quality is everybody’s concern! Quality doesn’t mean onlyanalyzing the quality of calls but also quality of environment, qualityof relationship with colleagues, superiors or clients…

The role of NAOS Monitoring team is to develop agents, by helping them to achieve higher levels of performance more than pointing out undesired behaviors. Each detected error is followed by collective or one to one coaching sessions, given either by the quality team or the team leader. One of the roles of a team leader is also to monitor the team. The quality monitoring is helping answering these questions: Is the service that NAOS is providing meeting the requirements of the customers? Are the agents adequately trained? What are the opportunities for customer relationship management?

NA0S News

Mariam and the monitors: Michael, Nabil and Georges



in December 2012

Naos Marketing - 6 St ree t 155 Maad i , Ca iro-Egypt – 15th f loorwww.naos-market ing. com - Email:

Page 1_________________

Editorial Quality, quality, quality

Naos NewsQuality as a competitive


The figure of the month

Page 2_________________

Rencontre … Mariam Adam, NAOS Quality

Monitoring Coordinator Ahmed Osama Mahmoud Ali, Mobinil Monitoring Senior Specialist.

Page 3________________

Chapeau Best performersEn bref

Know How Mobinil: Holidays Naos: Holidays

Page 4________________

Ideas & Talents



the naosians’link

40,000 calls monitored in 2012

Flash Special__________

NAOS 5th anniversary


Mariam Adam, NAOS Marketing Quality Monitoring Coordinator : “building quality”

The naosians’ link: could you explain to us your carrier path at NAOS? Mariam: In June 2010, after succeeding to my exams, I decided to accompany a friend coming for tests at NAOS and, as I was there, I decided to take the tests and interviews too. I was totally hesitant although well prepared so I thought that it will be difficult but it was totally different, Nadine was trying to say some jokes to give me trust and encouragements to continue with no fear. On the 12th of July 2010, I began the training session given at that time by Nadine, Claire and Ramez. After few days, I shadowed with Febe, the sister of Mira HR, and she taught me how to have a perfect quality and she was the real reason to be at my current position at quality team. Some of the friends from this batch are still at NAOS like Emad or Asmaa. Called by Mobinil in December 2010, I went there because Mobinil is a big company with good reputation. I worked there only for a month and then decided that I was preferring to come back at Naos because of the shift system and the management style. In 2011, I became a part of the monitoring team of NAOS and its coordinator in 2012.

N’L: what do you appreciate at NAOS? Mariam: I really appreciate the open minded relationship, the open door policy meaning every agent can talk to the top management, the encouragements given, the respect of every one and the humanity in management. Quality is a real value at Naos, and coordinating the quality team is being a part of the success of NAOS.

N’L: what challenges are you facing at NAOS?

Mariam: Up to now, in coordination with the other monitors Georges, Mikael and Nabil, with Ramez, with all the team leaders and the agents, we succeeded to raise the quality of NAOS for all our customers to a very high level, even when we increased quickly the staff. Increasing more the quality is now extremely difficult and this is one of the challenge we are facing now. There are so few critical errors now, that we have really to present very solid elements to convince the agents and team leaders. Quality accreditation is the next challenge.

Naosians’ Link – February 2013 #4

At NAOS Marketing, quality is a fundamental part of the company’s success. It was a desired positioning on the Egyptian market chosen by Nadine. During the speeches of the 5th anniversary, Antoine asked all of us what were the 3 main mottos of NAOS… and of course, everybody answered “quality, quality, quality!”The monitoring and quality team is completely involved in the quality management. In fact they are monitoring calls, and they are also giving coaching sessions and participating in the initial trainings of new agents, in order to give good habits from the beginning.Some qualities are really required for being a quality member at NAOS Marketing. They should be open-minded, fair judges, give equivalent treatment to all staff, be good listeners, able to accept others’ points of views, able to rapidly integrate changes. Our team is really like this! Thanks to them!

Ahmed Osama Mahmoud AliMonitoring Senior Specialist, CRM Operations Monitoring, Customer Service at Mobinil.

Quality has been defined as fundamentally relational: « quality is an ongoing process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating and fulfilling stated and implied needs.Why do we try to DO THE RIGHT THING RIGHT, on TIME, every time? To build and sustain relationships.Why do we seek ZERO DEFECTS and conformance to requirements? To build and sustain relationships.

Why do we seek to structure features or characteristics of a service that bear the ability to satisfy needs? To build and

sustain relationships. The focus of CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT is, likewise, the building and sustaining of relationships.It would be difficult ot find a realistic definition of Quality that did not have, implicit within the definition, a fundamental express or implied focus of building and sustaining relationships.

Graphs sent by Ahmed Osama, our Monitor at Mobinil, attesting the quality of NAOS over the last 6 months. Excellent!

Mobinil Staff: Best WHAT performances

NAOS Staff: Best performers in missions

En bref


In January 2013, 10 agents are honored for their excellentperformances.

Naosians’Link – February 2013 #4

Annual leaves to be sent to Annual CS Prepaid SegmentForms to be delivered to admin Team 48hrs working daysprior the annual leave (Receiving daily forms is before4:00PM maximum).

Yearly balance is 21 days to be consumed before 31st ofDecember of each year, no carry over unless the managerapproves. For employees who are hired in the last quarter ofthe year , their balance will be accumulated to the next year.

The official holidays (Revolution Day, 2 days Eid El Fetr, 6October, 3 days Eid El Adha, Sham El Nessim, Sinai Liberation& Labor day & Islamic New Year) will be compensated over 3months without any further exceptions for any extensions.“Epiphany”, “Baptism Palm Sunday” & “Holy Thursday” willbe excluded from the compensatory days.

New process for request of holidays, thanks to Antoine!

In order to solve some HR headaches, from the 10th ofFebruary 2013 all Naosians at Naos will have to requestholidays directly from MYNAOS.

Naosians at 155 will log from their position during breaksto NAOSIANS at 40 and 44 st 105will log to Naos website: (at40, from the TLs positions) and will click on the partrelated to “already Naosian”.

First time login, you will have to enter your Naos ID, thee-mail registered on MYNAOS and your birth date. Thenyou will enter your own password to connect in thefuture to MYNAOS

You will be able to see the available slots for holidays andchoose the ones matching your needs and available. Oncechosen and validated, your holidays cannot be modified.

Know How

For Naosians at Mobinil: HOLIDAYS For Naosians at NAOS: HOLIDAYS

NAOS Marketing 5th anniversary was celebrated on the 18th of January at Maadi Island. More than 320 staff members were present. It was a great success and fun, finishing by dances.

BNP Paribas personal loans offers NAOS employees a wide range of flexible financing programs to finance marriage expenses, children education, home renovation and others, along the following guidelines (Financing up to EGP 700,000 based on your monthly salary & the length of service NAOS, · Long repayment period up to 84 month, competitive interest rates, no guarantor, free Life insurance. For more information, please go to a branch or call 16664.

As we already said in previous Naosians’ links, we are always looking for new applicants to become new Naosians at Mobinil. Please help us, tell your friends to register online at and ask them to be their referee and you will get a bonus of 50 EGP per applicant staying one full working month.

Bravo to most of the Naosians at Mobinil, as the average WHAT for all staff is now over the minimum required WHAT of 4. Still efforts to be done for those below 4. Good luck!



Ahmed Khaled Ahmed, Ahmed AbdollaSouror, Ahmed Raafat Sadek Zahran, Ahmed Youssef Mahmoud, Amr MedhatMohamad, Amr Salah Yousef, Ashraf RaafatIbrahim, Aya Mohamed Abdelmeguid El Sayed, Basem Magdy Abdelmonem, Dina Hamdy Mohamed, Doaa Mohmed Kamal Al Din, Emmy Boaz Isaac, Fadi Osama Noshy, Gamel Mohamed Elyamany, HadeerMohamed Ekram, Hanady Adel Elsayed, Haytham Said Abdallhamed, HishamAbdelkader Sayed, Hossam Eldin El QiqatAlaa, Husam Esam El Deen Hasan, IngyFouad Mahrous, Karim Mohamed Nasr, Khaled Mohamed Ibrahim, Kyrollos NabilHelmy, Mahmoud Abd El Fattah Sobhy, Mahmoud Mohamed El-Wasty, Mahmoud Soliman Mansour, Mai Mohammed Hassan, Marco Magdy Hanna, Mariam Adel Moner, Marina Emiel Aiad, Martina EssaHelmy, Menna Aly Mohamed, Mina Nagy Zaki, Mohamed Ismael Ismael, Mohamed Saeed Mohamed, Nancy Said Hafez, RehamMohamed Ramadan, Renieh Rafik George, Sandra Raafat Adly, Sara Gamal Fahmy, Sara Sayed Morsy

Please, don’t forget, communicate

to us your events!


Answers in Naosian’s Link 5. Gifts to the first Naosian at Mobinil and for the firstNaosian at Naos sending the correct answers to the 2 questions


2Entertainements: Results of the Naosians’Link #3:

The Naosians’ link is composed by and for Naos Marketing staff. Proposals, comments and answers to be sent to Nadine Barbier


Naosians’Link – February 2013 #4

You were a lot to find the correct solution: the ballcosts 0.5$ and the bat 1.05$


The winners are Nabil Saad from quality team and Refaa Ezat,

Naosian at Mobinil ! Bravo for their perspicacity!

Marina Emil married to Peter Samir on the 24th of January 2013. We wish them lifelong happyness

Ideas & Talents

We are sure that some of you have talents thatyou can express in arts, sports or any other field.

Please, tell us what is your talent so that we can show it in the nextnaosians’ links. We want to be proud of you!

Ali Alaa El Din, Naosian at NAOS, has talents.

He writes poems! This is one for us, Naosians.

People can thinkEvery time you fallNever feel sadIf it seemed like black

People can tryYou’ll get up and flyLife is good but looks like badIt will give you back.

1 YOU'RE RIDING A HORSE.To the right of you is a cliff and in front of you is an elephant moving at the same paceand you can't overtake it. To the left of you is a hippo running at the same speed and

a lion is chasing you. How do you get to safety?


Where has the fat worm gone? He was wringling away from my reel even before i had hook on it! I

have lost him. I’ll be sorry! This evening I came prepared whith reel, line and bait hopin to catch

plenty of fish. It’s that a wormof ours gets away.

All our sincerest condolences are going toMichael Isaac Mofid, quality team, whosefather passed away in January 2013.



You can find the videos of the 5th anniversary party on youtube (adresses on the special

edition of Flash 5th anniversary)and the photos of

NAOS 5th anniversary on


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