the nativity story choose your characters and drag them onto the slide story by dylan.r

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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The Nativity story

Story by Dylan.R

Gabriel sees Mary and tells her she is going to have a baby boy and his name was Jesus.

King Herod wanted to know how many people there were so Mary and Joseph had to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be counted.

When they have been counted Mary and Joseph had tofind somewhere to stay so they went to three inns the first inn was full the second inn was full but the third inn had a little room and they stayed in a stable.

Some sheperds where looking after there sheep on the hillside not far away when a group of angels came to tell them of Jesus birth so the shephereds got there sheep and went to see the new born king.

The three wise men noticed a strange new star in the sky so they took presents for baby Jesus.

One king brought gold for Jesus the 2nd brought frankincense and the other brought myrrh.

The End

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