the new curriculum website - ross school of...

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for more info or to get involved in this group.

Check the Evening MBA Association website for informa-tion on carpooling in other regions.

Have you ever wondered what classes your fellow students took to land a job in a certain industry or function. While we all know that coursework alone won't get you the

coveted corner-office, it is nice to know what courses other

people interested in your industry or function might have taken. Maybe you're not at the point yet where you've narrowed down your desired pro-fession, wouldn't it be nice to know (for those

overachievers out there) how to graduate in two and a half years? If you have, you're not alone. One of the hardest things to do is try to plot your coursework through the program, but now with the advent of two new websites you can.

On this website, you can see what courses both day and evening students took each semester, and where they went post-

MBA. If you don't see a profession you're inter-ested in, or if you have any suggestions for im-provement, please be sure to e-mail Mary Jones ( with any suggestions.

On this website, you can find out how many cred-its you'd need to take to graduate in anywhere from 2.5 to 5 years. Together, these sites should help us figure out which classes we could take, and when.

Volume 1, Issue 3

December, 2005


If you live in the Toledo area and are interested in carpooling, there is a functioning carpool group you can utilize. Contact Karina Havard at

The new curriculum website

Toledo section carpool

The Evening News

OCD Info Sessions 2

Career Development 2

SPAM! I’ve had enough! 3

Special announcements 3

Calendar & Events 4

Rock N Bowl 5

Contact Info 6

Adopt-A-Family 2

Inside this issue:

Special points of inter-est:

• Check out our website at

• Be sure to read the infor-mation on how you can help a couple of less-fortunate families this holiday season on page 2.

• Don’t forget Dinner with the Dean, Monday, De-cember 12

This year the Evening MBA Associa-tion is sponsoring several families and children from Community Learning Post for the holidays. We will be providing gifts for people who otherwise would not receive

them. There are tags with each recipi-ent’s age and his/her gift requests. We have committed to providing each person with a mini-

Friday, December 9. The gifts should be wrapped with the recipi-ent’s name on the outside and placed in a plastic bag with the fam-ily number on the bag.

If you have class in Commerce Park only and would like to help out, email Merrill at and she can pick a tag and email you the information. You can drop your items in Commerce Park by Wednesday.

Thank you for helping to make these people’s holiday season spe-cial!!

your academic and profes-sional career. The session is designed pri-marily for those who have com-pleted at least one semester in the program.

OCD and the Evening MBA Officers invite you to join Al Cotrone, Direc-tor in the Office of Career Develop-ment for an informal discussion about planning your career search in conjunction with your MBA stud-ies. Topics covered will include the implications of internships for cer-tain industry groups, access to on-campus interviewing and planning

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 5:30-6:30pm Ann Arbor, Room D1270

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:00-6:00pm Commerce Park, Classroom #3

P A G E 2

mum of $50 in gifts. We need your help to support the families we have been matched with. If you would like to help out please pick up a tag from the Evening MBA Association display case (across from the student lounge) with the person’s information on it. Each tag will be for responsible for a mini-mum $25 gift. If you think you can support $50 in gifts you can take two tags, or more. Please return all gifts to Rosie Given’s office, E2612, before class (or between 9:30 am and 7:30 pm) Monday through Thursday next week. All gifts are due to the organization by next


Evening MBA OCD Informational Session: Career Search and Internships


The Evening MBA Association would like to extend a warm welcome to the incoming class for Winter 2006.

We hope you have a fruitful and stimulating experience here at Ross. We’re looking forward to seeing you at some of the Evening MBA events.

I'm sure you noticed that once you were officially enrolled at the Uni-versity, in addition to the barrage of "non-spam" e-mails you received, you were bombarded by a tremen-dous amount of spam. For those of you unfamiliar with it, an internet dictionary defined spam as "unsolicited, unwanted, irrelevant, or inappropriate messages, espe-cially commercial advertising in mass quantities." Essentially, spam is the electronic equivalent of junk mail. There are two ways in which spammers get your e-mail address: 1) They use a "spambot" or "scraper"to browse websites ran-domly looking for text patterns that resemble e-mail addresses. 2) They use a scheme to get peo-ple to submit their addresses to them (offering a trivial good or ser-vice, like electronic greeting cards, joke-a-day mailing lists, dating ser-vices, even mailing lists and chat

P A G E 3

Spam: I ’ve had enough!!

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 3

sites, etc…). Also, they collect valid e-mail addresses by collecting list removal requests, so be careful not to click on the remove me from this list links. Spam sucks, so how do you keep it at a mini-mum? 1) The first step would be to visit:, and set up their SpamBox service on your account, and join the Do Not Spam List. These will filters a significant amount of spam from your inbox, and the site offers some useful tips. 2) Another practice is to set up a sacrificial e-mail address (yahoo, hotmail, etc…), and use that on any

website that requires an e-mail ad-dress, or use it to sign up for any of the aforementioned services if you're interested in them. 3) In order to avoid having your e-mail address harvested when it is posted online, you can either post it as a picture file (.jpg, .gif, etc…), or you can add some text to the ad-dress that a human correspondent will (one hopes) know to remove: Be es-pecially careful when putting your e-mail address in a "mailto:" link on webpages. While the above won't eliminate all Spam from your inbox, hopefully it should weaken the onslaught and redirect it to another e-mail ad-dress. For more information on minimizing spam please visit:

Congratulations!! Sara Patel and husband Jay celebrated the birth of their first child (a baby girl) in October! Amira Jay Patel was born on Thursday, October 6 at 12:58 p.m. at the University of Michigan hospital. She was 5 pounds, 11 ounces (so tiny!) and 19 inches long. Sara is taking this semester off from classes but expects to return in the Winter term.

You and a guest are cordially invited to attend

A Wine and Cheese Reception Honoring the Fall 2005

Evening MBA Graduates

December 16, 7—9 PM

Quenzel Room, Michigan Union

RSVP to Rosie Givens

T H E E V E N I N G N E W S P A G E 4

We pledge neither to plagiarize nor to use the work of others without proper credit. We pledge to share community resources, such as facilities, library mate-rials, and computing hardware and software, in ways that are responsible and that comply with established poli-cies and with the principle of fairness We will treat each other with respect. We will honor the dignity and value of

When we accepted our applications we all signed the Honor Policy and I bet most of us forgot (I know I did) because it seems like such a no-brainer. Well occasionally it helps to be reminded of such things, so here it is:

“We the members of the Ross School of Business community—students, faculty, staff—commit ourselves to do our work and perform our duties honestly. We understand that in striving for excel-lence in performance, our personal and institutional integrity is our most pre-cious asset, and accordingly, we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that integrity.

Because we are an academic commu-nity, honesty in our academic work is vital. Accordingly, we pledge neither to cheat nor to tolerate cheating.

each member of our community. We will fulfill our commitments to each other. We will extend these same cour-tesies to our guests.

We value both cooperation and compe-tition as means to high achievement. We are free, indeed encouraged, to cooperate to assist each other’s learn-ing, except in those instances when student members of the community are directed or expected to work individu-ally. We will compete for the purposes of stimulating high performance and raising standards. However, we seek competition that is constructive, and which is professional, not personal, in nature.

Finally, we accept adherence to the Honor Policy as a condition of member-ship in the Ross School of Business com-munity.”

Honor Policy reminder

Schedule of Events

• 12/7—Happy Hour at Leopold’s in Ann Arbor

• 12/8—Networking Lunch, Bennigan’s in Ann Arbor

• 12/12—Dinner with the Dean, 0750 Wyly (in the basement), between 5 pm and 8 pm

• 12/16—Wine and Cheese Reception for Winter 2006 Graduates

• 1/13/06—Networking Lunch, LaShish West in Dearborn

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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December 2005

P A G E 5 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 3

Evening MBA Rock'N'Bowl (A.K.A. Fall Rendezvous 2005) On Friday October 21, 25 evening MBA students and guests met at the Garden Bowl in downtown Detroit to flaunt their bowling skills. Professor Clyde also stopped by to join us for a few frames. Kevin Ferrell took home the "1st Annual Evening MBA Rock'N'Bowl Cup" for the highest game of the night. Jason Paradowski and Pete Grivas came in second and third. Vamsi Chenepalli received the award for "best effort." Most of the rest of us proved that we won't be giving up our day jobs (or our evening MBA classes) to join the PBA Tour any time soon.

Primary Goals of the Evening MBA Association:

•To provide professional, academic, and social networking opportunities for Evening MBA stu-dents.

•To ensure continual Evening MBA student rep-resentation and perspective in Business School affairs.

•To contribute to the enrichment of the larger Business School community by partnering with other programs and clubs within the school.

Events VP

Amit Mantrow

Finance VP

Sriram Gopalan


Mindee Elam

Academic Affairs VP

Marwan Rateb

Career Development VP

Rajeev Jain

Community Service VP

Emmanuel Legbeti

Corporate & Alumni Relations VP

Vineet Kumar

Marketing & Communications VP

Merrill Guerra

Technology VP

Paul Singh


Ann Arbor Ravi Dixit

Detroit Bharani Yerramalli

Farmington Hills Emmanuel Legbeti

Lansing Pete Grivas

NEEDED: Toledo, Kalamazoo, Troy, and Royal Oak

Committees and Contact information

Connecting Evening MBA’s with each other and the Ross community!


Check out our website!!

Evening MBA Association

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